Show horse breeds with photos and names. The most beautiful horses in the world. Native horse breeds

Horses are perhaps the most graceful animals among mammals. Today's selection is dedicated to man's best friends. The most beautiful horse breeds. Top 10.

10. Shire (English draft horse)

Horses of this breed are distinguished by their high growth (165-185 cm at the withers, sometimes up to 219). It is considered the tallest horse in the world. They originate from knightly war horses, descendants of the horses of the Roman Conquerors, and are one of the oldest heavy-duty breeds. The name comes from the English “shire” - county. The Shire Gorse or Cart Gorse breed, descended from local mares and Dutch stallions, is very famous and widespread. Despite its ancient origin, it is not entirely homogeneous in mass. Its type is highly variable - from a horse of extraordinary size and weight, suitable only for riding at a walk, to large and folding ones, suitable for both the plow and the cart. The color is varied; characterized by a bald spot on the head and white stockings, more often on some hind legs Oh. All parts of the body are developed proportionally; A very important element is the wide chest, back and the same sacrum. They eat well and hold their bodies firmly. Some of the breed's shortcomings - dampness, strong friziness and not always sufficient stockiness - will probably soon disappear, since specimens with these defects are valued significantly lower. The crossing of Shires with blood mares is very common in England and produces suitable breeding draft horses.

9. Iberian horse

The birthplace of the Iberian breed is the Iberian Peninsula, and since Portugal and Spain are located on the peninsula, their influence on the breed is clearly visible. Accordingly, today there are already two subtypes of the Iberian horse: “Andalusian” (or purebred Spanish) and “Lusitano” (or purebred Portuguese). Thanks to their innate elegance and incredible flexibility, horses are often used in a variety of show performances, harnesses, bullfighting, show jumping (where the stallion Novillero took 12th place in the top twenty show jumping horses in the world in 1983), as well as high school. Experts believe that the Iberians took part in the formation of all breeds of riding horses, and their direct descendants are: “Appaloosa”, “Kladruber”, “Lipizzan”, “Quarter”, “Peruvian Paso”, “American Saddlebred”, “Paso Fino” , as well as "criollo".

8. Hanoverian horse

All over the world, the Hanoverian breed is recognized by its brand in the form of the Latin letter “H”. This is the most numerous warm-blooded breed in Europe. It was founded in 1735. in Celle “for the glorification of the state” by the Hanoverian prince and later King of England George II (1727-1760). Today, 8,000 mares are brought to the Zell stud farm for mating each year. It is the most popular sporting breed in the world. It can be seen on most international competitions in show jumping and dressage. This is the result of German meticulousness: the Hanoverian breed was carefully created over approximately 300 years - for different but specific purposes. This breed was bred from ugly stock, improved by crossing with suitable thoroughbred Saddlebred, Arabian and Trakehner horses. They have an almost ideal exterior, in which the features of the English thoroughbred are clearly visible. One of the most important features is that the producers' character is tested. Only horses with a balanced temperament are allowed for breeding. Horses of the Hanoverian breed are leaders on the world stage in dressage, and many of them also compete in show jumping and eventing.

7. Holstein horse

The birthplace of Holsteins is considered to be a factory in Traventhalle, founded by the Prussians in 1867, which is no longer in operation. Now Elmshorn has become the main base for breeding the breed. This is one of the oldest breeds of German warmbloods, already several hundred years old. Work on the breed began around the thirteenth century, and in the 17th century the Holstein horse was in great demand in Europe. Then they contained different blood: German, Naples, Spanish and Oriental, which was poured into local mares. Initially, this horse was especially valued by German farmers for its strength, poise, reliability, as well as by the military for its courage and abilities. Later in the 18th century they were crossed with Yorkshire post horses, resulting in distinctive movements, improved posture and good temperament. Holsteins became famous as strong post horses and army riding horses. Holsteins, unfortunately, are not as popular among horse breeders as others warm-blooded breeds, so their breeding area is not so extensive. This may be the reason for the lack of diversity in this breed. Holsteins achieved their greatest fame in dressage and show jumping. However, their historical endurance makes them popular in carriage racing. The most outstanding representative of the breed was the large bay gelding Meteor. Starting at the age of 9, he won medals in three Olympic Games. With the exceptionally talented rider Fritz Tiedemann, Meteor proved to be an outstanding example of the Holstein breed.

