Commercial fishing vessel crossword puzzle. Fishing vessels. harpoon or whaling ships

I hope each of you has ever tried fish or eaten canned food, but has anyone thought about how difficult it is to remove this product from its habitat. I will try to talk about this in detail.

TO fishing vessels refers to boats, boats or vessels from which fish, whales, seals or other living resources are caught in the ocean, sea, lake or river. All of them can be divided according to the purpose of use into several types: commercial - commercial ships, amateur or poaching.

There are currently approximately four million commercial fishing vessels.

Actually the actual number fishing boats impossible to determine. In ancient times, fishermen went fishing on rafts or boats built from tree bark or hollowed out from coniferous timber. The sail attached to the mast made it possible for fishermen to go further out to sea and conduct a variety of fisheries. The ancient fishermen who created a special vessel for this fishery were considered excellent fishermen.

Over a long period of development, fishing has developed into a separate industry, which has led to the emergence of several types fishing vessels: trawlers, floating bases, drifters, seiners, tuna fishermen and other commercial products. Commercial fishing boats began to be equipped with the first radio navigation devices to identify schools of fish.

Last time fishing boats, meeting international standards, they are becoming more and more modernized. The fishing industry is considered a high-risk industry. In this regard, at the International Maritime Forum in 1959, under the leadership of the UN, a Convention was signed that defines acceptable standards for the design and construction of fishing vessels, and also stipulates the operating conditions of ship crews.

Most commercial fishing vessels are small ships measuring up to 30 meters, but some have dimensions up to 150 meters, as a rule, these are floating fish processing plants or trawlers. Fishing vessels commercial importance can be classified according to way fishing.

drifters and gillnet fishing

drifters and gillnet fishing

Drifter(English “drift” - drift) - a fishing vessel designed for catching fish while drifting using flat nets with a height of 3 to 15 meters and a length of up to 5000 meters, freely floating after they are set. A feature of the architecture of such vessels is a low side, and a free deck in the bow for mechanisms for selecting nets. Drifters have the dimensions of small or medium-tonnage fishing vessels.

a commercial fishing tests the strength of even the most experienced captains. Many sailors go fishing to earn money, but this money comes from hard, long hours of work. They work 20 hours a day, but there are places in the world where you can earn tens of thousands of dollars in a short period of time.

For skilled captains, seasonal fishing in the town of Naknek brings in more than $130,000 in net profit. The Department of Fish and Game regulates fishing times and salmon catch volumes. This is done in order to maintain the delicate balance of the ecosystem and not destroy all the fish.

Fishing in Naknek is aggressive, focusing on small bodies of water. For violation, captains face large fines of $15,000 or even prison.

The catch is carried out using a driftnet (gill) net. It is similar to a volleyball net, only it moves with the undercurrents of the tide. The mesh size of the drift net allows you to catch fish of a certain size by the gills. The net with a buoy at the end is thrown from the drifter into the water using a drum, from which it is unwound using a mechanical drive. The other end is at the stern of the fishing boat. The gill net remains in the water for a certain time, after which it is pulled onto the vessel.

trawlers and trawling

side trawling fishing trawler

Next type fishing vessels are trawlers(from the English “trawl” - trawl, seine). This is the most common type fishing vessels who use trawl nets - trawls - for a larger catch of fish and its primary processing. Trawlers, as a rule, are equipped with refrigeration units for freezing and storing fish products, and there are also several types: side trawling fishing trawler (MRTB), stern trawling fishing trawler (MRTC), large fishing trawler (BRT), large autonomous trawler (BAT), large freezing fishing trawler (BMRT), freezing canning fishing trawler (RTMC), medium fishing trawler (SRT), medium freezing fishing trawler (SRTM), freezing seiner trawler (STM), fishing crab trawler (RKT) and freezing fishing trawler (RTM).


