Sample menu of the Protasov diet. Protasov diet menu for every day for effective weight loss. What is possible and what is not

Diet Protasova Anna

Kim Protasov's diet rating



Variety of products

Total: A good effective diet: minus 8-10 kg in 5 weeks while maintaining the result. Pros: variety of products, good result, kilograms are not returned. Cons: the diet includes a lot of vegetables, so it is better to stick to it in the spring and summer. There are contraindications.

4.5 Great diet

Many will agree that Kim Protasov’s diet is easily tolerated and without pressure on the psyche, since a debilitating feeling of hunger will not occur if all recommendations and a detailed dietary menu are followed.

Following a diet is easy and simple: its developer does not limit products by weight, calories and number of dishes. Total the diet lasts 5 weeks, during which you are allowed to eat at any time, even at night. Please note that the main thing is not only to stay on a diet for 5 weeks, but also to exit it correctly! The exit from the diet also lasts 5 weeks. But the result in the mirror will make you extremely happy, and your cravings for sweets, flour and fatty foods will disappear. In fact, you will not just lose weight, but also change your gastronomic preferences.

During the diet you can get rid of 8-10 kg of “extra” weight and even more, which is confirmed by reviews of those losing weight. Many people lose weight by the end of the first and second weeks, many are happy with the lost kilograms after completing the diet.

Protasov's diet rules

In dishes, we calculate the amount of fermented milk products and vegetables in a ratio of 1:2. If the body does not tolerate eggs well, you can exclude them or add them to food every other day - 1 piece at a time.

Should not exceed daily calorie content – ​​1200-1500 kcal. It is worth adding half an hour of physical exercise or active walks to your diet.

With the help of apples, which are consumed throughout the entire course of the diet, the deficiency of carbohydrates and pectins is replenished. Unsweetened and unripe apples are more suitable for dishes. They have a low glycemic index, so glucose is broken down slowly. It is recommended to add apples to main dishes rather than eat them between meals.

What foods are excluded from the diet. You should avoid the following products:

  • soft cheeses and feta cheese due to the presence of salt;
  • oils: vegetable and butter;
  • bakery products and bread;
  • cereals, pasta, fast food;
  • potatoes, dumplings, semi-finished meat products;
  • smoked meats, pork, lamb;
  • sugar, sweets, nuts, sweeteners, salt and alcohol.

Protasov's diet: menu for every day

Each week of the diet has a certain set of products that should be strictly adhered to.

First week called cheese-yogurt-vegetable. For it you will need:

  1. Lots of fresh vegetables (except potatoes)! Vegetables are eaten only fresh; they cannot be cooked.
  2. Cheese or cottage cheese and yogurt - all up to 5% fat.
  3. Once a day - 1 boiled egg
  4. 3 apples will add variety to your diet; it is better to take unsweetened apples.
  5. Don't forget about still water and drink 1.5-3 liters/day.

You can add black and green tea, hibiscus and coffee without sugar and milk substitute to the menu.

Some healthy recipes for the first week:

  • You can grate vegetables for a juicy salad, add an egg or grated cheese for piquancy, add yogurt to chopped vegetables - it’s very tasty and healthy!
  • If you mix cucumber pulp or tomato juice with yogurt, you will get a tomato cocktail under a coat of cheese (can be baked in the microwave).
  • If, nevertheless, the feeling of hunger periodically appears, you can get rid of it with the help of juicy bell peppers, washed down with kefir, fermented baked milk or yogurt, which is better to prepare yourself from cow or goat milk. Sugar and starch are added to factory-made milk products, which is not suitable for the Protas diet. Yogurt should be natural, white and unsweetened, cottage cheese and kefir - without additives.

Yogurt recipe: add symbiter (1 bottle – 5 cubes, available in pharmacies) or biokefir (0.5 l) to boiled milk – 3 l, at a temperature of 60-65˚С. Cover the pan with a “fur coat” and let stand. As the milk cools, it transforms into yogurt.

Second week We continue to lovingly eat assorted vegetables with cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir, the much-desired egg and apples. By the end of the second week, you will feel light in your body, and your thoughts will be far from the desire to eat something sweet or fried potatoes with fatty meat. To avoid the mistake of many who want to lose weight, there is no need to rely only on dairy products; raw vegetables will be preferable (we calculate fermented milk products and vegetables in a ratio of 1:2). In the summer-autumn season, the bazaars have a large selection of young and juicy vegetables and herbs.

Recipes for the Protasov diet for 1-2 weeks you can find in the article.

Cheeses: salty and spicy should be absent from the diet- they retain water and lead to swelling on the face and legs.

Third week - You will need a set of products from the first week, only in smaller quantities. Stewed or fried meat, poultry or fish - 300 g/day will be a consolation prize for the stomach.

Fourth and fifth weeks - all the same products from the third week: fresh vegetables, meat, fish or poultry with cheeses, cottage cheese, eggs and apples. For cocktails and salad dressings, the following remain unchanged: kefir, yogurt, yogurt, whey from homemade cottage cheese, which always contains more nutrients than cottage cheese.

Recipes for the Protasov diet for 3-5 weeks you can find in the article.

Don't forget to drink water and tea. It is useful to prepare herbal teas with mint and lemon balm, thyme and oregano, lingonberries, young leaves of raspberries, currants and strawberries.

Protasov's diet is coming to an end, but weight will continue to be lost under the condition the right way out from the diet.

