Wipe pants meaning. How to clean pine resin from pants? Labels and applications

    The first step is to remove mechanically (with a knife, for example) that part of the stain that will stand above the clothing, if any.

    After this, you need to put these clothes in the freezer for an hour and a half. After this, crumple the stain and rub it thoroughly with your hands so that the scales from the stains fly off

    I want to warn you that this method must be done before you have used alcohol and other mixtures and should not be tried on clothes made of thin fabric.

    When there was a similar problem, everything was solved quite simply.

    At home there was only formic alcohol. I wet a cotton swab, wiped the stain, and it was like it was never there! I didn't even have to wash it. Everything dried without a trace.

    Pine resin dissolves well only in organic solvents such as ethyl and isopropyl alcohol, ether, acetone, benzene and chloroform. At home, the most accessible ethyl alcohol and acetone. If there is only a small amount of resin, it is enough to wipe the contaminated area with a cloth soaked in alcohol or acetone. If the stain has clumps, you need to cool it at least with deodorant and carefully scrape off most of the resin with a knife. After this, iron the stain several times through several layers of cloth moistened with alcohol. The iron should not be very hot - 70 degrees. At the very end, you need to dilute alcohol or acetone with the same amount of water and iron it again. This mixture will finally remove the resin from the fabric.

    P.S. Acetone can be mixed with water in any proportions.

    Cleaning resin from clothes is not that difficult. Resin is a natural product with which similar products are quite capable of competing.

    As a suggestion, it’s turpentine, or at worst it’s white spirit. Here you just need to soak the contaminated area in this liquid (for about a minute or half an hour), then wipe it with a swab soaked in the same turpentine until it is completely removed, and as a final step, wash it thoroughly in soapy water.

    Another suggestion would be to use other oil solvents. This includes gasoline, kerosene, nail polish remover, etc. (but not the kind of gasoline that is used to refuel a car) everything must be in a purified state, otherwise the result may be disastrous. The method of application is the same as in the first case.

    In the fight against resin, there is also a method of removal by heating. For example, laying several layers of paper towels over the stain and simply ironing it gently. Resin is organic and when the temperature rises, it becomes plastic and, when heated, is absorbed into the paper. This method is suitable for both natural fabrics and synthetics.

    Here are other suggestions, but they are so-so:

    • soak the dirt in Coca-Cola;
    • initially rub the dirt;
    • use ferry,

    ...but...that's not quite right.

    Of course, you can use such a vigorous composition as 1 teaspoon of potato starch, 4 drops of ammonia and 4 drops of turpentine, but... you should initially have all this in the house. But this remedy helps. You just need to rub it into the damaged tissue.

    As an addition: You need to remove the resin after carefully cleaning the top layer of resin (down to the fabric) with the same stationery knife, and only then you should use all the methods I have listed.

    It's certainly not particularly easy. Well, here are the ways that will help.

    1 Just rub your pants without adding water to them.

    2 Hand wash with laundry soap (the most effective option)

    3 Machine wash with gentle care and the most popular detergents.

    4 Take it to the dry cleaner.

    Option 2 is the best, I sometimes wash things with this soap on my hands that I can’t wash on a machine.

    A familiar problem!

    I'll tell you about a few simple measures that... can help clean pants from pine resin.

    These methods and means have been tested and are available to everyone:

    • take a clean rag (or paper napkins, towels, other soft paper that absorbs stains), moisten it in alcohol and simply wipe the stain. After the chemical reaction (you have to wait about 20 minutes), alcohol removes pine. resin and leaves no traces, even from the deep layers of fabric fibers it will remove resin residues.
    • You can wipe a pine stain in a similar way. resin with turpentine or cleaned. gasoline. Effective too! But... they leave a smell. Then we get rid of the smell by washing the pants with powder and fabric softener.

    Take special, purified gasoline. sold in the store.

    • each female I have nail polish remover. Great at helping solve a problem, just like any friend. solution
    • If you have a special fabric, then certain solutions can discolor and damage the color of the fabric. In this case, place it under the cloth with the stain and clean it on top. rag and iron hot. iron high. the temperature will melt the resin and it will be absorbed into the rag. And the tar will disappear from the trousers. Then wash them.
    • if the fabric is fleecy, then treat the sunflower stain. oil and then wipe with dishwashing detergent.

    Usually these products are good at degreasing and scrubbing off the resin.

    • As has already been written here, carbonated drinks are great for removing stains. For example, Coca-Cola, Fanta or Sprite. Soak the stain in them, and after some time it will be gone.

    By the way, I would like to note (off topic) that these drinks are not suitable for ingestion by a living organism.

