Pump up your inner thighs at home. Secrets of beautiful and slender legs. Exercises for home workouts from Cindy Crawford

Slender, toned legs are the dream and envy of women, a subject of admiration and attractiveness for men. But it takes a lot of work to win over a young man with just a hip swing. With the muscles of the thighs, everything is becoming clearer - they at least tense up during ordinary everyday activities: walking, squatting on a chair, running.

The inner surface, like the one, is quite “lazy” and you need to try really hard to make it work. It is only used during lateral swings and turning the hip toe outward.

It so happened by the evolution of the body that all the extra calories per day stick more readily to the lower part of the body. To have slim legs, it is not enough to just eat right. If it is not possible to visit the gym, the most effective exercises for the inner thigh at home, presented below, are a must.

The inner surface requires closer attention: combining cardio and strength training. Cardio directs our body's strength to burn fat. A set of strength training exercises tone the thin skin of the inner thigh and help remove fat.

When performing exercises to lose weight on the inner thigh, you can use dumbbells, weights, fitball, expander or gymnastic tape.


High-quality body warm-up - the basis productive workout. It would be great to start warming up with light cardio exercise - running in place, jumping rope, jumping. Do not neglect thoroughly warming up the joints. Rotation of the toes, knees, and pelvis are mandatory points for development. Warm-up should last at least 5-7 minutes.

Top 7 exercises

After you have warmed up thoroughly, you can proceed directly to training. We present to your attention the best exercises for the inner thigh. Perform 3-4 exercises in one workout. The number of required approaches and repetitions is indicated for each option separately.

1. Leg extensions while lying down

The load in this exercise is on the area we need, the adductor muscles of the thigh, while the lower part of the abs is perfectly used. Great . Difficulty: medium, can be made more difficult with weights if necessary. Good for stretching. It has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system, creating a rush of blood to the groin area.


  1. Starting position - lie on the mat on your back, arms are located near the body, legs are extended and raised up 90 degrees relative to the floor;
  2. Inhaling deeply, slowly spread your legs to the sides to the point that is most comfortable for you, hold for a few seconds;
  3. As you exhale, slowly return to the starting point.

Watch the video for more details:

Breeding should begin from 15-20 times in 2-3 approaches, gradually increasing the load.

At the end of doing the breeding it will not be superfluous hold in the position of spread legs for 20-30 seconds, and then spring the muscles a little.

Carefully! The main thing in breeding is accuracy and unhurriedness; actions with excessive zeal can lead to sprain of the ligament.
  1. Starting position – feet wider than shoulder width, toes pointing to the sides, back straight, arched in the lower back, gaze directed straight ahead;
  2. As you inhale, slowly lower yourself down until it is parallel to the floor. We freeze for a few seconds;
  3. As you exhale, we slowly return to the starting position.

Note! This squat will become multifunctional and effective if you rise on your toes at the lowest point. The effort to maintain coordination increases, and the calves are also perfectly loaded.

3. “Bow and arrow” - side lunges

An exercise that perfectly stretches the ligaments and affects the inner thighs. Not difficult, made more difficult by holding dumbbells in your hand. It acts not only on the area we need, but...

  1. Legs wider than shoulder width, back straight, abs tense, hands on your belt or in front of you, look forward;
  2. Inhaling, we land in a squat on the right leg, bring the knee to 90 degrees, the left leg is straight, the foot is pressed firmly to the floor. Let's pause for a second;
  3. We return to the starting position and lunge in the other direction.

Lunges should be used 12-15 times in each direction for 2-3 approaches.

Important! Warm up the pelvic ligaments well before lunges. Otherwise, stretching (and in the worst case, even tearing) of the ligaments is possible.

4. Pinching the ball

Static an exercise based on muscle contraction and retention in this state. In addition to the area we need, the muscles of the buttocks are tensed. The difficulty is low, aimed at concentration and endurance. Good, inferior in efficiency.


  1. Starting position - lying on your back, knees bent, feet pressed firmly to the floor. Place a ball (from a small rubber to a medium-sized fitball) between your legs in the area of ​​your knees;
  2. As you inhale, squeeze the ball with force and hold in this state for a couple of seconds;
  3. As you exhale, relax your legs, but the ball should not fall.

