Wishes for the fisherman. Cool statuses about fishing and fishermen. Conspiracies for a good bite

It has long been known that fishermen are too superstitious people, like all gambling people. They don’t have any rituals and traditions to get a fish. And you need to avoid your wife in the morning, and don’t give a damn about the worm, and talk to the fish... In short, in order for fishing to be effective and you can return home with a catch, you need to know the signs - good and bad. In the case of the first, you need to stretch out the cage larger, and after the second, you can without a doubt return home to watch your dreams. Do you believe in omens?

We have already mentioned the very first superstition; even the most novice fisherman uses it: spitting on the bait for a good bite. This sign is passed down from generation to generation and everyone believes it unconditionally. And we believe. Although if there was a good bite every time, there would be no fish left in the rivers.

Bad omens and how to deprive them of their power

If you want a fisherman to have a good catch, then from practice (every fisherman will confirm from personal experience) there will not be good fishing.

Everything here is scientific – Murphy’s law in action. Don't know what kind of law this is? It sounds like this: if any trouble can happen, then it will definitely happen. A particular example is the law of the sandwich, which almost always falls tastiest at the bottom. That's why fishermen go fishing early in the morning, so that no one meets them on the way and wishes them a good catch. And you thought - by the morning dawn, right?

But with the development of progress, another danger has appeared in receiving such a wish even without a personal meeting - a mobile phone. In some incomprehensible way, these people who are unfriendly at heart feel that you are just about to cast a bait and then a call comes with such a harmless question: “Where did you go at 5 in the morning? Isn't it going fishing? I'm jealous! Well, have a good catch." And that’s all - fishing is a mess, the fish get stuck in the holes and flatly refuse to even try the delicious porridge with moving worms.

Therefore, you need to turn off your mobile phone - this is an antidote on the same level as going fishing in a roundabout way, avoiding meeting friends.

Another true sign from this category is popular: if someone remembers the scales in the evening before fishing, that’s it, the failure of the venture is guaranteed. The spell “at least bring some scales” is especially evil - then there will be no pecking at all. And if the fisherman does bring a good catch, then he was just very lucky that day, but this only happens once in a lifetime. Wives who don’t want to let their husbands go fishing like to use this method - they start a song in the evening: clean the fish again, again everything will be scaled...

Although others say just the opposite (probably very lazy people) - you can’t have sex, much less wash dishes for a man - the crucian carp will laugh. Here, it seems, it is necessary to carry out Scientific research and check everything for personal experience. Unsubscribe later.

Fishing fun videos

A selection of funny situations

Winter fishing in Russian

Conspiracy on good fishing- This is a remedy known since ancient times that is used by many fishermen. In addition to conspiracies, special rituals, signs and prayers are popular among the people to make the “fish hunt” more successful.

To find a good conspiracy or ritual for yourself, it is better to try several - one at a time. Best result fishing will immediately show which of the means is right for you.

Conspiracies and rituals

To provide good fishing When you come to the shore of a river or lake, you can read the following plot:

“Let catfish, perch and pike come right into your hands, let large fish swim from all sides and bite.”

“Go into the water, little worm, and bring a big fish.” If you do catch a small one, it is considered a good sign to take it fishing - then the next one will be large.

For successful fishing, read the plot “on the hook” when setting the bait:

“Peck and pull the fish, return the hook to me with the catch.”

Some fishermen use prayers instead of conspiracies, which is also very effective - sincere prayer gives good luck in all matters, including good fishing. A strong fishing spell can be made with the help of runes, using special runescripts.

Useful tips fishermen Weather signs to help fisherman

What you should never say to a fisherman!

Do fishing omens work?

Fishing signs - "Morning with you" 07/30/2015

For good luck in “fish hunting”, draw the following runes on gear or just on paper: fehu (symbolizing the necessary material benefit, in this case - a catch), laguz (which attracts this benefit), raido (denotes unhindered movement), algiz (protects from unfavorable coincidences), vunyo (provides joy and satisfaction from the final result - the catch).

Natural signs

It is known that fish cannot be caught in any weather, so the success of a fisherman depends on many natural factors. Before starting fishing, fishermen carefully look at the world around them, finding interesting clues for themselves.