    • and, of course, stain remover or bleach.

    I think it’s also worth noting here that not everyone. These methods and means will suit the texture and quality of the fabric.

    • acids and alcohols destroy certain paints;
    • . acid and acetone destroy acetate silk;
    • bleaches and alkalis, for obvious reasons, can be used. only for white fabrics.

    To stain from pine trees. If the resin does not spread across the fabric, during removal, moisten the fabric with water around the stain or sprinkle with talcum powder (starch).

    This will serve as a boundary for him.

    Start processing from the edges of the stain to the middle.

    If the spot is small, it is convenient to use a pipette or a cotton swab.

    I wish you success!

    It’s easy, take 50 rubles, go to a hardware store and buy white spirit, it removes paint, grease, resin, etc. very well.

The point is that most likely something is stopping you. But not what you thought :)

In the last men's topic we discussed, and today we are talking about your jeans. It doesn't matter whether it's jeans or another fabric. It's all about you.

You must have already noticed that as soon as you buy new jeans you think that they won’t wear out anymore. But a week, or even two, passes and everything repeats itself. Again you notice how the fabric fades in a certain place, then you notice a white stripe, and then the first hole. And then it spreads all over the trouser leg and it’s crazy...

Are your jeans frayed? We will try to give you advice so that this does not happen again. Below OFFICEPLANKTON has published the perfect tips for you. Whether you are a man or a woman, it doesn’t matter, our advice will work anyway. The main thing is to read them all and discover a new world of unworn pants. This is told to you by a former expert in the field of wiping all the jeans that he has in his wardrobe, as well as an expert in going to the studio, where almost all my jeans were patched with threads and special linings.

You will discover many things for the first time. So here we go:

Jeans are frayed: how to prevent this:

1 Reconsider your underwear

This is the second year in a row that I have encountered this. Usually, I solved the problem of rubbing my jeans a long time ago, following all the rules listed below, but one remained. And it's stupidly seasonal.

Every time it gets cold, I wear thicker boxer shorts. It can't be freezing THERE. I usually wear family ones. With them, the chance that something will start to rub is extremely small. So, in the fall, when it gets colder, I wear thick boxers. I wear 2 pairs of jeans, and I began to notice that both one pair and the other began to fray in the same place.

At first I can’t understand the reason, but somehow while getting dressed before work, I put on jeans and, out of curiosity, I put my hand between the legs of my pants to understand what affects the rubbing. And it turned out to be the inseam of my boxers. Since their fabric is quite thick, the seams are also quite thick. And when I walk, the seams rub against each other, rubbing my pants in only one place.

The same beard and underpants for the winter. The inner seam of your underpants may well serve as sandpaper for your jeans. So, don’t laugh or laugh, reader, but I always worry not only about frayed jeans, but also about the health of the prostate. Therefore, I found one way out - to wear thin autumn boxers, and thin family ones on top. It sounds funny, your feet are cold, but your pants don’t get worn out, and your ass and prostate are warm.

2 Lose weight.

I probably haven’t discovered Mars here for all representatives of our pants-wiping civilization, but it’s worth a try. The fact is that men are divided into 2 types according to their fatness: some gain weight everywhere, from the neck to the feet, others gain weight only on the stomach and back, while their legs remain thin. It's about hormones.

But if you are less fortunate and in the event of many weeks of gluttony, your thighs grow (you can’t call it legs), then they form extra in the groin area. fat folds, which in turn increase pressure on the tissue in the area where your legs grow.

Free you from this problem. You just have to read our material, guy. Or a friend :)

3 Wear your jeans higher.

As an expert in the field of wiping pants since school age Believe it or not, I looked to see if other alpha males were rubbing their jeans between their legs. And you know what - no. Only those who had worn pants for 10 years, or those who had naturally crooked legs, wiped them. By the way, in this regard, guys with rounded legs are luckier. They also say about such people that their legs are like wheels. Their “cowboy” gait never allows their pants to fray.

I got distracted. If you are thin, or even if you are fat, then you should definitely try pulling your pants higher. It's not like the seam on the mat will cut your "eggs" into two equal halves. Damn, I already imagined what it might look like, but it’s just always, I repeat, jeans are always rubbed not on the mat itself, but in the area between the ass and the mat, because from the point of view of physics, when you take a step, this is where the fabric bends . This is the cut and tailoring. This is how the pants behave during normal walking.

So if you hike your pants up a little higher (even if you're afraid you'll look like an old curmudgeon with your pants pulled up over your belly), you'll just be taking the pressure off that particular area of ​​your jeans. In other words, there will be nothing to wipe on the main seam on the pants, which divides them into 4 parts. But it will rub not in the area immediately at the beginning of the legs, but somewhere closer to the hips. That's the science with these jeans!

