Alternating arm curls. Dumbbell raises with wrist supination - biceps training. Video: about the correct technique for curling arms with dumbbells on an incline bench

Dumbbell curls - exercises that can be performed as part of complex training, and separately. They use the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, but indirectly affect a number of other muscle groups. Let's look at techniques for performing arm curls while sitting and standing.

Curling arms with dumbbells: advantages and benefits of exercises

Curling arms with dumbbells refers to isolated training aimed at working the biceps. These exercises are basic and technically quite simple.

When performing dumbbell curl exercises, the following muscle groups are involved:

  • Shoulder muscles, which are divided into:
    • Anterior (flexors) - coracobrachialis, brachialis, biceps (biceps);
    • Posterior (extensors) - ulna, triceps (triceps).
  • Forearm muscles:
    • Shoulder (brachialis);
    • The brachioradialis is the largest muscle that flexes the arm elbow joint.

From the position under the skin, they are divided into superficial (brachioradialis and extensor carpi ulnaris, for example) type and deep (flexor digitorum profundus, supinator).

And, of course, we should not forget about the aesthetic aspect: men with muscular arms look more masculine, and women with toned, graceful arms look more athletic and attractive.

Options for curling arms with dumbbells

There are several options for performing it: in a vertical position, sitting, on a Scott bench or lying down.

The workout should begin with a warm-up, which will warm up the muscles and prevent injuries.

The number of approaches in each exercise is either 3, 20 times each, or 4, 12 times. Between approaches, rest for 1 minute. During the execution, the muscle should stretch as you inhale and contract as you exhale.

To master the technique, initially select a lighter weight. If the goal is to lose weight, then the weight remains small, but the number of repetitions and the pace of execution gradually increases. For extension muscle mass dumbbells are used with greater mass, which then increases.

Standing dumbbell curl

This exercise can be performed with both hands simultaneously or alternately with each hand.

  1. Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. The body is straight.
  3. Hands with dumbbells are slightly bent at the elbows and lowered along the body.
  4. As you exhale, slowly bend your elbows until the distance between your shoulder and wrist reaches two or three centimeters. There is no need to press your hands to your shoulders.
  5. After a second, the hands slowly lower down with an inhalation.

Hammer grip dumbbell curls

In the version of the hammer exercise, the shoulder muscle and forearm muscles are involved, which allows you to train with a larger mass if they are well developed. The technique of execution is similar to the previous exercise, the only difference in the hammer form of the exercise is that the palms are turned towards the sides of the body.

Dumbbell Curl with Supination

Other muscles come into play due to supination (rotation) of the hand during lifting of the projectile. It is performed alternately and with both hands at once.

  1. Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, body straight.
  2. Hands with dumbbells are slightly bent at the elbows and lowered along the body.
  3. The arms slowly bend at the elbows almost up to the shoulder, but as soon as they become parallel to the floor, the hands turn outward, with the wrists up.
  4. After a short delay, the hands slowly lower down.

Video: arm curl with supination

Seated dumbbell curl

Performing these exercises allows you to increase the load on the arm muscles, since sitting position does not allow other parts of the body to take on part of the load.

Curling arms with dumbbells on a horizontal bench

  1. Sit on the edge of a bench with your feet firmly planted on the floor.
  2. The spine is straight.
  3. Hands with dumbbells are lowered.
  4. The arms are slowly bent at the elbows towards the shoulder and then lowered down.

Incline Dumbbell Curl

During this workout, the biceps are the most involved, the load on the brachioradialis and brachialis muscles is less. We must not forget that the greater the angle of the bench, the greater the load on the biceps. The optimal indicator is no higher than 70 degrees.

  1. Sitting on a bench, rest your shoulder blades on its back.
  2. Hands with dumbbells point down, palms facing forward.
  3. The dumbbells are raised to the shoulder and then lowered down without turning the wrist.

Video: about the correct technique for curling arms with dumbbells on an incline bench

Concentrated alternate arm curls with dumbbells while sitting

Has a targeted and intense effect on the biceps and shoulder muscles. The body is in a static position, the exercise is performed with one hand.

