Causes, symptoms and methods of treatment of cervical osteochondrosis. Therapeutic gymnastics for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine - a complex indicated for almost all physical therapy cervical osteochondrosis at home

Why does my neck hurt?

Common causes of neck discomfort and pain

  • Muscle tension, sprain
    They arise due to prolonged stay in one position (for example, at a computer), as a result of strong physical exertion.
    As a result of prolonged muscle tension, it can develop myofascial syndrome, in which spasmodic muscle areas are transformed into compactions.
  • Cervical osteochondrosis
  • Cervicobrachial radiculitis
  • Spine and neck injuries
  • Psychosomatics
    Causes the formation of muscle blocks - spastic contractions neck muscles and shoulder girdle
  • Hypothermia
    Promotes the development of neuralgia - pain in the area of ​​innervation of the occipital nerves
  • Immune disorders
    May provoke changes in bone tissue, arthritis
  • Vertebral infections(tuberculosis, osteomyelitis) or neck organs (acute thyroiditis, lymphadenitis, etc.)
  • Tumor(malignant or benign) and its metastases.
  • Pathological biomechanics of the shoulder girdle
    Disruption of the normal functioning of the muscles of the belt upper limb. Trapezius muscle strain and spasm
  • Colds and infectious diseases
  • Tension headaches

Causes of neck muscle tension and spasm
- sedentary and sedentary lifestyle;
- chronic poor posture;
- osteochondrosis;
- long-term presence of the cervical vertebra in an unnatural position;
- long work at the computer;
- physical overexertion, too active training;
- incorrect execution gymnastic exercises during training;
- increased work on a specific muscle group;
- incorrect posture in sleep;
- stress or trauma;
- inflammatory processes occurring in the spine;
- lack of B vitamins;
- presence of an infectious disease

How to treat neck pain and cervical osteochondrosis

Usually, neck pain is treated with medication, using drugs of different directions of action, and also undergo a course of physiotherapy, reflexology, physical therapy, massage. Surgery is used only in particularly severe cases.

Common Non-Surgical Treatments for Neck Pain

1. Drug therapy.
(local anesthetics, analgesics, hormonal drugs, miores, antioxidants, sometimes antidepressants and anticonvulsants and others.

2. Orthopedic methods
(Shants collar and others)

3. Reflexology.
(electroacupuncture, needle acupuncture and others)

4. Low level laser exposure
(also called LLL therapy)

5. Ultrasound therapy

6. Therapeutic massage, osteopathy

7. Physical therapy.

Popular solutions muscle spasms neck and forearms

  • Drug treatment
    (pain-relieving ointments, antispasmodic tablets, injections of painkillers with complex effects
  • Electrophoresis(exposure to low frequency electrical impulses)
  • Balneotherapy(usage hot water saturated with various mineral salts)
  • Magnetotherapy(magnetic field is used as a therapeutic agent)
  • Acupuncture(exposure to certain points of the body with thin needles)
  • Laser therapy(exposure to low-intensity light flux)
  • Relaxing massage(massaging tight, tense muscles of the neck and shoulders)
  • Exercises(for example: lowering and raising the forearms, stretching, turns, bending to the sides, raising the shoulders, “Butterfly”, “Heron”, “Spring” and others)

Which doctor should I contact for neck pain?

Most often, for neck pain, people turn to neurologist

Sometimes they turn to specialists such as:

Prevention of cervical osteochondrosis and neck pain

Don’t forget about preventive measures that will help the neck muscles not strain and this will significantly reduce pain in the collar area, and maybe even get rid of them:

  • watch your posture
  • get rid of excess weight, train your abdominal muscles (this will reduce the load on the spine and strengthen the muscles that hold your head upright)
  • during prolonged work at a desk or computer, sit comfortably, without bending or throwing your head back, change your body position and move more often, give your neck muscles a rest,
  • throughout the day, pay attention to the position of your shoulders and as soon as they begin to rise up, lower them back down to the correct position,
  • Perform simple gymnastic warm-up exercises daily.
  • choose the right mattress and pillow so that the muscles of the body and neck do not tense during sleep
  • Organize a healthy, balanced diet, drink enough water

Neck exercises.
Prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis.
Video selection

Gymnastics for the neck. Video

Gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis, exercises to relax the neck muscles and more. Advice and recommendations from experts.

