Forecast for the hockey youth world championship. Bets on the Junior World Hockey Championship. General information about the World Junior Championships

When most people will cope New Year and to celebrate the arrival of the long-awaited 2019 in Vancouver, youth teams will compete among themselves for the first positions in the group. Valery Bragin's team will play against their main competitor and eternal rival - the Canadian national team - on January 1 at 04:00 Moscow time. Both teams quickly started the group stage of the World Championship with confident victories. Many experts and analysts unanimously say that Russia and Kanala are the main contenders for victory in the tournament. It turns out that on January 1 we will have a mini-final of the 2019 World Youth Hockey Championship? What will the upcoming meeting be like? Further in our forecast for the match between the Russian and Canadian national teams.

Odds 1x2 from(at 29/12 02:14)

  • Draw – 5.29 (P x = 17.3%)
  • Margin – 9.56%

Russian team

Valery Bragin invited almost everyone to the team best hockey players countries under 20 years of age. 22 hockey players were included in the application, including Artyom Galimov, Klim Kostin and Pavel Shen. At first, the head coach invited 21 hockey players, but literally at the last moment, defender Savely Olshansky announced. It was thanks to Saveliy’s efforts that the Russian team defeated the Canadians in the November Super Series. The main team was missing literally two players - Ivan Chekhovich and Andrey Svechnikov. Two super-forwards, shining to the fullest in the National Hockey League farm. Svechnikov periodically appears in Carolina’s first line this season, and only the injury received right before the start of the World Cup did not allow the talented striker to help his partners.

The Russian national team opened the World Cup with a match against the Danish national team, with whom the Russians had last years A special relationship develops. But for Russia this was only the first game at the World Cup, but the Danes managed to play the Canadians the day before. For them, the first pancake came out lumpy - a defeat with an amazing result, even by hockey standards, of 0:14. Of course, the Scandinavians were full of determination and eager to rehabilitate themselves in front of the few fans. But even in the match against Russia, defeat awaited them - a 0:4 defeat. Bragin’s team traditionally finds it difficult to fit into major competitions. On the one hand, this is good - the potential of the national team is completely unknown to the opponents, but on the other hand, the match against the weak Danes indicated some problems in the Russians' play. However, even in 2015, the Russian youth hockey team lost to the Danes 0:2 after the first period - and this was also the first game of the World Cup.

Team Canada

Canadians have one of the strongest youth teams at the moment. There are truly talented guys here who demonstrated their spirit in the very first match - they beat the Danish national team with a score of 14:0. But theoretically, the Canadians could appear in an even more formidable guise in front of their rivals - the “Wedges” do not have Alex Formenton, Gabe Vilardi and Robert Thomas in their lineup. However, even without these performers, the World Cup hosts are among the favorites for the final victory. The Canadians move on the ice simply phenomenally, and while the Russian team beat the Danes with difficulty, the Wedges did the same with an incredible handicap. Confident movement, the highest percentage of power plays - all this is typical of today's Canadian U20 team.

Odds 1x2 from(at 29/12 02:14)

  • Russia will win – 4.42 (P 1 = 20.7%)
  • Draw – 5.29 (P x = 17.3%)
  • Canada will win – 1.47 (P 2 = 62.1%)
  • Margin – 9.56%

Match forecast

Already the second match of the Canadian national team at the World Cup showed that it is still possible to play with the “wedges” on equal terms, no matter their condition. The match against the Swiss national team turned out to be very difficult for them - they won with a minimal difference of 3:2. At the same time, bookmakers predicted a defeat for the “watchmakers” comparable to that suffered by the Danes. But only 3:2 and a clear idea for the Russian team of how to play with the “wedges”. Bookmakers give preference to upcoming game namely the Canadian team - you can bet on their victory at odds of 1.47, and it fell from 1.67. A quote of 4.42 was offered for the victory of Bragin's squad. The Russian national team starts hard at almost every World Championship and the match against Denmark turned out to be difficult. The Canadians are playing confidently so far due to the high playing standards of their main players - Frost and Glass. Four hockey players of this team are at the top of the list of top scorers. All this suggests that the level of the “wedges” is still slightly higher than that of other competitors.

