The simplest exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles. Tighten your stomach at home quickly. The best abdominal exercises Effective abdominal muscle exercises at home

Fat deposits in the abdominal area bothers many women. Who among them would not want to make their waist thinner and more expressive?! Yes, every one! But at the same time, few people know how to properly strengthen the abdominal muscles in the area abdominals without increasing their volume.

Method of losing weight in the stomach

Let's consider a technique that will help you lose weight exactly in the area you need - the stomach. This technique is real exercise for the abdominal muscles at home. But before you use them you need to know how much fat you should reduce...

How to Calculate Whether You Need to Get Rid of extra centimeters on your stomach? You just need to divide your waist size by your hip size. It is best if the indicator is about 0.7. If it is above 0.8, then you should definitely take care of yourself and lose fat, using both diet and physical activity.

How to choose food for losing belly fat

It is believed that each person is unique, so it is impossible to choose a universal diet that is suitable for everyone. The bulk of the advertised fad diet plans provide weight loss by removing fluid from tissues and reducing muscle mass.

Firstly, such products contain a minimal amount of fat, and secondly, due to their high fiber content, they help cleanse the body of accumulated waste products and regulate metabolic processes.

How to choose abdominal exercises

A very important factor is physical activity, directed if you make the right effort, you can make the most dangerous deep fat melt away. The most common exercises will help you with this, which will make you work not only the abdominal muscles, but also others.

In order to tidy up your waist, you can’t do without special exercises which will help strengthen weak abdominal muscles. After all, such a drawback, in addition to external unattractiveness, is fraught with a more serious danger.

Due to weak abdominal muscles, some prolapse may well occur. internal organs, and the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract may also be disrupted.

How to prepare your abdominal muscles for training

In order to tighten the muscles, you don’t need much; for some, constant control over the position of the body may be enough - the shoulders should be straight, the chest should be straightened, and the stomach should be as retracted as possible.

This video is about strengthening your abdominal muscles. In it you will find a set of exercises that will help make your stomach beautiful and toned. In addition, it also very well activates the functioning of organs. abdominal cavity, which in turn will have a very good effect on your digestion and metabolism.

After some time, the muscles get used to being constantly in a tightened position. If overweight is too much, then reduce it, increasing it at the same time physical activity.

If you spend at least fifteen minutes a day on general complex exercises and fifteen minutes of stress on the abs - the results will begin to appear fairly quickly.

3 Effective Abdominal Strengthening Exercises for Men

Another video is devoted to working with the abdominal muscles. This is a very pressing topic and it’s worth starting to deal with it now in order to strengthen your abdominal muscles by summer and make your stomach beautiful, flat and toned. This complex is not entirely easy, but very effective.

5 exercises to strengthen your abdominal muscles

This set of exercises is for girls. In addition to strengthening your abs, you can use it to get rid of a few centimeters.


If you decided to read this article in the hope that it will tell you some wonderful secret, knowing which, you will fall asleep with a cellulite tummy and wake up with abs no worse than those of some famous athlete, then you will probably be disappointed . And not only because such a technique does not exist in this article. But because it does not exist in nature at all. All these advertisements promising slim stomach in a week, nothing more than lies designed to make you buy useless "couch" exercise equipment, which supposedly can be used almost in a dream.

Are you upset? No need. Yet, there is some benefit in this article. But the benefit is for those girls and women who intend to make efforts and not just believe in fairy tales. Yes, to get rid of belly fat and strengthen your abdominal muscles, you need to make an effort. But the question is how exactly to apply them so that exercises for training the abdominal and back muscles become more effective, and the result appeared faster. First, you should know that in order to shape your abdominal muscles, you need to train more than just the rectus abdominis muscle. It is necessary to do a whole set of exercises that involve all the so-called deep muscles. For nice abs also important transverse muscles belly. These horizontal abdominal muscles literally encircle your torso. So, if you correctly distribute efforts to achieve your goal, then as a result, you will get not only a beautiful tummy, which you won’t be ashamed to expose on the beach in hot weather, but also strengthen psoas muscles, sacrum and improve the general condition of the body.

