Consequences of muscle tone. Violation of muscle tone. Types of muscle tone disorders

The human body is the most complex system, consisting of functional subsystems. The skeletal system supports the body's weight through bones and ligaments within the range of motion of the joints. The muscular system creates the transmission of forces while supporting body weight. Muscles work in cooperation with each other. And any disruption of muscle function leads to disruption of the functioning of the body as a whole.

Muscles are toned

Muscle tone is the residual tension of the muscles during their relaxation. Muscle tone is not accompanied by fatigue. This is a very important indicator that allows you to judge the degree of muscle damage. The nature of this condition has not yet been established, but experts are of the opinion that muscle tension at rest can change under the influence of external factors or diseases of the nervous system. Violation of muscle tone is one of the manifestations of various diseases of the nervous system.

Pathology of the muscular system

Hypertonicity muscles is a big problem in neurology. It is accompanied by pain and restrictions in movement. The main signs of increased muscle tone are:

- voltage

- inactivity

- discomfort when moving

- muscle stiffness

muscle spasms

- spontaneous motor activity

- increased tendon reflexes

- delayed relaxation of spasmed muscles

Very often, hypertonicity is accompanied by pain in the back and legs, especially during movement.

What leads to increased muscle tone? The most common causes of hypertension are:

- diseases of the central nervous system (CNS)

- multiple sclerosis

- spinal cord or brain injuries

- stroke

Muscle tone is susceptible to mental and emotional states, temperature changes, but to the least extent.

Hypertonicity is usually treated with a combination of physiotherapy and muscle relaxants.

Decreased muscle tone

Muscle hypotonia, on the contrary, is a state of decreased muscle tone, often combined with a decrease muscle strength. It is not difficult to recognize this lesion; it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to identify the cause of this condition. Diagnosis of muscle hypotonicity usually occurs in childhood.

The course of decreased muscle tone has pronounced symptoms:

- severe muscle weakness develops

- the atonic state of the skeletal muscles gradually develops

- any movements of the limbs and body are reduced or completely absent

- decreased or absent unconditioned reflexes

- breathing becomes difficult

- the person’s usual sitting positions become impossible

- joints of the upper and lower limbs become looser and may begin to warp

The most common causes of hypotension are genetic diseases such as Down syndrome, Aicardi syndrome, Robinov syndrome, Patau syndrome, Williams syndrome, etc.

In addition, the diseases that a person has suffered throughout his life also play an important role. These include:

- development of dystrophy of various muscle groups

- atrophy of the spinal muscles

- past encephalitis, meningitis

- polio

- sepsis

- myasthenia gravis

- hiatal hernia

Muscular hypotonia is usually a consequence of the disease. That is why, drug therapy is aimed at eliminating the disease that led to disruption of work muscular system body. The main goal of treating muscle hypotonicity is to gradually reduce and eliminate the symptoms that appear: muscle weakness, difficulty breathing, inability to perform certain actions and movements.

It is very important that the course of treatment for each patient is strictly individual. And making independent changes to the prescribed treatment is not acceptable.

Massage and exercise for muscle tone

There are several simple exercises which will help relieve muscle and ligament tension and help the body relax:

- bending to the side

- body flexion

- hamstring stretch

In addition to basic exercises, self-massage can help with muscle tone problems. The patient should take a comfortable position and rub the neck with the pads of the fingers. Then stroked back surface neck. In this case, the palms are pressed quite tightly to the neck. The muscles of the shoulder girdle are warmed up with pinches. At the end of the massage, the neck is tapped with the fingertips and slow circular strokes are performed.

Muscle tone disorders in children

In children under one year of age, muscle tone disorders are not uncommon. After all, a child who has lived in his mother’s tummy for 9 months in the fetal position tends to have muscle tension. This can be caused by both congenital pathologies and factors surrounding the child. It is important to identify the problem and its cause in time in order to prescribe timely and effective treatment to avoid consequences such as deformation of the joints and skeleton, and movement disorders.