Rules for exiting the Protasov diet

To prevent candy and chocolate addiction from returning and to maintain the achieved result, it is worth reviewing your daily diet after the diet:

  • The fat content of consumed dairy products should be 0.5-1%;
  • It is healthier to replace animal fats with vegetable fats, add oils to salad - no more than 15 g/day, or replace it with lemon juice;
  • Olives and almonds no more than 3 pieces, oil is not added to salads at all, since this amount contains 1.5 g of fat;
  • The daily requirement of fat is 30-35 g, which is included in meat or fish: fried or steamed and an egg, the yolk of which contains 4-6 g of fat;
  • Fruits and berries can be eaten without a high sucrose content: sour or sweet and sour. Excluded: mangoes and dates, bananas and figs, persimmons and sweet pears;
  • We alternate vegetables with buckwheat or oatmeal porridge, low-fat cottage cheese;
  • We alternate milk products with lean meat, turkey, chicken, rabbit;
  • Do not eat: bread and butter, fried potatoes, dumplings, weaknesses and chocolate.

Detailed description of release by week:

First week After the diet, you can eat the same as on the fifth, only in the morning you can have breakfast with a small portion of porridge. Porridge must be prepared with water, without adding sugar.

In the second week After the diet, we continue to eat in the rhythm of the previous week, but we replace apples with other fruits.

In the third week- menu of the previous week + you can add dried fruits to your diet (in porridge or separately as a snack).

Fourth week after the diet - replace fresh vegetables from the previous week with boiled or stewed ones, you can start eating more meat and less dairy products.

In the fifth week As a way out, you can start eating light broths and soups and gradually add regular foods to your diet.

Protasov's diet options

While following the protas diet, many experiment and first consume a set of foods intended for the third week. Add dried fruits and other sweet, sour and sour fruits to apples, moisten salads with lemon juice or vegetable oil (1 tsp). They make up their own nutrition plan and consume 80-100 g of protein per day, taking into account Protasov’s advice, so that their memory and mood do not deteriorate.


  1. Consumption of lactic acid products that are beneficial for digestion: homemade yogurts and cottage cheese, yogurt and whey, kefir, sour milk, including goat’s. In combination with an assortment of vegetables, they cleanse and heal the body.
  2. The ability to drink plenty of fluids to help break down fats, cleanse the body and prevent dehydration.
  3. Compliance with the diet and exit from it are long-term and last 5 weeks. In 10 weeks, the candy and chocolate addiction with the addiction to salty and smoked foods, beer and alcohol disappears.
  4. There is no excitement around food, so there is no pressure on the psyche.
  5. Metabolism and the functioning of the pancreas and intestines are normalized thanks to the diet. Adipose tissue is reduced due to the balance of fiber and vitamins, minerals and trace elements, lactose and proteins.


The disadvantages of the diet are minor:

  • It is necessary to adhere to a balanced amount of vegetable and dairy products for the first two weeks. An excess of dairy products can overload the body with proteins and fats, which is unacceptable if there is a lack of carbohydrates.
  • People are not used to eating tasteless foods: neither sweet nor salty, but they will have to eat them for 35 days. But by the end of the diet, you will develop the ability to subtly feel and smell the natural taste of all foods, which will significantly reduce the craving for salty and sweet dishes.
  • It is difficult to follow such a diet in winter; according to reviews from those losing weight, it costs money, so it is better to plan the diet for the summer-autumn period.

Contraindications to the use of the Protasov diet

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the upper section: chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, duodenitis, esophagitis. Food with starch creates a film that can envelop and protect the gastric mucosa from damage by the food itself: burns and scratches. Therefore, Protasov’s low-starch diet may contribute to the exacerbation of these diseases;
  • with diseases endocrine system, liver and kidneys;
  • an active lifestyle in which you are rarely at home;
  • anorexia diseases.
  • Pregnant and nursing mothers, people who are not confident that they will complete the course of shuffling, the diet is contraindicated.

Alcohol consumption and smoking must be avoided, they add gymnastic exercises, massage, visiting swimming pools, saunas and spas.

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Diet of Kim Protasov

Kim Protasov's diet frees you from eating strictly by the hour, which is important for people who cannot starve and deny themselves the desire to eat tasty food. Despite some restrictions in the diet, there are many recipes, thanks to which even on a diet you can eat tasty and varied. Protasov's diet for weight loss is comfortable and safe, but it is better to use it for people who do not have health problems.

The essence of the Protasov diet

A well-known nutritionist from Israel 15 years ago (namely, in 1999) developed a unique nutritional system, which, according to many doctors, is one of the healthiest. In 5 weeks, the popular “shuffle” allows you to completely change your eating habits and abandon stereotypes. You should eat raw vegetables, apples, as well as fermented milk products with a low fat content (no more than 5%). You can’t eat sweets, and drink tea and coffee without sugar. The diet also excludes the consumption of fatty foods. But the amount of clean water is gradually increased to 2 liters per day.

It’s worth mentioning right away that our domestic dairy industry practically does not produce 5% products, and those samples that come across contain sugar. In order not to violate the rules of the diet, it is better to purchase low-fat dairy products.

The diet is designed for 5 weeks, you can lose 8 kg or more. The exit from the diet is designed for another 5 weeks, and then for 2 months you should abstain from certain foods.


You won't have to feel hungry. Kim Protasov's diet menu is designed in such a way that there is no need to limit the serving size. In addition, there are no restrictions on the time of eating: if you want to eat in the morning, eat; if you are hungry in the evening, no one forbids you to eat.

Refusal of many sweets leads to the fact that the functions of the pancreas are gradually improved. The desire to eat something sweet and tasty gradually disappears.

The large amount of fiber found in fruits and vegetables helps detoxify the body. The intestines and blood are perfectly cleansed.

Drinking water promotes the active elimination of toxins.

The main products of the first weeks of the diet are apples and fermented milk products, which supply the body with pectin, calcium, lactose and protein.

The body gradually gets used to healthy food and rebuilds itself.


Judging by the reviews, the Protasov diet is difficult to maintain for those people who cannot tolerate dairy products (this can be either an allergy to the components or an individual intolerance).

