The water in the frame pool has turned green, what should I do? What to do if the water in the pool is blooming? Preliminary cleaning of the bottom and walls of the pool

In this article, we invite you to thoroughly understand and understand why the water in the pool is green, so as not to leave the greenery the slightest chance.
Algae gives the water its green color, and it is enough to remove them for the water to become clear again. Unfortunately, it's not that simple, and stubborn greenery appears again and again.

Let's consider all the reasons for water blooms, from simple to complex:

  • Algae are tenacious. The simplest reason for water blooms is the high volatility of algae spores and their ability to reproduce quickly. Algae is one of the oldest species life on Earth, and their ability to survive is phenomenal. By filling the pool with warm water, warmed by the rays of the sun, we create ideal conditions for algae. Indoor pools are less susceptible to blooms, but are still not immune to them. The most risky is taking water from natural sources - wells, boreholes, and reservoirs. In this case, you will definitely have to clean the water from algae immediately after collection.
  • Insufficient water filtration. Standing water is especially favorable for the development of algae, and as they multiply, they can clog even the non-working filter itself.
  • Disturbed balance of chemicals. Algae are destroyed using chlorine preparations and algaecides. If these remedies are ineffective, it is worth checking the balance of the water. The required level of chlorine in water is 0.3-0.6 mg, but not higher than 2 mg. The pH indicator is also important - it must be maintained at a level of 7.0 - 7.4. An imbalanced acid-base balance in water reduces the effectiveness of chlorine and causes blooms and an unpleasant odor in the water.
  • Super stabilized water. Even with perfect adherence to all the rules of pool care, the water may bloom closer to the middle of the season. Isocyanuric acid, a stabilizer present in many chlorine preparations, is to blame for this. Isocyanuric acid is very functional because it prevents the rapid decomposition of chlorine under the hot rays of the sun. But, accumulating, it negates the effect of chlorine and other drugs. If your pool water is over-stabilized, your only option is to drain all or part of the water and switch to unstabilized chlorine.
  • Iron. Algae turns the water green, brown, cloudy and gives it an unpleasant odor. If the water is clear, but still has a greenish or brown tint, the problem is an excess of minerals, namely iron. Set the correct pH level and remove iron using a coagulant.

Easier to prevent

Cleaning an algae-infested pool is a labor-intensive and time-consuming process, so it is easier to prevent pool blooms than to combat brown growth. To complicate matters, not all algae are green, so it's helpful to know some signs of an imminent bloom:

  • The walls and bottom of the pool became slippery
  • Foam appeared on the surface of the water.
  • The water has an unpleasant odor.

Let's debunk the myths about the effectiveness of some anti-algae products.

Tent. An awning or pool cover is extremely important but will not help prevent blooms. The awning only prevents large debris from entering the pool during periods of inactivity. Algae spores are too small to be contained by the awning.

Chlorine preparations. You cannot do without chlorine preparations in the fight against algae, but chlorine alone is not enough. Algae form a dense shell that is invulnerable to chlorine.

It is really important to follow these rules to prevent flowering:

  • Actively filter pool water. It is necessary to backwash the filter regularly. Check if it is clogged and change cartridges on time. In difficult pool operating conditions, it is permissible to operate the filter around the clock.
  • Use a couple of chlorine + algaecide preparations. Algaecides are specialized products designed to combat algae. Algaecides destroy the dense shell of algae, ensuring the effectiveness of chlorine.
  • Control the pH level. If it is violated, the effectiveness of the drugs decreases sharply.
  • Do not allow water to become over-stabilized. To do this, alternate the use of stabilized chlorine and non-stabilized chlorine based on calcium hypochlorite.

If flowering has begun

Even knowing why the water turns green, it is easy to miss the moment of flowering - algae only need a short break in regular treatment. If the water has already turned green, you will have to work hard.

The most radical way is to drain the water from the pool, clean the walls and bottom of algae, draw carefully filtered water and then strictly follow the rules for caring for the pool.

If the situation is not catastrophic, you can do without draining the water. But in any case, you will have to arm yourself with a brush and thoroughly clean the walls and bottom of the pool. After this, it is necessary to filter the water and begin chemical control of algae:

  • Adjust pH level
  • Carry out shock chlorination
  • When the chlorine level drops to 5.0, apply double the rate of algaecide.
  • Collect dead algae with a vacuum cleaner.
  • If necessary, introduce a coagulant
  • Thoroughly filter the water again.

