Why cellulite appears in women. What causes cellulite: causes and stages of development. Is cellulite inherited?

Cellulite in thin people is not so rare. The occurrence of this problem may be associated with eating disorders, bad habits, or insufficient skin care.


There are a number of serious misconceptions regarding cellulite that prevent many women from coping with this problem:

  1. Myth one– “orange peel” can only appear in obese women. This misconception has long been debunked. Slender representatives of the fair sex are also susceptible to pathology, since the cause of cellulite is not always excess weight.
  2. Myth two– All women suffer from cellulite. There is an opinion that after 18-20 years, all girls develop small pits and bumps on their skin. The difference lies only in the severity of the pathology. Indeed, many women are susceptible to cellulite, but this does not mean that everyone has it.
  3. Myth three– it is impossible to cope with cellulite, especially if there is a hereditary predisposition. Experts do not recommend leaving the situation to chance - proper nutrition and physical activity help eliminate the problem.

Reasons for appearance

The appearance of “orange peel” on the body is caused by stagnation in the structure of adipose tissue:

  1. If the nutrition of the subcutaneous tissue is disrupted, harmful substances accumulate in it.
  2. Fluid appears between the cells, collagen fibers harden, and nodules form from fat cells.
  3. All this provokes the appearance of bumps and swelling on the skin.

Both overweight and thin people can encounter such metabolic disorders. The presence of excess weight is not a provoking factor in this case.

The most common causes of the problem in thin women include the following:

  1. Hereditary predisposition. The presence of pathology in close relatives creates the preconditions for its occurrence. This is due to the presence of an excess number of fat-storing cells, vascular weakness, and high sensitivity to the action of female hormones.
  2. Smoking. When nicotine enters the body, small vessels contract, including those that penetrate adipose tissue. As a result, the intensity of blood circulation is disrupted, which leads to stagnant processes in the tissues and the appearance of cellulite.
  3. Insufficiently active lifestyle. During the day, excess fluid accumulates in the tissues of the lower extremities. This leads to stretching of the skin. With a deficiency of motor activity, this fluid is stored in the structure of the epithelium, and then transformed into fibrous tissue that damages the capillaries.

In addition, a sedentary lifestyle causes pressure on the hips and buttocks. This also damages capillaries and lymphatic vessels. As a result, the blood supply to tissues with useful substances and oxygen is disrupted. Lymph and blood penetrate the tissues, which leads to the appearance of the disease.

  1. Wearing tight clothes. Tight jeans and tight underwear cause compression of the inguinal canal. This leads to disruption of the outflow of venous blood and lymph. As a result, cellulite appears.
  2. Stressful situations. With nervous excitement, the functioning of the adrenal glands is activated, and a large amount of adrenaline enters the blood. This hormone stimulates increased fat accumulation. In this case, deposits predominantly occur on the thighs and buttocks.
  3. Hormonal fluctuations. This problem appears under the influence of estrogen, progesterone and growth hormone. These substances affect the distribution of fat deposits. Female hormones are especially activated during adolescence, during pregnancy, and when taking hormonal drugs.

As a result, intense accumulation of fat occurs, and venous outflow slows down. As a result of these processes, cellulite appears.

  1. Poor nutrition. Eating foods that contain a lot of aromatic additives, dyes and preservatives leads to disruption of the digestive system. As a result, damage to adipose tissue, accumulation of water, and weight gain are observed.
  2. Age-related changes. As the body ages, there is a strong compaction of collagen fibers that penetrate the adipose tissue. As a result, the skin loses its elasticity, which leads to the formation of cellulite.

Video: Doctor's consultation

Where does it appear?

Cellulite in thin girls can appear in the same areas as in overweight girls.

First of all they suffer:

  • hips,
  • buttocks,
  • stomach,
  • legs,
  • hands.

How to get rid of cellulite in thin girls

When skin problems occur, it is very important to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Strict diets will not be effective in this case. Experts advise adjusting your menu in accordance with the principles of proper nutrition. Adequate physical activity and other methods play an important role in getting rid of cellulite.

The most effective methods of therapy include the following:

  • aerobic exercise– running, swimming, active gymnastics, dancing;
  • use of special dietary supplements– conjugated linoleic acid, amino acid L-carnitine, etc. are suitable for this purpose;
  • eliminating bad habits– smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • massage– the honey procedure and vacuum massage, which is performed using pneumatic cans, are especially effective;
  • anti-cellulite wraps;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • the use of cosmetics with tightening and stimulating properties - you can use various gels, serums and creams;
  • plentiful food– you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day;
  • performing strength exercises for problem areas of the body - abdomen, buttocks, thighs;
  • increasing physical activity during the day;
  • adherence to the principles of healthy eating.

In advanced cases, it is quite difficult to cope with the problem on your own. In such a situation, effective salon procedures will come to the rescue.

These include the following:

  • vacuum cavitation;
  • mesotherapy;
  • lymphatic drainage or anti-cellulite massage;
  • ultrasonic liposuction;
  • intralipotherapy;
  • ozone therapy;
  • salon wraps.

Home Recipes

Effective home treatments will help eliminate cellulite in thin girls.

One of the most effective methods is cupping massage using oils.

To do this, you should choose a base oil - peach, almond or olive are perfect. It can be supplemented with essential oils of lemon, orange, juniper.

