Assignment of a category in ballroom dancing. Dance sport in Russia. Conditions for fulfilling classification requirements

We have already tried to give you information about why sports categories and titles are still needed in our first article. In the continuation, we shared the sequence of actions to obtain youth ranks. Today we will talk about the necessary actions to obtain adult ranks and CMS.


You have already grown to a certain level, you constantly compete in competitions, receive ranks and improve your class... You should follow two rules:

Listen to the coach

Perform at official competitions, included in the ECP, i.e. championships and championships of municipal and federal districts, Russia, All-Russian competitions.

In the Russian Federation, confirmation and assignment of sports categories and titles is determined by a document called the Unified All-Russian sports classification(EVSK). It indicates the standards in each sport that must be fulfilled in order to receive a certain category and title.


The athlete’s record book must be completed and registered in the organization where he received this document, i.e. in the Federation.


The sports categories of KMS and the “first sports category” are assigned by executive authorities in the region physical culture and sports by REPRESENTATION (individual), containing the last name, first name, patronymic (if any), the athlete’s date of birth, as well as information about the athlete’s result shown at the competition, certified by the seal (if any) and the signature of the head of the regional sports federation or division of the federal body , at the location of the territorial sphere of activity of the regional sports federation or at the location of the division of the federal body.

Sports categories “second sports category” and “third sports category” are assigned by local government bodies of municipal districts and urban districts according to REPRESENTATION (general) for assignment sports category, certified by the seal (if any) and signature of the head of the regional sports federation or local sports federation at the place of their territorial sphere of activity.

We remind you that to participate in sports competitions, you must have the original insurance policy and a certificate from a sports dispensary.

List of documents required for submission for assignment of a sports category (in accordance with the Regulations on the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification, approved by Order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated February 20, 2017 No. 108 (as amended on June 1, 2017 No. 479):

Within 2 weeks, send to the Presidium of your Federation a petition for athletes to assign or increase ranks, along with a package of documents.

The maximum period when documents must be received by the relevant authorities (authorities! They must be received by the federation earlier) for assignment is 4 months from the date the athlete fulfills the assignment standards.

  1. 1. submission for assignment, certified by the seal and signature of the federation for the sport and the submitting organization, in 2 copies. on paper. Submissions are submitted separately for each category and separately for sports.


1. Class assignment and execution bit requirements, is held separately by type of sports dance (standard, Latin, 10 dances, sequei).

2. The year is calculated from the date of the first successful performance, which gives the right to fulfill the relevant classification requirements.

3. The indicator of stability of the quality of results (SQR) is defined as the arithmetic average of the best assessments of the results of dancers’ performances at competitions of the corresponding rank. The number of competitions required to fulfill the TFR indicator is determined by regional sports dance organizations and must be at least five.

4. The assessment of the result of a performance at one classification competition is determined by the formula: p(1 - m/k), where p is the rank of the competition, expressed in points; m - place occupied by a dancing couple; k - number of participating pairs. The assessment of the performance result is rounded to the nearest thousand.

5. Ranking table for classification competitions (in points):
















Classification Championships
not lower than the regional scale (conducted no more than once a year)

no less than city scale


Classification competitions
below urban scale


When holding competitions in two adjacent classes (for example, “A+ S”), the competition coefficient increases from the coefficient of the lower class by 0.25 for each pair of a higher class.

6. The procedure for collecting classification points: for each pair bypassed, one point is awarded, but not more than 20 points in one competition.

7. Before fulfilling or confirming the classification requirements, the difficulty program for a sports-dance pair for a dance season up to and including “C” class can be determined by a coach. After completing or confirming the classification requirements, mastering complexity programs and assigning classes takes place in a strictly defined sequence.

8. A five-time performance in the “N” class, the initial difficulty program for sports and recreational groups, gives the right to master the “E” class difficulty program.

9. “N”-class dancers who took 1-3 place three times during the season or took 1-6 place in the final five times in competitions starting with the preliminary round/s must be transferred to the “N” class for the next season. E" class.