You need to repeat such actions 10-15 times in 3-4 approaches.

Note! Clutching the ball can also be performed while sitting on a chair, sofa, armchair. The execution rules are the same. Only when performing while sitting do you need to monitor the arch of your back - straight with your lower back tucked inward.

5. Swing your legs while lying on your side

There are several types of swings. Below we will look at 3 types. Each is unique in the amplitude of its action, the strength of its complexity. All of them perfectly work the inner thigh, while connecting the buttocks, outer and back of the thighs. They help.

Option one


  1. Starting position – lying on your side, fixation on your elbows or on your side, legs straight, one placed on top of the other;
  2. As you inhale, raise your upper leg as high as possible and hold the pose for a few seconds;
  3. As you exhale, return to the starting position. After performing a certain number of times on one leg, we turn over to the other side and perform the swings in the same way.

Option two


  1. Starting position – lie on your side, fixation on the forearm, lower leg straightened along the body, upper leg bent at the knee and lying on the lower one;
  2. As you inhale, push the knee of the bent leg forward;
  3. As you exhale, return to the starting position. At the end of the execution on one leg, we turn over and do it on the other.

Option three


  1. Starting position - lie on your side, lower leg straight, bend the upper leg at the knee and place it in front of the body, its foot pressed firmly to the floor;
  2. As you inhale, lift your straightened leg off the floor;
  3. As you exhale, lower your leg to the floor. We repeat this exercise on the other leg.

You can include several variations of swings in your training, or choose one that you like best.

You need to perform 12-15 swings on one side in 3-4 approaches. You can make it more difficult by attaching weights to your legs.

In the first embodiment, you can use a gymnastic tape by attaching it around the feet.

6. Leg swings while standing

To implement these swings, you may need support. A chair, the back of a sofa, an armchair, a door or just a wall will do. You can perform this movement without support. The swing itself can be done in two directions - back and forth or sideways. In the first option, the front and rear surfaces of the bottom of the body are also loaded, and in the second - the outer surface. The execution rules are the same.


  1. Starting position – sideways to the support, placing your hand on it, back straight;
  2. As you inhale, move your leg forward/to the side;
  3. As we exhale we go back.

The actions should be performed rhythmically so that the muscles contract as often as possible, which will result in the result. A more complex exercise can be made using a gymnastic tape. It has good resistance, which will add additional resistance to the lower body.

7. Scissors

Actions that tone not only the hips, but also the abs. Difficulty of execution – medium, endurance.


  1. Lying on your back, straight legs extended, arms along the body;
  2. After inhaling, we raise our legs 45 degrees to the floor and swing our legs, imitating the action of scissors to failure;
  3. After some time, exhale and lower your legs to the floor.

It is advisable to start performing scissors with one minute in 2-3 approaches, gradually increasing the delay time.

  • When performing exercises for the inner thigh muscles on the floor, be sure to use gymnastic mat, a blanket or at least a towel to avoid bruises;
  • Don't forget about both the warm-up and the cool-down. Stretching after exercise will reduce muscle pain and help you relax;
  • Between workouts for one muscle group there must be break. It is necessary to allow the muscles to rest and recover. It is in this case that you can count on muscle growth;
  • You can help “melt” fat with a balanced proper nutrition. Include more water, cottage cheese, fatty fish, chicken, turkey, vegetables and fruits in your diet and not only your figure, but your entire body will thank you;
  • Will be a good helper against sagging and cellulite cosmetical tools. Steam your lower body thoroughly, treat the skin with any scrub (store-bought, ground coffee/sugar/salt plus shower gel), rub with a brush or washcloth, wipe dry and apply a warming/cooling store-bought anti-cellulite cream, wrap yourself in film and wrap yourself warmly. If there is no cream, mix cosmetic clay with water and add a couple of drops of mint, cinnamon or clove essential oil to the mixture.
  • Don't expect instant results. The first visible changes will appear only after at least a month of regular training and nutrition;
  • Get enough sleep, walk more and enjoy life.

