Step-by-step instructions for building a swimming pool. We make an inexpensive pool at the dacha with our own hands. Tools for work

The most affordable and favorite vacation for many is a vacation in the country. In your own landscaped area it is so nice to relax, chat with family and friends, have a party or have a nice time in solitude. Therefore, the desire to make a summer cottage as convenient, comfortable and suitable for a good rest as possible is quite understandable.

A swimming pool would also be useful at the dacha. Many people refuse this luxurious element, believing that its installation will be very expensive. But this is not at all true, because it is quite possible to make a pool with your own hands at the dacha! You can also decorate your summer cottage with a pond or a small fountain. These simple structures will help you master the basic types of work required to build a pool. There are many ways and techniques for building a swimming pool. We will introduce you to the most popular and convenient for self-implementation.

Step-by-step diagram for constructing a monolithic pool

Construction of a pool requires the following stages to be completed in stages:

  • development of a plan, preparation of drawings;
  • drainage arrangement, thermal insulation;
  • gain;
  • laying communications;
  • pouring the solution;
  • waterproofing, sealing;
  • Finishing work.

Our instructions will help you quickly and efficiently build a swimming pool at your dacha with your own hands. On initial stage It is important to decide on the place where you want to organize a pond. In this case, it is important to take into account not only your own preferences and desires, but also the capabilities of the site and its features. In order to do right choice, it is necessary to draw up a site plan with all the details and analyze it. Several parameters will help you determine two or three suitable locations for your pool.

It is advisable that the selected area be free of large plants and trees. On open place The water will warm up faster, and in the shade it will remain cold for a long time. Tree roots can also cause the bowl to collapse, and leaves, grass and other debris can cause a lot of problems. All this will have to be constantly fished out of the water.

Correctly calculate the depth of the pool. An adult can swim more or less comfortably at a depth of at least 1.5 m. If there is less water, the pool will only be suitable for children. At the desired depth of the pool, you need to add 1.5 m for drainage and take into account the thickness of the concrete walls of the bowl.

No less important question– communications. It is important not to spoil them during the preparation of the pit. Before starting work, it is necessary to determine where they are laid. After all the preparatory work is completed, you can proceed directly to the excavation work. When digging a pit, take into account the need to slope the walls. It should be about 5º. This nuance will save you from problems with constantly crumbling soil.

The next task that needs to be solved when building a swimming pool with your own hands at the dacha is installing waterproofing. The first stage of solving this problem is the creation of a fifteen-centimeter sand-crushed stone “pillow”. It must be compacted and leveled. Roofing material is placed on top of the “pillow”. First one layer, and then a second layer on top of it. The edges of the sheets should rise above the ground by at least 20 cm.

The next stage is strengthening. It is performed using a reinforcement cage. You will need material 20 mm in diameter. After the frame is ready and laid, the pit is filled with concrete.

Nai the best option pouring - the entire bowl at once, without dividing into layers. But this is not so easy to do, especially if the construction is carried out on your own.

Therefore, as a rule, this stage is divided into several substages. First of all, fill the bottom. It is important to leave a slight slope towards the drain. After the bottom, the walls are prepared.

To achieve high quality pouring, it is recommended to use vibration installations. While the solution at the bottom dries, you can start laying communications.

After the bottom has hardened, work on the walls begins. To do this, you need to create formwork. Please note that the future wall of the pool must be at least 40 cm. If you fill it in two stages, then the reinforcement is also done accordingly. After you have made and installed the formwork, you need to make a frame connecting to the horizontal parts. Now you can pour the concrete. It also needs to be compacted using a vibrating machine. After it hardens, you can perform finishing work.

Do you want to know how to make a pool at your dacha inexpensively with your own hands? The video on this page will help you understand the basic principles and methods of performing all the necessary work. Read our descriptions, watch photos and videos, and you can build the pool of your dreams on your summer cottage. For example, a luxurious multi-level swimming pool.

In this section you will find detailed recommendations for each stage of construction of a multi-level simple pool without complex communications. In it, the bowl is simply filled with water, and after a while it is suctioned, and the bowl is filled with fresh, clean water.

The first thing you need to do is choose a place. Then it is necessary to carefully consider each stage of the work, assess the reality of their implementation at a specific selected location. Next, an optimal plan is drawn up that will allow you to accomplish everything you need with maximum savings and efficiency. After this, you can start digging.

Since a multi-level design is planned, it is necessary to calculate the size of each level. In the process of digging a pit, level by level, filling is also carried out. So, gradually, you will reach the bottom. After hardening, you can carry out a test draw of water to find out where there are leaks. If there are no defects, then the water needs to be pumped out. Next, you can finish the concrete according to your personal preference.

This is one of the simple and accessible ways to build a swimming pool at your dacha with your own hands. In this case, you will not have to bother with sewerage, wastewater and other communications. Such a pool does not require cleaning devices. A simple, comfortable and economical pool, which not only allows you to enjoy the coolness of the water, but also serves as a wonderful decoration for the site.

Polypropylene is a modern and practical material, perfect for creating a swimming pool. Among its characteristics are high strength, resistance to temperature changes, reliability and ease of maintenance.

If you decide to build a polypropylene pool, then, as in previous cases, you need to determine a suitable place for it. The selected area must be marked in order to be able to properly dig a hole. It is recommended to leave a reserve of space, about a meter wide, so that in the future it will be convenient for you to walk around the pool, as well as perform various work with pipes and other communications.

