Preparing skis for classic skiing. How to smear skis for skating: quick lubricants and paraffin Waxing cross-country skis

Wax for skis is needed to improve the sliding moment. Whatever skis we ski - classic or for skating- without additional lubrication, the skis will give too good grip on the snow. But good grip is needed only when the wheels are moving on asphalt. In order to develop speed on a snowy slope, it is better to have minimal grip on the surface. In the case of flat skiing, reducing friction helps to reduce the effort exerted by a person when moving.

What are paraffins

Paraffins are hydrocarbon mixtures formed as a by-product of petroleum refining. Paraffin compositions have different degrees of viscosity. There are:

  • soft (liquid) paraffins that melt at room temperature;
  • solid - melt when heated within 70 ° C;
  • crystalline - go into a liquid state at temperatures above 70 ° C.

Functionally, paraffins are in most cases lubricating water-repellent substances. They are added to various mixtures to give the appropriate consistency and properties. For example, petroleum jelly is made on the basis of petroleum hydrocarbons.

Paraffins are used in technical lubricants. These substances have been used in skiing as a means of improving the glide of skis and snowboards.

Ski paraffins

Ski paraffins are traditionally divided into:

  • lubricants for cold skiing at snow temperatures below -12 ° C;
  • lubricants for skiing at a snow temperature of -12 ° C…-2 ° C;
  • warm lubricants for snow temperatures above -2 ° C.

Fluorine is the key ingredient for better lubrication at high temperatures. The less fluorine, the more severe frost (and low humidity) paraffin is designed for. Conversely, high fluoride lubricants are designed for mild and wet weather.

There are universal lubricants, the composition of which provides good glide on any snow. For example, TOKO Irox Fluoro spray, although low fluoride, is designed for use in a wide temperature range 0 ° C…-30 ° C. In addition to fluorine, ski lubricants contain: silicone, various salts, oxidized metals.

Using paraffins on plastic skis

It would seem that plastic is a good sliding material and without lubricants. Unlike, for example, traditional wooden skis, which, due to the low density of the material, provided better grip and, accordingly, rode worse.

The new skis really glide very well. But as you ride sliding surface and edges appear microcracks. Particles of ice and snow spoil the plastic. And although these changes are not noticeable to the human eye, under a microscope, the surface of such a ski resembles a mountain landscape. Gliding properties are degraded due to such terrain.

In order to fill all these microdamages, restore the ideally slippery surface of the ski and use hydrocarbon lubricants.

Why Choose Liquid Paraffins

It should be noted right away that paraffins in liquid form do not have any advantages over solid waxes in their functionality. The purpose of all paraffin waxes is to impregnate the sliding surface of the ski. All waxes, including liquid waxes, require heat treatment after application to ensure the most efficient rolling.

Liquid paraffins are available in 2 types:

  1. liniment;
  2. spray can.

Paraffin in the form of cream-ointment, in general, from the point of view of the user does not have any differences from solid types.

Aerosol form provides additional convenience in terms of application. True, part of the product is sprayed past, which is why the consumption of aerosol paraffins is always greater.

Application of liquid paraffins

To apply liquid paraffin, the ski must be clean and dry. Particles of dirt, water, ice, which are clogged into the micropores of the sliding layer, will not allow the paraffin to be applied correctly.

with heat treatment

Waxing of skis with heat treatment, as a rule, is carried out between skiing in home-garage conditions. This initially assumes that the skis are clean and dry.

  1. Heat up the iron to 150 ° FROM.
  2. We spray liquid paraffin on the sliding layer of the ski. We keep in mind that different types of skis require a different model for applying lubrication. In skis for skating, the entire sliding surface is lubricated. Classic skis wax, bypassing the central part.
  3. We iron the ski in the direction from the toe to the heel.
  4. Let the ski cool down and dry at a temperature not lower than 0 ° C at least 10 min.
  5. We pass a layer with applied grease with a brush.

As a result of these manipulations, heated paraffin penetrates into the pores of the plastic, fills them, and the microscopic “landscape” of the sliding surface is leveled. The wax remaining on the surface is superfluous. We remove it with a brush.

