Take a course in Paul Wade's Prisoner Training program. Training area Bodyweight exercises Paul Wade

Paul Wade is the author of a famous training system, the foundations of which go back to ancient times. This is how our distant ancestors trained when there were no specially equipped gyms with various types of equipment. Now many prisoners train this way, who also do not have the opportunity to go to the gym, and often have only improvised equipment and their own weight. This is exactly what the article will discuss.

Biography of Paul Wade

So, what can we say about the personal life of the author of books about training under prison conditions? There are no details or exact data, it is only known that Paul Wade was already in company with criminals as a teenager, which led to his first prison sentence at twenty-three years old. This is where his school of survival began; fortunately, on his way, Paul met worthy people - masters of physical improvement and survival.

However, Paul Wade himself began the search path, becoming interested, as it turned out, in the ancient training system. He learned from many people, gaining experience and building his own training system. He subsequently conveyed all the experience in several books that he wrote after his release. It is about them that we will talk in the article, as well as about the philosophy of developing muscle mass using only your own weight.

Books written by Wade

Now consider what Paul Wade wrote. The books have the following titles:

  • “Training zone” in two parts.
  • “Calisthenics. Workouts without iron or equipment. Strength, endurance, flexibility.”

From the cycle about the development of your body, it is devoted to the historical aspect. It talks about how ancient athletes trained when there were no gyms or modern methods of pumping up muscle mass. There was only one’s own physical strength and some available materials, thanks to the use of which a person developed his own without building up crazy muscles. At the same time, the athlete had real inner strength.

And, of course, this book talks about exercises and how to start practicing, especially if you are a beginner. The system is described in stages, each exercise is described in detail, what load it carries, on which muscles and how to perform it without harm to health.

The second part of the book, “The Training Zone,” goes deeper into body training. It talks about more advanced exercises that put more stress on the body. But they must be completed only after the previous stages have been completed. This book also covers nutritional issues and describes in more detail the strengthening and development of joints, neck, spine, and muscles in various parts of the body.

Another book by Paul Wade “Calisthenics. Workouts without iron or equipment. Strength, endurance, flexibility.” It talks about such a training method as calisthenics. Effective exercises for gaining body strength and flexibility are shown. It is based on prison conditions and opportunities that can be adapted to the conditions of free life.

Wade's Training Philosophy: Old School

Now we should talk about the philosophy that Paul Wade describes in his books and methods. For him, it became a way of life due to the circumstances. Developing and strengthening the body in survival conditions has led to some realizations and revelations. Meeting teachers along the way who trained according to the old school method, he learned from them.

Wade came to the conclusion that consistent gymnastics is what will allow you to achieve physical perfection, and is less traumatic for the body. It is more tailored to the individual (his joints, ligaments and muscles), and also allows for real strength and athletic ability. In the modern world they have forgotten about this; very few people use such gymnastics. However, there is a place where similar techniques have been preserved. Training prisoners is difficult because they do not have special equipment for this. Thus, you have to use available materials and try to survive. This is exactly what gymnastics can do using old methods.

Famous historical gymnasts and athletes

The Paul Wade system is an ancient training program that ancient athletes and strongmen used to gain strength. Of course, the system as such may not have existed, or it may have been compiled by each person for himself. Be that as it may, it was this method of training that gave results not so long ago, when there were no special gyms for building strength and muscle mass.

What people inspired Wade to continue working on himself? In prison he met Joe Hartigan, who was over seventy years old. He did not lose his strength even at this age. Joe talked about another strong man - the Mighty Atom. He was a famous strongman in the world who lived in St. Louis in the thirties of the last century. It was real even at eighty years old. He could break chains with his bare hands, screw a screw into a pine board. Wade conveyed his philosophy and training methods in his book.

The author of the book looked for mentions of this training method in ancient sources. For example, gymnastic exercises were part of the training arsenal of the great Spartans, who defeated armies of superior numbers. Gymnastics was also popular in Ancient Rome. It should be noted that it was relevant until the first half of the 20th century.

Wade training program

What is special about the system that Paul Wade proposes? It is based on the fact that it uses natural and rhythmic movements, a small investment of time and full-fledged strength training without special devices. It should be noted right away that this is not a quick way to achieve what you want. In order for the results to be visible, you need to exercise regularly and, most likely, throughout your life.