Determine how high the board will reach. You need to dig half a meter deeper than the location of the bowl in order to provide space for a special “cushion”. Geotextiles are placed at the bottom of the prepared pit. A crushed stone “pillow” is prepared on top of it. The layer should reach 30 cm. Then reinforcement is performed and concrete is poured.

You can dig a hole yourself or order special equipment. Unnecessary soil can be scattered around the site or removed.

Then the surface of the pit must be leveled in height and lined with geotextiles and crushed stone. The resulting “pillow” is compacted. Then preparing the reinforcement frame, crosswise tying the rods with wire every 25 cm. The resulting frame is laid on top. To prevent it from resting on the crushed stone, bricks are placed under it in places.

If you are planning to build a large pool, then you will need a lot of mortar. We recommend ordering it ready-made. This will give you the opportunity to perform a one-time fill of the entire base. Before filling, you need to install pipe beacons. They will form the basis for the finished floor in the future. The base is poured with a margin of half a meter around the entire perimeter.

While the base is gaining strength, you can prepare the bowl elements from polypropylene. To do this, you need to purchase a welding extruder with a welding function different types. Optimal choice of material – polypropylene sheets 4x1.5 m, thickness 5 and 8 mm. Thinner material is easier to bend, so it will be used to build a Roman staircase.

When sewing outside seams, use a 90º seam shoe. The seams inside are made with an oval rod.

Welding of the bottom elements is carried out directly on the base. First of all, you need to go through the outside with a hand extruder, and then with an oval rod and a hot air gun on the other side.

Before laying the polypropylene bottom, the base is covered with geotextile. Expanded polystyrene is layered on top of it.

If you do not know how to build a pool at your dacha with your own hands from polypropylene, before starting work, read not only these instructions, but also the specifics of welding this material.

After the bottom has been assembled and laid, the locations of the elements of the future walls are determined. Marking is necessary so that the bowl turns out exactly as you planned. The wall prepared for installation is placed in its designated place. The connection is made from the inside using a hot air gun. But this is not the main mount. This is a temporary measure to ensure that the structure has general form while external extruder welding is being performed.

When all the walls have found their place, we move on to creating the stairs.

After this, it is necessary to install stiffening ribs. They are made of thick polypropylene and should be located at a distance of 60 cm from each other. The ribs are welded with a welding rod. Holes for fastening reinforcement 12 mm in diameter are prepared in advance in strips. The distance between them is half a meter. In places where the bowl has a rounded shape, additional rigidity is not needed; polypropylene is already strong enough. The bowl must be insulated by placing sheets of foam plastic between the stiffening ribs.

Equipment for such a pool requires:

  • nozzles;
  • skimmer;
  • drain

Be sure to leave an appropriate drain hole when pouring. If you forget to do this, then the drain will have to be moved to the wall. And in this case, the water that will be below the drain level will have to be pumped out with a pump.

Holes in polypropylene can be made with the same tools as in wood.

The nozzle piping is made of PVC pipes. The connection is ensured with a special glue. It's not difficult to do this job. The pipe must be sanded to the length of the gluing and the element that will connect it (angle, coupling). Then a chamfer is removed from the pipe at an angle of 45º. The glue is spread on the pipe and the connecting element and the pipe is inserted tightly. In 4 minutes you will have a reliable connection.

Pipes installed in their proper places are insulated. To prevent the insulation from being torn off during the concrete pouring process, it is wrapped with tape.

It is important to connect the nozzles correctly to obtain uniform pressure in each of them. First, the connection is made in pairs, and after that a central line is introduced at the center of the connection of each pair.

Filtration devices, heat exchanger and other equipment are best installed in the basement. The pipes must be insulated and trenches dug for them.

To avoid the appearance of strong concrete pressure on the walls of the pool, formwork is installed with internal and outside. From the inside it must be fixed so as to maintain a strictly perpendicular position to the ground and sides. Concrete is poured in the following way:

  • The formwork is being installed. Its height is 30 cm;
  • The pool is filled to 30 cm with water;
  • Next, the solution is poured with the same layer;
  • A day later, the pool is again filled by 30 cm;
  • After moving the formwork, the next layer of mortar is poured.

After the solution gains strength, you can proceed to finishing work.

Types of pools

Explore everything possible types designs if you are planning a pool at your dacha with your own hands. Photos will help you choose the best option suitable specifically for your site. Perhaps in your case it is better to do without construction and limit yourself to a portable or inflatable structure. We bring to your attention a brief overview of the most popular pool designs.

Such a pool will not only refresh you in the heat, but will also be an excellent decoration for your dacha area.

Good shape, comfortable and beautiful. You can play with water levels to your advantage by choosing a place with a difference in elevation.

A small and compact pool of shallow depth will make your children happy! It is convenient to assemble it for the summer and disassemble it for the cold season.

Usually one is made shallow and the other deep. So, both adults and children can enjoy water treatments.

With the development of construction technologies and materials, everything more people they decide to build a pool on the site with their own hands in order to swim and cool off in the summer heat, to please their children and grandchildren, to decorate their private property and give them greater comfort. Properly designed and manufactured strictly according to technology, located in a well-chosen location and beautifully decorated, the pond will become a favorite vacation spot for the whole family.

