An example of a literary hero whose defeat became a victory. Quotes and epigraphs. Moral, philosophical and psychological aspects

An example of a final essay in the direction of “Victory and Defeat.”

“Only the one who defeats himself wins in this life,” these words from Viktor Suvorov’s book “Aquarium” contain a deep meaning. Victories over hordes of the enemy are not as difficult as overcoming one’s own vices.

Demosthenes, the great orator of antiquity, suffered from tongue-tiedness since childhood. However, his cherished dream - to speak in front of the public, to lead the masses, forced him to tirelessly practice eloquence. Victory over himself was won - legends still circulate about the performances of the brilliant rhetorician, and his name lives on for centuries.

The fate of Demosthenes is a good example for those who are convinced that it is useless to fight shortcomings. This is certainly an erroneous judgment. With a strong desire, each of us is capable of much, including victory over our weaknesses: laziness, uncertainty, fears. Another thing is that such desires often remain just desires. But to make a dream come true, you need to make efforts, and sometimes considerable ones. But there is no limit to self-improvement, and if you work hard, the result will definitely come.

Oblomov, the hero of the novel by I.A. Goncharov, was never able to defeat himself. Ilya Ilyich is accustomed to a half-asleep existence; he is lazy and passive. At some point, he wanted to correct himself, this was during his romantic relationship with Olga Ilyinskaya. Oblomov tried to defeat himself - and was defeated. Laziness turned out to be stronger - the hero was never able to completely leave his beloved sofa... The reason, in my opinion, is that Oblomov did not know how to work at all: in the estate of his childhood, Oblomovka, this was not accepted. What is the result? Ilya Ilyich’s life passed colorlessly and aimlessly, and the dreams that worried him in his youth remained dreams.

There are also counter examples in the literature. Alexey Meresyev, the hero of “The Tale of a Real Man” by B. Polevoy, can be considered a true hero, a Man with a capital “M”. Meresyev's plane, making a combat mission, was shot down by the enemy. Miraculously, the surviving pilot made it to his own people, but doctors were forced to amputate his gangrene-affected legs. Alexey did not lose heart, did not wilt, did not become a burden to his loved ones - he learned to walk again, and then returned to duty and continued to fight the Nazis. Meresyev’s admirable feat is nothing more than a victory over himself - brilliant and grandiose.

F.M. Dostoevsky wrote in the novel “Demons”: “If you want to conquer the whole world, conquer yourself.” It's hard to disagree with the classic. Conquering your weaknesses and shortcomings is not easy. But the one who has won it is able to conquer the world.

Date of publication: 03.12.2016

A verified final essay on the topic “All victories begin with victory over oneself” in the direction of “Victory and defeat”

Introduction (intro):

Life path Every person is thorny and difficult. It is woven from many victories and lesions that accompany us throughout our lives. We make mistakes, we endure defeat, We are deeply worried about this, and, as happens very often, we give up. A person loses faith in his strength and abilities. To win victory, necessary to get started win yourself, your fears and doubts. This is the very road leading to great victories, and only people strong-willed are able to overcome this difficult path.

A comment: Good girl, very good. Just be more careful with repetitions, do not allow them, use synonyms, pronouns or synonymous expressions. Sometimes you can just remove a word.

The volume is good, the topic is covered. Only the thesis is not formalized. So that it does not get lost against the background of the rest of the text, it is advisable to emphasize it.

Argument 1:

What does it mean to conquer yourself? Victory over yourself is great success, a significant achievement, because only people with a certain set of qualities can defeat themselves. Some of them are determination, as well as the desire to live and the desire for the best.(transition too long). A striking example of such a person is main character Boris Polevoy's story "The Tale of a Real Man" - Alexey Meresyev. The story of a brave pilot is based on real events, which proves that anyone can defeat themselves if they can make every effort. One of Alexey’s flights ended sadly: terrible accident, due to which the pilot lost the ability to move independently. But, even having been defeated in the sky, the hero did not give up, did not give up, but was able not only to set a goal, but also to achieve it. Alexey Meresyev dreamed of how he would take off again and see the azure sky, the expanse of fields, meadows and rivers from above. Only the desire to return to his former full life, determination and daily work on himself helped Alexey overcome fear and illness and achieve his goal.

A comment: Very good. But the transition is too big, you can abandon it altogether. The argument is good, it even became clear what thesis you are proving.

Argument 2:

Sometimes the main value - human life - depends on conquering your fears (this may be true, but not in this argument. It turns out that you have gone a little off topic). It was thanks to his endurance that the old fisherman Santiago survived in Ernest Hemingway’s story “The Old Man and the Sea.” Only on the eighty-fifth day did luck smile on the fisherman, and a huge fish caught his hook. Santiago throws all his strength into fighting her, but she drags him further into the sea. Overcoming fatigue and hunger, the fisherman finally enters into a final battle with the fish and defeats it. What would happen to Santiago if he gave up and stopped fighting for life? His life in this case would have ended in an absurd death in the middle of the sea, and the people on the shore would never have known about what really happened. Not everyone could withstand such an unequal struggle, but the old fisherman succeeded thanks to his courage and fortitude.

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List of topics in new directions.

There will be no real topics on the Internet before the exam! These are just examples.

"Reason and Feeling"

You can be the master of your actions, but we are not free in our feelings. (Gustave Flaubert).

There is no need to give people hope for mutual feelings if there are none at all.

Do you need to let your feelings out?

When we are ready to give in to the dictates of our feelings, Shyness always prevents us from admitting it. Know how to recognize the tender call behind the coldness of words, the excitement of the soul and heart. (Moliere)

If reason reigned in the world, nothing would happen in it.

