Nursery rhymes-games on the knees. Effective recipes against dryness

The birth of a baby in a family is a great responsibility for parents. Sometimes, due to inexperience, we do not perceive children’s rough knees as a problem, but such symptoms can be a signal of serious illnesses.

Healthy skin should be free of cracks, redness and rough areas; in case of any external changes, parents are obliged to consult a doctor and find out the cause of the deviations.

Why do my knees and elbows get dry?

Rough skin can crack, as a result, the integrity of the skin is damaged, and there is a risk of infection entering the wound.

If the elbows and knees peel, then this is preceded by reasons - external and internal.


  • weather;
  • dry indoor air;
  • mechanical impact;
  • bathing in hot water;
  • use of hard water, frequent use of decoctions, gels, powders that dry out the skin.


  • lack of fluid in the body - in a small child, the water-salt metabolism is not fully formed, so loose stools, vomiting, and increased sweating cause severe dehydration;
  • unbalanced nutrition of a nursing mother leads to a deficiency of fats, vitamins A and E;
  • anemia – low level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • dysbacteriosis – a violation of the microflora in the intestines;
  • allergic reaction;
  • skin infectious diseases;
  • congenital hyperthyroidism – failure of the thyroid gland;
  • Ichthyosis is a genetic disease associated with a violation of the process of keratinization of skin cells.

How to get rid of unpleasant symptoms?

Therapy depends entirely on the causes of roughness on the knees and elbows. Before prescribing treatment, the pediatrician talks with the mother and identifies external causes of dryness. When they are eliminated, complaints can go away on their own.

If the baby is on breastfeeding, you should review your diet and eliminate possible allergens. In the case of artificial feeding, the baby is replaced with lactose-free milk formulas.

When newborn babies are fed only mother's milk, they do not need additional liquid. Formulas contain more protein, so pediatricians advise giving water between feedings to prevent dehydration.

Children's skin is very sensitive, so it is important to maintain proper hygiene. It is not recommended to use a solution of potassium permanganate while bathing: it dries out the skin greatly, and if it is diluted incorrectly, you can get a burn.

For water procedures, do not use hot baths; in the first 3 months it is advisable to boil and settle the water. Give preference to hypoallergenic products without a pronounced color or odor.

Choose the right washing powder and rinse baby clothes several times after washing. Ironing things from the inside out prevents friction of the fabric against the skin and removes powder residues from clothes.


If the child gets worse, he needs to be examined in detail: take a blood test - a general detailed one and for glucose levels. Based on the results, the doctor prescribes medication.

The skin on the knees and elbows peels, most often from an allergic reaction. If during a survey of parents it was not possible to identify the suspected allergen, then the blood is examined for the level of specific immunoglobulins (Ig E). Skin tests are rarely done due to the difficulty of objectively assessing them.

Treatment consists of removing the irritant from the body. Apply:

  • sorbents (Enterosgel, Polyphepan, Filtrum);
  • softening and relieving ointments (Bepanten, Mustela Stelatopia, Fenistil);
  • in advanced cases, hormonal creams (Advantan, Lokoid);
  • antiallergic drugs (Fenistil drops).

Antihistamines are used strictly as prescribed by a doctor. Their action is aimed at suppressing allergy symptoms; they do not have a therapeutic effect.

Effective recipes against dryness

It is possible to treat a child with traditional medicine recipes only with the consent of the pediatrician. At home, against dry skin it is recommended:

