Butt pumping for girls. Exercises for firm round buttocks for girls. How to pump up your gluteal muscles. Stepping onto the platform

Find out how to make your butt bigger with our workout routine! Here are all the exercises and motivation you need to help you create a Brazilian butt in no time!

As a rule, women pay a lot of attention to their buttocks. Too big, too small, too saggy, too bulging, too strong or not pumped up enough. For most women, this obsession comes down to one main question: how to make your butt bigger?

Fasten your seat belts and get ready to ride as you enter a true Brazilian paradise.

When we turn our envious gaze to Latin America, we see a completely different picture. But when we look at the Portuguese-speaking part of the continent, we begin to feel real jealousy. This is because Brazilian ladies can boast of quite prominent butts. And we are not talking about models demonstrating swimsuits. On the beaches of Rio de Janeiro you can meet a large number of owners of sexy buttocks of all ages.

So what is the Brazilian secret? Do these women really have superior genetics that they inherited from their Aztec ancestors? Or is there something else? Can Brazilian beauties teach us how to make our butts bigger?

Fortunately, yes, quite.

Brazilian women pay a lot of attention to their buttocks and emphasize them when they prioritize their workout routine. They often spend 30 minutes to work on the buttocks during every workout. This area is not developed at the end of the 45-minute chest and back session. All this time is intended only for the buttocks.

There is no secret to making your butt bigger. It is worth paying attention to common sense. To get great buttocks, you just need to work on them. But you should approach this task wisely.

In this case, this means that you need to focus on the desired zone during training, instead of working on it occasionally.

You must also correctly perform all the elements included in exercise program aimed at the buttocks. You need to work with full dedication, you must provide yourself with a full load so that the desired area begins to change for the better.

You must understand that momentary pleasure from food can lead to long-term disappointment. Controlling your diet is a crucial factor when it comes to working on any part of the body, especially the buttocks. The thing is that women have more problems with this area. This is the area where fat is most often deposited; in fact, it is the first place in the body where fat deposits accumulate. She is also the most prone to cellulite.

You need to know that you cannot completely remove fat from any part of your body. By monitoring your diet and exercise routine to burn excess calories, you can consistently and systematically lose fat throughout your body. A special workout will make your buttocks fit, help them gain shape and elasticity, and also gain muscle tone.

In addition, you need to understand the importance of motivation, which directs your thinking towards achieving success. Goal setting, visualization and self-assessment are important elements to help you achieve your goal.

This article will help you and explain in detail how to get the butt you dream of. Here you will learn about the training, physiology, strategy and mental power to create Brazilian ass, no matter where you were born. You'll also be able to create a comprehensive nutrition plan that will help you lose weight and show off the fruits of your hard work - a sexy butt that you can show off in a skimpy swimsuit as often as you like.

A woman's buttocks are the most attractive part of the body. Unlike other areas (perhaps with the exception of the breasts), women are desperate to enlarge this area. This is also the only area of ​​the body in which strong and pumped muscles are allowed. Yes, the buttocks are a continuous zone of contradictions. Let's take a little time and find out what they consist of.

Gluteus maximus muscle

It is one of the largest muscle groups in your body and makes up a significant portion of your buttocks. Its key functions are the ability to extend, spread and rotate the legs. This muscle works in conjunction with the gluteus minimus to allow you to perform these movements as well as sit.

Gluteus medius muscle

This muscle is located on the outside of the pelvis. Its job is to keep your pelvic area stable when you walk or balance. Without such a muscle stabilizer, our gait would be unsteady, like when we are drunk.

Gluteus minimus

As the name suggests, this muscle is the smallest of the three and is located below the gluteus medius. It also helps you maintain balance.

The three gluteal muscles play a key role in overall health, strength and endurance. But only if we work on them. Without enough necessary exercise, our buttocks will not be able to function properly. When we sit at the computer, watch TV or just walk, this area of ​​our body does not work. Our sedentary lifestyle is to blame for not using the largest muscle group in the body. When we don't work on it, the tone of these muscles decreases.

Because of this, other small muscle groups in your body also function less well and the muscles in the lower back take on the stress. Perhaps this is why productivity in our society is reduced due to tension in this part of the spine. And this has more to do with the shape of the gluteal muscles than with weakened back muscles.

The hamstrings are also affected. hamstring due to various incidents is the most common, and it is also associated with weakened buttock muscles.

Your buttocks must be toned if you want to restore your body's vitality, strength and endurance. But they need great motivation for you to get them in shape. And this requires certain physical exercises that are not easy. If you do an exercise for the buttocks, then it also includes other muscle groups. This is exactly what happens when walking, running, climbing stairs, etc. While these exercises are good for your legs in general, they do not specifically target the butt area.

The shape of your butt is directly related to the tone of your gluteal muscles. Weak, untrained muscles appear in the form of saggy, flabby and flat buttocks. If they are toned and constantly strengthened, your butt will look round and toned. And what is the difference between these two cases?


Yes, exactly the muscles. They give your buttocks shape, elasticity and beauty. By increasing the load on all areas of this zone, you will accelerate the growth of muscle cells and get your butt in shape, and you will also find the answer to the question that worries all women: How can I make my butt bigger?

Many movements performed in the gym are potentially beneficial for the gluteal muscles. But only if you know how to activate them as much as possible while working. Squats, lunges, planks and push-ups can strengthen and develop your glutes. However, many do not include such exercises in their complex. By studying them in detail and focusing on the desired area as you perform them, you can completely transform your workouts, as well as your butt.

The following set of special exercises will help you learn how to activate the gluteal muscle area to the maximum. This is the first important step in achieving your goal. You should feel the right muscles working. This probably won't happen at first, but continue doing these exercises every day until you start focusing specifically on the buttock area. This way you can get the most out of them.

4 Essential Exercises to Activate Your Gluteal Muscles

Lifting the pelvis while lying on your back

Lying on your back with your knees bent, lift your pelvis up, resting on your heels. Tighten your glutes, erector spinae, and hamstrings as you lift. You should feel the tension in your buttocks, but do not transfer it to your lower back. Hold this static position for sixty seconds.

Lifting the pelvis up with one leg resting on a roller

Lying on your back, bend one leg and lift your pelvis up. The second leg should rest on a special bolster. Without moving the pelvis to the side, we strain the gluteal muscles. To lift your lower body upward, your glutes should do most of the work. You don't need to put your weight on your lower back. Hold the position for sixty seconds, then repeat the exercise with the other leg.

Exercise Clam while lying on your side

Lying on your side, bend your hips to a 45-degree angle, keeping your heels together. The gluteus maximus muscle should move when you lift your leg. Perform the exercise for sixty seconds.

Exercise Hunting dog

Get on all fours, then extend your left arm while moving your right leg back. Don't strain your spine. Perform the exercise for sixty seconds, then repeat with the other leg.

  • Lie face down on the mat
  • Raise your body up, leaning on your outstretched arms (elbows should not be bent)
  • Your body should form a straight line
  • Tighten your quads, abdominals, and glutes.