In a child of the first year of life, hypertonicity causes stiffness and constriction of movements. The baby cannot relax even during sleep. Hence the accompanying problems - anxiety, sleep disturbance, trembling chin.

The causes of this disorder may be birth trauma or birth hypoxia.

Hypotonicity in children under one year of age is less common in its manifestation than hypertonicity. Most often, such disorders affect babies born prematurely, as well as children with infectious diseases and disorders endocrine system. Such a violation usually manifests itself in rare whims. Such children rarely cry.

The cause of decreased muscle tone may be a serious birth injury, for example, an intracranial hematoma. As a result, the child begins to lag behind in psychomotor development, begins to hold his head up late, and does not gain weight well. And most importantly, such a violation can lead to breathing problems.

Complex therapy prescribed by specialists for muscle tone disorders includes:

– physiotherapy – mud therapy, electrophoresis

- course massage to relax “tired” muscles

There are two types of symptoms - hypertonicity (increased tension) and hypotonicity (decreased tension) of muscles. Each of the varieties has certain forms of manifestation, signs, complications and treatment methods.

Muscle hypertonicity

It is more often expressed in infants, but natural elimination of symptoms is possible within 2-4 months. Characteristic signs are causeless crying and restlessness, resistance when trying to provoke movement, clenched fingers and toes. In adults, it is expressed in the inability to completely relax and pain when moving.

Hypotonicity of muscles

It is characterized by the child’s amazing calmness, long sleep and sluggish, reluctant movements. With hypotonia, children do not hold their heads up for a long time, sit up late, walk late, and have poorly developed hand motor skills. Adults with muscle hypotension syndrome feel constant fatigue, weakness of the limbs, back and neck.

Stages of development of muscle tone disorders

  1. First. Minor changes in voltage that quickly return to normal, often without medical intervention.
  2. Second. Symptoms appear during movement, and may subsequently appear at rest.
  3. Third. Prolonged spasms cause pronounced physical deformations of the elements of the musculoskeletal system, and limited mobility occurs.

Forms of muscle tone disorders

  • Primary. A congenital form that does not depend on the presence of chronic diseases or neurological disorders in the body. It is observed in infants due to pathological pregnancy and childbirth or hereditary predisposition. It can be easily treated if you consult a specialist in a timely manner.
  • Secondary. An acquired form, which is characterized by development against the background of other diseases, mainly of the central nervous system. It also occurs with neurological damage, heredity and other factors that contribute to disorders of the central nervous system and brain.

The musculoskeletal system consists of a huge number of muscles that actively contract and provide people with movement. They are very elastic and tensile fibers consisting of muscle tissue. When exposed to nerve impulses, a contraction process occurs. Muscles enable movement of various parts of our body, as well as the expression of emotions.

People do it without any problems various movements from the simplest – a wink and a smile – to complex ones. Proper muscle activity ensures not only mobility, but also the normality of all organs and systems, as well as the processes occurring in them. The nervous system regulates the process of functioning of all muscle tissues and is a ligamentous link with the brain and spinal cord, and also takes an active part in the procedure of converting chemical energy into mechanical energy.

Prolonged work and heavy loads contribute to muscle fatigue. Due to injury, as well as various diseases of the nervous system, the proper functioning of muscle fibers is disrupted and muscle tone occurs.

Muscle tone is the uncontrolled tension of muscle fibers, which results in their contraction while in a relaxed state. The main pathological conditions are:

  • muscle hypotonicity;


Hypotonia is a pathological change in which muscle tone decreases. Often this condition is diagnosed not only in children, but also in adults. age category. As a result of this pathology, muscle fibers weaken and, over time, stop responding to impulses sent by the nervous system.


The main signs that indicate the presence of muscle hypotonia are:

  • severe muscle weakness;
  • the occurrence of atony;
  • decreased physical activity or its complete absence;
  • problems with the breathing process;
  • joint deformation;
  • the person is unable to sit independently, he falls into a lying position.


