Regulations on football at school. Football tournaments, announcements. II. Venues and dates


about holding school competitions on football

    Goal and tasks.

Competitions are held to identify the strongest teams and popularize the game of football.and development of physical qualities.

    Place and dates of competitions.

Competitions are held at a stadium or gym

OSI- IIIsteps No. 77. Official opening with the formation of teams there will be __________. The exact time and place of each individual game is determined by the game calendar.

    Competition management .

The preparation and conduct of the competition is led by the teacher physical culture with the participation of class physicists and team captains. The competition is served by a group of referees from among the students appointed by the physical education teacher.

    Conditions of the draw .

The competition is held on a round-robin basis in one round of the drawing. Disciplinary violations by players are punishable by warnings and expulsions during the game. A player who is sent off in a match automatically misses the next game.

    Competition participants.

All interested students who have sufficient training in this sport and are admitted for health reasons can take part in the competition. Teams are divided according to age into 3 groups:

  • Group 1 – grades 6-7

    Group 2 – grades 8-9

    Group 3 – 10-11 grades

The number of players during the game is 7 players plus the goalkeeper (3 players plus the goalkeeper in the gym). The number of substitute players and substitutions during the game is unlimited. Players' uniforms and shoes must be sports, but boots are prohibited.

    The procedure and conditions for determining the winners.

Victory in the competition is awarded to the team that scores the most points. For a win, the team receives 3 points, for a draw - 1 point, for a loss the team does not receive points. If a team does not show up for the game, it is awarded a defeat with a score of 0:3. If two or more teams score the same number of points, the winner is determined by the following criteria:

    by the best difference between goals scored and goals conceded;

    by the greatest number of goals scored;

    based on the results of games between these winning teams;

    which team has the least number of disciplinary actions.

If it is impossible to determine the winner based on these criteria, an additional game is assigned.

    Registration procedure for competition participants .

Applications must be submitted in the prescribed form no later than 3 days before the start of the competition.

    Procedure for filing protests .

The team captain has the right to file a protest against the result of the game, which, in the opinion of the team, was played in violation of the regulations or rules of the game.He must immediately warn the main referee and representatives of the other team about this after the end of the game. An application for protest with a brief motivation must be recorded in the game protocol.

    Awarding the team and participants.

The winning team is awarded a certificate for first place and a challenge cup; teams that take second and third place are awarded certificates.

Approved I APPROVED:

Methodological (coaching) Director of MBOU DO Youth Sports School

council of trainers and teachers

Protocol No.___ dated___________ “____”_____________


on holding regional football competitions

among youth sports school teams

    Goals and objectives

Further development and popularization of football among children's and youth teams. Involvement in regular classes football for teenagers and youth. Determination of the strongest children's and youth teams in the region. Preparing national teams to perform at regional and zonal competitions and tournaments.

2. Time and place

The competition is held at the ________________ stadium. The competition starts at 10.00. The dates of the competition are additionally communicated by telephone message addressed to the director of the secondary school.

3. Competition management

The general management of the competition is carried out by the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution for Youth and Youth. Refereeing of the competition and drawing lots of teams is entrusted to the MBOU DO YouSSH and the chief judge at the venue. Chief judge of the competition _____________________

4. Competition participants and team composition

Schoolchildren are allowed to participate in competitions, according to age groups. The team consists of 15 people, 1 teacher representative. In each game, 4 substitutions are allowed, all 15 players are included in the application. Reverse substitutions are prohibited.

5. Conditions of the competition

Regional competitions are held on one day. If there are no more than 4 participating teams, the competition is held in a round-robin system and the winner is determined by the highest amount of points scored. In case of equality of points between two or more teams, the places are determined in the following way:

1. by the largest number victories in all games;

2. by personal meeting between teams;

3. by the best difference between goals scored and goals conceded in all games;

4. Most goals scored in all games

5. if the teams’ performance is the same, then the winner is determined in a series of 11-meter kicks (5 kicks for each team).

A team gets 3 points for a win, 1 point for a draw, and 0 points for a loss.

If there are more than 4 participating teams, they are divided into groups, the finalist teams of previous competitions according to age groups are separated into different groups, games in groups are held according to a round-robin system, the group winners play for 1st and 2nd place, the teams that take second place in the groups play for 3rd and 4th place. The duration of the games is determined by the chief referee of the competition at the venue based on the number of teams arriving. If the final game ends in a draw in regulation time, the winner is determined in a series of penalty kicks (5 kicks for each team) by different players. If after this the score is equal, then the kicks are taken until the first miss, by players who have not yet taken penalty kicks.

6. Competition judging

Judging of competitions is carried out by trainers-teachers appointed by the chief judge on the day of the competition.

7. Financial expenses

Expenses associated with sending teams, coaches and teachers are at the expense of the sending organizations.

8. Awards

Winners and prize-winners of regional competitions are awarded diplomas of the corresponding degrees or certificates from the MBOU DO YOUUSSHS. Best players competitions with certificates from MBOU DO YOUSS.

9. Team applications

The team coach-teacher submits the following documents:

A personal application signed by the school director and certified by the seal of the school and the doctor.

In junior and middle age groups birth certificate.

10.Safety precautions

Before leaving for competitions, the team coach is required to conduct safety briefings on the behavior of students on the way and during the competition. Responsibility for the life and safety of students rests with physical education teachers and trainers.


Director of MKOU 1 ZHOOSHI

Sakerdonov D.K.

