Morning exercise program for girls. Exercises for weight loss: on the way to an ideal body. The best morning exercises from Cindy Crawford

Morning exercise is not only important for losing weight, it is also very beneficial for your overall health. To make you happy with the results, you need to regularly perform a whole range of exercises.

  1. Morning exercise helps the body wake up faster, invigorate the mind and provide physical tone for the muscles.
  2. Regular exercise promotes weight loss.
  3. Properly selected exercise complexes improve blood circulation and normalize metabolism.
  4. Morning exercises are sometimes the only physical activity, so they should not be neglected.

Here are 4 reasons why you should include morning exercises in your daily schedule. The main condition is consistency! We have prepared a special set of exercises that takes only 15–20 minutes.

The set of exercises for morning exercises includes:

  1. Warm up. Any physical complex should begin with a warm-up. This prevents sprains, improves tone, and increases blood flow to the muscles. Ligaments become more flexible. Warm-up takes about 5 minutes.
  2. Basic exercises. The rest of the charging complex takes 10–15 minutes. The exercises are higher intensity and work different muscle groups.

Before you start charging, it’s okay to drink a glass of water, and don’t forget to breathe calmly and deeply.

10 exercises for morning exercises

Warm-up exercises

The most important requirement is to charge correctly. Before the main exercises, you need to do a warm-up.

1. First you need to warm up the neck muscles

We are talking about tilting your head to the right and left, forward and backward, and then rotate your head. The finishing touch is head rotation. Such exercises must be performed slowly, slowly.

2. Arms and shoulders

Here you need to perform rotations of each shoulder joint in turn, and then the same rotations are performed by both shoulder joints at once. Then raise your arms up and stretch well.

3. Tilts

They are also performed left and right and back and forth. Then stretch your arms straight out in front of you and intertwine your palms into a “lock.” Perform crunches with your entire body. Finish with pelvic rotations.

4. Feet

Basic exercises for charging

The exercises will consist of three segments.

1. Ab exercises

  • To perform them, lie down either simply on the floor or on a special mat.
  • Raise your torso while keeping your back straight. Afterwards twisting is performed.
  • Leg lifts are performed without lifting the lower back from the floor surface. Legs cannot be bent; they must be absolutely straight.

2. Jumping

  • Perform any 20 jumps in one place. Jumping with legs crosswise, back and forth, or simple jumps are also suitable.
  • Jump the same number of times on one leg, that is, 20 times on the right and 20 times on the left.

3. Stretching

  • Spread your legs as wide as you can. At the same time, bend one leg and keep the other straight.
  • The stretching itself takes place through light springing movements that do not cause discomfort. Do the exercise with each leg.
  • Standing straight, place your hands on your waist. Stand on your toes and, as you inhale, spread your arms in different directions. Lunge and then bend forward.
  • You need to touch the floor with your palm. Exhaling, return to the original position.
  • Sit on the floor. Place your legs as wide as possible. Bend towards the toes of each leg one at a time.
  • Lie on the floor on your stomach and bend your knees. Next, lift your upper body and grab your ankles.
  • In this position, you need to sway for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat several times.
  • Lie on your back. Legs are bent at the knees. You need to touch the ambassador’s knees to each side in turn, but you cannot lift your shoulder blades off the floor.

Morning exercise: Strength exercises

These exercises will be good for men and at least slightly trained women.

If the only good physical activity of the day for you is exercise in the morning, then strength exercises will keep you in shape.

This complex includes the following exercises.

1. Squats

  • The front surfaces of the legs should act. Works the calves and buttocks, as well as the spine.

2. Push-ups

  • The load is placed on the triceps, deltoids and, of course, the chest.

3. Pull-ups on the bar

  • Men should appreciate this exercise. It perfectly develops pulling muscles.

4. Ab exercises

  • This exercise is a powerful weapon against belly fat. It will give you an amazing waist. You need to lie on your back and straighten your legs. Exhaling, lift your legs and slowly lower them, but do not put them completely on the floor. Repeat several times.

Morning exercise for 10 minutes!

For the vast majority of us, morning exercises are a useless and ineffective waste of time and energy, something that we, sleepy, were forced to do in children's camps. And even if someone believes in its ability to help lose weight or at least cheer it up, lack of time and motivation does not allow them to take care of themselves. What if the reason is not a lack of time at all, and we ourselves are depriving ourselves of a wonderful way to start a new day cheerful, fresh and fit?

