Proper fishing - tips and tricks. How to fish? Fishing on the lake, river, sea. How to fish with a spinning rod? Fishing rod for coastal fishing

Fishing tackle There are many, but line fishing remains the favorite method of fishing for many. And beginners are usually first of all interested in how to properly fish with a bottom or float rod.

How to catch fish with a float rod?

For successful fishing with a float rod, it is important to choose the right quality tackle. Gone are the days when almost all fishing rods were made of bamboo; today there are many different plastic products on sale that are durable, flexible and lightweight. To fish from the shore, you need a rod longer than 3 meters, and for those who are planning to fish from a boat, such a long one will only get in the way. Before purchasing, you should hold the rod in your hands – it should fit comfortably in your hand.

When choosing a fishing line, it is better to rely on the size of the planned catch - the larger it is, the thicker the fishing line should be. However, remember that too thick a line can spook the fish. The main condition for a high-quality float is its visibility on the surface of the water. The weight is selected so that the float stays stable on the water and does not sink. Live worms, insects, larvae are used as bait for fishing rods - the choice is made depending on the preferences of the future prey.

Tips from experienced fishermen:

  1. You need to cast the fishing rod carefully, without touching the water with the rod. Until the hook sinks to the bottom, you can bring it a little closer to you.
  2. You should not take the fishing rod out of the water often - large fish spend a long time looking at the bait, and unnecessary manipulations will frighten it.
  3. Large predatory fish swallow the hook along with the bait, while small fish take the bait to the side. The best moment to hook is when the float is pulled.
  4. You cannot suddenly pull a fish out of the water - a small fish will tear its lip and fly off the hook, while a large one can tear the fishing line or break the rod.
  5. Before changing the “fishless” place, you need to try all types of bait, throwing the hook to different depths.

How to fish with a bottom fishing rod?

Donka is a type of fishing rod adapted for catching bottom fish. Most often donk It can be short (instead of a long rod, a short one from a spinning rod is used), and instead of floats, bells are attached to it. The fishing line, sinkers and bait for the donkey are selected depending on the expected catch.

Casting the donkey is carried out carefully, upstream: the donkey line needs to be unwound and folded into rings, then, take the line at a distance of about 1 meter from the sinker, swing it away from you like a pendulum and lower it into the water, holding the unwinding line with your left hand.

Most good fishing Donka can be served using a feeder - a mesh bag with porridge or bread, as well as special purchased additives. You need to lower the feeder just above the place where the donk is thrown.

Fishing with a float rod has been used for a long time - this is due to the fact that such an accessory is very easy to assemble. A fishing rod can be assembled from anything using a stick, fishing line, hook and float. But modern rod design makes fishing easier. The model is equipped with effective bite indicators, powerful reels, and durable hooks, which allows you to make long casts and catch large fish. Successful fishing is influenced not only by good equipment, but also by an understanding of how to fish with a fishing rod. It is important to know what weather conditions and what time of day is best to fish.

About float rods

Modern upgraded fishing rods and accessories for fishing have improved so much that even a beginner can easily achieve success and catch the desired trophy. But you still need to know how to fish correctly. Not all fishermen use donks and feeders, because float equipment more interesting to fish. You have to concentrate on the float and wait for the moment when the bite starts. It's exciting.

It is difficult for novice fishermen to figure out how to fish with a float, but in fact everything is very simple. Although one day is not enough to sharpen your skills. It will take time, with which experience will come.

Fishing rods can be divided into several categories:

  • for fishing in the coastal zone;
  • for spot fishing;
  • for fishing in river conditions with strong currents.

For all situations, it is advisable to use universal equipment with which you can fish in different conditions reservoir

Types of rods

Each type of rod is used for fishing in different conditions. Difficulties may arise in a certain area of ​​water: at a close distance, a plug-in model can easily cope with the task, and for long-distance fishing, a rod and reel will help.

Fishing rod for coastal fishing

It is better for beginners to train in areas of the reservoir near the shore. In this case, an ordinary fly fishing rod will help. Every self-respecting angler has used a rod like this at least once. The design of the fishing rod does not include rings through which the fishing line is passed. The most budget model is making a fly fishing rod from bamboo.

