Jump squats: benefits, features and technique of performing the exercise. Squat with jump up Exercise jump up

Position: complication of the basic position

Difficulty level: 4-5

Target muscles:

  • hip extensors– gluteus maximus, adductor magnus muscles;
  • muscles that abduct the shoulder blades– serratus anterior, pectoralis minor
  • calf muscles- lateral and medial heads of the gastrocnemius muscle, soleus muscle

Position stabilizers:

  • spinal extensors– muscles that straighten the spine.

Start of development: regular squats + jumping up in place.

Possible options: with fixation in a squat, without fixation in a squat, with fairly light weights.

This exercise belongs to the category of plyometric (that is, there is an explosive load). The harder you push, the higher you will jump. A good training norm is 25-30 times per approach.

Anatomy exercises

Performing jump squats

Starting position: legs slightly wider than shoulders, feet parallel (or turned 45 degrees outward), knees soft, back straight.

The learning is discussed in detail in the video below.

Basic moments:

  1. Keep your knees soft, free, relaxed (this will allow you to make a softer jump);
  2. When landing, we immediately go into a new squat;
  3. We try to go into the squat as low as possible (the “low” criterion is the correct execution of the technique);
  4. Breathing: squat while inhaling, jumping while exhaling;
  5. We jump up as high as possible. The thighs and calves act like springs.
  6. We land silently (this is important! if you can’t land silently, it means you don’t know how to do squats and jumps).

Additional comments

  1. The rhythm of performing the exercise without fixing in the lower position is such as not to force yourself to breathe. No need to set records. It is necessary to perform the specified number of repetitions at a fairly intense pace.
  2. Attention, contraindication! This exercise is not recommended if you have knee or back injuries. Watch the landing. Lower yourself to the floor with both feet at the same time (toes touching the floor first). Landing incorrectly can cause a sprained ligament.
  1. performing 50 times in 3 approaches – excellent
  2. performing 30 times in 3 approaches – good
  3. performing 30 times in 2 approaches is normal (it’s time to get more complicated)
  4. execution less than 20 times - satisfactory
  5. execution less than 10 times - bad

My respect, dear readers! Today, as part of a traditional technical note, we’ll talk about the squat-jump exercise.

After reading, you will learn everything about muscle atlas, the benefits and technique of performing the exercise, and we will also find out how to “cheaply and cheerfully” work your legs at home.

So, take your seats in the hall according to the tickets you purchased, we are starting.

Jump squats. What, why and why?

With this note we continue our four-part series on analyzing various exercises that can be performed at home without special equipment (or with minimal availability). In general, it is generally accepted that work on changing yourself must begin with going to the gym, purchasing an annual subscription and connecting with a local trainer. Of course, all this costs a pretty penny, so you have not yet received any results, but you have already spent N amount of money. So, this approach is fundamentally wrong, but the following is correct - you independently adjusted your diet and at the same time included physical activity at home (later it is possible to purchase fitness equipment, for example, collapsible dumbbells). In this situation, you will begin to see results very soon. and responsibility for them will rest entirely with you.

Of course, to be active at home, you need special exercises. And today we will add one of these to our four-walled database. So, please love and favor - jumping squats.

For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscle atlas

The exercise belongs to the dynamic/plyometric class and is aimed at working the leg muscles.

The muscle ensemble includes the following units:

  • targeted – quadriceps and hamstrings;
  • auxiliary - gluteus maximus, gastrocnemius, soleus, lower back muscles, rectus abdominis.

A complete muscle atlas looks like this.


By performing the squat-jump exercise, you can expect to receive the following benefits:

  • development of strength and explosive power in the front and back of the thighs;
  • increase in leg muscle mass (option with weights);
  • increasing the overall endurance of the body;
  • development of the cardiovascular system (strengthening the heart muscle);
  • increasing the anabolic and metabolic responses of the body;
  • elevated (compared to regular squats) calorie consumption;
  • development of jump height;
  • development of coordination and balance;
  • strengthening the patella tendons and reducing the risk of knee injuries;
  • improving the circulation of body fluids (cleansing waste/toxins).

T execution technique

Jump squats are an intermediate/medium difficulty exercise. The step-by-step execution technique is as follows.

Step #0.

Stand up straight, place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, and point your toes slightly to the sides. Lower yourself into a squat position until your thighs are parallel (or slightly lower) to the floor. Extend your arms in front of you at shoulder level. This is your starting position.

Step #1.

As you exhale, push through your heels and jump up as high as possible. At the same time, move your arms back and straighten your toes completely in the air. As soon as the flight phase ends and your toes touch the floor, perform a deep squat. Repeat the specified number of times.