10. Adult dancers who have performed five times in “E” class - a difficulty program for groups initial training, have the right to master the “D” class complexity program.

11. A couple’s dance class is determined by upper class one of the partners.

12. The evaluation of the performance result at one rating competition (open class) is determined by the formula: (p + s – 1)(1 - m/k), where p is the rank of the competition, expressed in points; с – number of participating countries; m - place occupied by a dancing couple; k - number of participating pairs. The assessment of the performance result is rounded to the nearest thousand.

Age groups

by date of birth




9 years

and younger


10-11 years


12-13 years old


14-15 years old

The youth

16-18 years old

The youth

19-20 years old


19 years

and older

Championships, World and European Championships.

Championships, Championships of the Russian Dance Union.

Championships, Championships at least on a regional scale (included in the RTS calendar).

Open traditional international competitions

"Rising Stars".

14. The age group is determined by the eldest in the pair.

15. Juniors allowed age groups one group older.

16. Admission of dancers to competitions is carried out only if they have a classification book, without fail with a note on payment of the current annual membership fee to any public dance organization.


To confirm a class, it is necessary to receive an assessment of the performance result corresponding to this class within a year at one of the rating competitions.

Unified classification

amateur league dancers

Russian Dance Union

The Unified Classification of Dancers of the Amateur Committee of the Russian Dance Union (RTS) is based on the rank requirements for sports dances, developed by Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Dance Sports of the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, President of the Moscow Federation of Sports Dance MGKS DSO Trade Unions A.V. Mashkov. These requirements were considered and adopted by the first All-Russian scientific and methodological conference on sports dances of the Russian State Academy of Physical Culture. Since 1993, the discharge requirements have undergone practical testing at the IFST and have had positive results.

When developing this classification, the following were used: international experience of the leading countries of the world; classification options that existed and exist in our country; as well as category requirements for similar sports with a subjective assessment of the result of the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification.



Adopted by the Presidium of the Russian Dance Union as control standards for technical and tactical training for fulfilling the rank requirements for sports dances and assigning the corresponding classes of dancers' performance skills.

The assignment of classes is carried out by the Russian Dance Union, as well as by regional public organizations of the RTS.

International class dancer

Take 1-6th place at the World and European Championships of international dance organizations, and you must have an “S” class of performing skills.

"S" class

Candidate Master of Sports

(assigned from age 16 according to year of birth)

Show consistency in the quality of results of 200 points over the course of a year in a series of classification competitions according to the “A” class difficulty program and rating competitions at least on a regional scale.

"A" class

complies with compliance with control standards for technical and tactical training
1 adult category

(assigned from age 14 according to year of birth)

Show consistency in the quality of results of 120 points over the course of a year in a series of classification competitions according to the “B” class difficulty program and rating competitions at least on a city scale.

"B" class

complies with compliance with control standards for technical and tactical training
2 adult categories

(assigned from age 12 according to year of birth)

Show, throughout the year, at a series of classification competitions of any scale according to the “C” class difficulty program and rating competitions not lower than the city scale, the stability of the quality of results of 60 points.

"C" class

complies with compliance with control standards for technical and tactical training
3 adult categories

(assigned from age 11 according to year of birth)

Show, during the course of a year, at a series of classification competitions of any scale according to the program of difficulty “D” or “C” class and (or) rating competitions not lower than the city scale, the stability of the quality of results of 30 points.

"B" class youth

complies with compliance with control standards for technical and tactical training
1 youth category

Over the course of at least two seasons, at classification competitions not lower than the city scale under the “C” class difficulty program and rating competitions not lower than the city scale, 200 classification points.

"C" class youth

complies with compliance with control standards for technical and tactical training
2 youth categories

(assigned up to 16 years of age according to year of birth)

Over the course of at least two seasons, at classification competitions not lower than the city scale under the “D” class difficulty program and (or) rating competitions not lower than the city scale, 200 classification points.

