Squats help you lose weight. Do squats help you lose weight: the correct squat technique for losing weight. 7-day squat routine

To reset excess weight using squats, you must follow a special technique. Your feet should stand slightly wider than your shoulders, and your hands should point forward when performing the exercise. This will help you maintain your balance. Socks are placed slightly apart. You need to squat, moving your pelvis as far back as possible. The end point of a squat is where your thighs become parallel to the floor. You need to stand up, placing your weight on your heels and using the strength of the back of your thighs. More experienced athletes squat below parallel with the floor, but this is fraught with knee injuries. When squatting, your back should be straight, you should also watch your knees - you cannot move or spread them, helping the body to rise. The exercise should be performed quite slowly, concentrating in the lower position. When lowering, you need to inhale, and when going up, exhale.

Squatting involves a large number of muscles - the gluteal muscles, the muscles of the back, front and inner thighs, the muscles of the lower leg and even the muscles of the back and abs. This makes squats an effective means of losing weight. Start doing the exercise 5-8 times for 4 approaches. Gradually increase the number of repetitions to 15. Rest between sets should be 40-60 seconds.

To achieve the effect of more important proper technique, not quantity of repetitions.

Squat variations

For best effect Squats are performed with a barbell or dumbbells. When squatting with a barbell, the bar is placed on the shoulders and squeezed tightly. The grip should be wide enough. When doing squats with a barbell, you must keep your back straight, your shoulders turned, and your body should not lean forward too much - all this will help avoid back injuries. To begin with, you can perform exercises with an empty 15 kg bar, and then gradually increase the weight. A variation of this exercise is Smith machine squats. There, the bar is mounted on hinges and slides up and down in a special frame. It is much easier to perform exercises in such a simulator, but it is less effective in combating overweight. You can also use dumbbells or weights when doing squats - they need to be held in your lowered hands.
Squats are very good for the body. They are even used for rehabilitation training after injuries.

As an option, squats are performed with different leg positions. For example, there are sumo squats - when performing them, the legs are placed wider, and during the squat, the knees are spread apart. There are also plie squats, reminiscent of characteristic movement classical choreography. For effective fat burning and endurance training, plyometric squats with jumping up are used.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


Squatting is a basic universal physical exercise, the implementation of which does not require special equipment and is allowed without physical training. Squats have enormous health benefits. The correct technique will help burn fat, pump up your buttocks and improve your health.

Benefits of squats

  • help burn fat and lose weight;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • lead to improved metabolism;
  • almost all the muscles of the legs are used, the legs become beautiful and toned;
  • strengthen muscles and joints of the legs;
  • improve the shape of the buttocks and abs;
  • increase the effectiveness of training;
  • reduce the likelihood of injury;
  • maintain joint mobility;
  • improve coordination;
  • increase flexibility;
  • improve posture;
  • get rid of “ears” in the hip area;

Types of squats and their correct execution for effective training

There are several popular options for performing squats for weight loss:

  1. Classic - feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. The back must be kept straight and without bending, so as not to cause injury to the spine. The abdomen is tense, the knees are under control, and do not protrude beyond the toes.
  2. As you exhale, you should lower yourself down, pushing your pelvis back. Be sure to put pressure on your heels when rising to avoid falling, so that all tension goes to the buttocks. It is important to monitor your breathing and back. Lower yourself, wait 2-3 seconds, exhale, then rise.
  3. “Plie” - spread your legs wide, take your knees in different directions. Keep your back straight and your stomach tense. It is very important to control the movements of the pelvis; it should not move forward. As you exhale, lower yourself. Control your knees and pelvis position. There is no need to sit low. Lower yourself, wait 2-3 seconds, inhale, then rise.
  4. Squat for weight loss with a barbell - power option, go to the bar, stand under it. Place the bar on your trapezius and move your elbows back. Direct your gaze forward, maybe a little upward. Don't throw your head back or turn. Feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Straighten your back, bend your lower back. As you inhale, lower yourself down as low as possible. Your back is straight, don't slouch. Exhale, then rise, but not all the way, so that the buttocks are always tense.

How to squat to lose weight in your legs

To lose weight in your legs, a girl should do a classic squat. Feet shoulder width apart. As you inhale, lower yourself, bend your legs at the hips until right angle. Exhale and take the starting position. How many squats should you do per day to lose weight? Do this exercise, following the schedule for a month, 25 times all the time, as the body gets used to such a load, you can increase it up to 50 times.

How to do a squat to lose belly fat

To lose belly fat, a regular classic squat with a strong retraction of the abdomen while inhaling and the presence of weights will help. Feet shoulder width apart. As you inhale, lower yourself, stay in a sitting position for 15 seconds, holding your breath, then stand up and exhale. Do 20-25 times in several passes for best results.