By using modern technologies managed to achieve strength and lightness. Basically, such fishing rods are made from fiberglass. The longest model can reach 8 m and has 5 retractable elbows. Often those rods that do not exceed a length of 5 m are used.

A novice fisherman can easily change equipment in case of a snag, and the folded fishing rod can even fit into a travel bag. A beginner can break the tackle, so it is recommended to make several pieces by winding them on a reel. In case of failure, the time to change the equipment takes no more than 5 minutes.

You need to remember: the longer the fishing rod, the farther you can throw the bait, and the size also affects the depth of the bait. In the coastal zone you can rarely see a broken bottom, and this is a disadvantage, because only in such relief places are large individuals found.

Fishing rod in fast current conditions

Fishing can take place in a pond or river with a fast current. In addition, there may be reeds, algae and similar obstacles. In this case, spot fishing should be used. Experienced fishermen use plug-in models, which are very effective when fishing in hard-to-reach areas.

On such a rod, the line is in a slightly raised position. This is a significant plus, since floating algae and debris will not be able to get caught. In this position, the tackle will not move to the side, but will be held in the place where the bait was sent.

Trees located on the shore will not become an obstacle, because you will not have to lift the fishing rod. And the design of the equipment allows you to deliver the bait exactly to the intended area of ​​the pond. To be more precise, the tackle is not thrown, but wound to the desired point.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • The main advantage is the adjustable length of the fishing rod. If desired, several elbows can be removed. The rubber shock absorber allows you to smooth out the jerks of the fish.
  • There is one drawback - the length of the fishing rod. There is a limit for long distance fishing. Also, devices such as a roller and racks should always be nearby.

Long casting rod

Undoubtedly, everyone could see such a picture when a huge fish frolics in the distance of the pond. Every beginner thought about how to get to that place and catch the trophy. But the British took care of this and invented a four-legged fishing rod. The design involves a fishing line, a float, a sinker, a leash and a reel.

The name of this model is a match rod. There must be 15 rings. They are important so that during the fishing process the line cannot stick to the form. The match reel is equipped with a heavy line for fast sinking, several spare shallow spools and an increased subordinate number. Here the floats have a different design - equipped with wagglers and weights.

In order to make a long cast, you need to choose a place on the shore where there are no trees. After casting, the fishing line is slightly submerged in the water, therefore, possible wind will not bother the fisherman. The edge of the blank, which is immersed in the water, will begin to pull the fishing line along with it. It will become tense and during the bite it will be more convenient to hook.

Replacing the tackle with a donk and casting over a significant distance are the main advantages, but there are also disadvantages - this is a complicated fishing process during strong currents and components that are suitable specifically for this category of fishing rods.

How to rig a fishing rod

Many fishermen prefer two methods of equipment - sliding and blind installation. These two types of components are similar in assembly. The only exception is the float, which can be attached in different ways.

Line selection

A monofilament line is a more suitable option for catching fish over 1 kg, since a break may occur at the last moment of fishing. The fish will desperately resist. And the stretchable fishing line will not allow the tackle to break.

Fishing lines are produced in whole series for a specific purpose. For catching heavyweights and fishing in frosty conditions.

Manufacturers began to produce fluorocarbon fishing line to replace monofilament line. This line is more expensive in price. Its most significant advantage is its invisibility in the water. It becomes absolutely invisible to the fish, which increases the likelihood of fishing success. If you don’t have enough money to buy a reel, you can purchase several meters of fluorocarbon fishing line and tie it to the main one.

For match rods an important factor The mass of the fishing line is considered. Because fishing is carried out at a great distance from the shore and the possible wind can be annoying. Therefore, it is recommended to buy weighted options that float in the water.

When purchasing a braided fishing line, you may encounter the fact that during hooking the fish lip will break. The fish begins to flop around, a hole is formed in the place where the hook is caught and the prey can jump off. Eat important dignity- this is an opportunity to catch a truly massive specimen. Because the fishing line is not inferior to its analogues in strength.

Choosing a float

There are many floats and difficult for beginners to do right choice. In fact, all float models are designed for certain conditions and equipment. If, as an example, we consider fishing with a fly rod in a calm current, then we should make a choice for a moderate carrying capacity and weight of the float. They are attached tightly.