Stay in this position for 60 seconds.

4) Bulgarian split squats with body weight

  • Stand in front of a bench with your hands on your hips.
  • Place your right foot on the bench behind you
  • Squat down until your right knee touches the floor

Perform 2 sets of 15 repetitions for each leg.

5) Leg raise lying on your side

  • Lie on your side, straighten your legs, one should lie on top of the other. Support your head with your other hand.
  • Keeping your leg straight, lift it up. Your hips should be straight. Feel the tension in your buttocks.
  • Return to the starting position.

Perform 3 sets of 20 reps on each leg.

6) Deep squat with body weight

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointed slightly outward, cross your arms over your chest.
  • Lower yourself down into a full squat, keeping your back straight.
  • Squeeze your buttocks as you do, then return to the starting position.

Perform 3 sets of 15 reps

7) Leg raises on a fitball while lying down

  • Lie face down on an exercise ball with your arms and legs parallel to the floor.
  • Lift your feet off the floor, then tighten your glutes and lift your legs as high as possible.
  • Hold this position for 2-3 seconds, then lower your legs back down

Perform 3 sets of 12 reps


By doing this butt workout for 6 weeks, you will noticeably improve the appearance of your butt. It is necessary to determine the number of approaches and repetitions in advance. During the first week, start with one, then move to two during the second week, to three during the third. During the fourth, fifth and sixth weeks, add sets and reps according to your progress.

Gorgeous buttocks in the gym

While your body is quite capable of providing you with everything you need for an intense workout, the gym has more variety and number of exercise options and potential for further development. The following 2 workouts will provide you with both. They are completely focused on working on the glutes, which, as you remember, form the largest muscle group in your body. This means that by working on this area, you will also burn extra calories.

You need to go to the gym 2-3 times a week with a break of two or three days between workouts. On these days you will do cardio, which will be discussed in the next section.

How to make your butt bigger: Workout A

Warm-up: As a warm-up for your workout, perform the movements presented in the Muscle Activation section. We present them again:

  • Lifting the pelvis while lying on your back
  • Lifting the pelvis up with one leg resting on a roller
  • Exercise Clam while lying on your side
  • Exercise Hunting dog

Do 4 repetitions for each exercise, maintaining muscle tension for 30 seconds.

Workout A

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned outward.
  • Hold one dumbbell at chest level. Keep your back straight and look up.
  • Lower yourself into a full, deep squat. Make sure your body is upright. In this position, your hips should be below your knees.
  • Push off your knees as you move
  • Return to starting position

  • To hold the barbell symmetrically, grab it with an underhand grip at arm's length.
  • Then lean forward, your torso should remain still and you should feel tension in your hamstrings.
  • Return to the starting position, squeezing your buttocks tightly.

Perform 1 set of 15 reps for the first 2 workouts, increasing to 3 sets at the end of Week 3. Gradually increase the resistance.

3) Swinging the kettlebell

  • Stand in front of the apparatus, bend your knees to grasp it. Lift it up, feeling the stretch in your back muscles and hamstrings.
  • Swing the weight forcefully so that it passes between your legs and then back. The push should come from the hip area.
  • Your arms should remain straight during the movement; you should not raise them.
  • Straighten your back and body after completing the required number of repetitions.

Perform 1 set of 15 reps for the first 2 workouts, increasing to 3 sets at the end of Week 3. Gradually increase the resistance.

4) Lunges with body weight near a bench

  • Sit with your back to the bench, feet on the floor.
  • The shoulders should rest on the bench during the lift, with the push coming from the heels. Lift your hips and buttocks up.
  • In the top position, your hips should be at a 90-degree angle to the floor.

Perform 1 set of 15 reps for the first 2 workouts, increasing to 3 sets at the end of Week 3.

A fit female body with rounded shapes has become the standard of beauty, so girls are increasingly looking for information on how to quickly pump up their butt at home.

It is impossible to radically change your figure in 1 day. To become the owner of attractive round shapes, working out in the gym, you will have to spend at least 5-6 months. This period will increase significantly if you do the exercises at home. But even in a week of such exercises you can achieve tangible results: correct the shape of your buttocks, tighten your muscles.

As practice shows, pumping up the butt at home is easier for girls who do not suffer from excess body weight. Those with extra pounds will need more effort and time to achieve the desired result.

You can increase the effectiveness of home workouts by remembering the following:

  1. Exercises designed for the buttocks must be performed regularly. Any aerobic activity will help enhance their effect: running, jumping rope, cycling.
  2. To ensure that the body can quickly recover after exercise, you should drink enough clean water (350 ml per kilogram of weight).
  3. Nutrition plays an important role in the formation of a beautiful muscle frame, so it is recommended to include more protein foods (eggs, chicken, fish, cottage cheese, lentils) in the menu and at the same time limit the consumption of flour products, sweets, and fruits. At the same time, the total calorie content of the daily diet should correspond to the norm, since it will not be possible to pump up the buttocks if the weight decreases.
  4. An integral part of any workout is a preliminary warm-up. The session should end with stretching exercises.

Those who want to pump up their butt at home should not give up such a simple joy as a good night's sleep. The body requires at least 7 hours of rest.

Butt exercises without equipment at home

To start practicing at home, the best exercises are those that do not involve the use of additional equipment. Any girl can cope with them, since they do not require significant physical training.


Squats are an exercise that everyone has been familiar with since childhood. Not a single workout aimed at improving the shape of the buttocks can be done without them, as they help connect muscles of different groups to work.

Classic squats

Classic squats are the basis for those who want to become the owner of a beautiful butt. It strengthens the gluteal muscles of all types, while simultaneously making the thighs and calves toned and slender.

  • The starting position for performing the exercise is with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms pressed tightly to your body. Your back should be kept straight.
  • During the process of exhalation, the buttocks are pulled back and slowly lowered until a right angle is formed. Your thighs should be parallel to the floor.
  • They return to the starting position when they inhale. To keep your hands out of the way, place them behind your back or cross them over your chest.

Deep squats

Deep squats are a more complicated version of the classic ones. They are more effective, but place high stress on the knee joints. The technique is the same as classic squats. The difference is that your hips need to be lower than your knees.
This exercise is not recommended for those who are afraid to develop their quadriceps.

With narrow feet

This type of squat allows you to pay more attention to working the gluteus maximus muscle.

  • To take the starting position, put your legs together, lower your arms along your body or clasp them in front of your chest, and keep your back straight.
  • As you exhale, the hips are pulled back and slowly lowered at an angle of 90°, then returned to the starting position.

Jump Squats

Best for completing a workout. They help to form buttocks that are harmonious in relation to the rest of the body due to the fact that the entire muscular frame is involved.

The starting position is standard. The essence of the exercise is that you need to quickly perform a deep squat and then jump sharply.