  1. Sitting on a bench, place your feet on the floor and spread them at an angle of 45 degrees.
  2. The elbow of the hand in which the dumbbell is located rests on the thigh of the same name.
  3. The palm of the other hand rests on the knee of the other leg.
  4. The arm with the dumbbell slowly bends at the elbow towards the shoulder and then lowers down.

Scott Bench Dumbbell Curl

Arm curls on this machine are aimed at working the biceps brachii muscle, while minimizing the load on the wrist.

  1. A comfortable backrest height is set so that armpits rested on the bar, and the elbows were pressed tightly to the bench. The legs are pressed tightly to the floor.
  2. Hands with dumbbells lie on the base, with palms facing up.
  3. The arms are bent at the elbow towards the body and then lowered.

Video: performing an exercise on a Scott bench

Alternating biceps curls with dumbbells while standing in a static bent over position

This exercise is aimed at developing maximum biceps height.

  1. Starting position - the body is tilted almost parallel to the floor.
  2. Legs widely spaced.
  3. The back is straight.
  4. The hand without a dumbbell rests on the knee.
  5. The arm with the dumbbell is bent at the elbow joint towards the opposite shoulder.

Video: bending arms while standing

The main mistakes when performing arm curls

Failure to follow proper technique may result in injury. The main mistakes of those involved:

  • Incorrect palm rotation.
  • Jerks when climbing.
  • Too much heavy weight dumbbells.
  • Excessive rounding of the back.
  • Throwing the body forward.
  • Lack of rest between sets and stretching.

By performing arm curls with dumbbells, you can increase the volume of your biceps, draw relief, strengthen your back muscles and generally improve your fitness. muscular frame. You can train both in the gym and at home. The main thing is to comply with all techniques and rules.

Seated dumbbell curl

Standing barbell curl

Seated dumbbell curls are a key fitness exercise that help build muscle mass and the aesthetic shape of your biceps. This simple load can be performed by both a beginner and an experienced professional. Doing this exercise, you can work with one hand or two at the same time, use different weights and techniques.

There are different execution options: with the dumbbell turning at the top point, without turning and with support on a specially designed bench. It is impossible to say for sure which option is right for you. Trainers often advise you to try each type and with correctly defined tasks, you will quickly understand what is closer to you.

Core muscles: biceps

Additional muscles: shoulder muscles

Exercise technique

  • Take a dumbbell in each hand in advance. Sit down on a bench, lean your back against a specially designed vertical support, if this is not horizontal bench. Next, lower your arms with dumbbells as low as possible.
  • Lift dumbbells light movements arms forward and up. The elbows should be as motionless as possible.
  • When bending your arms with dumbbells, rotate your hands so that at the top point your palms are facing up.
  • Raise the dumbbells to their maximum height and tighten your biceps muscles as much as possible.
  • Smoothly lower the dumbbells to the starting position.

Number of repetitions: 3-5 sets of 12 repetitions.

  • Do not swing your body and keep your back straight while performing. All movements can occur only in the elbow joints.
  • While lifting dumbbells, you should hold your breath, then your posture will remain straighter, back discomfort will go away, and your biceps will work more intensely.
  • If you perform curls with dumbbells at the same time, this will help you achieve more quick results, synchronous development of biceps occurs.
  • To avoid getting tired quickly, you should take a light weight dumbbells
  • Heavy dumbbells provoke movement of the elbows, therefore, the center of gravity shifts and ultimately achieve desired result fails.
  • There is no need to throw the dumbbells up - the efficiency decreases, thus reducing the load on the biceps.

This exercise is used by athletes, gymnasts, rock climbers, fighters, tennis players and anyone who cares that their flexor muscles are well developed and incredibly strong.

Alternating dumbbell curls for girls

Alternate biceps curls with dumbbells

Brief description of the exercise

Alternating biceps curls with dumbbells while standing

The peculiarity of this exercise is that the last repetitions are done, so to speak, to failure. This means that the athlete uses the so-called “cheating”, that is, he helps himself with his entire body.

Alternately raising arms with dumbbells is most often used to pump up the biceps. When lifting the dumbbell, it becomes possible to supinate the hand. This technique significantly increases the load on the biceps muscle. The athlete can also do hammer curls.