  • Victory of the Canadian team with a handicap of -1.5 for 1.86

Publication date: 29/12/2018 02:14

Full schedule for the match:


Odds for the outcome of a 1x2 pre-match

Outcome 1x2 (pre-match)
P1 3.66 5.7
X 4.84 6.76
P2 1.71 1.29

Odds for the outcome 1x2 live

Exodus 1x2 (live)
P1 × 1.25
X × 4.4
P2 × 23

Odds for double chance pre-match

Double chance (pre-match)
1X 2.1 3.2
12 1.168 1.07
X2 1.26 1.1

Live Double Chance Odds

Double chance (live)
1X × 1.06
12 × 1.3
X2 × 2.5

On Sunday, December 30 at 04:00 Moscow time, the next match of the World Youth Championship will take place in Vancouver, where the tournament hosts, the Canadian team, will host the Czech team. Both teams started the tournament with victories, but if the Czech Republic big problems coped with the resistance of the Swiss team only in overtime, then the Canadians swept the Danish team off the court - 14:0. We will be able to find out after the end of this match whether the Czechs were able to improve the problematic defensive line and the discipline that was limping on both legs in the team these days, and whether they will be able to give the Canadian national team a worthy welcome.

Odds 1x2 from(at 28/12 03:40)

  • Draw – 10.0 (P x = 9.2%)
  • Margin – 9.24%

Canada U20

The hosts and one of the main favorites of the World Cup. Without Rasmussen, Vilardi and Robert Thomas missing this tournament due to injury, the Canadians are still a serious threat to any opponent. Team Canada head coach Tim Hunter, to the surprise of many experts, opted for destruction. It will be interesting to see this version of Canada's game. All the players in the national team are well trained tactically, but who will bring zest to the game of this team. Of the creative players, we can only mention Fross, Glass, Smith and Lafreniere. Canada began its first match at the tournament by mocking the Danish national team - 14:0. It is, of course, difficult to draw conclusions from this game. After the first period, the Canadians led with a score of 3:0, and in the second period even Canadian goalkeeper Michael DiPietro earned a point for an assist. The 14:0 score is remarkable, but it’s worth talking more about the weakness of the Danes than about the strength of the Canadians. It is worth remembering that in the test matches before the championship, the Canadians experienced difficulties in the match with Switzerland (5:3), and completely lost to the Finns (2:5).

Czech Republic U20

The Czech national team, unlike previous championships, gathered almost all the strongest young hockey players, with the exception of Chytil, whom his Rangers club decided not to let go to Vancouver. But the Czechs have at least two good links. One combination, by youth standards, can be considered top - Kaut/Lauko - Necas - Zadina. There are certain problems in defense, which showed up in the first match with Switzerland, but they have a very reliable goalkeeper - Shkarek. In the first match of the tournament with the Swiss, the Czech team started the match very well, but then, due to the gross mistakes of the defense and very large number the deletions barely made it into overtime. In extra time, the team pulled itself together and defeated the opponent. The goals were scored by Kaut (he also created the second goal) and Kvasnicka. If the Czechs are not afraid of the seemingly monster destroyers from the Canadian team even before the start of the match, then they have a chance to impose their hockey on the hosts.

Odds 1x2 from(at 28/12 03:40)

  • Canada U-20 will win – 1.10 (P 1 = 83.2%)
  • Draw – 10.0 (P x = 9.2%)
  • Czech Republic U-20 will win – 12.0 (P 2 = 7.6%)
  • Margin – 9.24%

Match forecast

Of course, according to bookmaker companies, the Canadian team is considered the favorite of the match. " " estimates her chances of winning in regular time at odds of 1.16. A draw is offered for 9.04 and a victory for the Czech team - 8.76. Canadians are the favorites not only of this meeting, but of the entire youth championship. However, the Czech national team has many skilled players who will be able to compete with the hosts in this match. Therefore, I think it is possible to make the following prediction for this match:

  • victory of the Czech Republic U20 with a handicap of +3.5 - with odds from Winline - 1.63

Publication date: 28/12/2018 03:40

Full schedule for the match:


Odds for the outcome of a 1x2 pre-match

Outcome 1x2 (pre-match)
P1 1.136 1.15
X 10.5 9.31
P2 10.5 9.18

Odds for the outcome 1x2 live

Exodus 1x2 (live)
P1 1.04 1.1
X 15 10.5
P2 40 17.2

There is very little left before the start of a major youth event, the 42nd World Hockey Championship. This time the championship peace will pass in the American city of Buffalo. The tournament starts on December 26 and ends on January 5.


The teams are divided into two groups:

Group A: USA, Canada, Denmark, Slovakia, Finland

Group B: Russia, Sweden, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Belarus

Russian national team game schedule:

26.12 Russia – Czech Republic

28.12 Russia – Switzerland

29.12 Russia – Belarus

31.12 Russia – Sweden

Forecast for the tournament.

Last year, the teams played it hot, the US and Canada teams met in the finals, the match turned out to be dramatic, first one team took the lead, then the other, in the end the outcome of the match was decided in a shootout, in which the representatives of the American team were stronger, 5-4 . In the match for third place, the national teams of Sweden and Russia met, no one thought that the Russians were capable of winning this match, even the Swedes themselves were 100% confident in their victory, but the Russian youth team, “not shit”, gave such a fight, that the victory was ours, the result was 2-1, bronze.

Since 2011, the Russian youth team has always been in the top three, this is one of the most stable European teams, the tournament favorites are usually the Swedes and Canadians, Russia, the USA and Finland remain in the shadows, but as tournament statistics show, these teams are capable of a lot .

Just a month ago, the Russian youth team finished a super series against the Canadian youth, and performed well, the score in the series was 3-3, the Canadians won in shootouts.

Bookmaker quotes for MFM2018

Now let's look at the bets that bookmakers give on the winner:

USA – 2.60, Canada – 3.55, Russia, Sweden – 6.50.

Why is it profitable to place a bet right now?

The reason is clear, further the odds will only fall, the less time before the start, the lower the odds. Who to bet on? Definitely the Canadian team, although they are not the host of the tournament, I think they are the main favorite of the tournament, the bookmakers give a good odds on their victory, they will definitely play in the finals, where there is a possibility of a win-win option, make a sure bet, in the finals there is such an obvious odds on the Canadian national team You won't see. It will be difficult for the Americans, they are pushing their stands forward, this is good, will they have the strength to cope with such pressure, after all, they are young people, they have a lot of energy.

The Russian team, judging by last matches The Canadian team is fine, we have a leader, Kirill Kaprizov, a couple of Armenians who score what they need to win (just kidding). Last year the Swedes, with their golden youth, burned out, if they made the right conclusions, they will reach the finals. My breakdown of the top three winners is as follows: Canada, Sweden, Russia, USA.

The Russian national hockey team is unlikely to be able to count on winning the 2019 World Cup of Hockey, this is the forecast given by bookmakers for today. According to bookmaker analysts, the main favorite of the IIHF World Youth Championship (under 20 years) is the Canadian team. Also because the tournament will take place in Canadian Vancouver and Victoria. The US team will most likely fight for second place. The dates for the 2019 World Cup are from December 26 to January 5.

Bets on the winner of the 2019 MFM Hockey Championship

Bookmaker Marathon accepts bets that the Canadian team will win the home world championship with odds of 1.96. Accordingly, the probability that this bet will win is about 50 percent. You can bet on the US team with odds of 5.00 (the chances are exactly 20 percent). On Russian team bets are accepted with odds of 6.50 (odds about 15 percent). Next come the Swedish teams - odds 7.10 (chances about 14 percent), Finland - 7.50 (chances about 13 percent) and the Czech Republic - 12.00 (chances about 8 percent).