These changes can provoke more than a hundred diseases. As a result, there is a division into the following types:

  • diffuse;
  • local;

According to the degree of development of this condition, hypotonicity is divided into the following types:

  • gradually developing;
  • spicy.

Classification is also carried out in connection with the causative factors that provoke a decrease in muscle tone:

  • congenital – develops as a result of genetic abnormalities;
  • acquired – appears throughout life as a result of various systemic diseases.


Factors in the occurrence of muscle hypotonicity can be both genetic and other types of diseases. The main ones are:

  • Down syndrome;
  • Martin–Bell syndrome;
  • Rett syndrome;
  • Canavan disease;
  • Pituitary dwarfism;
  • Menkes disease;
  • dystrophic changes in muscles;
  • leukodystrophy;
  • atrophic processes in the spinal muscles;
  • meningitis;
  • polio;
  • sepsis;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • negative reaction to grafting;
  • celiac disease;
  • hypervitaminosis;
  • jaundice;
  • rickets.


Muscle paralysis is a pathological condition that results in the loss of important muscle functions necessary for motor activity. Muscle tone occurs due to conditions such as:

  • myopathy;
  • muscular dystonia;
  • infectious diseases;
  • tumor formation and hemorrhages in the brain and spinal cord;
  • accidents and various injuries.

Paralysis is divided into two types:

  • flaccid - this is a very strong decrease in the muscular torus, which leads to the death of muscle fibers;
  • spastic – characterized by excessively increased muscle tone, in which a person is unable to independently control the movements of his body.

In addition to the classification described above, there are certain diseases that are classified as paralysis. The main ones are:

  • Bell's palsy;
  • bulbar palsy;
  • Erb's palsy.

Bell's palsy

As a result of various factors affecting our face, damage to the facial nerve may occur, which will lead to its paralysis. The main reasons are:

  • hypothermia;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • injuries and surgical interventions.

The appearance of the disease brings with it many inconveniences and serious changes that reduce the quality of life and lead to disability. After a few weeks, loss of function of some muscles occurs, and then complete paralysis occurs. As a result of such processes, a person cannot speak, eat, or close his eyes completely during sleep. It is extremely rare to experience a state of paralysis of all muscles on both sides of the face.

Bulbar palsy

This type of disease occurs due to damage to the brain stems and is characterized by impaired motor functions of the oral organs, pharynx and larynx. There are problems with speech, swallowing liquids and solid foods. Breathing becomes difficult and suffocation and death can occur.

In medical practice, bulbar palsy is divided into two groups:

  • spicy;
  • progressive.

This type of paralysis is observed extremely rarely, but once it occurs, it cannot be completely eliminated. As a result, the patient's life expectancy can be several years.

Erb's palsy

This type very often occurs when a birth injury occurs to the brachial plexus. Fifth nerve damage occurs spinal cord. Difficult childbirth can result in paralysis of the muscles of the shoulder and forearm. Such cases are rare in newborn babies, but they do happen.

The child becomes restless, muscle tone decreases, problems arise with the respiratory system and movements of the injured limb, or rather, it is practically absent.


Paresis is a condition in which there is a decrease in muscle strength.
The resulting paresis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • when walking, a person shifts from one foot to another, like a duck;
  • motor activity of the limbs becomes difficult;
  • the head and feet hang down when lifting the leg up;
  • it is difficult for the patient to stand and sit.


Depending on the location, paresis is divided into the following types:

  • monoparesis - occurs in only one arm or leg;
  • hemiparesis – one side of the limb is affected;
  • paraparesis - localized only in both arms or legs;
  • tetraparesis - location is all limbs.


Paresis often occurs due to the following factors:

  • disruption of cerebral and spinal blood flow;
  • disseminated encephalomyelitis;
  • abscesses in the brain and spinal cord;
  • poisoning with various poisons;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • botulism;
  • epilepsy;
  • motor neuron diseases (amyotrophic sclerosis).