6. Budennovskaya horse

Horse breed. Bred in 1948 at the stud farms named after S. M. Budyonny and the First Cavalry Army, Rostov region. Originally bred as a harness horse, for use in the army, but now it is better known as a riding, sporting horse. The most characteristic color for Budennovsky horses is red in various shades, from dark terracotta to the color of river sand. The special beauty and effectiveness of the red color is given by the golden hue, which the Budennovsky horses inherited from the Don horses. Currently, this is a sports breed. Due to its versatility, it can be found in various disciplines. In terms of numbers, the breed ranks third among sport horses. Horses are in great demand among domestic and foreign buyers and athletes; they are successfully sold for export, where they are used for walking and sports.

5. Don horse

A riding draft horse breed, bred in the 18th-19th centuries in the territory of the present Rostov region by the Don Cossacks. Along with the Oryol trotter, one of the most distinctive factory breeds in Russia. The basis for the Don breed was horses of the steppe type, which for a long time were improved by Oriental stallions, and then by thoroughbred riding and some other factory breeds. Eastern (Turkish, Persian, Karabakh, Turkmen) sires came to the Cossacks as war trophies during the Turkish Wars. The Don breed combines large height (160-165 cm at the withers) and elegance. They are distinguished by good health and strength, with a bright oriental breed. The color of modern representatives of the breed is exclusively red and brown in different shades, often with a characteristic golden hue with a darker mane and tail. Don horses are well suited for show jumping, eventing, amateur sports, runs, hobby classes and teaching children to ride, can be used not only under saddle, but also in light harness. Very well suited for mounted police and cavalry. In Soviet times, they took part in cart races.

4. Oryol trotter (Oryol trotter)

A famous Russian breed of light draft horses with a hereditary ability to trot quickly. Bred in Russia, at the Khrenovsky stud farm (Voronezh province), under the leadership of its owner Count A.G. Orlov in the second half of the 18th - early 19th centuries, using the method of complex reproductive crossing using Arabian, Danish, Dutch, Mecklenburg and other breeds. In 2006, the breed turned 230 years old. Known for its use in Russian troikas as roots. Oryol horses are always popular at international horse auctions. Oryol trotters are also used under saddle as pleasure and sport horses. Thanks to the ability to beautifully bend their necks and hold their heads, Oryol horses look good in harnesses and are widely used in driving. These are beautifully built, harmonious, quite temperamental and good-natured horses. They have a proud posture, graceful, elegant high movements, a lush mane and tail. Oryol trotters inspired the work of many writers - L.N. Tolstoy, A.I. Kuprin and others. An example of a literary work is the book by Pyotr Shiryaev “Taglioni’s Grandson” about the Oryol trotter Flattery. Oryol trotters are depicted in many works of fine art. Russian artist Nikolai Sverchkov especially often turned to Oryol residents in his work. The following films are also known: “Strong” and “The Trotter”.

3. Arabian horse (Arabian thoroughbred horse)

An ancient breed of riding horses, bred on the territory of the Arabian Peninsula in the 4th-7th centuries AD. A special difference between the Arabian horse and other breeds - in addition to the concave head and large eyes - is the so-called “cock” tail, which the horse raises high with any type of fast gait. The Arabian horse is a long-liver among the breeds of domestic horses. Many of the representatives of this breed live up to 30 years. Mares retain the ability to reproduce until old age and are distinguished by their fertility. The Arabian horse is popular throughout the world and is distinguished by its endurance, especially in races of more than 100 miles. Arabian horses are used primarily in racing and trail riding, as well as recreational riding and recreational equestrian horses. Many horse breeds still continue to be improved by crossing with the Arabian breed. Breeding work today is aimed at preservation and development best qualities Arabian breed, as well as a slight increase in height.

2. Akhal-Teke horse (Ahal-Teke)

A riding horse breed, bred on the territory of modern Turkmenistan (Ahal-Teke) presumably about 5,000 years ago. This is the oldest of the cultivated breeds, which influenced many breeds - the Arabian, thoroughbred riding horse (or English racing horse), etc. It is, along with the thoroughbred riding horse and Arabian, one of the purebred breeds, since it is the standard riding horse and has not been used for 5000 years. had crosses with other breeds. It is well adapted to dry, hot climates and acclimatizes well in other conditions. In appearance, representatives of this breed cannot be confused with other horses. Thanks to their shapes Akhal-Teke horses compared to greyhounds or cheetahs. Long lines predominate throughout the appearance. The Akhal-Teke has become a horse with an extremely fine mental organization. He is smart, proud and not used to showing off his feelings, but is capable of devotion and affection for his master. Many athletes, accustomed to more phlegmatic and trouble-free half-bred horses, consider Akhal-Teke horses to be difficult to work with. Like real desert horses, Akhal-Teke horses easily endure thirst.