Exercises for slimming thighs

Homemade plie and swallow squats will help with this:

  • First plie squat. Back straight, hands on waist, feet wider than shoulders. Squat as you inhale, spreading your knees wide in different directions. Stay in this position for 2-3 seconds, exhale, and return to the starting position. Perform 20-30 times, possibly with weights with dumbbells.
  • Swallow squat. Take a chair and stand next to it on one leg, try to take the other leg back, keep your hips straight. Perform 15 times on each leg. The main condition is adherence to technique.

How to squat properly for your buttocks

To pump up your buttocks, you can use the system with all the exercises listed above: “swallow”, “plie”, classic squat and with a barbell. Start with 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps, gradually increasing the load when it becomes too easy. Together, all these exercises for girls, if performed correctly and regularly, will help you quickly pump up your calves, thighs and buttocks, lose weight and remove fat.

You need to do a squat with a straight back and tummy tucked in; half the success depends on the correct technique. On the way up, the girl should contract her buttocks, and on the way down, relax. While performing the exercise, the girl needs to monitor the position of her knees and feet - if her knees go beyond her toes, then injury cannot be avoided. So start practicing to an unprepared person follows after instructions from the trainer.

How to do squats for weight loss

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Squats for weight loss at home. How to squat correctly to lose weight on your legs, sides or stomach

Do you think you can do 250 squats with own weight bodies? You can! If you stick to this 30-day squat routine at home.

Returning to training after long break, or entering the doors gym for the first time, it is always wise to start with short and achievable tasks. Set yourself a goal for the month and when you achieve it, you will get a great motivational boost to continue further.

The 30-day squat routine is one of the effective ways begin regular workouts and lose excess weight. And there are several reasons for this. Firstly, this complex does not require any additional equipment; squats for weight loss at home will be just as effective, since there will be no difference between the gym and your bedroom. Secondly, the squat - best view basic exercises with its own weight. Technique plays a very important role, but the beauty of working with your own body is that it is almost impossible to get injured if you have not thoroughly mastered all the nuances of this movement.

Is it possible to lose weight with squats?

It is quite possible to reduce body weight by burning body fat with the help of squats. This is an energy-intensive exercise that uses all muscle groups and helps burn a lot of calories.

Many experts advise doing classic squats for weight loss, because during this exercise everything works Bottom part body - thighs, buttocks, quadriceps and rear end hips, as well as core and lower back muscles. As a result, you get not only toned buttocks and legs, but also slim stomach. Plus, you'll get stronger, reduce your risk of injury, and have a great base for other workout programs.

Before jumping directly into the 30-day fat-burning squat program itself, familiarize yourself with the specifics of the technique.

Are you new to sports and don’t know how to do squats correctly in order to lose weight? Follow this little instruction:

  1. Starting position: standing straight, feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forward, chin raised, abdominal muscles tense.
  2. Keep your arms in front of you or at your sides, but never put your hands on your legs.
  3. Bend your knees and lower yourself until parallel to the floor. Imagine that you are sitting on an invisible chair. If you can, go lower. As long as you're not in pain (or losing your balance), you'll be fine. If you're not sure you're squatting low enough, place a box behind you that's just below your knees. Each time you touch the box with your butt counts as a rep completed.
  4. Stand up and repeat again.

Once you've got the technique down, it's time to figure out how to lose weight with squats.

30-day squat routine

The table below shows how many squats you should do each day. Try to perform all squats in one set. If you still need some time to catch your breath, perform at least 10 more repetitions after the pause. It will be hard to wake up, your buttocks and legs will burn with fire, but the result is worth it. This is a well-designed program, so the complex is suitable for both girls and men. To enhance the fat burning effect and accelerate results, you can use additional loads, for example, lunges, abdominal crunches, and so on.

Table of squats for weight loss for a month

Day Number of repetitions
Day 1 50
Day 2 55
Day 3 60
Day 4 Rest
Day 5 70
Day 6 75
Day 7 80
Day 8 Rest
Day 9 100
Day 10 105
Day 11 110
Day 12 Rest
Day 13 130
Day 14 135
Day 15 140
Day 16 Rest
Day 17 150
Day 18 155
Day 19 160
Day 20 Rest
Day 21 180
Day 22 185
Day 23 190
Day 24 Rest
Day 25 220
Day 26 225
Day 27 230
Day 28 Rest
Day 29 240
Day 30 250

Once you complete this routine, try to do squats at least twice a week. To take it to the next level, find a squat rack and continue reading this article.

Set of squats with a barbell on the shoulders

The rules are simple

  1. Weigh yourself. The resulting number is the estimated weight you will need to lift. Load the barbell, preferably with the barbell racked at shoulder level and equipped with safety stops so that if you fail you don't end up collapsing with the weight on the floor.
  2. Remove the barbell from the rack, place it on your shoulders, and step back from the rack.
  3. Do as many squats as you can, resting at the top of the exercise if necessary, but don't put the barbell back on the rack.
  4. By limiting yourself, you won't be able to perform more reps than you intended.