How terrible the mind can be if it does not serve a person (Sophocles).

Should reason obey science?

Is intelligence a lucky gift of man or his curse?

Do the rational and the moral always coincide?

Reason is a burning glass, which, while ignited, itself remains cold (René Descartes).

In an unreasonable age, reason set free is destructive to its owner (George Saville Halifax).

Feeling is a moral force that instinctively, without the help of reason, makes a judgment about everything that lives... (Pierre Simon Ballanche).

"Honor and Dishonor"

Our honor lies in following the best and improving the worst... (Plato)

Can honor resist dishonor?

Take care of your honor from a young age... (proverb)

How to choose in a difficult moment between honor and dishonor?

Where do dishonest people come from?

True and false honor.

Are there people of honor these days?

Which heroes live by honor?

Death or dishonor?

A dishonest person is ready for a dishonest deed.

Water will wash away everything, only dishonor cannot wash away.

It is better to be poor with honor than rich with dishonor

Is there a right to dishonor?

An honest person values ​​honor, but what should a dishonest person value?

Every dishonesty is a step towards dishonor.

"Victory and Defeat"

Every small victory over yourself gives you great hope in your own strength!

The winning tactic is to convince the enemy that he is doing everything right.

If you hate, it means you have been defeated (Confucius).

If the loser smiles, the winner loses the taste of victory.

Only the one who defeats himself wins in this life. Who conquered his fear, his laziness and his uncertainty.

All victories begin with victory over yourself.

No victory will bring as much as one defeat can take away.

Is it necessary and possible to judge the winners?

Do defeat and victory taste the same?

It's hard to admit defeat when you're so close to victory.

Victory achieved by violence is tantamount to defeat, because it is short-lived.

Do you agree with the statement “Victory... defeat... these lofty words are devoid of any meaning.”

"Experience and mistakes"

Does inexperience always lead to trouble?

The source of our wisdom is our experience.

The mistake of one is a lesson for another.

Experience is the best teacher, but the tuition fees are too high.

Experience teaches only those who learn from it.

Experience allows us to recognize a mistake every time we repeat it.

The wisdom of people is measured not by their experience, but by their capacity for experience.

For most of us, experience is the stern lights of a ship, which illuminate only the path traveled.

Mistakes are a common bridge between experience and wisdom.

The worst trait that all people have is to forget about all the good deeds after one mistake.

Should you always admit your own mistakes?

Can wise men make mistakes?

He who does nothing never makes mistakes.

All people make mistakes, but great people admit to mistakes.

The biggest mistake is trying to be nicer than you are.

"Friendship and Enmity"

Is it true that without true friendship life is nothing?

Is it possible to live life without having friends?

When can enmity develop into friendship?

You must be good with both friend and enemy! He who is kind by nature will not find malice in him. If you offend a friend, you will make an enemy; if you hug an enemy, you will gain a friend. (Omar Khayyam).

There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship: excluding friendship from life is like depriving the world of sunlight (Cicero).

Is it possible to love friends for their shortcomings?

Do you agree with the statement “Both friends and foes should be judged with equal measure” (Menander).

Even an enemy can be conquered by noble behavior.

Don't be afraid of the enemies attacking you. Beware of friends who flatter you!

Why does enmity arise between relatives?

You cannot shake hands with clenched fists.

There are no bad nations, there are only bad people...

If yesterday's friend became an enemy, then he was never a friend...

Beware and beware of the domestic enemy, for every arrow fired by the bow of his cunning and the bow of his ill will will bring death (Muhammad Azzahiri As-Samarkandi).

True friendship is based on common views, not common enemies.

The word victory always sounds majestic and regal. Every person loves victory, no one suffers defeat. However, accepting defeat courageously is the lot of strong individuals. Victory and defeat are two components that always walk together.

In Russian literature, most works touch on the theme of victory and defeat. Literary works are an excellent example that clearly demonstrates the behavior of heroes in certain situations.
Each person can have their own victory. Everyone has their own limit of capabilities and level of achieving what they want. And the fight against difficulties is a real victory.

Essay No. 2 Complete

Every person dreams of victory. Someone dreams of defeating their own laziness, someone dreams of defeating an opponent, someone else imagines victory in some other way. Victory makes a person happier and more confident. Winning makes you work harder and believe in yourself. Alexey Maresyev, the hero of Roman Polevoy's story, proved his victory several times. The man was able to overcome his fear, his opponent, get out of his comfort zone and fight for life. The person adequately perceived defeat, and this is what gave him the opportunity to overcome uncertainty, overcome pain and suffering.

Victory teaches us that we need to be able to accept defeat. After all, it is easy to win a victory once, but it is very difficult to win many times. Winning means constantly working on yourself. Achieve your goals, fulfill your promises to yourself first and foremost. To win is to be successful, lucky and self-confident.

Most big victory The Slavic nation can be called a victory over the Nazis in May 1945. A great desire to win and liberate the lands helped the people to win not only glory, but also to defend the right to life. More than one defeat accompanied a great victory. Many battles were lost, many people gave up mentally. But the ability to adequately respond to defeat forced people to win and prove to the whole world that the first step to victory is victory over oneself, over one’s fears and insecurities and laziness.

I want victory over my personal fears to give me strength and confidence. I want to learn to accept defeat without resentment. I believe that every defeat can bring me closer to victory. And when I win, I will try to ensure that victory always walks next to me and makes me happier many times over.

Finished final essay grade 11, arguments

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