As for the exercises, they are quite simple, but taken together they are very effective. These exercises may be called differently in different sources., but the point is not in the name, but in how focused they are on main goal– flat healthy stomach. As for the number of approaches and executions - a lot depends on individual characteristics. Ideally, of course, you should perform two sets of each exercise; each approach involves 10-15 repetitions. Working out two to three times a week (so that the break between classes is one day), you will be able to see the results of your work in 2-4 weeks. Moreover, not just anywhere, but on own body. But don’t get too worked up right away. The main thing is the first step. So, let's move on to the exercises.

1. Lowering your legs

Initial position: you lie on your back, arms folded on your chest, legs straightened and raised up so that they are perpendicular to the floor, while your feet are parallel to the floor. Raise your head slightly off the floor so that you can see your hips. Then, while inhaling, lower one leg so that a few centimeters remain to the floor. Exhale and return your leg to the starting position. Then repeat the same with the second leg. It will be quite hard at first(especially do not lower your legs all the way to the floor when performing the exercise). To begin with, do 4-6 repetitions with bent legs, and then gradually increase their number to 10-15 and try to straighten your legs along the way.

2. Support lying on your forearms

Initial position: the body is turned face down; arms are bent at the elbows. You lie, but not on your stomach, but on your forearms in such a way that they are directed along the body, and your elbows are just under your shoulders. To make it a little easier, open palms can rest on the floor to increase the supporting surface area. The feet are perpendicular to the floor, the legs are also straightened and rest on the floor thumbs(or just socks). Raise your head so that the line of the back of your head is a continuation of the line of your back and legs, and your face is parallel to the floor. Actually, this is the whole exercise. The task is to keep the body parallel to the floor (without sagging or raising the pelvis) for 15 to 20 seconds. To start, try doing 3 approaches. This exercise, borrowed, by the way, from yogis, is aimed not only at strengthening the abdominal muscles, but also at strengthening the lumbar region.

3. Bicycle

Initial position: You lie face up on the floor, legs straight, hands clasped loosely behind your head, elbows out to the sides parallel to the floor. Bend your right leg at the knee and bring your thigh as close to your chest as possible. At the same moment, slowly stretch your left elbow, turning it inward, towards your right knee. As soon as you feel slight discomfort, stop stretching. Stay in this position for a while, then return to the starting position. Repeat the same combination with your left leg and right hand. Remember - when doing this exercise The back should bend, but not the neck!

4. Squat with leg raises

Initial position: you lie on your back, your legs are also straightened parallel to the floor. The arms are extended along the body, palms down. Trying to keep your back straight, simultaneously raise your legs and top part body so that your hands reach towards your knees, and you balance on your tailbone. Hands, while rising, must still maintain a position parallel to the floor. Your body and legs should strive to form a "V" shape. Try to hold this position for just a couple of seconds, then slowly lower yourself to the floor. If this exercise is difficult for you (which is usually typical for beginners), you can bend your legs a little at the knees.

5. Gimlet

Initial position: You lie on your back with your arms parallel to the floor, palms down. The legs are also straightened and lie on the floor. Trying not to bend my legs, lift them so that they take a vertical position in relation to the floor and, accordingly, your body. Then, while also trying to keep your upper body motionless on the floor, try to lift your sacrum a little off the floor, tilting both raised legs to the right at the same time. Stay in this position for a little while. Then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise again just tilting your legs to the left when raising the sacrum.

© sklyareek -

    What you need

    One of the signs of an athletic man is relief press. The same is true for girls - toned stomach– this is both beautiful and evidence of sports activities. Exercises for the rectus abdominis muscle will help you achieve great shape.

    There are dozens of movement options. Let's look at the most effective and versatile ones - those that are suitable for both women and the stronger sex. Most of the exercises you can easily do at home, but some are designed to be done in the gym.

