Representation of a family at a sports competition business card. Scenario Cool - family holiday “Mom, dad, I are a friendly, sports family. Competition “Choose a Genre”

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Sports festival for children and parents.

Goals: Formation in students of a culture of maintaining and improving their own health.

Tasks: Development of relationships between parents and children.

Equipment: Balls, hoops, jump ropes, planks, toilet paper, trash cans.

Preparation for the holiday: An invitation is sent to each family.

Dear parents! (Name, patronymic of mom and dad)

We invite you to the holiday “Dad, Mom, Me” sport family", which will take place on April 7, 2016 at 13.00 at the school.

We kindly ask you to be in full force; if you do not come, the celebration may not take place. The future of your children is in your hands.


Classroom teacher

The progress of the holiday

Leading: Dear friends! Let me open our “championship” in family triathlon: “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family.” Before us are slightly cheerful, in some places fit, in some places collected, but undefeated, and even invincible in some ways, and in what exactly, we will find out later - our dads. Here come the moms! They are always in shape. Constant training in triathlon makes itself felt: the stove, running to the shops, doing the laundry. And even the annual respites on March 8th do not unsettle them. And finally, team captains! This is them from the cradle long years They were hardened by constant training and united their parents into a friendly team, setting more and more new tasks, constantly increasing the load. But it’s not for nothing that they say: “It’s hard to learn, but it’s easy to fight.”

Team Presentation Competition

Team captains represent their families.

  1. Invincible.
    Motto: when we are united, we are invincible.
  2. Unity.
    Motto: Unity is our strength.
  3. Monolith.
    Motto: perseverance and work will grind everything down.
  4. Cheerful.
    Motto: looking at each other, we will smile and soon we will reach victory.
  5. Friendly.
    Motto: courage, friendship and enthusiasm, be attentive and quick.

Leading: The teams introduced themselves. Thank you! Let's meet the jury. (Administration, class teachers, physical education teacher).

Competition "Warm-up"

All participants stand in a circle. And they pass the ball to the person standing opposite. Children can catch and pass the ball with both hands, and parents can hit the ball using the rules of the game volleyball. (Game time is 5 minutes. The jury monitors the loss of the ball).

Competition "DaddyMobile"

Leading: The fact is that you, dear participants, went on a multi-day hike. But the journey was long and our captains were tired. They need a break. The participants’ task is to carry the children with clasped hands to the wall of our hall and back. So, get ready, attention, march!

  1. Participants run to the finish line.
  2. At the finish line, the task is to identify road signs from the pictures.

Competition for dads “Kick on goal”

At a distance of 10 m, hit the football goal with the ball. Three attempts are given, each hit is worth 1 point.

Competition for mothers “Get in the basket”

At a distance of 5 m, hit the basketball basket with the ball. Three attempts are given, each hit is worth 1 point.

Competition for captains “Throwing at the target”

At a distance of 15 m, hit a tennis ball basketball backboard. Three attempts are given, each hit is worth 1 point.

Competition "Relay with hoops"

Each team receives a hoop. One dad runs first in the hoop, runs around the obstacles and comes back. Mom gets into the hoop. Do the task together. The captain is the last to join the team. Whose team will complete the relay faster?

Competition "Erudite"

Teams compete in knowledge of issues related to healthy lifestyle.


  1. How many people in football team? (11)
  2. How many times a day should you brush your teeth? (3: twice in the morning, once in the evening).
  3. What should you do to avoid getting the flu? (Do not overcool, take vitamins).
  4. What words does the name of the game basketball come from? (From English words"basket" - basket and "bol" - ball).
  5. How many people are on the volleyball team? (6)
  6. How to maintain good vision? (Do not tire your eyes, follow the rules of sitting when reading and writing, do not read while lying down).
  7. First aid for sunstroke? (Take a shadow to the victim and place a wet, cold towel on his forehead)
  8. What is the name of the sailboat? (Regatta).
  9. In what year and in what city of Russia was the Olympics held? (Moscow, 1980).
  10. List as many winter ones as possible Olympic events sports? ( Figure skating, biathlon, ski race, speed skating, etc.)
  11. First aid for a broken arm. (Fix the fracture site, apply a splint and bandage).
  12. How is butterfly swimming style translated from English? (Butterfly).

Competition “Cross the river on ice floes”

Each team is given 2 “ice floes” (boards). Dad stands on one bank, mom stands on the other. The captain must switch places between mom and dad. Dad stands on the planks, and the child moves them forward one by one. Mom is transported in the same way.

Competition "Mummy"

Moms receive a roll of toilet paper. They must bandage their child from head to toe like a mummy. Quality and speed are taken into account.

Competition "Collect garbage"

After judging the Mummy competition, the child tears the paper on himself. Together with dad, they must collect all the garbage as quickly as possible. Mothers rest and control the process.

Leading. Our eventing championship has come to an end. The jury summed up the results and the title of “The Most Athletic Family” was awarded to the winning team. The rest of the families also receive diplomas in various categories.

  • The bravest family
  • The strongest family
  • The most resourceful family
  • The most friendly family

Sections: Cool tutorial

The progress of the holiday

Organizational fee. Greeting participants and guests.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guests! We are glad that, putting aside all your business, you came to our holiday. A guest is a guest, a guest receives special honor and respect, especially since a large friendly family came to us.

1st participant.

How is the family alive today?
You can't overcome all problems.
And sometimes we forget
What's in the worries and worries?
The main thing is to save the family.

2nd participant.

The house we live in
The best house in the world.
Good memory of him
We carry it all our lives in our hearts.
Let warmth and good light
They will be there for a thousand years!

Leading. You all know how useful it is to do physical exercise, how necessary it is to harden yourself, do exercises, and be outdoors, but how difficult it is sometimes to overcome yourself, get up early, do a few exercises, and douse yourself with cold water. We put everything off until later. What if you try to study together, as a family? Maybe then it will be easier?!

1st participant.

The house we live in is
This is a very noisy house.
After various things in the morning
There is always a game going on!

2nd participant.

Dad, mom, like children,
These minutes await themselves.
They're going to play, I'm sure
Missing a day off.

1st participant.

And at the holiday, friends,
We can't live without games.
More passion, more laughter
Let the fun go on!

Jury presentation

Leading. And now I will introduce you to the jury of the competition “Dad, Mom and I - a sports family” (presentation of the jury).

Today, none of the participating teams will be left without a memorable prize. The team that completes the first task receives 3 points, the second - two, the third - one. After each stage of the competition, the jury will count points and provide information on the progress of the competition. After the last stage, the jury will announce the final results. The team with the most points based on the sum of all competitions wins. If the points are equal, another stage is announced. We haven’t forgotten about the fans and have established a prize for best group support. We wish the competition participants success!

1st competition “Business Card”

Leading. Two family teams (representation of teams) take part in the sports festival.

The first competition is business cards for family teams. I have no doubt that the calling cards of our teams are their charm, wit, ability and talent, hard work and, undoubtedly, the ability to present themselves. So let's see who can do it best.

2nd competition “Warm-up”

Mom, my dad and me,
We are a sports family.
We are friends with physical education and sports,
We don't need a doctor at all.