To determine the factor that causes an increase or decrease in muscle tone, a number of the following diagnostic methods are carried out in a medical institution:

  • collecting data about the patient and his entire family;
  • examination of the affected areas by a specialist and checking for reflexes;
  • CT scan;
  • magnetic reflex tomography;
  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • genetic studies are carried out for hypotension;
  • myelography;
  • nerve conduction studies;
  • biopsy muscle fiber from the area where changes in muscle tone appear.

To thoroughly study the cause of pathological changes occurring directly at the site of muscle hypotonicity, topical diagnostics are used. During its implementation, a detailed study takes place:

  • peripheral nerve;
  • peripheral motor neuron in the spinal cord;
  • cerebellum.

Diagnosis of paresis, in addition to the above methods, is carried out on a 5-point scale:

  • 5 points - functions are not impaired, there is no paresis;
  • 4 points - slight decrease in muscle strength;
  • 3 points - significant decrease in muscle strength;
  • 2 points - muscle contraction when it is impossible to resist gravity;
  • 1 point - unproductive contraction of individual muscle bundles of the muscle;
  • 0 points - lack of muscle strength.

Based on the results of the diagnostic measures, a correct diagnosis will be made and an effective course of therapy will be prescribed that will help get rid of this condition and restore lost functions.


To treat hypotension, medications are used that will help cure the disease that causes muscle weakening.
A massage complex is performed, using active movements to influence weakened muscles. The following techniques are often used during manipulation:

  • tingling;
  • rubbing;
  • kneading;
  • tingling.

During the procedure, massage specialists apply pressure to special points that will help increase muscle tone.
And also used physiotherapy. Execution of the complex physical exercise help strengthen muscles and maximize quick deliverance from hypotension.

Therapy for paralysis includes symptomatic treatment, and in parallel it includes therapeutic exercises, massage and medication. In addition to these measures, it is necessary to place the affected areas of the body in the correct position.
Treatment of paresis, as well as paralysis and hypotonicity, is aimed at eradicating the disease that provokes its occurrence. Thermal procedures are also used in conjunction with massage. As a result of such manipulations, blood flow and tissue trophism improve. The functionality of the affected limbs is restored.


Muscle hypotension can cause various unpleasant processes in the human body, such as:

  • metabolic disease;
  • gaining excess body weight;
  • deformation of the spinal column.

A course of therapy for paralysis does not guarantee that all muscle functions will be fully restored. Such people need special care, because they can be completely or partially immobilized for a long period. Staying in the same position for a long time provokes the development of a number of the following problems:

  • blood pressure increases or decreases greatly;
  • joint mobility worsens;
  • metabolic processes are disrupted;
  • the lungs are not fully functional;
  • problems of the urinary system;
  • disruption of the circulatory system;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • fainting.

Such people are recommended to use special compression devices that will help avoid thrombosis, and it is also very important to maintain body hygiene so that bedsores do not occur.

With paresis, a persistent neurological defect occurs, which leads to disturbances in social and labor adaptation.


To avoid such changes in muscles, you need to monitor your health and take preventive measures, such as:

  • complete refusal bad habits(smoking, alcohol);
  • walks in the open air;
  • regular doctor's examinations;
  • getting rid of emerging diseases as quickly as possible.

Video: PARESIS AND PARALYSIS. What is paresis? What is paralysis?

Muscle tone refers to the physiological properties of the human body, the nature of the effects of which has not been fully studied by medicine. The transition from a state of rest to tension is possible under the influence of various factors, both external and internal, taking into account diseases of various types, including diseases and malfunctions of the central nervous system.

Pathologies of muscle tone differ by type: hypotonicity and hypertonicity. Both manifestations are considered physiologically necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Muscle tension occurs subconsciously, as a reflex, which ensures almost all types of movement, including maintaining the body in the desired position. Maintaining a person in constant readiness for any action is main task muscle tone.

What is the difference between normal tone and disturbed tone?

Many parents are concerned about the question of whether everything is fine with the health of their babies, in what condition are the support systems and organs of the child’s body. In order to understand the level of muscle tone, it is important to have information about what changes may indicate disturbances in the system.

