Diving from great heights: history and world champions. What is diving? What kind of sport? Diving flies

It would seem that there is little interest in watching people jump into the water. Almost all of us have jumped from a tower or dived at least once in our lives. But what is diving - this is a sport where both elements are present.

Athletes train for years before appearing in front of spectators and judges. nurseries and youth schools, in which they are taught the basics and subsequently hone their technique.

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Having achieved perfection in the art of diving, former students participate in competitions on an international scale. During the competition, judges evaluate the quality of the elements and the cleanliness of the entrance to the water surface.

Who was the first to jump into water?

Archaeologists cannot determine exactly when people began to show increased interest in jumping from heights, but it is reliably known that this happened long before the advent of our era.

Just look at the Etruscan wall fresco depicting a young man jumping from a cliff into the sea. His pose - with a highly elongated body and outstretched arms - is somewhat reminiscent of modern jumpers.

In any case, the ancient Greeks, fellow tribesmen of the famous Homer, paid great attention to physical culture.

This generation practiced diving, trying to develop in their children such a constellation of wonderful qualities:

  1. courage;
  2. perseverance;
  3. self-discipline;
  4. desire to overcome complexes.

The last point alludes to the fear of heights that many boys exhibit in early childhood. By jumping, they got rid of fear. By and large, jumping can teach a person control of his body when in the water element and the ability to concentrate extremely.

You can remember the legendary Icarus, who really wanted to fly. Most people living probably wanted to contribute to the fulfillment of this desire at least once.

When jumping, a person experiences a completely incomparable sensation of flight, so it is not surprising that ancient people tried to feel how birds fly at least in this way.

As for Russia, its residents have always been distinguished by courage and determination, especially when drunk. According to eyewitnesses, many Russians proved their courage to others by jumping into the water from piles and bridges.

What features does this sport have?

Athletes have to jump from towers and springboards. Of course, the venue for the competition must be appropriately equipped. According to Wikipedia, the springboard board is 4.8 m long, and has an anti-slip coating over its entire surface.

In addition, the springboard has other features:

  • it is made of duralumin to achieve maximum spring properties;
  • its front edge retreats from the edge of the pool by one and a half meters;
  • its width is about 5m.

Recently, it has been customary to use a special unit at competitions, which mechanically creates a slight disturbance on the surface of the water in order to make it easy for an athlete standing on a platform or springboard to calculate the distance to the water.

What is a sport without classifications?

Individual and synchronized jumps are divided into groups according to the following parameters:

  • on the racks. There are back, front and handstands;
  • on the takeoff run. You can jump with a running start, or you can just jump right off the bat;
  • by body position. The athlete can begin the jump by first taking a bent, bent position or grouped;
  • by screws and turns. There are also half turns and half screws.

Immediately after the demonstration performance, athletes - both men and women - enter a small pool of warm water in order to relax the muscles that were overly tense during the performance. In addition, this is done according to hygienic requirements.

Before competitions, men wear swimming trunks with cuffs encircling their legs, and swimsuits are provided for the fairer sex. Moreover, the material from which these accessories are made is more durable than the material used for conventional equipment. This is natural, because when there is sharp contact with water, strong friction occurs.

When performing a jump, an athlete goes through three phases:

  • the quality of rotation of the body around the axis, as well as the reach and direction depends on how the push-off phase is performed;
  • in the flight phase, the athlete controls the speed and rotates along the transverse and longitudinal axes;
  • During the dive phase, the main thing is to enter the water creating the least amount of splash.

What is diving - it is undoubtedly a duel between the most courageous, persistent and physically resilient athletes. In addition to this, one should not discount the aesthetic component. Athletes performing in pairs look especially beautiful during performances.

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Diving is a popular water sport. Jumps are performed from a tower (5-10 m) or a springboard (1-3 m). During the performance, the athlete demonstrates certain acrobatic actions (rotations, revolutions or screws), which are evaluated by the judges.

Equipment and equipment for athletes

The springboard is an elastic board placed on the edge of the pool. Dimensions are 4.8 m long, 50 cm wide. Its front edge should be located at a distance of 150 cm from the wall of the pool.

A tower is a fixed structure made of durable materials. The surface must be equipped with a springy and non-slip coating. Tower height in meters: 5, 7.5, 10.

Diving: competition rules impose the following requirements for the pool:

  • Width – 21 meters;
  • Length – from 18 to 22 m;
  • Water temperature – 28-30 °C.

Equipment for athletes consists of some mandatory parts:

  • Women perform in one-piece swimsuits;
  • Men take part in swimming trunks and leg cuffs;
  • Clothing for jumpers is made of durable material.