Ideally, this cycle should be repeated up to 10 times. The fact is that brushing, in addition to removing the surface layer, also removes part of the “useful” paraffin that filled the microcracks. When we repeat paraffin waxing several times in a row, we better “tamp down” the unevenness of the ski with paraffin, fill the irregularities and microcracks with better quality.

Without heat treatment

Often we do not have the opportunity to use the iron, we are limited in time, and we need to lubricate the skis, because they do not glide well. Manufacturers of liquid paraffins offer the theoretical possibility of using their lubricants without heat treatment.

  1. We dry the ski.
  2. We clean the sliding layer with a brush to remove dust and dirt from the pores of the plastic.
  3. Wipe, let dry a little.
  4. Apply a SMALL layer of lubricant.
  5. Let stand 3-5 minutes.
  6. We rub with a cork, a pad, or whatever we are used to using.
  7. Let stand 10 min.

If you still put too much grease, then you should use a brush and remove the excess layer. However, lubricant manufacturers warn that with cold paraffin application, brushing at the final stage is not essential.

And if it does, it will last no more than 5 minutes. It takes about 1 hour for proper cold lubrication. The presence of the sun or some kind of room for drying is desirable.

You should be aware that, even if all the above conditions are met, cold waxing is always an emergency measure, which in its effectiveness will never be compared with the classic heat treatment option.

The cost of liquid paraffins

Paraffins in the form of ointments cost about $5 for 25 g. Sprays, especially those with high fluoride, can cost up to $40 for a 50 ml can.

Types of skis do not affect the choice of one or another paraffin. However, it should be remembered that, unlike skating, the sliding surface classic skis requires lubrication with additional holding ointment. Since traditional skiing involves the need for repulsion and, accordingly, requires better adhesion of the ski to the snow at the point of application of force, the holding ointment is applied in the center of the ski.

Like an amateur in skiing, will confirm that success in this sports competition largely depends on the correct preparation of the equipment. The ski preparation itself has a number of nuances and important features. To reach best result require proper cleaning and lubrication. Therefore, it is important to prepare equipment in a timely manner.

General features

The process of preparing skis for serious competitions requires some knowledge and practical skills. Moreover, the team of professional skiers always includes trained people who are responsible for one or another stage of equipment preparation, perform it depending on the current environmental conditions - the level of air humidity, temperature, and others.

Ski preparation is important both for professionals before serious starts, and for lovers of this sport. First of all, the emphasis is on sliding.

It is important to note that both new skis and those that have been skied many times need to be prepared.

The main types of skis

In the preparation of each type of ski, there are a number of features that must certainly be taken into account. So, during the preparation of cross-country skiing, emphasis is placed on the best glide. But if it is intended to use classical style, such a factor as holding is also taken into account. If the preparation is carried out in accordance with all the rules, then even a skier with minimal experience will certainly get the maximum pleasure from skiing.

In preparation skiing not only the quality of their sliding surface is important, but also the edges. They must be processed through special compounds, as well as sharpened. This guarantees maximum safety during descents from the mountain slopes.

The nuances of professional ski training

First of all, the correct priming of the directly sliding surface is required. It is relevant primarily for the preparation of skis for skating, as well as for their other types.

After priming the surface, it is necessary to apply graphite paraffin to it. This manipulation is carried out using the so-called hot method. Due to the presence of paraffin, one of the components of which is graphite, the displacement of the very first lubricant layer is excluded. In addition, this guarantees an increase in the wear resistance of the lubricant itself.

At the next stage, the sliding surface is exposed to a special rotary-type brush made of horsehair. Next, the effect is performed with a metal brush of a manual type of hair in which it is already thin.

Now you can apply paraffin based on actual weather conditions. This is also done hot. First of all, the surface is covered with a layer of low fluoride substance, which will provide an excellent bond with the first layers.

As soon as the ski has cooled down, the steps to remove excess paraffin and brushing are repeated. The next layer is paraffin, which contains a high proportion of fluorine. Completes the preparation with a fluorocarbon lubricant. It is chosen, also focusing on real weather conditions.