Long floats are highly sensitive. Advantage - the float is able to convey even the lightest touches of the fish to the bait. But there is also a drawback - the impossibility of fishing during windy conditions. There are ball-shaped models that are not afraid of wind, but their sensitivity is lower. The best option there will be a float that has the shape of a drop, since it is moderately sensitive to fish and weather conditions.

For long casts you need a float that has a large carrying capacity. It is equipped with a thick antenna. With such a weighted rig, you can cast 30 meters. The antenna must be bright so that the bite can be seen from afar.

Loading correctly

Modern loading can be provided in the form of a whole chain of fractions. Thanks to this, it is quite easy to adjust the depth of immersion of the float, removing or adding pellets.

How to load correctly:

Selection of hooks

Experts recommend choosing small hooks, but they must be strong. The trick is that the fish can easily swallow the bait. But for larger specimens you should buy appropriate hooks.

Spicy is also equally important. And this is very difficult to determine. During Soviet times, most fishermen checked the point by running the hook along the nail. If after this a scratch remained, then the hook was considered sharp.

A sharp sting is necessary to hook the fish's lip, as well as for stringing hard baits. For example, if you use pearl barley, an unpleasant situation will occur: even small roach can break off due to the fact that the hook tip does not even show through the bait, therefore, there is simply nothing for the fish to catch on.

Rules for fishing with a rod

Making bait and groundbait:

Important! When a bite occurs, do not immediately pull out the tackle. Here you need to wait for the moment when the float begins to either lie on the water or is completely immersed in the water. It happens that the float goes to the side, and then you need to quickly react and make a hook.

Attention, TODAY only!

Most anglers dream of catching small fish and big fish. When they go fishing, they constantly dream of catching large specimens, but dreams come true, but very rarely. Basically, the catch contains small individuals and no matter how hard they try, they cannot catch a good fish. As a rule, all the blame for failure falls on the fact that there are no large fish in the reservoir. At the same time, they notice that some fishermen carry only large specimens, not paying attention to the statements of some “losers.”

To catch a big fish, it’s not enough to arrive at the pond and cast your fishing rods. You need to prepare to catch large specimens, spending part of your precious time on this. What is needed for this?

The outcome of the entire fishing trip may depend on the choice of a promising place. Usually, big fish behaves very carefully and tries to stay in the depths, being at a considerable distance from the shore. In order to catch only “large fish”, you will have to try and study the topography of the bottom of the reservoir. To do this, you can use a marker float.

Usually large fish are found in hard-to-reach places, such as snags or rubble of broken branches. In such places the fish feel safe. But it is quite difficult to fish such places due to the high probability of hooks. To fish in such places you need powerful tackle.

If the reservoir is not wide and you can throw it to the opposite shore, then there is every chance of catching a big fish. This is especially true if there is vegetation on the shore. In this case, we can say with confidence that at some distance from the shore (opposite) there are piles of old branches in the water. The bait is delivered to the border between suspected rubble and clean water. The fish will certainly find the bait and try to eat it. In this case, you need to constantly monitor so as not to miss the bite, otherwise the fish will try to pull the tackle into the branches. If she manages to get the tackle behind an underwater obstacle, then a fish escape or a breakage of the tackle cannot be avoided.


There is nothing special to do on a pond without bait, especially if you want to see large specimens of fish in your catch. Moreover, the bait should be enough to lure the fish and try to keep it in one place. The bait doesn't have to be expensive. All you have to do is cook the porridge, add flour and you can go fishing. As an option, you can add a pack of purchased mixture to your homemade bait. In any case, it will be cheaper if you use only a store-bought mixture.

The bait is delivered to the fishing site using any available method. This could be a hand throw. Naturally, you can’t throw it far with your hand. Therefore, you can use a slingshot or a special feeder, such as a “rocket”. This method allows you to deliver food over a considerable distance.

If funds allow, you can purchase a special remote-controlled boat and deliver bait in this way, combining business with pleasure. With the help of a toy boat you can bring bait to any distance.

At the same time, it should be remembered that the bait does not start working immediately, but after some time. Sometimes you have to feed the fish all day and only in the evening or the next morning a positive result is possible.