Swing back and to the sides

Leg swings work the muscular frame of the hips and butt area. The level of load on different zones changes depending on which exercise technique is chosen:

  • swings forward and backward involve the muscles of the central part of the buttock, the front and back of the thigh;
  • Lateral swings also work the central part of the buttocks, but additionally strengthen the inner thighs.

Load distribution also depends on the starting position. If you start the exercise from a standing position, your hips will be more involved. From emphasis on elbows and knees - buttocks. The highest results can be achieved by combining all possible variations.

Swing back

They take the leg back and try to raise it as high as possible. This position is fixed for 3-4 seconds, then smoothly returns to its original position.

You can perform the exercise in two ways: standing on your feet or leaning on your elbows and knees. In the process, it is necessary to control the position of the heel (it should stretch upward) and the back (it should always remain straight).

Swing to the sides

To pump up your butt at home in a short period of time by doing this exercise, experts recommend starting it from a position such as “standing on all fours.”

The technique of swinging from the knee-elbow position is as follows: straining the foot, the leg is taken to the side, then lowered. To give stability to the position, the supporting leg is slightly bent at the knee.

Bridge (pelvic lift)

The bridge uses the muscles of the abdomen, thighs, butt, and back. It is performed simply: a person lies on his back and assumes the “rest on bent legs” position, the arms are placed along the body, the lumbar region is pressed to the floor.

The pelvis is lifted up during a deep exhalation until the back becomes straight. At the highest point, the pelvic muscles tense. During inhalation, they return to the starting position.

The bridge is considered ideal for those who want to work only on the gluteal area, as it directly engages the desired muscles without resorting to the help of the hamstrings and quadriceps.

Lunges forward

Forward lunges are a key exercise in creating round shapes.
Classic option:

  • The feet are placed hip-width apart, the arms are kept pressed to the body, the knees are slightly bent. The body and head are kept level.
  • Take a wide step forward with your right foot, take your left foot slightly back and place it on your toes.
  • The weight is transferred to the right, they begin to sit down smoothly, bending it.
  • Return to the starting position. Repeat starting with the left leg.

Swing lying on your side

To perform swings, lying on your side, support your head with one hand and place the other in front of you. The leg is lifted and returned to its original position without relaxing the feet.

The exercise is similar in action to swings with support on the elbow and knee caps. It helps make the thighs and buttocks strong and elastic. Ideal for people with bad knees, as it does not injure the joints.

Leg Raise

Leg raise exercises work the same muscles as various types of swings. The methodology for their implementation is also similar. The difference is that the leg is raised up and fixed in the air for 4-5 seconds. This helps create additional stress on the muscles.

The exercise is done while lying on your side. Leaning on the elbow, the upper leg is raised, held in the air for 5-10 seconds and lowered.

To figure out how to pump up your butt at home in a short time, you need to remember that the body gets used to a certain level of physical activity over time. For this reason, the number of repetitions of each exercise should be gradually increased. You can start with 4-6 times.

Butt exercises at home with equipment

Using additional equipment during classes allows you to increase the load on certain muscle groups, as well as shorten the time it takes to achieve the desired results. Exercises with a barbell, dumbbells, fitball, expander are not suitable for beginners, but can be the second step on the path to a beautiful and elastic butt.

Glute bridge with barbell

A gluteal bridge with a barbell is performed with your shoulder blades resting on a surface about 40 cm high (this figure may vary depending on your height). The bar is placed in the fold between the legs and the upper body. The butt is left on the floor, the feet are placed so that the leg is at a right angle.

During a deep breath, while the abdominal muscles are tense, the pelvis is lifted off the floor, resting on the heels. The weight is transferred to the gluteal muscles. After reaching the highest point, they return to the starting position, continuing to maintain tension in the muscles.

Deadlift with a kettlebell on one leg

For those who want to more thoroughly work out the large muscles of the buttocks, experts recommend using single-leg deadlifts.
It helps to correct the shape and get rid of excess fat deposits.

  • Take the weight in your left hand and stand on your right leg.
  • The knee is slightly bent and tilted forward.
  • To maintain balance, the free leg is pulled back.
  • The torso is lowered until it becomes parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position.

Steps on the steppe with knee lift

Knee raising steps are a basic exercise for those training on a step platform. You can use it at the beginning of a workout to warm up your muscles before more serious exercise.

Starting position - back straight, arms bent at the elbows and pressed to the body. The steps are performed while standing on a step platform for 5-7 minutes. The knees are raised to waist level. The legs should spring a little.

Curtsy squats

Curtsy squats are used to tighten muscles and create a visible transition between the thigh and butt. You can use dumbbells as weights.

  • Feet are placed slightly wider than shoulders, toes pointed in different directions.
  • The weight is transferred to one leg, the other is taken a wide step back diagonally from the support.
  • Sit down so that the knee of the working leg drops to the floor.
  • The second leg, without changing its original position, is pulled down until it feels like the muscles are very tense. Return to the starting position.

Lunges with a barbell

Using a barbell while performing lunges allows you to create an even load on the muscles of different parts of the body. As a result, inflated buttocks will not look foreign against the general background.

The technique of execution is similar to the classical one. The body is kept straight. Fix the barbell on your shoulders, take a step forward with your right leg, bending your hip, and sit down until a right angle is formed. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Plie squats

Plie squats will help you get rid of excess fat on your inner thighs and develop your gluteus maximus muscle. They are performed as follows:

You can increase the level of difficulty of your workout in order to pump up your butt faster while working out at home if you use weights such as dumbbells and kettlebells. The technique remains the same, but a projectile weighing 2.5-3 kg is taken into hand.

Exercises with an expander

To train the gluteal muscles, basic exercises are supplemented with a band expander. You can use it by performing various swings or lifting your legs from the starting position “lying on your side.” The execution technique does not change.

The butterfly expander perfectly helps to train the inner thighs, small and medium gluteal muscles. The exercise machine is fixed between the knees, lying on your back or sitting, gently compressing it, applying maximum effort, then releasing it. The duration of compressions during repetitions should be the same to ensure even distribution of the load.

Exercises with fitball

During training on a fitball, all the muscles responsible for the beautiful shape of the butt are worked out. At the same time, the muscles of the thighs, abs, and lumbar region are strengthened.

The radius of an ideal size fitball should be 100 cm less than the height of the person who is going to exercise on it. If the ball is chosen correctly, you can sit on it so that your thighs are parallel to the floor and your knees are at right angles.

One of the simplest exercises is jumping. You need to sit on the fitball, pressing your feet firmly to the floor, and start jumping intensely. During the execution, you cannot lift your butt off the apparatus and your legs off the floor.

A fitball is used as additional equipment during the basic “glute bridge” exercise. The technique remains the same, but the feet are placed on the ball. During the process, you should control the position of the lower back; you should not allow it to bend too much.

Romanian deadlift

Romanian deadlift is one of the basic exercises for training the buttocks. It got its name in honor of the famous weightlifter Nicu Vlad, who was born in Romania.