Features of work with any fluorocarbon lubricant

This substance has a number of features, regardless of whether it is released in the form of an emulsion, powder or accelerator. Therefore, experts recommend working with it only using a separate set of brushes.

The procedure and nuances of preparing skis intended for skating

As mentioned above, depending on the type of skis, their preparation may differ slightly. In this case, work begins with cleaning the equipment. To do this, the surface is cleaned with a brass or steel brush. This will ensure sufficient opening of the pores located directly on the sliding surface.

The next stage in the preparation of skis for skating is the application of a paraffin layer on them. To make it lie evenly, the surface is affected with a slightly heated iron.

Features of applying paraffin on skis

It is important to understand that the application of paraffin is a responsible and unsafe process. This feature is just determined by the need to use an iron. If you do not calculate the effort, then the necessary layer of paraffin between the surface of the equipment and the iron itself simply will not remain. Skis will be damaged.

It is enough to fix it with a ski preparation machine. The iron heats up to 60 degrees. Next, paraffin is successively applied and distributed on the working surface. Usually three layers are enough, each of which is carefully fused.

Removing wax from a ski

The next step is to get rid of excess grease. There is a special scraper for this. As soon as the stage is completed, it is necessary to repeat the operation, but with the help of a brush.

Features of removing paraffin from a sliding surface are as follows:

  1. Work begins with the use of a scraper.
  2. It is important not to change the degree of pressure when processing a particular area, otherwise the ski will be cleaned unevenly.
  3. At the end of the stage, for better removal of the substance, the work continues with the use of a brush with active and fast movements of the tool.
  4. When it becomes necessary to remove the initial layer of paraffin, an iron is used.

The need to completely remove the lubricant previously applied to the skis arises only in cases where they do not ride well enough. This is usually a sign of improper equipment preparation before riding. After removing the base layer from the surface, all manipulations are repeated.

Features of cross-country skiing

In practice, the preparation of cross-country skis is usually carried out in the factory using special units equipped with an abrasive stone or tape. New skis need final processing, it is also performed several times throughout the season.

The settings of the grinding equipment are selected based on the required surface structure, determined by the characteristics of the snow cover. So, skis will not glide well if their surface is dry, melted, or excessively smooth and shiny.

Usually, to improve the sliding properties, they resort to applying a special pattern to the working surface, the so-called structure. This can be done not only manually, but also with the use of special grinding units. No less important in ensuring normal sliding is such a processing step as removing the pile. This can be done both on a special machine and manually.

The preparation of cross-country skis should ideally be done before each exit separately. After all, the conditions for temperature and humidity of the environment may well change.

Experts assure that for a walk on good snow, it is enough to carefully treat the sliding surface with paraffin - this will be enough for a distance of 15-20 km. But after applying paraffin to the skis, they become prone to abrasion, perfectly absorb dirt. This is manifested in the whitening of the working surface, followed by the acquisition of a pronounced gray tint. Therefore, it is so important to clean the skis well before applying a new layer of paraffin.

Structure is important for cross-country skis, so their preparation is always completed by applying a certain pattern to the sliding surface, taking into account the depth and pitch of the grooves.

The procedure for preparing classic type skis

Preparation of alpine skiing for competitions or regular skiing always begins with cleaning the working surface from grease. To do this, they are fixed in a ski preparation machine. After cleaning the surface of dirt and previously applied lubricants, the block is prepared, which involves the application of ointment.

It is best applied cold in several layers. For a complete grinding of the substance, a profile machine is suitable. It is important to perform all movements actively.

Against the background of friction, the process of heat generation will begin, the substance will be evenly distributed.

If a liquid ointment is used, a shortened block is required. This is explained by the fact that it has an increased coefficient of adhesion with snow relative to solid ointment. Typically, the use of a liquid component shortens the block by 15 cm.

Also, the length of the block depends on the degree of rigidity of the skis themselves.

Thus, for comfortable riding and achieving the best results, it is important to properly and, most importantly, prepare equipment in a timely manner. The features of this manipulation are determined by the type of ski along with the actual weather conditions.

Paraffins are ski lubricants that increase glide, reduce snow grip, and also prevent snow from sticking to the surface and repel water. Ski wax is an ester containing alcohol and fatty acid. In fact, paraffin is the same wax.