    A little anatomy

    The abdominal muscles consist of four sections:

    • rectus muscle;
    • transverse;
    • internal oblique muscles;
    • external obliques.

    The rectus muscle is the largest. This is what is most often called the press. This muscle group comes from pelvic bone and is attached to the sternum. The muscles are crossed by several horizontal connective fibers and a vertical tendon line, visually forming cubes. The number and expressiveness of the latter depends on the nature of the tendons. If genetics have let you down, then even millions of repetitions will not help you catch up with those to whom nature has given a wonderful gift.

    The press can only be divided into upper and lower areas conditionally. It's one whole. Certain movements provide only different degrees of tension in the zones. Therefore, to properly work out the abdominal muscles, include training program tens different exercises not necessary.

    For cubes to appear, two conditions must be met:

    • increase muscle volume;
    • reduce fat percentage.

    Local fat burning is a myth. Fat almost always disappears evenly throughout the body. Therefore, it is important to follow a diet and exercise aerobic exercise. If you get rid of everything unnecessary, you will see your abs even if you don't build them at all.

    Women need a combination of high-repetition abs, cardio, and diet. Men in this formula need to replace the high-repetition style with a strength mode, implying no more than 15 repetitions per set. Otherwise, instead of cubes there will be only squares - the abs will be inexpressive. Although this level is worthy of respect.

    Note. Everything is individual: some manage to increase the volume of the press even when doing large number repetitions.

    Exercises for the rectus abdominis muscle

    Exercises for the abdominal muscles can be done in any conditions. To properly work out your abdominal muscles, you don’t need new-fangled exercise machines. But we will also consider various movements and in the gym.

    Exercises for home

    Most home exercises are variations. In general, the torso is pulled towards the knees. During the reverse movement, the knees move towards the body.

    Straight crunches on the floor

    The simplest option that is suitable for both beginners and experienced athletes. To perform the exercise you only need the floor.

    • Starting position (IP) – lying on the floor, legs bent at the knees, hands located near the chest. To increase the load, you can cross your arms behind your head and put your legs on a chair.
    • Slowly raise your shoulders and upper body. The amplitude is small and is designed for powerful contraction of the upper section abdominal muscles. The lower back should not come off.
    • Pause for a second at the peak point, tense your abdominal muscles as much as possible, and then return to the IP under control.

    For more experienced athletes good option will use additional weights that can be held at chest level or at outstretched arms.

    © fizkes -

    Reverse crunches

    There are several variations of this exercise. All of them are aimed primarily at bottom part press. The simplest execution is on the floor.

    • IP - lying on the floor, legs half-bent and slightly torn off the floor.
    • Maintaining the position of your legs, bring your knees towards your chest.
    • After holding for a second or two, return your legs to the IP position.

    Throughout the entire exercise, the legs do not touch the floor; tension should be maintained in the abdominal muscles.

    © artinspiring -

    A more advanced variation is performed on a bench. If you don’t have a bench at home, stools or a sofa will do.
    • IP - lying on a bench, floor bent legs hanging from the bench, hands providing support.
    • Bring your knees towards your chest.
    • Return your legs to IP.

    Due to the unstable position of the pelvis and increased amplitude, this exercise is more effective. It is important to work with the press. A common mistake is to over-connect the hips. In the absence of control of the abdominal muscles, the hips are involved almost automatically. Therefore, there is no point in performing a more complex version if the athlete’s training allows only a simple movement to be performed correctly.

    An even more advanced option - reverse crunches on incline bench. The execution scheme is similar.


    Now this is one of the most popular abdominal exercises. The buttocks, back and arms work together with the abdominal muscles. By doing a plank along with crunches, you will quickly achieve noticeable results.

    There are several types of planks:

    • on straight arms;
    • on the elbows;
    • with an outstretched arm and/or leg;

    All of these variations are suitable for training the rectus muscle, with the exception of the last one.

    Scheme for performing a full plank on straight arms:

    • Lie face down on the floor.
    • Rise up so that you are standing on your palms and toes, with your body straight.
    • Keeping your breathing even, stand in this position for as long as possible.