Large amounts of fiber for certain diseases of the internal organs can only be consumed in combination with cereals, which envelop the walls of the stomach and intestines, protecting them from damage.

People suffering from hypertension and heart disease should limit their fluid intake, otherwise edema cannot be avoided.


Diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract.

Peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines.




Metabolic disease.

A detailed description of Protasov’s diet will allow you to create a menu yourself or use some of our tips. The main thing is to carefully read the recommendations and pay attention to the common mistakes of those who have already used this power system.

Protasov's diet: weekly menu

First week

Get ready for the next 7 days to actively eat exclusively raw (or baked) vegetables, as well as cottage cheese and yoghurt. The quantity of fresh vegetables is unlimited, and you can eat them at any time of the day. The menu for the first week of the Protasov diet also includes 1 boiled egg per day and several green apples.

At first, it may seem incredibly difficult to eat this way. But in fact, by the end you can easily give up even a boiled egg. By the way, vegetables such as zucchini, potatoes, pumpkin, beets, and carrots contain starch. During the diet you need to give them up or consume very little.

Second week

Recipes for 1-2 weeks of the Protasov diet are repeated. From the 8th to the 14th day, the menu will continue to consist of fermented milk products, vegetables and apples. If you have sufficient willpower, you can stop eating eggs.

Try to create a menu so as not to overuse fermented milk products to the detriment of vegetables. The diet consists equally of products from both groups. It is necessary to avoid feta cheese and salted cheese, since salt retains fluid in the body and swelling appears.

Third week

From the 15th day, you can gradually add meat to the diet (no more than 300 g), and the amount of fermented milk products, on the contrary, is reduced. Meat can be boiled, baked or grilled. It is better to use turkey, rabbit or chicken.

Fourth and fifth weeks

The menu corresponds to the 3rd week, only the phase begins on the 22nd day active weight loss. This is due to the fact that the body gets rid of toxins, and internal organs begin to work more actively after a good cleaning.

Exit from the Protasov diet

A crucial moment for another 5 weeks. The menu of each subsequent week repeats the menu of the previous one, with some additional foods allowed. So,

Week 6. Add 3 tablespoons of porridge cooked in water to the diet.

Week 7. In addition to apples, you can eat plums and avocados.

Week 8. We gradually introduce dried fruits into the diet; you can cook compotes without sugar.

Week 9. Add boiled vegetables. You can eat more meat, but at the same time reduce the amount of fermented milk products.

Week 10 We add weak broths and light soups to the diet.

Protasov's diet: menu for every day for the first two weeks

The main thing is to immediately adjust to the fact that in the next 14 days you will eat exclusively vegetables and dairy products. But this does not mean at all that Protasov’s diet menu will be boring and monotonous. On the contrary, by skillfully combining vegetables, you can prepare many delicious salads, snacks and cocktails.

1 day

Breakfast. Baked cheesecakes, a glass of kefir
Lunch. Apple, herbal tea.
Dinner. Greek salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, olives and cheese, 200 ml of tomato juice.
Afternoon snack. Yogurt, apple.
Dinner. Cottage cheese with grated apple, kefir.

Day 2

Breakfast. Low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt.
Lunch. Apple, green tea.
Dinner. Carrot, cabbage and apple salad, 1 boiled egg.
Afternoon snack. Carrot-pumpkin juice, apple.
Dinner. Curd cheesecakes, kefir.

Day 3

Breakfast. Boiled egg, tomato and sweet pepper salad.
Lunch. Apple cocktail with kefir.
Dinner. Cucumber stuffed with cottage cheese and garlic.
Afternoon snack. Apple, glass of yogurt.
Dinner. Salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and onions, seasoned with sour cream, balls of cottage cheese and garlic.

4 day

Breakfast. Low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of yogurt.
Lunch. Apple, glass of carrot-apple juice.
Dinner. Salad of grated beets with garlic, seasoned with sour cream + 250 ml of tomato juice, egg.
Afternoon snack. Fruit salad of apples with yogurt.
Dinner. Curd cheesecakes, kefir.

5 day

Breakfast. Boiled egg, cottage cheese, yogurt.
Lunch. Apple + glass of kefir.
Dinner. Tomatoes stuffed with cottage cheese + a glass of tomato juice.

Dinner. Baked eggplants with garlic and cottage cheese sauce, green tea.

Day 6

Breakfast. Cottage cheese, yogurt.
Lunch. Apple-kefir cocktail.
Dinner. Tomato and homemade cheese salad, tomato juice.
Afternoon snack. Baked cheesecakes, kefir.
Dinner. Apple, cabbage and carrot salad, seasoned with sour cream, boiled egg, green tea.

Day 7

Breakfast. Egg, Greek salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, cheese and olives.
Lunch. Apple juice + apple.
Dinner. Soup puree of grated cucumbers with kefir and herbs.
Afternoon snack. Cheesecakes + yogurt.
Dinner. Baked bell pepper stuffed with cottage cheese and garlic.

Day 8

Breakfast. Fried egg pancake, tomato, cucumber.
Lunch. Cottage cheese, yogurt.
Dinner. Salad of cucumbers, bell peppers and homemade cheese, kefir.
Afternoon snack. Apple, Apple juice.
Dinner. Stuffed tomatoes, tomato juice.

Day 9

Breakfast. Cottage cheese, kefir.
Lunch. Grated apple with cheesecakes.
Dinner. Okroshka made from kefir, cucumbers, radishes and herbs, herbal tea.
Afternoon snack. Carrot dessert with cinnamon and yogurt.
Dinner. Cottage cheese, yogurt.

10 day

Breakfast. Boiled egg, cucumber and tomato salad.
Lunch. Apple dessert with cinnamon and yogurt.
Dinner. Stuffed cucumbers, carrot-pumpkin juice.
Afternoon snack. Baked apples.
Dinner. Cottage cheese, yogurt.