Cervical osteochondrosis treatment at home. Neck exercises and stretching exercises

Cervical osteochondrosis is a problem for more than half of all patients who come to Dr. Bubnovsky’s Center. In this video, Dr. Bubnovsky talks about effective and safe exercises for the neck.

“I am often asked whether gymnastics is good for the neck, versions of which can be found on the Internet? This means all kinds of neck turns. I answer this way: for young people who are not familiar with cervical osteochondrosis, or rather, osteochondrosis cervical region, this neck exercise is safe because the neck joints are healthy. But for people who have osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, protrusion, headache, dizziness, chronic fatigue syndrome, such exercises for the neck are contraindicated. They can damage their cervical spine once and for all by rotating their heads without understanding what osteochondrosis in general and osteochondrosis of the cervical spine in particular is. I also do not support manual therapy, when a person’s vertebrae are twisted. But what to do? People love to work on their neck, try to eliminate neck pain while sitting on the sofa or in a chair. I will show you stretching exercises that will help both prevent osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and get rid of it after a while. If you have osteochondrosis, and even more so, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, do not rush to swallow pills and twist your neck on your own."
Doctor S. Bubnovsky

Cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis, numbness of the hands, dizziness - treatment at the Dr. Bubnovsky Center

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, author of the method of modern kinesitherapy Sergei Bubnovsky talks about such common problems as numbness of the hands, thoracic and cervical osteochondrosis and how to perform exercises on the Bubnovsky simulator to solve it.

Gymnastics for the neck, exercises for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

Dr. Evdokimenko talks about gymnastics for the neck and shows exercises for the treatment of cervical “osteochondrosis.”
These exercises are useful for chronic pain in the neck and shoulders - that is, pain in the collar area. In addition, these exercises help relieve spasms of the neck muscles and will be doubly useful for those who spend a lot of time at the computer and suffer from constant aches in the neck and shoulders because of this.
These exercises can be successfully combined with therapeutic exercises for the shoulder joints.

Cervical osteochondrosis - how to sleep with osteochondrosis? 5 rules from Dr. Bubnovsky

How to sleep correctly with cervical osteochondrosis? This question is caused by three main reasons: difficulty sleeping, frequent waking up at night, pain throughout the body after waking up.
To prevent this from happening, Dr. Bubnovsky recommends following 5 basic rules for cervical osteochondrosis.
Rule number 1: Take a contrast shower before bed or shortly before bed.
Rule number 2: After getting out of the shower, stretch your body, especially your back and legs.
Rule number 3: Open or half-open the window/vent in the bedroom.
Rule number 4: You should sleep on your right side.
Rule number 5: After waking up, you should definitely stretch out in bed.

How to sleep with cervical osteochondrosis

Video blog of Doctor Shishonin

With osteochondrosis, people often complain of insomnia, headaches, dizziness, discomfort in the chest and neck.
How to sleep with cervical osteochondrosis to ensure healthy sleep, says candidate of sciences, founder of the “Club of Former Hypertensive Patients”, author of effective methods for treating spinal diseases, doctor with many years of experience A.Yu. Shishonin.

Bath for cervical osteochondrosis

Video blog of Doctor Shishonin

Doctor A.Yu talks about whether it is possible to combine cervical osteochondrosis with a bath. Shishonin

Exercise for neck pain. 5 exercises for the cervical spine (physical therapy)

Neurologist Radion Ignatiev talks about safe exercises for neck pain, and presents special exercises for the cervical spine and cervical osteochondrosis.

What is important to know about neck pain. Live healthy!

About why neck pain occurs and what needs to be done in a popular program with the participation of Elena Malysheva.
A slight displacement of the cervical vertebrae leads to inflammation of the joint capsules and pain in the neck. Pinching of the cervical nerve can also lead to pain. Muscle spasms can also cause neck pain. In all these cases, you need to consult a neurologist who will make a diagnosis, prescribe manual therapy sessions, injections of painkillers and a course of special gymnastics.

Muscle spasm is the cause of neck pain. How to do without pills and injections. Live healthy!

About how to relieve tension and spasm of the neck muscles in a popular program with the participation of Elena Malysheva.
Neck pain is caused by muscle spasms. You can relieve spasms and get rid of pain with the help of medications, but there are several ways to alleviate this condition that allow you to do without pills and injections.

Live healthy! Choosing a pillow.