The second competition is called “Warm-up”. The word “physical education” is given. You need to make as many words from it as possible. The winner will be the team with the last word. Thinking time is 1 minute (a summary is made after each task).

3rd competition “Relay for teams”

Let's start the relay race.
You need agility and speed for this.
Hitting, jumping and running...
From the audience - applause and friendly laughter.

Inventory: 3 volleyball ball, 3 hoops, 3 jump ropes (one per team).

Dad, holding the ball between his knees, jumps to the lying hoop, puts the ball in it, takes the jump rope, jumps over it, returns to the team and hands the jump rope to mom.

Mom, jumping rope, runs to the hoop, puts the rope in it, takes the ball, holds it between her knees and jumps back to the finish line. Until all team members have run. The team with the best time wins.

41st competition “Ball Race”

Presenter: the next competition is “Ball Race”

Here heavy balls,
It’s immediately obvious that they are strongmen.
We will develop hands,
Pass the ball to each other.

Inventory: 3 balls (one per team)

The team stands in one line. Dads are given balls. At the signal, the ball is passed with both hands over the players' heads. When the ball comes to the last participant, he quickly takes the ball, runs around the whole team and stands in front of the first participant. The passing of the ball continues until the first participant takes his place. The team with the best time wins.

5th competition “Swamp”

Anyone can walk through a swamp!
But how to get through without getting your feet wet?
Cheerful laughter, desire to win
Will help you and guarantee success!

Inventory: 6 hoops (2 hoops per team)

Mothers and children participate in this competition. You need to get through the swamp without getting your feet wet. Mom takes two hoops. Throws the first hoop, steps into it, throws the second hoop, steps into it, takes the first hoop, throws it forward, and so on. The team that spends less time and doesn't step on the ground wins.

6th competition “Symbol of the Year”

I would like to wish the guys:
Don't become a little rat in the Year of the Rat,
Be a kind, affectionate child,
Study only perfectly,
Always behave yourself
And don't offend anyone
And love and respect everyone!

And so, the next competition is called “Symbol of the Year”. Three people from each team participate. There are sheets of paper and 3 pencils on the tables. At a signal, each family member picks up a pencil and begins to draw the symbol of the year, and we count out loud to five. When the whistle blows, everyone stops drawing, and the jury evaluates each team’s drawing.

7th competition “Together with Dad”

Who is the strongest in the world?
Who is the fastest in the world?
Who is so eager to win?
There is only one answer.
Come with dad together
Take the hoop in your hands
And lead to victory.

Inventory: 3 hoops (one per team)

Fathers and children participate in the competition. Dad is holding a hoop in his hands. At a signal, dad begins to roll the hoop towards the line, and the child jumps into it from one side and the other. In the opposite direction, the participants change places. The team that runs through the hoop the most times wins.

8th competition “Move the candy”

Well, what about the next game?
Requires the player
Dexterity, skills,
Great inspiration.

Inventory: 3 plates of flour, one candy for each player.

Each team has candy in a bowl with flour. Each team member needs to transfer the candy with their mouth to a clean plate without their hands. The team with the best time wins.

9th Balloon Competition

Running is very different
But always so beautiful
Fast, slow and medium,
Steeplechase, hurdle,
And the one wins
Who is not behind in anything.

Inventory: 3 balloons, 3 rackets (one item per team)

Each team has one balloon and racket. Pushing balloon racket, you need to run to the mark and return to the team; the team that shows the best time wins.

10th fan competition “Hold the string”

Leading. So the competition has come to an end. While the jury sums up the results, let's play with the fans.

Hey, fan, don't be sad!
Show us your dexterity!

Equipment: chairs, rope.

Two of the guys sit on a chair with their backs to each other. There is a string stretched under the chairs and through the entire space between them. Children run around the chairs to the music; when the music stops, they quickly sit on their chair and pull the string, trying to get ahead of their opponent.

Final part.

The result of the competition is summed up. The host and jury present certificates and gifts.

Let it all be just a game
But we wanted to say with it:
A great miracle is family!
Keep it, take care of it!
There is nothing more important in life than a goal!

Competition-contest “Dad, Mom and I - a sports family”

Goal: To foster a sense of love and pride for your family, respect for parents.

Decor. The sports hall stands are decorated with posters with sports mottos:

Sport helps us everywhere: in the family, study and work.

Sun, air and water are our best friends.

Golden time is a young tribe.

He who is brave and steadfast is worth ten.

If it is tailored in Russian, and there is only one warrior in the field.


Competition script.

Leading. Hello guys! Today our rocket “Childish Republic” landed at the “Zdorovye” stop, and we are together again.

To the sounds of I. Dunaevsky’s march from the movie “Jolly Fellows,” the competition participants enter the hall. Participants are family teams led by captains - the youngest members of the families. Each team with an emblem. Fans and spectators take their assigned seats in advance.

Leading. Good afternoon dear friends! Today we are holding a competition “Dad, Mom and Me - a Sports Family.” At all times, people have strived for a healthy lifestyle, wanted to know the limits of their capabilities, without being afraid to challenge fate. And he often emerged victorious. And this is what sport is: LIFE, HEALTH, RISK, SEARCH, VICTORY.

1 reader. We have no problems with sports -

We are his fans.

And exercise every hour

We love to work out.

2 reader. It happens like this.

Getting ready for school

We fill our bags

Various tinsel,

The load is not light, but

We develop muscles.

3 reader. Our legs are strong

True, my hands hung down.

The lesson lasts an hour,

Muscles go numb

To warm up at this hour

We raise our hands.

4 reader. Then we slowly get up

Let's squat quickly.

And when we don’t know the answer,

We shoot with our eyes.

5 reader. We are so excited

Handles fall all at once.

Bending down, we lift,

We strengthen our abdominal press.

6 reader. Running does everything:

Both study and work.

And so to the dining room

We are jogging.

We had lunch and got up

To the third floor.

7 reader. All calories burned

Our strength is leaving us.

We are so persistent!

Look at all of us.

Because physical education

We use it every hour!

8 reader. Children really need sports

We are close friends with sports.

Sport is a helper, sport is a game,

Physical education - hurray - hurray!

All readers. Hurray-hurray-hurray!

9 reader. To grow and harden,

You need to play sports.

Toughen up, kids,

Good luck, physical education - hurray!

All readers. Physical training!

The children's choir performs the song “Dad, Mom and Me - a Sports Family”

Leading. Guys! I will introduce you to the jury of the competition - the competition “Dad, Mom and Me - a Sports Family”.

Presentation of the jury members.

After each stage, the jury announces the results. The team with the most points based on the sum of all competitions wins.

If the points are equal, the jury appoints an additional competition between team captains. We haven't forgotten about the fans and have established a prize for the best support group. We wish the competition participants success!

1 competition “Business Card”

Leading. Mom, my dad and me,

We are a sports family.

We are friends with physical education and sports,

We don't need a doctor at all.

Our competition begins. 5 family teams take part in it.

2. Sivka-Burka, prophetic kaurka! Stand before me like a leaf before the grass. (Ivanushka the Fool, “Sivka-Burka.”)

3. Sis-sim, open the door! (Ali Baba, “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.”)

4. Fly, fly, petal, through west to east, through north, through south, come back after making a circle! As soon as you touch the ground, in my opinion, you will be ordered! (Girl, V. Kataev “Seven-flowered flower.”)