Day 11

Breakfast. Baked apples, herbal tea.
Lunch. Yogurt, cottage cheese.
Dinner. Okroshka, carrot salad with garlic and sour cream.
Afternoon snack. Apple smoothie with yogurt.
Dinner. Green tea, beet salad with garlic, radish and herbs.

12 day

Breakfast. Cottage cheese, kefir.
Lunch. Tomato salad, bell pepper, red onion, seasoned with lemon juice, herbal tea.
Dinner. Soup with celery, carrots and herbs.
Afternoon snack. Grated apple with cottage cheese.
Dinner. Salad of cucumbers, bell peppers, herbs and sour cream, 1 glass of kefir.

Day 13

Breakfast. Cottage cheese, yogurt.
Lunch. Apple juice + apple.
Lunch Carrot salad with garlic, 1 egg, tomatoes.
Afternoon snack. Baked cheesecakes with sour cream, green tea.
Dinner. Stuffed tomatoes, baked bell peppers.

Day 14

Breakfast. Cheese pancakes, yogurt.
Lunch. Herbal tea, carrot dessert with cinnamon and yogurt.
Dinner. Okroshka, tomato and bell pepper salad with sour cream.
Afternoon snack. Grated apple with cottage cheese.
Dinner. Salad of radish, cucumber, onion and egg, dressed with sour cream and herbs. A glass of green tea.

Kim Protasov’s approximate diet menu for the first two weeks looks exactly like this. If you wish, you can diversify it with some interesting recipes or completely change it to your taste.

Diet of Kim Protasov: menu for every day (table)

Protasov diet recipes

1-2 week

1. Beet salad with garlic. Grate the raw beets, add chopped garlic cloves and a couple of tablespoons of kefir.

2. Fresh carrot dessert. Grate the carrots on a fine grater, add a little cinnamon and yogurt.

3. Apple dessert. The apple can be cut into pieces or grated, sprinkled with cinnamon and topped with yogurt.

4. Okroshka. 1 cucumber, a couple of radishes, a boiled egg and greens should be chopped and poured with kefir.

5. Vegetable salad with yogurt. Chop the cucumber and tomato, add a couple of spoons of yogurt and herbs.

6. Homemade cheese. Pour 500 g of cottage cheese into a glass of milk and cook for about 15 minutes. Place the resulting mixture on a sieve and let the water drain. After this, in a separate bowl, mix the cottage cheese with spices, egg and boil for about 10 minutes. Let it harden.

7. Stuffed cucumbers. Cut the cucumbers lengthwise, remove the core and chop. Mix it with cottage cheese, herbs and garlic. Fill half the cucumbers with the mixture.

8. Vegetable salad with pancake. Beat the egg and bake in a pan in the form of a pancake, which is then rolled into a tube and cut. Chop tomatoes and bell peppers, mix with pancakes and season with yogurt.

9. Diet sushi. Bake a pancake from a beaten egg, prepare 2 sheets of seaweed. Place half of the pancake and the filling of cottage cheese with garlic and herbs on top of a sheet of seaweed. Roll the rolls and cut lengthwise with a sharp knife.

10. Stuffed tomatoes. Cut off the top of the tomatoes and remove the middle. Make minced meat from cottage cheese, boiled egg and bell pepper with herbs. Fill the tomatoes with the mixture.

Recipes from 3-5 weeks

Let us remind you that the results of the Protasov diet do not appear immediately. But from the third week you can supplement the menu with delicious meat and fish dishes.

1. Original chicken salad. Cut 200 g of meat into cubes, add chopped nuts, onions, sour cream (3 spoons) and pomegranate seeds.

2. The meatballs are tender. Grind 300 g of veal, half a zucchini and an onion in a meat grinder, add the egg, spices and knead the minced meat. Form small vegetable-meat balls onto a baking sheet and bake until done.

3. Fruit salad of grapefruit and pineapple. Cut the fruit pulp into cubes, add strawberries, season with yogurt.

Protasov's diet: results and reviews

The power supply system is recognized as one of the most comfortable and effective. The average weight loss is 8 kg over the entire period. But if you go by the reviews, then Kim Protasov’s diet helps you lose from 6 to 20 kg excess weight. A gentle weight loss system, after which the body really works with new strength, getting rid of waste and toxins. Despite the restriction in the diet, a gradual and careful exit from the diet ensures a comfortable transition to regular meals. Although over such a long period of time the body acquires many useful habits in terms of nutrition. The original weight is not returned. The maximum you can expect is +2 kilograms. You can also leave a review if you are on this diet.

The only thing that is considered a disadvantage of the diet is the acquisition of the habit of eating abundantly. Since portions are not limited in size during the diet, immediately after switching to a regular diet, it is important to control your weight and try not to overeat. Despite many laudatory reviews, the author of the diet himself does not recommend practicing such a nutritional system more than once a year.

In the article we discuss Protasov’s diet. You will get acquainted with the basic rules, features of the regime, find out what foods are allowed to be consumed, how to prepare dishes, and what contraindications there are.

This diet is a special nutrition program for active weight loss, which was developed by Israeli nutritionist Kim Protasov in 1999.

Basic principles

Principles of nutrition according to the Protasov system:

  • meals according to a specific plan, designed for 5 weeks;
  • reduction in consumption fatty foods(animal and vegetable fats);
  • exclusion from the diet of fast (simple) carbohydrates - sugar, baked goods, starch, pasta etc.;
  • eating large amounts of fiber and high-protein foods;
  • consumption of “allowed” vegetables without restrictions;
  • mandatory withdrawal lasting 5 weeks;
  • maintaining water-salt balance throughout the entire regimen - unlimited fluid intake throughout the day;
  • refusal of salt, carbonated and alcoholic drinks.