You can also use the following recipes at home:

  1. Coffee scrub. Mix coffee grounds, sea salt, ground oatmeal, cocoa powder, cinnamon. Add 5 drops of lemon or orange essential oil to a tablespoon of the mixture. Dilute the resulting composition slightly with water and apply to problem areas of the skin. Massage a little and rinse.
  2. Cream mask. Take a couple of teaspoons of any cream, add 5 large spoons of grape juice and 1 small spoon of honey. Apply the resulting composition to problem areas, hold for 20 minutes and rinse.
  3. Parsley infusion. Take a couple of tablespoons of chopped parsley, add 1.5 liters of boiling water and leave to brew. Take 2 tablespoons of the strained product on an empty stomach. This needs to be done 4 times a day. Duration of treatment – ​​2 weeks. With the help of infusion, you can improve lipid metabolism and cope with waste and toxins.
  4. Vinegar wrap. Mix apple cider vinegar and water in equal parts, add a few drops of lemon essential oil. Moisten gauze in the resulting solution and wrap it around the problem areas. Place the film on top and wrap yourself in a blanket. After 40-60 minutes, you can take a shower and lubricate your skin with cream.
  5. Wraps with kelp. Take a couple of tablespoons of kelp, add hot water and leave to steep for 15 minutes. Mix the seaweed with the yolk, pour in 20 drops of camphor alcohol and 10 drops of lemon juice. Treat problem areas with the composition and wrap them with film. Keep for 45 minutes.

The role of water and diet

To cope with cellulite, it is very important to make adjustments to your diet. Even thin girls shouldn't eat everything. Instead of fatty foods, you need to eat lighter foods. It is very important to exclude fried and spicy foods. Baking, sweets, and carbonated drinks are prohibited.

The diet should consist of fresh fruits and vegetables. Eating seafood is also beneficial. Experts advise completely avoiding snacking and drinking alcohol.

Instead of coffee, you should drink green or herbal tea. It is recommended to replace sugar with honey. It is also very important to adhere to the drinking regime. During the day you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water.

Good afternoon, dear readers and readers of the blog.

Have you suddenly lost weight or gained weight and have cellulite? What is the reason? Many women wonder if cellulite will go away if you lose weight? Is it a myth or reality? What other myths exist about cellulite?

One of the reasons for the appearance of cellulite is precisely a sudden change in weight, so cellulite is unlikely to go away after losing weight. Of course, if you are obese, it is difficult to fight the orange peel and you will still have to lose weight.

Let’s just say that cellulite doesn’t go away when you lose weight, but it’s easier to fight it after losing weight. To understand how this works and to track the relationship between weight loss and cellulite, I propose to take a closer look at what cellulite is and what are the reasons for its appearance.

The whole truth about cellulite

Cellulite externally is the appearance of tubercles, pits on the body, the skin becomes flabby, lifeless and loses its elasticity. This happens due to an increase in the volume of fat cells, collagen fibers become coarse, and nodules appear. At the physical level, this can be explained by the appearance of congestion, disruption of peripheral blood supply, lymph flow, and excess fluid in the subcutaneous layer.

Such phenomena can be provoked by a genetic predisposition, this is a reason that you cannot argue with, but even in such a situation you cannot despair; if you follow a certain algorithm of actions, cellulite will go away.

In women, orange peel is most often provoked by hormones, or rather estrogen, which carries all the harmful substances into our fat deposits. This same hormone prevents us from losing weight. It cannot be treated with wraps and massage; the help of a qualified specialist is required.

Harmful foods in the diet tend to appear on the stomach and thighs in the form of excess deposits. Poor nutrition affects 70% of excess weight and bumps on the body. Plus an unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle. Bad habits, low activity are avid friends of cellulite. Rare walks and smoking cause a lack of oxygen, which immediately affects the skin.

Uncomfortable shoes and clothes interfere with blood circulation. Also, tight, low jeans are the culprits of “ears” on the sides and a saggy tummy. High heels also impair blood circulation.

Now you know what cellulite is and, in addition to weight changes, there are many more reasons for its appearance. Therefore, you should not expect elastic and smooth skin immediately after saying goodbye to several kilograms; you will still have to work hard.

Anti-cellulite treatments and how they work

To effectively combat cellulite, it is necessary to create an individual course of anti-cellulite procedures. Your task is to choose from the list of general indications what is right for you.

Here are the main indications on the way to smooth, tightened skin and a beautiful figure:

  • Proper nutrition improves metabolism, stabilizes the removal of decay products from the body, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and other systems, and enriches the body with necessary elements. This also includes proper drinking regimen, fasting days and the absence of strict diets. Your task is to properly balance your diet.
  • Exercising helps keep muscles toned, strengthens the heart, activates blood circulation, and improves the health of the body as a whole. You can choose any direction, running and swimming are good for cellulite, if you don’t like such sports, you can go to the gym, do exercises at home, walk more. Your task is to determine the direction you want to pursue; perhaps you will alternate between them. After which the classes must become regular, otherwise there will be no benefit. Regardless of the direction, try to walk and walk more.
  • Cosmetic procedures affect the subcutaneous layer and skin. With the help of irritating elements (oils, creams, scrubs, contrast showers), temperature or massage movements, a flow of blood and lymph to the subcutaneous layer is caused, congestion and excess fluid go away. The effect of cosmetic procedures can be immediate (wraps). Your task is to choose the procedures that you like. For example, one day you can do a massage, another - a body wrap, and on the third day use anti-cellulite cream or give yourself a rest.