Therefore, catching big fish requires a significant investment of time and money. If one of the fishermen managed to catch a large fish, then it was rather an accident and luck, if he did not bait the place.


If you purposefully catch large fish, you should create conditions in advance so that small fish do not take part in the bites. To do this, you should take a hook of the appropriate size and attach bait to it, which will be too tough for the “little things”. To do this you need to take:

  • corn;
  • peas;
  • worm (crawling);
  • barley;
  • boilies;
  • frog (for catfish).

First you need to select a hook of the appropriate size. Hook number 10 is perfect. To cut off small fish, several grains of corn, peas or pearl barley are placed on the hook. The hook must be completely filled. You can leave a little free space so that in case of a bite, the nozzle can move out, freeing the tip of the hook. At the same time, the hook tip may peek out, but no more than 1 mm. Then the hook can be successful and the fish will be reliably hooked.

Sometimes they use hair rig, when the nozzle is attached separately from the hook, and the hook is left free. As a rule, such equipment is used for carp fishing. The equipment used is a feeder with a reel. Since the carp sucks in food, it sucks in the bait along with the hook. Finding a foreign object in his mouth, he tries to free himself from it, but it is not so easy, and he ends up hooked.


This is something that many anglers lack. As a rule, the tackle is checked very often, depending on the bait used. This period is about 5 minutes and depends on the speed at which the bait is washed out of the feeder. But to catch a big trophy specimen, you need to leave the bait in the water for a long time. But some experienced anglers leave the bait in the water for 2-3 hours and wait. In this case, the tackle is checked if:

  • in case of idle bites, when the bait is damaged;
  • if the bottom is muddy, then there is a possibility that the bait will swim and the fish will not be able to find it;
  • if you want to replace one nozzle with another.

When the tackle is in the water for a long time, there is an opportunity to do your own business on the shore. As a rule, this is work on preparing the camp and creating proper living conditions in it. After all, this type of fishing requires being on the pond for several days.

Float rod- this is the simplest and most accessible, not expensive tackle, which is used by many fishermen today, despite the fact that it has undergone some modernization to increase its efficiency.

The simplest float rod consists of the following components:

  1. Rod. Its length can range from 4 to 7 meters. Rods shorter than 4 meters are not suitable for float tackle, as they reduce the casting distance, although, for example, when fishing from a boat, shorter rods will be more convenient.
  2. Fishing line. For the main line, you can use a line with a diameter of 0.15 to 2 mm, and possibly more. It all depends on the fishing conditions, as well as the intended fish species.
  3. Float. The float can be used in any shape, the main thing is that it is correctly loaded, and therefore sensitive. You can use both store-bought and homemade floats, for example, made from goose feathers.
  4. Sinkers. These are lead pellets that allow you to correctly load the float so that only the working part float - antenna. The pellets are attached to the main line by pressing with pliers (you can use your teeth, since lead is a fairly soft metal).
  5. Leash. This is not a large piece of thinner fishing line than the main one. A hook is attached to it, and the leash itself is mounted after the sinker. The leash does not alarm the fish so much, and when it gets caught, only the leash will be torn off, which can be easily and quickly replaced.
  6. Hook. The size of the hook depends on many factors that must be taken into account: the size of the fish, the type of fish, the thickness of the fishing line, the size of the bait. Fish can be caught equally well on both small and medium-sized hooks. Hooks for larger fish species, such as catfish.

There are 3 main types of float gear:

  • . Allows you to fish at distances of 1.5-2 rod lengths. With the help of such a rod, the bait is delivered to the fishing spot with a simple swing.
  • Plug rod. The length of such a fishing rod can reach 20 meters. As a rule, these are very light rods consisting of several components. There is no need to make any strokes to get the bait to the right place.
  • Match rod. This rod is used for fishing at greater distances than 20 meters, and also allows you to fish large water areas and great depths.

A fly rod can be found without a reel and with a reel.

  • A fishing rod without a reel is a very simple option, but there is one problem: there is no spare line on the fishing rod, therefore, if it breaks, you will have to mount the equipment again.
  • A rod and reel is a very convenient option. It allows you to store excess fishing line on the reel, which is also very convenient for transportation.