    © romanolebedev -

    Legs can be kept together or spread apart. The press should be tense all the time. At a certain stage, the abdominal muscles will turn on powerfully automatically, but at an early stage it is worth controlling the degree of their tension.

    Other varieties are performed in a similar way.

    © Makatserchyk -

    Beginners do not need to stand until they pass out. The first step is to prepare the muscles. On the other hand, after mastering the straight arm plank, it is recommended to combine this option with more complex ones.

    Experienced athletes can use additional weights.

    Hanging Leg Raise

    If you have a horizontal bar at home, the training program can and should be supplemented. As with other exercises, there is variability here.

    Classic technique:

    • IP - hanging on the crossbar.
    • Pull your knees bent towards your chest.
    • After a second pause, slowly return to the IP.

    © Jacob Lund -

    In a more advanced version, the legs are straight. The final position is parallel to the floor.

    Having mastered this variation, move on to V-shaped lifts - touching the crossbar with your feet or raising them to an angle of 45 degrees relative to the floor.

    © Makatserchyk -


    Another effective exercise is. Legs hanging on the horizontal bar can not only be raised/lowered, but also kept in a fixed position - parallel to the floor. The preparation indicator is the time during which the athlete can hold in the desired position.

    © Vasyl -

    The exercise is aimed not so much at visual development, but at increasing abdominal strength. This is a great help for improving your performance in other exercises.

    Exercises in the gym

    Exercise machines allow you to diversify your workouts, but you shouldn’t get too carried away with them. The movements described above are enough for the eyes, but if you get bored, no one will forbid you to turn to modern training machines for help. They are also great for strength work, as you can vary the load.


    For training you will need upper block or a crossover with a rope handle. In essence, these are ordinary twists, strengthened due to increased resistance.


    • IP - kneeling in front of the block, hands holding the ropes, body tilted forward.
    • Using your abs, bend over and twist so that your elbows are close to the floor.
    • Return to IP.

    The weight should be chosen to minimize the involvement of the back and hips, while still providing sufficient stress on the abdominal muscles.

    Crunches in the simulator

    If there special simulator for the press, then crunches can be done in it. The scheme is similar. The difference is that the back is fixed here, and the body is located almost vertically.

    Training program

    The training complex depends on the goals. Here are examples of programs that are suitable for home and hall.

    A program for abdominal mass (don’t forget that relief depends on diet, not exercise) in the gym for men:

    Program for girls in the gym:

    Abdominal strength program:

    Complex for men at home:

    Complex for women for home workouts:

    The abs are trained 1-3 times a week. During the recruitment period, you can only do one workout per week. During the drying period, connect one or two more. In the case of three workouts per week, they should be fairly light and include no more than 3 exercises. With less frequent exercise, the number of exercises can be increased to 4-5.

    You don’t need to train your abs every day, because, like any other muscle, it needs time to recover.

Tightening your stomach at home quickly (exercises) is possible provided you follow the basic rules. Collateral successful training is strict adherence to recommendations, slowness and consistency of physical actions.

What should you do to tighten your stomach at home quickly? Exercise is the most effective method.

You should start training your body after muscle warm-up(jumping rope, running, gymnastics). During the performance of the strength complex, the abdominal muscles of the abdomen must be involved in the work and always remain in a tense state.

Note! Burning sensations in the muscles should be regarded as a sign of technically correct execution of the exercises.

Effective training includes several cycles with a gradual increase in tempo and load. This is the only way to tighten your stomach at home quickly with exercises.

Every movement should be accompanied by athletic breathing, where you exhale before making an effort, and inhale when relaxing.

The sequence of muscle pumping determines the effectiveness of gymnastics. First, attention is paid to the upper part of the abdominal region, then the lateral (oblique) muscles and finish with a load on the lower abs. Effective training includes several cycles with a gradual increase in tempo and load.