1. Friesian horse (Friesian)

A breed of horse developed in Friesland, a province in the north of the Netherlands. Brought out in the 16th and 17th centuries by crossing Spanish horses with the local heavy “cold-blooded” breed of horses, during the period of occupation of the Netherlands by Spain. In the West, these horses are sometimes called “black pearls”, because the Friesian is one of the most beautiful and unusual draft breeds in the world. The Friesian horse breed was twice on the verge of extinction, but was saved by Dutch horse breeders. Friesians are heavy-duty horses. These are hairy horses, i.e. they have friezes hanging from their legs. The grace and harmony of these horses is inspiring. These horses create a sense of splendor and majesty for many who see them for the first time, simply taking their breath away. Even the smallest frieze looks down on the world around it. The frieze is tall, slender and impressive. At the same time, the proud black giants are good-natured, do not spoil the life of their rider with excessive ardor, and are very comfortable to ride. This long mane and tail seemed to only happen in pictures in children's fairy tale books, but here it is in reality.

Horse ( Equus) belongs to the class mammals, order equids, family equidae, genus horse. Male horses are called stallions, female horses are called mares. The word horse refers to either a stallion or a castrated stallion - a gelding.

Types of horses

The horse is conventionally divided into several subspecies, among which zoologists distinguish the wild horse, domestic horse, Przewalski's horse, kiang, kulan, wild donkey, domestic donkey, mountain zebra, desert zebra, Burchell's zebra. True, there is still debate about this classification. Surprisingly, all these varieties have the ability to interbreed with each other, producing completely viable and healthy offspring. The only problem is that some crossbreeds are subsequently unable to bear children and remain infertile.

Horse - description and photographs

The horse is a slender, graceful animal, with highly developed muscles and a strong constitution. The body is round in shape with long slender legs, on whose wrists with inside there are calloused keratinized bumps-thickenings. On a graceful, muscular neck is a large, elongated head. Despite the impressive size of the skull, the horse’s brain is relatively small, which in no way affects the animal’s high intelligence. The head is crowned with pointed, movable ears. On the muzzle there is a pair of large expressive eyes and rather wide large nostrils.

Horses have well-developed hearing, good vision and sense of smell. The horse's body is covered with hair, the length and coarseness of which varies depending on the location: the bangs, mane and tail have long and silky hair, while the body is protected by shorter and coarser hair. The color of the coat determines the color of the horse; with age, the intensity of the color may change.

Horse breeds

Horse breeds are very diverse, interesting and, at times, very unusual. According to the exterior and general constitution, the horse is divided into draft, riding, pack, trotting and racing. Horses are also classified according to various characteristics:

  • Zonal-climatic feature:
    • – forest
    • – mountain
    • – steppe
  • Purpose:
    • riding
    • horse-drawn
    • light-harness
    • heavy-duty
    • horse-and-pack
  • Origin:
    • cultural
    • transitional
    • aboriginal (local)
  • Breeding methods:
    • factory
    • herd
    • cultural herd

The beautiful Paso Fino, bred by Spanish settlers in the 16th century, became a symbol of grace and a special, pronounced individuality in character.

A friendly and easy-going Pinto horse, distinguished by its surprisingly valuable piebald color and often having blue eyes.

A smart, slightly squat and hardy horse of the Yakut breed, which was bred by local aborigines.

A massive, powerful, but good-natured and calm Vladimir heavy truck.

The Norwegian Fjord horse, which is one of the oldest horse breeds and has retained all its purebred qualities.

And this is only a small part of the breeds known today, resulting from selection or bred by horse breeders with absolute preservation of purebreds.

Where do wild horses live?

In the wild, the horse prefers predominantly steppe zones as a habitat and lives in herds, most often small: usually in a herd there are several females and a leading stallion. They rarely leave their places, as they are considered sedentary animals, and move from place to place only in search of new pasture. At this time, animals can travel hundreds and even thousands of kilometers. All horses are herbivores, have a cautious disposition and high speed of movement.