  • If there is an uneven distribution of tone relative to the location of the body, there are signs of the development of dystonia.
  • The presence of one-sided tension in the baby’s body against the background of relaxation on the other indicates that the baby has asymmetrical disorders. This is further confirmed by the baby’s movements: turning in the direction of hypertonicity, the child bends in the other direction, while there is unevenness in the folds of the skin on the buttocks and thighs.
  • Tightness, with the inability to completely relax even at the time of sleep, indicates that the baby has muscle strain (hypertonicity). If the baby initially holds his head after birth, his fingers and toes are weirdly curled together, a severe form of the disease is evident.
  • If the baby does not move properly, he looks lethargic, inactive, everything indicates that the baby is susceptible to a form of hypotension.

Decreased and increased muscle tone

Both increased and decreased muscle tone are a deviation from the norm and require treatment of the disease. The cause of such deviations can be various diseases and malfunctions of the central nervous system.

Reduced tone can manifest itself against the background of atrophy of the muscular-nervous system, neonatal dystrophy, as a consequence of botulism, polio, or congenital pathology (Guillain-Barré syndrome, myopathy). Typically, the appearance and development of hypotension is associated with various disorders of impulse transmission along nerve fibers.

Hypertonicity is a unique marker of abnormal brain function, which can manifest itself after head injuries or brain pathologies (birth-related, due to previous diseases, including infectious ones). The most common causes are previous meningitis, cerebral palsy, and problems with the vascular system.

Hypertonicity (muscular hypertension)

Muscular hypertension is a type of damage to muscle tissue in which they remain in good shape for a significant period of time. The physiology of the manifestation may differ depending on the factor that provoked muscle hypertension, but in general, this occurs against the background of a malfunction of the nervous system.

The changes that occur in this case modify the organization of oxygen supply and create additional obstacles in the supply of muscles. Lack of oxygen and poor blood supply contribute to the accumulation of soft tissues biochemical waste.


If in children the main reason for the development of hypertonicity is disruption of the central nervous system, then in adults this manifestation can cause stress, nervous breakdowns, physical and moral exhaustion.

There may be several reasons for muscle strain in young children:

  • The parents have blood incompatibility.
  • Various complications suffered during gestation.
  • Influence of the ecological environment.
  • Birth injuries.
  • Genetic inheritance.

For adults, the following manifestations may be factors that provoke the appearance of muscle hypertension:

  • Consequences of previous injuries (sprains, muscle tears).
  • Overvoltage.
  • Reaction to a nervous breakdown, consequences of prolonged emotional stress.


Signs that can be used to determine the development of muscle hypertension (hypertonicity) in a child will help you initially begin treatment procedures:

  • The child sleeps little and is restless.
  • When the baby lies, his head is thrown back, but his arms and legs are tucked in.
  • If the baby tries to separate or straighten the limbs and feels muscular resistance, the child reacts negatively to the procedure.
  • When walking, the baby does not stand on his full foot, but tries to continue moving on tiptoe.
  • The child burps more often than is physiologically normal.
  • When stroking the child's neck, muscle tension is felt.
  • The child often cries, with his head thrown back and his chin trembling convulsively.

To determine the extent of muscle damage from hypertonicity, specialists test the baby’s behavior.

  • Having sat the child down, they try to move the baby’s arms to the side.
  • When holding the child upright, he tries to take a step.
  • When placing the baby on his legs, he tries to hold the desired position, stretching out on his toes.
  • Preservation of symmetric and asymmetric reactions in which work is observed muscle group one of the sides (when turning the head, the baby squeezes those limbs where the neck turns) for more than 3 months.
  • Preservation of the tonic reflex (the limbs constantly remain tucked in the supine position) for more than 3 months after the birth of the baby.

In adults, the symptoms of hypertonicity are expressed in the compression of a muscle group on one side. When moving or changing posture position there is pain syndrome, and on the affected areas of the muscles a fossilization is felt, a change in the color of the skin (blue) is visually observed. Additional symptoms of the disease are:

  • Temporary muscle stiffness reduces motor function.
  • Constant stiffness completely blocks the musculoskeletal system.
  • Spasms.