  1. If the morning fog gives way to sunny and windless weather, there will be a catch.
  2. If on the way of a person going fishing there are many birds, animals, insects, there will also be a lot of fish.
  3. If you start pecking in the evening small fish, strong bite is possible at night.
  4. If in the evening there are a lot of midges hovering in the light of a flashlight, expect bream to bite at night.
  5. You can’t count on a successful bite if you observe a sharp rise in the water level in the reservoir. But the gradual rise of water will bring a lot of fish.
  6. If there is a strong wind, you may not expect a good bite.
  7. If enough for a long time The weather leaves much to be desired - there will be no successful fishing.
  8. It is believed that the best bite occurs during the new moon.
  9. Lowering water and air temperatures negatively affects the catch.

Other signs

  1. A fisherman should not count his catch while fishing; it is better to do it after finishing.
  2. It is recommended to give the first fish to the cat, if you have one - this will help avoid any evil eye.
  3. If you take a “brake”, make sure that there are no fish components in it.
  4. It is not advisable to show anyone your catch during the fishing process - only at the end.
  5. Getting ready for fishing should be quick and spontaneous.
  6. When putting on your shoes before fishing, start with your left foot.
  7. If you meet an unpleasant person or a road patrol along the way, there will be no bite. The negative influence of this sign can be removed with prayers and conspiracies.
  8. Don’t brag about your first fish; it’s better to keep quiet about it until you catch the second one.
  9. If you are fishing in a group, do not look at other fishermen, focus on your process.
  10. If the first fish fails, this means failure. Stop for a moment and read a prayer or spell.

What to wish before fishing

It is believed that wishing good luck before fishing leads to the exact opposite effect. Therefore, household members should be warned about this in advance so that they, out of the kindness of their hearts, do not ruin your entire holiday. And it’s even better to sneak away fishing quietly in the morning, since someone at home may simply forget about the omen.

A wish before a “fish hunt” may sound like before an exam: “No tail, no scales.” To which the fisherman, like a cheerful student, must answer “To hell.”

In many ways, a successful catch depends on the fisherman’s wife, who can easily ruin it. To do this, it is enough for her to make a scandal before fishing, let her go with swearing, or simply “not let her in.” If his wife “didn’t let him in,” the fisherman can go, but he’s unlikely to be lucky with his catch. Therefore, before the trip, husbands “cajole” their wives as much as possible so that they “let them go in peace” and do not spoil the mood in the morning.

A plot for successful fishing may seem like a superstition to some, but for other people it is a real salvation and help in achieving the desired goal. Those who constantly go to the reservoir for prey follow unspoken rules and signs that help make the catch better.

Strong spells and prayers are needed for successful fishing

There is no point in reading conspiracies for successful fishing to someone who does not believe in a higher power. Magic responds only to the call of someone who is confident in its effectiveness. It is recommended to carry out rituals with an eye on fishing calendar– it will show the most successful days for completing the assigned tasks. In addition to professional ones, there are magical fishing rules:

  1. It is forbidden to take seafood as a snack - this will anger the merman.
  2. Before fishing You cannot wish good luck to a fisherman, because it can be taken away and the person will return home empty-handed.
  3. The number of fish caught should not be counted as fishing progresses. Only upon completion of the process can the volume of production be assessed.
  4. Great success is guaranteed to those who begin to put on their boots with their left foot.

Popular fishing rituals

Since ancient times, conspiracies for good fishing have been preserved, which are still popular today. Some of them involve performing rituals while fishing, others - before casting a fishing rod. Before throwing the bait, you can ask the spirit of the river for help in the plot, saying:

“Perch and pike, tench and catfish! Come to this place. This place is watery and suitable for you. There is a feeder for you, and a worm, and a fly.”

Using various rituals you create a fish feeder

Those people who constantly go to winter fishing, need help more than others, because in the cold season all living things sleep, and Marine life not an exception. For avid fishermen, there is a monthly prayer for fishing. The magical effect will be effective if performed on even days of the calendar. To do this, you should stand so that the moonlight falls on the person and say:

“Thomas walks proudly along the road, carrying his catch, and I, the Servant of God (proper name), will follow him, and take good luck with me. I carry a magic key with me, everything I get out of the water is locked with the key. My gear is fish passions. A fish on the doorstep means good luck to my home. Amen".

The spell from the ritual is read five times. You can be sure that your next fishing trip will be successful, especially if you say a prayer for a good bite before fishing.