There are several types of friction that contribute to the worst slip. We list how wax can cope with them:

  1. Wet friction. Removed by waxing and brushing.
  2. Mud friction. Removed with wax with molybdenum additives.
  3. Static friction. Eliminated by wax with molybdenum additives.
  4. Kinetic friction. Removed by waxing and brushing.

The base of the ski is like a sponge that absorbs wax. The slide is on the base, not on the wax. If you do not clean the wax from the surface, then it will flow from the base and prevent slipping. Sharp snow crystals will dig into the wax and slow down your ride.

The benefits of ski wax are:

  • increases ski speed;
  • prevents oxidation of the ski base, oxidation leads to a deterioration in the properties and a reduction in the service life of the product;
  • smooth gliding leads to improved balance;
  • protects the ski base from damage.

Ski paraffins

One of the important things to consider when choosing a wax is what temperature range you will be riding in. Snow is usually a few degrees colder than air temperature during the day, and a few degrees warmer at night. But it is always better to make a choice with an error for a cold temperature than for a warm one. There are universal waxes that are suitable for any temperature. But still, lubricants with a temperature range will have better glide properties of the ski. Next, we give a classification of ski lubricants. Depending on the manufacturing technology, they are divided into hydrocarbon and fluorocarbon.

All waxes have a hydrocarbon base, which includes various additives.

The simplest is hydrocarbon wax. It is without additives, mostly amateurs use it. Universal hydrocarbon waxes are used for those who ride a lot on different types snow. This type has good water repellency and increases the life of the ski. The composition of the hydrocarbon wax usually includes paraffin, microcrystalline and synthetic waxes, which are combined in different proportions. Paraffin is a soft, candle-like wax with a low coefficient of friction. Microcrystalline waxes are a branched type of hydrocarbon, harder than paraffin. Synthetic waxes also make the wax harder. Molybdenum additives counteract the electrostatic effect that slows you down on cold, dry snow.

Waxes designed for different temperatures contain additives that work most effectively under certain weather conditions.

There are several types of ski waxes used for different temperatures:

  1. Lubricant for cold skiing, where the temperature of the snow is below -12. Hardness additives are used here for better wear resistance. This type is resistant to dry friction and scratches from ice crystals. In this case, water repellency is not so important.
  2. Lubrication, where t snow is from -12 to -2 °C. Quite hard, but at the same time, water-repellent properties are already present, since at this temperature the presence of water is possible.
  3. Grease for warm skiing, snow t above -2°C. Softening additives are used here, it has excellent water-repellent properties.

There are also fluorocarbons. A fluorocarbon is a hydrocarbon in which hydrogen atoms have been replaced by fluorine atoms. Since fluorine is a hydrophobic substance, its combination with water molecules is minimal. These waxes give increased slip in wet snow conditions.

Paraffins are produced in the form of blocks, powders, pastes, pencils.

The most common option is wax in the form of blocks or briquettes. Stays the longest on the product. After heating, it should be melted on ski base. Melting is important to carry out at a given temperature so as not to inhale harmful chemical fumes.

The paste spreads easily and is economical. For application, a small cloth applicator is used, which is then polished. The longer you polish the surface, the longer the wax will last. It is applied in the universal range of temperatures.

The powder is used after applying several coats of block wax to further increase the glide properties. They have a high cost due to the large amount of fluorocarbons in the composition. Mainly used by professional skiers.

Using paraffins on plastic skis

Although plastic skis have good sliding, for example, unlike wooden ones, but still they need lubrication. During operation, the plastic begins to be subjected to mechanical stress from ice, microcracks form. In this case, the sliding properties deteriorate. Hydrocarbon lubricants fill all the bumps and cracks and extend the life of the product.

Why Choose Liquid Paraffins

Liquid paraffins come in the form of a liquid ointment or spray.

Universal liquid ointments - klisters, it is good to use at a temperature of -5 ° C. They have only the disadvantage that it is necessary to flush with kerosene or gasoline.