With the pathology of hypertonicity, negative changes in the form of death occur in areas of the brain tissue responsible for the state of the muscular system. This can provoke the development of perinatal encephalopathy, the appearance of intracranial pressure and other negative reactions, which may subsequently be reflected in the form of:

  • Impaired functionality of movement coordination.
  • Become the reason incorrect posture and form an incorrect gait.
  • They inhibit the development of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Slow down speech work.

Hypotonia (muscle hypotonia)

A weakening of muscle tone occurs against the background of a condition in which all movements are difficult. The reasons for the development of hypotension in adults and children may differ, and when diagnosing the disease, specialists are guided by the symptoms of the manifestations. The manifestation of muscle hypotension at the very early development of the disease can have a very serious impact on the baby’s condition in the future. Neonatal dystonia and atrophy of muscle-nerve fibers are the factors that provoke the development of the disease.

Causal diseases

In newborns, the main causes of the development of muscle hypotonia syndrome are congenital diseases. The list of genetic diseases that can affect the baby’s health in the form of hypotension includes:

  • Aicardi syndrome. One of those rare manifestations when the etiology of epileptic seizures cannot be fully explained.
  • Down syndrome. Pathology of the genome, expressed in a change in the number of chromosomes.
  • Opitz-Kavedzhia syndrome. The disease causes abnormal changes in the muscular system.
  • Robinov's syndrome. Congenital changes in the skeletal and muscular system: wide bridge of the nose, large forehead, etc.
  • Griscelli syndrome.
  • Marfan syndrome. A hereditary disease in which all tubular bones of the skin are elongated.
  • Rett syndrome. Congenital psychoneurological disease.

The listed diseases are only the main part of those modifications that occur due to hereditary genetics or as a consequence of the effects of other diseases. Some of them debut throughout their entire life:

  • Leukodystrophy.
  • Muscular or spinal dystrophy.
  • Hypervitaminosis.
  • Dystrophy.
  • Myasthenia.


Muscle hypotension is diagnosed by the following signs:

  • Visually distinguishable signs of lethargy, which manifest themselves in both mild form and complete atony. When bending, passive resistance is felt, the muscular system is flabby to the touch.
  • Partial or complete absence of reflexes, movements are inactive, tendon reflex increased. The child cannot maintain the desired body position, does not crawl, and does not try to roll over.
  • Difficulties with feeding, which provoke the stomach to reflux into the esophagus.
  • Malfunctions of the respiratory system (with cerebral hypotension).

It is also possible to have seizures, developmental delay, discomfort, rhythmic and rapid movement of the feet.

Possible consequences

Although hypotension does not pose a particular danger, not treating the manifestation in the future can have a number of consequences:

  • Weakened quality of the speech apparatus.
  • Weak (poorly developed) muscular system.
  • Swallowing reflex disorder.
  • Problems with joints (frequent dislocations).
  • Insufficient reflex level.
  • Problems with sound pronunciation.
  • Chronic respiratory diseases.

In what period do children experience problems with muscle development?

Problems with the muscular system at different age periods of children's development.

  • Immediately after birth. Hypotonia is diagnosed using a complex of reflexes. The reason for the manifestation is Negative consequences during the period of gestation.
  • From 3 months to six months. The manifestation is diagnosed by secondary signs and reflexes, which become more stable by this period.
  • From 3 years to 7. The cause may appear against the background of infectious diseases that modify the functioning of the central nervous system.

Main directions of treatment

Any disorders of the muscular system require correction and treatment; in order for the problem to be normalized in the future, medicine uses three main areas of treatment procedures: massage, exercise therapy, and swimming. Physiotherapy is prescribed in combination with any of the other types; in particularly difficult cases, experts recommend drug treatment, which includes a number of vitamins and other medicinal substances.