Exercises for tightening the upper abs

It is important to know! Warm-up should precede the start of complex exercises. To quickly tighten your stomach at home without causing harm to yourself, start doing effective exercises follows after a basic warm-up.

A good workout for this part of the abs would be the following:

  • lie on your back;
  • put your hands under the back of your head or cross them over your chest;
  • tone the press;
  • monitor your breathing;
  • lift and lower both legs without touching the floor surface.

This power complex can be modified if the legs are fixed on a hill. When exhaling, you should raise your body as high as possible, then while inhaling, lower it to level 0. The cycle should be 25-30 movements in 3 sets. It is recommended to bend your legs, ensuring your lower back is pressed to the floor.

A more difficult exercise is this:

  • position – lying down;
  • legs bent at the knee joints;
  • feet and lumbar area are on the floor;
  • lifting the body with alternately outstretched arms;
  • fixation at the lifting point and return to the original position.

Training performed on the stomach, facing the floor, helps to stretch the muscles of all areas of the abs well. The task is to simultaneously raise the legs and arms (straight), and then lower them to the original position.

From this position (horizontal on the stomach) you can move to next lesson– “scissors”, accompanied by synchronous movements of the legs and arms.

Exercises to strengthen your lower abs

You can get the desired relief in the lower abdomen by creating a significant load on this part of the body.

“Bicycle” copes with this task perfectly. Back on the floor, head in hands, raise bent legs and begin to move them in a circle, imitating riding a bicycle.

Gymnastics that involve straight leg raises are effective. The whole secret is that the limbs cannot be completely lowered to the floor, thereby giving the body rest. The hands are behind the head, the back is pressed to the floor, and the two legs simultaneously rise and fall to a height of 50-20 cm from the floor.

Synchronized loads on all areas of the press are provided by the “Book” exercise. Lying down, pressing your lower back tightly to the floor, you should simultaneously direct outstretched legs and hands towards each other in such a way as to touch your knees with your forehead.

The movements are made without jerking, breathing correctly (exhale before lunging, and inhale before lowering to the floor).

Active movements “Scissors” on the back. Hands are placed on the back of the head or extended along the body. With straight legs at a height of 20 cm from the surface, they make synchronous movements that imitate the blade of scissors, moving the limbs behind each other.

Exercises for obliques

To tighten your stomach at home quickly (exercises for oblique muscles), perform bending, rotation, and twisting.

You should start your classes by rotating your body in different directions.

Then, take a stable position:

  • place your hands on your belt;
  • spread your legs shoulder-width apart;
  • bring the abdominal muscles into a state of tension;
  • make turns with the body in a cone-shaped pattern.

Movements should be confident, smooth and intense at the same time.

Side bends with the body are done from the original position of the previous training.

To perform crunches, you need to take a horizontal position:

  • raise your legs to form a 90 degree angle;
  • place your palms on the back of your head;
  • alternately twist the body in the opposite direction from the tilt of the bent legs (torso to the left, bent legs to the right, and vice versa).
  • the abdominal muscles are tense.

The muscles located on the sides of the abdomen are effectively pumped during exercise, with alternately bringing together the opposite lower and upper limbs(knee-elbow). Lumbar fixed on the floor.

Exercises for the abs and thin waist

As a warm-up before the main workout for a wasp waist, perform the “Mill”. To do this, place your legs wider than your shoulders, tilt your body forward, and swing your arms left and right 20-30 times.

Actions must be confident, fairly smooth and intense. With each subsequent workout, the frequency of approaches and movements should be increased.

A universal training is the plank. The standard plank position is resting on your toes and elbows. Pull in the abdomen tightly and hold for 30-60 seconds. and more, then loosen.

When training with a hoop, you should take into account that the smaller the distance between the feet, the more load will be placed on the muscles.

The side plank provides a quality workout for the oblique abdominal muscles. You should lean on your outstretched arm, and keep your body in a state of tone with tense muscles. Periodically one hand replaces the other.

Hula hoop exercises will help you tighten your stomach at home quickly. This is a weighted hoop equipped with massage balls and spikes.