4 Don't fidget with your pants on the chair.

This is where most people will most likely discover America, but most office plankton people tend to wipe their jeans while moving their butts on the chair.

The point is not that parents once told you not to do this, but that the very material from which the upholstery of a typical office chair (cheap, made of fabric) is made is very rough.

Every time you sit down at your workplace (and mind you, similar chairs and armchairs are now available almost everywhere, from schools and clinics to large government agencies and IT offices), so when you sit down at your workplace, you need to turn this way and that, then something fell, then take something from someone. You will stop noticing when you start fidgeting with your groin area and butt in your chair.

Men's nature is such that we have something to stick out in front. When you sit on a chair, it sticks out a little downwards, forcing you to sit on the bottom groin area and at the beginning of your thighs the fabric stretches. And here you are still fidgeting with this place on the rough fabric.

The jeans wash very well. Really great. I haven't experimented with trousers yet.

But there is a way to avoid this method of wiping your pants. It will be enough just to develop a certain habit. Every time you need to turn or bend somewhere, don’t fidget with your pants in your chair, but just sit up, think about how you need to sit differently in order to complete a new task, then sit down and complete your task. Once again, do not turn your pelvis on the chair, but stand up, take a new position and sit in a new body position. This way you'll constantly avoid fidgeting, which will only reduce your chances of rubbing your pants in the future.

5 Wear lower swearing.

The gait “Like shitting my pants” in person or is it the image of an old fat Georgian selling watermelons from Kherson at the market. Just honey. He walks like this in thick classic trousers, similar to harem pants; a shirt that showed his belly, and a Georgian cap. Wah, genatsvale.

I loved this when I was 15 years old, when I listened to hip-hop and had thick thighs. Of course, I didn’t tell anyone about the frogs. My parents didn’t understand my tastes, but what can I do? I first went on a low-carb diet at the age of 26, and finally normalized my diet at 27. Actually, since then I have not had any problems with fat thighs. I wish the same for you.

6 Wear frayed jeans in the tailor shop.

Previously, this was the only option to solve the problem. You wipe your favorite jeans and bring them to the studio. The owner of the atelier, a former graduate of a sewing technical school or university, who graduated from the Faculty of Light Industry, takes your pants, puts the fabric inside and outside sews this area tightly in 2 layers of thread. Now there is nothing to wipe here. But the pants are worn out, and if they are stretchy, then you will immediately feel the difference in the sensations from wearing the “upgraded pants.” But it’s better to start with losing weight :)

Wipe pants. Joking. Do clerical work; long time to study. - “Don’t listen to them,” Seryoga’s father-in-law stood up for him. - They will say something... What do you write in the service? [novel], I personally admit. Where else can I write?.. In the office you’re always wiping your pants, you’re not overloaded with work, I know(V. Rybin. Lucky ticket). Grandma Fetisya praised Zhenka: it was not for nothing that he spent ten years wiping his pants at school, he knows how to tell the truth(L. Zavorotcheva. Primrose).

Phrasebook Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

See what “Wipe your pants” in other dictionaries:

    Pants - get a working coupon for a Paper Shop discount on Akademika or buy profitable pants with free delivery on sale at Paper Shop

    trousers- ov; pl. 1. Unlock Clothes that have two short or long legs and cover the legs and bottom part torso. Work clothes, ski clothes, pajama clothes. Warm cotton wool. Fashionable sh. into a cage. Worn w. Put on, take off sh. Don't wear these stupid sh. Women's bottoms... encyclopedic Dictionary

    TROUSERS- Shake your pants. Simple Contempt. Acting excitedly, showing increased interest in women; to dissipate. Podyukov 1989, 207; Mokienko, Nikitina 2003, 398; F 2, 210. Move (rustle) your pants. Jarg. they say Joking. Walk quickly, walk. Vakhitov 2003 ...

    trousers- o/v; pl. see also pants, pants 1) loose Clothing that has two short or long legs and covers the legs and lower torso. Work pants, ski pants, pajama pants/. Warm cotton pants/. Fashionable pants... Dictionary of many expressions

    Wipe your pants- Simple. Disapproved Doing something useless. ZS 1996, 252; Versh. 7, 330… Big dictionary Russian sayings


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    SIT AND WAIT BY THE SEA FOR WEATHER- who Inaction awaiting a change in circumstances. This means that a person or group of persons (X) does not do anything, but only passively waits, hoping for something. favorable changes, hoping that difficulties will resolve themselves... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    patriotic- oh, oh. patriotique adj. 1. Rel. to the patriot, patriots. BAS 1. According to your Excellency's patriotic sentiments. 1744. A. Bestuzhev. // AB 2 44. Patriotic example. Moscow Ved. 1762 No. 36. // Exchange. 133. Carry out patriotic deeds.… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

It would seem that jeans are durable, “indestructible” pants, but between the legs and along the seams they are wiped out quite often. Is there any way to prevent or slow down this process?