Swimming and gymnastics with low muscle tone

Treatment of low tone involves the use of a set of exercises and swimming. For children, both types are allowed almost from birth. All classes can be conducted by parents, but they must first complete short course training that will help you apply exercise therapy correctly. Medical Physical Culture a lowered one will help muscle tone bring it back to normal.

Swimming lessons are conducted under the supervision of a specialist.

All types of exercises are performed smoothly, and it is necessary to adhere to a certain rhythm.

  • Hand movement. Hands smoothly rise from the bottom up and also smoothly fall. The palms of the hands are alternately placed on the child’s head, making sure that the palm is straightened at the moment of application, and clenched into a fist at the moment of lowering.
  • Leg movements. The legs are smoothly squeezed at the knees and straightened.
  • Squat. If necessary, the child is helped to perform the exercise.
  • Rolling over from stomach to back and vice versa.

Older children and adults can use various gymnastic objects during exercise therapy: a ball, gymnastic stick, hoop

Massage for increased muscle tone

Any types of relaxing massages for hypertonicity are prescribed only after examination by a pediatrician (for children), a neurologist, and an orthopedist, who, in addition to the format of the damage to the muscular system (group), must find out the reason that provoked the manifestation. Massage is allowed to be performed at home, but the people who will perform the procedure must undergo a training course.

  • Massages can be used to treat increased tone from 2 months of age.
  • The procedure is performed in the daytime, at normal room temperature, and the first time the massage should take no more than 5-7 minutes.
  • The massage begins with light stroking of the back and limbs.
  • When performing the procedure, chopping movements, pinching and the use of force when rubbing are excluded.
  • For the procedure, you can use baby cream or oil.

Hypertonicity is a violation of the muscle tone of the body, which is expressed in muscle overstrain. Almost all babies are born with severe muscle hypertonicity. After all, while inside the womb, the baby is constantly in the fetal position. The limbs and chin in this position are pressed closely to the body and the muscles of the fetus are constantly tense.

hypertension in children under one year old

Up to about six months nervous system The babies “learn” to work in conditions different from those in the womb. The baby gradually develops and slowly begins to control the movements of his muscles and skeleton. In a one-month-old baby, hypertonicity is very pronounced. This is reflected in clenched fists and bent legs, and in throwing the head back. The tone of the extensor muscles in a one-month-old baby is higher than the flexor muscles.

With physiological hypertonicity, the child’s legs move apart only 45 0 each. When moving your legs away, you feel a pronounced resistance to movement. By three months, muscle hypertonicity in a child without pathologies practically disappears. If muscle tension persists after your child reaches six months, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Symptoms of hypertension


Complications during pregnancy, birth injuries, Rh conflict, incompatibility of the blood of parents, residence in a poor environmental situation and many other factors will cause hypertension. It is worth paying close attention to the symptoms of hypertonicity, because this can be an expression of a serious neurological disease.

Signs of severe hypertension:

  1. Restless and short sleep.
  2. In the lying position, the head is thrown back, and the arms and legs are tucked.
  3. When trying to separate the baby's legs or arms, strong resistance is felt. The child cries at the same time. Secondary dilution increases muscle resistance.
  4. Vertically on a hard surface, the child tries to stand on the front part of the foot, that is, stands on tiptoes ( Information: ).
  5. When crying, the child throws his head back, arches, and at the same time his chin muscles tremble ( See article ).
  6. Frequent regurgitation.
  7. Painful reaction to various stimuli: light, sound.
  8. From birth, the baby “holds” his head due to constant tension in the neck muscles.

It is important to determine as early as possible that a child has hypertension. Finding at least one of the above symptoms in your baby is a good reason to contact a pediatric neurologist. The diagnosis of “hypertonicity” will be made if the flexion tone is higher than expected at a given age.