Advantages and disadvantages of stationary pools

The design of stationary pools is fundamentally different from prefabricated types; it has its own characteristics:

  • strength and durability;
  • the ability to create any complex and multi-level shapes, small or huge dimensions and volumes;
  • placement both indoors and in open areas, use in winter;
  • a large selection of construction and finishing materials and decor allows you to realize your wildest design fantasies;
  • the ability to connect communications and additional options and devices: hydromassage areas, fountains and waterfalls, slides, lighting, water purification and filtration systems, drainage and automatic heating;
  • such an object is built once and for all, its dismantling is impossible without destruction and will require significant financial and labor costs;
  • V winter period the bathhouse needs to be preserved so that frost does not damage the walls;
  • Unlike lightweight inflatable and frame low-budget models that are quickly installed, stationary reservoirs are built in compliance with all construction standards, drying times for materials; errors and shortcomings are unacceptable here and can lead to serious problems.

Stationary structures have both advantages and disadvantages

How to make a stationary pool with your own hands

There is a huge range of ready-made swimming pools on the market, various prefabricated models made from various materials, and accessories for them. You can buy a ready-made composite bowl and dig it in near the house, or you can build a monolithic pool from reinforced concrete or lay it out of brick. In any case, you first need to create a project and draw a pool plan with dimensions, calculate the estimate and quantity of materials, prepare tools and equipment for the work.

It will no longer be possible to move the finished object, so it is important to choose a suitable location and determine the area allocated for the recreation area, following simple rules:

  • An open sunny area promotes natural heating of water. This arrangement will save on electricity bills;
  • the bowl must be strictly horizontal, so it is recommended to choose flat areas without relief;
  • large trees can damage or deform the bottom and walls; species such as willow, poplar, chestnut, whose root system is developed, are especially undesirable. Replanting or removing a tree from your property costs much less than renovating a pool;
  • a slight slope can be used to simplify drainage;
  • Shrubs and low-growing fruit trees growing nearby lose their leaves throughout the season, which means you will have to constantly collect fallen leaves and perishable fruits and berries from the surface of the water;
  • the site must be protected from the wind and prying eyes, you can choose a place near a fence, wall, hedge, the distance to the fence is preferably at least 2 m;
  • the risk of accidents and leaks, moisture getting under the foundation of the house or flooding of the basement should be taken into account;
  • the convenience of connecting communications and placing equipment, drainage is important;
  • if the footage allows, then it is worth setting aside a place for a recreation area where you can sunbathe;
  • You cannot make a pit on moving or unstable soils; if the groundwater level is high, then it is not recommended to deepen the reservoir; it is better to choose a model for installation on the surface.

Next, you need to decide on the size and shape of the reservoir; these parameters depend on the purpose of the pool. Elongated shapes are more suitable for swimming, and round bowls are more suitable for relaxing with children. For independent construction, it is better to choose simple shapes - a rectangle or a circle, which are less labor-intensive to execute.

The depth of the bowl varies from 0.5 m to baby bathing and up to 1.5 m for adults. If you plan to jump from a springboard, then the depth must be increased to 2.3 m to avoid hitting the bottom. You can divide the bottom into children's and adult areas with a gentle depth difference, or build two bowls separated by a partition to avoid children getting into the deep part.

Made from concrete

The most durable and durable construction technology is considered to be concrete reinforced with steel rods. For beginners, it is convenient to use polystyrene foam blocks as permanent formwork; they are inexpensive.

List of required tools and materials:

  • cement grade of at least M-300;
  • concrete mixer, if you need a lot of concrete, it makes sense to order a machine for ready-mixed concrete in a mixer;
  • roulette;
  • pegs;
  • cord for marking on the site;
  • shovel;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • formwork boards or polystyrene foam blocks;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • geotextiles;
  • insulation;
  • reinforcement in the form of steel bars;
  • finishing materials and decorative elements.

Stages of work:

  1. Mark the site, mark the dimensions with pegs, and stretch the cord around the perimeter. The boundaries of the pit should be larger than the dimensions of the bowl by approximately 1 m on each side. Dig a pit; it needs to be deepened 50 cm from the size of the pool. The bottom must be thoroughly compacted and leveled, clods of earth and stones must be removed, and roots must be uprooted. Then pour a 25–30 cm layer of crushed stone.
  2. Place the reinforcement on special supports so that the reinforcing grid, after pouring the solution, is located in the thickness of the concrete layer. This will ensure the strength of the structure. Put together formwork from boards and make reinforcing supports.

    Fill the bottom of the pit with crushed stone and install the screed

  3. Pour the concrete screed in one go. The thickness of the layer is 25 cm, level it with a vibrator or simply pierce the layer several times with a rod to expel air bubbles.

    Pour concrete solution

  4. Wait until the screed dries and reaches its design strength, periodically moistening the surface, this will help the concrete not crack when drying. Drying takes 7–14 days.
  5. Line the pool bowl with geotextile or dense polyethylene. The best solution The concrete surface will be treated with a penetrating waterproofing agent or a layer of liquid rubber.
  6. Lay insulation or polystyrene foam blocks on top and secure them with tape. Lay out the walls of the formwork, inserting a reinforcing rod into each section of the block.