Other equally effective workouts for the lower body

And .

By following simple rules and actions you can change your life beyond recognition. Just take your willpower and do your first workout. Not tomorrow, but today. And then you won’t have to lose weight for the New Year, birthday, summer. You will always be irresistible!

Everyone wants to have a beautiful figure. However, some people are prone to obesity due to a slow metabolism or poor lifestyle. Often, excess fat accumulates on the thighs. Fortunately, there are many effective exercises that can be used to cope with this problem.


The purpose of the warm-up is to improve blood circulation to supply oxygen to the tissues and warm up the joints. Warm-up exercises before leg training:

  • rotation of the pelvis;
  • rotation of the knees;
  • ankle rotation.

It is recommended to warm up from top to bottom, so the first thing you should do is perform circular rotations with your pelvis. Then you need to warm up your knee joints, place your legs wider than your shoulders, place your palms on your knees and begin to perform circular movements. After this, you should warm up the ankle.

Exercises at home

In order to achieve the desired result, you need to train regularly. You should do 4-5 workouts per week. Each exercise must be performed in 3-4 sets, 15-20 repetitions. This number of repetitions is considered optimal for burning subcutaneous fat.

Sumo squats

This exercise is performed both with and without weights. You can use dumbbells or other improvised means as additional weight.

How to do it: place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, and turn your toes to the sides. Keep your back straight, do not slouch, squat slowly until a right angle is formed.

If you find it difficult to maintain your balance, you can go, for example, to a wall and lean on your hands. This exercise should definitely be included in your regular program, as it is the most effective for training the thigh muscles.

Rolling or shifting weight from foot to foot

Feet wider than shoulder width, hands on your belt (if performing with additional weight, keep them in front of you), squat on one leg, extend the other leg forward as much as possible. At the same time, you need to keep your back straight.

After squatting, you should transfer the weight to the other leg and repeat the exercise. The squat and weight transfer must be performed smoothly. Also, to avoid injuries, you need to ensure that there are no sharp corners in your knees.

Hip adduction while lying on your side

When lying down, you need to lean on your lower arm, while your upper arm should be placed in front of you. The leg that is on top needs to be bent at the knee. Keep your lower leg straight, turn your toes towards you. To perform the exercise, you need to lift your lower leg, you should try to turn your heel up.

After 15 repetitions, you need to change sides, lie on the other side and perform the same exercise with the other leg.

Pelvic lifts

You may need a ball to perform this exercise. But, if the ball is not available, you can practice without it.

To take the starting position, you need to lie on your back, bend your knees, hold the ball between them and place your feet on the floor.

Technique: As you exhale, you should raise your pelvis as high as possible, while simultaneously squeezing the ball with your knees, stay at the top point for 3-5 seconds, and then slowly return to the starting position.

Lifting and abducting legs while lying down

Lie on your back, place your hands behind your head, raise both legs until a right angle is formed with the floor and spread them as wide as possible to the sides. It is important to ensure that your lower back does not lift off the floor.

If you feel that the exercise is easy for you, you can put weights on your legs.

Exercise "scissors"

This exercise, in addition to the fact that it perfectly pumps the inner thigh, also puts stress on the abdominal muscles.

You need to lie on your back, place your hands palms down and rest on your forearms. Then raise your legs above the floor and stretch out your toes. After which, first you need to raise your right leg a little higher and make a sharp movement to the left, with the other leg at the same time you need to perform the same movement to the right. Then repeat, only the left leg should be at the top.

This exercise must be performed for 40-60 seconds, 3-4 approaches per workout.

Read also:

Exercises in the gym

Some people find it more convenient to exercise at home, while others prefer to go to the gym. If you belong to the latter, then especially for you, below are effective exercises for working out the inner thighs.


Squats are the most effective exercise for working the thighs. Therefore, it should definitely be included in the training program. The weight of the barbell must be selected in such a way that 12-15 repetitions can be performed.

Execution technique: stand facing the bar, straighten your back, then move the barbell to the trapezius muscles. Grasp the bar with your hands and straighten up.