As a rule, many anglers (the majority) equip their fishing rods with reels because it is convenient. At the same time, you should not equip the fly fishing rod with an inertia-free, although the cheapest, reel, as this will make the trailer heavier and, therefore, quite light tackle.


For the simplest equipment you need to have:

  1. Fishing line. The length of the fishing line is selected depending on the length of the fishing rod, and if you plan to install a reel, then the length of the fishing line is selected with a margin. The diameter of the fishing line can be from 0.5mm and above.
  2. Float. If the float is purchased, then its weight is indicated on it, as well as the weight. If the float is homemade, then loading will have to be done experimentally, selecting pellets.
  3. Set of lead pellets. This set can be purchased at a fishing store.
  4. Set of rubber cambrics.
  5. Thinner line for leashes.
  6. Set of hooks No. 6-No. 10, according to international numbering. The hook is selected so that it fits in the fish's mouth.

  1. A reel is installed on the rod. As a rule, a modern fishing rod has a special mount for a reel. If the rod does not have a reel, the line will be attached to the tip of the rod.
  2. First, you need to wind 15-20m of fishing line onto the reel, after which the fishing line needs to be passed through all the rings, unwinding it from the reel.
  3. A float is installed on the main line using rubber cambrics.
  4. Loading the float. Lead pellets are used for this. By installing the pellets one by one, they ensure that only the thin tip, painted in bright colors for greater visibility, peeks out of the water. allows you to feel the slightest bite. The smallest sinker (underweight) is installed just in front of the leash.
  5. After “grazing”, a leash with a length of 20 cm is attached to the main line. The length of the leash is determined experimentally while fishing. As a rule, a fisherman takes several leashes of varying lengths with him when fishing.
  6. A hook is tied to the leash using any available and proven knot.

After carrying out all the above manipulations, we can say that the fishing rod is ready to be thrown into the reservoir; all that remains is to attach the bait to the hook.

general information

You can fish with such a float rod at depths of no more than 2-3 meters. How more depth fishing, the shorter the distance you can throw the tackle.

To do this, knowing the approximate depth, set the float on the tackle and throw it into the water. If the float stands perfectly, then depth can be added. The fishing depth is set until the float takes a horizontal position, which will indicate the true depth of the reservoir at the fishing site. Then it is reduced by the size of the leash. This will mean that the hook with bait will be directly at the bottom and you can begin to catch fish that lead a bottom-dwelling lifestyle.

Naturally, the fish will not bite on an empty hook and you need to put some kind of bait on the hook. These can be baits of animal origin or baits of plant origin.

The following can be used as animal baits:

  • Dung or earthen.

For plant attachments you can use:

  • The dough is different.
  • or peas.
  • Pearl barley or wheat porridge.

If the bite is not active, then you can bait sandwiches, that is, combine baits of animal and plant origin.

Fishing will be more effective if you feed the fish and try to keep it in the fishing spot for as long as possible. For this purpose, various bait mixtures are used. You can buy them in the store or prepare them yourself. Then, small balls are molded from the bait and thrown into the pond exactly in the place where the float will be located.

The following components are used to prepare bait mixtures:

  • Pearl barley.
  • Millet cereal.
  • Cake.
  • Dill.
  • Bran.
  • Breadcrumbs.
  • Other components.

If you have to fish in the current, then clay or earth should be added to the bait. Such balls will reach the bottom of the reservoir without any problems. In order for bait to be effective, the same components that are used for all fishing should be added to it: if fishing is done with a worm, then chopped worms, etc. can be added to the bait. This technique makes the bait more natural and does not alarm the fish as much.

The purpose of bait is to attract fish, not to feed them. If fishing is carried out on the current, then the result from the bait should be expected after 15-20 minutes, and if on calm water, then full effect may appear much later. For a more pronounced effect, aromatic additives can be added to bait mixtures.

You can buy, but expensively, bait from the following companies:

  • Sensas
  • Traper
  • Pelican
  • Dunaev.

The following can be used as flavorings:

  • Hemp.
  • Anise.
  • Other components for other fishing conditions.

Let's sum it up

Many fishermen use conventional float tackle because it is simple, affordable and can be easily made independently. With the help of such a fishing rod you can fish both peaceful and predatory fish, such as perch, rotan, etc. Many types of fish prefer animal baits, including predatory ones. As a rule, fish take such baits in the spring and autumn, but do not refuse in the summer, although in the summer they prefer baits of plant origin.