Morning exercise: testing your resolve

In fact, there is no lack of time, there is a banal “I’m lazy” and “sleep for five more minutes.” If you don’t believe in the power of morning exercises, think for yourself what burns your fat more effectively: lying in bed or even a small, but still physical activity? Same thing.

By the way, during sleep your body spends approximately 50 kcal per hour. Sedentary work in an office burns twice as much - about 100 kcal per hour, and a brisk walk at a speed of 5 km/h will burn 250 kcal per hour.

Morning “stretches” in bed are also a kind of exercise, after which the body is filled with strength and energy. Pay attention to your pets, you've probably noticed that after sleep they certainly stretch and repeat this repeatedly throughout the day. Animals do this instinctively, and the reason is that during sleep, normal blood flow is disrupted, and the blood needs to be dispersed, saturate the body with oxygen, speed up metabolism and awaken the brain.

Exercise has a similar effect on a person in the morning, although to a much greater extent, because it not only gives the body a boost of strength and vigor, but also helps to lose weight and get fit. Of course, you shouldn’t do crazy cardio and heavy loads in the morning. Firstly, it has long been known that the greatest productivity occurs 2-3 hours after waking up and morning exercises definitely do not fall into this period. Secondly, the body is less elastic in the morning and first you need to thoroughly knead and stretch it, and this takes a certain amount of time, which is usually not very much in the morning. If you haven’t had breakfast, then the amount of energy in your body will be insufficient for heavy loads, and if you eat, you need to wait until the food is digested and “fuel” enters the body, which is also not suitable for us. Therefore, short-term, moderate-intensity exercise is best.

But what does morning exercises give us besides vigor?

  • your metabolism speeds up and you burn more calories overall throughout the day;
  • morning exercises discipline you, make you more persistent and self-confident;
  • physical activity stimulates thought processes;
  • the body becomes stronger and fitter;
  • With sweat, accumulated waste and toxins are released from the body.

In addition, the undoubted advantage of exercise is that it has practically no contraindications, since you can choose the exercises and their level of difficulty yourself. If you can't jump, squat; if you can't squat, bend or twist. Of course, if you know about your problems - for example, with joints, heart, spine, it is better to consult your doctor, he will definitely suggest exercises that will benefit you and which ones it is better to refrain from.

However, there are a number of diseases for which it is better to refrain from performing any exercises (let’s face it, it’s unlikely that this would occur to anyone):

  • those diseases in which body temperature rises;
  • malignant tumors;
  • high/low blood pressure;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • bleeding;
  • kidney diseases.

The results you can get from regular morning exercise can vary dramatically. It all depends on the intensity of the activity and the person’s initial weight. With regular exercise of moderate intensity, a person with a large weight can easily “lose” a kilogram per week. However, it is important to remember that a miracle will not happen if you do not monitor your diet. If possible, you need to limit the intake of fast carbohydrates into the body and place greater emphasis on eating foods rich in protein, vegetables and fruits.

Where to begin?

You shouldn't do exercises right after you jump (or crawl) out of bed. First you need to drink a glass of warm water, preferably with a couple of slices of lemon. This helps to wake up the body and “start” the metabolism.

In addition, you can and should drink water before, during and after training (of course, if you want, you shouldn’t force it, rely on your thirst). Recommendations like “you shouldn’t drink water during training” sound at least strange in relation to a creature that is 80% liquid.

Morning moderate-intensity exercise performed on an empty stomach is most effective in terms of fat burning due to the low level of glycogen in the body. Without access to glycogen reserves, the body begins to break down your strategic reserves in the form of deposits on the sides, thereby activating and accelerating fat metabolism.

Our body has two types of energy reserves: short-term (this is glycogen, “fuel” for the body in quick access, but in very limited quantities) and long-term (here we are talking about the hated fat, which is so difficult to get to). The body always uses glycogen first, and only after it is depleted does the energy obtained by breaking down fat reserves come into play.

Our goal is to get to long-term reserves and burn them. And it is in the morning, before breakfast, when glycogen stores are still empty, that this can be done most effectively.

If your workout consists of various jumps and similar exercises, you should not do it barefoot, do it in sneakers.