To perform this type of row correctly, you should stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Place your hands on the barbell at the same distance. The exercise is done with completely straight legs, the apparatus is lowered only to the middle of the shin. This technique allows you to reduce the load on your back and lower back and minimize the risk of injury.

Jumping to higher ground

To begin this exercise, you will need an object that can be used instead of a platform: several thick books, a box. The podium must be stable.

They jump onto the projectile from a distance of 35-40 cm. Hands are held along the body. They return to the starting position in the usual way. Dumbbells are used for weighting. You can diversify the exercise if you jump onto the platform first on your left leg, then on your right.

Walking on a treadmill uphill

A treadmill is not the most affordable piece of equipment for home workouts. But it can be used to work with muscles of different groups, including the gluteal ones. The most effective mode for those who want to get a beautiful butt and thighs is walking at an angle.

This exercise is equivalent to full-fledged running.. By increasing the effects of gravity, walking uphill helps strengthen the muscles in your legs, buttocks, and thighs. Classes should begin on a track whose elevation angle does not exceed 10%. Every 5-7 minutes add another 5 degrees.

Walking at an incline is contraindicated for people suffering from back problems, since under the influence of gravity the spine receives a very large load.

Exercise Split

When looking for information on how to pump up your butt at home, girls often come across the word “Split”. This term does not mean a specific exercise, but a special training system.

The essence of a split is that a separate day is allocated to work on each part of the body. For example, Monday - abs, Wednesday - legs, Friday - buttocks. This means that in the allotted time, exercises intended for a specific zone are performed.

This approach has its advantages:

  • all muscle groups are gradually worked out;
  • It is impossible to bring the body to a state of overtraining, since the muscles have time to recover while they are not being worked.

Split training is not suitable for beginners as it requires daily training. Those who want to pump up only one specific area will not like them either, because they require an integrated approach.

How to pump up your buttocks, remove the riding breeches and not weaken your quadriceps

Regular training helps to make your hips and buttocks beautiful. The best results can be achieved if you exercise at least 3 times a week. The workout begins with a warm-up, which usually takes 15-20 minutes.

The training plan should consist of combinations of exercises of different types: squats, bridges, swings and lunges. This approach will allow you to most effectively work the muscles of the buttocks and thighs.

With a low level of physical fitness, during training, do an average of 4-6 repetitions of each exercise. Gradually the load is increased. When the number of repetitions reaches 20-25, you can start using additional equipment. Butt training helps to simultaneously correct the shape of the hips and get rid of riding breeches, because it works the muscles in all key areas.

Many girls are puzzled by how to quickly pump up their butt at home, but not get massive hips as an addition. A sensible approach to your training program will help you avoid this.

If the quadriceps begin to develop faster than other muscles, professionals advise temporarily abandoning exercises aimed at working the outer thighs: deep squats, lunges forward and backward.

Swollen quadriceps can also be the result of an incorrect approach to nutrition, so during periods of intense training it is important to monitor the amount of calories consumed and the nutritional value of the diet. The permissible norm is calculated individually for each person.

To get a beautiful and firm butt while working out at home, you will have to be patient. But regular intensive training will soon yield results: your shape will become more rounded and your muscles will become toned.

Video: how to pump up your butt at home

How to pump up your butt in just a month:

Girls should perform this set of exercises for large buttocks regularly at home. You need motivation and willpower to quickly make your butt bigger at home.

How to pump up a beautiful butt for a girl at home

Do you want to know what exercises will help you enlarge your butt and make it big and beautiful? You are on the right page! This training program is aimed at pumping up the gluteal muscles at home. The classes do not require much equipment. All you need is your desire to train!
Before performing the main complex for training your butt, take time to warm up. Run in place and jump for 5 minutes. This way the muscles will warm up and be ready for further work. Finish your workout with some quality stretching.

A set of exercises to enlarge your butt at home

Exercises Sets Repetitions/Time
3 15
3 12
3 15
3 20
3 12
2 30 sec
4 10
2 60 sec
2 60 sec
3 15

This basic exercise works the muscles of the butt, legs, back and abs. If your level of physical fitness allows, use weights in the form of dumbbells or bottles that should be filled with water or sand.


  1. Stand up straight. The distance between your feet should be slightly greater than shoulder width.
  2. Perform a squat by moving your buttocks back. The back remains straight. The knees should not extend beyond the level of the toes. Try to squat as low as possible. Hold at the bottom of the exercise for a few seconds.


  1. Lie on a flat surface with your stomach up. Lower your arms along your body. Legs should be bent at the knees and feet should be placed close to the hips.
  2. Lift your buttocks. Lock in the achieved position for 5 seconds. Your arms and back will serve as support for you. Repeat the movement 12 times for 3 sets.


  1. Starting position – lying down. Bend one of your legs. Lift the other one up.
  2. Begin to lift your pelvis by squeezing your gluteal muscles. Perform 15 lifts in 3 sets. If desired, attach weights to your leg.


  1. Stand near some support. Grasp it with your hands. Straighten your back.
  2. Slowly move first one, then the other leg to the side and back. Don't linger at the bottom of the movement.

The exercise is aimed at muscle growth.


  1. Stand up straight. Take dumbbells or something that replaces them. Lower your arms with the shells along your body.
  2. Lunge. Try to step as wide as possible so that the load on the gluteal muscles is as great as possible. Touch the floor with the knee of your back leg.

A static and effective exercise for shaping beautiful buttocks. Gradually progress the load, increasing the time of fixation of the position.


  1. Go to the wall. Press your back against her. Bend your legs so that your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  2. Stay in this position for at least 30 seconds. Repeat twice.

If you want to make the task more difficult for yourself, use additional weight.

Jumping on the step


Stand in front of a small hill that you find at home. You can also use steps. Jump 10 times in 4 sets.

The exercise not only forms large buttocks, but also involves other muscles of the body.


  1. Take a lying position.
  2. The forearms and toes of the feet are used as support. The gaze should be directed strictly forward. The entire body forms a single straight line.
  3. Stay in this position for a minute.

This exercise requires good stretching, so you may feel some discomfort at first.


  1. Sit down on the floor. Press your heels against its surface.
  2. Alternately stretch your legs forward, thereby moving.

The load is distributed between the buttocks and the body.


  1. Lie on the floor with your stomach down. Extend your arms in front of you. Press your legs together. Look ahead. Don't raise your head.
  2. Take a breath. Raise your legs and arms at the same time. Tighten your buttock muscles as you move.
  3. Return to the starting position. Repeat 15 times for 3 sets.

Number of approaches and repetitions

It is recommended to perform each exercise 15 times in 3-4 approaches on average. Try to use additional weight: it helps to quickly pump up the muscles of the buttocks. Train 3 times a week. Remember to take breaks to allow the muscles you are training to recover.

