Proper breathing when pumping the press. Correct breathing. - dizziness, weakness, nausea, loss of concentration

Proper breathing during training, how to breathe correctly when power loads, breathing when running, how to restore breathing after running, swimming and proper breathing.

The desire to look beautiful, have a slim waist and toned muscles, and feel cheerful forces us to devote time to training. Some people prefer to go to sports. gym, others train at home. Wherever your classes take place, special attention should be paid to proper breathing, the technique of which can be mastered at home. Many experts say that proper breathing during exercise is the basis for the effectiveness of any workout. What are the dangers of improper breathing when performing physical exercise? The result of improper breathing will be:

1. Reduced effectiveness of the exercises performed.

An insufficient amount of oxygen entering the blood slows down the process of fat breakdown, and it becomes more difficult for you to get rid of extra pounds.

2. Improper functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Due to insufficient oxygen, the heart works with some interruptions. During exercise, a person who breathes incorrectly gets tired 2 times faster.

How to master breathing techniques during training? A few tips will help you with this!

Proper breathing during training

Before starting your workout, take 2-3 deep breaths. During classes, you need to adhere to the main rule: make an effort while exhaling. When you inhale, AT (blood pressure) increases, so at this moment it is important to eliminate unnecessary stress. In addition, performing this or that exercise requires concentration, and coordinating your movements while exhaling is much easier.

Tip for a beginner: practice breathing properly before starting the exercises. You need to inhale with your diaphragm, not your chest, using your lungs fully. In this case, breathing should be smooth and deep, and the exercises themselves should be performed slowly. It must be said that breathing during strength exercises, running, swimming or aerobics is somewhat different. Some types of training require frequent, intermittent (shallow) breathing, while others require slow, smooth breathing. Once breathing properly becomes a good habit, you can start doing the exercises. At first, you will have to control your breathing; after a while, breathing correctly will become your habit.

How to breathe properly during strength training

Beginning athletes should inhale and exhale the air like “wow!” without holding their breath. It's important not to overdo it. The main thing is not loudly, but correctly! By performing a small load during training, you can breathe freely. When performing exercises with heavy weights (dumbbells, barbells), the effort should be made exclusively while exhaling. For example, when lifting weights, you should inhale while your arms are bent, and exhale while lifting.

Some trainers advise holding your breath, but this point is quite controversial, especially if you have problems with blood pressure (BP). During push-ups, maintaining the correct breathing pattern will not be difficult: inhale on straight arms and exhale on bent ones. It is important to keep your back straight when doing push-ups without overstraining your muscles.

Breathing while running

While running, a person's need for oxygen increases almost 10 times. Not paying enough attention to cardio is tantamount to the benefits of sports training there will be less harm. This is why it becomes important to monitor your breathing while running. You should also start your workout with a warm-up, during which you should also breathe correctly. At the moment of tension - inhale, at the lowest tension - exhale. For example, when bending over, exhale; when lifting, inhale. Immediately before jogging, you can perform “ventilation”. To do this, take 10 deep breaths/exhalations for about 1 minute.

During training, it is recommended to inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. This technique allows you to inhale clean air, which is purified in the nasal mucosa, and exhale as much carbon dioxide as possible, providing better ventilation of the lungs. Breathing exclusively through your nose is wrong. Not enough oxygen passes through the nose, causing oxygen starvation. Breathing only through the mouth is also incorrect. This can overcool the respiratory system.

In addition, without being cleaned through the nasal mucosa, all microorganisms and dust penetrate the bronchi and trachea and settle there, causing infectious diseases. Many professional runners advise using alternating inhalation and exhalation techniques at regular intervals. For example, you can inhale through your nose for a while, exhale through your mouth, and then vice versa. This will control the amount of air entering the lungs.

  1. Don't chew gum while exercising.
  2. If you start to feel out of breath, slow down your running pace.
  3. If you have side pain, you should slow down, walk for a few minutes, and then resume running.
  4. Don't run right away long distances, start your training with small runs.
  5. Don't stop immediately after finishing your workout. Walk for a few minutes, gradually normalizing your breathing.

To restore your breathing after running, you should take several deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth.

A small test will help you learn how to breathe correctly when running. To do this, you will need to perform several sequential steps:

  1. We lie on our backs;
  2. We place one hand on the chest and the other on the stomach;
  3. We take several deep breaths/exhalations.