The pillow should support the head so that the neck is in correct position, that's why the best choice is an orthopedic pillow. The show's hosts tell you what criteria you need to use to choose a pillow, why you might need a ruler, and how the right pillow protects you from germs.

How to sleep correctly: useful advice from a neurologist about pillows

Titanium. Spine and joint health

How to sleep properly? How to sleep with cervical osteochondrosis? Do you have a headache in the morning? Or does your back and neck hurt? Or is your head spinning? Often such complaints occur in patients with muscle disorders, appearing due to the fact that the muscles do not receive proper rest. How to sleep with cervical osteochondrosis?
Dr. Titarchuk reveals the secrets of ideal sleep and advises how to sleep correctly so that your sleep is healthy and your morning is good.

Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis

Simple and effective exercises for self-treatment and prevention of cervical osteochondrosis. And you will also learn about the reasons for its occurrence. The guest of the program is Vitaly Demyanovich Gitt.
The vibrating couch is an unusual invention by Vitaly Demyanovich Gitt for treatment; osteochondrosis; arthritis; arthrosis; knee joints; varicose veins; losing weight.

Gitt's technique for cervical osteochondrosis

Basics healthy image life

A set of exercises for cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis according to Gitt's method.

What causes neck pain What to do when your neck hurts How to relieve neck pain in 35 seconds

Doctor - Bile. School of Safe Health of Academicians Kartavenko

Dr. Kartavenko talks about the causes of neck pain, what to do when the neck hurts and shows a technique that helps to very quickly relieve neck pain with cervical lumbago

Mini-complex exercise therapy for cervical osteochondrosis. Simple and effective!

Doctor of physical therapy and sports medicine, author of courses on the treatment of spinal osteochondrosis, Alexandra Bonina, explains in detail and clearly shows how to treat cervical, thoracic, lumbosacral osteochondrosis at home.

Exercises for the neck muscles. How to recover long extensors. Cervical osteochondrosis

Doctor kinesiologist Anton Alekseev shows exercises for the neck muscles, tells how to restore long extensors and what is useful to do with cervical osteochondrosis

5 rules on how to stop cervical osteochondrosis forever

The author of the channel shares his experience and learned information, which allow him to maintain the cervical spine in good condition and talks about 5 of his own rules, which, in his opinion, allow him to permanently stop the development of cervical osteochondrosis.

Three minutes and your neck is healthy

6 simple effective exercises from Dr. Mamontova for cervical osteochondrosis. Perform these exercises daily, and if necessary several times a day, and save yourself from headaches and dizziness. tinnitus, tension and pain in the neck, numbness in the hands and fingers, shoulder, elbow joints

Headache in the back of the head. Dizziness. Vertebral artery syndrome

A set of symptoms caused by disruption of the blood supply to the brain due to damage to one or both of the main arteries that carry blood to the brain is called vertebral artery syndrome.
This disease is one of those that have become widespread in recent decades. It can also be included in the list of “younger” problems.
If previously it mostly affected people of elderly and even retirement age, now vertebral artery syndrome is increasingly found in those who are a little over 30 or even 20 years old. In a global sense, the problem requires a solution at the level of prevention, therefore, if it has nothing to do with you, but you are at risk, it is worth reconsidering your lifestyle, as well as its conditions

Remove neck muscle spasms in 5 minutes

There are so many problems associated with the neck. Diagnoses, syndromes with their symptoms, a lot of studies and MRI images, but no solutions to the problem.
If you want to understand the cause of neck muscle spasm and eliminate it, you should watch this video

A set of exercises for the neck. Tatyana Chekalova, creator of the Faceculture system

Exercise 1. Shaking your head.
Exercise 2. Turning the head left and right.
Exercise 3. Head tilts to the sides.
Exercise 4. Rotation.
Exercise 5. Draw a circle.
Exercise 6.
We push our palms with our foreheads.
We push our palms with the back of our heads.
We push our palms with our temples.
Exercise 7. Traction exercise.
Exercise 8. Shoulder rotation.
Exercise 9. Alternate shoulder rotation.
Exercise 10. Shoulder rotation with arms extended.
Exercise 12. Relaxation.

Special complex for the cervical spine by Dr. Butrimov

The complex is especially useful for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Performing the complex helps reduce blood pressure.

How to relax your neck muscles? Neck massage

A simple technique to relax your neck muscles. How to quickly relieve tension in your neck and shoulders

Exercise therapy doctor Alexandra Bonina tells how to quickly relieve tension in the neck and shoulders and shows a good, easy and effective quick technique for relaxing the trapezius muscle, which runs from the cervical spine to the shoulders.