You can also easily work with heavy dumbbells. This provides more stress for the muscle. All movements during this exercise are done naturally, without an awkward trajectory. That's why many athletes include this exercise as a core exercise in their training.
The exercise targets such muscles.

  1. The muscles of the trunk, including the abdominal muscles, as well as the muscles that keep the spine straight.
  2. Quadratus lumborum muscle.
  3. Deltoid muscles.
  4. Latissimus muscle back and pectoralis major muscles.
  5. Muscles of the scapula.
  6. The muscles of the forearm, including those that flex the wrist.

Execution technique

Seated biceps curl with dumbbells

The technique for performing the exercise is as follows.

  1. Starting position – on a bench, sitting, or standing on the floor. The dumbbells are held in lowered hands, and the palms are turned inward towards the body.
  2. Let's take a breath. At the moment of holding your breath, one arm bends at the elbow, the hand turns towards itself and thus raises the arm at the elbow joint.
  3. After completing this movement, exhale.
  4. Alternate the described movements with each hand.

You can also do this series of exercises on a Scott bench. This helps train a large muscle group and increases performance. Also practice warming up before each biceps workout: this will only add to the results.

In order for it to bring as much benefit as possible and optimally pump the biceps muscle, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • You need to maintain a balanced posture.
  • It is better to perform slow and controlled movements and not use inertia.
  • Exercises should be performed through the full range of motion, and when the forearm is parallel to the floor, there is no need to stop.
  • Top part hands should be motionless. When the elbows are slightly bent, the forearms should be slightly retracted.
  • During this exercise, you need to use mainly the strength of the biceps, rather than the hands.
  • Try not to use inertia.

It is most effective to do three approaches of this exercise. Remember that further increasing the number of approaches will worsen the condition of the muscle, and it will become overworked. The optimal number of repetitions in each approach for each hand is from 6 to 8 times. The number of repetitions can be increased or decreased based on the purpose of the training - that is, an athlete can do more repetitions if he wants to intensify the growth of his biceps, or vice versa, decrease them if he focuses on strength.

According to many athletes, it is possible to increase the number of repetitions only if the experience in training gym big. But it is not at all necessary for beginners to do many repetitions at once, despite the fact that such an exercise is quite effective.

There are many variations of biceps curls with dumbbells, each of them has its own characteristics and technique. The options are as follows: standing, sitting and even lying at an angle of 45 degrees. First of all, let's look at the technique of classic lifts, which are performed both simultaneously with both hands and alternately.

What muscles work

Standing dumbbell curls work brachioradialis and brachialis muscles at the beginning of the movement when bending the elbows, and after supination, starts working biceps shoulder (biceps), contracting as much as possible at the top point. Dumbbell curls for biceps are also performed in a sitting position, the technique does not change, the only thing is that the body on the vertical bench will be fixed and will not allow the body to sway. Both options can be performed with both hands or alternately.

Technique: lifting dumbbells for biceps

  1. Standing or sitting, legs are shoulder-width apart. We hold dumbbells in our hands, placing them on the sides near the hips.
  2. Exhale: bend one arm at the elbow, working through the biceps.
  3. Inhale: Extend your elbow three times slower than bending, smoothly performing the movement.

Perform the same number of times on each hand. Optimally done 3–4 approaches, depending on the level physical training and working weight 8–12 reps.

Incline dumbbell curls for biceps

An excellent alternative to classic lifts, which is performed lying on a bench at an angle of 45 degrees. With this option, the biceps receives an isolated load at the top point when the hands are supinated. The shoulder and brachioradialis also work.

In this option, it is impossible to perform cheating - swinging the body, and perform bending by inertia.

  1. Set the bench at an angle of 45 degrees, hold dumbbells in your hands and sit on the bench, lower yourself onto your back.
  2. Hands in a hanging position under the bench.
  3. Keep your head up while watching the movement of your arms. For pain in shoulder joints, perform the option on a bench while sitting at an angle of 90 degrees.
  4. Exhale: first, bend with one arm; in the middle of the movement, turn the hand toward the shoulder, contracting the biceps as much as possible in the upper phase.
  5. Inhale: Gently lower your arm without throwing it down, keeping your elbow slightly bent to prevent sprain.
  6. After full extension, repeat the same movement with your other hand.