If during breathing there is a movement of your hand on your stomach, then you are breathing correctly - with the diaphragm, there is no lack of oxygen. If the hand on the chest moves, breathing is incorrect. There is a lack of oxygen. This test will help you learn how to breathe from your diaphragm, ensuring the greatest effectiveness in your training.

Swimming and proper breathing

Breathing properly in a pool is quite difficult. Improper breathing contributes to rapid fatigue and constant tension in the muscles of the back and neck. Once you master the correct breathing technique, you can swim comfortably in any way and at any distance.

When swimming, inhale through the mouth and exhale through the nose. You need to exhale for a long time, this helps free your nose from trapped water. When swimming breaststroke, be sure to inhale for each stroke. Butterfly involves inhaling every second stroke, and crawl involves inhaling all the time under one hand or alternately under each hand. While floating on your back, you can breathe in the way that is comfortable for you, following a certain rhythm and without delays. In any case, you need to breathe evenly, rhythmically, without interruptions.

It is especially difficult for beginners to master breathing techniques. In this case, it will be relevant (especially for children) to perform special exercise: while standing in the water, you need to take a deep breath and dive headlong under the water. Count to 15 and surface. The exercise should be repeated 10-15 times, gradually increasing the number of dives up to 25 times. Breathing training in this way will help you master faster technique correct breathing, prepare the lungs for a certain load in the water.

Not everyone knows that improper breathing during physical exercise reduces the effectiveness of training and is harmful to health. How to breathe during exercise different muscles and why this is needed, read the article.

Surprisingly, the first two difficulties that people face when starting to exercise in the gym are learning to drink water during training and learning to breathe correctly. And if with the first point everything is a little easier and I have already covered this topic, then the issue of proper breathing sometimes becomes a real problem. That is why it is worthy of a separate article.

When to “inhale” and when to “exhale”?

Let me make a reservation right away that in this article I am talking about the rules of breathing only during strength training. For running, swimming, yoga or other activities physical activity breathing rules are different.

So there is a very simple rule: inhale - with relaxation, exhale - with effort.
But when I say this to my clients, I usually hear the same ironic answer: “Vika, I always have an effort, it’s always hard for me!!!” 🙂

In more detail, exhalation occurs at the moment of greatest effort. In this case, you need to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. For example, when you perform a squat exercise with a dumbbell, exhalation should occur at the moment of lifting, because going down is much easier than lifting yourself up and returning to the starting position. It’s trite, but gravity helps you go down, but on the contrary, it hinders you from going up. The same thing, for example, with the exercise lifting dumbbells for biceps: when you bend your arms up, you should exhale, when you lower them, inhale.

How to breathe during abdominal exercises?

All dynamic exercises on the press - these are various variations of twisting. You need to either twist (pull) your body towards your legs, or your legs towards your body. Accordingly, at the very moment of twisting, exhalation occurs: you lift your body (or legs) off the floor - exhale, lower your body (legs) to the floor - inhale.

Why are strength exercises performed “on the exhale”?

According to research by physiologists, maximum strength develops as you exhale, which is what we need to perform the exercises well. This happens because as you exhale, your abs tense and contract. rib cage, which gives you additional stability. If you inhale while performing a strength exercise, then your abs are relaxed and your chest is stretched. That is, a very illogical phenomenon occurs: at the moment when you should be as tense as possible, almost a quarter of your body is relaxed. And instead of helping yourself complete the exercise, you only create additional obstacles.

Consequences of improper breathing during exercise:

- dizziness, weakness, nausea, loss of concentration

This occurs as a result of incipient oxygen starvation. Due to incorrect breathing technique, intra-abdominal and blood pressure increases, and your health may deteriorate sharply.

- decreased training efficiency

This point follows from the previous one. When the body is forced to struggle with a lack of oxygen, then there is no question of either the quality of the exercise or its effectiveness.

In this article, I will tell you how to breathe correctly when doing (strength) exercises :)

Breath- an extremely important component of performing this or that exercise.

With proper breathing, the load on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the body is significantly reduced, and efficiency also increases. training process(due to the fact that proper breathing allows you to develop much more effort in exercises).

Hold your breath while performing strength exercises- not necessary because:

  • Firstly, it can cause a short-term loss of consciousness due to oxygen starvation of the brain.
  • Secondly, due to holding your breath, blood pressure can increase significantly, and this is fraught with consequences for many organs, for example, the eyes, heart, blood vessels, kidneys, and brain.
  • Thirdly, improper breathing significantly reduces the effectiveness of training (due to the fact that it will not allow you to develop the greatest effort in a particular exercise).