  • Concentrate on the technique of doing the exercises. Don't chase the weight of the weight.
  • Exercise regularly. Don't train the same muscle group for a long time.
  • Train anywhere. You need to cyclically tense and relax your buttocks.
  • On rest days, try swimming or yoga.
  • Sleep 8 hours a day. Muscles grow during rest.
  • Watch your diet. Drink as much water as possible.
  • Between sets, pause for no more than a minute.
  • Use cosmetics that will tighten the skin and make it elastic. Get a massage. Blood circulation will improve.
  • Avoid using the elevator. Take the stairs as often as possible. Lead an active lifestyle: go for a walk or jog in the evening, ride a bike. When riding a bicycle, push the pedals firmly.
  • Don't be afraid to give yourself as much time as possible. Direct your energy in the right direction, think positively, achieve your goals.
  • Girls should choose tight and high-waisted jeans to make their butt look larger. Heeled shoes are preferred.

Muscles trained

  • Gluteus maximus the muscle occupies the main part of the butt. The emphasis is placed on it when pumping up Brazilian buttocks. The muscle is responsible for stretching and turning the legs.
  • Gluteus medius The muscle is located on the outside of the butt. Plays an important role in gait.
  • Gluteus minimus the muscle is responsible for maintaining balance.


Increase your caloric intake by 300 kcal to get a bigger butt. Prefer foods that contain protein: fish, chicken breast, low-fat dairy products. Eat fruits and vegetables. Eliminate foods containing easily digestible carbohydrates and cholesterol. Such food includes all flour dishes, canned food, sausages, alcohol and carbonated water. Eat often, but in small portions. Over time, the buttocks will become round and the waist will be thinner.


  • Consult your doctor before performing any exercise routine.
  • Feel your body while training your buttocks. If you are tired or feel pain in your joints, stop exercising.


The individual characteristics of a girl and the intensity of training are the determining factors in how quickly she achieves results. Gradually progress the load by increasing the number of repetitions and the severity of the additional weight used. Concentrate on the technique of doing exercises for a big butt. If you are overweight, you should get rid of it. This way the effect of training will be more noticeable.

Do you want to know the secret to making your butt bigger and getting sexy butt? Stop searching. I'll tell you how to pump up big buttocks quickly and effectively. Just follow my recommendations and be patient.

This may seem strange to you, but hard work and determination will help you quickly build high-quality and strong muscles in your buttocks. Everyone's body is different, so everyone has their own time frame for achieving results. However, by following this proven training program, backed by nutritional information and advice, you can achieve your goals much faster than those who are in the dark and confused. Let's figure out what and how you need to do.

Be alert and focused!

First, your soft spot is made up of more than one muscle, but we will generally use the familiar and understandable concept of the buttocks.

We often hear questions: “what muscles work during a squat? Can I tighten my buttocks? Will volumes increase? How can I burn fat on my inner thighs?”, and many others.

There are actually three types of buttocks, the same for both women and men. There are ordinary buttocks of “medium fleshiness”. The second type is flat buttocks that cry for calories. And finally, saggy buttocks that have been eaten - they ate, but did not train.

It sounds funny, but this is the only way you will understand the role of a proper diet in building healthy and massive gluteal muscles. By the way, it will be much easier for those with curvy figures.


They just need to do special exercises for the buttocks and slightly reduce the caloric intake of their diet.

Those who cannot boast of voluminous buttocks face a more difficult task. The reason is that you will need to eat enough calories and exercise your butt to make it bigger and more defined (and less saggy).

People with average buttocks will need to meet their daily caloric intake, leaning on protein and fat to stimulate muscle growth. Decide which category you belong to. After this, you need to calculate your current calorie intake to make the necessary changes.

How can calories help you get bigger buttocks?

The excess calories you consume to gain weight and build muscle are stored everywhere. In an ideal world, we would say, “let’s add fat to this area so it’s bigger.” But, unfortunately, this does not happen. Remember that when you eat more calories, they also go into the stomach and other areas.

Make progress gradually by gaining weight with healthy foods.

You can often see bodybuilders bingeing on pizza during their bulking phase. This is not dangerous for them, because they strive for an even distribution of fat throughout the body. You are trying to increase the volume of your buttocks for health benefits, so all junk food is excluded.

Instead, focus on healthy calories, such as those found in whole milk. You can find enough fat, calories and protein in every glass of milk. Instead of red meat, choose chicken or turkey to supplement your diet with protein in addition to the saturated fat from milk.

Calories from fruits and vegetables are encouraged because they are the least likely to contribute to fat storage. Unless you overdo it and eat a bag of potatoes in a day. Other good foods include quinoa, cottage cheese, yogurt, brown rice, tuna, avocado, eggs.

Building up your buttocks with weights

There are many options for weight training, but most often they use sports equipment or their own body weight. People often misunderstand the term “weight.” They associate it exclusively with the gym and weight lifting. This is not the whole truth. Weight is what forces your muscles to contract against the resistance applied to them. This means you can even use your own body weight instead of lifting equipment.

Sports equipment is great for building muscle size because it allows you to easily increase the working weight for more weight. But some exercises are effective without the use of any additional equipment. Therefore, the training program should include a variety of exercises.

As a rule, when working out at home, you do more exercises because the load on your muscles is not as intense. When working with weights, you will need about five to six exercises to fully work out the muscles. Essentially, you need to train hard, but the amount of exercise should match your daily caloric intake. Excessive exercise can cause the body to break down muscle for energy.

Exercise machines, barbells, dumbbells and resistance bands are very effective in increasing the size of the buttocks with health benefits. Let's look at some exercises that maximally engage the glutes.

Ladies, try to lift your buttocks while working on the leg abduction machine. I found out that this way my buttocks work more intensely than in a sitting position!

Exercises to create bulging buttocks

Exercises aimed at working the buttocks are ideal for building muscle. Not all leg exercises activate the glutes equally. But they are a good addition to a glute training program to keep your lower body overall looking balanced and in proportion.

You will have to wait a couple of weeks for the results. But it's best not to expect dramatic changes to appear before six to eight weeks.

Perseverance and patience are the key!

Dynamic glute bridge in Smith machine

This exercise has no equal in the development of strong and strong gluteal muscles.

The glute bridge can also be done with a barbell or free weights. But the Smith machine keeps the weight in one place, and in this case it is easier to get into the starting position without unnecessary effort before starting the exercise.

Use medium weights so you can perform 7-10 reps. If you can do more than five approaches in the specified mode, then take the weight more seriously. Introducing a new exercise using a Smith machine into a program will require adjusting the weight to a comfortable level, which will indicate that the weight is correct.

The biggest effect of a glute bridge is when you push your hips up and hold your buttocks tight for a couple of seconds. At this time, your buttocks and abdominal muscles contract as much as possible. This exercise can also be performed without weights if you practice at home.

Back swings with weights on a crossover

The back swing is an exercise with many variations.


Because you are free to use body weight, leg weights or a crossover. For home workouts, simply perform the exercise slowly and deliberately, concentrating on squeezing your buttocks each time you lift your leg. However, a crossover will provide the best results.