    Install formwork

  7. Install ladders and recesses for additional equipment. Pour concrete into the formwork and wait time for drying.

    Pour the concrete and wait for it to harden

  8. Bowl finish with inside made with ceramic tiles, mosaics, special film, if necessary, primed and coated with waterproof paint for swimming pools.
  9. From the outside, the pit is backfilled and the sides are finished, the necessary filtering equipment is installed, and the water supply and drain are connected.

    Finish the bowl with ceramic tiles

Made of brick

Another popular construction material is brick. The advantages of this method:

  • reliability and strength of the structure, long service life;
  • possibility of laying out various shapes and sizes of bowls;
  • ease of installation of stairs, slides and other additional equipment;

There are also disadvantages:

  • the need for insulation due to low thermal conductivity;
  • long construction period and complex technology;
  • high cost of material.

For work you will need the following tools and materials:

  • container for mixing cement-sand mixture;
  • drill with mixer attachment;
  • brick;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • liquid soap or cheap dishwashing detergent as a plasticizer; reinforcement in the form of rods and mesh;
  • plaster mixture for finishing;
  • coating composition for waterproofing;
  • geotextiles;
  • Master OK;
  • putty knife;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • shovel.

Here is the sequence of technological steps.

Made from polypropylene

This relatively recently invented material has properties that allow it to be successfully used in the construction of swimming pools:

  • easy to process;
  • fastened by welding with sealed continuous seams;
  • does not require the creation of formwork or frame;
  • safe for humans;
  • has a smooth and non-slip surface;
  • Keeps warm for a long time.

One of the disadvantages is the darkening of the surface over time.

Polypropylene structures are easy to process and install

First you need to prepare the equipment and components:

  • polypropylene sheets with a thickness of at least 8 mm;
  • extruder for welding them;
  • construction hair dryer for correcting seams;
  • PVC film;
  • shovel;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • reinforcement for screed;
  • concrete solution;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • geotextiles.

Installation steps:

Rules of care

All types of pools require systematic care and cleaning. Recommendations will help you keep your pond in order.

  • You can collect debris and leaves from the surface with a skimmer or a simple net with a fine mesh; bottom vacuum cleaners or brushes are used to clean the bottom.
  • To change a huge volume of water less frequently, you can use disinfectants based on chlorine and active oxygen, ionizing units.
  • The tank must be preserved for the winter.
  • You can protect the surface of the water from dirt by covering it with a special film.
  • Regularly check the integrity and performance of filter elements, communications, and the tightness of the finish.
  • You can cover the pond with a polycarbonate roof or build a pavilion around the bathhouse.

The pool needs to be cleaned regularly

Many people associate a swimming pool with luxury and wealth, but to create it you only need hard work and adherence to technology. And if you have creative imagination, you can turn an ordinary concrete or brick tank into a real decoration of the site, a bright element of the landscape and a wonderful place to relax.

Who wouldn't want to splash around and cool off in their own pool on a hot summer day? How much joy and endless pleasure an artificial pond would bring to adult dacha owners and the restless younger generation. Imagine, this seemingly “rainbow” dream is quite feasible.

For those wishing to build a pool at their dacha with their own hands, we offer a number of practice-tested methods for organizing it. Here you will learn how to make a temporary and permanent option. You will be able to compare which method is easier for you to implement personally, which is more acceptable in terms of price and method of construction.

This article contains clear answers to all your questions. Construction technologies are thoroughly analyzed. Valuable recommendations are given for determining best place under the pool, choosing the optimal type of material for constructing the bowl, performing waterproofing and finishing.

Even an inexperienced craftsman can carry out the construction of a country pool. You just need to follow the construction technology of the chosen structure.

But first you need to choose a suitable location for the swimming facility and its type. Not every site will be able to arrange a large pond for swimming. long distances or jumping from a three-meter springboard.

Build a warm building for a swimming pool at the dacha with a roof for swimming all year round expensive and difficult, but an option with a light polycarbonate cover is possible

Structurally, swimming pool baths can be made:

  • With penetration into the ground. The basin bowl is installed in a pit; it can be ceramic, fiberglass, monolithic concrete, built from foam blocks or brick.
  • Surface mounted. These are structures for temporary use; they can be frame (collapsible) or inflatable. To install them, you will need a flat, compacted or concrete-filled area.

Their bowl shape can be round, rectangular, oval or complex geometry. The simplest option is a bathhouse near the bathhouse in the form of a large barrel. But it is difficult to call such a structure a full-fledged swimming pool.

For a device in the country, they most often choose open pool in stationary or mobile version.

Both options, due to the lack of a roof, can be used for their intended purpose only in the summer, but for a country holiday on the weekend, these structures will be quite enough. Their installation does not require too much investment and is quite simple if done independently.

It is much more difficult to build an indoor pool with your own hands. For him, you will have to order a project for a full-fledged building in the form of an extension to a country house with the laying of pipelines, installation of equipment, and heating.

If the site is not protected, and the owners rarely visit the dacha in winter, then it is irrational to erect such a structure.

Inflatable structures are inexpensive and quick to install, but any sharp object can quickly turn them into useless rags

To finish the walls and bottom of the bowl of a stationary pool from the inside, the following is used:

  1. Fiberglass.
  2. Polypropylene.
  3. PVC film.
  4. Mosaic or tile.

Thick polyvinyl chloride film is used in both frame and monolithic structures. And other materials are only used when installing stationary structures with partial or complete burial in the ground.