There are highly effective innovative liquid waxes on the market, which are very convenient due to the quick application and the absence of heat treatment. You just need to spray it on the sliding surface and leave it to dry for about 30 minutes. Easy, simple and convenient.

If you use ordinary liquid paraffin, then after completing the above points, you need to clean the surface with a nylon brush.

Other advantages include the absence of an iron in operation, and for skating skis - a hair dryer (since it is not necessary to heat the klister, as for classic models), and the absence of harmful paraffin fumes. The preparation time is reduced significantly, and the wear resistance of the product will be higher.

Application of liquid paraffins

Lubricants in liquid form are available in tubes and jars. Sprays are used mainly by professionals as an accelerator. They have a high cost. Pastes, emulsions and gels are also popular among athletes. These are the so-called quick application ointments. It is possible to spread them while being directly on the ski slope.

with heat treatment

After the skis are cleaned of dirt and dried, they begin initialing.

For this:

  • heat the iron to 150 degrees;
  • shake the vial;
  • spray paraffin on the sliding surface, different types of skis require different application of the substance;
  • with a hot iron, go from toe to heel;
  • leave the product to cool for 10 minutes;
  • clean the layer with a brush, removing excess wax.

This procedure, useful for skis, evens out the sliding surface. For best results, repeat the procedure up to 10 times. This will allow you to well compact all the bumps with wax.

Without heat treatment

In the absence of special equipment, as well as time, they use liquid lubricant without heat treatment. This is a less correct method and the effect will not be as high quality as when applied with heat treatment. Although new developments make it possible to achieve no worse effect than with classic application. So, to process skis with paraffin, you need:

  • clean the dirt and dry the ski;
  • go over the sliding layer with a brush;
  • thinly apply a layer of lubricant, if it is a liquid, then use a sponge for uniform application;
  • let stand for 3-5 minutes;
  • polish with a pad along the entire length;
  • leave rubbed skis for 10 minutes.

The cost of liquid paraffins

Lubricant in the form of an ointment will cost around 300 rubles per 25 grams. Sprays are expensive because they have a high fluorocarbon content. And their price can reach up to 2000-3000 rubles, and sometimes even higher.

Classic skis, unlike skate skis, are treated with an additional holding ointment.

How to wax skis for skating?

For this processing you need:

  1. Clean the plastic with a fine steel or brass brush and finish with a soft nylon. This is done to open the pores of the surface.
  2. Melt the paraffin with an iron that is preheated to 135 degrees. Apply to the surface of the ski. Gently, without applying too much effort, move the iron from toe to heel for no more than 8-10 seconds, without holding it in place. Repeat manipulations 3-4 times.
  3. Let the plastic cool to room temperature for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Remove the paraffin with a scraper. In sequence: from the groove, then from the edges and from the entire sliding surface.
  5. With quick and short strokes, from toe to heel, scrape off the remaining grease with a wire brush. This step is needed to remove the paraffin that has accumulated in scratches and deep structures of the plastic.
  6. Polish with a nylon polishing brush.

Perform this necessary processing yourself or contact a specialized ski preparation service center for this service.

Ski preparation tools

You will need:

  1. Profile for ski preparation. It has two stops with a loop for fastening. If there is no such equipment, then secure the ski using a table and vise, any workbench will also work.
  2. The iron is best used with a special soleplate. Otherwise, you can use an old household iron, but with caution.
  3. Various brushes. Metal - clean old paraffin and dirt. Nylon - remove hard, soft paraffin, and also carry out finishing polishing. Natural - remove soft paraffin, also use them to apply accelerators. Polishing - apply powders to a dry surface. As a rule, three main brushes are used: thin metal, medium hard nylon, soft nylon.
  4. Ski scrapers are distinguished by thickness. There are from 3 to 5 mm thick, metal or plastic, the scraper for the gutter is shaped like the body of a ballpoint pen. Use it in the absence of a professional tool.
  5. Ski stones - with the help of them, rust is removed from the edges.
  6. Stoppers - for rubbing paraffin or ointment by hand.

What kind of paraffin to apply the powder?

Powder wax is applied after several layers of briquette wax, used to increase the speed properties. Due to the large amount of fluorocarbons, they are quite expensive.

