Pull-ups with a narrow straight grip, which muscles work. What muscles are pumped when doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar? Partial pull-ups with underhand grip

Close-grip pull-ups on the horizontal bar are the best basic exercise for developing biceps. Most athletes train their biceps only with isolated exercises - mainly barbell or dumbbell curls. But to maximize the growth of the target muscle group, it is also necessary to use heavy basic exercises, which provide a powerful impetus for muscle growth. In this article we will talk about the technique of performing pull-ups with a narrow grip, consider common mistakes and give useful recommendations for training biceps.

What muscles work

During close-grip pull-ups, the main load falls on the biceps, shoulder muscles and lower areas of the latissimus muscles. If your lats dominate and your arms lag behind, then close-grip pull-ups are undoubtedly the best exercise for developing big biceps.

As you know, pull-ups on the horizontal bar can be performed with a forward or reverse grip. When training biceps, we recommend using both options to work all muscle areas of the target muscle group.

Technique for performing pull-ups with a narrow grip

To fully understand the technique of performing close-grip biceps pull-ups, we also recommend that you watch the video at the end of the article.

Common mistakes made by newbies

  • Many athletes lower themselves too sharply during pull-ups, which greatly increases the load on their arms, namely the elbow joints. The lowering should be smooth and uniform; this will not only reduce the risk of injury, but also increase the load on the biceps.
  • During pull-ups, you should not fully extend your arms in the starting position, as this also increases the load on the elbow joints.
  • If your goal is maximum biceps growth, then pull-ups must be performed without jerking. It’s better to do 10 high-quality repetitions than 20 dirty ones with cheating.

Proper biceps training

Basic exercises play a key role in the development of any muscle group, so you should not neglect them. Close-grip pull-ups should definitely be included in your training program if you want to have powerful and voluminous arm muscles (pull-ups can also be replaced with close-grip lat pull-downs). At the beginning of working out the biceps, we advise you to do the basics - pull-ups with a narrow direct or reverse grip, and then move on to the best isolating exercises:

On our forum you can find a lot of materials about biceps training, but we would advise you to familiarize yourself with:

For beginners who do not know how to do pull-ups on the bar. This exercise is quite popular among professionals. In the article, the reader will become acquainted with this type of pull-up, and will also find out which muscles work during the exercise. It would also be useful to have information on the types of grip, thanks to which you can focus the load on different muscle groups, at the request of the athlete.

Where does any training begin?

Any workout begins with a warm-up. This is the first rule of any gym, regardless of the sport, be it bodybuilding, dancing or wrestling. It is necessary to warm up the hands in the wrist, elbow and shoulder joints. It doesn’t hurt to swing your arms to the sides to stretch your pectoral muscles. Bends and crunches will warm up the muscles of the back and abdominal girdle, while squats will raise blood pressure in the cardiovascular system and force the body to produce more testosterone.

If pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a reverse grip are first on the list in the training complex, professionals recommend performing a couple of sets of 20-25 repetitions with light weight on the biceps. The fact is that all people have very weak ligaments in the elbow and wrist joints, which can easily be stretched without proper warming up.

Motivation is the key to success!

According to statistics, 99% of beginners are embarrassed to learn how to do pull-ups in the gym, so we will have to touch on the problem associated with the stupidity of self-hypnosis and motivation. The fact is that all the people in the world at some stage did not know how to do pull-ups, but at different periods of maturity they learned to perform the most difficult exercise in their lives. There are several solution options here, and they all depend only on the desires of the novice athlete.

  1. Buy a horizontal bar in a store and install it at home. You can do reverse grip pull-ups without prying eyes and not have to worry about anything. However, incorrect execution technique can very easily lead to injury.
  2. Classes on public sports grounds. In fact, this is the most difficult path for a beginner, because sometimes the crossbar is too high, and concrete or asphalt is laid below - injury cannot be avoided.
  3. Exercise in the gym under the supervision of a trainer. If you use the correct technique, literally within a couple of weeks no one in the gym will doubt that the beginner does not know how to do pull-ups.