Therefore, we breathe (and do it correctly) in every repetition, every approach and exercise.

Remember: EXHALE is done with EFFORT (THE MOUTH)!

Those. inhale (take in air; carried out through the nose) during the “easy part of the movement (at the moment of the least muscle effort)”, and exhale = during the most difficult part of the exercise (at the moment of the greatest muscle effort, at the moment when you overcome the maximum load).

For example, consider breathing during the following exercises:

Breathing in exercise -

In this exercise, maximum muscle effort occurs at the top point of the movement (when we press the barbell up from the chest), accordingly, we EXHALE there (with our mouth), and when we lower the barbell down (at lowest point movements, towards our chest) = we simultaneously take in air (NOS). As a result, we lower it (take air through our nose), squeeze it out - exhale through our mouth, and follow the pattern.

Breathing in exercise -

Here the maximum muscle effort occurs at the top point of the movement (when we squeeze the platform up from the bottom point, almost completely straightening the legs at the knees), accordingly, there we EXHALE (with our mouth), and when we lower the platform down (to the bottom point of the movement, towards ourselves approximately chest) = we simultaneously take in air (NOS).

As a result, we lower it (take air through our nose), squeeze it out - exhale through our mouth, and follow the pattern.

Breathing in exercise -

In this exercise, the maximum muscle effort occurs at the top point of the movement (when the athlete (s) rises up from the bottom point, almost completely extending the leg at the knee joint), accordingly, EXHALE is done there, and when we go down (to the bottom point of the movement) = do INHALE (breathing through the nose), because this point is the moment of least muscle effort).

As a result, we go down (take in air through our nose), rise up - exhale through our mouth, and follow the pattern.

Breathing in exercise -

Here, the maximum muscle effort occurs at the top point of the movement (when extension has occurred), accordingly, EXHALE there, and when we lower the legs with the roller down (to the bottom point of the movement) = we INHALE (breathing in air through the nose), because this point is the moment of least muscle effort). As a result, we go down (take in air through our nose), rise up - exhale through our mouth, and follow the pattern.

Breathing in exercise -

Here, the maximum muscle effort occurs at the top point of the movement (when the arms are straightened at the elbows), accordingly, we EXHALE there, and when we lower the barbell down (to the bottom point of the movement) = we INHALE (breathing in through the nose), because this point is the moment of least muscle effort). As a result, we go down (take in air through our nose), rise up - exhale through our mouth, and follow the pattern.

Well, I think the point is clear. EXHALE - done with EFFORT! And you need to breathe constantly! In every repetition, every approach and exercise. And then everything will be great 😀

On initial stage, I would recommend, in addition to studying the technique of doing all necessary exercises for muscle growth and the development of a mental connection between the brain and muscles, also carefully concentrate your attention on breathing when performing strength exercises (well, this basically relates to technique).

If you practice perfectly correct breathing in a particular exercise at the very beginning, you will not have to retrain yourself in the future, and you will be able to avoid all sorts of problems.

Therefore, my advice to you: don't rush, study correct technique perform all the necessary exercises for muscle growth (this includes breathing) and develop the mental connection between the brain and the muscle.

Best regards, administrator.

Not everyone, when performing strength exercises, thinks about how to breathe correctly. But in vain - proper breathing determines a considerable percentage of the effectiveness of exercises. It helps you concentrate on the exercise and maintain rhythm, and also makes it easier to perform the exercises, since it allows the body to more easily bear the load. Professional athletes familiarized with the basics of proper breathing, as this is one of the first things taught in sports sections. Knowing and following the principles of proper breathing, you can increase your endurance and achieve faster results. desired result. It is especially important to know how to breathe correctly when pumping the press, because these exercises are the most common.

Before you figure out how to breathe correctly when pumping your abs, you need to consider what the consequences of improper breathing will be. In general, incorrect breathing is one of the most common mistakes when performing abdominal exercises. Many people do not pay attention to it, and in vain, because the effectiveness of the exercises suffers from this. Also, proper breathing technique helps prevent severe muscle and joint pain after exercise.

A fairly common breathing technique during sports: take a deep breath, and then hold your breath for several repetitions of the exercise. Then the person greedily gasps for air and again holds his breath for a certain time. But muscles need constant replenishment of oxygen reserves, especially during physical activity. With its deficiency, we cannot even talk about proper and complete muscle function.