Plan anti-cellulite treatments correctly, because sports, each type of massage or wrap has its own contraindications and nuances. When fighting cellulite, the main condition is to do no harm. Our blog will help you understand all the procedures. By following the links, you can read about the procedures in more detail. Most importantly, do not forget to adhere to three basic rules!

Myth or reality

The topic of cellulite has been actively discussed since about the middle of the last century, when an article “about annoying tubercles” was first published in a women’s magazine. During this time, many myths have appeared around this topic, let's figure out where the myths are.

  • Previous generations did not have this problem. Of course, after the massive appearance of contraceptives, poor environmental conditions, falsification of products, and technical breakthroughs, the problem became more significant. But it is foolish to believe that previously there were no problems with metabolism and fluid retention; they simply began to talk about cellulite more in the second half of the last century.
  • Cellulite only appears in overweight people. This is wrong. Orange peel also appears on thin girls, because it has many causes, and excess weight is just one of the factors.
  • Cellulite will disappear after losing weight. During the course of the article, we figured out that this is only partly true. It will be easier to deal with him, but he will not go away.
  • Water has no effect on cellulite. It also has an effect: it reduces appetite, stabilizes metabolism, removes “garbage” from the body, and puts the skin in order.
  • You can't deal with cellulite at home. At stages 3 and 4, it is a good idea to use salon procedures, and in advanced stages even liposuction (without surgical intervention). But at stages 1 and 2, cellulite responds perfectly to home treatment. Except when the problem is hormonal or psychosomatic.
  • Salons are a waste of money. We try to save money everywhere, but we shouldn’t skimp on our figure. Salon treatments are good for fighting cellulite. The only question is whether we can find an alternative to them at home. If so, why not save money?
  • Men don't have cellulite. Not true. It exists, but the diagnostic methods are different. In the same way, children have cellulite, but very rarely.
  • Cellulite is an excess of fat. You can argue with this, because orange peel is an increase in the fat cells themselves between the skin and muscles. It becomes more noticeable when the body wears out (aging).

Perhaps you were waiting for an easy solution, and thought that by losing weight, the tubercles would go away from your body. This is not true, you will have to try a little.

Don’t forget about the basic rules of fighting cellulite and you will definitely see results. By the way, this is one of the main myths that the fight against cellulite is useless.

Cellulite is one of the most common female problems, which is associated with metabolic disorders. What causes cellulite? Is pathology always associated with excess weight? How to eliminate tubercles on the hips and buttocks?

Cellulite is an accumulation of fat and toxic substances in the subcutaneous tissue, which appears on the skin in the form of irregularities and tubercles. “Orange peel” appears in women at any age; the disease is increasingly diagnosed in adolescents. The main cause of the pathology is a disruption in the process of fat breakdown, the body does not have time to destroy fat cells, they begin to be deposited, most often on the legs and butt.

Against the background of stagnant processes, fluid begins to accumulate in the intercellular space, collagen fibers lose their elasticity, nodules begin to form - swelling and lumpy skin occurs.

Cellulite is a purely female problem; only 6% of men develop bumps on the skin. This is due to the structural features of fat cells.

Why cellulite appears:

  • decrease in the amount of female hormones - they regulate fluid exchange in the body;
  • unbalanced diet - excessive passion for fast food, sweet soda, salty, spicy and fried foods, instant coffee, alcohol;
  • sedentary lifestyle - with flabby muscles, the likelihood of cellulite in girls increases several times;
  • Smoking - nicotine constricts blood vessels, which causes circulatory problems.

“Orange peel” often appears in pregnant women, during menopause, and during adolescence - this is due to hormonal fluctuations. It is a mistake to believe that cellulite appears only in obese women; the pathology often develops in thin women as well. The formation of tubercles is greatly influenced by the genetic factor - the low rate of fat burning is inherited. The habit of eating at night, frequent snacks, stress, overwork, sudden fluctuations in body weight - all this can cause the appearance of cellulite.

Cellulite is not an accumulation of excess fluid in the body. But by getting rid of puffiness, you can also reduce the appearance of “orange peel.” But this does not mean that you need to drink less - maintaining a drinking regime is the main rule for smooth and elastic skin.

What causes cellulite on the butt? Almost all tasty but harmful foods are deposited in the form of an “orange peel” on the buttocks. To get rid of it, you will have to say goodbye to harmful products forever.

What causes cellulite on the legs - harmful foods:

  1. Everything that contains fast carbohydrates - they instantly turn into fat and are deposited in fat cells - adipocytes.
  2. Salty foods provoke fluid retention in the body. If too much water accumulates, it begins to transform into “orange peel.” The daily dose of salt should not exceed 5 g.
  3. Sauces, canned food, sausages, shelf-stable products contain large quantities of preservatives, thickeners, and other harmful chemical compounds. The body perceives them as foreign objects and strives to get rid of them faster - some of these substances settle in fatty tissues, and bumps appear on the skin.
  4. Dairy products are high in fat - the adult digestive system is not able to digest heavy animal fats in large quantities. Some part is not excreted from the body, but settles on the buttocks and thighs in the form of cellulite.
  5. Sweet carbonated and alcoholic drinks, packaged juices, instant coffee, tea bags.