Reverse grip pull-up technique

The best and most effective exercise is the one that is performed using the correct technique. This is true for any athlete, regardless of experience. It doesn’t matter how pull-ups are performed - with a narrow reverse grip or a straight wide grip, the main thing is to follow the execution technique.

  1. Grasp the horizontal bar with the desired grip and hang on the bar. Arms and legs are perfectly straight. The thumb of the hand should pass under the crossbar.
  2. Trying to keep your elbows as close to your body as possible, you need to pull your chest up to the bar as close as possible. In this position, move your head back as much as possible and try to bring your shoulder blades together.
  3. After a two-second pause, slowly lower down, returning to the starting position.

What you should never do

Trying to perform technical exercises, many novice athletes try to make it easier for the muscles to work. The logic is simple - since the recommendations for correct execution do not say a word about such help, it means that you can independently correct the execution technique. The following list of restrictions is intended for people looking for easy solutions:

  1. During pull-ups, your legs should be straight. There is no need to bend them or make jerks like the movement of a frog's legs.
  2. At the lowest point, your arms should be fully straightened. Yes, this causes discomfort and even pain in the first stages of training, but, on the other hand, relaxation of the muscles involved in tightening will allow oxygen to enter the tissues.
  3. Pull-ups with a narrow reverse grip are the easiest to perform, so it is at this stage of training that you need to control how your chest touches the bar.

There will be no progress without pumping

Pumping is when a large volume of blood is forced into a muscle, doubling its size, and under the influence of a large load, the muscle fibers cannot withstand and tear. Naturally, when restoring fibers, the body “remembers” about the pumping and, by building up the torn fibers, increases their diameter - this is how muscles grow throughout the body.

All beginners, without exception, need to work on pumping. This will not only help you quickly build muscle mass in the initial stages, but will also not cause damage to ligaments and joints under heavy loads. The reverse grip pull-up is no exception. To do this, you need to perform at least 12-15 repetitions in each approach.

Negative repetitions

The “negative repetitions” exercise, well known among athletes, very well develops not only endurance with repeated repetitions. Quite often, this exercise is “prescribed” to all overweight beginners. The purpose of negative repetitions is to hard pump the biceps muscles. Reverse grip biceps pull-ups are performed as follows:

  1. A chair is placed near the horizontal bar so that it is 20-30 cm behind the crossbar.
  2. The athlete climbs onto a chair and grabs the bar with his hands, palms facing him, hands shoulder-width apart.
  3. Pressing your chest against the horizontal bar as much as possible, you need to carefully get off the chair, hanging in the air, or, holding onto the chair with your toes, lower your knees down.
  4. Slowly relaxing your biceps, begin to straighten your arms at the elbow joint. You need to stop and return to the starting position when the angle between the forearm and biceps reaches more than 150 degrees.

Types of grips

Professionals recommend using a narrow arm position in the initial stages of training, performing pull-ups with a reverse grip. The muscles of a poorly developed back get tired quickly, and the entire load falls on the biceps, which needs to be worked out effectively. A narrow grip means placing your palms no further than five centimeters from each other.

In addition to the narrow grip, there is a medium grip - the hands are located shoulder width apart. It is also called classic, apparently because it has been used in schools for several decades as an alternative pull-up for overweight children.

A wide grip with a reverse position of the hands is used very often, because its advantage is that, unlike a direct grip, it lightly loads the back muscles, transferring the load to the biceps. Pull-ups with a wide reverse grip make it possible to maximally load the back muscles, which, in case of failure, will transfer the load to the biceps.

Working muscles in pull-ups

Many beginners, naturally, are interested in the question when performing pull-ups with a reverse grip - “which muscles are pumped?” They will be pleasantly surprised to learn that the list is quite long.

  1. Latissimus dorsi muscles. Upper side part, affecting half of the back. The wider the grip, the greater the load on these muscles.
  2. Rhomboid muscle. Rotates the shoulder blades into their final position, bringing them closer to the spine.
  3. Pectoralis major muscle. Pulls the torso upward, and its activity increases only when the elbows approach the torso.
  4. Biceps and triceps. The biceps bends the arm at the elbow joint, which fixes the triceps at the end point.
  5. The pectoralis minor, coracobrachialis and subscapularis muscles strengthen the shoulder joint, participating in pulling up the torso.