Conventionally, athletes can be divided into several age categories:

  • Children under 14 years of age;
  • 14-18 – juniors;
  • Over 18 – adults.

Performing Jumps

As the official rules state, diving involves performing several sports elements that can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Stances (front, back, on hands);
  2. Performing an element from a standing or running start;
  3. Position of the torso (bent over, with straight legs connected, bent at the waist, with knees brought together to the body and girth of the lower part of the legs);
  4. Half-turn - a jump with the body turning around the transverse axis by 180°;
  5. Turnaround – a similar 360° maneuver;
  6. Half screw - execution sports element with rotation around the longitudinal axis by 180°;
  7. The screw is a similar 360° combination.

When combined various types jumps, you can display more than 50 elements from the springboard and about 90 from the tower. Each jump has a certain difficulty coefficient from 1.2 to 3.9.

Competition program

Participants must complete 5 mandatory jumps. In addition, a certain number of arbitrary elements must be reproduced (depending on the format of the competition). For women, there are 5 free jumps from a springboard, for men - 6. From the platform, all athletes do 4 elements of limited difficulty (with a maximum total number of points - 7.5). Also, men perform 6 and women 4 jumps with no limitation on the difficulty level. Elements of the compulsory program should not be repeated in any part.

If there are more than 16 participants in a diving competition, the rules provide for qualifying and final parts.


The correctness of the jump is assessed on a scale from 0 to 10. When performing an element, the judge pays attention to the following factors:

  • Starting position (it should be natural and without excessive tension);
  • Run-up (the correct element consists of at least 4 steps, performed at ease in a straight line);
  • Take-off (you must be sure, from the springboard it is performed with two legs, on the platform it is allowed with one limb);
  • The jump itself, its beauty, clarity and complexity;
  • The entrance to the water should be vertical with a minimum amount of splashes.

In percentage terms, the jump is assessed according to the following parameters:

  • Run-up, push – 30%;
  • Flight – 40%;
  • Entry into the water – 30%.

The referees show overall rating in points for completing a jump. The maximum and minimum figures are not taken into account. If there is the same number of points, any 2 scores are removed. The total amount of the remaining three or five cards is multiplied by the element's difficulty factor. To simplify the calculation of results, a grading scale is used in all competitions.

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Many have seen competitions in diving from a tower on international competitions and wondered how athletes could jump with such high altitude at 10 meters. But this was not enough for some people, and they founded a new extreme sport - high diving.

Officially, the world federation was created in the mid-90s of the 20th century. One of the most popular varieties of this extreme entertainment is considered cliff diving. The first competitions in this sport were held in 2009. The season for athletes includes 8 stages of the World Series, in each of which they make a series of jumps from cliffs 27 meters high.

In 2013 international sports organizations decided to include high diving in the program of the next World Aquatics Championships. The athletes performed 5 jumps from the same height as at the World Series. A special feature of the tournament was that women who jumped from 20 meters also took part in the competition.

The most famous athlete is Briton Gary Hunt. He started his sports career with simple diving, but then decided to jump from cliffs. He has won a World Championship and 4 World Series so far.

But there are also separate competitions for high divers. They involve jumping from the highest height. Rules in this extreme form There are only two sports: the jump must have a rotation of more than 180 degrees, and the athlete must swim himself, without outside help.

The first record in high diving was set by American Dave Lindsey in 1982, who made a risky jump from a bone stand from a height of more than 51 meters. All rules were followed, but the athlete himself received a serious fracture of the collarbone.

A year later, his record was broken by another American extreme sportsman, Dana Kuntse, who was able to jump from a height of 52 meters, performing a triple somersault, and calmly escape without injury. Then many tried to break his record, climbing to ever greater heights. But all the athletes could not get out on their own, which means the record could not be counted.

In 2015, the jump of Swiss extreme sportsman Laso Schaller gained enormous popularity. It was made from the Cascato del Salto waterfall from a height of 58.8 meters. The speed of entering the water exceeded 120 kilometers per hour, but the jumper managed without serious injuries. The Swiss trained for a long time to complete this attempt, making jumps from lower heights. To organize his jump, a platform was built on the edge of the waterfall, and the upper layers of the water were softened so that the fall would not end tragically for the athlete. But the global high diving community refused to accept this record, saying both conditions were not met. Since the extreme sportsman jumped off the cliff like a “soldier”, without doing any rotations, and a group of divers pulled him out of the water. Thus, the official high dive record still belongs to Dana Kuntse with his jump from a height of 52 meters. And Schaller can be awarded the title of the best cliff jumper. Many extreme sports enthusiasts have tried and are still trying to improve the American’s record, but so far, no one has succeeded.