Pros of the diet:

  • getting rid of extra pounds in a short time;
  • normalization of metabolism in the body;
  • getting rid of toxins and waste;
  • increased intestinal motility, normalization of stool.

Description by week

The first is daily consumption of fresh vegetables in unlimited quantities, low-fat cottage cheese, fermented milk drinks or low-fat cheese, as well as no more than three apples and one boiled chicken egg per day.

Second, the list is saved.

Third - add lean red meat, poultry, fish to the daily diet - no more than 250-300 grams per day, reduce the consumption of fermented milk drinks and cheese by about a third.

Fourth, fifth - list of the third week.


Diet features:

  • Drink at least 2 liters of fluid throughout the day. This can be clean drinking water, green or black tea without sugar or artificial sweeteners.
  • Cottage cheese and cottage cheese should have no more than 5% fat content.
  • Dairy and fermented milk products - no more than 1.5% fat, but it is better to choose low-fat products.
  • Yogurt should not contain additives in the form of berries, fruits, muesli, or starch.
  • Use no more than 15 grams of vegetable oil per day.
  • You can eat food at absolutely any time of the day.
  • If you can’t find low-fat cheese on sale, you can limit yourself to eating cottage cheese.
  • Eat vegetables mostly raw; you can also steam or lightly boil them.
  • It is better to start eating according to the system during the harvest season - from mid-summer to early autumn, when you can purchase ripe seasonal vegetables.

Authorized Products

Below is a list of vegetables, fruits, and other products that are allowed:

  • Vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, radishes, white and red cabbage, carrots, bell peppers, eggplants, turnips, pumpkin, beets, celery, asparagus, leafy vegetables, herbs, as well as onions and garlic.
  • Freshly prepared vegetable juices or smoothies.
  • The only fruits you can eat are green, sour apples.
  • Lean meat and eggs: chicken, turkey, veal, beef, rabbit, horse meat, chicken or quail eggs.
  • Fish and seafood: cod, river pike, pollock, flounder, tuna, chum salmon, river and sea perch, pike perch, scallop, shrimp, squid.
  • Low-fat dairy and fermented milk products: cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt, sour cream, kefir, fermented baked milk, skim milk.


Products whose consumption is prohibited:

  • Starchy vegetables - potatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, celery root, parsley, etc.
  • Cereals, legumes.
  • Dairy and fermented milk products with a fat content of more than 5%.
  • Soft types of cheeses, processed cheese.
  • Fatty meats - pork, lamb.
  • Smoked meat and fish, sausages.
  • Fast food.
  • Pickles, marinades.
  • Butter, margarine.
  • Sugar and its substitutes.
  • Baking, bakery, pasta products.
  • Yeast.
  • Purchased concentrated vegetable and fruit juices, lemonades.
  • Nuts, any snacks.
  • Alcoholic drinks.

Menu for every day

Below is an approximate daily diet for each week. The ingredients in the dishes from this menu can be changed at your discretion, the main thing is that they comply with the list of permitted products and nutritional rules established for each week.

For the first

  • cottage cheese or cheese;
  • salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and radishes, seasoned with sour cream;
  • 3 green apples;
  • zucchini and carrot spaghetti;
  • green tea or herbal decoction.

For the second

  • yogurt or cottage cheese;
  • salad of raw beets, carrots, leafy vegetables with 1 tbsp. olive oil;
  • 3 green apples;
  • steamed zucchini and asparagus;
  • boiled chicken egg - 1 pc. or 3 boiled quail eggs;
  • green tea or herbal infusion.

For the third

  • salad of leafy vegetables, celery, grated cheese;
  • yogurt or kefir;
  • boiled chicken or turkey fillet;
  • 3 green apples;
  • baked pumpkin;
  • green or herbal tea.

For the fourth

  • cottage cheese;
  • salad of cucumbers, eggs with sour cream, herbs;
  • steamed fish with broccoli;
  • vegetable smoothies;
  • 3 green apples;
  • green or herbal tea.

For the fifth

  • boiled egg - 1 pc. or 3 boiled quail eggs;
  • fermented baked milk or kefir;
  • boiled beef with Chinese cabbage salad;
  • 3 green apples;
  • carrot or beet cutlets;
  • vegetable smoothies;
  • green or herbal tea.

How to cook fish

When following a dietary regimen, you should not eat foods fried in oil. Give preference to steaming meat and fish. However, if you have non-stick cookware that can be used for frying without using oil, you can cook the fish in it. Below is a recipe for frying fish.

You will need:

  1. cod fillet - 400 grams;
  2. onion - 1 pc.;
  3. carrots - 1 pc.;
  4. low-fat sour cream - 2 tbsp.

How to cook:

  1. Wash and remove excess moisture from the fish fillet with a paper towel.
  2. Chop carrots and onions into thin rings.
  3. Heat a frying pan and place the fish on it.
  4. Add about 3 tablespoons of water to the pan, cover the fish with a lid, and simmer for 5-7 minutes.
  5. Pour sour cream into the pan.
  6. Place onions and carrots on top of the fish and close the lid.
  7. Simmer the fish with vegetables until cooked.


Calorie content per 100 grams of product is 71 kcal.

Carrot cutlets

Carrot cutlets can be steamed or in a slow cooker. To prevent the cutlets from falling apart during cooking, you can add flaxseed flour, which does not contain fast carbohydrates and is rich in fiber.

You will need:

  1. carrots - 700 grams;
  2. skim milk - 100 ml;
  3. chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  4. flaxseed flour - 4 tbsp.

How to cook:

  1. Wash, peel, grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
  2. Add raw egg, milk, flaxseed flour to the carrot mince and mix.
  3. Use your hands to form cutlets of the required size.
  4. Carefully place the cutlets in the steamer container in the middle compartment.
  5. Cook the cutlets for 15-20 minutes.


