Animal prediction for football today. Who does the crab Petrovich bet on? How animals turned into sports predictors. Dolphin predicted the match


Not only football experts give their predictions regarding the results of matches within the 2018 World Cup - a whole menagerie has joined them..

The participants in the unique rating were mostly “Russians” - the Hermitage cat Achilles, the goat Zabiyaka, the dolphin Wanda, the bear Aurora, the lion Lord, the dachshund Gigolo and the horse Brant. Among the foreigners, the psychic boar nicknamed Mystical Marcus and the Croatian gibbon Kent proved themselves to be oracles.

The method by which the forecast was made was simple: on the eve of the match, the animal chose an object marked with the symbols of a particular state.

In Cassandra's shoes

Boar Mystic Marcus, British by origin, will determine the countries that will advance to the semi-finals of the championship back in mid-June.

Apples with flags were laid out in front of the animal. different countries- participants of the football championship. As a result, the wild boar “ate” Belgium, Argentina, Nigeria and Uruguay, which meant they would reach the semi-finals.

Those who listened to Marcus's forecast are biting their elbows today - of all the winning states he selected, only Belgium reached the semi-finals.

The snow-white deaf Hermitage cat-predictor Achilles is sure to win Russia in the match with the Egyptian national team. The cat's premonitions were not deceived. However, in the Sweden-Switzerland match, the blue-eyed inhabitant of the basements of the country's main museum missed - the Swedes won, although the cat chose a bowl that stood next to the Swiss flag and ate from it.

On June 24, the Samara goat Zabiyaka accurately predicted the results of the games with the teams of France and Brazil. But her hope for the victory of the Russian national team in the match with Uruguay did not come true.

Dolphin Wanda, an inhabitant of the Sochi dolphinarium, on July 1, Russia's victory over Spain in the 1/8 finals of the World Cup. Wanda was asked to choose one of two soccer balls with team names written on them. The dolphin's choice fell on the ball with the name of our team.

A day earlier, on June 30, Harry, an otter living in the Moscow Zoo, entered the competition among animal oracles. And although Harry had been very successful in his predictions three times before, his bet on the victory of the Spaniards spoiled the animal’s reputation as a predictor.

When passions ran high...

By the time the quarterfinals started, the number of oracle beasts had increased dramatically. For example, they were joined by the polar bear Aurora from the Krasnoyarsk Flora and Fauna Park “Roev Ruchey”. Predator victory of the Russian national team in the quarter finals of the World Cup. Alas, the bear's prediction did not come true.

Lev Lord, an inhabitant of the Sakhalin Zoo, gives his forecast for the match between the Russians and the Croats on July 6. The animal was offered bowls of meat decorated with the flags of rivals in upcoming game. The king of beasts did not play tricks with false patriotism: he preferred a treat from the “Croatian bowl”, swallowing both the flag and the straw at the same time. And, as it turned out, he was right.

Excessive intelligence failed the oracle dachshund from St. Petersburg. A dog named Gigolo in a vessel with the Russian tricolor. It is unknown whether the representative of the equid order will continue his career as a predictor, but it is unlikely that anyone will rush to place bets based on his predictions.

The lucky gibbon Kent, who lives in Croatia, had never made a mistake in predicting how events would develop on the field until July 7th. This time it was Kent's luck - for some reason he chose a Russian doll. However, the gibbon's authority in some circles is so great that even this blatant blunder will not confuse his fans.

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Yesterday it became known that the giant crab Petrovich will predict the results of the 2014 World Hockey Championship, which will be held in Belarus. In this regard, “Soviet Sport” recalls the most famous animal predictors.


The most famous animal-predictor, the octopus Paul, with whom the boom in “living oracles” began, lived in the aquarium of the German city of Oberhausen.

The octopus's finest hour came at the 2010 FIFA World Cup, during which Paul guessed the results of the matches of the German national team by choosing food from a feeder with the German tricolor printed on it.

As a result, Paul guessed the outcome of all the matches of the “German machine” except the final, in which Joachim Löw’s team lost to the Spaniards.


Paul's fantastic success prompted the Germans to choose new predictors.

In 2011, during the Women's World Cup, the role of the oracle was performed by the elephant Nellie from the Serengeti Nature Park.

The elephant, to the surprise of many, predicted the results of all matches of the German national team, including the defeat of the Germans in the quarterfinals.

Nellila made a simple choice - she tried to kick the ball into the net. Whose goal the ball flew into, that team then lost.


Euro 2012 also had its own predictor. The Kiev boar Funtik tried to predict the outcome of the matches of the football championship taking place in Poland and Ukraine.

The boar predicted the results with varying degrees of success - if the “sorcerer” was still able to “see” Russia’s victory in the match with the Czech Republic, then the match between Ukraine and Sweden, which, according to the boar’s forecast, should have ended in the defeat of the tournament hosts, ended exactly the opposite – with the victory of the Ukrainians.