Setting and completing tasks

It turns out that reverse grip pull-ups are effective not only for beginners. We figured out which muscles are involved in the exercise. It remains to understand what goals the athlete pursues after learning how to do pull-ups on the bar. But first, you should pay attention to the recommendations of professionals that pull-ups on the horizontal bar are not basic exercises for developing biceps; accordingly, they should only be contained in a complex aimed at developing the back muscles.

At the beginning of the workout, it is recommended to perform pull-ups with an even grip and wide arms. You need to do 4-5 approaches with the maximum number of repetitions. Having loaded the latissimus dorsi muscles, you can move on to an exercise that loads the lower torso - block row, in a sitting position, for example. After this, you can “finish off” the latissimus dorsi muscles by performing pull-ups with a reverse grip and a wide stance. As the effectiveness of the exercise decreases, the athlete can reduce the grip width, reducing the focus of the load on the arm muscles.


Obviously, the reverse grip pull-up is the best exercise for all beginners, because they solve several problems at the same time:

  1. Learn to do pull-ups on the horizontal bar. For many beginners, a complete study of the technique is enough, and after just a couple of workouts it seems that the athlete has been able to do pull-ups freely since birth.
  2. Biceps development. It's no secret that the “cans” on the hands are indicative, that is, they are visible even under clothes. Naturally, a beginner will be able to attract attention to himself after just a month of training.
  3. Wide back. This is what many men and women come to the gym for - standing out from the gray mass with huge lats is quite easy.

The ability to pull yourself up is the highest level of mastery of your own body. With the help of pull-ups on the horizontal bar, you can develop many sports qualities - strength, power, endurance. To achieve perfection in training, you need to master various pull-up techniques and grips.

It is not without reason that the exercise is performed in several variations, since this makes it possible to comprehensively work out different muscle fibers and to influence the muscles and ligaments in different ways with the grip. Only complete and comprehensive muscle development will allow you to increase strength, mass and other athletic performance.

Pull-ups develop:

  • latissimus dorsi muscles;
  • teres major and minor muscles;
  • diamond-shaped;
  • trapezoidal;
  • shoulder biceps;
  • shoulder;
  • brachioradialis muscle;
  • less often - deltoids and pectoralis.

The benefits of pull-ups on the horizontal bar for men

  1. Thanks to the exercise you can develop your back, the features of the grips can increase the muscles in width or thickness, thus suitable for the training process of everyone.
  2. Multifunctionality exercise allows you to develop several muscle groups at once, which together gives a powerful anabolic boost to the body as a whole.

Pull-up apparatus available in any hall, on sports grounds, and also, if desired, it can be easily installed at home.

How to breathe correctly when doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar?

Under any load, in any exercise, exhalation is always performed with effort. Thus, from the beginning and to the peak of contraction, you need to exhale, and in the negative phase (relaxation) - inhale. Therefore, when pulling yourself up to the bar, you exhale powerfully, and when you straighten your elbows, you inhale smoothly.

Types of grips when pulling up

By width.

  • Narrow grip– palms are placed close to each other on the bar.
  • Medium grip– palms are located along the width of the shoulder joints.
  • Wide grip– palms are located wider than the shoulder joints, closer to the edges of the crossbar.

According to the location of the brushes.

  • Parallel (neutral)– a narrow or medium grip, in which the palms are parallel to each other on special handles or crossbars.
  • Straight grip– palms clasp the bars from above, with the back of the hand facing the athlete.
  • Reverse grip– palms clasp the bar with an underhand grip, with the back side facing away from you.
  • Different grip– one hand grabs the bar with a direct grip, and the other with a reverse grip.

Types and techniques of pull-ups

Medium grip pull-ups

If you stretch with an overhand grip, you can develop greater thickness of the latissimus dorsi muscle, also deltas and the upper part of the pectoralis major muscle.

  1. Grasp the horizontal bar shoulder width apart, or a little wider (if there is discomfort in the joints).
  2. Bend your knees and look at the ceiling.
  3. As you exhale, pull your chest toward the bar, keeping your back in a “wheel.”
  4. As you inhale, smoothly straighten your elbows and lower yourself without jerking.