Fluorocarbon powder does not wet the ski sheet well. An intermediate layer of synthetic fluoride wax is needed. It is recommended to apply SFR powders to HF paraffin. HF-FC, LF7-FC, LF8-FC and LF10-FC bundles are available. Amateurs most often put HR under the powder layer.

Which company's paraffins are better?

The SWIX and START firms are the most widely used among amateurs.

The following lubricants are suitable for the climate of the Moscow Region: HF80 START, LF6 SWIX, HF7 SWIX, HF8 SWIX. Of the powders, the brand F9-20 (± 4 °) has proven itself well. For a continuous coating of the sliding surface with fluorocarbon, suspensions of the F9-01 activator and powders, tablets are combined. For example, first rub the surface with a tablet, then make a layer of powder.

For old snow, the SFR99(±9°) START tablet is suitable. As a base coat, CH7 from SWIX, 423 REX BLUE has proven itself well (at temperatures above -10 °). For abrasive snow, SG8 or LF8 grades are suitable.

The maximum water repellency is PHF200 (+1°+10°). PHF600 (-1°-6°) is good for fresh snow, PHF800 (-6°-12°) is good for hard snow.

The choice of ski coverage must be approached responsibly, because in each region the climate is different. If you prefer skiing, you need to take care of sports equipment. So its service life will be longer, and performance will delight you.

Today we will talk about the need to care for new skis and what to do with the ski after purchasing it. It is worth saying that the culture of manufacturing and preparing skis in modern European industries is extremely high. When purchasing and comparing modern inventory with those produced a dozen years ago, one can notice a strong difference in the quality of the final product. Today we will talk more about cross-country skiing in the segment of racing and expert equipment.

For skis in this segment, the glide level and speed performance are extremely important, for this we buy fast skis. racing skis. As noted earlier, the quality of modern equipment has greatly increased, and having acquired a new pair, you can unpack it and boldly go to the track without any preparation. Or you can carry out a series of manipulations so that the ski reveals its full potential.

If you do not have the time and tools to prepare your skis, then you can give them to a ski service, where the skis will be prepared in at its best. Well, if you are an enthusiastic skier and like to do everything with your own hands, then we will give you a couple of tips on starting preparation.

Initial preparation of new skis

Almost all manufacturers European level provide for sale skis of the racing and expert segment with a protected sliding surface. This protection is of two types:

  1. Various protective films that protect the plastic surface from mechanical stress and ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Application of conservation paraffin on the surface of the base, which protects against scratches and ultraviolet radiation, which also provides additional impregnation of the ski, which avoids the drying of the plastic.

The first thing to do before use is to remove the protective film from the ski, if any, and remove the conservation paraffin. Depending on the layer of paraffin, it is removed with an acrylic scraper. Next, with a fine steel brush, you need to make several passes along the sliding surface of the skis in the direction of travel from toe to heel. Further, it is recommended to apply a special wash to the ski, passing from above with a soft nylon brush for deeper penetration of the wash into the sliding surface. For these purposes, it is recommended to have a separate brush in stock, which will work only with washes.

The ski should be left for 10 minutes, make 5 to 10 passes with a nylon brush with medium bristle bristles or a soft nylon brush in the direction of the ski, remove the remnants with fiberlen. This procedure will allow you to get rid of small particles after machine processing of skis on a machine for applying structures. After such processing, a rather large amount of microfibers of abraded plastic remains on the sliding surface, which at first glance may seem ideal. These formations will deprive the skis of perfect glide, creating excess friction.

We will talk about the importance and process of applying structures in this article.

There are several ways to remove lint.

  1. Carefully, without much pressure (so as not to damage the applied structure), treat the sliding surface with a sharp metal cycle, and then with fibertex. Then carry out hot cleaning several times with the help of low-melting paraffin, removed in a warm state.
  2. The use of fibertex made of thin nylon fibers and abrasive particles of silicon carbide. To remove the pile, the movements of the fibertex sponge can be made in both directions. In order to raise more fibers for subsequent removal with fibertex, it is worth going through the sliding surface with a bronze brush several times from the heel to the toe of the ski. Finish off with a few passes of Fibertex T266, which contains a softer abrasive. Then you need to use a wash, complete the cleaning with fiberlen and several passes with a soft nylon brush in the direction of the ski from toe to heel.