If the sides turn out to be uneven, they will have to be plastered using reinforcing mesh. It can be metal, but it is better to take a more expensive composite made of polymer materials. The latter will cost more, but it will definitely not begin to rust from exposure to moisture.

Without a mesh, the leveling layer of plaster in the structure being built will not last long. The energy of wave impacts from a passing person will inevitably and quickly destroy it.

You can finish the formed bowl of a country pool:

  • mosaic;
  • PVC film;
  • tiles.

The decorative layer should not only decorate the pool structure, but also reliably protect the concrete from exposure to water.

If you cheat at this stage and make mistakes, the concrete pool will soon have to be overhauled. In some cases, it will be necessary to completely disassemble the damaged structure, and then refill everything.

The sides and bottom of a monolithic pool can be made without the use of formwork by spraying concrete, but this requires certain skills and special equipment

The easiest way to decorate a bowl is with PVC film. You just need to spread it out and straighten it, and then solder the individual flaps into a single sealed sheet. You should use a film with a ribbed surface on the steps, otherwise they will turn out to be too slippery.

The use of tiled decorative materials allows you to create a more attractive looking country pool. But doing such cladding with your own hands is much more difficult. And it is extremely important to use only waterproof brands of glue, and grout only with antifungal additives.

Option #3 – from wooden panels

For the manufacture of wooden pool at the dacha you will need 60x60 mm bars and planed boards with a thickness of 30 mm or more. The structure will have the shape of an octagon. To begin, you need to knock down eight shields as high as the depth of the bowl.

All wood must be treated with antiseptics, otherwise a lumber pool will have to be rebuilt several times over the summer.

A wooden pool structure can be partially buried in the soil or simply placed on the ground. In the first case, the bottom is best done according to the classical scheme with digging a shallow pit, laying reinforcement and pouring concrete. And in the second, you will be able to get by with thick boards knocked tightly together.

After assembling all the panels into a single structure, the necessary technological holes should be made in them. Then PVC film is placed in the thicket for waterproofing. At the end of the work, all that remains is to install the stairs and refine the upper edge of the sides.

In addition to the three options given above, a country pool can be built from brick or polystyrene foam blocks with concrete poured inside them, as well as from plastic bottles or large tires. There are quite a few ways, the choice here depends on the wishes of the owner of the dacha and his financial capabilities.

How to improve the area around the pool?

The main thing in the design of a pool structure in a country house is the shape and color of the bowl. Intricate shapes with curves always attract the eye.

And to make the pool visually look deeper than it actually is, its inner surface should be made white. In this case, the adjacent area must, on the contrary, be done in dark brown shades.

Towering above the ground frame pool with a small area nearby surrounded by a garden it doesn’t look as cumbersome as alone in an open area

To decorate the area adjacent to the bathhouse, it is enough to place garden figurines and flowerpots nearby. Plant any ornamental plants directly into the pool, as is the case with artificial pond, Absolutely forbidden.

For many summer residents, a swimming pool is a dream. But, as practice shows, it is quite possible to do it on your own and with small funds. Sometimes very small. But the pool at the dacha is useful for both children and adults: the water perfectly relieves fatigue and nervous tension.

Swimming pool for a summer residence: types and features

All pool designs can be divided into two large groups: stationary and temporary. Stationary structures include all structures partially or completely dug into the ground, which cannot be moved without destruction. The bowls of such pools are made of monolithic concrete, brick, and sometimes concrete blocks are used in construction. They can use a polymer liner (plastic bowl) or provide waterproofing using film or coating waterproofing materials.

Temporary pools are mainly inflatable and frame. They differ in that they are installed in the spring, and in the fall they are rolled up and hidden.

Which swimming pool is better for a summer residence? If you are not yet sure whether you need such an “attraction” on your site or not, buy the cheapest and fastest to install: inflatable. It holds water due to the inflated ring. The disadvantage of such a pool is not the most great depth: 1.2 meters including sides is its limit.

But, if you want it for children, then you can’t think of anything better, and adults can “hang” on the wall and relax after “relaxing” at the dacha. Depending on the quality and intensity of use, it can last from a couple of years to four to five.

A frame pool is a little more expensive and a little more difficult to install. It already has a frame in the form of pipes, on which a special film in the form of a bowl is hung. The depth of such a pool is up to 1.8 m.

Stationary swimming pools are for those who have decided that they simply need a swimming pool at their dacha. Construction and maintenance are not cheap. First, a pit is dug, then a monolithic slab is poured, and in the second stage, the walls are erected. It is necessary to take measures to waterproof the walls from the outside so that underground and melt water do not penetrate into the bowl. Next comes insulation of the walls. If this is not done, heating the water will be problematic. After this, a set of measures begins to waterproof the walls inside the bowl, and then finishing work begins.

But the finished cup is not the whole story permanent pool. It is necessary to clean the water: leaves, dust and debris fall into it, bacteria and algae multiply. To bring the water into order, you need a pump, a filter system, chemical reagents, and also means for “scooping out” leaves and sediment from the bottom. Some equipment is also needed to maintain a temporary pool, but since the volumes are smaller, you can often get by with manual cleaning or water replacement, or you can use improvised means. And if there is at least 5-6 tons of water in a stationary pool (this is a small 2*3 bowl with a depth of 1.4 meters), then even such a volume is problematic to manually clean.