In the picture version, all this disgrace looks like this.

In motion like this:


In addition to the standard version of jump squats, there are several variations of the exercise:

  • from a sumo perspective;
  • with dumbbells/weights in hands;
  • with a barbell.

Secrets and subtleties

To get the most out of the exercise, follow these guidelines:

  • from a squat, try to jump up as high as possible;
  • first land softly on your toes and only then place your feet on your heels;
  • during squats, spread your knees to the sides and try not to let them go too far beyond your toes;
  • do not perform the exercise if you have knee problems or are overweight 10 kg;
  • As you progress, use additional weights;
  • help yourself with your hands, pushing back with them;
  • breathing technique: inhale - when lowering down, exhale - when jumping up;
  • numerical training parameters: number of approaches 3-5 , holding position from 30 seconds

We're done with the theoretical side, now let's look at some practical points.

What effect do jump squats have on the buttocks?

Surely many girls are familiar firsthand with the phenomenon of cellulite on problem areas of the lower part, in particular the buttocks. Well, numerous studies show that cellulite begins to decrease when improving/establishing optimal blood circulation in the affected area, and jump squats do an excellent job of this task. Thus, if you want to remove the orange peel, then include this exercise in your leg training program.

My legs have stopped growing, what should I do?

Some of the male population of gyms are familiar with the problem of stopping volumetric progress in the development of leg muscles. As they say: “...I have them this way and that, with words and without words,” but they don’t grow in either eye and that’s it. Yes, such a phenomenon does occur, and it is called a plateau or stagnation of results.

To overcome this stagnation, use squats + jumping jacks with dumbbells according to the following scheme: 4-5 sets with weight 20-25 % of 1 RM on 20-25 repetitions and amount of rest per set 40-45 seconds A more advanced scheme may involve tying exercises into supersets. For example, first you perform a basic heavy squat with a barbell at 8-10 repetitions, and then without rest you jump with dumbbells for the amount.

Try this technique, and after a while you won’t recognize your legs!


As the number of likes to home technical articles shows, they are becoming quite popular, so we decided to continue broadcasting in this direction. And today they added +1 exercise - jump squats, in the four-walled pantheon of notes. I’m sure that you haven’t done this before, am I right?

That's all for now, see you soon this Friday!

PS: Do you do plyometric exercises? Which?

PPS: did the project help? Then leave a link to it in your social network status - plus 100 points towards karma guaranteed :)

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

This is the very first plyometric exercise, as Fred Wilt, a member of the US long-distance running team, called it. In the 1980s, he noticed that Soviet track and field athletes were doing jump squats during warm-ups, while Americans were doing only static stretches. Wilt later became convinced that the jump squat was the main key to the success of Soviet athletes.

During the exercise, a powerful jump from a squat occurs, an explosive load is formed (quick action in a short time), developing strength, endurance and muscle size. Jumping does not require any special preparation, the main thing is to monitor the technique and personal sensations.

Jump squat technique

You can do the exercise on your entire foot, or on your toes. The main thing is to jump as high as possible from the squat. The quadriceps, gluteals, calves work, the abs and lumbar region are additionally involved. Without weights, it is performed in the following order:

  1. First, do a warm-up. Feet shoulder width apart, back straight. For convenience, cross your arms near your chest;
  2. As you inhale, begin a squat, lowering yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor (as deep as possible). You need to feel what level is best to go down to;
  3. You need to jump out while inhaling, do it with a powerful push of your legs, trying to fly as high as possible;
  4. After landing, squat and jump again. Repeat as many times as necessary.

Control the landing process on both legs, slightly bent, at the same time. This way you will protect your knee joints. Use comfortable, soft shoes with shock-absorbing soles or soft surfaces such as mats.

Jump Squat Variations

There are many similar types of performance, let's look at some plyometric squats that are used most often:

  • Jumping out of a squat with a wide stance,
  • Squats with jumping over a bench or any other obstacle;
  • Jumping on a bench;
  • Squat jumps with legs in the air;
  • Jump onto a bench from a sitting position;
  • With a barbell.

Jumping technique with weights

In case of insufficient load from your own weight, it is recommended to use dumbbells as weights:

  1. Hold the projectiles in straightened arms, lowered down for the entire duration of execution. The back is straight;
  2. Lower yourself as you inhale, jump up as you exhale. Push off powerfully with your legs to fly as high as possible;
  3. Land with your legs slightly bent.

Please note that with additional load, the risk of joint injury increases. You can land poorly and sprain ligaments or damage your ankle. You can use the lower block of the crossover, a barbell, elastic bands, etc. as weighting materials. If you decide to work with weights, then it will not be superfluous to study.