Leaving the weight on your shoulders while resting between reps is not only allowed, it is recommended. Good rule: Take one deep breath between reps for the first ten or so reps, then take more breaths as needed, building up reps as you go. If you're strong enough, you'll eventually be able to spend about five minutes holding the barbell on your shoulders. A solid amount of reps? 20. Phenomenal? 50.

To achieve the magic 50 reps, you need to train regularly and perform high-intensity squats. In the first week, do one set of 20 repetitions. In the second - 2. In the third - 3. In the fourth week, connect everything together.

To make the task easier, we have put together some tips for you.

Technique for performing squats with a barbell

Many trainers advise looking up as the bar moves upward, but this is incorrect. Focus on a point on the floor about a meter in front of you. This will help you avoid overstraining your spine, reducing the risk of injury.

Legs straight

A stable position will allow you to lift more weight more times. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, but if necessary, you can go a little narrower or wider. By turning your feet too much inward or outward, you increase stress on the knee joints which is bad for your feet. Keep your legs straight.

Choose the right angle

Keep your back straight and core tight. Your knees should be directly above your feet during the exercise. If the knees move too far forward, this has a detrimental effect on the joints. Squat down until your hips are below your knees.

Slow down

Drive backwards with your feet rather than your back, pushing your heels toward the floor to generate energy momentum. If you feel that your back position has changed, end the approach.

Listen to yourself

The main part of the body involved in this complex is not the legs, but the heart. Breathe, keep doing reps. Don't stop until your posture is compromised.

Protect your neck

To prevent your neck, where the barbell is located, from becoming overgrown with calluses, use a towel. You can also wear gloves for convenience.

In an effort to get rid of overweight It is important to follow the principles that will help you quickly and effectively reduce body weight, while improving your health. Diets and fasting days are not able to produce lasting weight loss results, since the weight may return after their completion.

Properly organized physical exercise When performed regularly, they can reduce weight and prevent its return. It is important to perform not only general gymnastic exercises for weight loss, but also pay special attention

Often body fat in women they accumulate in the lower part of the body - on the hips, waist, legs and buttocks. Squats for weight loss are one of the most effective physical exercise, combining power and aerobic exercise. The effect of using a set of exercises with squats is that the body not only gets rid of fat reserves, but also increases muscle mass in problem areas, therefore, adipose tissue in these places stops forming.

Squats for legs

To make your legs beautiful and slender, squats are perfect. The simplest way performance - classic squats. With regular exercise, the legs and buttocks become elastic, and fat deposits melt away. At the same time, the muscles of the entire leg are trained equally, as well as gluteal muscles.

1 exercise

To begin, you need to stand in initial position: standing on the floor, placing your feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended along the body. Next, while inhaling, a squat is performed, while the legs should bend to a right angle. After exhalation, return to the starting position. It is recommended to do such exercises 20-30 times a day for beginners, and 40-50 - after the body gets used to the load.

The important point is posture control while squatting. The spine should only be kept straight; hunching over can cause harm to joints and vertebrae, since the load on them is distributed unevenly.

Exercise 2

Another way to get rid of fat and cellulite on your legs is classic squats with dumbbells. The weight of dumbbells is no more than 1-1.5 kilograms each. In this case, you cannot overdo it with training; a set of squats includes 20-30 repetitions in 2 steps. After training hard for a couple of months, you can try classic barbell squats.

Exercise 3

Another exercise for losing weight on your legs and buttocks is as follows. You need to get into the starting position, with your arms extended in front of your chest parallel to the floor. First, a squat is done, and the arms remain in the same position. Then, while sitting, you need to jump as high as possible, raising your arms up and return to the starting position.

Front squats

In order to get rid of fat on the thighs, there is a complex variety of exercises for squats.

Squats for belly

To get rid of waist fat, squats are also quite effective and include several types of this exercise.

Squats for thigh muscles

When performing squats, almost any technique uses the thigh muscles. There are exercises that are more effective in getting rid of fat deposits in such problem area, How inner part hips.

Squat exercise video

Secret slender legs- simple squats

How to do squats correctly

Gymnastics at home does not require special skills or training. Still, it is better to listen to the advice of experienced specialists so as not to harm your health and make the exercises even more effective.

With any type of squat, you need to fix your stomach in a tense position, since in this case the load on the spine will be minimal, and it will be fixed in the lumbar region like a corset.
In no case you can't slouch, arch your back; your posture is always straight.

When sitting, your knees should always be level with your feet, without leaning forward or to the side, with your foot firmly planted on the floor. Breathing during exercise should be maintained even and calm. The angle at which the knees bend in the lower position should never exceed 90 degrees. Only then there is no risk of injury to the spine, joints or stretched tendons.