5. One two Three. Cook a pot! (Girl, Bro. Grimm “A Pot of Porridge.”)

6. Krex, Fex, Pex. (Pinocchio, A. Tolstoy, “Pinocchio”)

"Amazing Transformations"

The third competition is called “Amazing Transformations”. Who they turned into or were enchanted:

Prince Guidon. (Into a mosquito, fly, bumblebee.)

- The Giant Ogre from the fairy tale by C. Perrault. (Into a lion, a mouse.)

- Handsome boy Jacob, hero of Hauff's fairy tale. (To the Dwarf.)

- A monster from Aksakov's fairy tale. (To the prince.)

Ugly duck. (Into the swan.)

- Yoga. (To the goose.)

Competition for spectators.

And now a competition for the audience. You must name which fairy tale it comes from

this passage.

“...They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out...” (fairy tale “Turnip”).

“...I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather...” (fairy tale “Kolobok”)

“...Grandfather beat and beat, but didn’t break it, the woman beat and beat, but didn’t break it...” (fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”).

“...I sit high, I look far away - don’t sit on a tree stump, don’t eat the pie...” (fairy tale “Mashenka and the Bear”).

“...The fox carries me beyond the dark forests, beyond the high mountains...” ( "Cat, Rooster and Fox")

“...I, little mouse, I, frog-frog...” (fairy tale Teremok").

“...Little goats, kids, open up, open up...”( "The wolf and the seven Young goats").

Competition “Choose a Genre”

Teams are invited to act out the plot of the fairy tale “Turnip”:

1 team - in the comedy genre;

2nd team - in the genre of tragedy.

While the teams are preparing, it is held with spectators competition "YES - NO"

1. Was the girl with blue hair called Malvina? (Yes).

Queen Book: It’s time for us to end the holiday. I'm glad you love reading books. See you again!

An exhibition of books brought to the celebration by students is held.

New Year's party for children

Last year was a glorious year
And hurried time does not wait,
The last calendar leaf has been torn off,
Walking towards us New Year.
(Tears off a piece of paper with the date December 31st, on the next piece of paper there is a Christmas tree and the inscription “Happy New Year!”)
Today guys, I congratulate you!
I wish you all health and happiness!
At the Christmas tree festival, play, dance,
And grow quickly in the New Year!

Guys come out in New Year's costumes.

1st participant:
Came to us again today
Christmas tree and winter holiday.
This holiday is New Year's
We waited impatiently.
2nd participant:
You came to us, branchy tree,
Green, slightly silver,
She came, all sparkling with snowflakes,
Transparent, thin pieces of ice.
3rd participant:
Hello, New Year's holiday,
Christmas tree and winter holiday.
All my friends today
We'll invite you to the Christmas tree.
4th participant:
Brighter, brighter let it sparkle
Christmas tree festive outfit,
Congratulations to all the guys.
1st participant:
Brighter, brighter let it sparkle
Christmas tree with lots of lights!
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Congratulations to all guests!
2nd participant:
Throughout our country, Christmas trees are lit!
Thousands of children are celebrating the New Year!
So let's get into a round dance
And let's celebrate the New Year with a cheerful song!

They begin to dance in a circle or sing the “New Year’s song.”

3rd participant:

How beautiful it is in our hall,
And look at the Christmas tree:
Shined brightly, brightly
There are lights on its branches.
4th participant:
Shaggy snow turns silver
And glass balls
You are a joy to all the guys,
Our Christmas tree, burn!
Guys, our Christmas tree is magical.
If we clap our hands (like this!)
And we’ll stamp everything with our feet (like that!),
The Christmas tree will light up!
Let's all clap
Let's stomp everything
And to the command: one, two, three!
We will shout: “Christmas tree, burn!”

Everyone is clapping and stomping. The Christmas tree lights up. All the guys are dancing.

They danced well, together,
Now you need to rest.
You sit quietly
And look at the Christmas tree.
We'll tell you a fairy tale.
We'll show you miracles now!

There is a fairytale house on stage, the Snow Maiden comes out.

Snow Maiden:
In his white house
We live together with my grandfather!
In the thicket of a centuries-old forest
We often hear the wind howling!
But we are not afraid of the cold,
We are glad for frosty days!
There is no stove in our house!
Grandfather is afraid of the fire,
I'm afraid of the fire too
After all, I am called the Snow Maiden!
I, Snow Maiden, will sing
Loudly sing your song,
And hearing my voice,
A swarm of snowflakes will arrive!
Hey, snowflake friends!
All come here!
Let's dance!

Snowflakes run out and dance the “Snowflakes” dance.

Snow Maiden:
Stay on the edge
Without me, my girlfriends.
Spin around, please
I'll hurry to the holiday.
Santa Claus nice gift
I prepared it for the guys.
He will carry the box
Very interesting.
The box is wonderful.
And what’s not in it!
Who is ready to give us an answer?
What's in it? Tell!
Snow Maiden:
Secret! And here is the golden key!
It's from the box!
Santa Claus gave me a key,
And he ordered to take care!
So that he can't disappear,
I'll put it on the stump!

Snowflakes scatter. Bunnies run out into the clearing. They rush to the Snow Maiden in fear.

1st hare:
Oh, Snow Maiden, Snow Maiden!
The fox crushed my skin!
2nd hare:
The fox grabbed my side
I pulled out a tuft of fur!
Both together:
We can't live from the fox!
Wants to eat us for lunch!

The Fox runs out, the Bunnies hide behind the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden:
How about you, Lisa, aren’t you ashamed!
You don't know yet, apparently
What happened in our forest yesterday
The following decree was issued:
Who behaves badly
He won't go to the Christmas tree!
Why do I need your Christmas tree?
The Christmas tree is of little use to me.
The crowd, and the noise, and the din!
They'll crush my paws there!
My fluffy tail is crushed!
I'd rather stay here!
But you offended the fox,
I'll take your key away!
He grabs the key and runs away.
Snow Maiden:
Ah ah ah!
Give it back! Give it back!
Wait, don't run away!
All my friends, here!
What a disaster, what a disaster!

At the call of the Snow Maiden, animals run out from all sides.

Animals (together):
What happened, Snow Maiden?
What happened to you?
Snow Maiden:
Santa Claus gave me a key
And he punished me severely
Save the key.
I could not!
I didn’t save the key!
The fox deceived us
She took him to the forests!
I've said it more than once!
At meetings in the forest,
For such outrages
It's time to punish the fox!
You, Snow Maiden, don’t cry!
We will return the key to you
And we’ll find a fox in the forest!
Snow Maiden:
Squirrels, hares, bear cubs!
Run in all directions
Look in all directions!
Bells to all of you -
I'll give away silver ones!
Across the river, across the bridge
Who sees the fox's tail,
Let him start calling right away
And the cheat won't leave!
We'll search all the holes,
Let's look at all the hills!
Let's climb the Christmas trees
Let's look into all the cracks!
She can't hide from us,
The fox will not leave us.

The Snow Maiden and the animals run away, the Fox comes into the clearing.

I'm coming, jingling the key!
Here is my key.
It turned out very cute!
How I outsmarted everyone.
It’s not without reason that they say,
The fox is the most cunning of all!