It happens that some ill-wisher throws negative words after him, like: “May your success rot.” After such a casting, a good catch rarely happens. Even if no one has heard any bad wishes, when a fisherman returns with empty gear, it is generally believed that he has the evil eye on him. Unlucky with the weather, the fishing line breaks, the fishing rod breaks, and the catch is lost from the hook. In this case, they say that luck has been taken away. To catch the fish again, you can read the prayer:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, help us, Thy sinful servants (names of fishermen), in fishing, send us good luck in fishing. Just as You once gave the fishermen of Lake Gennesaret to catch a lot of fish, so you also gave us sinners good luck. Just as Simon, at your word, filled the boat with fish, so help us, by your mercy, with fresh fish, a strong catch. Amen.".

Having asked for forgiveness for your sins, you can safely go hunting for sea inhabitants and not worry that your luck has run out - Higher powers will help you in your endeavor.

Spell for the first fish caught

Even ancient ancestors treated the first fish they caught with respect. As soon as the first-born is attached to the hook, you need to remove it and say a spell for successful fishing, referring to the caught fish.

“The fish is first, the fish is lucky, I’ll let you go now, and you bring me others. My word is law, I give it power, fish, I command you! Amen!".

These parting words came from the Orthodox prayer book of a fisherman, so their effectiveness is undeniable. Drop the caught individual after reading the plot, and large fish swimming in the water will come to the catcher.

Wives accompanying their husbands on the road can also say a prayer for their husband for successful fishing. It is not necessary to adhere to any rituals; it is enough to turn to the Higher Powers with the request “Our Father”, with a reservation for successful fishing for your man.

How to catch big fish

To catch huge fish, special rituals must be performed.

Catching is great, but you still want to catch big fish, and not be content with little things. To attract adult, large individuals, you can apply the following ritual. When you catch a small fish on your fishing rod, you need to cut off a piece of algae and say:

“Go, fish, back into the water, send your uncle, send your mother, send your brother and father, send everyone who is older, and you go play again.”

After this, remove the fines and throw them back into the water. In a short time, large aquatic animals will be caught on the bait.

The Siberian healer, known throughout the world for her effective rituals, advises going to the pond in the same clothes so that the fisherman always has good luck. At the same time, Natalya Stepanova recommends casting the fishing spell on the full moon, on an even number of the calendar. The magic words sound like this:

“Thomas is walking, carrying fish, and with him I, (name), and my luck. I bring my key home, I bring my gear, passion for the fish. What I take out of the water, I close it off as a conspiracy. Key, lock, luck and fish on the doorstep. Amen. Amen. Amen".

This fishing spell will be effective if the person does not tell anyone about his spells, and also does not transfer clothes to another person. In addition, there are signs that, if followed, guarantee success. For example, if a person saw a woman on the road, then fishing will be unsuccessful. It is not recommended to go to bodies of water before in stormy weather, as all the inhabitants of the sea will lie down in the depths and subside. If you follow the recommendations, large fish will always be on the fisherman’s fishing rod.

Conspiracies for a good bite

“Perch, catfish, pike and carp! Come to me, against the fast water! Don't turn away, don't look back. Come to me, God’s servant (name), both at the evening dawn, and in the morning, and on a clear day, and on a dark night! Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

When the first catch is made, it should be released back in a whisper. The words of the conspiracy: “Fish and water, happiness is with me” must be said in a whisper in the wake of the swimming prey. In this way, you can appease the merman by showing good intentions and improve the process of fishing by plotting and presenting.

Such a prayer for a good catch will become even more effective if you throw other gifts to the king of the sea into the water:

  • Crumbs of dried bread;
  • Two silver and two gold coins;
  • Five charcoals.

Do not neglect the signs associated with fishing. Particularly effective is the one that says that you should not blink as soon as the fishing rod is cast, because you can miss your luck. A conspiracy to bite fish is a secret action. It is impossible to talk about something perfect, so that higher powers do not become angry for frivolity.

Charming gear

When cast, the fish will follow the gear

In addition to strong prayers for successful fishing, you should prepare in advance with a fishing spell. Before leaving the house, you need to send positive energy to the fishing rods. A conspiracy to catch fresh fish using enchanted gear works well:

“I, the Servant of God (proper name), command all fish to take the hook of my fishing rod against the water and from the deepest pools. Don't go anywhere, fish, and give me real pleasure. At any time and at any hour, at dawn or evening. It is said, so it will be. Amen".

