Properly selected exercises for the cervical spine: the main secret in the treatment of neck osteochondrosis. Alexandra Bonina “The Secret of a Healthy Neck” - super exercises against cervical osteochondrosis Antonina Bonina exercises for the cervical spine

If you want to know how to overcome cervical osteochondrosis, get rid of the painful manifestations of this disease and never encounter spinal problems again, then Alexandra Bonina’s author’s video course, dedicated to osteochondrosis and the secrets of a healthy neck, will be very useful to you. Author health-improving techniques knows firsthand how insidious pathologies of the spinal column can be, and reveals all the secrets healthy back.

About the author of the technique

The creator of the educational treatment courses is a young specialist and sports doctor Alexandra Bonina. While studying at medical school, the girl encountered a serious problem, which initially manifested itself in the form of stiffness in movement and gradually increasing headaches.

Over time, Alexandra’s condition worsened, tension in the cervical spine increased, and presyncope appeared more and more often. After all the diagnostic procedures, it turned out that Alexandra Bonina had advanced cervical osteochondrosis.

The painkillers prescribed by the attending physician did not give positive results, and the girl began attending seminars on physical therapy and health-improving gymnastics, combining study at a medical university and work as a physical therapy trainer in sports club. In addition, Alexandra Bonina actively attended therapeutic massage sessions and a chiropractor’s office, while simultaneously practicing the complex on herself physical therapy exercises. This valuable experience helped Alexandra draw solid conclusions that, thanks to special systematic exercises and therapeutic exercises, it is possible to overcome spinal diseases without resorting to taking medications!

Based on the experience gained in working with people and the knowledge applied to own body, Bonina developed a therapeutic course of gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis. Having become a qualified specialist in the treatment of spinal pathologies using exercise therapy, Alexandra has developed a number of training programs dedicated to the topic of restoration of different parts of the spinal column.

How is the “Secrets of a Healthy Neck” course useful?

The treatment program will be useful for those people who do not want to get sick, who are tired of a passive lifestyle and chronic loss of strength. In addition, if you have a desire to get rid of the following symptoms, then you are on the right track:

Fulfill therapeutic exercises for cervical osteochondrosis from Alexandra Bonina will be useful for both new parents and grandparents. This will instill healthy habits in the younger generation and form the right attitude towards their health.

Course structure

It includes:

As a gift, the treatment method comes with a free video course on self-massage of the neck, which lasts more than 20 minutes, as well as a set of exercises for express warm-up of the thoracic and cervical spine, which can be performed directly at the workplace. The duration of the express warm-up is 20 minutes.

Alternative treatment options for osteochondrosis

Having delved into the possible methods of treating this pathology, a clear understanding comes that all treatment follows the same scheme. Diagnosis of the disease leads to an accurate diagnosis of “osteochondrosis” cervical region", then the doctor prescribes a series medications, pain-relieving injections, massage and orthopedic massagers. And at the end of all this, we can only state a temporary effect. You forget about the pain for a certain period of time, after which a new exacerbation of the disease occurs.


​For other videos on the treatment of osteochondrosis, see here:​

What is

How to treat spinal osteochondrosis? Movement, but only systematic and high-quality.​

  • ​8:35 – second exercise for the treatment of spinal osteochondrosis;​
  • ​0:25 - first exercise for the cervical spine;​
  • ​Free Webinar "How to eliminate pain in the back, joints and

The main complex for cervical osteochondrosis


  1. ​The secrets of a healthy neck lie in a well-chosen complex of physical therapy and its strict adherence.​

Main part

  1. ​Breathing exercise. Take a deep breath and spread your arms to the horizon line, as you exhale, lower your arms. Repeat 5 times.​
  2. ​Cross your fingers and place them on your forehead. Try to tilt your head forward while resisting with your hands. Feel how the back muscles of the cervical spine tense, while your head should not tilt forward. Count to five, relax your neck muscles, repeat 5-7 times.​

​a brief excursion about the prerequisites for osteochondrosis, in accessible language, so that even a person far from medicine will understand everything;​


  1. ​A set of exercises aimed at treating and getting rid of the symptoms of neck osteochondrosis, developed by Alexandra Bonina: “What is this?” Easy charging for the neck or a serious technique developed by a professional and bearing fruit. A bunch of positive feedback and gratitude from patients indicates that neck exercises are effective in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis.​
  2. ​SUBSCRIBE to our channel!​

​The main thing to remember: the most effective is to move certain parts of the body, in certain directions, with a certain duration, intensity and frequency.​

Neck exercises with a chair

  1. ​11:50 – exercise for lumbar region;​
  2. ​2:56 – second exercise for cervical osteochondrosis;​

​muscles with self-massage Trigger points?" here:​

Alexandra Bonina

Biography of Alexandra Bonina:

​From the course you will learn how you can cure thoracic osteochondrosis on your own, without leaving home and spending only 20 minutes a day on it. Remember - osteochondrosis is not a disease, but just a specific condition of the spine. Which appears under the influence of an incorrect lifestyle. Permanent work in sitting position, lack of adequate loads, the formation of muscle blocks - all this causes the formation of osteochondrosis. You can perform the sets of exercises from this course alternately, every other day. Or one week - one complex, the second - the second, the third - the first, and so on. The complexes are equally effective, so it doesn’t matter in what order you perform them.​

Osteochondrosis - no! 50 basic physical therapy exercises for the treatment of spinal osteochondrosis

​Sports doctor and exercise therapy doctor (physical therapy). After graduating from medical school, she completed 2 years of residency in this specialty and an internship at the Center for Rehabilitation Medicine. At the same time, she studied to become a personal fitness trainer. Now it's working personal trainer and a sports doctor in a fitness club. She is sure that our whole life and our health are only in our hands. Therefore, he adheres to the principle that every person should clearly understand his condition and know how to deal with it, first of all, on his own, and then seek outside help. Alexandra Bonina has studied a large amount of information on the treatment of osteochondrosis. It would seem that such a common problem, but, surprisingly, few people clearly understand what it is. As it turned out, there is a lot of literature on the topic of osteochondrosis, but all these manuals and textbooks have one common mistake. They are written too complex language using a large number of medical terms. They contain a lot of unnecessary information that is not systematized and does not respond to the specific needs of a person who is in no way related to medicine. Cervical osteochondrosis must be treated in any case, and the sooner the better. Especially if you have not yet experienced complications. Perhaps you have your own ideas about life without cervical osteochondrosis. Great, the most important thing is that you have them! The only thing that needs to be done is to get cured. You will learn about this from Alexandra Bonina’s course.​

​Alexandra Bonina recommends doing this basic complex for a healthy neck at any stage of the disease.​

  • ​Cross your fingers into a lock and place them on the back of your head. Move your head back, while exerting resistance with your hands, making sure that the neck muscles tense. Count to five, relax your muscles, repeat 5-7 times.​

Eliminating thoracic osteochondrosis 2.0

​in the practical part, Alexandra Bonina presented neck exercises that will help restore health to the cervical spine and cope with the disease in time; the complex can be done not only in gyms, but also at home.​

TREATMENT OF OSTEOCHONDROSIS: 6 simple exercises with Alexandra Bonina

​Gymnastics for osteochondrosis from Alexandra Bonina - simple complex physical therapy exercises, designed to remove the question of “how to treat osteochondrosis” from the agenda.​
​14:12 – stretching and relaxation exercise for the lumbar spine.​
​5:10 – exercise for thoracic osteochondrosis: thoracic spine;​
​Treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis - get the course for free by e-mail:​