He hides the key under the snow near the Christmas tree, and at this time two Hares come out.

1st hare:
Look, the tracks lead here!
And the fox herself is here!
2nd hare:
Maybe we'd better run away
We can't do it alone!
1st hare:
I finally figured it out!
That's how great I am!
Cover me with snow
I'll become like a snowball!
I'll rock along the road
Right at the little fox's feet!

The animals came from all sides towards the Fox, ringing their bells. The fox fearfully rushes to the side.


What kind of snowball?
The tree suddenly started walking!
What is this ringing from all sides?
Oh, save me, help me!
This is just a terrible dream!

The animals and the Snow Maiden approach.


You won't steal anymore.
Snow Maiden:
Well done, bunnies!
Both hares are brave!
And for this courage it is necessary
Give you two a reward!

Treats them with carrots.

Fox (crying):
Oh, sorry, darlings!
I was joking.
I did bad
What a key she stole!
Please forgive me
And take me with you!

Snow Maiden:
For the sake of such a holiday
We are ready to forgive the fox.
Everyone is happy to be at the Christmas tree
For boys and girls!
It's time for us to go!
The kids have been waiting for us!

The Troika dance is performed. The fox runs after everyone.

Snow Maiden:
Here comes the school!
Hello guys!
Hello, Snow Maiden!
Snow Maiden:
We were a little late - no problem!
We came here with gifts!
Little bears
Brought you some cones
And a keg of honey
Happy New Year!
We, modest bunnies, brought carrots.
Eat to your health, guys.
Snow Maiden:
And my gift is small!
Key on a scarlet ribbon
From a wonderful box!
Very, very interesting!
Why is our Santa Claus missing! Guys, hasn't he come yet? No? Let's all call him together! Santa Claus!

Everyone calls Santa Claus.

Father Frost:
I'm going, I'm hurrying, I'm going!
I am Frost Red Nose!
Hello, long-awaited holiday
In the shine of the stars!

Children (together with the Snow Maiden):
Hello Dedushka Moroz!
Father Frost:
Here I am!
Happy New Year to you, friends!
There are so many people in the hall,
A glorious holiday will be here!
It's true the hares told me
That the guys are waiting for me!
I went through all the obstacles.
The snow covered me!
I knew that I would be welcome here,
That's why I hurried here!
Let's clap our hands together.
Let's start the round dance quickly.
And let's say: “Hello, New Year!”

Everyone dances in a circle.

Father Frost:
Can you solve riddles?
Come on, we'll check it now.

Makes riddles.

Snow Maiden:
Now let’s all stand in a circle and play!

Games “Shine Clear” and “I’ll Freeze”.

Father Frost:
Fun things to do
New Year brings you!
So let everything go faster
The round dance is spinning!

A dance is being performed.

Snow Maiden:
Well, well done, guys.
You know how to dance.
You can sing.
And now Grandfather Frost and I will test your dexterity and ingenuity!

There are attractions such as “Move the Cubes”, “Chairs”, “Clown”, etc.

Father Frost:
Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit!
I'll take a look at the costumes!
You've been preparing them for the New Year holiday for a long time!
So, let's start looking at New Year's costumes!

To the music, the Snow Maiden leads all the participants around the Christmas tree, and the jury selects the best costumes. Each child defends his own costume - a poem, a song, a dance.

Father Frost! Father Frost!
Did you bring any gifts?
Father Frost:
I brought you as a gift
A wonderful box,
Very interesting!
Snow Maiden, where is our key?

He takes the key, goes to the tree and finds gifts.

Father Frost:
I had fun with you, children!
It's time for me to leave.
Happy New Year, dear friends!
Happy New Year, my dears!

One of the children comes out.

Goodbye, goodbye, Christmas tree!
Goodbye, Santa Claus!
You brought us many, many joys!
We'll say goodbye to you until another winter.
We will remember our Christmas tree for a long time!
Father Frost:
Goodbye, guys!
Until next New Year!
Goodbye, Grandfather Frost!

Santa Claus leaves to the music, the guys wave to him.

Parent meeting in fourth grade

The fourth year of primary school completes the first stage of a child's school life. Fourth graders are graduates primary school. It is this fact that largely determines the emphasis that adults place in their interactions with children of this age. The prospect of moving to secondary school forces adults to pay primary attention to the development of educational skills in fourth-graders.

By the fourth grade, most children have already developed an individual style of educational work. The child’s general approach to completing it is clearly visible when preparing homework assignments. So, for example, some start lessons immediately after arriving from school, others need rest (of varying duration). Some people get into work quickly and easily, while for others the preparatory period takes a lot of time. Some children start doing homework with difficult subjects, others, on the contrary, with easy ones. Some people learn better based on graphic images (drawings, diagrams, etc.), others prefer verbal explanation, etc.

Differences in the general approach to completing educational work are associated with the individual typological characteristics of children, their performance, the specifics of cognitive development, the predominant type of perception and processing of information, unequal interest in various academic subjects, etc.

The individual style of educational work is manifested not only in the general approach to completing educational tasks, but also in the use by schoolchildren of various educational skills. Possession of productive methods of educational work means that the student has acquired the ability to learn: he is able to qualitatively assimilate the knowledge offered and, if necessary, obtain it independently.

What general skills are important for successful learning? Among them are the following skills:
- listen to the teacher;
– highlight the main idea of ​​the message;
– retell the content of the text coherently;
– answer questions about the text;
– pose questions to the text;
– draw meaningful conclusions based on the information received;
– express your thoughts in writing;
– attract additional sources information, use reference books (dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc.);
– adequately evaluate the results own work.

Most of these skills rely on thinking abilities: the ability to compare and find common and different; the ability to highlight the main thing, distinguish the essential from the unimportant, make logical conclusions and conclusions.

It is necessary to learn all this in elementary school, while the volume of the educational load is largely dosed. In the middle grades, these skills will turn out to be vital, since the amount of new information increases noticeably, and its content will also become more complex. In this situation, the proven method of repeated repetition, which was still justified in elementary school, will be very ineffective. The inability to work correctly with educational material can cause a decrease in academic performance and unjustified overwork of students.

In order to understand to what extent fourth-graders master some of the basic techniques of educational work, you can observe, for example, how a child prepares to retell a paragraph assigned at home in natural history. Does he read the entire text several times in a row, trying to remember everything at once? Does he read it only once and, without retelling it, am sure that he knows everything well? Does attention focus on the content of individual paragraphs without then making connections between them? Does it answer questions about the text?

Children need to be taught to work with educational text: learn to highlight the main idea; draw up a text plan; remember the content of the text and retell it based on the plan, etc.

It is convenient to develop the skill of coherent retelling not only with educational material: you can ask the child to tell the contents of a book he read, a movie he saw, describe the events of the past day, etc.

In order to increase the psychological literacy of parents and provide them with the necessary guidelines for activities with children, a teacher can introduce them to the technique of isolating semantic mnemonic supports (the “Meaning Units” method has been developed (see: Workshop on Developmental and Pedagogical Psychology /Auth.-comp. . Under ed. – M., 1999, pp. 67–71).

By the fourth grade, most schoolchildren begin to differentiate their educational interests and develop different attitudes towards academic subjects: they like some disciplines more, others less.

