Professional gymnastics for children. Rhythmic gymnastics for children. Why you shouldn't do rhythmic gymnastics

Pros: I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the site team for selecting a coach for our kids. We were offered Irina Nikolaevna Gavrilova. This is a specialist top class. From the first minutes of meeting our girls, Irina Nikolaevna was able to establish contact with them and find an approach to...

each of them. And this is not so simple, since we have four twin girls growing up, each with a very strong, independent character. Irina Nikolaevna worked with girls in a group and individually. She was given general tasks physical development children; teaching fitness for kids with elements of baby yoga. After just two weeks, a positive result became noticeable: the girls became more flexible and physically active. IN individual lessons Irina Nikolaevna was able to find a key for each of them, based on their physical and psychological characteristics. And most importantly, the children were happy to go to classes, waited for them and always worked with emotional enthusiasm. But as you know, desire and aspiration are more than half the success in any business. And besides, children are the best indicators of human relationships. And our girls sought to communicate with the coach, because they felt that Irina Nikolaevna was a wonderful soul. Kind, sincere, hardworking, loving children. She does not rest on her laurels in working with clients and is constantly looking for ways to diversify the methods and forms of work, support the desire of children, and promote their physical and personal growth. And she regularly works on herself in order to achieve even greater heights in her profession. We really hope to continue cooperation with Irina Nikolaevna. The children are used to it and want to continue their studies. I would like classes with this trainer to become a system and achieve the ultimate goal - the general physical strengthening and improvement of the kids. I am happy to recommend Irina Nikolaevna Gavrilova as a trainer in rhythmic gymnastics, fitness, and yoga. Her work deserves the highest rating - 5+. I thank the site team for their high professionalism and quality of services provided. This company works for results. Sincerely. Tsyganova Oksana Anatolyevna.. We were offered Gavrilova Irina Nikolaevna. This is a specialist of the highest class. From the first minutes of meeting our girls, Irina Nikolaevna was able to establish contact with them and find an approach to each of them. And this is not so simple, since we have four twin girls growing up, each with a very strong, independent character. Irina Nikolaevna worked with girls in a group and individually. She was tasked with the general physical development of children; teaching fitness for kids with elements of baby yoga. After just two weeks, a positive result became noticeable: the girls became more flexible and physically active. In individual lessons, Irina Nikolaevna was able to find a key for each of them, based on their physical and psychological characteristics. And most importantly, the children were happy to go to classes, waited for them and always worked with emotional enthusiasm. But as you know, desire and aspiration are more than half the success in any business. And besides, children are the best indicators of human relationships. And our girls sought to communicate with the coach, because they felt that Irina Nikolaevna was a wonderful soul. Kind, sincere, hardworking, loving children. She does not rest on her laurels in working with clients and is constantly looking for ways to diversify the methods and forms of work, support the desire of children, and promote their physical and personal growth. And she regularly works on herself in order to achieve even greater heights in her profession. We really hope to continue cooperation with Irina Nikolaevna. The children are used to it and want to continue their studies. I would like classes with this trainer to become a system and achieve the ultimate goal - the general physical strengthening and improvement of the kids. I am happy to recommend Irina Nikolaevna Gavrilova as a trainer in rhythmic gymnastics, fitness, and yoga. Her work deserves the highest rating - 5+. I thank the site team for their high professionalism and quality of services provided. This company works for results.

“Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport for strong, very strong girls. Doing the splits for the first time is very painful, and any achievement comes through severe pain, which not every child can withstand,” says the bronze medalist Olympic Games 2012 Lyubov Cherkashina.

The experienced athlete believes that parents play the most important role in the development of a girl gymnast. If you feel sorry for your daughter all the time, then she will not become a champion; many leave precisely because they cannot stand the pain, she notes. So is it even worth sending your baby to such a cruel sport?

Why is it worth sending your baby to gymnastics?