Processed and smoked cheeses, spicy dishes, and fast food have nothing to do with a healthy and proper diet. Bananas, melons and other fruits with a high sugar content can trigger the appearance of cellulite. There is no need to give them up at all, you just need to consume them in moderation, and in the first half of the day.

How to get rid of cellulite - sports and cosmetic procedures

If cellulite begins to appear, you need to fight it comprehensively - get rid of bad habits, review your diet, stop eating at night, drink more clean water.

An active lifestyle is the best remedy against the accumulation of fat on the buttocks and thighs, but not all sports will help get rid of it. A simple and affordable way to get rid of lumpy skin is to walk up the stairs. This simple exercise engages all the muscles in problem areas, improves blood supply, and activates metabolic processes. Yoga, swimming, bodyflex, step aerobics help in the fight against cellulite.

Cellulite - how to get rid of it with simple exercises:

  1. Squats and half-squats - perform 3-4 sets of 12-15 exercises each at once. These exercises are the most effective for eliminating lumpy skin on the legs and helping to tighten the gluteal muscles.
  2. Leg swings - the exercise can be performed standing or lying down, legs should be raised to the side. In this case, you need to feel how the muscles of the buttocks and thighs work.
  3. Developing the oblique and rectus abdominal muscles with abdominal exercises in a lying position.
  4. The plank on straight arms and legs will help improve the tone of all muscles.

Cellulite is not just a build-up of normal fat; it hardly burns off during many regular workouts.

If cellulite begins to appear, you need to start constantly caring for the skin in problem areas - honey massage, wraps with pepper, cinnamon, and kelp are good for eliminating bumps on the skin.

Honey massage is easy to do at home - apply a little warm honey to problematic, cleansed areas of the skin. Drive it in with patting movements for 10–15 minutes, moving from bottom to top. After the procedure, take a warm shower and apply a moisturizer with an anti-cellulite effect.

To get rid of lumpy skin, you need not only to eat healthy foods, but also to eat right. You need to eat 4-6 times a day, the last meal should be 2 hours before going to bed.

Key products to combat cellulite:

  1. Raw almonds effectively break down fat deposits; it is enough to consume them twice a week.
  2. Fresh pineapple - with regular consumption of 150 g of pulp per day, you can quickly eliminate lumpy skin.
  3. Boiled eggs and steam omelet.
  4. Citrus fruits - no more than 1 fruit per day.
  5. Carrots, fresh herbs, bell peppers, any varieties of cabbage, green beans.
  6. Low-fat dairy products - completely fat-free products do not benefit the body.
  7. Low-fat fish varieties.

To eliminate cellulite, you should definitely drink at least 2.5 liters of liquid per day - clean water without carbon, unsweetened green tea, natural fruit drinks and juices from red berries.

When cellulite appears, the question often arises of how to deal with it. The methods of fighting are very simple - proper lifestyle, balanced nutrition, regular skin care. Additionally, you should do hormonal tests and, if necessary, undergo treatment that will help normalize the production of female hormones.

Cellulite is a fairly common phenomenon of the twenty-first century. Why does it occur and what needs to be done to prevent it from appearing, as well as ways to get rid of it. You can find out all this by reading this article.

What is cellulite and why does it appear?

Cellulite is accumulated subcutaneous fat that appears on the skin in the form of lumps and irregularities. It is also called “orange peel” because skin with cellulite closely resembles an orange.

Let's try to figure out the question of what causes cellulite?

Generally speaking, we can say that cellulite appears due to disruption of a number of processes in the body.

First of all, the process of fat breakdown is disrupted, which leads to the fact that the body cannot cope with the fat cells entering it, and they begin to accumulate.

Cases of cellulite

Let's take a closer look at the most common causes of cellulite and at the same time try to answer the questions that concern many.

Cellulite in guys

So, many people are wondering why guys don’t have cellulite?

Indeed, it is noticeable to the naked eye that cellulite is much more common in women.

For your information! If we turn to statistics, we can be more specific and say that 85% of women experience the “orange peel” effect, while in men this figure is only 6%.

This phenomenon can be explained using simple anatomy. In the male body, fat cells are placed horizontally and do not lie so close to the skin.

In women, on the contrary, fat cells are located vertically and closer to the skin, which makes them more visible.

During pregnancy

The question also often arises: why does cellulite occur during pregnancy?

This can be explained with the help of hormones. So during pregnancy, as well as during puberty, menopause, and so on, the body undergoes hormonal surges and declines, which provoke the body to store fat, which causes cellulite.

Know! Thus, studies have shown that cellulite appears in 20% of women, during menopause in 25%, and during puberty in 12%.

Cellulite in thin people

Another very interesting question that plagues most women is the question of why cellulite appears in thin people. But really, why?

And all because our genes also influence the process of cellulite formation. We are all different people and each has a different intensity of fat burning, which largely depends on our parents and grandparents.

Therefore, if a low intensity of fat burning, as well as various unhealthy habits, have been transmitted with genes, then no matter whether a person is thin or fat, the “orange peel” will appear.