There are several reasons why jeans fray:

  • The first simple one is friction at the points of contact of one pant leg with the other. This thing appears not only when jeans are rubbed between the legs, but at the very bottom of the pant leg. In this case, friction is stronger if the material is harder. This suggests that soft fabrics It will obviously wear off less when walking. It is worth noting that this is completely natural process, and the time it takes for jeans to wear out depends on the intensity of wear and the quality of the material.
  • The second reason - excess weight or simply overinflated legs - in this case, the friction between the legs becomes constant, and wear occurs faster.
  • The third reason is improper washing. After washing in very hot water Jeans sometimes turn into paper - it is better to wash them carefully, you can even hand wash them.

Fabric quality and tailoring features

Jeans often fray between the legs if they are made from low-quality material, and the high cost of an item and a well-known label on the label do not always indicate its impeccable quality. Much depends on the specific manufacturer and the fabrics he is used to working with. The reason for the rips may also be due to improper cutting of the jeans, when the direction of the grain thread is not taken into account. Then the parts are constantly deformed, and the fabric stretches greatly when walking.

Weight and body features

It has long been noted that overweight people wear jeans most quickly between the legs. This happens because when you walk, your legs touch and your pant legs rub against each other. As a result, abrasions first appear, and then holes appear in those places where the fabric is strongly stretched. The same problem exists for those who deal by force sports Inflated thigh muscles cause the fabric of jeans to experience excessive stress and become thinner faster.

Features of caring for jeans

If the product care requirements are not followed, the fabric also wears out quickly and the jeans begin to fray. The item must be washed and ironed in the mode indicated on the label, without using prohibited cleaning methods.

How to make jeans fray less?

  • Lose weight
  • Wear less often
  • Handwash only

As for the dilemma - buy some expensive ones and wear a lot of cheap ones for a long time, then it’s impossible to say for sure - expensive ones are not equal to better quality.

What to do with damaged jeans?

The easiest option is to throw it away. But this is clearly not the advice you would like to receive. Holes can be sealed from the inside with special patches. This can be done in a studio or at home, but it is highly advisable to do it on a sewing machine so that the seams are neat, and at the same time the patch is the same shade. At the same time, in order to divert people’s attention from such patches, you can embroider them on your trouser legs in different places. Those who have repeatedly encountered this problem usually immediately after purchasing jeans go to a atelier or sew patches on the reverse side themselves, using sliding fabric such as a raincoat for inserts and nylon thread to match the product for strength. If excess weight is to blame, then it is advisable to get rid of it, and until this happens, wear regular trousers or skirts instead of jeans.

How to choose good jeans? General Tips


More often than not, the cheaper the jeans, the worse their quality. Good branded jeans cannot cost less than $100, but models with labels from famous companies are not always real, because famous brands are more profitable to fake than cheap brands. Therefore, a high price is only one quality criterion, but this is where you need to start your choice, sweeping away everything unnecessary, since cheap jeans will definitely not be of high quality. But that’s where we need to start, sweeping aside cheap models.

Place of purchase

Another criterion for quality is the place where you bought them. Many branded models can only be bought in branded boutiques, which are not easy to get into, especially in our country, and they will be very expensive, although branded boutiques can be located in large cities of the country. You definitely won’t run into a fake in them, but there are some nuances here too. You need to go to the brand’s website and check whether there is a store at the specified address or not. If not, then this is not a branded store, but a store that sells counterfeits. This means that the product you buy there costs several times less than the price at which it is sold. So it doesn’t hurt to double-check the information on official sources. But where you definitely can’t find them is in mass markets, where things are sold with various discounts and promotions.

Fabric appearance

If you look too closely at the jeans, you can see the texture of the fabric even at close range. Usually it resembles a Christmas tree or a rope, and you can clearly see the pattern on it. The fabric texture of cheap jeans is completely different. It is impossible to see the pattern on it, it seems excessively worn and wrinkled, and when you look closely at it, you see a regular mesh, like on gauze. If they have abrasions, then the texture of the fabric changes, unlike high-quality models, on which even abrasions look expensive and neat.