Feet stand shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned to the sides, back straight. Make sure the weight of the barbell is evenly distributed. After taking a deep breath, perform a deep squat and return to the starting position as you exhale.

Since this exercise is dangerous, it is recommended to perform it for the first time in the presence of a trainer or someone more experienced.

Leg abduction on the simulator

Another effective exercise. To perform it, you will need a special simulator, which can be found in any gym.

Method of execution: while sitting on the exercise machine, while inhaling, bring your hips together as much as possible, hold for a few seconds and smoothly return to the starting position as you exhale.

To avoid unwanted damage, perform this exercise slowly.

Lunges with dumbbells

In terms of effectiveness, this exercise is perhaps second only to the squat. With its help you can pump up the inner thighs, buttocks and quadriceps muscles well.

To begin with, it is important to stand up correctly; for this you need to straighten up, place your feet slightly narrower than your shoulders, and also take dumbbells in both hands. Next, you need to take a step forward as far as possible with your right leg, while your left leg should remain in its original place and, while inhaling, do a squat. Then, as you exhale, you need to push off and return to the starting position. Perform again, but now take a step forward with the other leg.

For safety reasons, you need to make sure that the knee of the leg with which you take a step forward does not go forward; it should be in line with the foot.

You need to do 12-15 repetitions, 2-3 approaches per workout. Over time, the number of approaches can be increased. Breaks between approaches should be about 2 minutes. The weight of dumbbells also needs to be gradually increased.

Leg extension on the simulator

This exercise is designed to work the quadriceps muscle. It is recommended to perform it before squats to warm up or at the end of a workout.

Execution technique: while sitting in the simulator, you need to grab the handles on the sides, bend your legs at the knees and place them under special bolsters. Then, while inhaling, lift up, straightening your legs. And as you exhale, return to the original position.

You should not straighten your knee joints too much, you need to perform the exercise slowly, it is important to keep your back straight.

What errors may occur when performing this exercise are shown in the following video:

This video presents a set of effective exercises. After watching it, you will learn how to quickly get rid of excess fat on the inner thighs and get your figure back to normal.

How to burn thigh fat 5 times faster?

As you know, subcutaneous fat burns evenly, so it is advisable to add running to the above exercises. After all, running is considered the best exercise to combat excess weight. You can run in the morning and evening or immediately before training.

Running in the fresh air in the morning brings more benefits, but you can also use a treadmill. It can also be an alternative to running. By including this exercise in your training program, you will achieve the desired result several times faster.
Getting rid of excess fat in problem areas is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to remember that the secret to a slim figure lies in regular exercise and following a special diet. By doing these simple exercises, you can significantly improve your figure in just a few months.

Many girls, doing fitness in a club, or doing exercises on their own, sooner or later face the problem of insufficient development of the inner thighs. Traditionally, most exercises for legs and hips place the emphasis on the front or back. If the inner part of the thigh is worked out, it is done exclusively on an additive basis.

Inner thigh exercises will help you get ready for your vacation!

We all know that if you want to get flawless legs and thighs, you need to work on all areas and develop the muscles harmoniously. Today we will correct this unfortunate omission and devote an entire article to training the thighs from the inside, and also give the best exercises for the inner thighs. You can use the whole complex or choose the exercises that you like.

Exercises for the inner thigh

The exercises below can be varied in weight and number of repetitions, thereby adjusting the load depending on your level of training.

Sumo squats (with or without weights)

Spread your legs wide, turn your feet so that your toes point to the sides. Slowly squat with a straight back until your knees are at a right angle. Visually, your hips should form a straight line. Also slowly return to the starting position.

If you want to increase the load, pick up a dumbbell and squat with it. As you squat, you should feel tension in your hips and glutes.

Sometimes some people have trouble maintaining balance in a squat with their legs wide apart and feet turned out. If you can’t perform the exercise smoothly, just go to a wall or table and lean on your hands.

The sumo squat is the first exercise to include in your inner thigh training program.

This inner thigh exercise should be performed in three sets of 15-20 times.