So, in the first book, Wade suggests working with only six basic exercises, which should be started at a basic level, and for everyone. Each is performed in a 2-1-2-1 rhythm (for example, push-ups): lower the body for two seconds, hold for one second, raise for two seconds, then hold again for one second. This principle should be used in all exercises.

You should repeat as much as you can do perfectly. At first, ten is enough. Do only two approaches. As a result of completing the exercises, you will reach the Master level (according to the interpretation of the book). In this case, you can diversify the basic exercises with strength tricks.

The second part should be started only after achieving excellent results. A good addition to the previous knowledge will be additional chapters that talk about how to return damaged muscles and joints to normal.


So, if you want to gain real strength, you don’t have time to go to the gym, then turn your attention to the “prisoner training” method. You won't get quick results, but you will always be in shape and maintain your health.

Paul Wade's training system allows you to:
- quickly build muscle mass
- emphasize muscle relief
- gain strength, flexibility and stretching

The training system is equally effective for different body types and metabolic levels.
Does not depend on the level of training.

1. Training area. Secret Physical Training System (2013)

This book is the quintessence of knowledge about physical culture, training methods, health and beauty. On the one hand, it tells about the history of the emergence of methods for developing human strength and their significance, and on the other hand, it represents a full-fledged step-by-step system for the development of physical abilities, with a detailed description of exercises and implementation schedules.

What is this book about? About freedom. About survival. About humanity. It was written by a former prisoner, a man who had been imprisoned for more than twenty years. A man who has been in the grindstones of America's harshest prisons. A man forced to turn to strength to survive. A man deprived of everything except his body and soul, and who decided, no matter what, to develop and gain his personal freedom, which no one could take away from him. Freedom of a strong body and strong spirit.

2. Training zone 2. Advanced physical training techniques (2014)

The sequel to Paul "Coach" Wade's cult classic TRAINING ZONE, this book focuses on advanced bodyweight training techniques to develop extreme strength and muscle. The book provides exercises to strengthen the muscles of the fingers and hands, spine, neck, forearm, calves and feet, as well as the comprehensive development of joints.

The proposed system of exercises includes hanging on a towel with one hand, finger push-ups, flags, wrestling and front bridges, joint strengthening and stretching complexes, as well as a separate section with tips on nutrition and recovery from injuries.

3. Training zone 3. Explosive calisthenics (2016)

The third part of Paul Wade's legendary "Training Zone" is devoted to a unique method of working with your own weight, which is known as calisthenics. Paul spent nineteen years in the most terrible and notoriously cruel US prisons - Angola and Marion. It was there, in the absence of special hardware and exercise equipment, that he formed a system of exercises for the rapid development of physical strength and endurance.

Paul Wade offers his training system, which allows you not only to quickly build muscle mass and emphasize muscle definition, but also to gain real strength, excellent flexibility and stretching. His system is equally effective for various body types and metabolic levels and does not depend on the level of training.

4. Training without hardware and exercise equipment. Calisthenics (2015)

Paul Wade spent nineteen years in the most terrible and brutal prisons in the United States - Angola and Marion. It was there, in the absence of special hardware and exercise equipment, that he formed his own unique system of exercises for the rapid development of physical strength and endurance.

Techniques that use only bodyweight exercises are called calisthenics. Athletes' training must be subject to special rules so as not to turn into a banal set of unsystematic and meaningless exercises. Improper load can cause pain or discomfort in the back, shoulders, elbows, and knees.

“How often you train doesn’t matter at all; what matters is how often you make progress.” - Paul Wade


Fitness and Strength are meaningless qualities without Health.

With proper training, these three qualities develop

naturally, going hand in hand. Everything in this book

efforts were made to convey the importance

safe teaching methods, but despite all this, all

People and their needs are sometimes very different. Take action

with caution, at your own peril and risk. Your body is under

It is your own responsibility to take care of it.

All medical experts agree that you should

consult your doctor before starting

studying programs. Be careful!

This book is intended for informational purposes. This one is not

biography. Names, stories and circumstances under which they

occurred, described in this book, were subjected to complete or

within the framework of this technique are effective. Use them and

become the best.




