Cool statuses about fights, fights and fights. Statuses about boys VK statuses about fights

As soon as I let the cat out into the street, right under the balcony there is a cat roar and a fight... Is he really getting that excited at home...

Even if it is clear in advance that the matter is doomed to failure, you need to fight so that the enemies do not get anything for nothing.

I will hit you hard, but carefully!

In our area there was one rule: if you get into a fight, don’t think about whether you will fall or not fall to the ground, think about what you will do when you get back on your feet.

In street and tavern fights, only one law applies: maximum violence at the very first moment.

Due to the lack of arguments, I propose to immediately move on to the fight.

You did not understand. In fights with my boyfriend, you have to worry about your opponent...

During the exchange of pleasantries, they didn’t even notice how the first blow missed...

Don't blow my mind!!! ...otherwise I’ll blow your jaw out!

If the heart does not answer, you need to knock on the liver.

When the Chinese fight area to area, the fight can be seen from space.

And before the wedding, it is necessary to discuss in advance which of the guests will be paired with whom when the fight starts)

Seven thousand hedgehogs can kill an elephant, but they cannot eat it. There is so much senseless cruelty in the world...

For bazaars at a meeting, the answer is guaranteed, one blow to the liver - it takes away the power of speech!

I’ll fight with you, puppy, and then I’ll drink to my victory.

The fight is true in the eyes, in the body and in the ear.

There were 20 of them, 5 of us, we would have kicked them off, but they didn’t catch up with us.

A wedding without a fight will not be happy.

Don't hit a woman, otherwise you won't get rid of her later.

To win, you need to choose the right place to fight.

Never get into a fight with freaks. They simply have nothing to lose.

- Why did you start a fight on the street?
- I didn’t have the money to rent a room for this...

Checkmate is an opportunity to harmoniously move from: “Sorry, I didn’t do it on purpose” to the fight itself

At the school graduation, a physical education teacher and a Trudovik fought... Trudovik won, because karate is karate... and a hammer is a hammer))))))))))

Any clash with a deaf-mute, with an idiot, with a teenager is fraught, because you are responsible for it, not them.

When life gives you a fight, learn to love it for it. When life offers you love, learn to fight for it.

Before you get into a fight with a weakling, consider the power of his patrons...

A drunken brawl ended when it started drunken brawl, fight.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. What if gynecologists fight?

Often, drinking to get acquainted smoothly turns into a reason for a friendly fight.

Since there was nothing to reproach each other for, they fought in silence.

Courage is no longer found in starting a fight, but in being able to avoid it.

If you get into an unequal fight, at least choose a weapon.

A new resource will appear soon - Yandex Fights. “Today the fights are 6 points, it’s normal, you can go to the center, but with a tire iron”

Yesterday on Manezhnaya Square there was a fight between Spartak fans and Zenit fans... The riot police fans won.

Beat the bastard! The main thing is to fail, and then we’ll stumble.

You haven't seen me in a fight yet! I'm so fucked!

I watched the wedding of Prince William... Mortal melancholy: no toastmaster for you, no fight...

For your gentle smile, for your tender eyes, angels fight in heaven, but on earth I suffer...

Why fight me? I'll lie down on the floor and count to ten myself!

What's a Russian wedding without a fight? Hooray!

Cool statuses about fights, fights and fights

Sometimes you get the feeling that modern boys are aliens who settled on our planet for the sake of a Russian rapper and AvtoVAZ.

While the boys drink beer with sunflower seeds in the gateway, youth fades away. It's a pity that many people don't understand this.

I don't understand why guys treat gays so badly? For example, I am very grateful to them. I have more left.

One day the boys come out of the university, sit down on a bench, take out cigarettes and beer. Then the professor comes up and yells: “Well, everyone got up from the bench!” Everyone jumps up except one. Professor in hell. He asks why he didn’t get up, and the guy answers: “And I’m not Slavka, I’m Vovka.”

Best status:
- Stop lying already! - Yes, no, guys, you haven’t seen me get hit in a fight yet.

No one dares to doubt that boys without girls would be lost forever.

Guys, how much can you do? Who's the man here - you or her? Show character, take it and kiss it. She won't beat you up.