Squat jumps should not be performed by people with injured joints, a sore back or spine. If you have problems with the cardiovascular system, you need to be careful and contact a specialist (doctor, trainer) to consider your case. Overweight people should also refrain from such squats, otherwise during the jump there will be a compression load on the joints and spine.

To whom, when and how much

To whom: all athletes except those who are contraindicated;

When: this exercise is mainly used as a warm-up for runners, football and basketball players, but it is also used in bodybuilding as an addition to leg exercises; it is recommended at the beginning of training. Then, you can work the quadriceps by doing;

How much: start with 50 seconds, 3 sets, rest 1.5-2 minutes.

Jump squats develop explosive muscle strength and increase working weights in the leg press and barbell squats. It consumes a large amount of calories, so it can be used in fat-burning training.

Masses and relief to you!

Cardio training– an excellent way to burn subcutaneous fat, especially in combination with a low-calorie diet. Such training includes running, swimming, cycling, and training on special cardio equipment. In the process of such exercises, not only active weight loss occurs, but also training the cardiovascular system, the overall endurance of the body increases. It is possible to carry out a full cardio workout at home without having any equipment or training equipment? Yes, it is quite! We offer an excellent set of five exercises that can be performed in any conditions. All that is required is your desire.

The proposed high-intensity training is circuit training. This means that all five exercises must be performed in the order in which they are given. Having completed one circle, you can rest for no more than 5 minutes and start the exercises again starting from the first. You must complete at least 4 laps.

Attention! You cannot rest between exercises until you complete the circuit!

They are also called "explosive". Starting position is the same as for regular push-ups: lying down. The difference is that at the moment of push-ups it is necessary to push the body upward with force, the arms must straighten and come off the floor. Then you need to land softly. You can complicate the exercise: at the moment you lift your hands off the floor, clap. We perform push-ups 15 times.

This exercise is much more difficult. Starting position - on all fours, knees resting on the chest. With a sharp push we throw our legs back and go into a lying position. From this position we return to all fours again. Then we jump up, stretching out our whole body, with our hands above our heads making a clap. We return to all fours. All this must be done continuously, without stopping. Repeat burpees 20 times.

An excellent exercise for the abs, especially the side ones. Stand up straight with your arms outstretched. With a quick movement, pull your left knee towards your chest and bring your leg back. Then we do the same with the right leg. We alternately pull our knees to our chest as quickly as possible, as if we were running up a hill. Must be performed 30 times (15 on each leg).

Starting position – standing, hands behind your head. We squat and then sharply jump up, hands remaining behind our heads. We jump out in this way 15 times. It is worth noting that the squatting technique in the exercise must be correct. Your knees should not go beyond your toes, as if you were sitting on an imaginary chair. This technique puts maximum stress on the muscles of the buttocks and back of the thigh.

Starting position – standing, arms along the body. We squat with our legs spread apart, while our hands are placed point-blank between our legs. This is similar to the pose of sumo wrestlers, hence the name. From this position, we push our legs back so that we are in support while lying on outstretched arms. Return to the sumo squat and return to the starting position. We perform 15 repetitions.

Performing one round of exercises will take no more than 10 minutes. As the body gets used to the load, the speed needs to be increased. You need to train at least three times a week. The table below shows a list of exercises and the number of repetitions for each.

These exercises are part of the complex of the popular trend. What makes it special? CrossFit offers high-intensity workouts for all fitness levels that work every muscle in the body and build endurance. The main condition is that you need to perform the exercises quickly and without rest. It is due to this that high training efficiency is achieved.

The proposed exercises put a lot of stress on the joints. It's better if you wear knee pads. There are a lot of jumps in the complex, so you need to choose the right shoes. It must have a shock absorption effect. When jumping barefoot or wearing shoes with thin soles, there is a risk of damaging your knees and feet.

By performing this complex every day, the first results will be visible within a month. The body will become drier and more prominent due to the reduction. If you supplement exercise with a diet high in protein and limited in fat, the fat will gradually be squeezed out by the muscles. You will get a beautiful body without wasting time and money on the gym!

CrossFit at home

    Jump squats are a rather interesting exercise in terms of load, which are deservedly popular among CrossFit and fitness enthusiasts. On the one hand, in it we work out the quadriceps perfectly, working in full amplitude and in an explosive manner, on the other hand, we additionally train our heart, since this exercise also contains aerobic exercise.