Wide grip pull-ups

The exercise is performed with a straight grip wider than shoulder width, this technique develops back muscles in width. This option includes the upper part of the latissimus dorsi, round muscles of the back, and trapezius.

  1. Grasp the bar wider than your shoulders, bend your knees.
  2. As you exhale, pull your chest toward the bar, slightly arching your chest.
  3. As you inhale, straighten your elbows.

Close grip pull-ups

Narrow palm placement develops arm muscles to a greater extent(biceps and forearms) and the lower part of the latissimus muscle.

  • Pull-ups narrow reverse grip work out the biceps;
  • A direct– forearms.

  1. Grasp the bar from above or below (depending on the muscles being trained) with your palms close to each other.
  2. Bend your knees, tense your arms, and as you exhale, jerk your chin toward the bar.
  3. As you inhale, lower yourself smoothly.

Head pull-ups

A more complex version of classic pull-ups, you need to start the technique after mastering pull-ups in front of the horizontal bar. The exercise activates all the muscles of the torso more strongly.– back, trapezius, rhomboid and teres muscles. The deltoids and chest muscles are also connected to them.

  1. Grab the bar with a wide grip and bend your knees.
  2. As you exhale, use your back muscles to push your torso up and slightly forward in front of the horizontal bar, with the back of your head towards the bar.
  3. As you inhale, return your torso to the starting hanging position.

Neutral grip pull-ups (parallel)

A simple pull-up technique, thanks to a comfortable grip and a huge biceps help when pulling up. Also, the load falls on the middle of the back, thickening the muscles in diameter, trapezius, deltoids, serratus muscles and the top of the pectorals.

  • Pull-ups chin to the crossbar will allow you to pump your biceps more strongly;
  • A breasts to the projectile - the middle of the back.
  1. Place your palms on a neutral grip or on a parallel bar.
  2. With your knees bent, use your arms to push your body up (to the desired position).
  3. Exhale as you straighten your elbows.

A good option for learning pull-ups. Its essence is that muscles (mostly biceps) receive a load in the negative phase, that is, when extending the arms. This is the opposite version of pull-ups, where the muscles receive a load while relaxing.

During the exercise, you should not allow a sharp fall; the muscles should be toned when lowering down.

  1. Stand on the bench with your feet, grab the bar with a wide grip so that your elbows are bent and your chin is at the level of the horizontal bar - as in the upper phase of pull-ups.
  2. Tighten all your muscles and remove your feet from the bench, remaining hanging in the same position, begin to slowly straighten your arms and smoothly lower down.
  3. Return to the bench, return to the starting position, and repeat negative pull-ups.


This style of exercise will allow comprehensively develop muscles, joints from the ligament, since different fibers are included for each side, a change in the rotation of the joints occurs. it's the same will strengthen your hands and forearms.

  1. Grasp the horizontal bar with your right hand with a direct grip, and with your left hand with a reverse grip. The distance between the palms is slightly wider than the shoulders.
  2. As you exhale, pull your chin toward the horizontal bar.
  3. After completing the exercise, change the grip of your hands.

Army pull-ups

This type of pull-up no longer serves for high-quality muscle development, but as a separate sports standard that trains speed and jerk. The goal of the technique is to lift the chin above the horizontal bar. The exercise is performed by inertia, the main thing here is not concentration on the working muscles, but the speed of movement; they are often performed for a while.

  1. Grasp the horizontal bar with a medium straight grip, bend your knees.
  2. As you exhale, jerk your body up with the muscles of your back and arms, lifting your chin as high as possible from the bar.
  3. As you inhale, lower yourself.

The benefits of weighted pull-ups

For those who have mastered all the exercise techniques and can easily do a large number of pull-ups with their own weight, it is possible to add load on the muscles that have adapted to their own body weight. Firstly, it is important for the development and progress of the athlete’s strength indicators. Secondly, it is a way to increase muscle volume.

Any training with weights that are given without much effort makes no sense, except perhaps for maintaining health.

To progress in pull-ups, there are belts with a chain to which you can attach a plate, a weight and secure the chain with a carabiner to avoid losing the weight. There are also special backpacks with sand that you can use as weighting material, and you can even make one yourself.