When training with a hoop, you should take into account that the smaller the distance between the feet, the more load will be placed on the muscles. The training should take place against the backdrop of deep breathing and muscle tone belly.

Exercises for a tummy tuck after childbirth

After giving birth, a woman needs high-quality burpee training. You need to start the exercise from a standing position: squat deeply, do a plank on both outstretched arms (wait 30-60s); jump back to the previous position (squat) and jump to the vertical starting position. The whole complex must be performed confidently, smoothly and at a pace.

Jumping “Walk” - from the “start” position, make confident jumps on two legs simultaneously in different directions, forward and backward, each time returning to the original position.

The simplest physical exercise for the muscles is to slowly raise both straightened legs and lower them smoothly.

Exercises with additional inventory within 5 min.

Equipment used at home for quick lift belly
Hoop Jump rope Bench Video clip Dumbbells
For elaboration
abdominal muscles,
improving the vestibular system, coordination of movements and combustion subcutaneous fat at the waist.
To improve the physical fitness of not only the abs, but also the back, arms, legs, buttocks.Universal
simulator for strength training, increasing the effectiveness of exercises.
An ideal exercise machine for pumping up abdominal muscles.Special equipment for enlargement

Exercises performed with a chair or on an abdominal bench

For exercise on a bench and chair:

  • all abdominal muscles are tense;
  • keep the neck straight;
  • the chin is not pressed to the chest.

When performing exercises on a bench at home, in order to quickly tighten your stomach, you should avoid:

  • jerky movements;
  • pull-ups with hands behind the neck;
  • lifting the lower back off the bench;
  • arching of the back when moving the body forward;
  • lie on your feet with a full forward bend.

Lying on a bench, throwing your feet over the support, slightly bending your knees, placing your hands behind your head, begin to cyclically lift your torso. The meaning of the action is to achieve a right angle between the legs and the raised torso.

At the peak of the rise, fixation occurs, then inhalation and return to the starting position. Start by exhaling and finish by inhaling. When training with an inclined bench, there is no need to return to the original position, leaving a 10cm distance between the body and the surface of the machine.

Exercises for tummy tuck with dumbbells

Additional use of dumbbells is aimed at improving the tone of the entire body, where a significant group of muscles is involved.

Most abdominal training can also be complicated with dumbbells. For beginners when training with dumbbells, it is recommended to dose the duration of training.

  1. The arms are placed heavily on the chest in a crossed manner.
  2. The feet are placed behind the stop.

Lying on your back, place dumbbells on your outstretched legs in the area of ​​your feet, and lift them to a height of 25-35 cm, wait for a while and lower them without touching the floor. Allows you to fix your hands on a support (edge ​​of a sofa, bed, etc.).

Turning over from the previous position onto your stomach, press it between your feet. Sports Equipment, and bend their legs back, trying to touch the buttocks. Even ordinary torso tilts from a vertical position in different directions with dumbbells in your hands will strengthen the lumbar and lateral muscles press.

Ab roller exercises

An effective simulator for physical exercise is a roller. Working with this gymnastic device, you strengthen the muscles of the abdominal cavity, arms and back.

Trainers assure that effective exercises with a roller will quickly help you tighten your stomach at home only if you follow the basic rules: movements must be smooth, the technique of movements must be accurately performed, there are no contraindications(injuries, pain).

For the task with the roller, you need to kneel and hold the roller in outstretched arms. The simulator should be gradually rolled away from you along the floor as much as possible, and then returned to the starting position. The frequency of manipulations should gradually increase.

Body position – vertical, legs wide apart, take the roller in your hands. You need to lean forward and lower the roller to the floor, and make movements with it left and right (without lifting your feet from the floor). This is how the oblique abdominal muscles are worked out perfectly. For training upper press It is recommended to move the roller back and forth.

Sitting and spreading your straight legs to the sides, take them in your hands gymnastic roller. Roll the roller away from you with smooth movements. Avoid touching the body to the floor surface. Slowly take the initial position.