Every girl at least once brought her boy to the highest point of excitement, and then refused. They have their own secret and I found out! They say: Our motto will not be defeated, we will excite and we will not give!

It’s not Vova or Petya who drives the car; those guys who are in authority are driving it.

Loyal like a dog, affectionate like a puppy...

There are times in life that are so sad that even tea can’t get down your throat. And the only thing that helps is beer, which you wash down with vodka.

His world was made of expensive cars, big money, beautiful girls, nightclubs, and with her he began to love life, appreciates time, because he began to live it, for her, took multi-colored spray cans, wrote “I love you” under her windows. , became childishly happy. That’s what love does.

A simple Russian guy. I master karate before and after. Sometimes - even during

Why is it that when you love one guy, a second one always appears in your life? And sit here and suffer, who do you need more?

Guys, when we shout “it hurts”, be able to hear the pause that we girls don’t make: “it hurts, we need it!”

She says, make me a baby, and you won’t be drafted into the army! It was then that I remembered that military service is my sacred duty...

Hurray, they kept him for another month, they didn’t draft him into the army, I’m happy.

Anyone can upset a real boy, but not everyone has time to apologize!

The boy said it, the boy did it! The boy didn’t do it, the boy said it again!

The boys play with love. It’s like ships at sea Today they love to caress, And tomorrow they will say “FUCK OFF”!

Remember: the nicer the guy, the less you can trust him. This is the law!

We easily answer “no” to guys’ proposals. Have you ever wondered how much courage it takes to just come up and invite you?

Well, why? Why can't I reciprocate his feelings? But he loves me so much...

What does a modern girl do after breaking up with her boyfriend? She frantically thinks about what status to write in the contact so that he will be offended

Guys say that a woman can’t change them, but that’s what they think... All the guys who date their girlfriends have started drinking and partying less, and whistling that they are in charge. Naive...

Only then will a guy understand how dear a girl is to him when he sees her with someone else

Everything will be okay, and we will find the culprits...

Where have the brave guys and men gone? Another day was a waste of makeup!

And he is now in the army... And this evening only his jacket warms me...

The guy said: “Wait until I get married”... I’m 14, he’s 16, the reality is evil, I’m very afraid that we’ll separate before the army, I love him... It’s scary.

Yes... Love is a strange thing... You can call any guy, but it’s difficult to dial the one you’re thinking about 23 hours a day

I’m really freaking out right now... a guy who is worse than a nuclear war has the status “GIRLS WITH UNATTRACTIVE APPEARANCE PLEASE DO NOT DISTURB”... and even Baba Yaga won’t write to him

Does your boyfriend make you sad? Get rid of this unnecessary junk today! Trade, sell, donate or give away for free!

If you have a fight with a guy, don’t run, don’t ask!

End of the world? It can’t be, I haven’t found a guy yet, I haven’t married him to myself and I haven’t given birth to children. So, don't get your hopes up!!!

My boyfriend - ideal man! There are no perfect people... therefore, I don’t have a boyfriend!))

I am one of those girls who cannot be taught. Created to be free until I meet a guy as wild as myself... And we will be free together

loves coffee, night, stars, guys, horror movies, blood, a drink everyone else...needed?

Dorm: - Girls, take off your panties, the boys will come to visit! Don't take it off yourself, you fool, take it off the ropes...

Announcement. I'll give the guy to good hands. 20 years old, doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, doesn’t swear, calls every day, needs to be walked once a month. For details, please contact me personally =)

I started dating a guy. He takes care of me, calls me before bed, writes affectionate SMS, carries me in his arms.. But after all the cretins I had, it’s hard to trust him

A little boy walks and sings: - Someone else’s lips are caressing you... An older guy comes up: - Did the girl leave you? “No, I lost Chupa-Chups!”

It's nice when a guy, after a breakup, knows how to take a blow - and instead of low words addressed to ex-girlfriend, with a pure smile can say: “I am very pleased that she was once my girlfriend.”

Guys. If you are walking with a girl, holding hands, and your friend is walking ahead and extends his hand to you to say hello, do not let go of your beloved’s hand, but grab it with the other. It’s a small thing, but for girls it’s important.. Believe me

Russian boys don't want to serve in the army so much that they are even born girls now.