tuna trawler

Trawlers are equipped with trawl winches, on the drums of which up to 4000 meters of cable - warp are laid, which allows fishing at depths of up to 2 km. The trawl is lifted aboard the fishing vessel through a slipway. Technological equipment trawler consists of a complex of machines and mechanized lines for cutting, washing fish, sometimes canning, as well as for producing fish meal and fat from waste. Most modern trawlers are equipped with fish-finding equipment and devices for monitoring trawl parameters, which allow you to control its movement in the water and targeting fish accumulations.

longliners and longline fishing

longline fishing

Longline fishing This is a method of industrial fishing for aquatic fish (cod, tuna, halibut, pollock), which uses hook tackle with bait attached to a long cable - a “line”. Fishing vessels using this fishing method got the name longliners.

In the state of Alaska, 120 km from the coast lies the continental shelf, in the area of ​​which the largest populations of Pacific halibut and black cod live. In one five-day voyage, the team fishing boat can earn about $200,000. During the year, fishing vessels make about twelve trips to the shelf.

Bye fishing boat follows to the point, the team puts the bait on 4,500 hooks attached to a cable up to 5 km long, which make up a large tackle. The captain uses an echo sounder and electronic charts to explore the seabed. Each fish has its own habitat characteristics. Halibut likes shallow water with a rocky bottom, while cod prefers deeper, muddier water.

The gear is lowered to the very bottom, where the fish feed, using anchors. To deploy a line, fishermen first release signal buoys to fishing boat could find him when he returns for his catch. The first of two anchors is then released, holding the gear in place on the seabed. After this, the fishermen pull tier, throwing kilometers of cables with 5 cm hooks overboard. Then the tackle is pulled in and a second anchor and more signal buoys are thrown out. As a rule, two more tackles are set up in this way.

On more modernized fishing boats improved fishing methods. On these longliners During the installation of gear, an automatic system of hooking bait is used at a speed of four per second. Passed through a special device tier, and the team simultaneously feeds bait fish into the gutter. As a result, a cable with hooks and bait appears at the exit. Once a “fishy” place has been found, the automatic setting process begins. tiers. Kilometers of baited gear are released from the stern fishing boat.

After a certain period of time fishing boats reel in their first catch. One end of the tier is attached to a hydraulic pulley system. Additionally, for normal lifting of gear, there is a ship control panel in the stern. The first fish picked up is sent to a tray, where a special device removes the fish from the hook and drops it into a container with ice. The mechanism retracts the gear and more and more fish fall into the container. A good catch depends on the number of tackles thrown. With the appearance of the first fish on board fishing boat without fish processing equipment, you must get to the port no later than 5 days.

On fishing boat With automatic gear, the caught fish is immediately processed. One operator operates the winch, the second processes the fish, gutting the insides. After which it is washed with water and sorted by type and size. The fish are then completely frozen on small trays 7 hours after being caught. When freezers are full, the modern team fishing boat proceeds to packaging the catch. Frozen fish is placed in a container of water diluted with a small amount of chlorine, where it becomes crusty, which in turn protects it from frostbite. The fish is then placed in packages, from where it is again sent to the freezer, where the temperature is minus 15 degrees Celsius.

seiners and purse sein method


Seiner(from the English “seine” - purse seine) - this fishing boat, leading fishing fishing using a purse seine, lifted by a cargo boom. Every spring, several of the best anglers flock to the picturesque town of Sitka, Alaska. Everyone has the same goal - to catch as many herring as possible. But fishing in the area doesn't come cheap—a permit costs about $300,000. This is fast, expensive and dangerous fishing. Short period fishing sometimes decides entire destinies. For 30 minutes of fishing, one fishing vessel can earn about $200,000.

The Department of Fishing and Game designates certain areas and periods of time where herring fishing can be carried out. Aerial reconnaissance provides insight into how herring will spread in the strait. The value of herring is determined not by the carcass, but by the caviar and milk. The more mature the caviar, the higher the quality of the product.