In addition, there are a number of other reasons why cellulite occurs. The first thing to note is age.

So the older we get, the less we move, the tone of our muscles weakens, processes slow down, changes occur in hormonal levels, which lead to the accumulation of fat cells and the formation of cellulite.

Sedentary image

Know! Another reason why cellulite appears on the butt and thighs is a sedentary lifestyle.

Today, in most cases, work is sedentary, in an office in front of a computer, and so on. And we spend 75% of our time at work, so there is little activity.


Stress is also one of the causes of cellulite. During overexertion, disruptions occur in the functioning of various processes, in blood circulation, digestion, and so on.

Because of all this, fat accumulates in the most interesting places, for example, under the ribs, in the navel area or on the back of the head.

Bad habits

And of course, our bad habits associated with the use of nicotine, alcohol and nicotine clog the body and slow down the process of removing toxins and waste, and all this contributes to the formation of cellulite.

How to get rid of cellulite

What measures need to be taken to get rid of the “orange peel”?

Proper nutrition

If you don't have time to go to the gym or aerobics, you can do a small set of exercises at home.

Or take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk to or from work, or ride a bicycle.

Massage against cellulite

For your information! Anti-cellulite massage helps very well in the fight against cellulite.

This procedure improves blood circulation and blood flow to the cells, and accordingly, the processes of uncoupling fat cells occur much faster.

Anti-cellulite wrap

It is also a favorite method of many women. This procedure cleanses and nourishes the skin well, and also improves blood circulation, breaks down fat cells and removes excess fluid from the body.

It's important to understand that everything is in close contact and proportionally depends and complements each other.

So if you do an anti-cellulite massage, but at the same time eat fried potatoes and buns at night, the result will not be noticeable.

It is best to tackle the matter comprehensively and monitor your diet, exercise and do various spa treatments.

Remember! Thus, if you follow simple rules and devote at least half an hour a day to yourself and your body, then questions like how cellulite forms on your legs, butt or stomach will never arise, and your body will be beautiful and attractive.

Currently, the problems of preserving and/or restoring the aesthetic appearance are becoming increasingly urgent. Aesthetic health has a significant impact on a person’s adaptation in society, his quality of life and social well-being.

In the structure of reasons for visiting dermatological and cosmetological institutions, cellulite occupies a leading position. Its prevalence among women aged 20-35 years is about 96%, and over 35 years old - an average of 80%.

General overview

The term “cellulite”, used in relation to certain objective changes in skin characteristics in problem areas of the body in most women, is incorrect and is used only in everyday life. A more precise formulation of these changes is “estrogen-dependent local lipodystrophy” or gynoid (that is, female type) lipodystrophy.

Cellulite is not normal, but it is not a disease either, despite the presence of the suffix “itis,” meaning inflammation. This and other terms used to define this condition are not found in the International Classification of Diseases.

Gynoid dystrophy is an aesthetic, cosmetic defect characterized by certain specific transient or permanent tissue changes, which are based on local degenerative processes in the subcutaneous fatty tissue and dermis of problem areas, manifested by irregular skin texture and the so-called “orange peel” effect.

What causes cellulite?

This cosmetic defect almost never occurs in men. It appears relatively rarely in teenage girls during puberty. This served as the basis for some authors to call the cosmetic defect in teenage girls the term “juvenile cellulite.” But irregularity of the skin relief in areas susceptible to this cosmetic defect (on the buttocks, on the legs, mainly on the hips and, to a lesser extent, in the area of ​​the knee and ankle joints, on the arms) occurs in the vast majority of women of reproductive age (85%).

The main manifestations in the form of dystrophic changes in the fatty tissue of the listed zones in females, their age-related correlation and compliance with hormonal changes of the reproductive period are explained by the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the female body.

What does cellulite look like post-anatomically?

The pathological picture is represented by hypertrophied adipose tissue cells grouped into lobes. The latter are surrounded by septa consisting of thickened fibrous fibers. Hypertrophy of fat cells occurs due to an increase in the activity of the processes of formation and accumulation of fats or a decrease in the activity of metabolic processes (for various reasons). In these tissues, there are disturbances in blood microcirculation and lymph flow, the severity of edema of the interstitial (intercellular) tissue, which further disrupts the blood flow in the capillaries and the outflow of lymph.

Thus, gynoid lipodystrophy is not a pathological condition, but a physiological feature of the subcutaneous fatty tissue of local (estrogen-dependent) areas of a woman’s body.

Causes and mechanism of cellulite development

It develops as a result of the influence of various factors, combined into two groups:

  1. Internal.
  2. External.

In each individual case, some reasons are of a primary nature, others are of a secondary nature. However, despite the fact that the causes of cellulite may be different, the fundamental mechanism of its development is similar in all cases. This similarity manifests itself in the final result in the form of a local disruption of metabolic processes, causing the formation of fat cells of different sizes and shapes, swelling of the interstitial tissue and the development of fibrosis.

Internal etiological factors

These include mainly factors:

  • anatomical;
  • hormone;
  • vascular and discirculatory;
  • genetic.

Anatomical factor

The fact of the presence of lipodystrophic changes in women and their absence in men for a long time was based on hypotheses that took into account the difference only in the anatomical structure of adipose tissue. In accordance with this version, subcutaneous fatty tissue is divided by elastin septa, which in women are arranged crosswise, and in men - in a strictly horizontal direction.