Installation of a frame pool at the dacha

Regardless of whether you are going to install an inflatable or frame pool, you need to prepare a site for it. These pools can be buried a little in the ground, or they can be placed on a prepared site. It doesn't matter. It is important that the surface is level and a lawn is not the best option, even if it is level. The grass under the bottom begins to decompose, and the appearance of the area after the pool is removed is very pathetic.

At the dacha they installed an Esprit Big swimming pool with a diameter of 450 cm and a wall height of 130 cm. It was decided to bury it almost halfway. So what did they do? We started by preparing the pit:

A frame or inflatable pool can be placed on such a base. This pool design has a metal frame wall and support posts that are attached from the outside. It is advisable to insulate the part of the walls buried in the ground. You also need insulation on the bottom: so that the water heats up faster and does not cool down.

First, we lay out a U-shaped profile at the bottom into a ring. Then we take out the metal side, lower it into the pit (one person can’t handle it - it’s hard), unwind it, put the bottom edge into the unfolded profile, and connect it. The operation is simple, everything is clear: in the right place the sheet is connected into a ring.

Next, we take the EPS and lay it out on the bottom of the pool, cutting off the edges, trying to keep the gaps minimal. After laying out the polystyrene, the joints and edges were sprinkled with sand (according to the instructions). Why was polystyrene foam chosen rather than the much cheaper polystyrene foam? The foam will be flattened under the weight of water, and the effect of such insulation will be zero. EPS can withstand heavy loads, although it is expensive.

Next, we bring the film liner inside, more or less straighten it, and temporarily attach it to the sides with tape. Next, we start swimming))) Pour a little water to the bottom - 10-15 centimeters, straighten the folds on the bottom, trying to keep everything even. Then gradually adding water. We level the film on the walls.

Note - it is better to carry out the work on a sunny, warm day, and not only because the “swimmer” is cold. In the sun, the film softens, making it easier to straighten. We worked without the sun - wrinkles remained, although this did not affect the pleasure of swimming.

After the water procedures, stiffening ribs were installed on the outside, installing fixing strips along the upper edge of the pool. Next we started insulating the walls. In the photo above, laying of one layer began, but in general they laid two - 3 cm each. Thicker slabs are difficult to bend, but thin slabs are easy to bend. Therefore, the installation of polystyrene did not take much time.

Having installed the insulation, they began to fill the pit. Since ours is clay, we used native soil to prevent water from leaking under the walls. They poured a small layer, tamped it down, and so on until the top. One point: the bowl must be filled with water.

The instructions include a recommendation to make external supporting walls. In this case they were not made. The staircase was half buried, as it was designed to reach its full height, but here 65 cm was buried. They buried it to this depth from the outside. All that remains is the installation of equipment.

As recommended, the included filter and pump were installed. After connecting, it turned out that there was a small leak at the connection point. After partially draining the water and drying, the area is coated with sealant (neutral silicone moisture-resistant). The problem has disappeared.

Where was it dripping...

That's it. The swimming pool at the dacha is ready for use.

The model was chosen to be frost-resistant, so as not to put everything away for the winter. The bowl is covered with wooden shields.

If leaving something on the site is dangerous, you can buy another design. It's just a system of stands and a film liner hung on it. A pool looks like the one in the photo below; it is never buried, but installed on top.

Although in the photo he is simply standing on the lawn, this “feat” is not worth repeating. In addition to turning the lawn into a dirty mess, the soil sucks out all the heat. The swimming season with this setup is extremely short. Moreover, even in the heat in the morning the water is cold; children can swim only from lunch. In general, it is better to make an insulated deck under the pool. Its installation does not take much time and money, but using the pool is much more convenient.

The beginning is the same as described: a pit is being dug. Its depth is about 20-25 cm. First, pour crushed stone into the pit in a layer of 10 cm, compact it well. Lay out geotestile. It will prevent sand and gravel from mixing. On top of it is sand, which is also compacted. You can already install a pool on sand, but this is also not the best option. sand is dragged all over the dacha, and cats also love to walk in it. Therefore, it is better to lay at least homemade concrete slabs, paving slabs on top, and sprinkle with pebbles, as in the photo.

You can also knock down a shield from wooden boards, but the boards must be sanded and treated with antibacterial impregnation. You can use WPC - wood-polymer composite. They definitely do not rot and are not afraid of water or frost. A swimming pool can be placed on such a foundation. But even in this case (except for a wooden platform), it will be difficult to warm up the water.

Insulation required. This is at least 10 cm of EPS, laid under the bottom and covered with geotextile - as a temporary option. For a permanent insulated platform, a deeper pit is required: increase the depth by 15 cm. The sequence of layers is as follows: crushed stone, geotextiles, sand - 10 cm, EPS - 10 cm, geotextiles, sand - 5 cm, paving slabs or slabs.

Inflatable pool at the dacha

They put it on the same basis inflatable pools. Only they are installed quite simply: take the pump and start pumping up the ring. When it is filled with air, water begins to be poured inside. The ring gradually floats up, raising the edges of the pool. When the entire wall is level, the pool can be considered installed.

Plastic pool: DIY installation

The easiest way to make a stationary outdoor pool at your dacha is from a plastic or composite (fiberglass) liner: a ready-made cast bowl. This is one of the most simple ways make a stationary pool at the dacha or near the house. A pit is dug under it, into which it is installed. One of the installation options is in the photo report.