Be sure to follow the correct technique for doing the exercises. It is worth increasing the tempo of the exercise and the number of repetitions only if you are convinced that you are performing the exercise correctly.

Have breakfast and wash after finishing your workout.

Working out at home

It is best to start training, as mentioned above, with morning “stretches” in bed, which turns into a light warm-up. This way you can prepare your body for more serious stress.

Video: morning exercises in bed

After this, you can begin to take more active actions.

In fact, your morning exercises can look like anything, absolutely any activity will bring results. For example, for starters it could be like this:

  1. Body tilts forward, right, left, back - 10 repetitions.
  2. - 10 times, three sets, rest between sets for 30 seconds.
  3. Plank - start with 10 seconds. Gradually increase the duration. Believe me, you yourself will enjoy setting a new record every day, surpassing yourself.
  4. Lunges with squats (weight is transferred to the supporting leg) - 10 times for each leg, 2 sets, rest between sets for 30 seconds.

In total, these exercises will take no more than ten minutes. In addition, it is not at all necessary to do them in the morning. Squats and lunges, like bending, can be repeated periodically throughout the day. Believe me, it will benefit your buttocks.

If you want to target a specific area, you can focus on exercises that target specific muscle groups.

Video: “Cheerful morning”, morning exercises for weight loss

Abdominal exercises

As you might guess, abdominal exercises consist of abdominal exercises. To lose weight in the abdominal area, it is best to perform the following exercises.


Starting position - lying on your back, knees bent. Clasp your hands behind your head, spread your elbows. As you exhale, lift your upper body to your knees, and as you inhale, lower it. Only the shoulder blades can be lifted off the floor. Do not put pressure on the back of your head and neck with your hands!

Leg raise

Starting position - lying on your back, lower back tightly pressed, arms along the body. The legs are raised up at right angles to the body. Smoothly lower your legs down, freeze for a few seconds without your heels touching the floor, and return to the starting position. Make sure your lower back is pressed against the floor at all times.


The plank exercise needs no introduction. You can do it leaning on straight arms or elbows, as you prefer. Try to hold out in it for as long as possible; to do this, take a stopwatch and note the time. Try to increase the time you perform the exercise every day, at least by a few seconds. Make sure that your lumbar region is flat, your legs are straight, and your entire body forms a straight line. Tighten your abdominal muscles and gluteal muscles.

Side and reverse planks are also great for your abs.

Video: abdominal exercises

Exercises for legs, buttocks and thighs

Exercises for the hips, buttocks and legs are very diverse. The main thing is that most of them can be performed at home, because they do not require special equipment. The main thing is to monitor the correct technique, especially when doing squats.

Squats are basic exercises, which means that in the process of performing them, several muscle groups and joints are involved in the work. The back should be arched, the heels should not be lifted off the floor. The knees should not go beyond the line of the foot, “fall” inward, or “walk.” The gaze is directed upward, the pelvis is laid back.

Video: a set of exercises for the buttocks, thighs and legs

Exercises for arms, chest and back

Push-ups help strengthen your arms and chest, develop strength and endurance. A wide range of variations helps to work out different muscle groups. Plus, just like the plank, push-ups help build a strong muscular frame for your entire body.

The advantage of push-ups also lies in the fact that there are a huge number of options for simplifying and complicating a seemingly ordinary exercise. If you can't do the classic version, you can start with push-ups from a table, sofa, or knees.

Classic push-ups involve lying on your hands and feet, with your hands positioned slightly wider than your shoulders. If you want to put more stress on your triceps, bring your arms together a little narrower; if you want to focus on your chest muscles, you should spread your arms wider.

Of course, hand exercises are not limited to push-ups. Moreover, contrary to popular belief, to fully train your arms, you do not need to have special equipment at home.

Video: exercises for losing weight on your arms

Evening exercises for weight loss

In terms of general recommendations, evening exercises are not much different from morning exercises. It is not recommended to exercise on a full stomach; it is better to have dinner after. An evening jog or even a walk is a great way to end the day and shed those extra pounds.

The main difference between evening exercise and morning exercise is its intensity: if in the morning we have to wake up our body, then in the evening, on the contrary, it is important not to overexert, otherwise it will be difficult to fall asleep. Evening exercise helps to relax the body as a whole and relieve physical and emotional stress.