Perform on each side 8–12 times alternately, and also 3–4 approaches.

Dumbbell Concentration Curls

Another great exercise for isolated biceps training. In a sitting position, first bend with dumbbells with one hand, then change to the other. The essence of it is, that the elbow is pressed against the inner surface of the shoulder, and it will be impossible to perform a jerk. In this case, you won't need a lot of dumbbell weight.

Dumbbell curls on a Scott bench

Hammer Dumbbell Curl

The hammer grip can be performed both standing and sitting. The technique eliminates supination, the hands and forearms do not rotate, which increases the load on the brachioradialis muscle. Therefore, this technique is also used for working out. The “hammer” can be performed either simultaneously with both hands or alternately.

Recommendations: how to properly lift dumbbells for biceps

A huge variety of techniques and options for biceps exercises allows you to choose your own technique for high-quality biceps work without injury, taking into account the individual characteristics of the joints. But don't get stuck on just one option. change sets of exercises, changing grips, equipment, adding the number of exercises to avoid stagnation in progress. Important, the movement for effort, when lifting dumbbells, must be performed while exhaling. Moreover, the movement should be quite fast, but not jerky. And the relaxation phase should last three times longer, and must be performed while inhaling. Between sets withstand 1–2 minutes recovery time, don't overload your muscles, otherwise you will get the opposite effect.

Biceps exercises with dumbbells in video format

The main exercise for training the biceps of the arms. Works the biceps, brachioradialis, shoulders and forearms. Let's consider 3 options: hammer grip, medium and narrow grip.

Target muscles in exercise – biceps hands

Video exercises for curling arms with dumbbells while standing

If you want to properly pump up your biceps and make them impressive in size, then curling your arms with dumbbells will come in handy. There are various variations of the exercise: with dumbbells rotated at the top, when the load is placed on the outer head of the biceps; pronated grip (works the shoulder muscle) and others. In this article we will look at 3 main options for standing dumbbell curls. Let's start in order.

Load on target muscles on a 10-point scale

Application of the exercise

To whom. Everyone from beginner to master. For men and women.

When. In the middle of a workout. Do the hard ones first basic exercises, then proceed to the hands.

How many. 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions. 60 seconds rest between sets.

Technique for performing dumbbell curls:

  1. Initial position. Stand shoulder-width apart. The back is straight. Let's look ahead. We hold dumbbells in our hands. Palms facing forward.
  2. Raise the dumbbells up to shoulder level, exhale. Keep your elbows at one point.
  3. Lower the dumbbells to the starting position and inhale.

Main errors during execution:

  • Strong elbows forward. Try to keep your elbows at one point. When they move forward, the load is removed from the biceps, and the front deltoids of the shoulders are activated.
  • Extension in the lower back when lifting. Do not take heavy weight in the exercise. Our goal is maximum biceps development. When the weights are enormous, the back extensors and all sorts of other muscles begin to engage, taking on the weight of the weight. The biceps of the arms are not the lot.
  • Incorrect amplitude of execution. Short, fast, sharp, swinging movements. Work slowly and concentrated. Only use your biceps.

Pros of exercise

  1. Suitable for everyone.
  2. Can be done at home.
  3. Low chance of injury.
  4. Easy to learn and implement.

Disadvantages of dumbbell curls: No.


  1. To better work out the biceps at the final point of the movement, you can fix and press on the biceps.
  2. To better work the inner head of the biceps, you can do supination. In the top position, turn your little finger inward as much as the flexibility of your hands allows.

Options for standing dumbbell curls

Hammer curls are a variation of the classic dumbbell curl that effectively works the biceps and shoulder muscles (the so-called “brachialis”). Hammer curls are performed neutral grip, when the palms do not look up or down, but are directed towards each other.


  1. Grab the dumbbells. Hold the dumbbells like a hammer.
  2. The load falls more on the brachioradialis muscle and the outer head of the biceps.

When performing curls with a hammer grip, it is very important to fix your elbows. If your elbows move forward or backward, the effectiveness of the exercise decreases significantly.

Similar to the first exercise. Differences in grip. This allows for more load on the inner head of the biceps.