01. Introduction. Journey of power……………………………………………………….8

02. Old school gymnastics.

The Lost Art of Strength…………………………………………………….16

03. Prisoners Manifesto: Training

with its own weight and modern methods……………………………..26

04. Prisoner training. About this book…………………………………….36



05. Push-ups. Armored Chest

and steel triceps……………………………………………………………….46

06. Squats. Lifting force……………………………………………………..80

07. Pull-ups. Powerful back and biceps……………………………………..118

08. Leg raises. Six hellish dice………………………………………….154

09. "Bridge". The Battle for the Spine…………………………………………………………….190

10. Handstand push-ups.

Healthy and strong shoulders……………………………………………………..226


11. Wisdom of the body. Iron rules……………………………………………………….261

12. Training. Training programs……………………………………………………..277




yainelKvbo gudbdald-aitgyoo sgvko i1v9he 6ym9n ogonoyad htuo.i vN shchaiikhntaeal, l pin oyekmya u s dtlvueodkeets niztai kKoue ttmaabynrnniaydkhkh f mave sdshiidateafltsr, iasing o itr ibpbireotshsvkiei stx- .

The monks radiated peace and lightness. A sparkle of humor sparkled in their eyes, like

as if they were telling a joke whose meaning only they knew. “Everything is fine, nothing matters,” they seemed to imply. Their words filled my head

young man, mostly empty, while his mind raced from one

restless thought to another.

One monk began to talk about the inner freedom that arises when

practice of deep meditation. The monk used the analogy: “You can be

locked in a prison cell, even chained, and at the same time remain free

hungry inside yourself. No one can take away your inner freedom.”

The student jumped up from his seat with an angry cry. "How can you do this

speak? A prison is a prison, shackles are shackles. There can't be any

freedom, because you are being held there against your will!” His deepest string

the soul was hurt, forcing me to resist the monk’s analogy.

The monk smiled affectionately at the young man. "That's a good question," said

he speaks with absolute sincerity and without the slightest hint of irony. And the monks

They continued their conversation, like a river bending around a boulder on its way.

Forty years later. year 2009. A young Cambridge student has become wiser and gentler

in judgments. He launched a dynamic and rapidly growing publishing house under

called Dragon Door Publications - for those who want to achieve physical fitness


And I'm about to present to the world one of the most exciting books that...

ry I have ever read. This is a book about prison. This is a book about freedom. This is a book about

survival. This is a book about humanity. This is a book about strength and power. This is a book that

heaven belongs to our military, police, firefighters, all those who protect

our country. This is a book for universities and colleges. This is a book for professionals

athletes and for shapeless office rats. This is a book for homeowners

ek. This is a book for old farts who want to turn back time. This is a book

for those seeking the secrets of ultimate survival power.

This book was written by a former prisoner who was imprisoned

twenty year period; he was imprisoned in some of the harshest prisons in

America. Forced to survive. A man deprived of everything except his body

and reason. A person who decided to develop himself and create his own

freedom so that no one can influence him. Freedom of a strong body and strong

This book is called Prisoner Training.


Prisoner training? How and why does Dragon Door dare to publish

forge a book with that title? Surely this is some kind of triumph of crime, as it deserved the attention of one of the leading publishing companies on fitness

Many of our country's leading fitness experts have read the book.

chat version of Prisoner Training and fell in love with its content. On sa-

In fact, they even raved about her. But, in many cases, they stopped and sea-

were wondering about the name. Prisoner training? “John, the material is excellent, but it deserves a better name. Every military man needs this book.

every law enforcement officer, every parent is required to give

I admit I had my doubts. Not in the book, but in the title. Can I and the author, Paul

Wade, should I sell this title? Will these two words be: “Training Concluded”

nykh", make those hundreds of thousands of people who will benefit turn away

from the information contained on these pages? Will such a name be preserved?

share these amazing secrets only with a small group of enthusiasts who

who don't care about the cover because they see the beauty of Paul's Big Six?

But the more I thought about it, the more confident I became that

the title should remain exactly that way. Because "Prisoner Training"

suggests that the power of survival was born in some of the most dangerous conditions

yah, where only a person can find himself. "Prisoner Training" tells the story

This is how to raise your strength and power to such a level that any predator would not

will be able to consider you as a target for attack. "Prisoner Training"

speaks of achieving an aura of strength and power, which sends to everyone the subconscious

a strong and completely unambiguous signal: “Don’t even think about it!”