The preference for certain academic subjects is largely related to the individual inclinations and abilities of the child: some like mathematics, others have strong linguistic abilities, etc.

What if the child does not show any special preferences or interests? Psychological research shows that there are no children who are incapable of anything. Even if a student does not stand out for his educational successes and, at first glance, is equally indifferent to all subjects, he will certainly show a tendency to better assimilate educational material of one or another content. It is precisely these inclinations, which indicate stronger aspects of a child’s development, that need to be supported.

We should also not forget that children's lives are not limited to the walls of the school. Outside of it, the child can be immersed in activities that will allow him to demonstrate his skills, achieve success, and gain self-confidence.

A special questionnaire, developed by de Haan and Kof (see: Myakushkin, can I find out about my child? Psychological tests. - Chelyabinsk, 1996, pp. 170–175), will help parents better understand the interests and inclinations of their child, choose for his most suitable area of ​​extracurricular activities.

Using this questionnaire, which examines various special abilities, you can find out which ones your child has.

Below are eight areas in which a child can show his or her talents and their characteristics.

Give a rating to each of the qualities in points (using a five-point system):
5 points – this quality is strongly expressed in your child;
4 points – expressed above average;
3 points – moderately expressed;
2 points – weakly expressed;
1 point – not expressed at all.

Sum up the scores for all qualities within each of the eight domains. Divide the total number of points scored within one area by the number of questions in this area.

Try making a graphic of your child's abilities. To do this, mark the eight areas of ability on the horizontal axis, and mark the average score obtained for each of them on the vertical axis. You will receive a broken line - a profile of your child's abilities.

This questionnaire is a kind of reference diagram for monitoring your child. The proposed characteristics of abilities can help you in analyzing the child’s behavior, mental and physical development. Of course, the questionnaire does not exhaust all manifestations of the child’s behavior. If you find it necessary, add your own characteristics of his abilities.

1. In class everything is easy and quick to grasp.
2. Has a sense of common sense and uses knowledge in practical everyday situations.
3. Reasons well and clearly, does not get confused in his thoughts.
4. Captures the connection between one event and another, between cause and effect.
5. Understands well the unsaid, guesses what is often not directly expressed by adults, but is meant.
6. Establishes the reasons for the actions of other people, the motives for their behavior.
7. Quickly remembers what he hears or read without special memorization, does not spend a lot of time repeating what needs to be remembered.
8. Knows a lot about events and problems that his peers have no idea about.
9. The child is rich lexicon, he easily uses new words and accurately expresses his thoughts.
10. Loves books that are usually read not by peers, but by children a year or two older.
11. Solve complex problems that require mental effort.
12. Asks a lot of questions. He is interested in many things and often asks adults about this.
13. Is ahead of his peers in academics by a year or two, that is, he really should be studying in a higher class than he is studying now. Often gets bored in class because educational material he is already familiar with it from books, magazines, and adult stories.
14. Thinks originally and offers unexpected answers and solutions.
15. Very receptive, observant, quickly reacts to the new and unexpected.

1. In his drawings and paintings he depicts a wide variety of objects, situations, people (there is no monotony in the subjects of the drawings).
2. Takes works of art seriously. He becomes thoughtful and very serious when he sees a good picture, hears music, sees an unusual sculpture, a beautifully and artistically made thing.
3. Is original in the choice of subject (in a drawing, an essay, a description of an event), creates original compositions (from flowers, drawings, stones, stamps, postcards, etc.).
4. Always ready to use any new material for the manufacture of toys, paintings, drawings, compositions, in the construction of children's houses in playground, working with scissors, glue.
5. When he has free time, he willingly draws, sculpts, creates compositions that have an artistic purpose (decoration for the home, clothes, etc.).
6. Resorts to drawing and modeling in order to express his feelings and mood.
7. Interested in works of art created by other people. He can express his own assessment and tries to reproduce what he liked in his own drawing or in a created toy or sculpture.
8. Likes to work with plasticine and clay, which make it possible to depict what he sees in three dimensions.

1. Very quickly and easily responds to rhythm and melodies, always listens to them.
2. Sings well.
3. Puts a lot of energy and feeling into playing an instrument, singing or dancing.
4. Loves recorded music. Eager to go to a concert or somewhere where you can listen to music.
5. Loves to sing together with others so that it turns out harmoniously and well.
6. Expresses feelings and his state in singing or music.
7. Composes original, his own melodies.
8. Plays an instrument well. ABILITIES TO DO SCIENTIFIC WORK
1. Expresses ideas clearly and accurately (orally or in writing).
2. Reads books and popular science publications a year or two ahead of his peers.
3. Has a good ability to understand abstract concepts and establish generalizations.
4. Has good motor coordination (excellently records what he sees and clearly writes down what he hears).
5. Interested in acting.
6. Changes the tone and expression of his voice when he portrays another person.
7. After classes he likes to read popular science magazines and books.
8. Does not get discouraged if a project or new idea is not supported by teachers or parents or if his experiment does not work out.
9. Tries to find out the reasons and meaning of events.
10. Spends a lot of time creating his own “projects”: designing, building, assembling.
11. Likes to discuss scientific events, inventions, and often thinks about it.

1. Can easily construct a story, starting from the beginning and ending with the resolution of any conflict.
2. Brings something new and unusual when talking about something familiar and known to everyone.
3. Sticks to only the necessary details in stories about events, discards everything unimportant, leaving the main and most characteristic.
4. When talking about something, he knows how to stick to the chosen plot and does not lose the main idea.
5. Chooses words in his stories that well convey the emotional state of the characters, their experiences and feelings.
6. Able to convey in stories such details that are important for understanding the event, and at the same time does not miss the main line of the events he is talking about.
7. Likes to write stories and poems.
8. Depicts his characters in stories as very lively, conveys their feelings, mood, character.

1. Easily takes on the role of another character, person, etc.
2. Understands and portrays conflict well when he has the opportunity to act out any dramatic situation.
3. Conveys feelings through facial expressions, gestures, and movements.
4. Seeks to evoke emotional reactions in other people when talking about something with passion.
5. Dramatizes with great ease. Conveys feelings and emotional experiences.
6. Plastic and open to everything new, does not get hung up on the old. Likes to try new ways of solving life problems, does not use already tested options, is not afraid of new attempts, always tests new ideas and only after experimental verification may refuse them.

1. Performs manual labor tasks well.
2. Interested in mechanisms and machines.
3. His hobbies include designing cars, instruments, models, trains, and radios.
4. Can easily repair damaged devices, use old parts to create new crafts, toys, devices.
5. Understands the vagaries of mechanisms, loves mysterious breakdowns and “search” questions.
6. Likes to draw drawings and sketches of mechanisms.
7. Reads magazines and articles about the creation of new devices, machines, mechanisms. SPORTS ABILITY
1. Energetic and gives the impression of a child who needs a lot of physical movement to feel happy.
2. Likes to participate in sports games and competitions.
3. Consistently excels in some way. sports game.
4. Runs the fastest in the class.
5. Better physically coordinated in movements than others, moves easily and gracefully.
6. Loves to go hiking. Play on open sports grounds.
7. Prefers to spend his free time in outdoor games (hockey, basketball, tennis, football).