Video: evening exercises

Exercise is a sport for everyone

Of course, exercise has a positive effect on the body, but it is important to choose a set of exercises that is suitable for you, taking into account age, gender, weight and health status.

Morning exercises for children

An important rule of exercise for children: it must be done in a playful format, otherwise the child will not get any pleasure from the process and will abandon everything at the first opportunity. All exercises should be done smoothly and under parental supervision.

A set of exercises for morning exercises may look like this:

  1. Tilts in different directions. Feet slightly wider than shoulder width, hands on waist. 5 tilts in each direction.
  2. Bend forward. Try to touch the floor without bending your knees. Repeat 10 times.
  3. Crease on the floor. About the same as bending forward: sitting on the floor and without bending your knees, touch your toes with your fingers 10 times.
  4. Squats - 20 sets of 10–15 reps.
  5. Try to maintain balance while standing on one leg. You can start with 15 seconds, gradually increasing the time.
  6. "Boat". Lying on your stomach and stretching your arms forward, simultaneously lift your arms and legs off the floor. Freeze for a few seconds, lower your arms and legs, repeat 10 times.

Video: exercises for children

Anyone over 50

Exercises for older people should not contain jumping, pushing, or jerking. It should take place at a calm pace, in a well-ventilated area and in comfortable clothing.

It is important to remember that age affects all systems of the body, so the load and intensity should be moderate in general. You should monitor your pulse rate, and if you experience pain, dizziness, or deterioration in health, stop exercising immediately.

Video: exercises for the elderly

Note to expectant mothers

It is recommended to perform physical exercises at any stage of pregnancy - unless, of course, there are specific contraindications, this is an individual phenomenon. Thanks to exercise, you can keep yourself in shape and prevent the formation of stretch marks, and breathing training will help give birth easier. All movements should be smooth, without sharp turns, bends, or heavy lifting.

Morning is a difficult time of day for most people. How difficult it is sometimes to wake up to the sounds of a hated alarm clock, dreaming of spending at least five more minutes in a warm, cozy bed. A set of exercises for morning exercises is a wonderful opportunity to invigorate yourself, lift your spirits until the evening and effectively work out all muscle groups.

But it's not that simple. Gymnastics in the morning for men and women has its own characteristics and nuances. Let's get to know them, and also learn how to train correctly in the morning.

No matter how difficult it may seem, doing a small set of exercises for a few minutes every day will provide enormous benefits for the human body and his emotional state. This healthy habit has numerous benefits:

  • Cheerful spirit and energy. The loads during morning exercises are minimal, but this is enough for the body to wake up and get ready for a fruitful day. Simple movements help disperse the blood, speed up the work of the heart and blood vessels, which provides a sharp increase in energy and strength. Just 10 minutes and you will be ready for great feats and achievements.
  • Excellent mood. Morning exercises for men and women are pleasant, simple exercises. The body perceives them with gratitude, producing a hormone of happiness. Smile, start the day in a great mood, and all your sorrows and worries will remain behind you.
  • Successful weight loss. By training in the morning, all metabolic processes are launched, which has a positive effect on body weight. This is especially felt when following the principles of proper nutrition. The fat burning process is smooth and gradual. At the same time, the muscular system is strengthened, and the body is in good shape.
  • Willpower training. Not everyone can get up early in the morning and constantly put a strain on their body. This requires good willpower. Develop a healthy habit and build character at the same time. If you are serious, over time you will be able to forget about such a phenomenon as laziness.
  • Strengthening the immune system. When you do exercises in the morning for 10 minutes, the body is filled with oxygen, the blood distributes it to all important organ systems. As a result, the immune system is strengthened and mental activity is stimulated.

How to motivate yourself to do morning exercises

Taking the first step towards change is always very difficult, especially when it comes to getting up early to do gymnastics. Here are some effective ideas to quickly develop the healthy habit of getting up and exercising in the morning:

  • We put the alarm clock in another place. As a rule, it is placed next to you on the nightstand, at the head of the head. Try moving the device to another location away from the bed. When the alarm starts ringing, you will have to get up and walk to turn it off. And this is a great opportunity to finally “wake up”.
  • Enlist the support of your family and friends. It is much easier to start doing something when you have support around you. Try doing exercises in the morning all together. This will not only fill you with confidence in your abilities, but will also bring you closer together in achieving a common goal.