If I had given this vast body of knowledge another name, I would have

a disservice to him. I couldn't do it.

The most important thing to highlight: there is a freedom that cannot

to be taken away from you - no matter how small a box you are imprisoned in. And this

freedom consists in developing the splendor of your own body and mind, in

independence from external conditions. And Paul Wade created a stunning witness -

the realization of this truth - a master plan on how you can achieve it yourself


Immerse yourself in Prisoner Training and you will quickly realize that

this is not the work of a famous “prisoner”, not the literary equivalent of a gang

sta-rap. In fact, this book will make you sincerely wish you never

to be where Paul spent so many years. But it will also inspire you to

How to train for the benefit of body and spirit, and at the same time not be afraid of muscle sprains and tears? Training the body according to the principles described by Paul Wade is of interest to many athletes and beginners. The system is also used by many gymnasts to develop strength. However, you won’t be able to build muscle like in bodybuilding.

According to the book, you can train practically from scratch, just as Paul himself began, who ended up behind bars at the age of 22.

Paul Wade "Training Zone"

The book "Training Zone" (in the English version it sounds like "Prisoner Training") was written by Paul Wade, who spent 20 years in prison. During his time, the guy learned to do 50 pull-ups on one arm.

Paul didn't look like an athlete at all. In his youth, he was thin and physically weak. But thanks to the advice of a former Navy SEAL and constant training, he was able to develop muscles and reach the level of a master athlete.

According to Paul himself, thanks to such exercises you can become as strong as athletes in Olympic competitions.

The whole method is built on one principle - you need to train without any weights, without “iron”. Only your own body weight is used.

Paul teaches you how to get stronger by doing exercises the way old school gymnasts did them.

Description of exercises. Levels

So, how to become more resilient using the methods proposed in the book? All exercises are safe. And if you are completely new to the sport, torn ligaments will not threaten you. Training involves a very slow progression of loads.

The entire workout is based on only 6 exercises, each of which gradually becomes more difficult. There are 10 difficulty levels to complete, however, if in some exercises the 10th level is not given, you can stop at the 9th or 8th. It all depends on desire and opportunity - this is the motto that Paul Wade's "Training Zone" puts forward. Exercise shouldn't be demotivating.

The author claims that the 1st and 2nd levels are accessible to everyone - these are exercises for pull-ups, squats, push-ups, handstands, bridges and hanging leg raises.

How to start training? Are additional devices needed? Paul Coach Wade himself used only the bars of a prison window as a horizontal bar. The wall served as a support when doing the handstand. Subsequently, he began teaching other children using his own method. His system is remarkable in that nothing is needed other than the determination to do the exercises every day.

You can only take a towel with which you will belay yourself with your free hand when you move to level 8 in 1-arm pull-ups. When you do push-ups from the floor and try to remove one hand, for balance you first need to put a support under the other hand - a couple of books or a ball.

Advantages and disadvantages of training according to the Paul Wade method

Are there any downsides to Paul Coach Wade's training system, the "Training Zone"?

Still, the author himself, when starting training, was not familiar with the masters of sports and did not know the anatomy of the muscles. There are some shortcomings in his system, which, of course, are noticed by those who have been working in sports for many years. But still, no one denies that the developed system works.

Let's start with the advantages.

  • The book that Paul Wade wrote, The Training Zone, is written in absolutely accessible language. There's even a little humor to keep the language alive.
  • Old school training is suitable for absolutely everyone. Many girls who love strength sports also train.
  • The author correctly argues that it is impossible to burn fat locally. Full work of all muscles is required.
  • A competent system of load progression for complex exercises is provided.
  • The main thing in the system is consistency and motivation. Therefore, you should not skip any of the levels, even if the 1st level seems too easy. The author insists that demotivation should not be allowed. And if an exercise of the 3rd or 4th level is difficult, it is better not to rush and stay longer at the 2nd level.

But the disadvantages are the following:

  • Vague principles of exercise repetition.
  • Not mentioned in the book is the possibility of lower back pain due to the bridge. Of course, the back muscles also need to be trained, like others, but you need to do easier exercises first.
  • There are inaccuracies in terminology. Some muscles are named incorrectly. Perhaps these are translation errors.
  • Standing upside down push-ups are too difficult an exercise.