There are a lot of types of pull-ups on the horizontal bar, but regardless of the variations, they use the same muscles. Which?

Look at the picture below:

A more detailed introduction:

Types of pull-ups are divided according to different indicators: by the position of the palms on the horizontal bar and the type of grip, by the distance between the palms, by the type of contact with the crossbar, by the cleanliness of the pull-up, by the athlete’s attitude to the results, etc.

Types of grips and hand positions:

  • upper (normal, straight – Fig. 1);
  • lower (reverse, biceps, “womanish” - Fig. 2);
  • opposite (neutral) – Fig. 3.

Depending on the type of grip chosen, the load shifts to certain muscle groups. By choosing the first option, you pump up your back muscles. By choosing the reverse type of grip, the biceps are involved in the work. The brachialis, biceps and brachioradialis muscles “work” with a neutral grip.

Types of pull-ups on the horizontal bar depend on the distance of the palms (grip width):

  • narrow – arms are loaded (Fig. 1);
  • medium - emphasis on the back and arms (Fig. 2);
  • wide – the “wings” and back muscles are loaded (Fig. 3).

Important: the degree of load on the muscles depends on the distance between the hands. By changing the grip width, it can be reduced or increased.

A wide stance reduces the amplitude, i.e. The distance traveled becomes smaller, and the load on the muscles decreases. The maximum load is assumed by a narrow grip. Given this, it is easy to adjust the number of repetitions.

There are different types based on the point of contact:

  • When the bars touch the chest, we speak of a standard pull-up (Fig. 1), in which the load is evenly distributed and the latissimus dorsi muscles are involved in the work;
  • If the neck touches the crossbar, these are pull-ups “over the head” (Fig. 2), in which the load shifts “upwards”.

Types of training on the horizontal bar for clean pull-ups:

  • The concept of “clean” pull-ups means slow and smooth movements up and back;
  • “With swinging” - this is what they say about pull-ups with a sharp upward pull;
  • “With incomplete extension”, i.e. the arms are not fully extended at the elbow joint.

Another type of pull-ups on the horizontal bar - according to the expected result:

  • to gain weight (mass gain) is performed with a quick rise up and a slow return to the IP;
  • quantitative ones provide for a rapid phase of ascent and descent.

The types of training on the horizontal bar are spoken of as relationships with girls, i.e. Each type has its own features, features, and new results.

Techniques for performing different types of pull-ups on a horizontal bar

The option is more popular among athletes than other types. classical. Grip slightly wider than shoulder width. They begin the movement from the bottom point, tensing the muscles of the arms and back. They rise up until the chin is above the horizontal bar: everything counts!

At neutral pull-up its advantages - it is the safest for joints. Stronger than others, it works the muscles of the upper back. In addition, it does not allow rotation of the shoulder joints (external and internal), therefore, protects them from injury.

Supinated pull-ups mean that they rotate in the direction of the biceps (outer side). It is recommended for those athletes who have set a goal to build powerful biceps.

The load that this type of exercise on the horizontal bar gives is quite large. Therefore, in order not to injure the biceps tendons, the slow phase (lowering eccentrics), explosive lifts and dead hangs on the apparatus should not be allowed.

Mixed type of pull-ups on the horizontal bar

The mixed grip is similar to how you grip a barbell to perform a heavy weight deadlift. It allows you to perform more repetitions because it increases grip on the bar. This type is used to work with weights (weight tied to the belt or legs). An excellent choice for those who come to build strength.

Mixed grip training will help balance the internal and external rotational load on the shoulders (one arm is in supination, the other is pronated).

Chest pull-ups are also called “Gironde” named after the famous bodybuilder who invented the exercise, Vince Gironda. An option invented by a professional is too tough for beginners, since it requires a certain strength and physical preparation. In comparison with the variations discussed above, it has a greater amplitude of movement, which means the load is increased.

To perform it, do a dead hang at the bottom point, then lift your entire sternum to the bar, giving a large range of motion to the latissimus dorsi muscles. The grip recommended is neutral or supinated.

The next type of pull-ups on the horizontal bar is transverse.