We are not the head of a cylinder block for there to be a spark between us.

You are a selfish, arrogant jerk, a fool, heartless, and you are the GUY OF MY DREAM

I just now caught myself thinking that before, when I looked at guys in sportswear, I thought that they were athletes, but now, even looking at athletes, the thought appears that they are gopniks

Before being drafted, I slept well – the army is protecting us. He was called in, slept little, and guarded himself. I’ve served it and I don’t sleep at all. I know who is protecting us...

If a man has money, then what difference does it make whether he is handsome or smart... And if there is no money, then what difference does it really make?

I have grown up, I have become different, the criteria for evaluating guys have increased and a select few are joining my society. Out of 100 guys, I choose one for love and a maximum of two for friendship!

In the event of an extreme situation, every girl in twelve-centimeter stiletto heels will be able to overtake any guy in sneakers

“But the boys are waiting for me.” “The boys don’t have diarrhea, they’ll wait.” 😀

And he tells me: “I’m leaving for the army in October.”

The boy said, the boy forgot!

If you have a quarrel with a guy, don’t run, don’t ask! If he loves you, he will return! If he doesn’t love you, don’t wait!!!

I want a guy like that, “wow!”, but all around are “oh damn...”

And he...he is something special. Another. He has something that no other guy has. As if there is some kind of zest in it. Especially for me

I spend half the day with him in ICQ... I stopped sleeping at night while he was in ICQ! And he asks who is your heart worth? - Yes, just for the sake of variety in life...

We met on VKontakte, he’s from Moscow, I’m from the Dnieper, we fell in love, had a fight, deleted him from friends, cried for a month, then gave up, and when everything was fine with me, a guy who loves me and I love him, then he appears and writes again, but as just an acquaintance, but It blows my mind... I love him...

I wish all my enemy girls that they have a beloved and loving guy! Why? Yes, I hope they stop hanging on to MY boyfriend!!!

Toyota crashes into a steep Mercedes. A big guy comes out, pulls the man out of the car and starts beating him. A man yells: - It's a Toyota! Guys, this is Toyota! The big guy calmed down and asked: “So what if it’s a Toyota?” -And the fact that the driver is on the right!

How nice it is when a guy walks with a girl and looks at ME!!….*

I need an adult guy, not a little boy who pretends to be someone I don't understand!

Guys are like wine, the older the better!

For some reason Russian guys don’t understand the beauty of their girls, but all sorts of Mohammeds and Ashots are ready to throw flowers at them

- Katya, well, with a condom, that’s not cheating, is it? - Yeah! And with a silencer, it’s not murder...

Damn... I love a guy who my girlfriend has liked for a year now... I want to be with him.. And not lose her... I don’t know what to do.

You're right... I love flirting, I love smiling, listening to compliments, leaving slight traces of hope in the hearts of men, but know that I haven't cheated on any of my boyfriends

The guy says to me: “Do you want me to turn you on?”, I say: “I want to!” So he takes the car key, presses it on his belly button and says: “Rrrrr

I’m walking down the street, there’s a nice guy standing there, he says with all his heart: “Hello girl!” And I didn’t realize: “Hello, patient! I'm a fool!)

And yet, associations play a significant role in our lives. Now that I know him, I cannot calmly react to the evening newscast and especially to its anchor, his namesake.

We started spamming with the topic “Do you want to know where your boyfriend is now. Yes, I want to. I also want to know his name and what he looks like

Guys.. They offer their hand and buy chocolate. They can pick us up if there is a puddle, some of them think that we are small and need to be hugged - and they are right!

- Don't you guys need a phone? - no - well, fuck, I’ll pick it up right now, I’ll come 😀

And he...he is something special. Another. He has something that no other guy has. It's like there's some kind of zest to it. Especially for me...=)

Girls! Be sure to get yourself a boyfriend for the winter. Even if you don’t need this, even if you don’t like him, he’ll have someone to hold on to so you don’t fall when you slip.

Why did I love you? Why was I waiting for you? After all, I still knew you didn’t love me!