The exercise can be performed in two different ways. Firstly, some crossovers are equipped with a cable with a non-removable cuff. In this case, it can be adjusted so that you can insert your foot into it up to the middle of your foot to perform similar movements. Do not use metal handles.

The second method is to work on a leg curl machine, but not in the usual flexion-extension manner. Here's what you need to do: sit with your back to the machine roller. Next, get on all fours and extend one leg, resting your foot on the roller. Perform the exercise by simply pushing it with your foot. Repeat for the other leg.

Sumo squats with dumbbell

Sumo squats are great for working your glutes, quads, and thighs. Using one dumbbell allows you to go deeper into the squat with a wide stance. Hold the dumbbell firmly in the middle, just below your body, to reinforce the weight of the dumbbell with gravity. If you want variety, you can perform another variation of this exercise - goblet squats.

The biggest advantage of performing this exercise in the proposed technique is that your muscles will have to contract more to overcome the force of gravity increased by using a dumbbell. You can take two dumbbells, but then you won’t be able to squat as deeply as possible.

Don't have dumbbells?

It's OK. Simply place your feet wide in a sumo position and clasp your hands into fists between your legs. This will not add weight, but will imitate a dumbbell, allowing you to go into a deep squat.

Glute bridges

This exercise doesn't require any special equipment, unless you might want to grab a yoga mat so it's not so hard. All you need to do is simply squeeze your buttocks tightly using your own body weight.

To make it more difficult, lift one leg off the floor and continue with the exercise. This is one of the best ways to work the buttocks, but not appreciated.


Deadlifts are among the most effective exercises for increasing the size and strength of the gluteal and hamstring muscles. When most people hear the name deadlift, they immediately think of an exercise that primarily targets the upper body. This is not the case.

Deadlifts are performed with straightened legs, practically excluded from the movement. But when you lower the weight, you don't touch the floor with it. Instead, you stop the barbell or dumbbells just below knee level. Don't go too low, or it will put undue stress on your hamstrings and knees.

It’s also not worth chasing too heavy weights. Medium weights produce even better results, allowing you to use adequate weights to perform the desired number of repetitions, promoting glute muscle growth. You can use a barbell, dumbbells, or even a straight crossover handle.

How to stimulate butt growth by combining all the exercises together

So, you have learned the most effective exercises for your buttocks. Now we will combine them into one complex, which you will perform once or twice a week if you train different muscle groups of the upper body separately. Or three times a week if you're focusing on your lower body, working your upper body once a week.

Labeled “superset” means that you will perform the second exercise immediately after the first without resting. After the second exercise, take a break.

Do you want your buttocks to be more toned and firm?

Whatever it is, people often want to increase the athletic performance of their gluteal muscles - to jump higher and be stronger and more resilient.

I think there's nothing sexier than a rock-hard butt that looks good in any pants (not just leggings).

If you add these 19 glute exercises to your workout routine, your lower body will become better shaped and physically stronger, which will improve your overall performance. I'll even give you some workout ideas with the sole purpose of achieving the latter... so just keep reading.

Before going directly to the description of the exercises, I feel obliged to help you understand How it's the gluteal muscles that actually work. This is important because your butt is not alone big muscle.

1. Gluteus maximus muscle

Did you know that the gluteus maximus muscle is the largest muscle in the entire human body? Its job is to support the torso in an upright position, which is the reason for its size and power.

As the name suggests, it is the largest and closest to the surface muscle of the entire gluteal muscle group.

The function of the gluteus maximus muscle is mainly to extend the upper legs (hips) - for example, when rising from a squat position. Another example of including this muscle in work is lifting the torso tilted forward. Picture yourself swinging a kettlebell and you'll get a good idea of ​​how this muscle works.

Hip extension also occurs during deadlifting, pushing off the legs during running and skating, and simply while swinging the leg.

This muscle is also involved in turning the leg - for clarity, imagine, for example, a duck walk.

2. Gluteus medius muscle

The gluteus medius is the smallest of the gluteal muscle group, located beneath the gluteus maximus and provides stability to the hip joint, especially when standing on one leg. Thus, when walking or running (where the legs are used in turns) or climbing stairs, the gluteus medius muscle is tensed to prevent the pelvis from sinking to one side.

Moreover, the gluteus medius (and minimus) are involved in hip abduction.

3. Gluteus minimus

It is the smallest of the gluteal muscle group, located directly below the gluteus medius. Its main function is to provide stability to the hip joint. It works together with the gluteus medius muscle.

I hope that this little anatomical excursion did not confuse you. Essentially, that's all you need to know to perform the exercises. Well, let's move on to...

19 most effective exercises for buttocks

If you do these 19 exercises during your workout, your butt will be in perfect shape. You don’t need to mindlessly exercise on exercise machines to achieve results. The 12 smart glute exercises below are the best of the best.

Exercises for the gluteus maximus muscle

1. Hip abduction

The US Physical Education Committee, in collaboration with the University of Wisconsin, conducted a study to find out which exercises best engage the gluteal muscles. Guess which exercise topped the list for the gluteus maximus muscle?

...This is hip abduction!

The graph below shows results for other glute exercises (1):

Get on all fours, keep your back in a neutral position, and your abs tense. Raise your right leg up, keeping your knee at a 90-degree angle throughout the movement, with your heel pointing toward the ceiling and your hip and knee parallel to the floor. Lower your leg down and repeat with your left leg.


  • It is necessary to protect your back from injury. The neck should also form one line with the back - straight (accordingly, you need to look down, not up).
  • To make the exercise more difficult, add weight to each leg, hold a kettlebell at the knee joint, or perform this exercise using a special machine.

2. Kettlebell swings

Renowned spinal surgeon Stuart McGill has shown that the kettlebell swing is not only an excellent exercise for targeting the gluteus maximus, but also the safest exercise for the back.

If I were wandering on a deserted island and could only do one exercise, I would probably choose kettlebell swings. It's so useful.

How to do this exercise:

With your back straight and your core tight, lean forward and grasp the kettlebell with both hands. Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Maintain a slight tilt towards your knees and move your pelvis back. Then quickly straighten up and swing the weight in front of you, keeping your stomach and buttocks tight.

Notes: The movement should come from the hip joint when returning to an upright position. Lower the weight between your legs and repeat the swinging motion as many times as necessary.

A study published in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research found that compared to shallow and parallel squats, deep squats better recruit the gluteus maximus, especially in the concentric phase. (3)

This is logical, since the lower you go, the more you stretch (and thereby engage) the gluteal muscles. Shallow squats work the thigh muscles more than the gluteal muscles. Therefore, go lower to fully work the gluteus maximus muscle.

How to do this exercise:

Place the barbell on your shoulders (top of your trapezius), look straight ahead, chest out, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, toes turned slightly to the sides.