Helpful advice. If you live alone, then contact friends and relatives via video conference. The more people who join morning exercises with you, the more interesting it will be.

  • Make plans, record goals that need to be achieved. Determine one day when you will set yourself goals for the coming week (or several days). Be sure to plan your actions clearly, even down to indicating the time when you will perform the exercises.
  • Make a list of music tracks that you will practice to. Music has always been a great motivator. Choose only incendiary compositions that will help you tune in to the right mood and do exercises with great enthusiasm. From the first minutes of your favorite song, all fatigue and drowsiness will disappear.
  • Prepare yourself a place to charge. It is important that the environment is as comfortable as possible and convenient for performing the entire range of morning exercises. This will allow you to spend less time preparing for the training process. Make sure you have a rug and various equipment in advance.
  • Watch your diet. It is absolutely forbidden to eat too much immediately after waking up. But, if you feel very hungry, then before training you can eat something light, for example, fruit, a few nuts. You can have a full breakfast after exercise. Do not forget that for the best effect, the menu should be composed of healthy, low-fat dishes. Ideally, make up the correct month.
  • Don't forget to praise yourself. How nice it is to achieve your goals. And in this case this is also relevant. If you have successfully completed all your tasks for the week, reward yourself with something enjoyable, such as going to the nail salon, visiting your favorite restaurant, or shopping. Buying new sportswear for more comfortable physical activity will also work great.
  • Give yourself time to get used to it. Waking up in the morning is difficult. If you haven’t done this before, you don’t need to force your body, forcing it to suddenly “get up” one fine day without preparation and the right attitude. Didn't work out in the first week? Don't give up, but give yourself time to get used to the new schedule. In the future, you will learn to easily and cheerfully wake up to an alarm clock to do your favorite exercises.

What exercises should be included in your morning exercise routine? Many men and women sincerely believe that they know how to exercise. In fact, you also need to be able to train in the morning correctly. The workout must consist of several blocks: warm-up, gymnastics itself and the so-called cool-down.

A set of exercises is compiled individually for each person, depending on his preferences and goals. We have identified several elements that must be present in any training program.

Steps in place

Human feet are one of the most sensitive areas of any man or woman. They have a huge number of special points responsible for the fruitful work of certain organs. To work them out, we imitate movement - we take steps on the spot.

Helpful advice. In order for such a unique massage to give the desired effect, it is necessary to alternate the load while “walking” - focus on the heels, toes and sides of the feet.

This exercise is performed for 30-50 seconds.

  • We take a vertical position. Keep your back straight.
  • Feet should be 15 centimeters apart.
  • We take a deep breath and stand on our toes.
  • As you exhale, roll from toe to heel.
  • We do 20 to 25 repetitions.


This exercise is ideal for a light morning warm-up. Rotational movements work the muscles perfectly. Rotate:

  • Head.
  • With brushes.
  • Elbow department.
  • Shoulders.
  • In your feet.
  • Ankles.
  • Knee section.

For each section, 10 repetitions are enough.

  • Let's stand up straight. We place our feet shoulder-width apart and place our hands on the waist.
  • We make a smooth bend forward and immediately return to the starting position.
  • Then we immediately squat.
  • We repeat bending and squats 10-20 times.

  • In a standing position, place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • We raise one hand up, and place the other on the waist.
  • With your raised hand, bend to the side. We try to bend further.
  • Then we change hands and repeat the exercise on the other side.
  • For each side we do 15 repetitions.

  • We lie down on the mat. We stretch our arms up.
  • Bend your right leg at the knee joint and pull it towards you as much as possible.
  • We bend the left arm and pull it towards the right leg.
  • Having touched, we return to the starting position, change arms/legs, and repeat the movement again.
  • 15 repetitions for each limb are enough.

Push ups

  • We assume the position of lying on our stomach.
  • We rest our toes on the floor.
  • We bend our arms at the elbow joint and place our palms on the floor (wider than our shoulders).
  • We perform 15 push-ups from the floor.

Helpful advice. If it is difficult to do the exercise in the classic version, there is a lightweight version - with emphasis on the knees. It is much easier to perform, but excellent muscle development is guaranteed.