In this regard, with an increase in the volume of fat cells in men, the elastin elements stretch evenly, resulting in a uniform, without the formation of relief, skin tension. In women, the consequence of an increase in the volume of adipocytes with a cruciform structure of adipose tissue is a raised skin surface, or the “orange peel” symptom, which cannot be a pathological condition, that is, a disease.

Other hypotheses were only clarifying the first. For example, it was assumed that the lack of regularity in the location of fatty tissue is characteristic only of the lower layers, but they protrude the upper layers, creating relief of the dermis. According to another hypothesis, cellulite was divided into primary, which is a hypertrophy of cells located only in the superficial layer of adipose tissue, and secondary, which develops as a result of age-related or sun-induced decrease in skin elasticity.

These assumptions are united by the characteristics of typical changes (hypertrophy) of fatty tissue and the identification of one or another of its layers as the object of changes. They have a certain significance in the morphological and clinical picture. However, as a cause, these hypotheses contradict the empirical observations of dermatologists and cosmetologists, since gynoid lipodystrophy is present not only in overweight women, but also among those whose indicators are close to the lower limit of normal.

Hormonal factor

The implementation of hormonal changes can occur at the level of the central nervous system through the hormones of the hypothalamus and tropic hormones of the pituitary gland, as a result of which the content of estrogen and prolactin in the blood increases. The latter have a general anabolic effect, which contributes to the activation of fat formation and accumulation.

Particularly significant severity of lipogenesis processes is observed during periods of life accompanied by maximum hormonal changes - adolescence, pregnancy, menopause. Therefore, the individual hormonal characteristics of each woman, certain changes in her body, can participate in the mechanism of cellulite development or become its direct cause.

In addition, the theory of the formation of the changes discussed in the article, based on the biochemical processes occurring in adipose tissue under the influence of endocrine factors, is convincing. Among its many functions, subcutaneous adipose tissue also performs an endocrine function, which attracts particular interest in terms of explaining the causes and mechanisms of development of gynoid lipodystrophy.

The female body has such a feature of the reproductive period of life as the regularity of hormonal fluctuations, which determine the ability to conceive and bear a fetus. The defining characteristic of the hormonal background is the corresponding activity of the ovarian tissue in which estrogens are produced.

However, in the subcutaneous adipose tissue, localized in the femoral and gluteal zones, in the lower parts of the anterior abdominal wall and (to a lesser extent) in the posterior surface of the shoulder, in the area of ​​the knee joints, biochemical processes of aromatization of male sex hormones (androgens) occur. The result of these processes is the peripheral synthesis of estrogens.

At the same time, the subcutaneous tissue of these zones is exposed to local estrogen. This is especially pronounced during pregnancy and lactation. One of the functions of female sex hormones is the destruction of collagen fibers, including in the cervix, which is important for its gradual preparation for childbirth and increasing the degree of extensibility during childbirth. This is associated with an increase in the appearance of cellulite in many women after childbirth.

The main stages of the mechanism of development of gynoid lipodystrophy are the following:

  • an increase in estrogen levels leads to activation of the synthesis of collagenase (an enzyme that breaks down) in the dermis and hypodermis, as a result of which the number of collagen fibers in the tissues of estrogen-dependent zones decreases;
  • when a critically low quantitative level of collagen fibers is reached, hypertrophied adipocytes acquire a chaotic arrangement and form groups in the form of small and large nodes that protrude in the superficial dermal layers;
  • the accumulation of a critical number of enlarged fat cells against the background of estrogen stimulation leads to the activation of differentiation of preadipocytes (precursors of fat cells) and the formation of new adipocytes;
  • new fat cells also participate in the aromatization of androgens, which leads to the synthesis of even more estrone, and this, in turn, further enhances the synthesis of the collagenase enzyme.

Thus, the degree of spread and severity of cellulite processes is determined by the overall level of estrogen content. Women who have this level are high tend to develop and spread the manifestations of gynoid lipodystrophy more quickly than other women.

Other, less significant internal etiopathogenetic factors of an endocrine nature, leading to an imbalance of lipolysis and lipogenesis and contributing to the appearance and/or development of cellulite or accelerating its course, include:

  • dysfunction of the endocrine glands of the hypothalamic-pituitary system and adrenal glands;
  • hypofunction of the thyroid gland;
  • dysfunction of the pancreas, especially diabetes;
  • ovarian diseases (tumors, polycystic disease, oophorectomy);
  • metabolic disorders, as well as diseases of the liver, biliary system, stomach and intestines, contributing to disturbances in protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

Vascular and discirculatory factor

This factor is the second (after hormonal) in importance in the development of gynoid lipodystrophy. It may not only be a consequence of the influence of some other causes, but often serves as the initial cause of the development of this condition. Histological examination of tissue in the area of ​​cellulite reveals not only hypertrophied fat cells, but also the presence of signs of edema, fibrosis and sclerosis, which is associated with impaired tissue nutrition as a result of disruption of normal blood and lymph circulation.