An unusual and fun exercise, since the athlete moves in two planes at once - transverse and longitudinal.

In the starting position, the athlete stands strictly under the horizontal bar (perpendicular to it). Leaving minimal space between the crayfish, grab the crossbar from the opposite side. Now you need to simultaneously reach up and turn your body 90 degrees. The chest needs to be brought to the bar, keeping the abs and gluteal muscles tense. To increase the mobility of the shoulder joint, this is a very productive pull-up that is performed at the end of the workout.

The rotational movement pattern helps athletes develop and strengthen the shoulder girdle. You can alternate the direction of rotation on each repetition.

The new species is called "half moon", or Half-Moon

The training is preparatory for more complex exercises, which are done on one hand. You can use the most comfortable grip - all are suitable, but neutral and pronation are still preferable.

  • With your arms completely straight, lower yourself down.
  • From this position, pull your body towards the horizontal bar on one side (use one hand).
  • Return to the IP and immediately stretch, but in the other direction.

You should feel tension in one hand and pulling in the other. If this is not the case, then instead of the “half moon”, perform the “triangle”.

All types of training considered are basic. In addition to them, there are specific ones. They will be discussed further.

Manual switches

Designed (Hand-swithes) to develop the ability of “grasping and releasing”, explosive force for the concentric phase (lifting the body). The exercise can be performed, but a clap is made at the top point of the trajectory.

Exotic view of pulling up using a rope

A rope or rope is thrown over the horizontal bar, which reduces the grip area, making pull-ups more difficult. By replacing the horizontal bar with a rope, in order to stabilize the body in space, even small muscles that are usually not used have to “work.”

Flip hand grip

It perfectly develops grip strength. The idea is to alternately change the position of the hands. While one hand changes position, the other holds the body.

Another non-standard type is "unclear hand position". During the execution, the athlete seems to miss the crossbar with one hand, grabbing the rope thrown over the horizontal bar. For a hand adapted to holding a smooth horizontal bar, this is excellent training that develops grip strength.

About the types of pull-ups on the horizontal bar that strengthen stability

Displacement (disturbance)

The technique is that the stable position of the body is disturbed from the side.

The training looks like this:

  • the athlete hangs on the horizontal bar, and his partner tries to move him to the side;
  • the training person has to tense his core muscles and create direct pressure with his body in order to interfere with his partner.

You can use an option when a belt is tied around the waist, by which a second person pulls the athlete, trying to throw him out of balance.

Leg movement added to the bar hang is great for developing core stability and strengthening. Simultaneously with the transmission of force from the upper tense part of the body, stabilizing movements of the legs occur.

Video: Pull-ups on the horizontal bar

Let's look at the main types of pull-ups on the horizontal bar. When performing pull-ups on the horizontal bar, many muscles of the arms, shoulder girdle and back work. The rule here is: the wider the grip, the more the back works. And, accordingly, the narrower the grip, the more the arms and shoulder muscles work

Using different variations of pull-ups in one workout allows you to achieve a harmonious workout of all the muscles involved in the pull-up and better feel their work in conditions of different trajectories of movement and a shift in the emphasis of the load on them, as well as prevent overstrain and unnecessary overload of the joints.

Pull-ups with a regular medium grip on a horizontal bar. Technique and muscles

This grip can be called classic, because... it is the simplest and most understandable and is possible on any horizontal bar. The average grip, in turn, is divided into direct, reverse and parallel.

a) straight medium grip

The most classic grip of all. The technique for performing pull-ups with this grip describes actions that are also appropriate when performing pull-ups with other grips.

Place your hands with your palms facing away from you on the bar, shoulder-width apart. The thumb from below closes the grip into a “lock”. When doing pull-ups, keep your legs straight and keep them together. You should pull yourself up with muscle strength, without jerking or jerking (true for all grips). This is when moving up (positive phase). When moving down (negative phase), you should not completely relax your arms to avoid injury. The descent must be controlled. It is believed that the biceps work better in the negative phase than in the positive phase, so many trainers recommend going up 2 times faster than going down. Correct execution is considered to be a repetition that ends with the chest touching the bar at the top and with the arms fully extended at the bottom.