The outcome of the competition directly depends on how you present yourself at the competition. The first impression made on the jury and spectators lasts throughout the entire event. To win people over and create a positive atmosphere, it is important to think through the greeting down to the smallest detail: external image, text, manner of speech, design.

How to make a presentation about yourself

To form an impression about a person, at competitions, regardless of the topic, participants present a story about themselves - a business card.

It is advisable to prepare in advance, compose an original and interesting text, come up with a design and external image so that the jury and audience have a favorable opinion of the speaker.

When making a presentation about yourself, it is important to avoid some points:

  • Performancedo not delay. Brevity, capacity, and accuracy are important.
  • Business card - no participant biography, but a way of self-expression. Instead of listing the stages of life, it is important to show the inner world.
  • An artistic and confident presentation style is encouraged. The viewer should not get bored, otherwise he will lose interest in the participant and will not remember him.

Business card

Ideas for self-presentation are varied and depend on the type of competition. The purpose of a business card is to provide information about the participant, his advantages, strengths, and achievements.

To a beauty contest

A standard congratulation includes a greeting, short biography, a story about hobbies, achievements, mention of family, information about children, gratitude for participation.

A video resume made from photographs and videos looks creative. In the competition format, it is recommended to include materials from professional filming in the film.

It is important to work on your external image. It is better to have a dress made by a fashion designer - this way it will highlight your figure and eliminate the risk of your rival having an identical one.

For seasonal competitions (Miss Spring, Autumn, Summer, Winter), the costume is decorated with appropriate paraphernalia: leaves, flowers, and so on.

This outfit is especially suitable for children.

The image suggests charm; the delicate shades of girls’ dresses look beautiful and appropriate. It is beneficial to use hats, wreaths with flowers (for a summer holiday), an umbrella, and so on.

Also, at the mini-miss or mister competition, you can introduce yourself in a national costume.

Example 1

Dear friends! I have long dreamed of participating in such a competition. I worked towards this for a long time, the support of my family and friends helped me make up my mind. Now I am absolutely confident that I can win. I am attractive in appearance, which opened the way for me to participate in fashion shows and advertising photo shoots. I am artistic and ambitious, which I will prove to the jury and audience today. Thank you everyone for your support and fighting spirit!

Example 2

Greetings to the audience, jury and participants! I am happy to be on this stage today. I am a creative person, as my hobbies prove. I am interested in choreography, vocals, drawing (list). I have achieved some success in sports, science (list). I have a wonderful family and loyal friends. I have a beautiful appearance, but my inner world is no less beautiful. I am grateful to my support group for their sensitivity, responsiveness, and desire to help. I will live up to my expectations and use my talent to win.

In these examples, the participant’s personal data must be added: full name, age, marital status, presence of children.

"Miss Camp"

To create a business card, you can resort to the help of a support group, for example, from a squad and arrange a theatrical skit. The guys will play parents, brother, sister, teachers, and so on, describing a short biography of the participant.

If you have vocal abilities, it is advisable to perform a song about yourself.

A short demonstration of skills and abilities in the room is encouraged: crafts or paintings, several dance moves, an acrobatic trick, and so on.

The text of the greeting is composed in verse and prose.

Example 1

Hello, girls and boys, as well as the authoritative jury. Today I am here to showcase my talents, skills and charm. I am a versatile person and can be both a diligent student and an excellent student, and cool girl. I am surrounded by cheerful guys who have become true friends for me. Thank you all for your support and forward to victory!

Example 2

My name is (Name) and I am (number of) years old,

I'm smart, capable,

I will find the answer to everything.

You won't get bored with me,

I love fun

I give the audience great emotions.

I'm attractive in appearance

Well, look,

Forward to tasks, competitions,

Victory is ahead!

"Mr. Camp"

A business card for a boy is laconic and spacious. In addition to personal data, they list advantages and achievements in sports, school, and clubs.

Demonstration of skills is encouraged: dance movements (for example, breakdancing elements), strength, handmade crafts, and so on.

If your vocal abilities allow, you can sing or rap.

Example 1

Greetings, dear friends! Today I am here to demonstrate my abilities: mental, athletic, creative. I will surprise you with my artistry, talent and natural charm. I have many hobbies: I love football, hockey, music (list). I will name my achievements: (list). I have the best friends and girlfriends in the world. Today I will do my best to win!

Example 2

My name is (Name) and I am (number) years old

I say to the jury, friends and spectators: “Hello!”

I'm smart and funny

Athletic, mischievous.

Sociable and kind,

Come be friends with me!

I will demonstrate my abilities to everyone,

And I’ll show you my skills today.

I hope that I will be liked and deserve the victory.


A business card for a family team can be made in poetry or prose. It briefly describes all participants. At the same time, the presentation should not be delayed.

Example 1

Perhaps an unusual representation of a family in the form of a fairy tale. To do this, the performance is staged as a short skit, and it is important to think through the image of each character, his performance, and prepare costumes and paraphernalia. For example:

Hello, good people! Today we will tell you either a fairy tale or a true story. Listen carefully.

Once upon a time there was a Name (mother), she sat in a tower and waited for the prince. Soon he, and his name was Father, came for her on a snow-white horse. He took her to the distant kingdom of the city (insert name). They lived happily ever after, and soon their son-hero (Name) was born, all like his father: both in mind and strength.

And he took after his mother in beauty and wit. It is growing by leaps and bounds. The family is friendly and helps each other in everything: together they clean the palace, prepare a feast, fight computer enemies. But the time came when the heroes and their princess decided to see the world and show themselves. And here we are here in front of you, ready to overcome difficult tests and emerge victorious from them.

Example 2

You can design business cards based on the options presented.


The competition for the role of presenter is usually held for middle and high school children to develop creative abilities and stage skills. Therefore, when drawing up their own ideas, they use fantasy and imagination.

Usually the duration of the performance is very limited in time and is 1-5 minutes, which is better to clarify in advance. Upon entering the stage, you need to say hello, then resort to the text options presented below.

Example 1

This morning, looking at myself in the mirror, I saw a person capable of changing... No, not the world yet, we'll deal with that later... But any show. I can turn a standard number into an enchanting performance. And today I will prove it. Yours, (Participant's name).

Example 2

My ambitions know no bounds. They are the ones who brought me to this stage today. I am energetic, enterprising, smart, resourceful, have a sense of humor and ingenuity, which I hope will help me earn the title of “Best Presenter”. Thank you for your attention and forward to victory!


When putting together a team presentation, it is important to briefly introduce each participant, indicating their role. It is advisable to think over their image: a smart person should put on glasses and give a book in their hands, a dancer should make a few moves, a strong person will show off his muscles, and so on.

Example 1

Dear viewers and authoritative jury! You are greeted by an excellent team (Name), all of whose members are unique: here is a sage, here is a strong man, here is a joker, here is a daredevil, here is a dancer, here is a singer, and so on (everyone takes turns stepping forward). We complement each other, so we have fun together. We promise that you won’t get bored today either.

Example 2

Business card design options are shown in the photo.


In presenting the class in a creative way, it is advisable to involve the maximum number of students, depending on the time allocated. You need to say a few words about each, playing with the image. General self-presentation includes listing the merits of the class as a whole.