Self-massage for cervical osteochondrosis and trigger points

A rehabilitation and exercise therapy specialist demonstrates the technique of self-massage of the neck. Self-massage of the neck relieves tension and relaxes muscles after a hard day. This will help cope with fatigue and also prevent painful cramps. Massage is useful because it activates blood circulation and metabolic processes in the neck, improving tissue nutrition and oxygen supply to the brain. As a result, a person’s sleep normalizes, memory improves, headaches go away, and performance increases.

Massage for dizziness and tinnitus Mu Yuchun

Master of traditional Wushu (internal styles) Mu Yuchun, during the Wushu for Health seminar in Transcarpathia, explains what actions, what massage should be done for dizziness and tinnitus. In a free conversation, Mu Yuchun shows and tells which points need to be affected for these symptoms.

Neck and head massage - Health with Mu Yuchun

Wushu master Mu Yuchun tells and shows how to do a neck massage, what position to choose for a neck massage, and what to pay attention to. When massaging the head and neck, they search for painful points and massage them; the video shows special points for impact. Neck massage helps to get rid of a whole bunch of problems and discomforts, such as headaches, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, tinnitus, etc. Mu Yuchun also shows the point behind the ear and focuses on it. It saves from many diseases.

Exercises to relax the muscles of the back and neck. Exercises for sedentary work

Doctor of physical therapy and sports medicine, author of courses on the treatment of spinal osteochondrosis, Alexandra Bonina, shares a mini-set of relaxation exercises that she does herself on “weekends.” These are muscle relaxation exercises to relieve tension in your back and give you some rest. It will be useful to perform these exercises during sedentary work, when, for example, your neck hurts after work. In any case, it is worth performing exercises to unload the spine in the evening after a working day.

How to relax your neck and shoulders? Yoga exercises to relax the muscles of the neck and shoulders.

The Smirnovs’ development and health system

Yoga instructor Tatyana Vikhoreva shows simple exercises to relax the cervical-collar area. A sedentary lifestyle, even if we watch our posture when we work: we lower our shoulders, straighten chest, we keep our spine straight, but sometimes at the end of the working day we feel tension in our shoulders and neck, fatigue. And if your wrists ache after long hours of working with the keyboard, your neck and shoulders are tense due to constant sitting, and your head is buzzing from an overabundance of information, then these exercises will be useful for you.

Long-term sedentary work, constant positioning in front of a laptop, improper performance of household work, invariably entail pain in the upper back. Relieve muscle spasms and normalize work nervous system, will help special exercises for shoulders and neck.

A set of therapeutic exercises for the neck

Exist various options getting rid of pain in the spine: massages, stretching, gymnastics. To prevent and treat cervical osteochondrosis, it is necessary to regularly perform a set of exercises. There are two options for such gymnastics. The first was developed by the Russian doctor Bubnovsky, a physician and founder of a famous kinesitherapy center. The second is the so-called. gymnastics of Dr. Shishonin. He is considered one of the leading development experts muscle groups upper back and follower of Bubnovsky.

The main cause of neck pain, according to Shishonin, is disruption of normal blood circulation. Therefore, all exercises for osteochondrosis of the upper back are aimed at restoring natural blood circulation.

Before starting the complex, you will need to warm up. These are rotations of the head in different directions, tilts forward and backward, as a “mill”. A 3-minute complex is enough to warm up.


This exercise is used to strengthen the neck muscles, eliminate a double chin, wrinkles and normalize blood circulation. Sit up straight and relax your shoulders. It is important to ensure that your back is straight, so we recommend performing gymnastics on a chair with a high back. As you exhale, stretch your chin forward as much as possible, count to 3 and press it in this position to your left shoulder. Hold your head for 12 seconds, then return to the starting position. Then stretch your chin again, hold the stretch for 3 seconds and press it against your right shoulder. Repeat 5 times on each side.

Exercise "Goose"


To cure pinching due to a cervical hernia, static head tilts and arm swings are used. In particular, this is the “Pendulum” or “Metronome” exercise. Sit up straight and lean on the back of the chair. Gently bend your head down left side. Your goal is to reach your ear to your shoulder, but you cannot lift it. You need to sit in this stretch for 10 seconds, then smoothly return your head to its original position. Next, repeat the exercise on the other side. Perform 5 times on each shoulder.