Bottom fishing gives greater results, since most fish, such as bream, ide, silver bream, raft, perch, gobies, etc., lead this way of life. In still water, in ponds and lakes, the most popular fish are crucian carp, perch, bleak, etc.

A simple fly fishing rod is indispensable when fishing from a boat. Here you don’t need to cast far, but at the same time, you can fish a large area of ​​water, and you can fish in any place you like.

Summer fishing with a float rod - Video

Hello, dear readers of ""! Today, in some regions, the river has become almost the only place where you can sit on the shore with a fishing rod in your hands. Unfortunately, not everyone can correctly choose the “key” to the “harmful” fish. There are several main reasons for this, of which the foreground, of course, is the reduction of the “tails” (for obvious reasons) and the exercise of greater caution in the remaining ones. But despite everything, a fish remains a fish and you can still catch it.

Summary of the article:

  1. Fishing on the river.
  2. Methods of fishing on the river.
  3. Catchy places.
  4. Bait for the river.
  5. Bait for the river.

Fishing on the river

On our river, you can count the number of people who successfully catch bream, catfish or pike on one hand. These are mainly local old-time fishermen who have been fishing in these places all their lives. Most often, you only hear disappointed reviews from anglers regarding the topic “there are no fish here.”

Until recently, about a dozen years ago, I also believed that our river was “dead,” so I spent most of my time on ponds (stakes) fishing for crucian carp and crucian carp. But due to certain circumstances, I switched to river fishing, which I absolutely do not regret, since in some areas I became, without exaggeration, an expert.

Methods of fishing on the river

I highlight four methods of fishing on the river for open water (poaching does not count), namely:

  • spinning;
  • bottom;
  • float;
  • fly fishing

Each fishing method is radically different from the others and makes it unique. To master one of them perfectly, you need to spend more than one year. But don’t give up right away - to catch pike, bream or catfish you don’t have to become a professional, it’s enough to know the basic principles, and the rest of the experience will come in the “process”, directly from fishing.

Fishing with spinning rod

Spinning fishing on the river is perhaps the most active fishing method. At shore fishing In search of a bite, the fisherman sometimes travels several tens of kilometers. Moreover, you need high-quality gear, which costs a lot of money.

This method is designed mainly for predatory and semi-predatory fish, but in my memory there are exceptions. The main objects of fishing are pike, perch and pike perch, less often - asp, chub, ide, rudd and catfish.

For those who have decided to take up this type of fishing, I suggest you follow the link and read one of the articles in the section " Spinning fishing ".

IN spinning fishing components such as tackle and rigging, time and place of fishing, season and water temperature are extremely important. Just look at the number of invented equipment. A huge field for experiments will not let even a seasoned spinning fisher get bored.

Fishing with a fishing rod

Oddly enough, but with the right approach to the float rod, you are guaranteed not to be left without fish. I can say this with one hundred percent confidence. Even on the darkest days, a lively roach or white bream was always swimming in my cage.

This year I fished with a fishing rod several dozen times and, on average, in 4-6 hours I caught 2-3 kg of roach the size of my palm, and sometimes quite weighty bream and bream came up. The largest bream caught with a fishing rod this season weighed one and a half kilograms. That day, a puzzled neighbor told me: “And I go two hundred kilometers to go fishing...”

On given time Many varieties of fishing rods have been invented, adapted to different reservoir conditions. You can find them on the website in the “Float Fishing” section.

This method requires a thoroughly thought-out approach in choosing the location and the bait used on the hook. In addition to everything, you must be well versed in feeding.

The basic rule of fishing on the river is what you feed is what you catch.

Fishing on a donk

This is a separate group of fishermen, which includes many subgroups. Of these, three main ones can be distinguished:

  • carp fishermen;
  • somyatniki;
  • breamers.

Each subgroup is unique, has its own selection of gear, equipment, bait, and so on. In general terms, you will learn about such tackle as the donka by going to the article “”.