High-quality jeans models are distinguished by neat seams made with strong and high-quality threads, which are very difficult not only to tear, but also to fray. They are stitched with neat stitches, one in one and even seams, which are visible on the reverse side. There are no threads hanging on the ends of the products or even on the pockets and there are no uneven stitches. It seems that even they are made professionally and with high quality, there is no negligence anywhere, even in the details. The zippers on these jeans are made of high quality and only from metal. Not a single thread, much less a piece of fabric, will ever get tangled in them, and using it is as easy as shelling pears. It quickly and easily unfastens and fastens, but does not come apart and holds tightly. The dog on this zipper is made of metal and looks like a work of art, especially on female models. It can also be used to determine the quality of the product itself.

Labels and applications

All of them are firmly sewn with strong thread and even stitching, and are also made of metal or genuine leather. You won't find any rhinestones or plastic beads on them. In addition, they never deteriorate, crack or darken, unlike cheap fakes, which change their attractive appearance after the first wash.


Any model of high-quality jeans has a nice color. It can be both bright and pale when it comes to distressed jeans, but it will never look like a rag-like product, even with a vintage effect. Those who have at least once seen real branded jeans will no longer confuse them with anything else. And only by appearance will he be able to distinguish the original from the fake. If they are blue, then this is the bright and rich color of the spring sky, if blue, then this is the true color of the night. By the way, real dark jeans are light inside, unlike fakes. And this should also be considered carefully if you want to purchase a quality item.

Fabric quality

Real jeans are made of cotton or cotton, as they call it in America, except for stretch models, which should stretch a little. But the admixture of synthetic fabric is insignificant. If you bought jeans made of polyester and other fabrics, then they are definitely fake.

We check quality on site

Knead the jeans a little, then pull them out. If they are not wrinkled, then this means you have a quality product. Good jeans, although they have a dense texture, are elastic and almost do not wrinkle, unlike similar products of lower quality. But this does not apply to summer models, which are made with less density. However, they should also be neat and elastic, not like cotton sheets.

Ideas on how to mend a hole in jeans

Many people complain about having to throw away their favorite jeans because of a hole or fraying between their legs. A large number of trousers thus ended up in the “garden” section or ended up in the trash bin. You should not make hasty conclusions, since everything can be corrected if desired. There are many different ways, how to fix holes in jeans so they look like new.

An easy way to mend a hole in jeans

To repair children's models, you can use various applications in the form of cartoon characters. In addition, if you have a strip of similar denim, the torn area can be duplicated. To do this, you need to make several parallel lines on the edge of the strips that need to be tucked. Place them in the seams, and place the strip diagonally so that the patch ends up looking like part of the design. To repair a torn section of trousers, you need to glue it from the wrong side, for example, with double-sided web. To do this, turn your pants inside out, glue the area, cut off the patch the right size, place it in the required place and go over it with a hot iron.

Sew up a hole in jeans with a piece of stuff

This option involves laying lines close to each other using a sewing machine. As a result, the threads simply “clog” the hole. Plastering is considered the best quality finish to get rid of damage, but, on the other hand, it is a rather difficult task. First, you need to make a patch from a material that matches in structure and color. If there is a piece of jeans, for example, after shortening the length, then this is an ideal option. Otherwise, you can try to find suitable material in the store. The stitching is done on a machine with the ability to sew in the opposite direction. The first line is done in the forward direction, and then another in the opposite direction. Make sure that the lines are close enough to each other. Carry out similar manipulations until you have sewn up the entire torn area. It is important that the stitching goes not only along the patch, but also goes beyond its edges. If the model of your sewing machine does not have the ability to sew efficiently in the reverse direction, then simply turn the product and sew only straight. Upon completion of the piece, you can trim the existing fringe from the front side, and then thoroughly iron and steam the darned area.

When using this method to mask a hole, consider the following factors:

  • It is important to choose threads that match the color of your pants.
  • It is worth considering that even threads selected in a store may eventually become lighter or darker, so it is best to take several similar shades.
  • Before moving on to making things, try all the options on a separate piece of material, and then choose the appropriate option.
  • It is quite difficult to get a perfect result the first time, so do everything in several stages.
  • After making the stitches, look to see if there are any gaps and go over them again using a machine stitch.

Decorate holes in jeans?

Take advantage of ready-made decorative patches and applications that are sold in the store. They can be left untreated and shaggy. You can sew up the hole with original fabric, for example, chiffon, drape, leather, wool, etc. In addition to one patch, you can sew several other options in different places and in the end you will get beautiful and original pants. An excellent option is applique, which comes in completely different versions, for example, flowers, stars and other bright and no less original decorations. Helpful advice– before sewing on an appliqué or sewing up a torn area with another fabric, be sure to test it for sensitivity to a hot iron.