Exercise "Pendulum"


With this exercise you can remove the withers and relieve pain in the cervical spine. Sit up straight, relax your shoulders and torso, place your hands on your knees. Then press your chin to your neck and hold this position for 12 seconds. Next, smoothly stretch your neck forward so that some tension is felt in the hump area. Also hold in it for 12 seconds. Repeat 7 times.

Exercise "Spring"


This exercise for the arms and shoulders is necessary to pull out “stagnant” muscles from the resting zone and strengthen the collar area. Sit up straight and place your hands on your knees. From the starting position, slowly and steadily move your palms back as far as possible. At the same time, pull your chin forward. You need to sit like this for 12 seconds. Repeat 7 times.

Exercise "Heron"


To prevent osteochondrosis, perform a neck exercise with beautiful name- "Tree". This is a prototype of the “Heron”, only here the arms are extended not back, but above the head. Starting position: back straight, shoulders and arms relaxed. As you exhale, slowly raise your arms above your head and touch your fingertips. The palms should be open, i.e., turned towards the ceiling. The position is maintained for 12 seconds, after which it is necessary to return to the starting position. Repeat 7 times.

Exercise "Tree"

Looking to the sky

This exercise is suitable for treating pain between the shoulder blades and in the shoulders, tightening the muscles of the face and neck, and relieving tension in the upper spine. Sit upright and turn your head strictly 90 degrees to the side. The main secret is that the jawline should be parallel to the shoulder line. Hold this position for 12 seconds and return to the starting position. Then repeat the stretch on the other shoulder. There are 5 turns on each side.

Exercise “Looking at the Sky”

Side stretch

Stretching movements help improve the functioning of blood vessels in the head and neck, blood flow to the brain and relieve muscle spasms. You need to sit up straight and straighten up. With your left hand, hug your head so that your palm touches your right ear. Then place your head on your left shoulder and freeze for 12 seconds. When the time is up, return to the starting position and repeat the exercise on the right side. A total of 5 repetitions are provided for each shoulder.

Exercise " Side stretch»


In terms of technique, this exercise is very similar to a “spring”, but here you need to not just pull your chin forward, but in this position press it to your chest. Starting position: back straight, hands on knees, shoulders and shoulder blades relaxed. At the exit, pull your chin forward, hold it for 3 seconds, then slowly lower it to your chest. You need to fixate in this position for 12 seconds, after which you return to the starting position. Repeat 7 times.

Exercise "Turtle"

Gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis

Also, special gymnastics for the neck and exercises for the back can be performed at home. Such trainings can be isometric (static) and dynamic. Not long ago, chiropractor Vitaly Gitt proposed a combined method of treating the spine - micromovements. This is a method that combines both of the above, but its implementation requires a vibrating table.

Isometric exercises involve fixing the body in a certain position for some time. They help increase flexibility, improve skin condition and beautiful posture. These are exercises from Tatyana Chekalova’s revitonics, Pilates, and also classes according to Norbekov.

Dynamic ones are often found in the gym. These are gymnastic, strength or cardio exercises for the neck, shoulder blades and lower back. Most often, they do not help with pain, but are necessary to strengthen the muscles. By and large, these are the same practices as exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and sides - lifting the body on a machine, pull-ups, crunches for the core,

The most effective exercise options for the prevention and treatment of cervical chondrosis.

For youthful joints and spine, experts recommend starting any of the described gymnastics for the neck as early as possible. This will prepare the muscles for any load and prevent the occurrence of complex arthrosis in the future.

Do you want to cure cervical osteochondrosis? Exercise is a simple and effective solution.

People who lead a sedentary and passive lifestyle eventually realize that osteochondrosis has quietly crept up on them. The causes of osteochondrosis are inactivity of the muscles of the back and neck, which causes them to weaken. Spinal discs left without muscle support are heavily loaded. Constantly sedentary image life, incorrect posture leads to deformation of the vertebral discs. Deformed spinal discs pinch nerve endings. As a result, a person feels pain in the back and cervical spine.

Benefits of exercise

As noted above, the causes of osteochondrosis are a sedentary lifestyle, weakening of the muscle corset and curvature of the spine. On initial stages illnesses physical exercise will stop its further development. Thanks to regular physical activity, blood circulation improves, the muscles of the spine and cervical region are toned, the load on the spine is reduced, the distance between the spinal discs increases, the friction between the spinal discs decreases, and accordingly the frequency of pain decreases.