  • Baby sea buckthorn oil – has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing properties, relieves irritation. Apply to elbows and knees 1-2 times a day, pay attention that the oil leaves marks on clothes.
  • Olive, vegetable oil - has a soothing and moisturizing effect. You can prepare an oil compress: soak a napkin with 1 teaspoon of warm oil and attach it to the peeling area for 10 minutes, after the procedure, anoint it with baby cream.
  • Flaxseed oil with chamomile is an aseptic and moisturizing agent. Place 1 tbsp in an enamel container. l. dry chamomile, pour 100 g. linseed oil, mix everything and bring to a boil over low heat. Apply to rough areas of skin every 2-3 hours. The result will be noticeable within a week.
  • Chamomile decoction is used topically in the form of lotions or general baths. 1 tbsp. l. chopped herbs pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave to infuse for two hours. There is no point in preparing the decoction for future use: after 5 hours, its healing properties are lost.
  • Infusion of succession - add to water while bathing, make local compresses. 3 tbsp. l. the strings are poured with one glass of boiling water and left for 6-10 hours. For baths you will need about 2 liters of infusion, bathe for 10-12 minutes.
  • Exfoliating rough areas with aggressive masks and scrubs can injure delicate skin.
  • Lemon: has age restrictions, causes irritation and an allergic reaction.
  • Honey: is a highly allergenic product, allowed from 3 years of age.


In the first days of life, the baby’s skin experiences enormous stress, so the task of adults is to create comfortable conditions and provide proper care:

  • control the humidity and temperature in the room: the air should not be dry. Use a humidifier, especially during the heating season;
  • apply moisturizing creams after water procedures, lubricate not only elbows and knees, but the whole body;
  • if a child has a tendency to allergies, it is necessary to exclude potential irritants from the diet;
  • do not experiment with new gels and shampoos, opt for a proven cosmetic product;
  • daily walks to fresh air, in frosty weather apply to problem areas fat cream.

Don't know how to entertain your child? Try telling him nursery rhymes, combining them with lap games. Playing on your knees together with nursery rhymes will help not only improve your baby’s mood, but also develop motor skills and thinking.

* * *

We throw the child on our knees and sing, with the last words: “Boom!” - “drop” between the knees

I'm going to see grandma and grandpa

On a horse in a red hat,

On a flat path

On one leg

In an old shoe

Over potholes, over bumps,

Everything is straight and direct

And then... into the pit!

We point our finger at parts of the baby’s face and say:

Dark forest - hair

Open field - forehead

Two poplars - eyebrows

Two glass eyes

Trambombola - nose

Lepetola - mouth

Point - chin

On a level path - Step by step, repeat two or three times

Our feet are walking.

One-two, one-two, one-two...

Over the pebbles, over the pebbles - Jump, repeat 2-3 times

Our feet are walking.

One-two, one-two, one-two...

Suddenly there's a bang in the hole!

A mosquito sat under a bush

On a spruce tree on a stump

Dangled his feet on the sand

He put his nose under a leaf and hid

We do the latter together with the child, covering the nose and face with our hands.

Where is the watch?

I hold the watch in my hands, the watch in my hands.

The clock goes like this: tick-tock, tick-tock. - Bring it closer to the child’s ear

Listen, look how my hours go by,

The clock goes like this: tick-tock, tick-tock.

Where, where, where is the clock? - Move away from the watch, but leave in sight

Here it is, my watch, the clock goes like this:

Tick ​​tock, tick tock. - Point to the clock

Wall, wall, touch the cheeks

Ceiling - touch forehead

Two steps - walk your fingers across your lips

Ring - bell! - press the spout

The child is rocked on his knees and sentenced:


Young blackbird

I walked along the water

I found a young girl.

Young girl,


About an inch herself,

Head with a pot.

Shu-you! Let's fly,

On your head and sit down!

They say when, when nursing a small child, they throw him up on their laps, and at the last words they lower him between their legs.

Jump, jump, jump,

Young blackbird

I walked through the water

He wore a rocker arm.

Yes, I stepped awkwardly

The boot was filled with water.

I caught a bucket with my foot -

Everything around was flooded.

The blackbird got scared

And he took off running.

Three-ta-tush-ki! Three-ta-tush-ki!

Masha rides on a pillow!

Riding on a pillow!

Bang! Off the pillow head over heels!

we bounce the child on our knees, changing the amplitude according to the text

Let's go, let's go

With nuts, with nuts,

Let's gallop, gallop

With rolls, with rolls!

Leap, skip

Over the bumps, over the bumps -

Plunge into the hole!

Let's go, let's go

For mushrooms, for nuts.