Example 1

Our class is the most wonderful because it is friendly! We've been together for so long that we know all of each other's strengths and weaknesses. And the commander, the best teacher (Name and Patronymic), guides us. We are always in the thick of all school and world events and are ready to help. And today we will prove that you can rely on us and we can handle all challenges.

Example 2

Options for class business cards are shown in the pictures.


The performance should reveal the girl's main talent - driving skill. The business card for the “Autoledi” competition is made in poetry or prose.

Example 1

My name is (Name), I am (number of) years old,

And the bicycle gave me driving skills.

Then the car came to replace

And here I am on it for so many years.

Perhaps the best driver

Believe me, there is nothing in the world like me.

Not "I'm a monkey with a grenade"

I'm competent and smart

And restrained: believe me, boor,

I won't be rude for anything.

And the rules are more valuable than anything else,

What else can you do to increase the quality?

I'll tell you this: I'm not a reckless person or an amateur,

I am charming and an excellent driver.

Example 2

Dear jury and dear viewers! Today I am here to demonstrate a professional talent - driving. And let them say that this is not a woman’s job, I cope with it with dignity. My driving experience is (number) years, and over these years I have learned to communicate with the car on a first-name basis. We understand each other better than ever. I am a careful driver and follow the rules, but speed is my passion. Today I will show my ability to drive a car and prove that a woman is a super driver.

For a couple

Two-person performances are often found in competitions. In self-introduction, they describe the merits of each participant or give a general description.

Example 1

Dear viewers! We act as a couple, so double the pleasure awaits you: we are doubly smart, cheerful, artistic, and charming. We are a well-coordinated team and complement each other perfectly. Today we will do our best to become winners!

Example 2

Dear jury, dear spectators and worthy opponents, the couple - (Names) welcomes you. We are together all the time, we are friendly, we support and are responsible for each other. Therefore, we are not afraid of the most difficult tasks. And today we will prove it.

To the talent competition

There are many options for what can be shown at a talent competition: people present their abilities in vocals, dancing, scientific achievements, sports and so on. Self-presentation depends on the type of skills and abilities.

Example 1

Dear jury and dear viewers! Today I will demonstrate the best features of my personality. I read a lot, especially scientific literature, and gain new knowledge on the Internet and in courses. I participated in competitions and achieved some success (list). Today I will prove myself in the field of (specify). This is an invaluable experience for me and new stage in life.

Example 2

Dear jury and dear viewers! My friends and family think that I have talent in singing, dancing, science, and so on (choose). I love my hobby very much, and that’s why I’m good at it. Whether I'm talented or not, it's up to you, friends. I am happy to participate in the competition, this is an unforgettable adventure for me.

For work

An employee’s representative business card for a competitive vacancy includes personal data, achievements, work experience, best qualities. General phrases should be avoided; it is advisable to support advantages with facts.

The teacher describes the working methods he uses, the cook highlights the most successful dishes, the fashion designer arranges a fashion show of several outfits, and so on.

Example 1

My name is (full name), I work in sales. Higher education in specialty (specify), achievements (if any). I interact well with people, undergo training (indicate where) and put new methods into practice, which is reflected in sales growth. I am proactive, decent, easily find contact with anyone, and as a result I have an extensive base of regular clients. I believe that I can cope with the job for the vacancy (indicate title) due to my competence and experience.

Example 2

The photo shows a card for a teacher competition and samples of standard business cards.

Presentation of the dish

When putting together a presentation of a culinary masterpiece, they usually don’t just list the ingredients, but use imagination and creativity.

Example 1

Good afternoon friends! I present to your attention a pie. In addition to the main ingredients, I added a little secret to it: I whipped up positive emotions, crumbled joy, sweetened it with affection and tenderness. Mixed everything and put it into the dough. Therefore, the dish turned out airy and aromatic. I seasoned the filling with kindness, love and sincerity. I invite everyone to try my fabulous pie.

Example 2

Dear friends, come and try my culinary masterpiece. This dish is not simple: it gives strength, beauty, wisdom, kindness, because I generously seasoned it with these ingredients. Believe me, whoever tastes it will never forget the spicy taste and will want to know my magical recipe. I will definitely share it with everyone and hope for a positive assessment of my culinary work.

Greetings in verse

If a contestant can write rhymes, you can come up with a laconic and beautiful self-introduction. The use of poems in competitions for children is common.

Examples of this kind are presented in several versions. Scenarios are pronounced at the competition after utterance brief information About Me.

Example 1

Suitable for representing girls, girls, women.

Hello everyone and good luck everyone

I wish today.

Pay attention to the jury

I invite you to see me.

I'm beautiful and smart

And I strive for victory.

I'll prove it to you

Not in words, but in deeds!

Example 2

A poetic script makes it possible to interestingly present a boy, teenager, or man at the competition.

I salute the jury,

Worthy rivals

I strive for victory, friends,

And I have every chance.

I'm talented and smart

Not lacking in beauty.

Let in the most difficult competitions

The strongest will win!

Example 3

An example of how to present yourself, suitable for a team or family.

We welcome everyone, friends,

On this glorious day.

Compete and play

Today we are not lazy.

We are a friendly team

We are brave and smart

Resourceful, savvy,

Cheerful and cheerful.

We hurry forward to our tasks

And today we will win.

Business card

Depending on the chosen style, the text in the welcoming speech can be serious, humorous, laconic, expressive, and so on. In any case, it must correspond to the theme of the event.


Somewhere in a Galaxy far, far away... A young star was shining in the sky: bright, beautiful. She illuminated the darkness of the Universe with light. Her neighbors, the stars, told her about people: beautiful, sincere, smart, who warm each other with warmth and tenderness.

In the cold Universe, the star took a liking to strange creatures, went down and looked through the window. She was reflected in the eyes of the newborn baby and gave her her beauty and charm. The girl (Name) has grown up, and today she demonstrates to you her best human qualities (kindness and tenderness) and stellar qualities (beauty and charm).


Greetings, dear friends! They call me a wonderful name (specify), my age is in the prime of life. I love adventures, meeting new people, I like to sing karaoke to the delight of my neighbors - in general, I have a sparkling character. My friends and family say that I am beautiful. It’s not for me to judge, but the reflection in the mirror mostly pleases me. I wish all my competitors to perform well, and not to make a mistake for myself. Jury, don't judge too harshly. Thank you for your attention.


Dear viewers! On this wonderful evening, I welcome you and thank you for the opportunity to appear on this stage and express yourself. My friends and family consider me an ambitious, beautiful and smart girl. And I see myself as an ordinary girl, deep in my soul dreaming of making myself known to the world. Well, let's begin...


Hello! Greeting you ideal woman. You may not agree with this bold statement, but the fact remains, and today I will prove it. You can't call me timid, shy, stupid. I always move forward, sometimes I stumble and even fall, but my crown does not fall off, I get up and move on.

Among my hobbies I can name reading my favorite books, dancing until I drop, singing at the top of my voice and much more. Oh yes, I'm witty. I would like to become a secret agent, but, unfortunately, I don’t have the main quality - I can’t keep secrets. Thank you for your attention! Beautiful and smart, (Name and Last Name).