This is explained by the following mechanisms. Enlarged (hypertrophied) adipocytes compress small vessels. This leads to a deterioration in microcirculation, a slowdown in the outflow of venous blood and lymph outflow, an increase in the permeability of the vascular wall and the release of the liquid part of the blood into the interstitial tissue, swelling of the latter and even more pronounced compression of blood vessels, impaired blood microcirculation and a slowdown in the outflow of lymph.

In addition, chronic swelling of interstitial tissue is also associated with the influence of progesterone in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. As a result of a cyclic increase in the concentration of progesterone, a temporary physiological increase in the secretion of aldosterone occurs, a hormone that reduces the excretion of sodium salts from the body. The latter retains water, which is another reason for the increase in its volume in the fluid of the intercellular structure, that is, edema of the interstitial tissue.

Chronic edema that develops in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle also leads to disruption of blood microcirculation and lymph flow, and this, in turn, is a factor in activating the transformation of preadipocytes, stimulating the function of fibroblasts, and the development of fibrosing and sclerosing processes.

Thus, the main reason for the development of cellulite is both the direct local effect of estrogens on tissues and the influence of progesterone in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. The longer this effect, the more pronounced the hypertrophy of fat cells, the phenomena of edema and fibrosis and, therefore, the earlier their external signs appear, progress and spread.

Therefore, the definition of local estrogenic lipodystrophy as age-related changes, and not as a disease, is fully justified, since, starting from adolescence, the subcutaneous fatty tissue of estrogen-dependent zones in women is under constant influence of estrogens. As age increases, this leads to the progression of cellulite.

The duration of the menstrual cycle depends on the duration of the luteal phase and can range from 21 days to 35-40 days for different women. The individual duration of the follicular and ovulatory phases is relatively constant. The longer the luteal phase, the longer the elevated levels of progesterone in the body persist and, therefore, the characteristic symptoms of cellulite are more pronounced.

Depending on these factors, the following main groups of women are distinguished who are susceptible to more rapid development and progression of age-related estrogenic lipodystrophy. These are women:

  1. With a relative or absolute increase in estrogen levels in the blood.
  2. Those whose menstrual cycle length exceeds the average, that is, more than 30-32 days.

Other, less significant internal risk factors, which are based on disorders of microcirculation and lymphatic drainage:

  • pregnancy, in which, in addition to an increase in the content of prolactin and insulin in the blood, compression of the abdominal organs, veins and lymphatic vessels occurs by the enlarged uterus, which leads to a slowdown in the flow of venous blood and lymph and disruption of microcirculation;
  • varicose veins;
  • primary and secondary lymphostasis;
  • heart failure;
  • cirrhosis or fibrosis of the liver, leading to impaired blood flow from the portal vein;

The listed pathological conditions cause a decrease in venous and lymphatic outflow and, consequently, impaired microcirculation and fluid retention in the lower extremities of the abdomen and buttocks. All this leads to stimulation of fibroblast function and the development of fibrosis of interstitial tissue in the thighs, buttocks, abdominal wall, legs, knee and ankle joints.

Genetic factor

The main one is the polymorphism of certain genes that encode enzymes of the two phases of detoxification. The consequence of their polymorphism is high sensitivity to disorders of estrogen metabolism. The latter can arise as a result of the influence of negative environmental factors against the background of an existing genetic predisposition.

External risk factors

As a result of external influence, internal factors are realized or their influence is enhanced. Processes caused by external factors can lead to the development of local “secondary” lipodystrophy, which is associated not so much with the individual characteristics of the body itself, but with its general condition, the woman’s lifestyle and the nature of her nutrition.

The main external factors are:


Nicotine increases the risk of hyperestrogenemia. It helps reduce the activity of cytochrome, which is responsible for the transformation of estrogens into 2-hydroxyestrogens, which are a more active form of female sex hormones, especially during the premenopausal period. Nicotine also suppresses lipolytic processes (the breakdown of fats), first causes dilation and then spasm of peripheral vessels with disruption of microcirculatory blood flow, the development of lymphostasis and chronic venous insufficiency. In addition, it leads to accelerated destruction of collagen fibers in the skin, due to which dystrophic changes develop in the subcutaneous tissue, and causes resistance to treatment for obesity. Thus, smoking activates absolutely all factors contributing to the development of gynoid lipodystrophy.

Excess body weight

Obesity leads to the accumulation of estrogens in subcutaneous fat. This is due to the content of a large amount of the enzyme aromatase, which transforms androgens, which are synthesized in the adrenal glands, into estrogens. In addition, obesity significantly increases the risk of vascular disorders, aggravates venous insufficiency, but, first of all, contributes to the progression of lymphostasis.

Improper diet and poor nutrition

Deficiency in food products of vitamins, macro- and microelements, many of which are part of enzymes involved in the metabolism of sex hormones. With their deficiency, the function of enzymatic systems is disrupted, which leads to the accumulation of estrogens in the body. It is also necessary to limit foods that contribute to the development of cellulite - high-calorie foods and fats of animal and plant origin, flour products, products containing easily digestible carbohydrates, extractives and spices, marinades and other products containing a significant amount of salt, sweet and carbonated drinks, as well as drinks containing caffeine (strong tea, coffee, Coca-Cola, etc.), products with a low content of fiber, potassium salts.

Taking certain medications

Taking oral combined contraceptive drugs, as well as estrogen drugs for therapeutic purposes, long-term therapy with beta blockers, antithyroid hormones and antihistamines.