"____"_________ 2017


about holding competitions MKOU 1 ZOOOSHI

mini-football among students of general education institutions

1. Goals and objectives

1.1 The MCOU 1 ZHOOSHI mini-football competition among teams of a general education institution in 2017 (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is held for the purposes of:

Integrated solutions to problems of physical activity and health promotion of schoolchildren;

Propaganda among the younger generation healthy image life;

Incentives pedagogical activity managers and teachers of general education institutions to improve extracurricular physical education and health activities;

Organization of leisure time for students of a general education institution;

1.2 The objectives of the Competition are:

Identification best teams educational institution on mini-football and dissemination of best practices in mini-football with schoolchildren;

Revealing the strongest teams

2. Competition management

2.1 The general organization of the Competition is entrusted to the teacher I.A. Dyagileva. and FC teacher A.I. Skryabin

2.2 The direct organization and conduct of the Competition is entrusted to the Main Panel of Judges consisting of: I.A. Dyagileva, A.I. Skryabin.

3. Competition participants

3.1 Participants in the Competition are national teams among students at MKOU 1 ZHOOSHI. Competitions are held among teams of boys in grades 5-9.

3.2 A team consists of no less than 5 and no more than 7 players. The class teacher or teacher must approve the team captain and its composition.

3.3 Each team should only include students studying in the same class. (except for 5th and 6th grades)

3.4 Applications are submitted on the day of the competition to the chief judge.

3.5 Students who have passed a medical examination and have a doctor’s clearance are allowed to compete.

4. Dates and place of the Competition

4.1 Competitions MKOU 1 ZHOOSHI are held in the school gym on time: _________

4.2 Main meeting panel of judges (credentials committee) with the captains of mini-football teams at _____ hour. on the day of the competition.

5. System and conditions of the Competition

5.1 Competitions with the participation of national teams - winners of the 2nd stage of the Competition.

5.2 Refereeing of the Competition is carried out by mini-football referees approved by the Ministry of Physical and Aesthetic Education.

6. Competition program

6.1 Games are held according to the competition calendar according to the following scheme:


7. Determination of winners and prize-winners of the Competition

7.1 Competitions are held according to the Rules of mini-football competitions for school teams.

7.2 Only players equipped with shin guards, which must provide a sufficient degree of protection and must be made of a suitable material (rubber, plastic or similar material), are allowed to participate in the Competition.

7.3 Duration of the game - two halves of 15 minutes of astronomical time, break - 5 minutes.

7.4 Competitions are held in subgroups, depending on the number of participants. The composition of the subgroups is determined by the Main Jury after confirmation of participation. Competitions in subgroups are held according to the “everyone versus everyone” system. The places of teams in groups are determined by the highest number of points scored (3 points are awarded for a win in the game, 1 point for a draw, 0 points for a loss)

7.5 In the event of a tie between two or more teams, the team with:

A - best result in games with each other (number of points, then number of victories, difference between goals scored and goals conceded, greater number of goals scored);

b – the greatest number of victories in all games;

c – the best difference between goals scored and goals conceded in all games;

d – the largest number of goals scored in all games;

d – the smallest number of points awarded to football players and team officials for a violation (yellow card – 1 point, red card – 3 points);

e - by lot.

7.6 If in play-off matches the game ends in a draw in regulation time, a series of 6-meter kicks is awarded, which are taken in accordance with FIFA rules.

8. Ensuring the safety of participants and spectators

8.1 Physical education and sporting events are held at sports facilities that meet the requirements of the relevant regulations in force in the territory Russian Federation and aimed at ensuring public order and the safety of participants and spectators, as well as subject to the availability of certificates of readiness of sports facilities to host Competitions, approved in the prescribed manner.

9. Financial expenses

9.1 The costs of the event are covered by the funds of MKOU 1 ZHOOSHI.

10. Awards

10.1 The winning teams and prize-winners of the Competition are awarded diplomas and sweet prizes.

11. Additional terms

11.1 All teams must have the same uniform

11.2 Each team must have a team name.

11.1 If it is revealed that the staffing of the team does not comply with the requirements of these Regulations, this command by decision of the Main Jury Board is removed from the Competition.

11.2 During the Competition, all participants are required to strictly adhere to the culture of behavior. If it is not observed by at least one participant (participants) of the Competition, the team, player (players) will be removed from the Competition.

Duty class: 8th grade

Educator: Dyagileva I.A.


on holding a mini-football tournament among students

5 classes.

Goals and objectives:

Promotion of football among schoolchildren;

Involving schoolchildren in systematic classes outside of school hours;

Promotion of healthy lifestyles;

Identification of the strongest football teams among 5th grades.

2. Place and time of the event.

Mini-football competitions are held at sports ground Secondary school No. 4, Syktyvkar.

3. Competition participants.

National teams of 5th grades are allowed to participate in the tournament as part of the team: 3 field players, 1 goalkeeper, substitutions are allowed.

4. Conduction system.

The tournament is held according to the Olympic system. Refereeing is carried out according to the rules of mini-football. The game consists of 2 halves of 5 minutes, with a break between halves of 2 minutes.

5. Determination of winners and awards.

The winner is determined by the winning games. In case of equality of points scored by two or more teams based on additional indicators.

For first place a certificate of 1st degree is awarded, for second place 2 degrees, for third place 3 degrees, for fourth place a certificate of participation is awarded. A certificate is also awarded to the recognized best striker.

6. Responsible for carrying out.

General management and control over the competition is carried out by school teachers D.V. Shuchalin, S.A. Igusheva. The direct conduct of the competition is entrusted to the student of the SGPC named after. Kuratov Department of Physical Culture Arkhipov A.B. and a panel of judges.