What do horses eat?

Wild horses eat fresh grass, grains and root vegetables. In the summer, they gain weight, as the animals are constantly in the meadow, where there is a lot of food. IN winter period horses lose weight as food becomes scarcer. In their natural habitat, animals have all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Domestic horses They are also required to be taken out to the meadow and fed with grass. It contains all the necessary beneficial nutrients. In winter, hay and products such as oats, barley, bran, flaxseed, beets, etc. must be added to the diet. If a horse's feed does not contain enough nutrients, the animal will begin to lose weight and the horse's appearance will deteriorate.

Horse breeding

The horse becomes sexually mature at the age of two years. Horses reproduce by inseminating a mare's egg with male sperm. The period when a horse is ready to conceive is called “hunting.” At this time, she allows the horse to mate with her. However, on farms, a horse can also conceive through artificial insemination. This method relieves horse breeders and owners of private farms from many difficulties associated with transportation and selection of a suitable pair.

A horse's pregnancy lasts eleven months. Basically, a horse gives birth to one foal, less often - two. The baby is born clumsy and does not stand on its own well. long legs, but after three to five hours he is quite playful and can move after his mother, who will feed her child with milk for 5-6 months.

The average lifespan of horses is 25-35 years, although there are also long-livers among them. There are known facts when horses reached the age of 45 and even 60 years.

Most species modern horses bred by selection. Many people love these animals for their extraordinary grace, strength and instinctive abilities. It is worth considering what the most beautiful horses.

All horse breeds differ in different ways. In the process of breeding, the future purpose of the animal is taken into account. Some are used for riding, others on farmland or for hunting trips. Equestrian sport is a developed industry of our time.

Some horses appeared many centuries ago. Quite ancient. However, most modern breeds were developed only in the twentieth century. There are 300 species of these beautiful animals in the world.

They differ in both external signs, power characteristics and endurance. Some are higher at the withers, others are lower. The color and structure of the coat, ear shape and body weight may vary.

Horse breeds differ in temperament and character. The required feed also differs. Some will be content with a meager diet, while others require a well-balanced diet.

Although the rapid development of technology is gradually replacing the need for horses, society actively uses them. When choosing a horse for yourself or as a gift, it is important to consider the features of known suits. Below are horse breeds with descriptions and brief characteristics.

Classification of horse breeds

It is important to consider the generally accepted classification of horse breeds with names depending on the purpose for which they were selected. Let's see the features of the varieties of the following factory horses:

  • riding;
  • horse-drawn;
  • harness;
  • heavy-duty;
  • local.

Let's look at the famous breeds of stallions from each group.

Horse breeds

Riding horses are considered the most beautiful and noble. Bred for riding and sport. Among them there are representatives with a calm disposition and temperamental ones, suitable for participation in competitions.

There are many riding horses. Below is a description of some unusual horses.


This variety is suitable for amateur riding at home. The horse is calm, smart and agile. Even an inexperienced rider can handle the animal.

Features smooth walking. The rider feels good even during long rides.


Purebred Akhal-Teke horses are faithful horses and true friends. This is a representative of an ancient breed. The foal and the adult horse are distinguished by their beauty and loyalty. They have a special character, so you will have to find an approach to the horse.

Akhal-Teke horses are very hardy. The wool is thin, so it sparkles in the sun's rays. Representatives of golden and silver suits are more common.


A horse that enjoys worldwide fame. She is magnificent in appearance and is a faithful steed. A thoroughbred horse is suitable for riding schools. The animal is dexterous, nimble and active.

This smart and playful horse has been around for a long time. It is a powerful competitor to other recently bred breeds.

A long lowered tail, a high stroke, a fluffy shaggy mane - these are just some of the advantages of this breed. The color is black, bay or gray.


Another ancient horse of pure blood. From this variety, different types of horses were bred. Brought out in the 4th century.

It is distinguished by a regular dense physique, a beautiful head, and a curved neck.


The horse is present in many stables in Europe. It is considered a common half-breed representative of the genus.

Outwardly it resembles an English purebred variety of animals. Graceful arched neck, medium length back and powerful hips. The height is average. The horse is free to move and is used in show jumping and dressage.


Bred in Germany, considered the best horses for participation in sports competitions. It is distinguished by its noble appearance, shiny skin, and strong, high legs.