The size of the selected plastic bowl is 183*415*140 cm. The simplest shape was chosen for easier installation. It all started with marking out the area for the foundation pit. The bowl was turned upside down, the contours were outlined, and 5 cm was added to the boards (the plan was to install it in a wooden frame). So they nailed down the pegs, pulled the twine, and started digging.

It was decided to leave part of the side outside, so the depth of the pit is 1 meter. A layer of sand about 15 cm is poured onto the bottom, everything is filled with water to compact the substrate.

While the water is draining, the sand dries up, and boards 2.5 cm thick are assembled to fit the dimensions of the pit. A 50*50 mm beam was used as a frame, and it was also placed on top of the boards. The upper edge of the plastic bowl was attached to this beam.

All boards are treated with an antiseptic for direct contact with the ground. The manufacturer promises 10 years without rot...

When all the walls were assembled and secured, the bowl was inserted inside. The bottom lay tightly, the height was calculated correctly.

There should be a reinforced concrete edge around the perimeter of the pool. To tie the bowl more tightly to the concrete, corners are installed around the perimeter. They are attached to the beam and the edge of the bowl through and through, with stainless bolts and nuts.

To prevent the plastic from “walking” during operation, we grab the edges with a clamp.

The fittings are attached to the installed corners. We used 15 mm, placed 4 rods: two on top and two on bottom. Knitted with special wire.

Formwork is installed around the perimeter. First, sand was poured under the reinforcement, so external shields were installed. The inside of the boards is covered with a thick film to make it easier to remove the formwork. Mortgages were also installed: overflow pipes. They will be placed outside the pool and will protect the bowl from overflowing.

Before pouring the concrete, they began to fill the bowl with water. This is necessary so that the concrete does not crush it. At the same time, the gaps remaining between the walls of the bowl and the plank frame were filled with sand. This means that the bowl is fixed in a better position. When it was almost filled, concrete was poured into the formwork and treated with a vibrator to increase strength and uniformity.

Four days later the formwork was removed. The side turned out to be 40 cm wide and the same height. Next, we begin to prepare the foundation for finishing the adjacent area.

Since the site is slightly sloping, soil had to be removed from one side. Sand is poured and compacted around the perimeter. Roofing material is rolled out over the leveled surface.

Another layer of sand was poured onto it, into which the paving slabs were laid. The cracks between the tiles are also filled with sand.

To prevent leaves from falling into the pool, debris and other contaminants from getting into the pool, a polycarbonate greenhouse was purchased, assembled and installed as a cover for the pool. It turned out that it was very convenient: warm and light.

You just need to fasten it firmly; a strong wind moved it from its place. I had to make adjustments. The pool at the dacha is also used in winter, but only after the bath - the ice hole is cut down)). For winter, empty bottles with screwed caps are thrown into the water. When water freezes, they serve as a damper, taking most of the load from the ice onto themselves.

And until late autumn we swim just like that, we just installed a water heating system to make it more or less comfortable.

Economy option: swimming pool from a banner

If you need an express option for a pool at minimal cost, you can get by with a thick film. For example, an old banner. The fabric used for them is thick, and you can buy an old one at an agency for mere pennies. If you need a pool in your garden, this is exactly the material: the costs are minimal.

So, armed with a banner, we dig a pit, which is significantly smaller in size than the canvas.

We lay the film in the dug pit and straighten it. For testing, a small pit was dug in case it wasn’t to his liking. Since the banners were old, after all, they laid two. They also tried to straighten the second one.

To prevent the edges of the film from being blown away by the wind, they were pressed down with bricks and a hose was thrown in to collect water.

While the water was being collected, a little earth was poured around the “bowl” under the film, forming sides. They were lined with bricks.

We left the “pool” to bask in the sun. Three hours later the tests were carried out. I liked the result. It was decided to expand the “swimming” part.

This, of course, is not a great option, but you can freshen up. It took 2 hours for “construction”. The main thing is to dig a pit. And what happens next is a matter of several tens of minutes. The photo below shows the same idea implemented on a larger scale. We bought the film for swimming pools and soldered two pieces together to create a more voluminous “sea”.

Here, by the way, are several country pools made from scrap materials: an excavator bucket and a huge tire.

A long-lasting pool at the dacha is easy))

Photos of country pools

An inflatable pool is a great option for children

Another option for a polycarbonate pool cover. Built using the same method as

A swimming pool on a country plot or dacha has ceased to be a curiosity. They install it step by step and thoroughly on their own or invite craftsmen. If you want to make a personal pond with your own hands, arm yourself with instructions and detailed photos.

In general, all types of pools that can be installed on a summer cottage are conventionally divided into:

  • frame;
  • foundation pits

The first ones are good because they are removed for the winter, and can also change their location every season. They are located completely or partially on the surface of the earth. Such frames are expensive, although some owners manage to make them with their own hands. Pit pools require a lot of work as they require digging a hole.

Some examples of ponds for summer cottages:

  • inflatable pool - similar to a frame one, easy to install and inexpensive, but has a short service life;
  • fiberglass - looks like a monolithic bowl, the installation of which requires digging a pit. Transportation causes certain inconvenience due to the dimensions of the structure;

Plastic pool
  • plastic – durable and lightweight. Its structure resembles fiberglass, which is why it has difficulties in delivery and installation;
  • concrete is a suitable option for those who are planning to install a high-quality pool on a suburban area. It can be made from individual blocks or as a monolithic structure. Difficult to install, but definitely reliable and durable.