Shifting weight in a squat (rolling left and right)

This exercise can also be performed with or without weights, depending on your fitness level. Squat down on your supporting leg until your knee is at a 90-degree angle. Place your other leg as far to the side as possible. Keep your body straight, palms can be rested on your hips or held in front of you.

With a smooth movement, transfer your weight from one leg to the other, as if rolling your pelvis along the floor. At the same time, your back should be straight, and your pelvis should not rise up (at one point you will want to straighten both legs). There should also be no sharp corners in the knees - this is unsafe for the joints.

Shift your weight from one leg to the other, trying to bend your knees at a right angle.

Perform rolls in three sets of 20-25 times (right-left is one time). The inner thigh will work harder in this exercise if you pick up additional weight - a dumbbell or a plate. Adjust the load according to your feelings.

Legs to the sides and together in a lying position

Lie on your back on the mat, spread your arms to the sides, palms down. Raise your legs to a right angle with the floor, feet contracted. Spread your straight legs wide and return to the starting position. Try to work without inertia, avoiding sudden jerks.

This exercise is best done with weights on your feet. Make sure your lower back is pressed to the floor.

When performing this exercise, avoid sudden jerks. Extend and lower your legs smoothly, without inertia.

Perform in three sets of 20-25 times.

Exercise "clock"

Starting position: lying on your back, legs raised perpendicular to the floor, arms out to the sides for balance. Alternately draw a circle with each leg, as if your leg were the hand of a clock. First, lower your straight leg down and move it up through the side, trying to keep the distance to the floor as minimal as possible.

The second leg is extended upward. If you make a circle with one leg, do it with the second, while the first one is pointed at the ceiling.

Do it 10 times with each leg – change direction. Now lower your straight leg to your chest and move it down to the side. Repeat 10 times with each leg.

Try to lower your leg as low as possible so that the circle is wide (knee straight, do not bend your leg). This exercise is not only aimed at the inner thigh, it also involves other parts of it and the abdominal muscles. I’ll say right away that the exercise is not the easiest, but believe me, the effect is worth it.

If you want to increase the load, put weights on your legs.

Hip adduction while lying on your side

Starting position – lying on your side on the mat. Lean on the forearm of your lower hand, and place your upper hand in front of you at waist level or on your belt. Bend your upper leg at the knee and place your foot on the floor behind the knee of your lower leg. The lower leg is straight, the toe is directed towards you. Raise your lower leg as high as possible, trying to point your heel toward the ceiling.

Turn your heel toward the ceiling, otherwise your quadriceps will take on most of the load.

For each leg you need to do three approaches of 20-25 times.

Fitball, isotonic ring or other accessories

If you own additional fitness equipment suitable for performing inner thigh exercises, be sure to include these classes in your training program. Any exercise will become more effective if you do it while overcoming the additional resistance of the machine.

And now I’ll give you some useful and practice-tested tips that will help you make your training more effective and the results more tangible.

  1. Respect the principle of diversity. Alternate exercises and change the entire program every 2-3 months. Don't let your muscles get used to and adapt to the load.
  2. Focus on how you feel and how you perform the exercises. If you are training at home and not working out in a fitness club, do not be distracted by extraneous things.
  3. Once you are carried away by working on a specific area (in our case, the inner thigh), do not forget about training the remaining muscles.
  4. Do a short warm-up before your workout and stretch after.

Always remember why you are training and doing all these exercises. Each of us has our own motivation: some want to become slimmer and more beautiful, while others want to become stronger. And you already have enough of it, because otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this article. Remember that no desire is given without the opportunity to fulfill it. Start classes right now! Your desire is enough to take action and achieve results.

The inner thighs are one of the most common problem areas. It is worth noting that not only plump girls, but also slender girls have deficiencies in this part of the body. In order to tighten the inner thigh, you will need special machines or exercises. We will tell you more about them in the article.

The essence of the problem

The fact is that the skin in this place is thinner and less elastic, and the inner thighs are the place where fat accumulates the most. Accordingly, these are flabby places that can resemble jellied meat and even shake when walking.

Thin women have the opposite problem. As mentioned above, the inner thigh is where fat is stored. If a person has little fat, then a gap forms between the legs. The thinner the woman, the larger the gap.

