Diving. Description, history of development. Diving from a great height: history and world champions Sports diving as it is called

Diving is one of the aquatic species sport, which begins its history in ancient times. Various ancient monuments indicate that diving was known in the distant past. Today our country occupies one of the leading positions and is one of the strongest in this sport.

Diving competitions are held on two apparatuses:

  • Springboard (1m, 3m)
  • Tower (3m, 5m, 7.5m, 10m)
At competitions, jumps performed by athletes at all stages must be of different types, different in complexity, but limited in the number of jumps. At all stages, men jump 6 jumps, and women perform 5 jumps.

International diving competitions are held with the participation of the International Swimming Federation. Diving, as a class of aquatics, is included in the program of the World Aquatics Championships and in the program of the Olympic Games. For the first time, diving was included in the program at the III Olympic Games in 1904 and since then has been continuously present at the Olympics. Synchronized jumping appeared in the program of the Sydney Games in 2000.

Types of jumps

There are several groups into which all sports jumps are classified -

Front (facing the water);
Rear (back to the water);

Availability of run-up:
Standing jump;
Running jump.

Body position:
Bent over - straight legs connected together;
Bent over - the torso is bent at the waist, legs are straight;
In a grouping - knees brought together are pulled towards the body, arms clasped bottom part legs

Turns and screws:
Half-turn - a jump with body rotation around the transverse axis by 180 degrees;
Turnover - a jump with body rotation around a transverse axis by 360 degrees, there are also jumps of 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 and 3.5 turns;
Half-screw - a jump with body rotation around the longitudinal axis by 180 degrees;
Screw - a jump with a body rotation around the longitudinal axis by 360 degrees; there are also jumps with 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3 screws.

Combining various elements allows you to perform more than 60 variations of a springboard jump and more than 90 from a tower. Each jump is assigned its own difficulty coefficient, ranging from 1.2 to 4.3.

This sport is widespread throughout Russia and is represented in 12 regions:

  • Moscow
  • Moscow region, Ruza/Elektrostal
  • Leningrad region, St. Petersburg
  • Volgograd region, Volgograd
  • Voronezh region, Voronezh
  • Penza region, Penza
  • Samara region, Tolyatti
  • Saratov region, Saratov
  • Orenburg region, Buzuluk
  • Sverdlovsk region, Ekaterinburg
  • Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan
  • Chelyabinsk region, Chelyabinsk

one of the water sports united by the International Amateur Swimming Federation (FINA). Includes ski jumping (1 and 3 m) and platform (5, 7.5 and 10 m). The competition consists of a series of jumps, with the winner determined by the best total score.

Since the 1990s the program official competitions also includes synchronized jumps. Recently, they have become increasingly widespread extreme jumps from the rocks (high diving).

Regular diving exercises strengthen muscular system, develop coordination of movements and the vestibular apparatus, develop willpower and composure.

In the country of Olympia(chapter about V. Vasin) Ed. L. Barykina. M., 1974
Vasin V.A. Bounce. Literary entry by A. Shelukhin. M., 1980
Gorokhovsky L.Z. Preparing a diver. M., 1980
Olympic Encyclopedia. Ed. S.P. Pavlova. M., 1980
Diving. Directory. M., 1980
Olympic TV Fan's Guide. Author-compiler G.A. Stepanidin. M., 1980
Physical education and sports. Small encyclopedia. Per. with him. M., 1982
Rules sports games and competitions. Illustrated encyclopedic reference book. Per. from English Minsk, 1998


Summer is just around the corner, which means the time will come when you can spend time on the beach, sunbathing and swimming. Well, to have a fun and varied time, it’s not enough just to swim, you also need to learn how to jump into the water. This skill will come in handy many times later. We will tell you how to jump into the water correctly and give you practical advice, which will allow you to learn how to jump into water without negative consequences.

Experienced athletes jump from towers and springboards, performing various acrobatic tricks during the flight, however, if you are a beginner or an amateur, then start at low heights. There are several simple types diving, the technique of which always consists of four phases: approach, push, flight and entry.