Tighten your abdominal muscles and move your pelvis back and down (as if sitting on a chair), focus on your heels, and keep your back straight throughout the exercise. Rise up by pushing your heels off the floor and squeezing your buttocks.

The deadlift is not just a good exercise for the gluteal muscles, but also one of the best for developing the lower body. Obviously, you need to try to do it correctly, because serious injury can occur if the technique is incorrect or if it is brought to muscle failure.

How to do this exercise:

Hold the barbell so that it is opposite your knees, above your feet. Feet should be shoulder width apart. Holding the barbell with a medium grip, bend over at the hip joint, making sure your back is straight and your stomach is tight.

Lower your pelvis and bend your knees, squeeze your shoulder blades together and keep your back straight, then rise up, focusing on your heels.

After the bar rises above your knees, move your hips slightly forward with a confident, powerful movement.

Lower the bar by flexing your hips and pointing it toward the floor, but keep it close to you to reduce excess stress on your back.

This exercise differs from a traditional deadlift in that the legs are more or less fixed as the barbell is lifted. The knees should be slightly bent, but this is more of a pulling exercise that works the hamstrings and glutes. It probably targets the hamstrings even more, but this also needs to be developed to improve overall performance.

How to do this exercise:

Hold the barbell at hip level with an overhand grip (palms down). Shoulders should be down, back straight, stomach tense, and knees slightly bent. This is the starting position.

Lower the bar down, moving your pelvis back as far as possible. Keep the barbell close to your body, looking straight ahead and keeping your shoulders down. Lower until you feel the hamstrings are fully stretched - usually just below the knees.

At the bottom, squeeze your buttocks and use your hamstrings to lift yourself up.

6. Glute bridge with knee pressed to chest

This is a more advanced version of the basic pelvic floor lift, but I like it better because it opens up the hip flexors and engages the glutes more.

How to do this exercise:

Lie on the floor and bend your knees. Lift your left leg off the floor and bring it toward your chest. This is the starting position. Leaning into the heel of your right foot, lift your pelvis off the floor. Fix at the top point, then return to the starting position. After completing the repetitions on the right leg, perform the exercise on the left leg.

7. Lifts

Lift-ups are similar to single-leg squats. In fact, many Eastern weightlifters are increasingly doing lifts in addition to squats due to their effectiveness in developing the muscles of each leg without undue strain on the back.

How to do this exercise:

Raises can be performed either with a barbell on your shoulders or holding dumbbells in your hands. I will describe how to perform the exercise with dumbbells.

Stand up straight and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Drop your shoulders down and tense your arms. The upper body should be practically motionless.

Place the heel of your right foot on a box or bench. Stand up on the bench, shifting your weight to your right heel. Return to the starting position and repeat on the left leg.

8. Raising the pelvis with a barbell

The barbell pelvic raise is perhaps the best exercise for the gluteus maximus muscle. It involves the exercise much more intensely than the squat or deadlift due to four unique characteristics of this exercise:

  1. The barbell hip raise is essentially a hip extension exercise.
  2. The most difficult part of the exercise is at the highest point, which highly activates hip extension
  3. The knees are bent during the exercise, so the back of the thigh is not included in the work
  4. The knee joint is practically not involved in the exercise

This exercise is also less stressful on the back than barbell squats, since the barbell is held in front of the hips rather than placed on the shoulders. Therefore, lifting the pelvis with a barbell is extremely useful for people who have suffered an injury.

How to do this exercise:

Sit directly in front of the bench. Place the barbell on your thighs. A soft pad can be used to protect the femur. Then lie down with your shoulder blades on the bench.

Begin lifting your pelvis by distributing your own weight between your shoulder blades and heels. At the top, pause briefly, then return to the starting position.

9. Leg abduction in block

These exercises are not the prerogative of Cindy Crawford training. Leg abduction with a shock absorber is an excellent exercise for the entire gluteal muscle group due to the large angle of abduction of the leg.

How to do this exercise:

Attach the shock absorber to the ankle of your right leg. Stand facing the load block at a distance of half a meter and grab the frame with your hands. Bend your knees slightly and tighten your buttocks. Slowly move your working leg back, resisting the tension of the shock absorber, then return to the starting position. Do the required number of repetitions and change your working leg.

To engage the entire gluteal muscle group, turn the toe of the abducted leg outward.

10. Side squats on one leg

The highlight of this exercise is that the leg is moved to the side. Thanks to this, the body weight shifts to the working leg and buttock.

How to do this exercise:

Stand with your right foot on a box or bench, move your left foot to the side without touching the floor, then do a squat on your right leg. Focus on your heel and rise up, engaging your buttocks. Do the required number of repetitions and change legs.

11. Bulgarian lunges

One of the most difficult, but at the same time useful exercises for all muscle groups of the upper legs, and not just the gluteal muscles. Try placing your entire foot on the bench behind you first, and then stand with just your toes. You will feel a huge difference.

How to do this exercise:

This exercise can be performed either with a barbell on your shoulders or holding a dumbbell in each hand. I will describe the technique for performing Bulgarian lunges with dumbbells.

Stand with your back to the bench and make sure you are far enough away to perform the lunge. Make sure that the knee of your working leg does not go beyond the toe. Place one of your legs on a bench and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Lower yourself until your back knee almost touches the floor and your working thigh is parallel to the floor. Then push up with the heel of your front foot and return to the starting position. Do the required number of repetitions and change legs.

Exercises for the gluteus medius (and minimus)

Since the muscle fibers of the gluteus medius and minimus muscles have a different location and attachment points from the gluteus maximus muscle, and are also involved in work from a different angle, they perform different functions.

Their main role is to stabilize the pelvis and abduct the hip. The following exercises are aimed at just that.

12. Leg raise

This is a great exercise for warming up the gluteal muscles, which also helps you learn how to balance your pelvis on one leg. It is mandatory for athletes, particularly runners.

How to do this exercise:

Stand with one foot on a small elevation, such as a step. Lift the opposite hip and pelvis and hold for 3-5 seconds. Then slowly lower it to the floor. Repeat the exercise until you feel tired (usually 1-2 minutes), then change legs. Make sure your working leg is straight and your shoulders don't roll over to one side.

13. Hip abduction lying on your side

Do you have a hard IT band? For most people, yes, and the reason for this is the muscle that forms it - the “tensor fascia lata” - which is located in the upper and side of the legs, just below the femur.

When training your glutes, you need to make sure that the exercises you perform maximally engage the gluteal muscles and not the tensor fascia lata. Since these muscles are located so close, you need to have a good understanding of anatomy to tell them apart.

The good news is that a study published in the Journal of Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy found that, along with stretching the hips and lifting the pelvis, side-lying hip abduction is one of the most effective exercises that engages the gluteus medius muscle. with minimal involvement of the tensor fascia lata. (4)

You may look ridiculous doing this exercise, but who cares! The main thing is that it is very useful for strengthening the gluteus medius and minimus muscles.