It is worth noting that men have much less fat deposits on their legs; fat mainly accumulates on the abdomen. So they are less likely to suffer from inner thigh fat.

The muscles of the inner thighs are adductor muscles. This muscle group includes the gracilis, adductor longus, adductor magnus, adductor brevis, and pectineus muscles. The main function of this muscle group is to change the position of the hip. In other words, with the help of these muscles we bring our legs together and spread them apart.

How to tighten and pump up your inner thighs

Most of the people who want to change this part of the body want to lose weight and get rid of a lot of fat accumulated in this part of the body. Exercises that should help remove excess fat from this area and pump up the thigh muscles are focused on moving and spreading the legs, carried out with a certain effort.

However, it is worth considering that losing weight in one specific area of ​​the body is almost impossible. So if you want to remove excess fat from this area, you need to lose weight overall. Exercises alone are not enough, you need to reconsider yours. Most diets provide for complete exclusion or severe restriction of fatty, sweet and starchy foods.

Such restrictions can affect not only weight, but also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, namely, promote.

In addition to diet and exercise, cosmetic procedures can help tighten this area, as well as those that help remove excess fluid from this area and make the skin more elastic. However, these procedures are auxiliary and are practically useless without diet and exercise.

What simulators are suitable for these purposes?

  • To perform the exercises, you can use equipment such as a gymnastic ball.
  • Dumbbells.
  • Special exercise equipment, some models of which can only be installed in the gym.

Among the simulators, a simulator that has special doors, which, in turn, have special protrusions for positioning the legs and are connected to a load, can help in putting this part of the body in order. When the sashes are brought together, the load rises, and when they are moved apart, it lowers. The load placed on the muscles of the inner thigh can be adjusted. By decreasing or increasing the load being lifted.

Special ones, used to strengthen the muscles of the inner thigh, are equipment that has two metal loops, which are covered with soft and durable material. Thanks to the spring mechanism located at the junction of the hinges, they are located at an angle of ninety degrees relative to each other.

When pressure is applied to the hinges, the angle decreases; after the pressure is removed, they return back.
A gymnastic ball is simply a rubber ball filled with air.

It is worth noting that in addition to special exercise machines designed to work the muscles of the inner thighs, this area can be affected by cardio equipment such as a bicycle, a stepper, and a bicycle, which promote the loss of fat deposits and generally tidy up the leg muscles.

Purchasing exercise equipment

You can purchase exercise equipment and sports equipment in a special store, where sellers will explain all the features of the product offered, as well as through an online store, where, in addition to photographs, detailed technical characteristics of the product offered are provided.

How to choose the right one

When purchasing exercise equipment, you need to take into account its cost, the maximum and minimum load that it puts on the muscles and other body systems and its types (the fact is that not everyone benefits from strength loads), as well as its weight and size.

What is the price

The cost of the simulator depends on its size, the load it exerts, functions and manufacturer.

Popular manufacturers

The most popular manufacturers of exercise equipment and sports equipment are CYBEX and many others.

General principles of training for slender legs

Before you start doing the exercises, you need to warm up your muscles by doing a warm-up. After finishing the class, you should either do stretching exercises again, or do light exercises, for example, walking or spinning for five minutes. You can’t sit down and rest right away.

What exercises can help?

Exercises that will help tidy up the inner thighs are aimed at moving the legs with force, as well as stretching and loading them. This is the abduction and extension of the legs, performed with the use of special equipment and exercise machines, as well as without them, squats with and without a load, etc.

Exercise technique

You can tighten and pump up the muscles of the inner thigh at home, doing exercises for which you only need the desire to do them. It is worth noting that before performing exercises, for greater effectiveness, the muscles need to be warmed up, that is, warmed up. This can be done with stretching exercises.

Leg Raise

It is necessary to perform ten to twenty leg lifts.

The most popular exercise, which does not require the use of special equipment, is lifting the legs from a side lying position.

It is necessary to take the starting position so as not to change the position of the body during the exercise, you can support it with your hand bent at the elbow.