Let your water always be clear!

You have finally bought that long-awaited pool, you are immensely happy with the purchase and are waiting to swim there. But bad noticed that the water very quickly began to turn green and the joy disappeared. What to do in this case? Why is this happening? How to clean and prevent subsequent greening? Let's figure it out, because the topic is so serious and relevant for many.

To prevent the pool water from turning green

The first thing I want to start with is, of course, reasons for flowering . Yes, this is what the phenomenon of green water is called. It should be said that this problem is also encountered by people whose pool is located indoors, albeit rarely, but this problem is simply a disaster for those who still have it located outdoors. The main reason for this disaster is, oddly enough, the extremely active “reproduction” of algae.

It is algae that changes the color of the water in the pool to dirty green...

What causes an algae outbreak in a swimming pool?

It should be said that if this problem is ignored, along with the “wrong” color of the water in the pool, its specific smell may also form.

It also happens that the water becomes a different color (green or brown), but it is not cloudy and there is no unpleasant odor. This means that the level of iron in the reservoir is exceeded and this problem also cannot be ignored.

Well, another indicator of the proliferation of the above-mentioned microorganisms is the mucus that forms on the walls of the pool, as well as the presence of foam directly on its surface.

How can you prevent algal blooms?

Take care of your swimming pool!

Quite a lot of people think that an awning, which will be stretched over the pool, will protect it from flowering. Alas, this is not true. Yes, of course, it will save you from large debris, such as leaves or branches, but, unfortunately, it will not be able to resist the ingress and development of algae spores.

What to do if the water in the pool has bloomed?

  1. Changing the water in the pool is the most proven and effective method. Just pour out all the water, give it a thorough cleaning, rinse the surface with cleaning products and let it dry.
  2. After this procedure, simply fill the pool again. If possible, use filtered water.
  3. Next, just follow all the recommendations described above and you will not have problems with flowering.

What to do if there is simply no way to drain the water and refill it?

Traditional methods of combating the bloom of swimming pools.

Some people use copper sulfate instead of the already familiar algaecides. It is a poison that can poison, which is why its use must be done with great care and vigilance.

Please note that if children are planned to swim in the pool, then its use is strictly prohibited!

Method for preparing the solution:

You need to take 0.9 grams of copper sulfate and add 2.7 grams of table salt to increase its effectiveness. Next, you need to dilute these elements in a small amount of water and add the resulting solution to your pool.

The next popular method is to use perhydrol to disinfect a reservoir.

In other words, perhydrol is the well-known hydrogen peroxide. Only in this case, it has a higher concentration - 37%. It should be noted that ordinary hydrogen peroxide is not suitable for water disinfection, since its concentration is only 3%.

If the water bloom has not reached a large scale, then it is enough to dilute 600 ml of perhydrol into approximately 1 cubic meter and add this solution to the pool. And in case of severe contamination, it is necessary to increase the dose to 1000-1400 ml. It is also necessary to turn on the filter during this disinfection, this will help remove the sediment that appears after treatment.

Be careful when choosing this disinfection method, as a solution with a high concentration of hydrogen peroxide is explosive!

It should be noted that immediately after treating the pool with this product, the water may be even dirtier than it was before. Don't be alarmed. Time will pass, and it will be exactly as you imagined, that is, perfectly clean.

These are all the main points that will allow your pool to always remain clean and attract you with crystal, clear water. Follow these simple recommendations, and then this problem will not affect you at all.

If the pool water turns green

No best holiday than swimming in your own pool. This kind of relaxation requires crystal clear water. However, many have probably seen how the water in the pool turns green. The walls and bottom of the pool become slippery, and persistent yellow-green stains form. It's even worse when, while shopping, you find mucus residue on your body. What to do in this case, how to overcome such an unpleasant phenomenon? Let's look at this in more detail.

Why does the water turn green?

When a pool contains untreated water, it represents a biologically favorable environment in which various microorganisms will certainly multiply over time. After just a few days, the walls of your pond will be covered with thick mucus. You will notice that the water turns green (takes on a green tint). Such facts indicate the active activity of bacteria and excessive growth of algae.