Expressive eyes, large ears and unusual color attract people who are far from horses. The gait is confident, the animal keeps its balance well. Capable of performing amazing jumps, in which the power and strong muscles of the animal are obvious.

Kiger Mustang

Smart horses with black manes and tails. The color of the suit is reddish or gray-brown. There are markings on the legs or back that resemble the coloring of a zebra. Inexperienced people identify this breed precisely by them.

Riding horses

Horse-drawn horses were bred for riding and transporting goods. The animal is adapted to work in a harness.

Don horse

The horse was bred in the Rostov region in the 18th century. Horses have high withers. The color is usually red, brown or golden. The mane and tail are darker than the horse's coat color elsewhere.

This variety can be used for mounted police. Works both under saddle and in harness.

Karabair breed

The horse's offspring were bred in Uzbekistan. They are distinguished by unpretentiousness and endurance.

Representatives of this species are compliant and thrive in mountainous areas. They keep their balance perfectly.

Karachay breed of horses

The homeland of the horse is the North Caucasus. It is distinguished by considerable strength and low legs. The height is average, the withers are long but not high.

The hooves of stallions and mares are strong and regular in shape. The individual is proportional and tolerates long treks well.

Oldenburg horse

The breed is the heaviest of warmblood horses. Brought out in the 17th century for agricultural work.

Caspian horse

For some time, this breed was considered extinct, but in 1965, several individuals of Persian horses were discovered in northern Iran. The offspring of the animals were preserved and increased.

A rare type of horse, distinguished by its small stature. Used for hunting and transporting carts.

Kyrgyz horse

The name itself shows where this horse was bred. Individuals are distinguished by their unpretentiousness and endurance.

Horses work well in harness, under pack. They are content with pasture.

Draft horses

Most representatives of the breed are distinguished by a large body and good build. The height of the withers can reach 180 cm.

Kladrub breed

The stallions were used for harness work. Representatives of this breed participated in ceremonies and parades. Horses are calm and balanced. Difficulties arise during selection.

Draft horses

They are distinguished by strength, good endurance and the ability to carry heavy loads. They were used to transport cargo, military artillery and weapons.

Arden horse

The only one of this species that can withstand frosty winters. The draft horse has a compact body, is not too tall, has a short back and very strong joints.

They have a wide stride and are not picky about food. They quickly reach maturity. This type of animal was used to breed a population of other heavyweights.


Features a uniform briskly. This hairy horse is capable of carrying heavy loads and is content with a variety of food.

Adults are dryish, but strong. Descended from working mares. In appearance, they resemble Percheron horses.


Strong, fast horse. Wide head, short neck, strong hooves, dry limbs.

Used to breed Tori horses. Appeared in the 17th century.

Local horses

Native varieties are those that are adapted to live on a particular continent.

Connemara pony

National breed of Ireland. The most beautiful ponies in existence. They live up to 30 years. Hardy and kind disposition. Agile in riding, capable of jumping.

It is believed that it appeared as a result of the mating of horses during transportation on the ships of the invincible Spanish Armada.

Yakut horse

Feels good in the northern Siberian regions. Tolerates harsh climates. Short stature, thick coat.

It is difficult to say how many species and subspecies of horses are available in our region today. More common are the Przewalski's horse and its close relative, the domesticated mare. In addition to the characteristics of the species, it is worth studying the individual character traits.

Since man tamed the horse, hundreds of breeds of these animals have appeared in the world. They have different strength of legs, body shape, color, mane length, head shape and other parameters. Representatives different breeds the horses are completely different from each other. The article contains beautiful, original and rare varieties. Photos and descriptions will help you understand the diversity.

Vintage elite varieties

The horse has earned the characteristics of a beautiful and noble animal. A purebred horse of a prestigious breed is valued at the same level as an expensive car. Elite species include:

  • Akhal-Teke;
  • Frisian.

Arabian horse

Arabian horse- a popular hero of old fairy tales, ballads and epics. This is the national treasure of the eastern peoples. He has his own legend of birth. Purebred representatives of the Arabian horse breed are the most expensive today. Animals are distinguished by their intelligence, ease of training, devotion to their owner, and endurance. They are graceful and characterized by a soft gait, which does not interfere with their high running speed. The rooster-shaped tail gives horses an unprecedented charm. The horses have a neatly set head and extremely thin, slender legs.

