Bringing your feet to the bar. Hanging leg raises - load the rectus abdominis muscle. Raising bent legs while hanging on the bar

Hanging leg raises are one of the key exercises for. When performing it, both the upper and the Bottom part rectus abdominis muscle. At the same time, the complexity of the exercise and the level of muscle involvement depends on whether the legs are raised straight or bent at the knees.

If you follow the correct technique, this exercise helps you quickly achieve relief press and draw the cubes. However, we note that as such it does not burn fat, but only strengthens muscles. To get rid of subcutaneous fat on the abdomen you will need.

It should also be mentioned that no correct execution Hanging leg raises can cause pain in the lower back and lower back. It is important to ensure that the load falls specifically on the abdominal muscles, and not on other muscles.

Upper or lower press?

Leg Raise Trainer

When performing leg raises in the simulator, when you lean on your arms bent at the elbows and lift your legs (most often push-ups are also performed in this simulator), mostly the anterior thigh muscles are involved in the work.

The reasons are trivial - the trainees do not raise their legs high enough; in addition, by lifting the lower back from the back in an attempt to create additional tension for the abdominal muscles, they involve the leg muscles even more in the work.


Hanging leg raises - best exercise to create the “belt of Adonis” and work out lower muscles belly. The ideal movement is to lift the legs above the horizontal by twisting the pelvis. Performing exercises in a simulator is most often incorrect.

    Raising legs while hanging on a bar (Toes to Bar) is one of the most effective exercises on the press, due to the fact that when performing it the body is in a stretched position, so our muscles also receive a colossal load in the negative phase of the movement (when lowering the legs).

    There are several variations of this exercise: hanging straight leg raises, bent leg raises, alternating leg raises, toe raises to the bar and “corner” (static hold right angle between the legs and body). We will talk about all of them in more detail below.

    Also in our article today we will examine the following aspects:

  1. What is the benefit of doing this exercise;
  2. Types of leg lifts while hanging on the horizontal bar and also the technique of performing the exercise;
  3. CrossFit complexes containing this exercise.

What are the benefits of performing hanging leg raises?

By performing hanging leg raises, the athlete works the abdominal muscles with an emphasis on their lower part - a segment whose development is often lacking even experienced athletes. Add to the hanging leg raises one exercise each for the upper abs and the obliques, and you've got yourself an excellent full-fledged workout.

© Makatserchyk -

By focusing on your lower abdominal muscles every workout, you can kill several birds with one stone by making your core stronger and improving your six-pack definition. With the “cubes” everything is clear - here the only important thing for us is the visual component, but strong abs are a completely different story. Fine developed muscles abdomen help us perform exercises such as deadlift and squats with a barbell, due to improved coordination and more full control the position of the pelvis and lower back; improve our performance in exercises where we use our explosive force(sprinting, jumping on a box, squats on a bench, etc.); and also significantly increase the overall strength potential of the body - it becomes much easier for us to adapt to the huge volume of training load.

Types and techniques of exercises

Raising straight legs while hanging on the bar

The most common and, perhaps, the most effective variation of this exercise. The technique is as follows:

Raising legs bent at the knees while hanging

This option is more suitable for beginner athletes who are not yet comfortable raising straight legs while hanging.

Its fundamental difference is that working in the same amplitude with a shorter lever, we perform less force and can perform more reps. At the same time, it is important not to lose the neuromuscular connection; many beginners try to touch their knees almost to the chin, and this is fundamentally wrong. The movement must be done to the level at which the load on our muscles will be maximum; going higher does not make sense.

Alternate hanging leg raises

An interesting option for those who want to add something new to their training process. It is significantly different from previous types lifting the legs in that in it we combine static and dynamic load: raising one leg up to a right angle, part of our press performs dynamic work, at the same time the other part of the press performs static work, responsible for the stable position of the body, otherwise the athlete will turn slightly to the side.

In this position, it is important to monitor the position of the lower back; you do not need to bring the sacral area forward too much, since the spine will “twist” a little when lifting one leg.

Raising toes to the bar

This exercise differs from ordinary leg raises in that here we work in the longest amplitude and load the entire array of abdominal muscles.

When trying to touch the horizontal bar with your toes, try to minimize inertia and do not raise your pelvis too high - this way you will create an unwanted load on the lumbar region and you will include the extensors of the spine and buttocks in your work. Our task is to work as isolated as possible abdominal Press, keeping the body motionless.

© milanmarkovic78 -

“Angle” (static holding of a right angle)

It's no secret that the combination of static and dynamic load is the key to constant progress. By doing this, you force your abdominal muscles to work in a completely different mode, contracting them in an isometric manner.

© undrey -

Our task here is to raise your straight legs to a level parallel to the floor and stay in this position for as long as possible, keeping your legs motionless. At the same time, it is important not to forget about breathing, it should be smooth, without delay.

Many athletes who have well-developed quadriceps often complain that, along with the abs, part of the work is done by the front surface of the thigh. To “turn off” the quadriceps from work, you need to bend your knees slightly (about 10-15 degrees). The biomechanics of the movement may change slightly, so try raising your legs a little higher to feel the peak contraction of the abdominal muscles.