High diving is gradually developing more and more, gathering both athletes from all over the world in cliff diving competitions and just fans of cliff jumping. The most favorite place among extreme sports enthusiasts is the Mexican tourist center in Acapulco. There are almost always people there who want to get the adrenaline rush from jumping off the cliffs.

Those wishing to try such dangerous jumps should remember that only those people who have followed all safety rules and trained for a long time can survive and not receive serious injuries. Therefore, beginners should first jump from 3-10 meters into the pool.

The main elements of the springboard and platform jumping technique are the run-up, push, flight phase and entry into the water. These elements determine both the outcome and the assessment.

Construction of the run-up and push

The execution of the entire jump depends on the push. In this case, the direction of the push determines the subsequent flight trajectory, which the athlete will not be able to change during the flight phase. In springboard and platform jumping, a distinction is made between jumps that are preceded by a run-up and jumps from the front and back stances.

The run-up precedes the forward jumps, Auerbach jumps and some of the spinning jumps. All other jumps: back jumps, Dolphin jumps and the rest of the spin jumps are performed from the back stance. Some jumps (Auerbach headfirst jump or Auerbach 2.5 somersault) are almost without exception performed from the platform from the front stance.

Flight phase

The flight phase, also called the unsupported phase, begins when the feet take off the board or platform and ends when they touch the surface of the water. The flight phase is introduced by a push, which determines the (optimal) flight path (a sign that influences the assessment) and the execution of movements. In the evaluation process, regardless of the difficulty of the jump, beauty and harmony are in the foreground.

Entering the water

The basic requirements for entering the water are considered fulfilled if the athlete, while maintaining the optimal position of the legs and tension of the body muscles, reaches the bottom of the pool. In this case, the part of the body immersed in water must occupy a vertical position in relation to the surface of the water in order to enter the water almost without splashing.

Diving is a discipline that is part of aquatic species sports The essence of diving is as follows: athletes must jump from a springboard or a platform, performing a series of acrobatic actions (rotations, revolutions, screws). Judges evaluate these actions and the cleanliness of entry into the water. If pair jumps are performed, the synchronization of the partners’ actions is also assessed.

It is reliably known that diving was practiced in ancient times. Then they jumped from cliffs, ships, reefs. Of course, only sailors did this, since ordinary people often did not know how to swim. Interesting fact is that the warriors are from Ancient Rome they jumped into the water both in battles and for fun, and in full combat gear. Not bad, isn't it? Later, such entertainment appeared in medieval Germany.

The first jumping competitions took place in the 17th century; they jumped, of course, on open water. In the second half of the 18th century, “fancy diving,” as many called the sport, became widespread. This was facilitated by the popularity of gymnastics, which was the basis of diving, as well as the construction of special water sports complexes.

Springboard diving was popular in Germany, and platform diving in Sweden. Before the First World War, it was these countries that determined the style of jumping and were considered “aquatic fashion trendsetters.” Later, the United States developed its own style, borrowing the main features from strong countries: Sweden had relaxed shoulders and arms, Germany had tense legs. This is how the basis of modern diving was created, which allows you to fly high into the air and dive into the water without splashing.

The first European Championship was held in 1890. In 1904, diving became part of the Olympic program. Since then, the discipline has grown, strengthened and won the sympathy of the whole world.

The rules for jumping into the oda are quite simple, and therefore even an uninitiated person can enjoy this spectacle. Jumps are made from a springboard that is at least 4.8 meters long and at least 0.5 meters wide. It is installed on the edge of the pool, at a height of 1 and 3 meters.

A tower is a platform at the edge of the pool, 2 meters wide and 6 meters long. It is installed at various heights: 1, 3, 5, 7.5 and 10 meters. The tower (and the springboard) must protrude beyond the edges of the pool by at least 1.5 meters.

At the Olympic Games, athletes jump from a 10-meter platform and a 3-meter springboard. The programs of other competitions may include other jumping options.

By the way, diving is performed from different stances (back, front, on hands), from a run or from a place, performing such elements as a turn and a half-turn, a screw and a half-screw. At the same time, the position of the body also changes, that is, you can make the element bent over, bending over, or in a tuck.

There are also synchronized jumps, in which you not only need to perform these elements correctly, but also synchronously. Of course, nowadays there are many synchronized athletes, but in the past it was believed that such achievements were impossible. For this reason, synchronized diving began to spread in the 1970s, and was included in the Olympic program only in 2000.