  • The girl will develop fit figure, correct gait and straight posture.
  • Successful gymnasts have an “iron” character, because they have to endure hellish pain. Whether your baby needs such a character is up to you to decide.
  • Willpower, endurance, discipline, patience - all these qualities are cultivated by gymnastics.
  • In addition to physical characteristics, the girl will develop an ear for music.
  • Developed and stretched muscles make it possible to forget about ordinary childhood injuries outside of training.

Why shouldn't you do rhythmic gymnastics?

At performances, girls seem to flutter around the carpet, bending like plasticine dolls, but such skills are very difficult for them. The first years of training become real torture for them; to stretch their muscles they have to endure severe pain.

“I always really liked rhythmic gymnastics, I was happy to give it to my daughter and was looking forward to beautiful performances. Parents were not allowed into the gym during training, but my daughter came out crying all the time. The coach said that this is normal, the first two or three years are really very painful. At an open lesson, I was convinced of this myself; my little girl, with burning tears, did the splits for the first time. I felt sorry for her, we didn’t go to training anymore,” says the mother of the failed five-year-old athlete, Victoria Katkova.

So, the main disadvantage of this sport is the severe pain that the child will have to endure. And here the appropriate question is: for what? Olympic champion becomes one in millions, and the rest end their careers at 20 years old, at best becoming a coach. In addition, gymnasts receive sprains and sometimes ruptured ligaments, go on diets, and train five times a week.

Another drawback is the financial component. Fees and prize funds much less than in mass sports. But swimsuits and sports equipment are not cheap. For example, a children's swimsuit for classes will cost at least five thousand rubles, and an outfit for performances can cost as much as 50 thousand.

Who is contraindicated for rhythmic gymnastics?

  • Children with diabetes.
  • For heart disease.
  • For any diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Girls diagnosed with scoliosis.
  • For those with impaired vision.

Who is rhythmic gymnastics suitable for?

  • A fragile, graceful girl.
  • A girl of medium to small height.
  • That little girl who has a sense of rhythm and an ear for music.
  • A girl with character, not a little crybaby.

When should I send my baby to classes?

Any trainer will tell you that you need to start classes as early as possible. Without proper training, children's flexibility and plasticity “weaken” every year, and therefore many mothers bring their daughters to a sports school as early as three years old. Pediatricians are strongly against such an early introduction to rigorous sports; they advise starting classes no earlier than five years.

If you are seriously thinking about a career as a gymnast for your little one, then don’t waste time! After the age of six, flexibility begins to decline, and by the age of eight it is almost impossible to join the sport.

How are gymnastics classes conducted?

For the first year, no one will “stretch” the baby with all their might, put her in the splits and put her on the bridge. First, the coach will “check” what the child is capable of, evaluate his natural abilities, and only then begin to improve them. The first few months of training take place in a playful way, then the simplest elements are introduced: shoulder stand, wave, bridge, and already in the second year of training the girls begin to train at full strength.

If you decide to send your daughter to this sport, then the first thing you should do is trust the coach! You should not give advice or take part in training. Do not dictate your own rules, even if it seems to you that the coach is too strict with your baby.

We told you about what rhythmic gymnastics is and how difficult it is for young athletes to perform beautifully and gracefully. Should I send my daughter to this sport? Yes, if you are brave enough! And not to the girl, but to you – the parents. You will have to console and support her after each workout, and reassure her that she can handle the next stretch.

Have you ever imagined your daughter as a rhythmic gymnast?

Rhythmic gymnastics occupies a special place among aesthetic sports. It is beauty and grace that attract athletes and connoisseurs: in combination with a wonderful musical component and with additional objects - a hoop, ribbon, ball, mace - we get a breathtaking spectacle, a triumph of aesthetics and physical fitness.

Russian female athletes traditionally excel in this sport. It is no coincidence that in many cities there are sections for children and youth sports schools(Youth and Youth Sports School), in which experienced coaches train girls in the discipline of “Rhythmic Gymnastics”. Our city was no exception: if they have the desire and free time, girls can attend these unusual training sessions, which take place on a special gymnastics mat.