Good afternoon, dear viewers! My name is (Name), my age is (specify). Without further ado, I will say that I consider myself worthy to participate in the competition and become a winner. I am smart, talented, ambitious, as evidenced by my achievements (list). I strive for goals and do not retreat from difficulties. Thank you for your attention.

Useful video

Examples of self-presentation of participants at competitions are presented in the video

Goals and objectives:

1. Strengthening the health of children and their parents.

2. Development of children's interest in physical culture, understanding the importance of sport in human life.

3. Fostering a love of physical culture and sports, feelings of friendship, and interest in spending leisure time together.

4. Propaganda healthy image life.

Location: gym.

Equipment and inventory: whistle, roulette, stands (flags or pins), balls, Balloons, jump ropes, hoops, bags, rope.

Hall decoration: slogans-posters: “If you want to be strong - run!”, “If you want to be beautiful - run!”, “If you want to be smart - run!”, “Sport is health”, “Sport is success”, “Sport is friendship ”, “Sport is the strongest”, “No greater victory than victory over oneself.”

Musical accompaniment: Sports march.


1. The winner is awarded a medal, certificate and prize.

2. Winners are awarded with certificates and sweet prizes.

Progress of the event

1 lesson Greetings to everyone who found the time
And he came to school for a health celebration!
Let winter soon knock on our window,
But our hall is warm and light!
2 lessons We grow up here, we mature here.
And, of course, we gain weight!
We are always healthy, friendly with exercise,
We need sports and physical education like we need air,
3 lessons And with them there is order, comfort, cleanliness,
Aesthetics. In general, beauty itself!
Let's take care of our health from an early age.
It will save us from pain and troubles.

4th lesson “Friendship is most important to us!”
We will go everywhere with her!
Helping a friend in sports,
You yourself become stronger!”

Lesson 5: “We dance together merrily,
Let's have fun together.
Together we strengthen the muscles,
That’s why we don’t get tired.”

6 lessons “For sports battles
We are all ready.
Everyone is confident in their own strength.
And wins at the finish line again
Friendship, cohesion of my team.”

7 lessons “Whoever looks habitually sad and gloomy,
Let ours accept good advice:
It’s better, more reliable to be friends with physical education,
It contains the eternal secret of youth!”

Leading:“Hello, dear moms and dads! Hello, dear guys! You are welcome, dear fans and guests! We have gathered here to compete in strength and agility, speed and endurance. But this is not the main thing in our meeting today. We gathered to get to know each other better and make stronger friends, to see what our children can do and what our parents can do. And this is no coincidence, because 2008 is the year of the family. And family is the most important thing in a person’s life.

Mom, my dad and me -

We are a sports family!

We are friends with physical education and sports -

We don't need a doctor at all!

So, our teams are invited to the hall.

To the sounds of a sports march, the teams enter the gym and line up in front of the jury.

Leading: Introducing our panel of judges (school director, head teacher for extracurricular activities, physical education teacher, parent committee representative)

1 competition.

Command View

(name, motto, business card, greetings to opponents).

1 room. "Smeshariki"

Motto: We are strong, we are brave, and good luck awaits us! We are still confident that victory will come to us!

2 rooms "Smileys"

Motto: We challenged fate! We are always ready to fight! And today we say that we will win today!

1 room If you want to become skillful,
Strong, dexterous, brave,
Learn to love jump ropes
Hoops and sticks.
Never be discouraged
Hit the target with the balls.
That's the secret of health -
Hello to all friends, physical education!

2 rooms. Sports, guys, are very necessary,
We are very good friends with sports.
Sport is a helper!
Sport is health!
Sport is a game!
Physical training!

Leading: So, we met the teams, selected the jury, heard the parting words - it’s time to start the competition!

2 competition


Run to the opposite side of the hall, going around the pins; climb through the hoop and run back.


Holding a large inflatable ball with their foreheads and holding hands, two team members run to the limit sign and back. At the starting line, the baton is passed to the next pair.

“Garbage collection.”

Balloons are scattered around the hall. Without touching the balls with your hands, use a scoop to pick up one ball, take it to the “basket” and return back.

Leading: Bye panel of judges sums up the results of 2 competitions - musical pause.

(The Russian folk ensemble “Povetrulya” is invited to the hall with the song “Subbotea”)

3 competition.

"Fun Relay Race"

run to Restrictive sign, eat a slice of watermelon and run back.

"Collecting cones"

The first participant places the cones on the leaves, reaching the limit sign. He returns, collecting the cones back into the basket. Passes the baton to the next participant.

"Get dressed if you want to be healthy"

The first child, running to the limit sign, puts on a jacket, hat, boots (all big size) runs back and passes things on to the next participant, who repeats his route.

Leading: While the panel of judges sums up the results of the 3rd comic competition, there is a musical pause.

(primary school students perform the dance “Day and Night”)

4 competition.

1. Dads, moving forward to the counter, knock gymnastic stick balloon and back in the same way (the result is determined by the first person to reach the finish line).

Moms tie a balloon to their leg, the other leg is free. Standing in a circle and blowing a whistle, they begin to step on each other’s ball (whoever’s ball remains intact is the winner).

Balls are laid out on the floor (the number is not limited). Team captains must sit on the balloons so that they burst. Whoever bursts the most balloons wins. After the competition, all burst balloons are given to the jury for counting.

2. Teams line up at the starting line in a column; when the whistle blows, each race team member jumps in a bag to the stand and returns in the same way, passing the baton to the next participant.

5 competition.

Teams are invited to the relay race.

1. Running with a relay baton (performed by the whole family).

2. Running with a gymnastic stick (dads start running on top of the stick, run to the counter, run around, come back, pick up mom, then the child).

3. “Cuttlefish” (support with arms and legs, back parallel to the floor, move forward with arms).

4. Leading the “big” tennis ball to the mark and throwing the ball at the target.

5. “All at once” relay race - teams run simultaneously in full numbers. Participants join hands (or stand in a column, take hold of the belt), run to the counter, run around it and return to the finish line.

The winner is the team whose members, without releasing their arms, are the first to take the starting position. Team placings are determined by finishing order.

Leading: While the panel of judges sums up the results of the competition, while our teams take a breath, rest, and we watch how the fans cheer for their team.

Now the fans have a task. Support your team. One fan from each team is called up.

6 competition.

And for the girls through the jump rope,

You need to jump for half a minute.

So that they can jump more fun,

Let's support them by clapping together.

(One girl from the team jumps rope at a time. The number of jumps in 30 seconds is counted. The participant with the most jumps wins)

Leading: You jumped so gracefully

It was like butterflies were fluttering.

Thank you very much to the fans.

Leading: We have one game

You'll like her

Come out to the site

Line up together in order.

Dad, mom and guys

We call you to the rope.

7 competition.

(teams compete in tug of war).

Leading: So, the sports festival has come to an end. I ask the jury to sum up.

As the jury prepares to announce the final results, elementary school students greet you. (During a pause, students of grade 4 “A” perform a song about sports)

Song (to the tune of the song “Let there always be sunshine”).

1. Our dear friend,

Our faithful friend -

Sport helps us in life

We go with him

We don’t get tired

We will sing the glory of sports!

Chorus: Let us have moments of sport

Gives joy of movement,

And inspiration for the soul

May sport always give!