Later, however, Funtikrehabilitated himself by choosing food bowls with the flags of the Greeks and Czechs before the matches Greece - Russia and the Czech Republic - Poland.


However, the most popular predictor animal was still the octopus.

One of these was Iker, an octopus living in Benalmadena, Spain, named after Real Madrid goalkeeper Iker Casillas.

Iker turned out to be quite a successful oracle. He was able to predict the outcome of two Spanish clasicos, as well as Real Madrid's victory in the Copa del Rey in 2011. Although there were also mistakes, such as the prophecy according to which Real Madrid should have reached the 2011 Champions League final.


At one time, based on the predictions of the octopus Paul, Soviet Sport organized the Nostradamus 2012 competition, the winner of which became the official oracle of the newspaper during the Euro 2012 matches.

The winner was the parrot Roma, who was the best predictor of the results of the Russian Championship matches and ultimately scored 51 points.

During the European Championship, however, Roma made a mistake. Success in the form of the victory of the Russian team over the Czech Republic was followed by failures in the form of the victory of the British over the Italians in the 1/4 finals, the German team reaching the final and the victory of the Italian team in the decisive match.

Undoubtedly, Paul became the most famous octopus in the world. Personally, I don’t know any others at all, except perhaps from an old Soviet cartoon. Remember: “Now let’s add legs, we get an octopus.”

Paul first appeared at Euro 2008, predicting the outcome of matches involving the German national team (the eight-legged Nostradamus lived in the aquarium of the German city of Oberhausen). The technology of predictions was simple, if not primitive - two feeders with flags of national teams were placed in front of the animal, into which the oracle crawled - he won.

The peak of Paul's career came at the 2010 World Cup, where he guessed all the outcomes of matches involving the German national team, and also predicted the winner of the final match (this was Paul's only prediction for a match without the participation of the Germans).

After his death, a monument was erected to Paul - an octopus sat on soccer ball, in which his own ashes are immured.

Funtik the boar and Fred the ferret

I liked the idea, and Paul had his own followers. During Euro 2012, the boar Funtik, who lives in Kyiv, and the Kharkov ferret, Fred, acted as the oracle.

Funtik became famous for predicting the victory of the hosts in the opening match with the Swedish national team, but things didn’t go any further for him. And after the Ukrainian team, contrary to Funtik’s prediction, lost to the British, some suggested turning the seer into lard.

But Funtik predicted exactly half the outcome of two matches with the participation of the Russian national team, predicting victory over the Czechs and defeat in the match with the Greek team.

This member of the cephalopod family was named after Iker Casillas. He lived in Malaga, Spain, and became famous for the fact that in 2011 he guessed the outcome of two "", as well as the victory of Real Madrid in the Spanish Cup.

But Casillas made a mistake with the winner of the Champions League - he bet on Manchester United to win, and Barcelona won the match.

A sea turtle nicknamed Big Head from the Brazilian city of Praia do Forte predicted the results of the 2014 World Cup matches. It was more difficult for her than her predecessors - the turtle had to choose from three options - a draw was added to the possible outcomes.

Big Head managed to correctly predict the victory of the Brazilians in the opening match of the championship.

A slightly different principle for determining the winner was in effect here. The elephant from Serengeti Park (Germany) did not choose food, but sent the ball into a special goal marked with the moisture of the rival teams.

Whose goal the ball flew into was considered the loser. Nelly did a nice job on women's championship World Cup 2011, predicted the winner and victory of the German team in the semi-finals of the Brazilian World Cup.

Why We Don't Need Paul's Followers

These are not all representatives of the glorious squad of predictors, but the most famous of them. There was also a competition Soviet Sports» “Nostardamus-2012”, where the role of predictors was played by a parrot, a dog, a fish, a cow, a guinea pig, and you can’t list them all.

So why don't we need them anymore? Yes, because every joke is funny only the first time; repeated repetition turns it into stupidity.

Therefore, I hope that at the home World Cup they won’t give us another animal and be touched when it runs up to the feeder with someone’s flag. Football is interesting without this.

Last week, on the New Morning program on NTV, Askold and Edgard Zapashny brought a tiger named Ricky to try to predict the outcome of the Russia-England match. The Beast determined that the score would be 1:1, and he was right! Tomorrow the Russian team will play against the Slovak team, and on June 20 - against Wales. And Ricky will again appear on the morning show on NTV. Who knows, maybe Zapashny's tiger is destined to become as famous a predictor as Paul the octopus? By the way, Paul is not the only one who can (or rather, could) predict the results of sports games...