Guys. Guys don't know how to love. They don't write her name on the table. In the margins of notebooks. They don't stick out on her page. In her albums. They don't imagine her when they listen to music. Guys smoke and play CS. (guys don't like)

- Guys, you know - Pasha is blue! - F-u-u-u, and we kissed...

If a guy doesn’t understand what a girl means, then he only has enough brains to ask: “Are you having your period?”

He... He is different: on the phone, he is one... By SMS, another, in an agent, a third, and when meeting... When meeting, he is completely different...

And I have a long-awaited prince! Only he’s not mine...And he’s in the army.

Your friends got boyfriends and they forgot about you? Set the status to “Damn!” I think I've fallen in love with my best friend's boyfriend..."

I know you are good. Very sweet and nice... Only a little cocky and a little stubborn. You have a piece of ice in your heart, like from Kai’s fairy tale.. Only I’m not Gerda, I’m a little different.

- Guys, you know my sister is kind of strange, she talks in her sleep. - So what, many people talk in their sleep. – But she has been mute since childhood.

The guy says goodbye to the blonde. - Bai. - I do not understand what it means? - Well, goodbye for short. - Well then, schmuck. - What? – Smacks for short

Girls! Do you want to lose weight? Fall in love, leave your boyfriend, get depressed, because she the best remedy for weight loss, if you survive after this

Hang up, defiantly leave, get offended, freak out, send... do you think these are girls? No! These are the guys we have now

And who else can, after a girl called you and said that she will be at your place in 5 minutes, make a room of cleanliness and order out of a dump of various misunderstood things in her room?

Fuck, but it’s still nice: a lot of comments from different girls, but I only responded to yours. 😉

Have you ever had that feeling when you like a guy, you look at him and he smiles at you... the same thing happens to me... when I see... shops

Why is it that when a girl gets pregnant, her friends come up to her and stroke her belly saying, “Congratulations!”? At least one woman would come up to the guy, stroke his penis, and say: “Well done!”

There is no saint in this world, but there is law, prison and judges who ruined the color of life, breaking young destinies.

Fury in the eyes, courage in the heart, kindness in the soul.

4.3 / 5 ( 7 votes)

To make the harvest of victories abundant, you need to be strong-willed, technical, and strong!

Fury in the eyes, courage in the heart, kindness in the soul.

You have to believe in yourself, especially in those moments when no one believes in you

Every workout is a step forward. Every missed workout is two steps back

There is nothing better than living life striving to become better.

We street dogs, we were born in boxing gyms

In life it’s like in boxing: the main thing is not how hard you hit, but how hard the blow you can withstand.

"What a life !" - "I have Bad mood, but there’s nothing to complain about.”

The fight should last 13 seconds: 2 seconds to approach, 1 second to strike and 10 seconds to count the referee. - Mike Tyson

If you want to become a boxer, just pray!

No matter what power the beast has, Double Strike is always stronger

If you touch a boxer's girl... you'll become a treasure for the dentist!

If life knocks you down, remember: you have nine seconds to get up, catch your breath, and move on...

Boxing is when a lot of white people watch two black people beat each other - Muhammad Ali
It's just a profession. The grass grows, the birds fly, the waves wash the sand, I hit people - Muhammad Ali

boxing is a wonderful sport

practice boxing and you won’t care how much he benches!!

boxing is a wonderful sport

Those who don’t smoke or drink breathe evenly and hit hard!)

Do you want to go boxing? Prepare to roll!

If you step on my foot, I’ll step on your head!!!

You don't choose, boxing is boxing choosing you)

There are no tough guys in boxing, there are only those who haven’t been kicked in the mouth yet.

Boxing is a science that tests a person's strength.

BOXING is a sport in which friends cause bloodshed.

Boxing is an exchange of opinions through gestures.

Is boxing dangerous? 10% of boxers answered YES! 90% of boxers did not understand the question..

Wrestlers remember, boxers make a note!

Anyone can offend a boxer, but not everyone has time to apologize!

Boxing – great game, akin to a small war.

Get it, I know boxing, I'll break any asshole's nose)))

After all, boxing is not a fight - it’s a sport of brave people... - V.S. Vysotsky

boxing is strength :)