It is because of them that an unpleasant odor and a greenish tint appear inside your font. You can see this shade in many bodies of water. Its main cause is numerous spores of fungi and algae spreading through the air. Once in a body of water, they begin to develop very actively in it. That's when they say the pool blooms. It makes no difference where exactly the reservoir is located - indoors or outdoors.

Spores of such organisms are everywhere. You can conduct a small experiment: pour a little water into the container, leaving it open. After a couple of weeks, you can see that this water has turned green - it is blooming. If you do not take any action, then the water inside the pool will also turn green, and its walls will be covered with a yellow-green coating. How to deal with this?

What to do if the pool is blooming?

Eliminating algal blooms is not that difficult. Good filtration in combination with proper disinfection completely frees the pool from blooms: without these two components, the fight against blooms in the pool will be ineffective. To truly make your water crystal clear, you should install a modern pool filter. It is necessary to set the operating time of the sand filter so that the entire volume of pool water passes through it at least twice a day. When disinfecting, if the water in the pool is blooming, emphasis should be placed on the use of special chemicals of the algaecide subgroup (desalgin, algitine and others).

Such substances reliably prevent the development of algae inside the reservoir, which causes water blooms. These drugs are used to fight algae or fungi. It is important to start using algaecides in a timely manner to avoid the development of plant organisms. If applied in advance, you will not need to clean the pool walls from unpleasant deposits.

When using such a disinfectant, keep in mind that it removes algae and does not harm bacteria. In addition, truly dangerous microorganisms remain in the pool and multiply vigorously. Moreover, they are invisible to humans. They will leave the water clear, but unsafe for health. To fight such an invisible enemy, use disinfectants. The most effective way to combat microorganisms living in pool water is chlorine, which provides rapid disinfection (we recommend drugs: chlorifix, complita, chlorilong, multilong, varitab, chloriclar, chloritex, chloroxone, longafor).

To combat both algae and bacteria great importance has the temperature of the water in the pool: at temperatures above 28-30°C, the rate of reproduction of microorganisms increases significantly, the risk of water bloom increases many times.

Without proper care, the water in the pool becomes cloudy, then acquires a green tint, mucus appears on the walls, sides, bottom, the first green spots, and then everything only gets worse even faster, especially if the sun shines intensely outside. Without physical and chemical treatment, pool water becomes unsafe within a couple of days. Some owners say that they have natural, natural water without chemicals, but when you look at this pool, it’s a swamp.

When the pool water starts to take on a green tint, that's when most people with a home pool start wondering what to do with it. A weekly drain of water can cost a pretty penny, and even then it will not be safe - algae and bacteria will still remain on the walls and bottom, and then you will have to drain it even more often.

The owner forgot or does not use it at all pool chemicals, or there has been heavy rain - green mucus appears on the walls, corners and joints begin to turn green, the water takes on a cloudy tint, and then completely green. Blue-green algae has appeared in your pool, which can come from the environment or from humans. It begins to multiply intensively in warm, clean water if it is not neutralized.

Let's look at the main reasons why the water in the pool turns green and blooms:

  1. There is insufficient or no active chlorine in the water - the main disinfectant of pool water. It must be remembered that the level of active chlorine should be at the level of 0.3-0.6 mg/l, and in some cases even more.
  2. The owner doesn't use it anti-algae agent– . This is a special concentrated preparation that prevents the growth and development of algae in pool water.
  3. Incorrectly selected equipment for the pool - the filter and pump have low performance and cannot cope with the entire volume of water; There are many blind areas where water does not circulate well. When constructing and selecting equipment, it should be taken into account that during the day the filtering equipment must pass the entire mass of water through the filter 4-6 times, otherwise there is no effectiveness from mechanical water treatment.

What to do if the water in the pool blooms and turns green for some reason? We list the main activities that need to be carried out, but in a particular case, the procedures may differ.