"D" class youth

complies with compliance with control standards for technical and tactical training
3 youth categories

(assigned up to 16 years of age according to year of birth)

Over the course of at least one season, at classification competitions not lower than the city scale under the “E” class difficulty program and (or) rating competitions not lower than the city scale, 100 classification points.

The interregional public organization "Moscow Federation of Sports Dance" (MFST) was created by the Founding Conference on June 6, 1991, registered by the Moscow Department of Justice on August 5, 1991.

Moscow Federation of Sports Dance - FIRST in the history of the formation of competitive ballroom dancing as a sport, a regional public organization legally registered in 1991.

During its existence, MFST FIRST:

  • participated in the preparation of documents for the recognition of competitive ballroom dancing as a sport in the Russian Federation;
  • entered into an agreement with the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports of the Moscow Government and won a competition to place a social order for the development of sports ballroom dancing, which marked the beginning of:
    • budgetary financing of dance sports,
    • holding official Championships and Championships in Moscow,
    • organizing dance groups in youth sports schools and sports societies,
    • assignment of sports categories and titles to athletes,
    • state certification of coaches and judges in sports ballroom dancing;
  • participated in the organization and opening of the first dance groups of sports societies: “Spartak”, “Dynamo”, CSKA, DSO trade unions;
  • petitioned for and contributed to the opening of a specialization in sports ballroom dancing at the Russian State University of Physical Culture (RGUPC);
  • sent its specialists for retraining and advanced training, to receive higher physical education and sports education at the Russian State University of Physical Culture;
  • contributed to the opening of a scientific laboratory of the Russian State University of Physical Culture on the problems of the development of sports ballroom dancing;
  • participated in the organization and holding of the first official Championships and Championships of Russia, international, Cup competitions of sports societies and the Russian State University of Physical Culture in dance sports;
  • trained the first category athletes and Masters of Sports of the Russian Federation in sports dancing.

Also, MFST:

  • She contributed to the unification of amateur and professional sports ballroom dancing.
  • She took an active part in the creation of the all-Russian organization “Russian Dance Union” (RTS). Representatives of the MFST are the founders of the RTS from the city of Moscow. The meeting of founders elected Stanislav Popov as President of RTS
  • Took an active part in the creation of the international organization “International Dance Union” (IDU)
  • Together with the Russian State University of Physical Culture, she developed a unique system for assessing the quality of dancers’ performances. This system has undergone successful practical testing at the Moscow Federal Tax Service and continues to be improved. On the basis of this system, ratings of dance couples of the Moscow Federation of Dance Clubs, RTS and some other organizations are now being built.
  • MFST dance couples successfully perform at major international competitions, including Blackpool.

IFST competitions have always been and are open to all dancers.

Despite all the difficulties that manifested themselves in the development of competitive ballroom dance as a new sport in the Russian Federation, in our country the MFST has been the most stable organization in the field of ballroom dance for such a long period of time (more than 24 years). MFST continues to work on the development and improvement of competitive ballroom dance in Moscow and Russian Federation.

About why we need to monitor the receipt and assignment of sports categories and titles, we will try to decipher official documents and tell the sequence of actions for assigning YOUTH RANKS.

Let us say right away that youth categories are assigned mainly in the categories Children-1 and Children-2.

Senior athletes have the opportunity to immediately perform the adult category. So.


Everything seems to be simple here. The task of young talents is to train hard, listen to the teacher and try their best to show their best skills in the competition.


You must understand that even if your couple dances in SMM and they do not have a class, they have the right to participate in official competitions in open groups and assignment of ranks. To be awarded the 3rd youth category, it is enough to learn basic variations in dances 6,8,10 according to your age and perform at the Championship Municipal entity.
- At the same time, you must realize that the result will most likely not be high. But it will be enough to assign children the first category in their lives.

Approach your responsible coach and say that you would like your children to start receiving ranks. The coach will discuss this with the leader, say what (how many dances) and at what level your children need to perform, according to the age of the couple, say where the next competition will be held and outline a preparation plan.

In addition to completing the preparation plan, you need to prepare and submit a package of documents to the manager at least a week before the competition (see below).