After these procedures, the skis are ready for applying the base soft-melting paraffin in several layers.

The final finishing of the skis after the basic and temperature training will take place on the track, the skis need to go several tens of kilometers before they show their best glide. You will notice that with each time the level of sliding will improve.

Preparation of skis with paraffins and glide ointments

The modern sliding surface of skis is made of synthesized ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (High Performance Polyethylene - HPPE). The ski fabric is made by pressing crushed polyethylene particles under high pressure to form a crystal lattice with amorphous zones filled with lower density polymers.

By itself, HPPE does not have a porous structure and does not absorb ski wax, however, under the influence of high temperature, the ointment penetrates into amorphous zones and is retained there. From a chemical point of view, ski lubricant creates conditions for changing the hydrophobic, adhesive, chemical and electrostatic properties of the sliding surface due to changes in surface tension forces, and also provides its lubrication, thereby reducing the friction force.

Based on these data, manufacturers of skis and ski lubricants recommend preparing equipment before use, this will allow the skis to fully reveal their speed potential, and you will enjoy the time spent on the track.

The next important step after the re-preservation treatment is the impregnation of the skis with base high-melting paraffin. Weather wax with a low melting point is also suitable for this purpose, but for new skis we recommend using base wax as it has a lower melting point and is less likely to burn through a new ski with an iron.

To prepare the skis, we need a ski machine or profile, an iron for lubrication (a regular iron is not suitable for a number of reasons, there is an extremely high risk of overheating the ski core or burning the base without even realizing it), a steel brush, a nylon brush with a hard or soft bristle, acrylic scraper, flute scraper, fiberlen and, of course, the paraffins themselves.

The base impregnating wax is applied hot on the sliding surface of the ski. We set the recommended melting temperature on the iron, indicated on the package, and go through the ski with an iron in one pass, without stopping, from toe to heel.

On average, the passage time of the iron takes from 7 to 10 seconds. If you make stops or move in one place with a hot iron, you can overheat the sliding surface, which will significantly reduce the absorption of lubricant in this area. A long stop at a high temperature of the iron is fraught with overheating of the ski core, which can lead to swelling or failure of the sliding surface or delamination of the ski elements. After the passage, you need to let the ski cool down for 10-15 minutes.

Excess paraffin is removed with an acrylic scraper. First of all, you need to remove the excess from the groove, if suddenly the scraper comes out and goes to the side, then the main sliding surface will be protected.

For further work, the main rectangular scraper is used. Such scrapers have different thicknesses: 3, 4, 5, 6 mm. If we have a 3 mm scraper, then we need to make sure that it does not bend during operation. The scraper must always be in a sharp state, thanks to this we cut off the paraffin, and do not squeeze it out of the sliding surface. This is important point, since by squeezing out the paraffin with pressure, we can quite spoil the structure of the ski. We make a couple of passing movements on the ski without special effort from toe to heel. Next, using a steel brush, we make 5-6 passes from the toe to the heel of the ski without much effort.

Important: The steel brush must always be used in one direction only. If you do not have a steel brush available, you need to go through with a brass brush.

Cleaning should be completed with nylon brushes, first of medium hardness, then with soft pile, 5-6 passes without pressure, from the toe of the ski to the heel. At the end, wipe the surface with fiberlen, remove paraffin dust.

At this point, the impregnation of the base will be completed with us, either a cold or a warm temperature layer is placed on top of the impregnating paraffin, depending on the purpose of the ski and the mode of operation. The procedure for applying weather wax and removing excess wax is similar to the process described above.

The ski preparation procedure is completed. Now they are ready to be waxed or waxed for the weather or to prepare skis for racing use. After further manipulations with the lubricant, it is recommended to apply knurling, this need often arises when weather conditions do not fully correspond to the structure applied to the ski, but we will talk about this in the next article.