Attention! If installed incorrectly, a concrete pit pond may leak water or fill poorly. To prevent this from happening, you need to lay all the pipes correctly and take care of high-quality waterproofing.

Main stages of construction: digging a pit, insulation, pool filter

Installation instructions concrete pool:

  • Choosing a location. It is good if it is in an open, sunny area, away from trees: their roots can destroy the bowl, and the foliage will become a constant source of debris.
  • Determination of sizes. The optimal depth for a pond in which adults will swim is from 1.5 m. In this case, the waterproofing layer must be taken into account. The length and width can vary and be, for example, 4x4 m or 4x5 m.

Pool pit
  • Calculation of the thickness of the walls and bottom, which depends on the depth of the reservoir, the level of groundwater and soil quality.
  • Design of a drainage system, location of communications, steps and lighting.
  • Marking boundaries. To do this, just drive in pegs at the site of the future reservoir.
  • Excavation work. You can dig a pit manually if the pool is small, but it is better to use special equipment. The hole should be wider and deeper than the project suggests. For example, the walls need to be increased by 04.-0.5 m.

Advice. To prevent the soil from crumbling, dig a pit taking into account the slope of the walls towards the center. Provide a place for drainage, as well as the possibility of draining water, for which the bottom should have a slope towards the drainage system.

  • Bottom leveling and waterproofing. You need to pour a mixture of sand and gravel in a layer of 0.3 m and compact it tightly. Then apply roofing material in 2-3 layers, overlapping the walls by 15-20 cm. Bitumen or liquid rubber are also suitable.
  • Installation of formwork along the edges of the pool. For it, you can take boards or plywood, which will allow you to make a pool of any shape. Before starting work, you need to carefully take care of the drainage system.
  • Reinforcement of the walls of the future reservoir with rods with a diameter of 0.8-1.4 mm.

Interior decoration of the pool bowl
  • Pouring concrete into the space between the formwork and the ground.
  • Removing the formwork after the concrete mixture has hardened and ironing the walls - treating them with cement and grouting with water. This will add strength to the structure.
  • Reinforcement and filling of the pool bottom. Installation of metal stairs.
  • Decorating the surface of the bowl with PVC film, mosaic or tiles.

Advice. You can first reinforce and fill the bottom with concrete, and then the walls. If you plan to descend into the pool via concrete steps, then the formwork for them needs to be prepared separately, after the bowl is ready.

To build a pool from individual concrete blocks you need:

  1. Dig a pit, level its bottom and fill it with concrete.
  2. Lay walls of blocks, reinforcing every 3rd row.
  3. Build a staircase into one of the walls.
  4. Waterproof and decorate the pool bowl.

A polypropylene pond can be equipped in two ways:

  • buy a ready-made bowl and install it;
  • purchase a sheet of polypropylene and make a container of the desired shape and size from it.

Construction of a concrete pool

In any case, the installation of such a pool consists of the following steps:

  1. Digging a hole whose dimensions exceed the size of the bowl.
  2. Waterproofing the bottom and filling it with concrete.
  3. Installation of the bowl.
  4. Installation of drain and nozzles for water supply.
  5. Insulation of pool edges and pipes.
  6. Connecting communications and pouring concrete.

Attention! To make the walls even, you need to make formwork inside the bowl and pour concrete in stages, to a height of 0.3-0.35 cm per day.

Any pool must be equipped with a filter, otherwise the water will soon become dirty and unsuitable for swimming. You need to pass it through a cleaning device with a pump 2-3 times a day, even if no one has swum in the pond. Today there are 3 main types of filter units:

  • sand - quite voluminous and are used mainly in public swimming pools. They look like a container filled with sand, where gravel, silver sand, etc. can be added;

Choose the right pool filter
  • cartridge - purify water using propylene membranes. They are small in size and can be installed outside the reservoir itself. Clogged cartridges need to be replaced frequently;
  • Diatomaceous earth filters are the most expensive filters, consisting of several cartridges. Water is purified from most microbes using diatomite soil with silicon dioxide.

Advice. The main criterion for choosing a filter is performance (volume of water passed through). It is indicated by the manufacturer.

Pool skimmer: purpose, types

Like a filter, a skimmer purifies water from bacteria, but only processes the top layer of the surface. It also dampens waves when several people are swimming. The skimmer looks like a metal or plastic tank with a water intake pipe. It is equipped with a filter for deep cleaning of debris, insects, and leaves.

The skimmer can be:

  • hinged - often used for frame or inflatable pools;
  • built-in - used during installation of a pit reservoir.

Pool skimmer

Typically, manufacturers include a drawing with the device, according to which the skimmer can be assembled. It must be installed at the stage of pouring the walls with concrete. It is necessary to provide boxes for openings. A plywood shield is prepared under the skimmer, which is then installed into the pool bowl together with the attached device.

Advice. One skimmer cleans 25 sq. m of water. If the volume of the pool is larger, you will need several devices.

As you can see, setting up a pool is quite a troublesome task. However, after studying the instructions and selecting necessary materials, you will be able to cope with this task.

Ideas for building a swimming pool at the dacha: video