Indeed, the benefits of rhythmic gymnastics are obvious: posture and alignment improve, muscles and musculature are strengthened. This activity has a great effect on the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Do not forget about increasing coordination, endurance, and flexibility. In addition, girls learn more about world culture, develop musical and artistic tastes, and learn to work in a team.

Choosing the right shoes for a young gymnast

The main mistake of parents when choosing shoes for their daughter who has started training rhythmic gymnastics is that they purchase Czech shoes or ballet slippers. This is completely wrong! It is worth taking into account the specifics of the activity and choosing other shoes, namely half shoes. Their main advantage is easy fit on the foot and inexpensive cost. With their help you can easily perform various movements and turns, and in appearance they look very nice. But in any case, depending on age, training characteristics and foot structure, it is better to consult a coach or teacher on this issue.

How to avoid injuries in rhythmic gymnastics

Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport that attracts with its beauty and grace. But not everyone knows that behind the external ease and smooth movements of athletes lies years of hard training, during which something that everyone would like to avoid happens - injury. Everyone wants to protect themselves from them: the gymnasts themselves, their parents, and coaches. The risk of injury depends on which trainer the young lady falls into. An experienced specialist is fluent in all techniques, has a perfect understanding of psychology and physical abilities girls of different ages. He will not overload the fragile body in order to achieve results faster. In addition, it is important in what room the training takes place. A too-close gym indirectly affects injuries: athletes may collide with each other or bump into gymnastic apparatus, so it is better to avoid such “boxes”. It is also important to maintain a balance between training and rest, as excessive stress risks damaging muscles and tendons.

Rhythmic gymnastics in numbers

What unites gymnastics and mathematics? Probably accuracy: it is adventurous and wrong to rely “at chance” both in science and in sports. Some values ​​that are standard in rhythmic gymnastics cannot be neglected. For example, the diameter of a hoop for competitions must strictly be within the range of 80-90 cm, and its weight must exceed 300 g. It is also clearly stated what weight and diameter another element - the ball - should have (diameter - 18-20 cm, weight - minimum 400 g). Another beautiful component of rhythmic gymnastics - clubs - should have a length of 40-50 cm.

Welcome to the Elite rhythmic gymnastics school in Moscow. It is in our section that your daughter will be able to realize herself and become a great athlete! Rhythmic gymnastics is recognized as the most graceful, elegant and beautiful sport for children, which will give the girl flexibility, body control, health, dexterity and determination for the rest of her life.

Our team consists of masters of sports and famous choreographers who are aimed at obtaining excellent results. You can find prices and reviews of classes on our website.

Rhythmic gymnastics for children in the South-Western Administrative District

Our school has several groups, so the first one must be held before registration. trial lesson, at which the coach determines the level of training. For girls there are:

  • Entry level of training.
  • Advanced level. Professional training for schoolgirls from 8 to 14 years old who have been involved in gymnastics for several years.
  • Intensive classes that include choreographic exercises.

The groups have several directions depending on the goal that the young athlete has set for herself.

Rhythmic gymnastics for children: reviews

Is it worth sending a girl to sports? Advantages of classes in the rhythmic gymnastics section:

  • Early hardening, which reduces the risk of developing colds.
  • The condition of the musculoskeletal system improves, scoliosis and flat feet disappear.
  • Gymnasts develop the habit of taking poses and performing every movement gracefully and femininely.
  • The psycho-emotional state improves. During the training process, the happiness hormone is produced, and achieving success in completing an element or excellent execution of the program causes self-satisfaction.
  • High level of discipline. WITH early years the athletes fulfill the coach's requirements.
  • A serious approach to any business.
  • Slimness for life.
  • Self-confidence.
  • At what age do you have to go to rhythmic gymnastics? Ideal age 3-6 years.
  • Girls know how not only to win, but also to accept the bitterness of defeat.