Vacuum exercise for a quick tummy tuck at home

To do the exercise, you need to lie on your back and pull your stomach in as far as possible, tensing your abs. There should be a feeling that your stomach has reached your spine. The “vacuum” action must be carried out while inhaling.

At this point, you need to hold your breath, keeping the abdominal muscles toned, and then, without relaxing the abs, exhale slowly, and “fix” the muscles again.

You can achieve the appearance of abs on your stomach only after losing weight and being active. physical training.

The cyclical training consists of 10 exercises of 3 approaches. In a week you need to start training 5 times. The starting position for performing “Vacuum” can be a traditional vertical position or a sitting position. The success of “Vacuum” will depend only on compliance with the execution technique.

Important to remember! The final stage Physical activity should include a cool-down (muscle stretching routine).

How to enhance the effect of tummy tuck exercises

To get the desired result - to tighten your stomach at home quickly - effective exercises should be part of a set of measures to improve your figure. Physical activities must be combined with healthy eating and way of life.

Confidence in your abilities, the presence of a powerful motivator and regularity of classes will provide the desired physical fitness and a toned stomach.

You can achieve the appearance of abs on your stomach only after losing weight and active physical training. If during classes you show pity for yourself, do not maintain the schedule, technique and cyclicity of exercises, then the expected result may not be obtained.

How to quickly get rid of belly fat at home: effective exercises in this video:

How to quickly tighten your stomach, see here:

The stomach is the part of the body that needs to be constantly worked on in order to strengthen your abdominal muscles and get rid of constantly accumulating fat.

A slender belly significantly improves your figure and allows you to comfortably wear your favorite clothes.

However strengthen your abdominal muscles very hard. To do this, you need to perform special exercises every day.

Fortunately, you don’t have to go to the gym to tone yourself up. Gym. These exercises can also be performed at home. The key to success is consistency! So what's the matter!

1. Plank to strengthen your abdominal muscles

They are ideal for beginners and help improve the shape of other parts of the body.

How to do them correctly?

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
  • Clasp your hands at the back of your head, spreading your elbows to the sides.
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your upper body off the floor.
  • Hold this position for 2-3 seconds and then lower your head to the floor.
  • Perform 4 sets of 15 repetitions.

3. Bicycle

This abdominal exercise mimics cycling, but allows us to focus on the abdominal muscles instead of the legs.

Doing this exercise regularly helps strengthen your lower back. and improves.

How to do it correctly?

  • Lie on your back, raise your legs and bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • While maintaining this position (without lowering your legs), try to connect your elbow to the opposite knee.
  • Alternate arm and leg movements until you complete 20 repetitions.
  • When performing this exercise, the stomach should always be tense. All movements are due to the abdominal muscles.
  • Perform 3-4 sets (20 repetitions).

4. Exercises for the lower abdomen

To maintain muscle tone lower press, you need to do this simple exercise. pay attention to correct technique its execution: You cannot lift your back off the floor.

How to do it?

  • Lie on your back and extend your arms along your body.
  • Raise your legs without lifting your lower body off the floor and squeezing your abdominal muscles.
  • Slowly raise and lower your legs until you have completed 15 repetitions.
  • Perform 3 approaches.

5. Knees to chest

In order for this exercise to help strengthen the abdominal muscles, It is important to tense them when lifting your knees.

This exercise also strengthens your lower back and if you don't put your feet on the floor.

How to do it correctly?

  • Lie on your back with your arms and legs extended.
  • Bend your knees and bring them to your chest.
  • Make sure to keep your feet parallel to the floor and take a deep breath as you lift your knees (inhalation for effort).
  • Tighten your stomach and straighten your legs without touching the ground.
  • Perform 4 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

Do you want to improve your appearance? Be sure to include these exercises in your workout and see how good and effective they are for strengthening your abdominal muscles.

Keep in mind that the result will not be immediate, and you need to supplement these exercises by controlling the amount of calories and reducing the consumption of fatty foods.