  1. Use a drop or tablet test to determine the characteristics of water. In particular, we are interested in the pH level of the water (acid-base balance) and the level of residual chlorine in the water. Only after determining these parameters can you begin specific actions to add chemical reagents in the required quantities.
  2. The water in the pool should be neutral - within 7.2-7.4. Often, the water in the pool is alkaline (pH more than 7.6) - this promotes the active growth of algae and at the same time chlorine preparations do not oxidize well (do not work well). To lower the pH level to normal, use the drug "". Dosages may vary among different manufacturers, but in general it is 10-15 g per 1 m 3 of water to lower the level by 0.1.

Let's look at a specific example. Pool 70m 3, pH level according to the tester 7.8. It is necessary to reduce it to the norm of 7.2 - therefore by 0.6 (7.8-7.2 = 0.6) or 6 points. The calculation looks like in the following way: 70m 3 *10g (consumption pH-)*6=4.2 kg.

If the pH level is below 7.0, the water in the pool is acidic, it is necessary to raise it to the norm of 7.2 using the “” preparation according to a similar calculation.

  1. After a couple of hours, your pool will take on a different color, begin to lighten, the pH is normal, it’s time to start disinfecting. Most effective method kill all algae, bacteria and fungi in the water, which led to green water in the pool, produce. This procedure must be carried out with instant shock-chlorine, which comes in tablets or granules for manual dosing. It is necessary to read the manufacturer's instructions, but in general the dosage is 20g/1 tablet per 1m3.
  2. After administering a shock dose of chlorine, it is necessary to apply a shock dose of water - a specialized anti-algae agent. Each manufacturer's dosage may vary slightly, on average it is 200-250 ml per 10 m 3 of pool water. Do not forget to do a regular dosage of algaecide - 50-100 ml per 10 m 3 times a week.
  3. Mechanical cleaning plays a big role in the purity of pool water. In this case, it is necessary to wash and compact the sand (the “BACKWASH” and “RINSE” modes, respectively). After this, set the “FILTER” mode on the six-way position valve of the filter unit and filter the water continuously for 24 hours. Sand filter will retain all large particles and dead algae. After a day, the filter must be washed again and transferred to regular cleaning (usually 2 hours of operation, 2 hours of rest for the pump).

If there are algae growths on the walls of the pool bowl, it is recommended to brush them off with a wall brush, and the filter will filter them out. After a day, the pool water should become clearer, but sediment will form at the bottom - this is dead algae, which must be collected from the bottom with a manual or automatic vacuum cleaner.

  1. The water in the pool has become clear, but small grains are still visible, or you turn on the pool lights in the evenings, and it’s as if there is fine sand floating in the water - you need to use it. These are small suspended particles that, due to their small size, cannot be filtered out by a filter. A coagulant or flocculant helps to enlarge these parts and the filter filters them out. There are various drugs from different manufacturers. Some flocculants are packaged in cards (bags), when using them you are allowed to swim, and the filtration system operates as usual. After dissolving them, it is recommended to thoroughly rinse the filter. There are coagulant preparations that produce more intense sedimentation. When dosing them, it is recommended to turn off the filtration for a day, and after sediment has formed, collect everything with a bottom vacuum cleaner and rinse the filter; It is better to refrain from swimming for a while. It is necessary to read the manufacturers' instructions.
  2. You have carried out all the above measures to save your pool. It should also be remembered that after shock disinfection of pool water with chlorine, you must not use the pool for 24 hours. Within 24 hours, the pool water became clearer and filtered – the pool was saved. It is necessary to check the pH and chlorine levels again with a tester: the pH level should be in the range of 7.2-7.4, the residual chlorine level should be 0.3-0.6 mg/l. Otherwise, it is necessary to bring these indicators to normal.
  3. Don’t forget about comprehensive and regular treatment of the water with pool chemicals and cleaning the pool bowl with a bottom vacuum cleaner, otherwise problems with green water will haunt you constantly.

Enjoy your swimming and spending time by your pool!

This article tells you what to do to prevent the water in your pool from blooming, and what emergency measures to take if the water does bloom.

Muddy, green, blooming water is the main problem of all pools in suburban areas of our planet. Especially in the heat: before you have time to look back, instead of clear, light blue water, there is some kind of cloudy broth sloshing around in the pool.

Pool care

  • How to solve problems

Why does the pool water turn green?