Calorie content per 100 grams of product is 59 kcal.


In order not to harm your health and consolidate your weight loss results, a gradual, competent exit from the diet is necessary.

Output circuit

  1. In the sixth week, you must maintain the same diet as in the fifth.
  2. From the beginning of the seventh week, add fruits to your diet. The exceptions are bananas, grapes, exotic fruits, and dried fruits.
  3. During the eighth and ninth weeks, gradually add dried fruits to your daily diet, increase the number of meat dishes, and reduce the consumption of dairy products.
  4. From the beginning of the tenth week, eat broths or light vegetable soups, gradually, in small portions, introduce familiar dishes into your diet.


If you strictly follow all the rules of nutrition and exercise, you can reduce your weight by an average of 8-10 kilograms. Noticeable results are usually seen from the fourth week. In addition to losing weight, the diet helps cleanse the body of toxins, improve metabolism, increase intestinal motility and normalize stool.

Minus 10 kg.

For more active weight loss and long-term results, it is necessary to active image life - take walks, do morning exercises, do not sit at the computer for a long time. However, when you are following a diet plan, you should refrain from vigorous physical activity in the fitness room.

According to legend, Kim Protasov’s diet was invented by an Israeli doctor; whether this is true remains a mystery. However, a nutrition system with a rich menu attracts many people who want to lose excess weight.

What is the essence of the Protasov diet

The nutrition program according to Protasov (popularly known as “shuffling”) is scheduled for 5 weeks, the transition to normal nutrition also lasts about 5 weeks. The first two weeks of the diet menu consists of raw vegetables and fermented milk products up to 5% fat, in addition, you can eat one boiled egg and apples every day. You need to drink more liquid (up to 2 liters), but there are no restrictions on the daily dose of food.

An interesting aspect of the “shuffle” is that after days “without meat” it is difficult to start eating it, the body gets used to it, and you even have to force yourself.

Over the next three weeks, meat (chicken or fish) is introduced into the diet, and the volume of dairy products is reduced. It is recommended to eat apples and meat at the beginning of the day, as they are heavy foods for the stomach to digest.

Advantages of the Protasov diet:

  • lack of hunger;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • reducing cravings for sweets;
  • compliance with the norm of proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins.

Some nutritionists consider the low amount of fat to be a disadvantage; in addition, there are clinical indications for which the use of the Protasov diet is unacceptable.


  • chronic gastritis with any acidity;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • duodenitis.

A smooth exit from the diet involves eating porridge boiled in water, low-fat cottage cheese and vegetables with the addition of vegetable oil for breakfast. You can eat fruits and eat meat or fish dishes throughout the day.

Protasov's diet menu for 5 weeks (every day)

Protasov’s nutrition system requires strict adherence to a sequence of weeks, but “staying” on this diet is easy and pleasant. You will not experience psychological stress or hunger; you can eat at any time convenient for you.

Week #1

This week's menu consists of fermented milk products and raw vegetables; in addition, you can add a boiled egg and apples to the diet. Do not try to limit yourself in the number of products, just make sure that daily norm fat did not exceed 40 g.

Menu for one day:

  • cottage cheese (up to 5% fat content);
  • boiled egg – 1 pc.;
  • green tea;
  • clean water – 2 liters.

Week #2

The menu of the second week, like the first, consists of an arbitrary amount of fermented milk products and raw vegetables, with the addition of apples, unsweetened fruits and boiled eggs. Don't forget to drink plenty of fluids.

Sample menu for the day:

  • salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and grated cheese;
  • fermented baked milk – 1 glass;
  • apples – 3 pcs.;
  • cottage cheese;
  • yogurt;
  • carrot and beet salad;
  • coffee without sugar - 1 cup;
  • water – up to 2 l.

Week #3

Moving on to the third week, you need to reduce the consumption of yoghurts and cheeses, replacing them with fried lean chicken or fish (no more than 300 g per day). The amount of vegetables does not need to be reduced.

Menu for the day:

  • salad of fresh vegetables and grated cheese;
  • fermented baked milk – 1 glass;
  • orange – 1 pc.;
  • chicken fillet – 250 g;
  • fresh carrot and beet salad;
  • coffee – 1 cup.

Week #4

Yogurt, slightly sweetened tea or coffee are added to the diet, you can drink a glass of fruit drink or unsweetened juice.

Menu for one day:

  • yogurt – 1 glass;
  • green tea;
  • vegetable salad with low-fat sour cream;
  • oven-baked apples – 3 pcs.;
  • boiled fish – 250 g;
  • boiled egg – 1 pc.;
  • juice – 1 glass.

Week #5

This week's menu includes vegetables, fruits, poultry or fish. Remember plenty of water and green tea.

Sample menu for one day:

  • salad of tomatoes and cucumbers with a drop of growing. oils;
  • unsweetened fruits (plums, apples);
  • chicken meat – 250 g;
  • green tea;
  • carrot and beet salad;
  • coffee without sugar - 1 cup;
  • boiled egg – 1 pc.

Reviews and results of the Protasov diet


If you have achieved any results in losing weight using this diet, send your photo (before and after) with a description to and soon you will appear on this page, and thousands of women will know about your personal victory! Who knows, maybe your example will inspire our readers.

Olga, 33 years old

I went through all five weeks of the Protasov diet calmly, now I’m gradually returning to a normal diet, I haven’t allowed myself to eat too much for two weeks now, I managed to lose 11 kg!

Sveta, 24 years old

In my first attempt, I lost 5 kg on the shuffle, although I didn’t know about the way out of the diet... In general, I gained almost everything back (About six months later I tried again, and my ten was gone as if it had never happened.