This type of squeezing can be performed by masters who have dedicated their entire lives to training and education. But for many others it is better not to do this exercise at all.

It should be noted that there is a lot of useful information in the book for the future athlete. But you still need to look for additional information from books by other authors.

Who is the exercise suitable for?

What readership is the book aimed at? Everyone can benefit from reading The Training Zone. Both teenage boys and mature men, starting to exercise according to the proposed scheme, will only bring benefits to their body.

Paul Wade not only talks about building endurance and developing strength, but also focuses on a healthy lifestyle and nutrition. In fact, a person who smokes cigarettes will not be able to advance in sports. His lungs will not allow him to bear the load.

It is also important to have the right nutrition. The author himself affirms this principle in one of the chapters of the book - “Fitness and strength are meaningless without health”!

Continuation of the book

In addition to this book, another book by Paul Wade has been released - “Training Zone 2”. It talks about how to recover from stress. After all, it is possible that during training there may be stretches of muscles and tendons. They train at the same time. Everyone involved in sports knows this.

There is also a 3rd part of the “Training Zone”. The book is called “Explosive Calisthenics”. It is written for all those who want to train. Moreover, it does not matter what a person’s weight is or how fast his metabolism is. With consistent training, you can develop flexibility, endurance, and get a good stretch. And of course, you can lose excess weight.

"Training Zone" by Paul Wade. Reviews

The attitude towards the author and his program is ambiguous. For those guys who train on their own, without the help of coaches, Paul Wade's advice really helps them become stronger. Moreover, training with your own weight cannot lead to severe damage to muscle tissue, as is the case with training with additional weight.

But those masters who have trained in gyms and have truly professional training are skeptical about Paul’s technique. Using additional weight and working out on special machines in the gym can also be useful, although the author of the book denies this.

Sports and Fitness

Take Paul Wade's Prisoner Training course

"My name is Paul Wade and, unfortunately, I know all about life behind bars. I was first incarcerated in 1979 and spent nineteen (out of twenty-three) years in prisons such as Angola (also known as "The Farm") and Marion, a hell built to replace Alcatraz.

During my last sentence, I was given the nickname Entrenador, which means “coach” in Spanish. All sorts of young people came to me with a request to turn them into strongmen in the shortest possible time.

For six years in a row, I won the annual Angola Prison Push-Up/Pull-Up Championship, even while working full time. All the prison conflicts I was involved in ended very quickly because my power was explosive and dangerous."

This is an excerpt from the book. It was written by Paul Wade, a convict with 20 years of experience and a man who, in his own words, can do 50 pull-ups on one arm. His own body weight is all that an American prisoner had in prison before gyms with dumbbells and barbells appeared there. However, the lack of exercise equipment did not stop people locked in cramped cells from building bodies like ancient Greek statues, says Wade.

The program is attractive with its clear system. There are only 6 exercises and each has 10 difficulty levels - from elementary to master level.

  1. Push-ups (from wall push-ups (1 lvl) to one-arm push-ups (10 lvl))
  2. Squats (from leg raises in the birch tree position (1 lvl) to squats on one leg (10 lvl))
  3. Pull-ups (from vertical pull-ups (1 lvl) to one-arm pull-ups (10 lvl))
  4. Leg raises (from booklet (1 lvl) to hanging straight leg raises (10 lvl))
  5. Bridges (from short bridges - pelvic lift while lying on your back (1 lvl) to double-support bridges (10 lvl))
  6. Handstand push-ups (from headstand against a wall (1 lvl) to one-arm push-ups (10 lvl))

It all starts with the most basic exercises, for which you don’t need any sports equipment at all (you’ll even need a horizontal bar in about two months). But these seemingly simple steps are very important for success in developing strength at advanced levels.

It would be interesting to conduct such an experiment on myself - if I do everything according to the system, will I be able, for example, to do at least 1-2 pull-ups on one arm?

Completion Criteria

Reach level 5 in all exercises and level 10 (master) in at least 3 out of 6

Personal resources

CMS in bench press

Environmentally friendly goal

Will help you achieve new personal records without harm (and even benefit) to your health