And if the disease has developed to the point where frequent severe pain is felt, you need to consult a specialist. He will establish an accurate diagnosis, the extent of the disease, prescribe a course of treatment and massage. After completing the course of treatment, you will be prescribed therapeutic exercises, which you can do independently at home. This will allow you to forget about the disease.

Exercises must be chosen wisely and performed in doses. Otherwise, there is a risk of worsening your health.

Before you start exercising, you need to familiarize yourself with useful tips.

  1. A set of exercises should be performed regularly, regardless of location: study, work, home, etc. At first, to speed up progress, you should do the exercises every day. And in the future, when the condition improves, you can exercise 2 – 3 days a week to maintain the result;
  2. If you feel pain or stiffness, this is a signal that it’s time to move a little. In this case, you need to get up, walk around, stretch, and perform exercises against osteochondrosis. You can take a short walk;
  3. You should constantly make the task more difficult. You can add other exercises to the complex or increase the number of repetitions;
  4. Exercising regularly is, of course, good, but don’t forget about how you feel. If during exercise you feel severe pain in the cervical spine, you need to stop exercising;
  5. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, you can go for a massage and take a contrast shower more often. These procedures promote additional muscle relaxation;
  6. Exercises should be performed while maintaining a straight posture and paying attention to the execution technique. At first it will be a little difficult, but thanks to proper execution, the muscles will become stronger and it will be easier to practice.

Set of exercises (warm-up)

Before you start doing the exercises, you should definitely start with a warm-up:

  1. You need to stand up straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, take deep breaths and exhale several times. After which, you need to perform careful tilts to the right, left, forward, backward. Bend back should be done carefully, without causing pain. If bending back causes pain, then you can refuse to perform them.
  2. The next warm-up is turning your head right and left to the limit. Despite its simplicity, this exercise can cause difficulty for those people whose cervical spine does not allow them to completely turn their head in one direction or another. In such cases, turning your head should not cause pain. The exercise should be performed smoothly, without sudden movements.
  3. Finally, stand up straight, stretch your shoulders back, squeeze your shoulder blades together, stick out your chest. Then bring your shoulder joints together and round your back. The exercise should be done slowly, smoothly, while inhaling and exhaling.

Types of exercises

This gymnastics, consisting of a set of exercises, is not difficult. You can perform them at home, standing or sitting. The most important thing is to keep your spine straight and relax your shoulders. But it is preferable to perform them standing, since in this position the spine is straightened as much as possible.

Gymnastics No. 1

Pressure on hands with head forward. Hands should be clasped and placed on the forehead. Hands clasped press the head back, and the head should resist and press the hands forward. The neck should tense. You need to stay in this position for 15 – 20 seconds. Then place one hand on the back of your neck and tilt your head back. At the same time, the working neck muscles are stretched. This exercise is useful for strengthening the neck muscles, which helps ease cervical osteochondrosis.

Gymnastics No. 2

Hand pressure on the back of the head. In this exercise you need to clasp your hands and place them like this on the back of your head. Then put pressure on the back of your head with your hands, and your head should resist the hands. Duration – 15 – 20 seconds. In this case, the muscles of the cervical spine become tense. This exercise can be combined with the first for a harmonious workout.

Gymnastics No. 3

Tilt your head to the sides. In this exercise, place your right (left) palm on your ear. You need to try to reach the right (left) shoulder with your head, and resist with your working hand. You need to stay in this position for 15–20 seconds. Then perform the same tilt in the other direction.

Gymnastics No. 4

Turn your head to the sides. This exercise requires you to turn your head to the sides. To do this, place your right (left) palm on your right (left) cheek. Turn your head to the right (left), and the working hand offers resistance. You need to stay in each position for 15–20 seconds.

Gymnastics No. 5

Hand stretching of the neck. Performance this exercise It may be difficult at first, but over time you can get used to it. Place your thumbs on the lower jaw, and with the rest of your fingers cover the back of your head. In this position, pull your head up, you can perform rocking movements. That is, to imitate an attempt to pull a cork out of a bottle. You cannot turn your head, it must look straight. The duration of the exercise is 15–20 seconds. The exercise should be repeated several times.