Seiner it is usually a single-deck vessel with the superstructure offset towards the bow. At the stern there is a working space for storing and processing the seine and a turning platform from where it is swept out during fishing. Besides, seiner tows an auxiliary motor boat. The department announces the opening of the season over the radio station and fishing begins.

purse method

While fishing fishing boats find large schools of herring using sonar. Once a school is detected, an auxiliary motor boat with the end of a seine attached to it moves away from the stern of the fishing vessel and surrounds the fish. The lower part of the seine is designed in such a way that it can be pulled together and turn into a fish trap. The caught fish accumulates in a relatively small bottom part of the net. Then the ship's crew, using devices for retrieving and laying the seine, winds and compacts it, lifting the fish on board using a lifting device - a crane. When the net is tightened, the trembling catch is pumped aboard floating base- a vessel with a larger capacity.

purse seine catch

transshipment of fish from the seiner to the floating base

Sometimes one catch can reach up to 900 tons. On such a catch there is one fishing boat can earn over $1 million.

floating fish processing plants, floating bases and transport vessels

floating base

The catch is unloaded on fish processing vessels- the largest fishing fleet, operating at long distances from the coast, and having on board facilities for storing and processing fish. The modern floating plant carries out all processing processes for harvested seafood, including cleaning, cutting, freezing, briquetting, packaging, packaging, canning, fish oil extraction, and food production. The total carrying capacity of such vessels ranges from 2000 to 3000 tons, the crew size reaches 90 people.

During a long stay in fishing areas remote from home ports fishing vessels, they and their teams are served by specially designed for these purposes floating bases. Such floating bases house the administrative bodies of the fleet, means of communication with the ground, hospitals and rest homes.

Transportation in the fishing industry is carried out. It involves the delivery of commercial fish and food products to processing centers or canneries.

fish processing

At the port, fish processing companies once again sort the fish and weigh them. After that, the fish is sent via conveyors to workshops where it is frozen. Then, in this form, the fish is placed in boxes with an average weight of 600 kg and sent to. Trucks from fishing industry companies then proceed to terminals, from where the cargo can be transported to destinations around the world on large ships.

harpoon or whaling ships

Harpoon ships used for hunting whales. A harpoon is a throwing weapon with a rope attached to the rear end of the rod; the tip of the harpoon is either serrated or has swivel legs, due to which it is held in the body of a whale or fish. Often they act not alone, but as part of whaling fleets, while the harpoon ships themselves are small, and the whales they catch are processed on board floating bases (). Now whaling PROHIBITED laws of most countries, only Norway, Iceland and Japan still engage in whaling.


Japanese drager

The intake part of the dredge is a sequence of metal scrapers, behind each of which there is a wire scoop for collecting oysters and scallops raked from the seabed. The main unit of the intake part of the hydraulic dredges for collecting shellfish there is a sled with a knife in front and a chain scoop in the back; water jet nozzles located in front of the knife make it easier to remove shellfish.

Fisheries can be a profitable industry, but those who choose this path must be able to make sacrifices, because fishermen, like all sailors, are united by a longing for home and family.

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English (auto-detected) » Russian

Seals, as well as any other animals that may live in the sea, ocean, lake, river, etc.

General information

Currently, there are approximately four million commercial fishing vessels on the territory of the Russian Federation. However, it is very important to note here that it is almost impossible to calculate the actual number of vessels that are used for fishing, since many people are engaged in private fishing.

Division into classes. Drifter

Fishing vessels are currently divided into several classes depending on their size, as well as the method of fishing.

There is such a class as drifter. This ship belongs to small and medium-tonnage ships. The name of this ship comes from the English word drift, which means drift. It was named so not by chance, but because fishing is carried out while the ship is quietly drifting. Catching prey is carried out using a flat net, which can reach a height of 3 to 15 meters, and its length can reach 5 km. The design features of this type of ship include the fact that it has a low side, as well as a lot of free space in the bow of the deck. This place is intended for the location of devices involved in network sampling.