Attention! Arabian horses became the ancestors of various European horse breeds.

Akhal-Teke got their name from the area of ​​the same name in Turkmenistan. Options:

  • chestnut;
  • black;
  • gray with silver, cream or chocolate shades.


The appearance explains the horse’s popular nickname - “golden”. Her fur shimmers in the sun. Blue eyes add beauty to the animal. In practice, Akhal-Teke horses are smart, fast and hardy - real oriental horses.

Friezes bred in the Dutch region of Friesland. This is also an ancient breed of horse. Today it is usually used for decorative purposes: photo shoots, films, ceremonies, royal carriages. Use in sports and for work tasks is limited due to the small number of purebred livestock.

The color of horses is predominantly charcoal black. The mane is thick, falling in curls. The frieze figure is powerful and beautiful. The animals themselves are kind and can easily be trained to drive carriages.

Attention! A distinctive feature of friezes is the long wool edging around the hooves.

Modern decorative horses

According to one version, by deliberate removal Azerbaijani horse no one was doing it. The animals appeared in the former Soviet republic. Now these horses are hardy, strong, active and undemanding in food. People use them to move around mountainous areas. Azerbaijani horse amenable to learning. It is customary to keep him in the herd.

American Saddlebred Horse or saddlebred breeds have been bred in the United States for several decades. The difficult process was ultimately crowned with success. The horse most often has a pleasing red color. The wool is glossy and soft. The animal's muzzle is neat, proportional to the body, the ears are sharp, and the eyes are set wide. According to horse shows and ratings, breeders have produced a beautiful breed.

American Saddlebred Horse

Another representative of rocks. A native of the Spanish Pyrenees, she has an ancestor - the Arabian horse - and often found herself in the saddle of European monarchs. It is beautiful to prance in a parade and travel long distances. The Andalusian horse was harnessed to teams or used in sports disciplines. The horse is distinguished by its gray coat color, high stature, refined body shape and proportional head. When he moves, he lifts his legs high, so he looks graceful.

Rare and unusual varieties

The color of a horse breed called knabstrupper similar to the coat color of Dalmatian dogs. Black spots on white look original. There are horses with red spots, as well as marbled or trout colors. In the latter, the specks are small, overlap each other and mix with white fibers.

Breed Knabstrupper bred in Denmark, but the history of its appearance is vague. The spotted species is now considered rare due to declining numbers. A special private organization in Denmark is engaged in the preservation of thoroughbred horses. The horse's body looks strong and slender.

Horses are classified as rare Marwari or Malani, whose homeland is in India. Historians believe that the ancestors of the breed include the Arabian horse. They fought in Malani, traveled, worked in the fields, played polo. In the 20th century the population declined. It was possible to restore it only in recent years, but even today the export of Marwaris from India is limited. Piebald and gray specimens are especially highly prized.

Attention! The strong and graceful horse has unusual ears. They are curved inwards, rotate 180° and often even intersect with one another.

Breed Falabella often confused with ponies. However, according to zoological characteristics, this is precisely a horse. The only similarity with a pony is its modest dimensions. There are at least 4 versions of the origin of animals. It is believed that their size was affected by genetic mutations, lack of mineral components in pastures or climate. The horses were bred in the mountainous regions of Argentina.


Breeders Iberian horses are proud of their purebredness. The Spanish breed was formed at a stage when the state was under the rule of the Moors. Black horses are born to be ridden. The characteristics of horses are lightness and speed.

Domestic decorative varieties

Russian horse breeders, commissioned by titled persons, also tried to breed beautiful thoroughbred horses. Notable examples include Oryol trotter, into the appearance of which Count Orlov invested energy and money in the 18th century. Today the horse breed is included in the pantheon of the best in the world. Animals have a strong, graceful and light body. While running, they seem ready to take off, which is why Orlov residents appear in films and in paintings by famous artists.

Oryol trotter

At the end of the 20th century, the breed almost ceased to exist. She was saved by enthusiasts from Russia and France. Now the Oryol trotter is again being sold at auctions and exhibited at world competitions. However, the population has not yet made a qualitative leap.

Other types:

  • Donskaya. On the Don they are proud of the Cossack breed of the same name. The Don horse is strong and beautiful. Particularly prized are red mares, whose coat has a golden sheen. The animals are easy to care for, amenable to training, and loyal.