Muscle groups trained: trapezius and latissimus dorsi, biceps, triceps, muscles of the shoulder girdle and forearm.

b) reverse medium grip

Classic #2. Easier to perform than straight. An excellent grip for pumping up your biceps.

Pull-up technique: The reverse middle grip is performed in exactly the same way as the straight one. The only difference is that this time we place our hands on the bar with our palms facing us. The thumb also closes the "lock". Pull-ups are performed taking into account the same rules and techniques as described for a direct grip. In the positive phase, you need to bring your shoulder blades together. At the beginning of the movement, you must ensure that your shoulders do not rise and are pulled back and down.

Muscle groups trained: biceps, latissimus dorsi.

c) parallel medium grip

Just like with a reverse middle grip, pull-ups with a parallel middle grip are easier for a beginner athlete to perform than with a straight one. Also, using both a reverse and parallel grip helps ensure the most optimal range of motion in the elbow joints, while minimally loading the wrist joints.

Pull-up technique: With this grip you can perform pull-ups on almost any home exercise, simply by grasping the pipes to which the bar itself is attached. The direct grip technique is also appropriate here. When pulling up, your elbows naturally move close to your torso.

Muscle groups trained: latissimus dorsi, biceps.

Close-grip pull-ups on a horizontal bar. Technique and muscles

A variation of pull-ups, in which the biceps, muscles that lower the shoulder girdle and the lower bundles of the latissimus dorsi are included in the work as much as possible.

a) straight narrow grip

Pull-up technique: With our hands (palms facing away from us) we grab the bar at a minimum distance of hands from each other. The thumb from below closes the “lock”. When pulling up, the gaze is directed to the hands, the back is arched. We strive to touch the bar with the lower chest.

Muscle groups trained: lower part of the latissimus dorsi, brachialis (brachial muscle), serratus anterior muscles.

b) reverse close grip

Pull-up technique: The grip is performed in the same way as a straight grip, but here the hands grab the bar with the palms facing towards themselves. Also, when pulling up, we try to touch the apparatus with the lower part of the chest, but at the same time it is necessary to bring the shoulder blades together and move the shoulders back.

Muscle groups trained:

c) parallel close grip

Pull-up technique: Performing pull-ups with this grip is similar to doing pull-ups with a reverse narrow grip. Except that the palms are now parallel and facing each other.

Muscle groups trained: lower latissimus dorsi, biceps.

Wide grip pull-ups on a horizontal bar. Technique and muscles

This is the most difficult version of the pull-up, not only because it has the maximum amplitude of shoulder adduction, but also because this option places the highest demands on the strength and combined work of the muscles surrounding the shoulder joint.

a) pull-ups with a straight wide grip to the chest

Pull-up technique: We grab the bar with a grip wider than normal, much like when doing a bench press with a barbell. Here, for better work of the lats, the thumbs should be placed on top of the bar, and from below close the grip into a “lock”, as on other grips. When doing pull-ups, try not to strain your biceps. Pay attention to the position of the body - elbows looking down, eyes looking up, back arched, shoulder blades pulled together, chest reaching towards the bar. This is the only way to fully engage your back muscles.

Muscle groups trained: paired teres muscles, upper part of the latissimus and trapezius muscles of the back, biceps.

b) wide grip with head pull-ups

Pull-up technique: The technique is similar to pull-ups with a straight wide grip to the chest; we also grab the bar, but there are some nuances here. There is no need to arch your back when doing pull-ups. The legs cannot be crossed; we line them up in line with the body. At the top point, the crossbar should be behind your head. Be sure to watch your elbows - they should always point straight to the floor.

Muscle groups trained: paired teres muscles, top and middle of the latissimus and trapezius muscles of the back, biceps.

Pull-ups with a grip along the horizontal bar. Technique and muscles

Pull-up technique: grab the bar fist to fist. The fists are locked into a “lock” with the thumb. When doing pull-ups, we alternately move our heads to the left and then to the right of the crossbar. At the top point, we touch the crossbar with our shoulder. With each new approach, we change the position of the hands relative to each other.

Muscle groups trained: lower latissimus dorsi, brachialis (brachial muscle), serratus muscles.