Gymnastics No. 6

Stand up straight and spread your arms to the sides. The hands should be relaxed. Rotate the right and left shoulder joints in turn, then simultaneously. The body should be tilted forward. It is necessary to perform the exercise for each shoulder for 1 minute. This exercise is recommended for those who feel tension in the shoulder area.

Gymnastics No. 7

Rolling your head. In this exercise, you need to turn your head towards your right (left) shoulder and tense your neck. Perform a head roll in both directions. At the end of the repetition, the head should be turned to the other shoulder. Try to move your shoulder blades back. Perform the exercise carefully; head movement must be controlled throughout the entire exercise. In case of discomfort, you can simply turn your head to the sides. The exercise should be repeated 10 - 12 times.

This is a whole set of exercises aimed at preventing osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. It is not necessary to perform all the exercises, you can only choose those that do not cause discomfort and pain. Office workers It is recommended to sit up straight while working. Additionally, you can do hangs on the horizontal bar in the morning. This will stretch the spine and give the body vigor. Swimming lessons, figure skating, dancing, aerobics also help prevent osteochondrosis and speed up the treatment process. If the exercises are regular, and the person himself becomes more mobile, then you can get rid of pain in the muscles and bones of the cervical region.

The fact is that there is no osteochondrosis of one department. This is a process that necessarily affects the entire spinal column.

Today we will talk about osteochondrosis, in particular, about osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. The fact is that there is no osteochondrosis of one department. This is a process that necessarily affects the entire spinal column. Why then do doctors diagnose osteochondrosis of the lumbar, cervical or thoracic region?

Thus, they emphasize not the locality of the process, but its maximality. What worries you most now is called your osteochondrosis. So when you have problems with one department, know that if you don't do something, other departments will suffer someday. Subsequently, your diagnoses will expand.

Now let's talk about exercises that only aggravate a disease such as cervical osteochondrosis, and are categorically contraindicated for you.

If you already have osteochondrosis of the cervical spine or do not have it yet, then with such exercises you can provoke it. These are very common exercises that many of you do, sincerely believing that these exercises improve your health and have a healing effect.

We will talk about three exercises. Two of them you make at home. The third is used in the pool. Everyone knows that for osteochondrosis, the best treatment is swimming.

So, the first is the exercises with which coaches often begin their training, warm-up exercises. We begin to intensively wave our arms and legs in order to somehow turn on our body.

Some trainers start doing the same thing from the head. That is, sharp turns of the head up and down, left and right, twisting movements.This is absolutely bad for the cervical spine.

Such movements can cause the vertebrae to slip. At this point, your muscles should hold the vertebrae in place. Thus, they clamp our vertebrae, but also the arteries that go to the brain.

Therefore, the consequences of such sudden movements during warm-up lead to dizziness and darkening of the eyes. The likelihood of a stroke also increases. If suddenly during training the trainer starts doing such exercises, you should stop or do them with a small amplitude.

The second exercise is also very common. You do it in the gym, in training and at home. When we pump up our abdominal muscles, this should also be done correctly. If it is performed incorrectly, then the entire load will fall not on the abdominal muscles, but on the neck muscles, overloading them.

When you place your hands behind your head and reach for your knees, your neck muscles tense and your abdominal muscles relax.

You can't do that!

It is necessary to spread your arms wide, elbows to the side, and perform all movements only with your torso. The head, in this case, should simply go along with the body, as its continuation.

Third exercise. This exercise is done in water. Any neurologist will tell you that swimming has a beneficial effect on your spine. When you swim, muscle pressure decreases and joints are relaxed. In water, the vertebrae do not experience pressure from higher sections on lower ones. Therefore, the muscles are pumped up and the joints are not strained.

These conditions are ideal for the treatment or correction of osteochondrosis.

But what is the mistake?

When you, most often women, swim breaststroke or crawl, you try to immerse your head in the water as little as possible and arch your neck back strongly to keep your head above the water.

Physiologically, we are already arranged in such a way that there is already a bend on the back of the head.

If we begin to strongly extend this natural physiological bend, a very large load falls on the muscles and, accordingly, on the vertebrae.

Severe compression of muscles and vertebrae occurs.

To avoid this exercise, when you swim, try to simply lower your head into the water and lift it only to breathe, or do not try to lift your chin too much. Thus, the position of your body will be more even, and the bends will be physiological.

People perform these basic exercises, mistakenly believing that they are beneficial to themselves and that this has a healing effect.published