Then also carefully return it to its previous position. You can perform from fifteen to twenty lifts, after which you turn over to the other side and work the other leg.

In addition to lifting one leg, simultaneously lift both legs, tightly together, to a small height.

Exercise “scissors”

Thirty crosses must be performed.

Another exercise that can be performed to reduce the volume of fat deposits in the area of ​​the inner thigh, as well as to strengthen the muscles, is scissors.

You need to lie on the floor, raise your legs so that the angle between your raised legs and your torso is just over ninety degrees.

In this case, the distance between crossed legs should be at least twenty centimeters.

Squats are performed in sets, increasing the number of squats every week.

Squats can also help you lose excess fat on your inner thighs.

However, to work this particular muscle group, you need to do this exercise in a certain way.

You need to stand with your legs spread as wide as possible. In this case, the socks should not look straight, but to the sides.

When squatting, it is necessary that when bending your legs, an angle of ninety degrees is formed, and your thighs are parallel to the floor.

While improving their physical fitness, many may have noticed that even with heavy loads, the inner thighs remain insufficiently toned. The solution to this problem will be special training, during which attention is concentrated specifically on this zone. Therefore, today we offer you an overview of the Top 7 most effective exercises for the inner thigh.

There are many exercises that use your legs. However, not all of them “specialize” in restoring tone to the thigh muscles. At the same time, there are several very successful and effective exercises that help eliminate sagging and reduce the volume of the problem area for many women and men. We will talk about them further.

For those who are interested in how to pump up their thigh muscles and get their legs in order, it will be useful to know the structural features of the body. This will allow you to understand how effective one or another is.

The inner part of the thighs is designed in such a way that flexion and rotation movements are possible due to the work of the large, short and long adductor muscles, as well as the gracilis and pectineus muscles. They are the most important and extensive; they are activated when climbing or walking up stairs. At the same time, they are considered the weakest, since they are most rarely used by a person in everyday life. And it was for them that a set of exercises was developed to restore the tone and attractiveness of the problem area. At the same time, during their execution, the muscles responsible for the excellent appearance of the legs, in particular the inner thighs and groin, are activated.

In addition, exercises designed to activate the adductors not only help strengthen muscles, but also allow you to get a lot of pleasant bonuses. Among the main benefits of such training:

  • Reducing the risk of injury, which is possible due to weakness of the thigh muscles;
  • Attractiveness and harmony of this area;
  • Improved coordination and stability while standing and while walking and moving around;
  • Attractiveness of gait;
  • Correct and beautiful posture.

You can experience all the beauty and benefits of training if you approach the problem responsibly and exercise regularly at home, outdoors or in the gym. So, let's begin.

Exercise No. 1 – Plie

On your way to perfect shape, be sure to try plie squats, also known as sumo squats. It is very simple and accessible to many, and to increase the load it can also be performed with weights.

During this exercise, it is worth monitoring the work of the muscles in the problem area. It is very important that it is the inner thighs that are pumped. To do this, you need to perform squats from the starting position - standing with your legs wide apart and your toes turned to the sides. During a squat, you need to bend your knees so that they point in the same direction as your toes.

Having taken the starting position, straighten your back and clasp your hands at chest level. Slowly lower yourself as far as you can to feel the tension in your inner thigh. After a 1-2 second pause, smoothly return to i. p. You can start by doing 10-15 squats, increasing the number of approaches and repetitions in them. “Advanced” athletes can perform 2-4 sets of 20 squats each with additional weight.

When you are ready for more serious loads, you can use weights to enhance the effect of squats. When working out in the gym, you can use a kettlebell or dumbbells for these purposes, and at home you can use a bottle filled with sand. Holding the weight with both hands, perform a squat, smoothly lowering until a right angle is formed in your knees, and also smoothly return to the starting position.

Exercise #2 – Scissors

Another very simple, but very effective exercise that allows you to thoroughly work out the muscles of the inner thigh - leg swings on an incline or simply “scissors”.

Starting position – lying on your back with straight legs and arms parallel to the body. Raising your legs approximately 45-50 cm from the floor (approximately 45⁰), spread them as far as possible, then bring them together and cross them. The next approach is the same, but when crossing, change legs. It is recommended to perform 2-3 sets and 15-20 approaches each.