We've arrived, we've arrived

With mushrooms and nuts.

Thump into the hole!

(Put the baby on your lap facing you

and repeat the actions of the rhyme.)

The little gray bunny sits and wiggles his ears -

Like this, like this, he moves his ears.

The bunny is cold to sit - we need to warm his little paws -

This is how you need to warm your little paws.

The bunny is tired of standing - the bunny needs to jump -

This is how, this is how a bunny should jump.

(your legs up and down)

The bunny saw the wolf - the bunny quickly ran away!

(we develop the knees and the baby “falls” into the hole)

What part of the body do men pay attention to first? According to all opinion polls, the answer is the same: on your feet. How this can be explained from the point of view of biology and evolution is completely unclear. Okay, breastfeeding is for feeding a baby. Okay, eyes: so that she’s not the last fool, at least she passes on something to her offspring. About back and there is nothing to say, the act of birth itself depends on its size and shape. But the legs... So that she can run faster and it will be more interesting to catch up with her? Because of this male fad, women also have a special love for legs. But only to their own people; men, of course, are all crooked and hairy. So today we’ll talk about everyone’s favorite part of the body.

The child's face should be visible from the feet

Ideal limbs: 14 standards and 4 clearances

Even if you are one hundred percent happy with your legs (show me that unique personality soon!), would you like to check how they fit into the standards of ideal legs?
True, it was not possible to find out anywhere who prescribed these standards. I suspect that those who write: " perfect legs- long, straight and strong due to both well-developed bones and muscles." And further: "flat paws are ugly and dysfunctional. Weak paws do not meet the standard and are noticeable at first glance: a thin foot with small claws." This is actually about the Irish wolfhound. Dogs, horses, women...

And yet, let us get angry and curious: what kind of legs do they, connoisseurs of exteriors, want from us?
Let's start with the textbook one.
Stand straight and straight with your legs closed and sigh while looking in the mirror. It is ordered to have four gaps between the legs: at the very top of the thigh, above the knee (the narrowest gap), below the knee and above the ankle.
On average, with a height of 170 cm, the thigh circumference should be 51.5 cm, shin - 34 cm, ankle (ankle) - 19.5 cm. With a height of 160 cm, 50, 33 and 19 cm, respectively. And now from top to bottom:

It should taper off at the very top.
The widest part of the thigh should be its first upper third.
In profile, the thigh should protrude slightly forward and “come back” towards the knee.

It should be exactly in the middle of the leg.
The front of the knee, if you are standing straight, should look like a child's face: bangs, cheeks and dimples.
On the back side of the knee there should be a depression, the so-called popliteal fossa. (The erogenous zone, the same one that is recommended to be sprayed with perfume.)
There should be no “pieces of meat or fat” hanging on the side or above the knee.
The circumference of the leg under the knee should be almost the same as the circumference of the ankle.

Calves should not be too sculpted, like bottles, but they should not be skinny either.

The ankle should be thin, but not thin.
The tendon above the heel (this is on the back of the leg) should have symmetrical indentations on both sides.

Should be concave, long and thin. Cinderella and Thumbelina are ugly!
The heel should be round and should not protrude too much.
The fingers should be of medium length and should not overlap each other, but should be freely positioned side by side.

The longest...
...American student Sam Stacy, 145 cm. According to unverified data, she is included in the Guinness Book of Records.
...Slovakian top model Adriana Sklenarikova. Winner of the title "Most long legs world." With a height of 178 cm, Adriana's torso and head are only 51 cm! (and her legs, respectively, are 127 cm). If you don't believe me, don't!
...17-year-old Nina Pylskaya from Kazakhstan. Several years ago she won the Miss Legs of Russia competition. Leg length - 122 cm with height 193.
...model Nadja Auerman. Leg length 114 cm.
...actress Daryl Hannah. Legs 106 cm, herself 182 cm.
But growing up girls have a chance to break all records and grow longer legs! According to British measurements, for example, over 22 years (since 1970) girls have become taller by an average of 2.5 cm, with 2 cm taller due to their legs. Perhaps it’s all about better nutrition from one to 3 years, when the legs grow faster than the body.