In water outdoor swimming pool Well-warmed by the sun, ideal conditions are created for the development of various microorganisms. Most of them are safe for humans, but it is because of them that the water turns green, becomes cloudy and becomes covered with a film. Therefore, the task of the pool owner is to make these ideal conditions unbearable.

If the water in your pool is green, it means that:

  • the filtration system does not work well enough or does not exist at all;
  • the filter is not cleaned in time, traps cyanobacteria and they multiply directly in it;
  • disinfectants are either not used, or used incorrectly, or in insufficient quantities - and there is no point in a minimum dose of chlorine;
  • Chemical contamination is also possible. If chlorine-containing pool products contain excess cyanuric acid, it breaks down the chlorine and causes algal blooms in the water. There is nothing you can do to help here - the water will have to be drained;
  • Pool water can also bloom from excess iron. In this case, it is green, but transparent and does not have an unpleasant odor.

This problem can be successfully solved by using an integrated approach.

  • constantly remove contaminants from the water with a net;
  • destroy cyanobacteria with chlorine (or perihydrol);
  • For effectiveness, add a product that destroys the bacterial membrane.

No matter how much we would like to avoid “all kinds of chemicals,” the water in the pool must be disinfected. Nothing wrong with that. Modern means for disinfection of water in the correct dosage are safe for humans.

In order for pool cleaning products to work effectively even in small doses, you need to constantly monitor the hardness of the water in it. In general, water hardness values ​​are the first thing you need to find out if you have acquired a swimming pool in a suburban area.

If the values ​​are below 7.2, then this is fraught with corrosion of the metal parts of the pool. If the pH is above 7.6, swimming in the pool may be dangerous and may cause irritation to the eyes and mucous membranes. At such a pH, lime will settle to the bottom of the pool, and the worst thing is that in such incorrect water the chemistry works much worse or does not work at all. You can do everything according to the instructions, but the water will still remain green.

Therefore, the pH value must be monitored all the time.

What to do to prevent the water in the pool from turning green

So, this is how we need to proceed from the day we fill the pool so that the water in the pool always remains clear:

  • find out the degree of water hardness. If the pH level is up to 8 degrees. DH, inorganic chlorine can be used for disinfection, although experts recommend always choosing organic chlorine compounds.
  • for prevention, before filling the pool with water, wash its walls with an algaecide solution in a ratio of 1:25. (Algaecides are herbicides that break down the cyanobacteria and actually kill the algae. They sound scary, but they are not nearly as dangerous as herbicides used in agriculture. They come in tablet or liquid form.)
  • fill the pool with water.
  • run the filter. It is recommended to rinse the sand filter once a week to wash away dirt between grains of sand, prevent the appearance of channels and sand crust at the bottom of the filter, and loosen the sand.
  • evenly distribute as much algaecide on the surface of the water as indicated in the instructions.
  • measure the pH value with a testing device.
  • using reacting acid granules, “pH-plus” or “pH-minus”, ensure that the pH level is 7.2-7.6. How to do it: scatter the granules evenly over the surface of the water in small portions, and check the pH level after each portion. Approximately, to increase the pH by 0.1, pour about 100 g of pH-plus per 10 cubic meters of water; to reduce pH by 0.1, pour 100g pH-minus per 10 cubic meters of water. If the water is hard, product consumption increases. It is highly recommended to maintain a pH level of 7.2-7.6
  • Disinfect the water by adding chlorine. Only when there is a constant excess of chlorine in the pool water of 0.3 to 0.8 mg/l can we assume that complete sterilization has been achieved. Complete sterilization of water is guaranteed with a constant excess amount of chlorine from 0.3 to 0.8 mg/l.

For disinfection, different means are used, from ordinary “Whiteness” to “long-term chlorine” tablets.

Check the amount of chlorine in the water with a testing device, add more if necessary. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

Pool water care systems like “three in one” work well, for example, Algaecide, supplemented with long-lasting chlorine.

Also in the personal set chemicals The pool owner must have:

  • good product for cleaning pool edges;
  • powerful cleaners that destroy bacteria during general pool cleaning;
  • products that are added to the pool before storing it for the winter.

You need various thermometers for measuring water temperature, testers showing the CL content and PH value, and float dispensers for large “long chorus” tablets.

If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to the experts and readers of our project.