    Few exercises that do not require the use of additional weights can increase the pace of your workout as much as jump squats. The only things that come to mind are various variations (jumping onto a box, jumping over a barbell, pulling up on a horizontal bar, etc.). The work is really colossal: due to the fact that we work non-stop, without giving our muscles a rest, the body does not have time to restore ATP reserves, glycogen reserves in our muscles are quickly consumed, the maximum number of muscle fibers, both fast and slow, and the heart rate can easily reach 140-160 beats per minute, so people suffering from arterial hypertension or other problems with the cardiovascular system should perform this exercise with great caution - such an intense load may be for them excessive and dangerous.

    In our article today we will look at the following features of this exercise:

  1. What are the benefits of jump squats?
  2. Technique for performing the exercise;
  3. CrossFit complexes containing this exercise.

What are the benefits of jump squats?

Such exercises simultaneously carry an aerobic and anaerobic load for the body, providing comprehensive development of the athlete’s functional capabilities.

  • The aerobic component of the exercise is that by working in such an intense manner, we stimulate the work of our cardiovascular system, adapting our heart muscle to a serious load. By working with a high heart rate, we also enhance the process of breaking down fatty tissue, which leads to rapid weight loss and gaining good definition.
  • The anaerobic component of the exercise is that our muscles also receive quite a lot of stress, which is necessary for their hypertrophy and increase in strength. By working in this non-stop manner, we increase anaerobic glycolysis, which leads to rapid acidification and “failure.”

Having mastered the correct technique of this exercise and included it in your training program, after some time you will notice how your endurance and explosive strength have increased, you can more easily tolerate intense cardio loads and have better control of your breathing during basic strength exercises. Therefore, I strongly recommend that every athlete not ignore this exercise and pay due attention to it, whether you are a fan of crossfit, fitness, martial arts or athletics - the functional qualities developed in jumping squats will be useful to you in any of these disciplines, significantly increasing your results.

What muscles work?

In addition, jump squats also stimulate the development of explosive quadriceps strength due to the sharp contraction of muscle fibers. This will be very useful for us when performing heavy squats and deadlifts, where a good explosion at the start guarantees a quick and powerful lift of the projectile. Many Western powerlifting instructors make jumping exercises (such as jump squats and box jumps) the primary aid for developing truly strong legs.

The main muscle groups worked during jump squats are the quadriceps, hip adductors and buttocks. Additional static load is carried by the spinal extensors, abdominal muscles and thigh biceps.

The most common variation of jumping is to perform this exercise with the athlete’s own weight - this is the easiest way to control the movement, monitor breathing, and the load on the knees and spine will be minimal. However, no one forbids you to complicate your task and try to perform this exercise with additional weights in the form of a barbell or dumbbells. It is best to place the barbell on the trapezium, as with, hold dumbbells in outstretched arms, trying not to strain the biceps and shoulders. Of course, the weight should be moderate, strength records are not of interest to us here, and there is no point in working in a low rep range. Choose a weight with which you can handle at least 10 “clean” repetitions and gradually increase the load, remembering to give the body enough resources to recover.

The risk of injury from the exercise from using additional weight, of course, increases, since an axial load appears on the spine and creates unwanted compression on the knee joints.

Correct technique for performing the exercise

Below we will look at the most correct technique for performing jump squats, by studying which you can significantly increase the amount of work performed in training.

Starting position

  • We place our feet shoulder-width apart;
  • The feet are placed slightly apart;
  • The back is straight;
  • We cross our arms on our chest;
  • The gaze is directed forward.

If you are performing an exercise with a barbell, place it on the trapezius muscles and squeeze it tightly with your palms; it should not change its position throughout the approach.

If you are performing the exercise with dumbbells, grab them tightly with your hands (you can use wrist straps or hooks) and try to keep them pointed straight down throughout the entire approach. If the dumbbells swing from side to side, you risk shoulder injury.


Perform a deep squat, keeping your back straight and not rounding your sacrum. Try to touch your thigh biceps to your calf muscles - this will be our lowest point of amplitude. Do not change the position of the apparatus if you perform the exercise with additional weights.


Begin an explosive upward movement, trying to straighten your legs as quickly as possible, and exhale sharply as you do so. After this, try to lift your feet off the ground; due to the given powerful acceleration, you will lift off the ground by several tens of centimeters. Watch the position of the barbell and dumbbells during the jump. If you are outweighed and cannot control the movement, reduce the working weight or perform jumping exercises with your own weight.

Crossfit complexes

In the table below we will look at several functional complexes, by performing which you can increase the explosive power of the legs, give a complex load to all the muscles of the body, or simply increase training energy consumption by spending a large number of calories in the gym.

These complexes indicate the number of repetitions of jump squats, implying that the exercise is performed with the athlete’s own weight. If this exercise is very easy for you without using additional weights, you can take a small barbell or light dumbbells and perform these complexes with them, reducing the number of repetitions at your discretion.