  • Soldier jump. Starting position: body straight, arms along the body, legs together, chin raised. Next, you need to push off. To do this, you need to bend your knees slightly and push forward and upward from the surface. During flight, your body should always remain upright and your head should remain slightly elevated. Last phase- entry into the water occurs at right angles to the water;
  • Bomb jump is also performed, but after you push off, you need to bend your legs in knee joints and bend your knees under you, clasping them with your hands;
  • A fish jump is a head-down jump. Starting position: body straightened, arms straightened and extended upward, palms connected. Push off with your feet and dive vertically head down with with outstretched arms. It is very important to jump into the water with an even body so that your stomach does not hit the water. Also bring your legs together so that they resemble the tail of a fish.

Safety precautions.

When you learn to jump into water, it is very important to follow safety rules. First of all, don't be afraid. Fear of water and heights is the main reason why people become disorientated while jumping. Secondly, you must know exactly how long you can spend underwater. Thirdly, perform acrobatic exercises to train the vestibular system. For example, jump over a pommel horse or do somersaults on a mat. And of course, if you decide to jump into the water, it’s worth it or mastering it - it’s not the swimming style that matters, but your ability to stay on the water.

The main safety rule when diving is proper grouping. Your body should be straight and as elongated as possible when entering the water. You need to enter the water either with your feet or head down. Otherwise, you may injure parts of your body. And one more thing: to avoid this, choose proven bodies of water where you are sure of sufficient depth and bottom topography.

Tips: how to learn to jump into water.

  • To saturate your blood with oxygen before jumping, take several deep and quick breaths in and out;
  • You must be convinced that the water depth is sufficient for diving;
  • Don't be afraid or upset if you didn't manage to jump into the water beautifully the first time;
  • Learn to group in the air.

Diving is a discipline that is part of water sports. The essence of diving is as follows: athletes must jump from a springboard or a platform, performing a series of acrobatic actions (rotations, revolutions, screws). Judges evaluate these actions and the cleanliness of entry into the water. If pair jumps are performed, the synchronization of the partners’ actions is also assessed.

It is reliably known that diving was practiced in ancient times. Then they jumped from cliffs, ships, reefs. Of course, only sailors did this, since ordinary people often did not know how to swim. Interesting fact is that the warriors are from Ancient Rome they jumped into the water both in battles and for fun, and in full combat gear. Not bad, isn't it? Later, such entertainment appeared in medieval Germany.

The first jumping competitions took place in the 17th century; they jumped, of course, on open water. In the second half of the 18th century, “fancy diving,” as many called the sport, became widespread. This was facilitated by the popularity of gymnastics, which was the basis of diving, as well as the construction of special water sports complexes.

Springboard diving was popular in Germany, and platform diving in Sweden. Before the First World War, it was these countries that determined the style of jumping and were considered “aquatic fashion trendsetters.” Later, the United States developed its own style, borrowing the main features from strong countries: Sweden had relaxed shoulders and arms, Germany had tense legs. This is how the basis of modern diving was created, which allows you to fly high into the air and dive into the water without splashing.

The first European Championship was held in 1890. In 1904, diving became part of the Olympic program. Since then, the discipline has grown, strengthened and won the sympathy of the whole world.

The rules for jumping into the oda are quite simple, and therefore even an uninitiated person can enjoy this spectacle. Jumps are made from a springboard that is at least 4.8 meters long and at least 0.5 meters wide. It is installed on the edge of the pool, at a height of 1 and 3 meters.

A tower is a platform at the edge of the pool, 2 meters wide and 6 meters long. It is installed at various heights: 1, 3, 5, 7.5 and 10 meters. The tower (and the springboard) must protrude beyond the edges of the pool by at least 1.5 meters.

At the Olympic Games, athletes jump from a 10-meter platform and a 3-meter springboard. The programs of other competitions may include other jumping options.

By the way, diving is performed from different stances (back, front, on hands), from a run or from a place, performing such elements as a turn and a half-turn, a screw and a half-screw. At the same time, the position of the body also changes, that is, you can make the element bent over, bending over, or in a tuck.