Fishing trawlers are considered one of the most common. In order to increase the number of fish caught in one go, these large vessels use trawl nets - trawls. Also on these vessels, the primary processing of all caught prey takes place. Nowadays, all fishing vessels belonging to this type are equipped with refrigeration units and freezers, which are designed to store the caught fish while the crew is still sailing. It is worth noting here that there are several subclasses of trawler. The main difference between these species is the way they fish.

There is a side-trawling fishing trawler, a stern-trawling fishing trawler, a large fishing trawler, a large autonomous trawler, etc. As their name suggests, the difference between most ships lies in the location of the trawl, which also changes the fishing process.

It is worth noting that job vacancies on fishing vessels are very rare. Despite the fact that the work is very hard, even ordinary sailors are paid good money for it.


The next type of fishing was longline fishing. Using this method involves hunting for fish such as cod, tuna, halibut, and pollock. The essence of this method is that a hook tackle with bait is lowered into the sea. This tackle is attached to a long cable, which is called a longline. For this reason, all ships using this fishing method are called longliners.

While the ship is moving to the point where fishing will be carried out, the crew is engaged in attaching bait to the hooks. The length of the underpants can be up to 5 km. In this case, there are approximately 4,500 hooks that need to be baited. In order to lower the tackle with hooks to the very bottom, where the fish feed, anchors are used. However, there are also more advanced vessels such as longliners. The modernization consists in the fact that on board the ship there is an automatic system for attaching bait to hooks. The bait speed reaches four hooks per second.


Seiners are fishing vessels whose sailors fish using a method called a purse seine. This seine is lifted out of the water using the ship's cargo crane. This method is used very actively for catching fish such as herring. The largest catch can be obtained in the spring if you fish in the city of Sitka, located in Alaska. By design, a seiner is the simplest fishing vessel with one deck, as well as a superstructure that is slightly offset towards the bow of the ship. At the stern of the vessel there is a working space where the seine is stored and processed, and there is also a turntable from which it is swept out during fishing. It is also worth noting that the seiner usually tows a small motor boat behind it. In order to detect a large school of herring while fishing, this vessel has an echolocator.

Floating bases

What most often happens is that a fishing vessel unloads its catch onto a fish processing ship. This category is considered the most numerous, and it usually operates far from the coast. On board such vessels there is necessarily space for storing and processing fish. Among the characteristics of such ships, one can highlight the fact that their maximum carrying capacity can reach from 2,000 to 3,000 tons. In addition, such facilities have equipment on board that is quite capable of carrying out all fish processing processes, including cleaning, cutting, freezing, etc.

The number of crew that services this vessel and works on it reaches 90 people. Photos of fishing vessels of this type are always easier to find than others, since the size of this category of ship is much larger than others. It is worth noting that they have been in areas where fishing is carried out for quite a long time, and therefore they are most often equipped with floating bases. At such bases there are administrative offices of the fleet, crew rest areas, hospitals and means of communication with the ground.

Harpoon ships or dredges

The use of harpoon vessels is justified only in hunting very large game. Most often this game is whales. Such vessels are equipped with large harpoons, to the ends of which a rope is attached, and the tip has either pointed ends or swivel legs. It is worth noting here that whale fishing is most often carried out by more than one vessel. For this purpose, entire whaling fleets are used, and storage and processing of the prey is carried out on floating bases.

However, whale fishing is currently prohibited in almost all countries except Japan, Iceland and Norway. Fishing is a very profitable business, but you should prepare for the fact that you will have to spend most of the year at sea.

A word of 7 letters, the first letter is “K”, the second letter is “I”, the third letter is “T”, the fourth letter is “O”, the fifth letter is “L”, the sixth letter is “O”, the seventh letter is “V”, the word starting with the letter “K”, the last “V”. If you don’t know a word from a crossword or scanword, then our site will help you find the most difficult and unfamiliar words.

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