Muscles can be called a kind of factory for processing calories and burning excess fat, and they need raw materials to work. It is oxygen that acts as such a raw material. If it enters the body intermittently, the work process slows down significantly, and as a result, no matter what you do, good results you still won't achieve it.

Correct breathing when pumping the press is quite simple. You need to inhale while relaxing, that is, in the starting position, and exhale when lifting, when the muscles are tense as much as possible. Maintaining this pace may be difficult at first, and you will have to constantly monitor how to breathe correctly while pumping your abs. However, after a few practices, proper breathing will become a habit, and you will automatically breathe as you should without even noticing it.

The basics of proper breathing when pumping the press

We need to take a closer look at how to breathe correctly when pumping the press. Initially, you must understand that proper breathing is an integral attribute of any training, which largely determines good results.

Correct breathing when pumping the press, it’s quite simple in principle. It suggests something like this subsequence:

  • Take your starting position, that is, lie on the floor, bench or machine, depending on the exercise you choose and your preferred method of swinging the press.
  • If you are performing a standard abdominal exercise, in which you need to lie on the floor, bend your knees and lift your body towards them, then, while lifting your body, you should exhale and inhale, returning to the starting position. Exhalation is always done with effort - remember this.

You need to exhale during the entire time of your rise, just as the time of inhalation should be equal to the entire time during which you lower your torso.

In fact, how to breathe when doing abs is not that complicated. Why is this technique correct? The fact is that it helps simplify the performance of all exercises and helps the muscles get less tired after training. Of course, pain after training in them is still possible, however, proper breathing will help moderate them, reducing them to the usual post-workout discomfort, which is considered completely natural.

Speaking about how to breathe correctly while pumping up your abs, you need to take a closer look at muscle contractions. When doing abdominal exercises, the abdominal muscles cannot contract completely because we have a certain amount of air in our lungs. Therefore, people who hold their breath too much during exercise cannot fully work out the muscles involved. Dealing with this is quite simple. Exhale completely when you reach the end point, that is, maximum repetition while doing the exercise.

Among athletes, the abdominal muscles are often referred to as "muscles of exhalation." That is, we must exhale when these muscles are tense. This principle applies to any exercise. Any lifting - legs, knees, torso, body and legs at the same time - is done while exhaling, this general rule. Inhalation, as is already clear, is done when we return to the starting position. At this time, the abdominal muscles are stretched to the maximum.

The principle of how to breathe correctly when pumping the abdominal press determines 90% of the success of our training. And this applies not only to working out the abdominal muscles, but also to any other strength exercises, so breathing technique important to control.

Breathing exercises for the abs

Correct breathing is the greatest thing. It can help get rid of a number of diseases, rejuvenate, improve mental activity and willpower, and strengthen muscles, including the abdominal muscles. Strengthening your abs with breathing seems like something fantastic, but it is quite possible to strengthen your muscles through breathing exercises.

Proposed breathing exercises helps tighten muscles and reduce volume, but you won’t achieve six-pack abs using it alone. It’s better to complement your usual training complex with it.

So, let's look at effective breathing exercises for the press:

  • You need to stand up straight, put your feet together. Look at one point in front of you. Exhaling sharply through your nose, pull your stomach in as much as possible, then while inhaling sharply (through your nose again), push your stomach out as much as possible. The exercise must be performed quickly, making sure that the abdominal movements and breathing are synchronous. Shoulders should remain motionless. Results will be visible after the first month of regular exercise. During the first ten days, you can repeat the steps about five times, and then increase the number daily, bringing it to 25.
  • The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. First you need to bend top part body so that an angle with the vertical is formed equal to approximately 45 degrees. Hands should be on the lower back, thumbs place in front, fold the rest and point downward. Look straight ahead at one point, keep your back straight, turn your shoulders, turn your elbows back. The technique is similar to the previous exercise, that is, exhaling sharply through the nose, draw in the stomach as much as possible, and inhaling through the nose, stick out the stomach.
  • You need to stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your upper body forward, keep your back straight, bend your legs slightly at the knees, and straighten your arms slightly higher. knee joints. Thumb at the same time it should grasp the hips. Your head should be held vertically, your eyes should look at one point in front of you. The technique is similar: inhaling sharply through your nose, draw in your stomach, exhaling, stick it out as much as possible.
  • The last exercise assumes the same starting position and technique as the previous one. But the difference is that, after exhaling, you must hold your breath and continue to move your stomach, that is, draw it in until holding your breath begins to provoke discomfort. Then take a calm breath through your nose.