Our local bottom fishers practice bottom fishing using cheap Chinese spinning rods and install on average about three to five gear. The equipment consists of a spring stuffed with pea mask to which a pair of short leashes are attached. The bait is polystyrene foam pierced through. With the help of this simple equipment, I caught a lot of our local bream and bream.

It has gained great popularity today. It's more modern and more sporty look bottom tackle. The main differences between a feeder and a donkey are a special fishing rod and a set of special feeders with different areas of application.

catchable places

You can often hear the expression “ catchable place" In our understanding, these are places that enviably differ from others in their large accumulation of fish. The natural question is, what characterizes a catchable spot and how to find it?

Where to fish on the river?

The first sign of all catchable places is the sufficient availability of food supply. In other words, where there is food, there will always be fish.

The second characteristic, although not always mandatory, is the presence of places for shelter (or ambush). They can be all kinds of algae, driftwood or trees that have fallen into the water.

And the last, important, although also not always mandatory. There is a popular expression with which I completely agree:

The fish is looking for where it is deeper

With the same total depth of the reservoir, finding even a small local depression at the bottom can bring you an unforgettable bite. Now try to add up all three factors and remember where exactly on your pond they converge. Complete a natural fishing spot with the proper use of bait and success is in your pocket. That is, in the cage.

Edge of the river

The edge of the river is a place where the bottom abruptly drops from the shallows to depth. These are permanent places where fish accumulate, and they can be located both at the lower edge and at the upper edge. It is searched by test casting the tackle or using an echo sounder.

Dams and dams

Another place of mass accumulation of fish. In our areas, dams are massively occupied by poachers looking for quick and easy money. Moreover, the local fisheries inspection forces do absolutely nothing about this. Maybe it's time to start moving? Or should we try to protect what’s left ourselves?

Bait for the river

Let's roughly divide the bait for the river into two groups - live and plant. I will not list all the types and names of baits, but will go through only the most basic, most catchy ones.

Live bait

  1. Caddisfly. One of the smallest and at the same time most catchable baits. It is caught directly on the reservoir in bottom algae or bottom debris and is a larva wrapped in a “house”.
  2. Bloodworm. Mostly used on winter fishing and early spring. It looks like a small red worm and is the larva of a mosquito mosquito.
  3. Maggot. White small agile worms that are fly larvae.
  4. Worm. They mainly use red dung beetles, which have a pungent, specific odor.
  5. Crawling out. A large worm almost as thick as a finger. Just a great bait.
  6. Grasshopper. The grasshopper is also a grasshopper in Africa.
  7. Fly. Caught it, baited it, threw it away. Everything is extremely simple.
  8. Chafer. Used in the spring mainly for chub fishing.
  9. Frog. The characteristic of this bait is that it is rare, but accurate.
  10. Live bait. A small fish that is used to catch predatory fish.

Vegetable baits

  1. Pearl barley. In my opinion, this is the best vegetable bait.
  2. Corn. Good too.
  3. Peas. Used for catching larger specimens of bream, carp and crucian carp.
  4. Bread. Take the crumb and knead until smooth.
  5. Pea mastyrka. In my opinion it is also the #1 bait.

You will find the recipe for making mastyrka in the article “”

As for me, when fishing I take with me boiled pearl barley (for a fishing rod, for feeding), mastyrka (for a bottom in a spring, for feeding) and, if you’re lucky enough to get them, crawlies (all the fish that are their size eat them) .

Bait for the river

Bait for the river can be either purchased or homemade. The main characteristics are sufficient weight and viscosity depending on the current (to reach the bottom in the right place and ensure proper operation). This big topic, which will be considered in every possible way in the section "Bait and bait".

In the meantime, you don’t have your own recipes, I advise you to start your knowledge with the simplest thing - ordinary pea mastyrka and bait with pearl barley mixed with small pieces (tennis ball) of the same mastyrka. Our fish simply love the smell of peas and will not ignore your bait.

And finally, the last part of the article, where your comments will go. Supplement articles useful tips. Anything that expands the topic “Fishing on the River” will go here.

P.S. I hope my article “Fishing on the River” helped you. I look forward to your comments, additions and feedback. Special thanks to Igor from Karelia for the photos displayed in this article.

For dessert, I suggest you relax a little and watch a fun selection of funny incidents while fishing. Enjoy watching!