There are also synchronized jumps, in which you not only need to perform these elements correctly, but also synchronously. Of course, nowadays there are many synchronized athletes, but in the past it was believed that such achievements were impossible. For this reason, synchronized diving began to spread in the 1970s, and was included in the Olympic program only in 2000.

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Jumping into water from great heights is becoming increasingly popular. For the sake of such extreme sports, many spectators are ready to gather near the TV screens and watch the Olympic competitions

In addition, against this background, a lot of controversy arises about whether there are many such daredevils who can engage in this sport at various Olympics and so on. This all arises due to the fact that many people love extreme sports and are ready to do crazy things for this.

Diving games from a springboard or tower

Diving for girls - a special approach to classes

In the last two seasons, girls began to compete in diving. Such jumps are performed from a height that reaches twenty meters. In terms of height, this corresponds to jumping from a bridge. If the jumps are performed by men, then seven-meter extension towers can be installed to such a bridge.

Diving for girls

Many people argue about whether high diving can be called a sport? There are discrepancies here, because on the one hand, high diving is a sport, and on the other, the opposite can be said. Speaking on average, they are pure extreme.

And if we compare jumps that are performed from a bungee and jumps that are performed from towers, then jumps from towers are more difficult. Also, to perform jumps from a height of ten meters, many try to enter the water head down, since such an entry is more difficult than simply entering upside down.

Spin - because this will be your success during the dive

Gary Hunt is a leader in diving. Every time he tries to make the jumps more difficult. He performs great and very difficult combinations. He managed to turn around three times while jumping, performing 4.5 spins. But his record was recently broken by another American, Steve Lobu. He performed a jump that cost 5.1, and his second jump cost 5.4.

Spin - success during a dive
  • Hunt was always respected because he always tried to invent something new and new. These were both easy and difficult combinations in which he performed amazing spins. It is very difficult to do such tricks while diving because you can lose control. That is, for such combinations you need to be not only brave and courageous, but also have a “cool head”.

As for Lobu, he moved along a more primitive path. First, he managed to master jumping from a height of twenty-seven meters, while performing revolutions. It is also important to make half screws, since they will only make the combination easier. By doing everything correctly, you can avoid “blind” entries into the water. Only when Lob managed to perform the jumps perfectly and such a height no longer seemed scary to him, he tried to perform five revolutions with the same jump, but at the same time using the back stance.

The whole fear here is that these combinations and their execution take too much time, and correct entry There may simply not be enough time to get into the water. But, based on practice, no matter how complex the athletes’ combinations are, the one whose jumps are simpler wins the competition. Articles report this diving games.

The diving championships are held by FINA. Since the year one thousand nine hundred and four, such a sport as diving began to appear at the Olympic Games and to this day World Championships are held in this sport.

A memorable event was Olympic Games 1988 diving. As for synchronized jumps, they were first included in the games program in the year 2000. Judging is carried out by nine judges. Four judges evaluate the technique of the elements and how difficult it is to perform a given combination.

Diving from towers and springboards

As for the rest of the Judges, they were assessing synchronicity. Judges give scores ranging from zero to ten points. Then the best and worst ratings are filtered out. Thus, the average score is derived.

Olympic and diving game from towers- What's the Difference? Jumping can be performed both from springboards and from towers. But what is the difference between ski jumping and platform jumping? As for ski jumping, the athlete first swings before jumping and only then jumps into the water, while platform diving does not require any swinging. Such a tower is strictly fixed.

  • Diving boards are installed at a height of 1 meter or 3 meters. As for the tower, it is installed at a height of 5 meters, 7.5 meters and 10 meters.
  • When performing a jump, the athlete must be facing the water. There are also jumps that are performed with your back to the pool. There are also jumps that require a preliminary run-up.

How to jump into water from a springboard correctly - Olympic Games

Diving sections for children

In order to achieve results in this sport, it takes quite a few years, so if you are interested in this sport, then no one is stopping you from sending your child there or starting it for you personally.