Crossfit complexes

The table below shows several functional complexes containing this exercise. Be careful: the load is clearly not designed for beginners; be prepared for the fact that the next day the strength in the abdominal muscles will be such that it will hurt you even to laugh.

Warm-up running and walking are performed: at a normal pace; on the toes, on the heels, on the inside and outside of the foot; with hands resting on knees, bending down; with a high hip raise in a half squat; sit down; lunges, side and variable steps, cross steps forward, to the side. A combination of walking and jumping is possible. Running can be normal, with a high rise of the hips, with bending the legs back, with raising straight legs forward or backward, with a cross step forward and backward, to the side with turns, stops, throwing and catching objects, with jumping over obstacles, with moving along obstacles.

General developmental exercises include:

  • exercises for arm muscles and shoulder girdle– raising straight arms forward, up to the sides, back, simultaneously, alternately, sequentially;
  • exercises for the muscles of the torso and neck - tilting the head and torso forward, backward to the sides. Circular movements of the head, body, right and left;
  • exercises for the leg muscles - bending and extending the legs, lunges, jumping out of the position “squatting”, springing movements in a squat, jumping in place and moving forward on one or two legs;
  • exercises for the back muscles - movement of the arms with the simultaneous tilt of the torso (backward, to the side), circular movements of the torso with raising the arms forward, emphasis “crouching” and “lying down”, various turns, with the help of a partner and independently, raising and lowering a gymnastic bench with alternating bending the body forward and backward as part of a group.

No. 1. Stand up straight and tuck your chin to your chest. Stay in this position for 2-3 seconds. Feel the stretch rear end neck (see image).

No. 2. Take your starting position - feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping your chin level, turn your neck to the side (as far as you can). Return to the ready position and rotate in the opposite direction. Do this 8-10 times (see image).

Trapezius muscle

Take the starting position - right hand grab your head. Slowly lower your head to your shoulder (as long as you can). Stay in this position for 4-6 seconds, then repeat 5-6 more times. Then change hands and repeat again for the other (see image).

Pectoral muscles

No. 1. Go to any vertical support and place your arm on it, bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Lean your body forward and slightly to the side until you feel tense pectoral muscles. Hold this for 3-4 seconds and then repeat the exercise with the opposite hand (see image).

No. 2. Stand up straight, clasp your hands and pull them back. Try to raise your arms slightly, keeping them straight. Feel the stretch in your pecs (see image).

Grab a vertical support (pole) with one hand and lean back, straightening your legs. Hold on like this 3-5 seconds, and then repeat the movement, changing hands.

Stand up straight and place one hand (over the top) behind your neck. Place your other hand on top, grab your elbow and pull until you feel a stretch in your triceps. Stay in this position for 3-5 seconds, repeat with the other hand.


Place one hand on your belt and, tilting your torso in the same direction, reach for your hand. Repeat the bends with the other hand.

Deltas (posterior bundle)

Standing straight, pull your elbow on the opposite side. Hold for 10-15 seconds, do the same for the other side. When you pull your elbow, your forearm should remain perpendicular to the floor.

Take the starting position - feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms up to shoulder height and perform rotational movements of your shoulders and torso to the sides (all the way). Return to the starting position and do 8-10 repetitions in the opposite direction.

Muscle stretching before exercise (lower body)

We move lower, and next in line...

Knee joints

Place your feet together and grab your knees with your hands. Do 10 at a time circular movements in and out.

Biceps hamstrings

Stand in front of a raised step platform. Throw your straight leg up and stretch your entire body towards your leg. Feel the stretch in your hamstrings.

Fix your feet shoulder-width apart. Step back and lunge, bending your knee. Keep your back straight. Return to the starting position and repeat this several times. Do the same with the other leg. Number of repetitions from 6 before 8 once.

Quadriceps femoris (quadriceps)

Stand on one leg and grab your ankle with your other hand. Hold this for a few seconds. Then release your leg, take a step and repeat with the other leg.

Performing the exercise Raising legs to the bar

Raising legs to the bar

Hanging with an overhand grip, raise your legs to the bar until they touch the bar and lower them down. The hanging position is fixed. Slight bending and spreading of the legs is allowed. Swinging movements are prohibited.

l/s alternately performs the exercise on the crossbar for correctness.

The press has always been important element figures for both men and women. Having a sagging belly makes it difficult to show off your big toned arms on the beach. Also, girls are not particularly keen to open slender legs, if they can’t show off a flat tummy.

But in the matter of pumping up the abs and bringing the stomach to a flat state, not everything is so bad. There are a lot great exercises, which help to quickly put it in order. That is, to remove fat from the stomach or sides, the only thing a person needs is perseverance and work, which will be expressed in regular training.

Hanging leg raises are the perfect way to tone your abs.

This exercise works through and uses absolutely everything muscle fibers press. Thanks to this, it can be called complex or basic for pumping up abdominal muscles and burning excess subcutaneous fat.

In addition, it is quite complex, and it is harder to perform than, for example, crunches while lying on the floor. So get ready for the load.

How to do such lifts correctly?