These exercises are recommended to be done once a day. In addition to helping to reduce waist size and tighten abdominal muscles, they have a beneficial effect on the condition internal organs located in abdominal cavity. By combining them with the main training complex, you will improve its effectiveness.

Now you know how to breathe while pumping up your abs, and you won’t be able to ruin the effectiveness of doing exercises incorrectly. breathing technique. It is important to remember a couple of basic rules and stick to them when you are going to pump up your abs - breathing plays an important role in this process, so watch it.

Breathing exercise for the abs

Everyone dreams of a beautiful flat stomach. Nothing makes you more depressed than his absence. In this article we will tell you how to do abs correctly for both women and men, as well as how to breathe correctly when doing abs exercises.

Slim stomach- required condition perfect figure. to pump up perfect abs, you need not to skip workouts, but not everyone can cope with their laziness. And many people ask the question: how to pump up the abs correctly?

Elastic abdominal muscles add beauty, they also have a positive effect on posture. If you want to get straight posture And flat stomach pump up your abs urgently. But how can you do this without hurting your wallet? This question is asked by every beginner, and in this article we will tell you how to pump up your abs at home.

How to breathe correctly when doing press?

First of all, you need to deal with breathing. This is the most common mistake among beginners. Breathing correctly will help strengthen your abdominal muscles. Proper breathing when doing the press allows you to avoid pain in the joints and muscles. It is strictly forbidden to breathe through your mouth during training!

Remember once and for all: starting position - inhale, muscle tension - exhale. In abdominal exercises: starting position - inhale, lifting the body - exhale, and again starting position - inhale. Try to breathe with your diaphragm, not your ligaments. Draw air into your belly and not through your vocal cords.

How to pump up abs for girls? Remember, there is harmful fatty foods and you won’t be able to pump up your abs at the same time. Every person has characteristics body, and this must be taken into account. Some people are not inclined to be overweight or have a fast metabolism, while others will have to strictly follow a diet. During the first workout, your abdominal muscles will hurt terribly, and this is good, it means the muscles react to burning fat and you should never stop.

You don’t need to pump up your abs every day, but several times a week, gradually increasing the load. If we talk about bending while lifting the body, then it is enough to raise it 75 degrees. It is best to perform the exercise in the morning or after a meal, about two hours later. Fitness trainers say that body fat are burned when nutrients are not supplied.

Before you start practicing, you should know that the abdominal area is divided into the upper part, bottom part and oblique abdominal muscles. And there are exercises for every part of the abs. Several of these exercises are considered the best:

lie on the floor, bend your legs, hands behind your head, and slowly lift your body, but press your lower back to the floor. Perform the twist while remaining in the same position, with your left elbow touching your right knee and your right elbow touching your left knee.

This great exercise on the oblique abdominal muscles.

Lie on the floor, arms along your body, legs should be straight. Raise your legs straight at an angle of 90 degrees.

Lie down straight, put your hands behind your head. Slowly lift your legs and body alternately. Imagine that you are a book that opens and closes.

Lie on the floor, bend your legs, hands behind your head. Raise your body so that your elbows touch your knees. Lie straight, arms along your body, legs straight, lift your legs up 30 degrees and hold for at least 20 seconds. Lie flat, raise your legs 90 degrees and bend them and imagine that you are riding a bicycle. Repeat the exercise “clockwise” and “counterclockwise”.

Lie down and swing your legs. Try to do the exercise very quickly. Toes should be level and your back should be pressed to the floor. And the simplest exercise that you did back in school: lie your hands behind your head, legs bent, and lift your body.

So, we've dealt with the fair half. How should men pump up their abs correctly? The body structure of women and men is a priori different, and so is the distribution of fat.

For achievement quick results It is better for men to pump up their abs in the morning. The training should last about an hour, and the training frequency should be three times a week. Start with upper abdominal exercises.

To do this, lie on the floor and bend your legs, hold your hands behind your head. Raise your torso so that your lower back remains firmly pressed to the surface. Perform the exercise slowly. Do 3 sets of 30 reps.

The exercise for the oblique abdominal muscles for men is the same as for women (see above), but the number of times can be increased.

Exercise on lower press. Lie on your back, hands at your sides. Tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your legs first, then your pelvis. As soon as you feel a burning sensation in your abdominal muscles, return to the starting position.

We pump up the press with Denis Semenikhin