Once on the shore of a reservoir, you need to cast a fishing rod, whispering after it: “My tackle is the passion of fish.” With a well-executed plot, successful fishing is guaranteed.

For various baits

Every fisherman knows that for good fishing you need to choose tasty bait. However, in addition to choosing the right bait for the hook, in order for the fish to be caught, you should read a spell for good luck. If a worm was chosen as complementary food, you should say over it:

“Worm, I’m letting you into the water, and you go and bring me the fish!” Large fish, so that they weighed a pound and were no less than an arshin long. And let the small fish grow and swim past my hook. Amen".

When a crumb of bread is hung on a hook, other spells will become effective, for example:

“A silver fish that lives in the depths of the water! You swim for a tasty crumb of bread, but for me it’s a successful fishing trip. Amen".

Those who experiment with bait do not have to remember all sorts of fishing spells; it is enough to learn a universal one, suitable for any bait, both plant and animal origin:

“Sea fish, pond fish, river fish! The fish is fresh and fluttering! I give you tasty and strong bait. Peck at it and pull it straight to the bottom. Amen".

With the confidence that you will bring fish into the house in large quantities, you can go for prey. Having learned several effective spells and chosen a good day for fishing, you can have no doubt about the effectiveness of this endeavor.

Cool statuses about fishing and fishermen

AND An interesting fisherman will meet a very decent fisherman, so as not to catch anything.

P Once a fisherman caught two fish on one hook and released them with the words: “No one will believe me!”

E If you pour vodka into a large canister, you don’t have to take it fishing box, because you can sit on it.

X a good bite happens either before you start fishing or after

T Aranka is not a fish. This is a Japanese gate opener.

R fisherman's fish - two fools got drunk.

P Young fishermen caught a mermaid at night. The next morning it turned out that it was a catfish, and everyone felt ashamed.

D PSnik, remember the motto of real fishermen! "Caught - release!"

WITH The fisherman Vasily caught the biggest bream when he forgot about his own wife’s birthday!

N And when they don’t lie as much as before the elections, after fishing and before sex.

H There is clean water only in springs and glaciers, everything else is covered in fish

WITH the idea of ​​fishing is not to catch more fish and drink in proportion to the catch.

U For Russians, going fishing and going fishing are two completely different things...

M boy Borya, who spent his entire childhood fishing with his father, does not know how to talk.

Z private fishing in the spring is the cheapest type of diving.

E then environmental pollution is just some kind of horror! Yesterday I opened a can of sardines - and it was full of oil, and all the fish were dead!

IN hydrometeorological center requires employees with joint disease

AND The wife admitted to her husband that she cheated on him while he was fishing. And he disappeared. I haven't seen him for a week. Then I could barely see with my right eye.

IN When I'm drunk, I'm capable of doing anything - even going fishing!

R Fish is looking for where it is deeper - there is less fuel oil

TO A classic example of a bore: a husband who regularly returns from fishing sober and with fish.


IN In the new fishing season, reels with a speed of more than 4000 are subject to mandatory registration.

N A silicone bait Most often it's men who bite

E If it doesn’t bite in winter, then before lowering the tackle into the hole, breathe on the bloodworm. His drunken noise can attract fish.

R The fish doesn't fall far from the fisherman

N and while fishing I catch fish))))

P I'd like to meet a girl who likes to go fishing, likes to dig for worms and has inflatable boat with a motor. A photo of the boat is required.

R to brag about the fish's ruffling tail.

E If you add a few drops of laxative to the bait, the fish will return to the feeding area faster.

P Since most modern carbon fiber spinning rods can easily withstand frost - they can be stored in the refrigerator.

D and what kind of fishing is this, fishing...

E If you have been detained by fisheries authorities, you have the right to a free cell phone call to your lawyer.

E If you feed the fish well with vodka in the evening, then at dawn it will bite well on beer!

B A spinning player's hair is a sign of youth

TO At the end of fishing, the fisherman no longer sees the fisherman from afar.

U An ice floe with Russian fishermen, starting from the Gulf of Finland, will take part in the annual round-the-world fishing trip.