Anyuta, 27 years old

I was so looking forward to the third week! I wanted meat - it was terrible... But then I came away, and I didn’t have to force myself) I won’t say that it was easy, but the result - minus 7 kg - made me very happy. But the doctors advised me to add vitamins, and I took them the entire course.

Natalya, 41 years old

What I liked about Protasov’s diet is that only excess weight goes away, you won’t feel hungry, and there won’t be exhaustion in any case. The body simply acquires its ideal weight and shape, the intestines work well. I lost 15 kg and feel great!

Alex, 28 years old

It’s not true that Protasov’s diet is monotonous, I alternated vegetables every day, then carrots, then tomatoes, then radishes (that’s why it’s more fun and cheaper in the summer). Yes, and you can eat different curds or combine them with apples. And then you really didn’t want meat, you become a vegetarian) I lost 8 kg, which is what I wish for you)

Natalia Bogdanova

Reading time: 14 minutes


Israeli nutritionist Kim Protasov in 1999 first published the principles of a revolutionary diet at that time, in which he rejected many generally accepted postulates of all diets in general.

The witty nutritionist provided his publication with an apt comment “A skinny cow is not a gazelle” , and a request - not to make a cult out of food, which immediately endeared a large public to this food system who wanted to lose weight - but do it comfortably.

The principles of the Protasov diet and its features

Since the advent of the diet from specialist Kim Protasov, its benefits and numerous advantages have been noted both those losing weight themselves and nutritionists around the world.

Later we will go over in detail all the positive aspects of this power system, but now let’s talk about its essence.

  • So, the basis of Kim Protasov’s diet is a light and tasty diet mainly from vegetables and dairy products.
  • The revolutionary nature of Kim Protasov’s diet lies in the fact that instead of the strict dietary restrictions that almost all diets require from those who want to lose weight, this nutritional system encourages do not deny yourself food. That is, nutritionist Kim Protasov, implementing the principle “What else can you eat to lose weight!”, allows you to eat as much as you want, at any time of the day and even night.
  • But the diet itself of Kim Protasov, naturally, regulates list of approved products.
  • is designed for 5 weeks and contains four main periods, each of which has its own set of specially selected products for creating a diet for those losing weight.
  • If Protasov’s diet is followed correctly, then the approximate daily calorie intake will be no more than 1200 – 1500 kcal.
  • By the way, Kim Protasov’s diet will be good not only for those who want to get rid of extra pounds, but also for those people who advocate healthy eating.

We are modern people, and we don’t believe in the fairy tale that this is possible: eat whatever you want and lose weight. There must be a secret diet that allows you to launch a mechanism in the body for losing weight and getting rid of fat.

In the diet of Kim Protasov this mechanism is dietary fiber in combination with complete proteins products that not only help cleanse the intestines, but also normalize the level of sugar in a person’s blood, satisfy an insatiable appetite during this diet, and significantly reduce cravings for sweet, fatty and starchy foods.

The body is saturated with amino acids and energy, which has a positive effect on the condition of muscle muscles, all organs and systems, and the resorption of fat deposits. Dietary fiber has bulk, and therefore it reduces appetite and gives a feeling of fullness.

In his nutrition system, Kim Protasov strongly recommends stop eating salt – this allows you to eliminate swelling, improves the general condition of a person, and gives a feeling of lightness.

What products does the menu consist of?

Products that mainly make up the diet of Kim Protasov:

  • Fresh vegetables - eggplants, carrots, beets, sweet peppers, herbs, cucumbers, zucchini, onions, radishes, garlic, turnips, tomatoes.
  • Fresh vegetable juices (not canned).
  • Lean meat - chicken, beef, veal.
  • Fish and seafood.
  • Cottage cheese 1-3% fat.
  • Kefir, yogurt, milk, fermented baked milk, low-fat cheeses (but not low-fat).
  • Fresh apples (green).
  • Coffee Tea.
  • Still drinking water - at least two liters per day.

Menu by week in Kim Protasov’s diet:

In any week of the diet, you can eat yogurt (up to 5% fat), hard cheese and raw vegetables every day - as much as you want.

  • 1 week diet - start

During this period you can eat puree of raw vegetables (any), or vegetable sandwiches (without bread) with thin slices of cheese. You can also eat one boiled egg per day. In the first week, you can eat green apples as fruit - no more than three per day.

During the 1st week of the diet, you need to drink still water - up to 2 liters daily, as well as unsweetened tea and coffee in unlimited quantities.

  • Week 2 of the diet – continued

this week diet plan is the same as in the first week . As the body begins to get used to this diet, you can give up the daily boiled egg and reduce the number of pieces of cheese on the menu.

You should pay attention to your physical activity– the lightness that appears in the body will promote sports, and kilograms of excess weight will disappear much more quickly.

  • Week 3 – meat on the menu

You can return to your previous menu add 300 grams of poultry, fish or lean meat daily , boiled or fried without adding oil. Due to the fact that protein will now come from meat, you should reduce the amount of yogurt and cheese eaten daily.

  • Weeks 4 and 5 of the diet – consolidating the results

Meals at 4 and 5 weeks – according to the same scheme as in the third . During this period, it is necessary to diversify the menu with a variety of combinations of permitted vegetables, types of meat, poultry, and fish. Dishes should be prepared in a variety of ways so that the diet is enjoyable and does not feel monotonous.

Menu for 7 days

When creating a menu, you should use lists of permitted products.


1st Breakfast. 120 gr. low-fat cottage cheese, 1 apple, a glass of water or unsweetened tea.
2nd Breakfast. Kiwi, 1 boiled egg.
Dinner. Chicken broth soup, cucumber and tomato salad, 1 bell pepper, tea.
Dinner. Baked eggplants with garlic sauce, herbal or green tea.