  • We take a vertical position.
  • We raise our hands up.
  • As we exhale, we rise on our toes, trying to stretch out as much as possible.
  • As you inhale, slowly lower yourself onto your foot.
  • We do 15 repetitions.

Is there a 10-minute difference in morning exercises for men and women?

Is there a difference in training complexes for men and women? There are a huge number of stereotypes. For example, many beginners think that young people need to train only their arms and back in the morning, neglecting the elements for their legs. This opinion is completely wrong. Agree, how ridiculous a person with a well-developed, trained upper body and thin, thin legs will look. Many other myths are also destroyed.

Of course, the training is tailored to each person individually, but there are no gender specific features. For representatives of the strong and weak half, one complex can be proposed and successfully implemented. The most important condition is the mandatory development of weak points, but in combination with the whole body. You can also additionally add and, diluting the second half of the day with them.


A complex of morning exercises for the back and spine promotes excellent development of the main muscle groups and gives the body vitality and energy, in just 15 minutes without leaving home!

The exercises in this article are borrowed from yoga practice and included in many different sets of exercises for the spine. By performing these movements, you will literally feel their positive effect on the body from the first time.

A complex of 7 exercises for the spine

Completing this set of exercises will help improve or even restore the health of the spine. The charging system is focused on gentle stretching and strengthening of the muscles of the back, spine and neck. An important part of it is relaxation of the back and relaxation of the body, which has a beneficial effect on the health and general condition of the human body.

The relaxation stage cannot be neglected - it is better to do fewer exercises, but with complete relaxation in accordance with the technique! Correctly performed workouts can improve blood supply to the spinal muscles, correct posture, reduce the curvature of the spinal column, etc. This therapeutic exercise in the morning has no age restrictions– even older people can do it. It is highly recommended for sedentary work.

Carefully! Performing the complex during the acute stage of any spinal diseases is strictly prohibited. First of all, consult a doctor.

1. "Cat"

We stretch the muscles of the back and neck. It is recommended to include muscle stretching training as one of the first in your morning exercise routine. “Cat” makes it possible to awaken the body and perform other exercises with pleasure. It allows you to stretch the muscles of the spine and prepare them for stress, eliminating slouching.

  1. We get down on all fours and both palms. Feet shoulder width apart.
  2. As you inhale, lift your buttocks, straightening your legs. Feet should be firmly on the floor.
  3. The exercise at the end point is represented by a triangle, the vertex of which is the buttocks. This position should be held for about a minute, while breathing freely and measuredly.

We rest, completely relaxing the muscles, for one minute. We repeat three times. This pose is an excellent back exercise for pregnant women, even in the 8th month.

3. “Upward Facing Dog”

Morning exercises that include this movement promote good stretching of the muscles, back, hips and abdomen. Activates the work of internal organs.

  1. We lie on our stomach, bend our arms at the elbows and place them under our shoulders, palms down, and straighten our legs.
  2. As you exhale, move your shoulders back, straightening your chest.
  3. Raise your head, then, bending your back, lift your upper body up. In this position hold the body for about one minute. Then we slowly lie down on the floor.

Rest for one minute, repeat three times.

4. "Crocodile"

This exercise is extremely effective for spinal health and pain relief. It can be learned and performed at any age. from Dr. E.A. Antipko consists of 12 steps and can be used as an independent back health system. Let's look at one of the movements.

  1. We lie with our backs on the floor, with our arms at our sides. The palms should be turned up.
  2. Next you need to spirally rotate the spine - head to the right, hips and feet to the left
  3. Repeat the movement for the other side
  4. It is very important to move symmetrically

You need to perform 10 such twists in both directions.

5. "Boat"

Forms a muscle corset, reduces waist size, and works the latissimus dorsi muscles. Loads the gluteus maximus, thighs and calves. The “boat” can be performed while lying on your back, as well as lying on your stomach. The option “lying on your stomach” is suitable for us.

  1. We lie on the floor on our stomach, legs together, arms extended forward.
  2. As we exhale, we bend, trying to raise our straightened arms and legs as high as possible.
  3. We stay in this position, lie on our stomach and relax our muscles, Let's breathe freely.