According to experts, it will undoubtedly be quite difficult for the Russian team to compete for the main prize of the tournament in Canada. On top of that, Russian head coach Valery Bragin did not take promising forward Dmitry Zavgorodniy to the 2019 World Cup. A student of the Omsk avant-garde performs at the Main Junior Club hockey league Quebec "Rimouski Oceanic". In addition, the Carolina Hurricanes will not release forward Andrei Svechnikov. The 18-year-old native of Barnaul was selected second overall in the 2018 draft.

MFM 2019 match schedule

Valery Bragin's team will play in the group stage with Denmark (December 27), the Czech Republic (December 28), Switzerland (December 30) and Canada (December 31). Four teams from two groups will advance to the playoffs of the tournament. The quarterfinal matches will take place on January 2. The semi-finals will take place on January 4th. The final match and the bronze medal game is scheduled for January 5th. A more detailed tournament schedule can be found at

On Sunday, January 6, at 00:05 Moscow time The match for third place at the World Hockey Championship (U-20) between the national teams of Russia and Switzerland will begin at the Rogers Arena in Vancouver. We will bring Interesting Facts about teams, consider bookmaker odds, make your own forecast, and also find out what bets on this moment most relevant.


Valery Bragin's team started the tournament with a victory over the Danes - 4:0. After that, she beat the Czechs with great difficulty - 2:1, and both goals were scored in the minority. There were also difficulties with the Swiss - in the middle of the second period, the Russian team was losing 1:3, but still managed to turn the tide of the meeting and won 7:4. But on New Year's Eve, the Russians acted almost perfectly and managed to defeat Canada in the match for first place in the group - 2:1.

In the quarterfinals, Bragin's team met with the Slovaks. The Russians did not experience any problems - 8:3. In the semi-finals, which many dubbed an early final, the Russians, alas, lost to the US team - 1:2.

The Russian team is approaching the bronze medal match with 5 wins in 6 matches. The overall goal difference is 24:11. Only Canada has allowed more Russians, only the Finns have allowed fewer of them.

Russian national team goalkeeper Petr Kochetkov ranks fourth in terms of percentage of saved shots (94.51). Forward Grigory Denisenko, who scored 7 points (3+4), ranks third in the list of top scorers.


The Alpine team started the championship with an offensive defeat from the Czechs - the decisive puck flew into the Swiss goal in overtime (1:2). The defeat from the Canadians was also minimal - 2:3. In the third round, Christian Wohlwend's boys defeated Denmark (4:0), and then miraculously avoided the Russian team - in the middle of the second period they were leading 3:1 and were entitled to two shootouts, but in the end they lost 4:7.

The Crusaders finished the group in fourth place and received the winner of Group B, the Swedish national team, as opponents in the quarterfinals. It is clear that the Scandinavians were considered the favorites, but the unyielding guys from Central Europe managed to work a miracle and won with a score of 2:0. In terms of shots, by the way, the Swiss lost minimally - 35:41.

There were no longer enough Swiss players for the semi-finals. Christian Wohlwend's team lost to the Finns without any options with a score of 1:6. It’s interesting that the Alpine team outscored the opponent almost twice – 33:17.

The Swiss team approaches the match for third place with 2 victories in 6 matches, the total goal difference is 14:18.

Switzerland goalkeeper Luca Hollenstein leads in save percentage (97.75). Forward Philip Kurashev, who scored 6 points, takes sixth place in the race of top scorers.

Odds for the match from the bookmaker

Calls the Russian team the favorite. The odds for Bragin's team to win are 1.30. At the same time, the possible success of the Swiss is estimated at a coefficient of 6.50. You can bet on a draw outcome (in regulation time) with odds of 7.45.

The coefficient for TB(5.5) is 1.58, while for TM(5.5) it is 2.37.

P1xP2TB 5.5TM 5.5
Put1,30 7,45 6,50 1,58 2,37

Bet on the match Russia - Switzerland

The Russian team played several hours earlier, which is important - less than a day will pass between the semi-finals and the match for third place for the Swiss. In addition, Russia is obviously stronger - it won 5 out of 6 matches, while the Alps reached such a late stage only thanks to the peculiarities of the regulations and an unexpected victory over Sweden. Bragin's team must win, and with a margin.