This scissor variation is also useful because it uses this area well. As a result, you can improve not only the appearance of your thighs in the area between your legs, but also tighten your abs, which is very important for most girls. (Note - exercise is contraindicated if).

Exercise #3 – Side Lunges

As in the previous case, this exercise will help quickly restore elasticity to the leg muscles. It is performed from the starting position - standing straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands clasped at chest level.

Lunge with one leg to the side, keeping your knees and toes pointed in the same direction. Keeping your back straight, perform a lunge through the push with the other leg. Make sure that your knees maintain their correct position and do not go beyond the line of your toes. Such lunges will help pump up your inner thighs if you perform them for 2-3 sets and 15-20 repetitions.

Exercise No. 4 – Jumping

Jumping with legs crossed in the air is another exercise that justifiably takes its position in the TOP-7. It has brought a lot of benefits to many girls suffering from sagging and large thighs.

Starting position – standing straight with a straight back and tense abs. After jumping, lower yourself to the floor, crossing your legs so that your toes point in the same direction, but one leg is in front of the other, as shown in the photo. Next time you jump, switch legs. And repeat this 15-20 times for 2-3 sets.

It is worth noting that this exercise can also be useful for the muscles of the arms and upper shoulder girdle. In order to simultaneously tighten them, during jumps you can use the same technique to cross your arms extended in front of you.

Exercise No. 5 – Lying hip adduction

Lying leg raises are an equally effective exercise that activate the deepest muscles of the inner thighs, helping to strengthen them. To perform it, you need to lie on your side on the floor, leaning on your elbow, as shown in the next photo.

The leg that lies on the floor must be left straight, and the other leg must be bent at the knee and placed behind. In this position, you should perform hip adduction with a delay of 2-3 seconds at the top point.

To get the maximum effect from the exercise and strengthen the problem area of ​​​​the hips, it is better to perform the movements slowly. This will allow you to feel how each muscle group is pumped and understand whether you are reproducing the movements correctly.

Exercise No. 6 – Leg adduction with an expander

To perform this, you will need an expander, which can be purchased at any sporting goods store. Hook one end of the expander onto a stand or support at a distance of approximately 10-15 cm from the floor. Stand with your right side to the support and put the loop on your right leg. This leg will be the working leg, and the left leg will be the supporting leg.

From this position, stretching the expander, bring your working leg forward, trying to create a single line with the supporting leg (see photo). After completing 3 sets of 10 reps each, repeat the same with the other leg.

A similar exercise is performed by gym goers. Leg abduction in a simulator (crossover) is more convenient, because you have the opportunity to set and adjust the weight. Over time, the load can be increased, thereby increasing the effectiveness of training.

Exercise No. 7 – Leg abduction on the machine

Another exercise that is considered a favorite among many girls who visit the gym. It is performed on a special simulator and allows you to tighten the inner thighs.

To begin, go to the machine and set the required weight. Sit on the seat and press your straight back tightly against the backrest, while grabbing the special handrails with your hands. Position your legs so that your feet are on the pads and your inner thighs are firmly pressed against the bolsters. As you exhale, bring your legs together using the muscles of your thighs. Pause at the extreme point and return your legs under control to the starting position.


These are perhaps the most effective exercises that will help many to pump up and make their leg muscles stronger, as well as. The technique for performing some of them can be learned by watching the attached video.

And in order to enjoy the results in the shortest possible time, keep in mind the basic rule: every workout for the inner thigh should begin with a warm-up and end with stretching.

Before you begin the main part of your workout, do a few warm-up exercises. Such exercise can consist of jumping, bending, swinging legs, etc. And after training, gymnastics should follow, aimed at stretching the adductor muscles.

A huge advantage of exercises aimed at developing the inner thighs is that they can be performed with your own weight and in any conditions - at home or in the fresh air. What’s even better is that this way you can increase the effectiveness of your workout by saturating your body with oxygen. Well, if you can’t exercise outdoors, try to thoroughly ventilate the room before practicing at home.