How to do this exercise:

Lie on your left side with your head on your left hand. Extend your hips about 45 degrees and bend your knees 90 degrees. Make sure your hips and knees are kept together. Begin to lift your upper leg upward, keeping your feet together, then return to the starting position. Do the required number of repetitions, then roll over to the other side.

During the exercise, do not turn your body along with your hip.

14. Squats with an expander

This exercise will help you squat more effectively. Many people injure their knees during squats due to poor technique, which can lead to more serious problems such as a torn anterior cruciate ligament.

Since the shock absorber is worn just above the knees, it helps engage the gluteus medius and minimus muscles and prevents knee extension. Learn to do this exercise with your bodyweight first and then add a shock absorber.

How to do this exercise:

Place the shock absorber on your legs, just above your knees. Keep your head and chest straight and your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart to feel the tension on the shock absorber. Tighten your abs and lower your pelvis back and down (as if sitting in a chair), keeping your weight in your heels and squatting as low as possible. Maintain shock absorber tension by engaging your glutes so that your knees remain parallel throughout the exercise.

Return to the starting position, pushing your heels off the floor and keeping your butt firm and your knees parallel.

15. Side plank with leg lift

This is a more challenging version of the side plank that focuses on developing your core and glutes. This is a rather non-trivial exercise, during which you will feel that it is much easier to perform on one side than on the other. A 2009 study found that, along with various glute exercises, the side-lying hip abduction—which is identical to the leg raise in this exercise—is most beneficial for developing the gluteus medius muscle. (5)

How to do this exercise:

Lie on your left side, place your elbow directly under your shoulder, legs should be straight, feet together. Tighten your core muscles and lift your pelvis up, forming a straight line from your ankle to your shoulder. Then lift your top leg without bending your knee. Hold for 3-5 seconds, lower your leg, repeat. After the required number of repetitions, roll over to the other side.

16. Side step with expander

The easiest way to understand what this exercise looks like is to imagine a zombie walking from side to side. It looks funny, but your buttocks will “burn” in a matter of seconds.

How to do this exercise:

Pull the shock absorber around your ankles. Make sure there is enough tension even when your feet are shoulder-width apart. Keeping your legs straight, step to the right (squeezing your right buttock) and gently bring your left leg up. Continue stepping to the right for the required number of repetitions (or distance), then to the left.

17. Bent over toe touch – bringing the knee forward

This is an exercise I used to do with my football players. It focuses on developing stability as you bring your knee forward toward your chest, which is why I recommend it to anyone who runs.

How to do this exercise:

Standing in the starting position on your left leg, lean forward, moving your right leg back, keeping your back straight and your core muscles tense. Touch your left toe with your right hand. Then, engaging your gluteal muscles and hamstrings, still standing on your left leg, return to the starting position and bring your right knee in front of your chest. Hold for 2-3 seconds, then repeat from the beginning. The latter is very important for this exercise, so take your time. Do the required number of repetitions, then switch legs.

18. Leg circle in a vertical position

Since this exercise is usually performed during a warm-up, you're probably wondering what the gluteal muscles have to do with it. But don't worry, do a few circles or do them faster and you will feel your glutes engaging.

How to do this exercise:

Stand on your left leg, lift your right leg slightly off the floor and start drawing small circles with it from your hip, first in front of you, then on the side, and finally behind you. Perform 3-5 circles clockwise and counterclockwise at each angle. The gluteal muscles of the supporting leg will work to maintain pelvic stability, so try to stand straight and without swaying.

19. Walking in the “bridge” position on the ball

An additional exercise that works both sides of your back in a “crossover” motion. In fact, when the gluteal muscle works on one side, the lower back muscles on the opposite side automatically engage. This also happens while walking, running or climbing stairs. This is an excellent exercise for these muscle groups, which, in addition, also looks beautiful.

How to do this exercise:

Place the ball under your head and shoulders like a pillow, stretch your arms out to the sides and tense. As with all stability ball exercises, it is important to ensure that your hips are lifted and your body is in a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. Tighten your buttocks and begin to move to the left. You should feel the right buttock and lower back on the left side working in particular.

Variety of exercises is important in any workout. Therefore, there is no need to choose a single exercise from the list above and perform it until you lose your pulse. It's better to include several of them.

Each muscle consists of different fibers that are activated during different movements. By performing a series of exercises for the gluteal muscles, you can use all of them.

With these facts in mind, below are 4 recommendations for choosing exercises for your workout. As a general rule, you need to make sure that:

  1. At least one type of gluteus maximus exercise included
  2. A number of squat exercises included
  3. Deadlift exercises included
  4. Includes stability-building exercises that activate the gluteus medius and minimus muscles

3 workouts to give your butt the desired shape

Now that you know the best glute exercises, here are three ways you can combine them into full-on workouts to shape, strengthen, and maintain your glutes.

I named each workout based on its main goal:


CP - “number of repetitions”, implying that you need to choose the optimal weight to perform the proposed number of repetitions

Workout 1 – Athletic Development

The goal of this workout is to develop strength and endurance. Therefore, there is no need to rush when doing the exercises. Instead, try lifting heavier weights for fewer reps. Rest 1-3 minutes between sets and reps to ensure you get the most out of each one.

Complete two sets before moving on to the next exercise. Rest 1-3 minutes between sets.

  • Kettlebell swings – 10 CP
  • Deadlift – 6 CP
  • Deep squats – 6 CP
  • Hip abduction on hands and knees – 10 CP on each leg
  • Raising the pelvis with a barbell – 6 CP

Workout 2 – Shape and tone

This workout is designed for those people (especially women) who want to achieve firm buttocks that look perfect in any jeans.

  • Added step with shock absorber - 10 steps one way
  • Hip abduction on hands and knees – 10 reps on each leg
  • Lifts – 6 KP
  • Romanian deadlift – 10 reps
  • Leg abduction with shock absorber – 10 CP per leg

Workout 3 – Bulletproof Back

This workout should be part of everyone's overall training plan because of the importance of resilience-building exercises that also improve overall performance.

As the name suggests, this workout protects your back by working all three gluteal muscles. Remember that the gluteal muscles are the “abs” for the back, so the healthier they are, the better, especially if you spend most of the day in a sitting position.

  • Raising and lowering legs – 10 CP for each leg
  • Hip abduction in side lying position – 10 CP on each side
  • Vertical leg circles – 3 circles (at each angle) on each leg
  • Bent over toe touch – knee forward – 10 CP on each leg
  • Squats with shock absorber – 10 CP
  • Raising the pelvis from the floor with the knee pressed to the chest - 10 CP for each leg
  • Walking in the “bridge” position on the ball – 5 CP on each leg

I hope you enjoyed this detailed guide on how to perform glute exercises. Everything you need to do to achieve the result is described above. If you were satisfied with this article, share it with three friends.

You can be a hero to your friends by helping them go from having a “saggy, flat butt” to feeling proud of what they see in the mirror. In addition, the presented exercises can also save many people you know from back problems. Be a good friend and share the love.

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