Physical inactivity

Physical activity promotes the processes of hydroxylation and destruction of excess estrogen. With a sedentary lifestyle, there is a decrease in oxygen saturation of tissues, a slowdown in metabolic processes and disruption of tissue nutrition, which leads to the activation of collagenases (enzymes that destroy collagen proteins). In addition, as a result of physical inactivity, due to a decrease in muscle activity, which promotes the “pumping” of lymph through large lymphatic vessels, lymphostasis develops in the soft tissues of the pelvic region and in the lower extremities.


Frequent and/or prolonged stressful conditions, prolonged negative psycho-emotional stress contribute to the acceleration of the processes of destruction of collagen fibers, dysfunction of the neurovegetative system, resulting in the development of disorders of the regulation of vascular tone, sometimes quite persistent. This leads to prolonged vascular spasms, disruption of the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues and a slowdown in the outflow of metabolic products.

The accumulation of external influences on the body can significantly accelerate the progression and increase the severity of cellulite, which is associated with the peculiarities of estrogen metabolism. It is not so much the presence of gynoid lipodystrophy itself that depends on external factors, but rather its characteristics.

Stages of cellulite

In the development of gynoid lipodystrophy, four clinical and morphological stages are distinguished.

Stage 1

Pathomorphological examination reveals thickening of the hypodermal areolar layer, differences in the size and shape of fat cells, expansion of capillaries and increased permeability of their walls, diapedetic (through the vascular wall without damaging it) pinpoint hemorrhages, microscopic spindle-shaped aneurysms in postcapillary venules.

At this stage, there are no clinical manifestations - the skin surface over the areas of development of cellulite processes is not visually changed, it is smooth and with an even texture. The subcutaneous tissue is soft on palpation, and sometimes slight swelling may be noted. In these areas, longer persistence of hematomas and healing of microtraumas are observed.

Stage 2

The histological picture is hypertrophied and hyperplastic preadipocytes, the basement membrane of the capillaries is thickened, the capillaries are dilated in some areas, microscopic hemorrhages, bundles of argentophilic connective tissue fibers are found around the capillaries.

Upon palpation over the lesions, a decrease in skin temperature, a decrease in skin elasticity and an increase in swelling and density of subcutaneous fat are determined. When you tense the muscles in the area of ​​the lesion or take your fingers into a fold of the skin above the lesion, pallor and unevenness of the skin surface in the form of an “orange peel” appear.

Stage 3

Called micronodular or microlobular. Pathomorphologically, it is characterized by the progression of changes that are described in the 2nd stage. In addition - new formation of connective tissue (fibrous) fibers, growth of new capillaries, expansion of venules, numerous microaneurysms, formation of small nodules, blurring of the border between the hypodermis and dermis, association of hypertrophied adipocytes into small lobules, the beginning of the development of sclerosis of fat cells and their inclusion in connective tissue structures deep dermal layers. Thus, this stage is already fibrous cellulite.

Its clinical manifestations are a clear “orange peel” effect, not only with muscle tension or skin folding, but also in a calm state. The surface of the skin is flabby and has a bumpy texture. Its elasticity over the lesions is significantly reduced, it is dry, pale and cold on palpation, and with deep palpation, which is accompanied by pain, multiple small, the size of a grain of rice, painful nodules are determined.

Stage 4

Macronodular, or final, irreversible (quite rare). Its histological and clinical picture characterizes already “advanced” cellulite. The histological picture reveals the loss of the lobular structure of the subcutaneous tissue. Groups of small nodes form large nodes, surrounded by a connective tissue capsule and penetrated by coarse fibrous fibers that look like cords. Diffuse sclerosis of fat cells and their replacement with fibrous tissue, microscopic varicose veins of small vessels, small hemorrhages, atrophy of the epidermal layer of the skin and telangiectasia are noted.

The clinical signs of this stage are more pronounced compared to those of the 3rd stage. Large nodes are noticeable in a calm, relaxed state. The skin over the lesions is cold, with a bluish tint and a venous “mesh”. The general texture of the skin is wavy and bumpy. Upon palpation, large painful nodes are identified, fused to the dermis.

Let's answer the main question: how to get rid of cellulite?

Methods to combat cellulite

Results after LPG massage

Some cosmetologists and specialists from individual companies producing cosmetological devices and preparations consider it as a pathological condition. In order to remove cellulite from the buttocks and other areas of the body, they recommend “destructive” agents and hardware techniques that are aimed at removing subcutaneous fat tissue or destroying it. Based on information about the causes and general mechanism of development of local estrogen-dependent lipodystrophy, it becomes clear that such methods of therapy are absolutely unacceptable.

The fight against cellulite must take into account the stages of its development and concomitant pathology. It consists in eliminating or limiting the influence of external factors, in the complex use of drugs and methods aimed at correcting impaired blood microcirculation, activating venous outflow and lymphatic drainage.

Combination of electric pulse influence with, etc.

So, cellulite, or local age-related estrogen-dependent, or gynoid lipodystrophy is not a pathological condition. It is a physiological feature of subcutaneous fatty tissue in the so-called estrogen-dependent areas of the body. It is this approach to determining this cosmetic defect that should be used to guide the choice of methods of its treatment and prevention.