Happy birthday, fisherman!
Happy fishing!
To be really cool
And abstractly cool!

What do we need money for? Money is dust
We're not going to the Canary Islands!
It is important that the bloodworm grows
And the maggot grew fat!

So that the sinker is made of lead
Yes, on a fishing line...
So why not drink some wine?
Beer, meat, vodka?

Today is a holiday - birthday!
Not just anyone, but a fisherman,
Congratulations come to him,
Gifts are sent from afar...
And on my own behalf I would like to say:
“Keep your smile often,
I wish you to catch
Like in a fairy tale - a goldfish!

Congratulations to the fisherman,
Can I have a little drink!?
To catch such a fish,
What I never knew!
That fish is called luck,
You will become cooler and richer!
You will become happy and loved,
And we are invincible!
You will be strong and healthy,
And confident!
You will be special and noble,
The coolest on earth!

In the art of proper fishing
You, without a doubt, know a lot about
It's not difficult for you
Hook your luck!

Catch and little joy,
And a major success in life!
Let the goldfish love
You are stronger and bigger than anyone!

Let the fish splash around
She throws herself on the hook,
Let the catch be worthy,
Simply incredible - cool,
We want to catch so much
So as not to fit in the gear,
Coming home with the catch,
Show off to your wife!

Congratulations to fishermen on mobile

Happy birthday, fisherman!
Take us to the fish pub
Or fishing by the river
Show us some bubbles!
You spend your life searching
Catfish, pike or bream,
And you won't regret it friend
A two-meter beluga!
Goldfish on the net
Will you ever say
May you live happy in the world
And he was drunk only from love!

They say that from the pond
Without attention and effort
You won't catch a single fish
No matter how you fight, never.

Just don't say anything
From dusk to dawn
It's hard to sit by the pond,
No matter how you look at it.

So if you want some fish,
Then buy it at the market.

Today is the fisherman's birthday
We wish you all the best,
And may you be lucky one day
And the Golden Fish will fall into the net.

She will fulfill all three wishes,
And all my deepest wishes,
It will bring happiness and good luck,
And it will save you from trouble and grief.

If a person is born a fisherman,
So his wishes are as follows:
We wish you luck by the tail!
And find a quiet, full backwater!
May you always have a reliable berth in life!
So that someone would greet you upon your return!
May it be a wonderful catch!
And so that friends gather around the table!

Once the fisherman cast a net,
Just like that and at random
Then I looked at the sky,
Give me happiness soon, fate!
And the fisherman caught the mermaid,
The beauty is so great
Life immediately became bright,
And the fisherman found peace!
The house is clean and beautiful,
Ready, cozy!
And they live amazingly
Even people admit it!
But, nevertheless, the world is arranged,
The fisherman got bored!
And he went fishing
Just take your fishing rod!
And the fisherman wandered around the world,
A year, maybe two!
I returned to the house, but, no,
After all, the little mermaid is gone!
So I want to congratulate you
That's what I wish, friends!
You hold happiness in your hands,
To make life easy!

Happy Fisherman's Day, my dear
Today there will be fishing with me.
It's worse to fish away from your wives,
And suddenly you need an assistant.

To bring your catch home,
From Pisces the guard to save.
Happy Fisherman's Day, my dear,
Let's celebrate your holiday together.

I loved the fisherman
From Wednesday to Thursday.
Early in the morning he set sail,
Politely saying “bye.”

My fisherman, my sailor
He returned a year later.
Like, he wandered the seas. ,
There I ate only caviar,
In the oceans fifteen times
I fell into a whirlpool.

Pressed to his chest
From Sunday to Wednesday.
Early in the morning he set sail,
Politely saying “sorry.”

A month later he appeared
Apologized to me
And he said to me: “Madam!
Here’s a roach suitcase for you.”

And now we live with him,
We've been chewing vobla for a whole year.

May it always be great
There will be your catch!
You in your personal life too
Always be ready!

A true man -
Recognized fisherman!
Let the sadness go away
Be healthy! All the best!

Congratulations on a good day,
Our wishes for the helmet:
Let both the sea and the river
The fisherman is respected
To have more fish on the table,
So that smiles do not melt,
So that everyone loves you very much
And luck did not give up.
And lucky signs
Everything came true this summer,
And, warmed by hopes,
Joy blossomed like dawn.