In the Russian Federation, confirmation and assignment of sports categories and titles is determined by a document called the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification (UESC). It indicates the standards in each sport that must be fulfilled in order to receive a certain category and title.


Sports categories “first youth sports category”, “second youth sports category”, “third youth sports category” are assigned for a period of 2 years by physical education and sports organizations, organizations that carry out sports training or educational organizations, according to the REPRESENTATION for assigning a sports category, signed by the coach-teacher (including the senior), teacher of additional education (including the senior), the head physical education, coach, or at the request of the athlete or his legal representative, at the athlete’s place of residence or at the location of a physical culture and sports organization, an organization providing sports training or an educational organization.

Package of documents:

2 photos 3*4 passport type

A copy of the birth certificate + F-9 or a copy of the passport (page with photo and registration).

A copy of the certificate from the sports dispensary about admission to sports competitions (you must have the original with you at each competition)

A copy of the insurance (you must have the original with you at each competition)

Give the package of documents to the coach.

We remind you that to participate in sports competitions, you must have an original insurance policy and a certificate from a sports dispensary.


The athlete’s record book must be registered with the organization where he received this document, i.e. in the Federation. At the end of the competition, it is necessary to ensure that the protocols reach the Federation Presidium. Within 2 weeks, you can send an APPLICATION for assignment of ranks to the Presidium of your Federation, along with a package of documents (see above), in electronic form.

We will talk about assigning adult ranks and CMS in the next article.

Coaching staff. Winners of the IDSA Professional World Cup. Vice-world champions in dance show among amateurs WDC AL.

Judges of the highest international category of the Russian Dance Union and the World Dance Council. Laureates of the “Master of Dance” award of the Russian Dance Union. Winners of the IDSA Professional World Cup. Vice-world champions in dance show among amateurs WDC AL. Judges of the highest international category of Russia. Dance Union and World Dance Council.

Laureates of the “Master of Dance” award of the Russian Dance Union. WDSF international category judge, Honored Master of Sports of Armenia, Two-time champion countries, Master of Sports of Russia, Bronze medalist of the Eastern European Championship. Judge of the All-Russian category, Master of Sports of Russia, Bronze medalist of Eastern Europe. “M” class dancer, Finalist of the Russian Championship, silver medalist of the Moscow Championship, winner and prize-winner of international and Russian competitions, Prize-winner of the international blackpool festival, coach of the European program. Winner of Russian championships in 10 dances and the European program, Champion of Moscow in 10 dances among adults.

She danced at the Russian National Ballet Theater. She toured with the Korona Theater of the Russian Ballet, Ballet Stars of Moscow, Russian Ballet Seasons and others. CCM of Russia in double-event (10 dances), bronze medalist of the Russian Championship in the Formation program. Finalist of the European Championship in the Formation program. Master of Sports of Russia, Finalist and winner of Russian and international competitions.

Candidate for Master of Sports of Russia, participant and prize-winner of Russian and International competitions, student of the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Faculty of Dance Sports. Master of Sports in the Latin American program. Bronze medalist of the Russian Cup in the Latin American program in the city according to the STSR version. Repeated finalist, prize-winner and winner of open international tournaments according to WDSF, CTRS in the Latin American program. Masters of Sports of Russia, participant and prize-winner of Russian and International tournaments, Champion of Kyrgyzstan in the youth category. CMS, certified physical education teacher with additional training in the field of aesthetic education of children through sports ballroom dancing. In dance sports since the age of 6.

Master of Sports in Sports Ballroom Dancing

Master of Sports, international class athlete. Multiple finalist and prize-winner of Russian Championships. Higher coaching education from GRUFK. Teacher choreographer in classical, folk and modern dance. Choreographer and director. Completed advanced training courses in Poland, Sochi and Moscow.

Head coach and founder of CSKA CSKA. Finalist and prize-winner of Russian and International competitions in the biathlon program (10 dances). Judge of the All-Russian and International categories (WDSF).

The FTSR judge is a professional. Organizer of major dance projects.


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