6. "Bridge"

This movement, performed in the morning, strengthens the lower back, works the back extensors, and increases the flexibility of the spine. Promotes the formation of a “royal” posture.” The “bridge” loads the small muscles of the body, which is not possible for all exercises. You can perform a bridge, resting your lower back on it.

  1. We lie with our backs on the floor, arms extended up.
  2. Leaning on the hands and feet, we begin lift your body smoothly, lifting him off the floor.
  3. When you get into a bridge position, your back should be an arch and your buttocks should be higher than your head. Not everyone can achieve such a perfect bridge the first time. But with persistence and some effort, you can master it by developing stretching and flexibility.
  4. When performing a movement You cannot hold your breath.

We repeat three times. The rest time between sets is one minute.

7. "Child's Pose"

This morning exercise stretches the muscles of the thighs and relieves fatigue in the back after sleeping in an uncomfortable position, relaxes the muscles of the back and neck. Relieves tension, promotes the development of mobility of the hip, knee and shoulder joints.


  1. We get down on our knees, feet together.
  2. We place the buttocks on the heels.
  3. As you exhale, bend forward and stretch your arms along your body, palms up. We rest our foreheads on the floor.
  4. We focus on how the spine stretches.
  5. You can be in this relaxed position from one minute to three minutes.

An option for performing the exercise is to stretch your arms forward. This allows you to stretch your back muscles even more.

Attention!“Child’s Pose” is recommended to be performed last in the morning exercise system, as it promotes rest and relaxation.

Advantages and benefits of this complex


  • This complex of exercise therapy exercises for the back includes movements borrowed from yoga practice. They are an excellent way to bring all body systems into a state of harmony.
  • It is not recommended to include active exercises in morning exercises, since the body has not yet fully woken up. This complex gives a gentle load and at the same time promotes thorough muscle development and stretching.
  • To overcome a sedentary lifestyle, it is recommended to follow this system. She doesn't take much time is performed without significant stress, and at the same time heals the body and charges you with a good mood.
  • Selection of movements. From the entire morning complex, you can choose from three to five exercises that are most suitable for you and perform them. After doing morning exercises, you feel cheerful and pleasant sensations in your muscles and throughout your body.

An indicator that you have correctly followed the technique of performing morning exercises will be a pleasant sensation in your muscles and vigor. Morning exercises are necessary for everyone - both those who have active physical work and those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Without physical activity, unfavorable changes occur in the body: this concerns the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the musculoskeletal system, and the functioning of internal organs.

Don't forget that in addition to training there is also

Attention! If for some reason you did not have time to complete the complex in the morning, you can perform it in the evening. The only condition is that two and a half hours must pass after eating.

Fast charging while sitting at the workplace for the back (in pictures)

If you cannot afford to perform the above complex, we present you with express exercises while sitting on a chair.

Do this quick system at least once a day. But if possible, do it more often. Ideally, every hour or two.

Is it possible to perform these movements with various back diseases?

A common cause of spinal diseases is weakness and underdevelopment of the muscles of the spinal column. Perform the complex for back diseases definitely necessary. This is a good way to treat and prevent exacerbations of musculoskeletal diseases.

In this case, it is necessary to follow certain recommendations:

  • When the acute process subsides, you need to perform exercises, but at a very slow pace, smoothly stretching the muscles. Gradually you can move on to performing the entire set of exercises.
  • From this system you need choose the movements that suit you best. They need to be performed smoothly and measuredly, at a slow pace. After performing each movement, give the back muscles time to relax to prevent spasm.
  • For hernias and scoliosis it is necessary consult a doctor physical therapy specialist, who can select the most effective exercises from this complex for you.
  • For hernias and varying degrees of scoliosis, different training sessions with different loads may be recommended. Properly selected exercises for each patient individually evenly distribute the load on the spine, relieve muscle spasm and release the compressed nerve root.
  • , And .

This system, despite its apparent lightness and simplicity, provides a good workout of the main muscle groups and charges the body with energy! By doing these exercises regularly in the morning, you will feel a positive effect on the body and, once you get used to it, you will no longer be able to refuse them.

Our lethargy in the morning can be explained by only one thing - the body, despite awakening, remains in a calm and sleepy state for some time. In order to finally wake up, it takes about 2-3 hours. Washing your face in the morning will help you cheer up a little, as it allows you to send a certain impulse to the central nervous system. But without bringing your muscles and joints to work, you won’t be able to fully awaken. This is why a person needs morning exercises. Before you begin the process of carrying it out, you need to understand the usefulness of a set of such exercises.