1st Breakfast. Greek salad, baked apple, herbal tea or coffee.
2nd Breakfast. Yogurt, a little cottage cheese.
Dinner. Tomato and hard cheese salad, 200 ml of freshly squeezed tomato juice.
Dinner. Curd cheesecakes, kefir.


1st Breakfast. Hercules porridge without sugar and milk, 1 boiled egg, herbal or green tea.
2nd Breakfast. Kefir cocktail with cucumber or apple.
Dinner. Soup with celery, carrots and herbs, or ukha. Green tea.
Dinner. Whole grain bread with stewed eggplant (eggplant, carrots, grated hard cheese).


1st Breakfast. Cucumber and tomato salad.
2nd Breakfast. Cottage cheese pancakes with cinnamon, freshly squeezed apple juice.
Dinner. Okroshka with cauliflower without meat and without potatoes, carrot salad with garlic and sour cream, herbal tea or unsweetened coffee.
Dinner. Boiled chicken, cabbage salad with apple, seasoned with kefir, green tea.


1st Breakfast. Cottage cheese casserole, kefir or fermented baked milk.
2nd Breakfast. Vegetable salad with apple, seasoned with lemon juice.
Dinner. Cold vegetable soup (such as gazpacho), green tea or freshly squeezed tomato juice.
Dinner. Vegetable salad dressed with cottage cheese, apple, glass of water.


1st Breakfast. Tomato and sweet pepper salad, yogurt.
2nd Breakfast. Apple-carrot juice, apple.
Dinner. 200 gr. baked fish fillet, vegetable salad, unsweetened tea or coffee.
Dinner. Zucchini and hard cheese casserole, tomato, green tea or water.


1st Breakfast. Scrambled eggs with spinach, unsweetened coffee or tea.
2nd Breakfast. Applesauce with cottage cheese.
Dinner. Vegetable salad with shrimp or chopped chicken cutlets, fermented baked milk.
Dinner. Carrot, apple and pumpkin salad, yogurt, unsweetened green or herbal tea.

Benefits and Positive Results of Losing Weight

The main advantages of the Protasov diet:

  • Kim Protasov's nutrition system does not limit the amount of food taken daily, and also does not have strict time limits for eating - you can eat even at night, if you really want to - but only the foods specified in the diet.
  • Kim Protasov's diet is based on products available to everyone and does not have expensive or unavailable menu items.
  • The Protasov diet is out of season - you can follow it both in summer and winter.
  • Kim Protasov's diet can normalize metabolism. It has a beneficial effect on the activity of the pancreas, excretory, digestive, cardiovascular and endocrine systems.
  • Despite the fact that the amount of food is not limited by the diet, it is impossible to overeat on it, due to the “lightness” of the dishes, the abundance of fiber and protein.
  • A large amount of protein in the diet menu helps eliminate excess fat from the body. In combination with physical activity, protein in the diet menu helps to increase muscle tone.
  • Protasov's diet does not prohibit eating fats, it only limits their amount. The predominant milk fat in this diet provides the body with conjugated linoleic acid, which helps burn other fats and convert them into energy.
  • On the Protasov diet, intestinal function improves even in those people who suffer from chronic constipation.
  • The Protasov diet contains a normal amount of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
  • The results of the diet last a long time.

Photos of the results of the Protasov diet:

Disadvantages and harm to the body

Let's look at the main disadvantages of the Protasov diet:

  • The main disadvantage of Kim Protasov’s diet is considered to be the diet for the first two weeks, which is based on the consumption of exclusively raw vegetables and uncooked foods - cheese, yogurt. If it’s winter outside, maintaining such a diet becomes a little more difficult than in the summer - this must be taken into account.
  • You can't find cheeses with 5% fat content everywhere. But you can replace such cheese in the menu with granular or pressed cottage cheese of identical fat content, homemade cheese (but not salted feta cheese!).
  • Kim Protasov's diet does not include the consumption of yogurt and cottage cheese with fruit - these products should be consumed in in kind, no fruits or sugar.
  • On the Kim Protasov diet you cannot eat the same dishes, the same foods, vegetables. It is necessary to diversify the diet of permitted foods as much as possible - today you can find a huge number of recipes for delicious dishes according to Kim Protasov’s diet on the Internet.

Who is the Kim Protasov diet contraindicated for?

  • People suffering from allergies to milk and dairy products, lactose intolerance in dairy products.
  • Allergy sufferers who are sensitive to permitted vegetables and fruits.
  • People with gastritis with high acidity.
  • Pregnant and lactating women.
  • People with hypertension, heart failure, serious kidney disease, and vascular pathologies can follow the diet, but only after the permission of the attending physician and with a limit on the amount of liquid they drink daily.
  • People with metabolic disorders should not start a diet on their own - they should first consult a doctor.

We remind you that consulting a doctor before starting this and any other diet will not hurt people who consider themselves completely healthy– you should be very sensible about changing your diet and your health!

There should be a way out of Kim Protasov's diet very slow , thoughtful. You can’t immediately pounce on foods rich in carbohydrates and fats - entering into a regular diet must be done gradually.

It is worth noting that most people who follow Kim Protasov’s diet are happy to adhere to basic principles of nutrition according to this system and further, no longer being on a diet.

Authoritative opinion of doctors and nutritionists about Kim Protasov’s diet:

Nutritionist Mark Anatolyevich:

Although Kim Protasov’s diet can be followed equally successfully in both warm and cold seasons, I recommend that my patients adhere to this nutritional system in the summer. The fact is that most of the diet according to the Protasov diet consists of vegetables - and in the summer they contain much more vitamins and microelements, therefore they are more useful.
If we talk about the Protasov diet as a whole, it is the most balanced of all the popular diets, so I often recommend that my patients adhere to this nutritional system - both for weight loss and simply for improving the health of the body.