How they make faces
From the point of view of doctors, legs are divided into four groups:
1. Slender when the center of the femoral head, center knee joint and the center of the foot lie on the same line, the so-called biomechanical axis.
2. With true O-shaped curvature. The tibia is deformed so that the legs look like a “wheel”.
3. With true X-shaped curvature. The tibia is also deformed. In a free stance, with the hips closed, the ankles are not closed.
4. With false curvature. There are no bends or deformations, but soft fabrics the legs are distributed so that the illusion of curvature is created.
Doctors urge owners of bow legs not to worry. Because modern medicine can “make” them. At true curvature-- with the help of surgery, and in case of a false one, silicone will be inserted into the legs.

Read character by limbs
Take a tailor's tape measure and measure your limbs if you haven't already. This is what psychologists suggest to see in leg length.

Long legs(more than half the height)
You are in the clouds (of course, with your height, you stood on tiptoes - and are already in the skies!), you cry and get offended over the most insignificant reasons. A broken cup can ruin your mood for the whole day. Even in a happy marriage, you continue to dream, you see childhood dreams until old age, everyone teaches you how to live. But on matters of sex, you can advise anyone yourself.

Middle legs(approximately equal in length to the rest of the body)
You are smart and calm, you see through people, but you forgive them their weaknesses. It's hard to piss you off and force you to do something you don't like. At the same time, you are always ready to accept someone else's point of view if you consider it reasonable. And sex is possible for you only if you appreciate your partner’s mental abilities.

Short legs (smaller in length than the rest of the body)
You are practical and hardworking, and if necessary, cunning as a fox. It is difficult for you to meet new people, you are tied to your home and dream of being left alone. Periods of exuberant fun are replaced in your life by black melancholy, when everyone around you seems to be enemies and traitors. And sex... It's not that important.

Is there fat in your legs?
Simple tests
Sit on a chair and pinch your calf. If there are noticeable fingerprints on the skin or it has changed color in the place of the “pinch”, your legs are oily.
Stand up straight and pinch yourself top part thighs without straining the muscles. If the “layer” between your fingers is more than 2.5 cm, your thighs are fatty.
If you take off a sock and see traces of it on your foot, then there is also an excess of fat in your legs.

Racial discrimination
Black women have the longest legs. If you put a black and white woman of the same height next to each other, the first leg will be 2-3 cm longer. Black people have a less prominent knee, longer calves and thighs, and slimmer ankles.
Scandinavian women also have long legs, but thicker. The dark-skinned inhabitants of the south - the Caucasus and the Mediterranean - also wear thick ankles. And the legs are shorter than those of northern European women.
But Asian women - both southern and northern - are the least fortunate. The legs are both short and crooked... However, not everyone has them! (And this applies to everyone. There are black women with knees, and Mediterranean women with toe ankles.)

And don’t give your slippers to anyone!
Tips for training legs
Sleep with your legs elevated.
*Every day, take several steps on your heels, toes, outer and inner sides feet.
Start your step with your heel.
*At sedentary work thighs get fatter. To make this happen as late as possible, try to sit only on the edge of the chair.
*Do not wear synthetic socks and tights at home, and do not share your slippers with anyone.
*Walk or do exercises every day. Perfect Exercise for all the leg muscles at once - squatting without raising the knees. Muscles that flex the leg back surface hips, extend - anterior; the foot is straightened by the calf muscles; To prevent the knees from coming together, the abductor muscles of the thigh work ( outer surface), and the adductor muscles (inner thigh) resist the knees.
*Buy an elastic bandage 8 cm wide. Lie on your side, leaning on your elbow. Attach a bandage to the foot on top, extending the shin. Overcoming the resistance of the belt, try to raise your leg as high as possible. Do 15 times, repeat with the other leg. After 6 weeks, the thigh volume should decrease by 3 cm.
*And if stretching the bandage isn’t enough for you, rummage through women’s magazines and you’ll find a complex for training any part of your leg.