Any physical training requires 3 or 4 visits to the gym per week and thorough muscle loads. Then, as classes in the morning carry only a health-improving meaning. The maximum benefit from morning training will be only when, during the process of execution, the set of exercises is improved and complicated. It is recommended to carry out charging in a well-ventilated area and wearing clothing that does not restrict movement. It is best to finish your classes with a contrast shower.

The obvious benefits of morning exercises are as follows:

  • Improves mood;
  • Increased vitality;
  • The level of drowsiness decreases;
  • Lethargy and fatigue disappear;
  • The syndrome, which is clearly expressed in an irritable attitude towards the outside world (hypokinesia), disappears.

Since exercise has a completely different purpose, there is no need to turn it into a regular training process. After all, the name itself suggests that these activities are designed to charge the human body with energy for the whole day. Unlike exercise, training aims to strain the muscles, exhausting the body. At the end of it, the body always wants to rest, since a lot of strength and energy have been spent. Without some preparation for training, you can cause irreparable harm to your body.

There are people who, along with a morning jog, prefer to do all sorts of strength exercises for various muscle groups, arms and abs. This complex takes longer than regular charging, about 40-50 minutes. Therefore, it is incorrect to call such loads charging. After all charger- This is a set of physical exercises that are intended to knead joints and muscle tissue.

This complex is often combined with some strength loads, but the number of them, as well as the type and duration of implementation, largely depends on physical fitness, desire and availability of free time. What are the best times for sports activities? The most optimal time for strength-bearing loads on the body is after lunch, but exercises are best done in the morning.

Correct morning exercises

The gradual awakening of the body does not accept any heavy loads immediately after sleep that force the heart to switch to more active work, causing irreparable damage to the heart muscle.

There are exercises that can be easily performed directly in bed. These include warm-up exercises that do not carry any load. At the same time, remember that they are not enough for a cheerful and active well-being throughout the day. You will need to walk a little, take a shower or just wash your face, drink a glass of water and only after all this do the basic exercises.

Morning exercises are performed to music, which is selected individually for each person. The presence of intense exercises in the complex forces you to select music whose tempo will be about 140 or 170 beats per minute. Many compositions of our time have exactly this tempo. When performing exercises in a calmer rhythm, slow songs are selected. To properly organize body movements and coordinate your breathing with them, it is recommended to select songs of a rhythmic nature.

That morning exercise that gives you good spirits and a surge of strength is considered the best. The main mistake in charging is excessive loads. Many people forget that the main purpose of exercise is to tone up. Her idea is not building muscle mass. The best way to determine the degree of stress on the body is how a person feels. The body should not feel tired or overly tired. With these symptoms, the necessary measure should be to reduce the load.

Set of exercises

There are several options for exercises performed during morning exercises, but there are some basic ones among them.

A set of exercises for the cervical region

  • Making head turns to the left and right;
  • Inclined movements of the head left-right, forward-backward;
  • Circular rotation of the head at a slow pace.

You should not close your eyes if you have problems with the vestibular system.

Morning warm-up for arms

A set of core exercises

Leg warm-up

Additional set of exercises

To the above exercises done in the morning, you can add the following strength training:

  • press swing,
  • rotational exercises of a gymnastic hoop,
  • use of light or medium weight dumbbells in exercises.

The effect of morning exercises

All the sets of exercises presented above will help you improve the condition of your entire body and get into work mode much faster.

Morning exercises make our auditory, vestibular, visual and other systems more active, help set the central organ of the nervous system in a working mood and bring the body out of the inhibited state that is present in the first hours after waking up. If exercises are regular, then a person notices positive physical changes: improved blood circulation, proper heart function, accelerated venous blood flow. Exercise also has a beneficial effect on the lungs. When performing exercises, the level of oxygen in the blood increases, and this in turn leads to active acid-reduction processes in the body, muscle tissue strengthens and joints are strengthened.

Performing a set of exercises daily in the morning will prepare your body for all the physical, mental and emotional stress that you will face during the day. And remember that only the right set of exercises can lift your spirits and make you feel all the charm of an active life.