Almost any athlete will confidently say that 50% of success depends on the quality of ski preparation for the race. Very often, due to poor lubrication or improper cleaning, it is not possible to achieve the desired results, especially when skating. How do athletes prepare their main equipment, and how should they select everything they need?

Lubrication of skis at home

At professional athletes, is engaged in the preparation of equipment whole team, but in fact, each person can master this technique on their own.

To begin with, it is necessary to deal with what tools will be needed for processing skis.
  • paraffin;
  • special iron for applying paraffin;
  • sliding brush for surface cleaning (steel or brass);
  • scraper to clean the surface.

It is difficult for a beginner skier to understand all these tools, so for the choice of special equipment, you need to go to a professional store. Here, a person will be prompted what exactly he should buy to prepare skis for skating.

So that there are no problems with applying special substances and preparing skis for skating at home, you need to understand each issue separately.

Information about lubricants for skating

Needed for skating only lubricants. They must be applied over the entire surface of the ski.

There is currently on the market two types of lubricants:

  • hydrocarbon;
  • fluorocarbon.

Both types have their advantages and disadvantages. For example, hydrocarbon lubricants for skis are very quickly erased, so they have to be applied often. In addition, special substances in the composition of such paraffin are activated only at a certain temperature, and then the lubricant starts to work. That is why, it will not be possible to apply it under all weather conditions.

Fluorocarbon lubricants are divided into three types:

  • low fluoride;
  • medium fluoride;
  • high-fluorine.

Everybody is here depends on humidity level. If the moisture level of the snow is low, low fluoro waxes must be used. If the humidity level is high, then high-fluorine options are suitable.

Sami lubricants for skating skis are inexpensive. Now on the market you can find options from domestic manufacturers, costing from 100 rubles.

Ski preparation

1 So, the first stage of ski preparation is their cleaning. To begin with, it is necessary to treat the surface with a steel or brass brush, cutting off the burrs, thus opening the pores on the sliding surface. 2 Thereafter a layer of paraffin is applied, which should be leveled with an iron heated at a sufficiently low temperature.

This is a process that is dangerous for skis in the preparation of equipment - this is the application of paraffin. The thing is that paraffin is mainly applied with a special heated iron. If a person puts in too much effort, then there will be no wax layer between the skis and the iron, and the equipment itself will be damaged.

The first thing to do is preheat the iron to about 60 degrees. With a warm iron, lightly touch the paraffin and apply a few drops to the entire surface of the skis. Next, the lubricant must be melted with an iron into the surface of the skis. Experts recommend applying one to three layers. After this process, you can leave the lubricant on the skis for 10 or 15 minutes.

3 After that, the surface must be carefully scraper removing all excess grease.

Despite the fact that a person processes skis with a scraper, a decent amount of paraffin still remains on the surface. It usually accumulates in scratches and plastic structures. That is why, after working with a scraper, it is necessary to process the surface with a brush.

Removing paraffin from skis is a very difficult task, and here too there is a system of actions.

  • Using a special scraper, you need to start removing the paraffin from the surface.
  • It is necessary to work with a scraper with the same pressure, not too zealous in individual parts, otherwise the surface will be cleaned in different ways.
  • The remaining parts of the grease should be removed with a special brush, and the movements should be short and fast.
  • If even the base layer of paraffin needs to be removed, the iron should be used again.
  • After applying one layer of paraffin, you should immediately remove it with a scraper, along with grease residues and dirt from the surface of the skis.
  • Such removal of excess or complete removal of lubricant is required if the ski does not ride well. Perhaps, during the initial application of the substance, the person made some mistake, and the paraffin was applied incorrectly. This should be corrected immediately using the above technique.
  • It is very difficult to apply lubricant on your own for the first time, so if you have any difficulties, it is better to contact a professional or watch thematic videos. You should also be careful when working with a hot iron, trying not to hurt yourself or damage your skis.
  • It is very important to never forget about the preparatory stage of work. Often the success of all subsequent operations depends on the ski cleaning process.
  • It is also worth working with skis only if they are securely fixed on a flat surface. Every little thing is important here, because it can affect the quality of work.

Skating preparation - video

It is very important to watch a training video before your first preparation of skis for skating. It will help you master the technique of the process.