Muscle hypertonicity is determined by several reflex tests:

  • Sitting by the hands: it is impossible to take the baby's hands away from the breast.
  • Step reflex. When in an upright position, the child seems to be trying to take a step. Lasts after two months.
  • Support reflex: a standing child leans on his toes.
  • Preservation of asymmetric and symmetric reflexes after three months. When the child tilts his head to his chest while lying on his back, his arms bend and his legs straighten. When turning the head to the left in the same position left hand stretches forward left leg extends and the right one bends. When tilted at right side everything is repeated in a mirror image.
  • Preservation of the tonic reflex after three months: lying on his back, the child straightens his limbs, and bends them on his stomach.

If by a certain age these reflexes do not weaken and do not disappear later, it means that the child has severe muscle hypertonicity. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Consequences and danger

Why is hypertonicity so dangerous if its occurrence is caused by the position of the fetus itself? Physiological hypertonicity disappears without a trace after three months. Pathological hypertonicity is caused by damage to brain tissue, which is responsible for the condition of the muscles. Such disorders occur with increased intracranial pressure, perinatal encephalopathy, increased excitability and other pathologies.

muscle hypertonicity

If, after three months, hypertonicity in children persists, the consequences, in the absence of treatment, are disastrous. Lack of regulation of muscle tone will affect the further development of the child:

  • Impaired coordination of movements;
  • Formation of abnormal gait;
  • Incorrect formation of posture;
  • Developmental delays, especially motor skills;
  • Speech impairment.

Hypertonicity of the legs

It is especially dangerous if the child develops severe hypertonicity in the legs. It affects the rate of development of motor activity. Children with this diagnosis later begin and. For children with hypertonicity of the legs, the use of and is especially contraindicated. These devices increase the state of tension in the muscles of the legs and spine due to the uneven distribution of gravity. The load increases specifically on the muscles of the pelvis and spine.

Hypertonicity of the arms

Hypertonicity of the arms is expressed in muscle resistance when moving the arms away from the chest and tightly clenched fists. This condition is most often observed with physiological hypertonicity. However, prolonged persistence of muscle tension should concern the child’s parents.

See video:


Correct and timely treatment of hypertension is carried out exclusively by a specialist doctor - a pediatric neurologist. All procedures are prescribed only by the attending physician. The sooner you start treatment, the better and faster the positive results will appear.

There are several techniques and directions in medicine that allow you to relieve hypertension:

  1. Relaxing massage.
  2. Physiotherapy.
  3. Electrophoresis.
  4. Paraffin applications (heat therapy).
  5. Swimming.
  6. Drug treatment.

As can be seen from the list, to remove hypertension, medications are used last. These are drugs that relax muscles, reduce muscle tone and diuretics to reduce brain fluid levels. In addition to the massage, dibazole and B vitamins may be prescribed.


Massage for hypertonicity can be done independently at home starting from two weeks of age. Naturally, you first need to consult with a specialist in children's massage and get instructions and recommendations for massage from him. A total of ten sessions are carried out, which are best repeated again after six months.

The massage consists of three types of influence techniques: stroking, rubbing and rocking:

  1. With the back of your hand we stroke the surface of your arms, legs and back. You can alternate superficial stroking with your fingers with grasping stroking with the whole brush.
  2. Circular rubbing of the skin. The baby is placed on his tummy and rubbed in a circular motion with his fingers using stroke movements from bottom to top. Then the same is done with the limbs, turning the child onto his back.
  3. Take the baby's hand and shake it slightly. In this case, you should definitely hold your hand in the forearm area. Carry out the procedure with both arms and legs.
  4. Take the baby by the arms above the wrist and rhythmically swing his arms in different directions.
  5. Grab the child's legs by the shins and rock them.
  6. Finish the massage by gently stroking your arms and legs.

If you have hypertonicity, you should not use deep muscle kneading, patting or chopping techniques. All movements should be smooth and relaxing, but rhythmic.

Video: how to massage for hypertonicity


An excellent remedy for relieving hypertension are herbal baths. Water itself has a relaxing property, and in combination with herbs it becomes an excellent remedy for hypertension. Take turns for four days to take warm baths with valerian root, lingonberry leaf, motherwort and sage. A break is taken for one day, the procedures are repeated again, and so on for 10 days. Pine baths also have an excellent relaxing effect.