When performing this exercise, only your abs should tense. Hanging leg raises are best done at the beginning of your abdominal exercise routine.

Place the straps on your hands and firmly grasp the bar with your hands. Hands should be shoulder width apart. Close your legs. Straighten your body completely and relax - let's call this the starting position.

Then begin to raise your straight legs up. You can bring them to the level of the crossbar, but achieving parallelism with the floor will be enough. Try to hold this position for 1 second and slowly lower your legs to the starting position.

Thus, perform 20-30 repetitions in 2-3 sets.

The exercise should be done slowly, feeling every centimeter of the range of motion. If you try to do it quickly, you will simply start swinging on the bar, which will make it very difficult to observe correct technique execution.

And if you are a seasoned athlete and can do more than 30 repetitions with straight legs, then wear weights. 1-2 kg on each leg will be enough - and you will feel a big difference in the load. Similarly, try to perform the exercise as many times as possible.

Huge pressure? Bend your legs

But if you feel that this version of the exercise is too difficult for you, you can bend your knees. This will reduce the shoulder movement and reduce the load on the abs. Perform 30-40 repetitions and do 2-3 sets.

Of course, the number of times is relative. It all depends on the level of training of the person involved.

Pay attention to errors

Very often, beginners train not for quality, but for quantity. When performing hanging leg raises, you must be sure to monitor the technique of performing the exercise.

Often people begin to swing, as if they were making a pendulum, and due to this they compensate for the weakness of their abdominal muscles. You can't do that.

The whole point of the exercise is to make maximum use of problem areas body on the stomach, and there is no need to involve extraneous muscles or various tricks. You train for yourself, not for a coach. Perform all movements with full dedication and do not slack.

Also, the main mistake that athletes make when performing hanging leg lifts on the bar is by grabbing the bar. Each person's hand strength is different, and one may sag classic grip 2 minutes, and the other will not be able to hold out for 20 seconds.

The thumb should always grip both the barbell and the bar on the opposite side of the other fingers. If you do the opposite, you will incorrectly develop the ligaments of your hand with your grip.

In order not to be distracted by the work of your forearms, you can put special straps on your arms that will help you lift your legs while hanging on the horizontal bar until your abs get tired. At the same time, the straps completely compensate for weakness in the forearms.

Remember about proper nutrition

Hanging leg raises won't help you get leaner unless you change your diet. Any excess belly fat indicates that the body is receiving an excess amount of calories that it is unable to process. Because of this, everything unnecessary is deposited in the stomach.

Regular training healthy eating, good sleep - all this will help you normalize metabolic processes in the body, speed up metabolism and burn excess fat in body.

Your daily diet should be such that the following rule is observed: during the day, the body should receive fewer calories than it expends. Everything is logical - if you create a negative balance of inflows/expenses of energy reserves, you will begin to lose weight.

Hanging leg raises are one of the most exhausting exercises for the abdominal muscles. However, such exercises are extremely effective in working out the abs. They have a particularly powerful effect on the lower cubes. If performed correctly, you can also “polish” the upper ones. This exercise can benefit athletes involved in football, gymnastics, karate, acrobatics, in general, those sports that require simultaneous flexion of the spine and hip joint.


1. Raising the legs while hanging on the bar is performed in the following way: You should grab it with a medium grip. The legs hang freely without touching the floor. If the grip is weak, then you need to use special support straps.
2. Bend your back slightly at the waist, arms and legs should be straight.
3. After inhaling, take your legs back a little and lift them higher with a strong jerk. It is advisable to keep them straight. However, if you do not have enough strength to do this, you can slightly bend your knees. It is important that the angle at which they are bent remains unchanged until the end of the set.
4. Legs must be raised above the waist. At the highest point, you need to try to hold on for several seconds, strongly straining your abs. After this, you can slowly and smoothly lower your legs down.
5. After a second pause, repeat the exercise again.

Tips and tricks

1. Light “cheating” at the beginning of the “Hanging Leg Raise” exercise does not affect the work of the abs. In the first phase, the thigh muscles take part in the work. In the middle and final muscles, the abdominal muscles work.
2. The higher the legs are raised, the greater the load on the abs. It is advisable to perform the hanging leg raises themselves so that the angle between the torso and hips is minimal. Correct execution of the exercise increases the effect of training significantly.
3. It is important to lift the pelvis correctly. To achieve maximum results, hanging leg raises must be performed while strongly tensing your abs. After your legs reach waist level, you need to strongly push your pelvis up.
4. You should not use additional weights when performing this exercise. The weight of the legs, as well as the weight of the athlete’s shoes, is quite a sufficient load. However, trained athletes sometimes use weights in the form of a dumbbell held between their feet or special bracelets. Abuse excess extra weight It’s not worth it - you can get a hernia.
5. You should breathe correctly during the exercise: raising your legs up, you need to exhale the air, lowering them down - inhale forcefully.
6. For those who cannot keep their weight hanging for a long time, you can use specially sewn straps.

7. You can perform hanging leg raises on specially equipped machines that are available in gyms. An option for a lighter exercise would be a machine that performs elbow raises.

Regular training, proper execution of the exercise and, of course, perseverance and work on yourself will certainly give stunning results!