Octopus Paul Photo: Wikipedia

1. Actually, Paul himself. Today, the German octopus is considered the most famous predictor. Arriving from England at the Sea Life Center in Oberhausen, Germany, the invertebrate mollusk began to brilliantly guess the results of the Euro 2008 games, especially those in which the German national team was participating. Paul chose the winner using feeders with national team flags, which were lowered into his aquarium on the eve of the matches. Throughout his career, Paul became a terror for bookmakers, making 14 predictions, of which only two turned out to be wrong.

The Spaniards tried to buy the oracle octopus for 30,000 euros, PETA insisted that Paul be released, and chefs from all over the world dreamed of making soup from the fortuneteller. Nevertheless, Paul lived long life and died of his own death at the Sea Life Center. Since then, a monument has been erected there in honor of the octopus, and the octopus was posthumously awarded the British DAFTAS Awards in the category “Most unusual story associated with an animal."

Nelly the Elephant Photo: Instagram

2. Another authoritative sports world the prophet is the elephant Nellie from the German Hoden-Hagen Zoo. Since 2011, she has successfully predicted the outcome of competitions involving Germany. She predicted almost all the victories of her native team at various stages of the 2014 World Cup, including the final.

Predictions are made like this: zoo employees set up football goals with team flags and put a ball between them, which the elephant must score. In whose goal Nellie rolls the ball, that team will lose at the upcoming meeting. The oracle made the last prediction on the eve of Germany's first match at Euro 2016 against the Ukrainian national team. Nelly scored a goal against the latter and was right - Germany beat their opponents with a score of 2:0.

Turtle Big head Photo:

3. Paul’s important work is continued by a Brazilian tortoise named Big Head. Directly from the Praia do Forte nature reserve, with the help of a few pieces of fish, the amphibian makes his predictions about the results of the Brazilian national team in the football championships. True, in last time Big Head predicted the score two years ago during the 2014 FIFA World Cup.

Crab Petrovich Photo:

4. In the same 2014, the orderly ranks of animal oracles were replenished by the predictor crab Petrovich from Minsk. He was quite successful in predicting the results of the World Hockey Championship, predicting victories for the United States over the Czech Republic and Canada over Finland. At the same time, the crab refused to predict the outcomes of games with the participation of Belarus - he probably could not remain impartial.

Petrovich made his forecasts from the Minsk Oceanography Center. The center's employees lowered pucks with flags of the teams that were about to play into the crab's aquarium. With his claw, Petrovich lowered the puck to the bottom of the aquarium, and someone’s flag ended up with outside washers. This team should have been the winner.

The cat Achilles from the Hermitage was chosen. "SE" recalls who else from the animal world became an oracle at international tournaments.

World Cup 2018: CAT ACHILLES

Achilles the cat, who lives near the Hermitage, will very soon receive a fan passport and will be officially presented as a fortune teller. He was chosen for his observation and resistance to stress. The animal also has congenital deafness, so curiosity and intuition are heightened. The cat will be given two bowls of food, with team flags next to them. Whichever bowl the cat chooses, the team will win.

2010 World Cup AND EURO 2008: PAUL THE OCTOPUS

Perhaps the most famous oracle from the animal world. Paul became famous during Euro 2008, where he gave forecasts for the results of the German national team. Before the matches, the octopus was given two transparent feeders with national team flags, and he chose the one he liked. In total, Paul made 14 predictions, and was wrong only twice. For example, he incorrectly predicted the outcome of the Euro 2008 final Germany - Spain (0:1). But at the 2010 World Cup I made only accurate forecasts.

results: 14 forecasts, 12 of them accurate.


Nelly, like Paul, represents oracles from Germany. The elephant began to make forecasts for the outcomes of matches involving the German team. She predicted almost all the team's victories at various stages of the 2014 World Cup, including the final.

The elephant made predictions in the following way: in the zoo they installed gates with the flags of two teams and put a ball between them. Whichever goal Nelly scored against, that team will lose. The last and correct prediction was made by the oracle at Euro 2016 on the eve of Germany's match with Ukraine (2:0).

results: 80% correct predictions for Germany matches at the 2014 World Cup


The 400-kilogram boar chose the winning team in the traditional way: two bowls of corn sticks were placed in front of him. True, the oracle from Funtik did not turn out very good. He guessed no more than half of the results.

Fred the ferret also chose from two bowls, only they contained beef. And I was also quite often wrong in my forecasts. But he got it right with the teams of Portugal and Germany reaching the semi-finals.

results: Funtik guessed no more than 50% of the outcomes of the matches. Fred predicted two teams reaching the semi-finals.

World Cup 2014: TURTLE BIG HEAD

The turtle predicted the outcome of matches for the Brazilian national team. A gate was installed in the pool for her, flags were attached to the net, and fish were left as food. The big head accurately predicted Brazil's victory over Croatia in the opening match of the World Cup. True, after the 2014 World Cup nothing more was heard about her.

results: one accurate forecast for the opening match of the tournament.