Swimming. Swimming Swimming school

On August 5, 1987, the departmental organizations DSO SDYUSHOR “Spartak”, “Burevestnik”, “Lokomotiv”, “Zenit”, TsOP “Victoria” merged and the EDYUSHOR for swimming trade unions of Moscow was formed.

In 2006, ESDSYUSSHOR was renamed into SDYUSSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in swimming. In 2014, the Youth of Moscow swimming sports school was renamed a sports school. Olympic reserve"Moscow Youth" in swimming.

For 32 years of existence of the sports school of the Olympic reserve "Youth of Moscow" in swimming, the goal and task was to prepare sports reserve. The goals of the sports reserve training system are: involvement of children and adolescents in systematic sports activities and selection of the most gifted who have the prospect of achieving international-level sports results.

Sport school Olympic reserve "Youth of Moscow" in swimming is designed to create needs in healthy way life, to carry out the harmonious development of the individual, to ensure physical perfection and the training of highly qualified athletes capable of adequately defending the honor of Russia in the international arena.

The main task of the sports school of the Olympic reserve "Youth of Moscow" in swimming is mass education and involvement of children and adolescents in systematic classes, instilling an interest and need for training: nurturing physical, moral, aesthetic and volitional qualities, promoting health and versatile physical development.

Enrollment and admission to the sports school of the Olympic reserve "Youth of Moscow" in swimming from 7 to 9 years old for the stage initial training.

Classes are held 3 times a week for 45 minutes, in the pool for non-swimmers. Training of young athletes is carried out in groups of initial training for 1-2 years, during the training process the first swimming skills are instilled.

There is a curriculum of 36 lessons, which provides training in all swimming methods (butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle)

For young swimmers of initial training groups of 1 year of study, there is a competitive calendar; after 1 year of training, young swimmers pass swimming standards. First 50 v/s, 50 n/sp, 50 br., 50 baht. for technology assessment.

After 2 summer training, athletes, upon passing the 1st junior level standard, move to training groups.

The sports school of the Olympic reserve "Youth of Moscow" for swimming for the most gifted children has the opportunity to send them to specialized sports classes (from grades 5 to 11) at the State Budgetary Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 1505 of the Eastern District of Moscow, at the State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1362, where the children study and where conditions are created for them to engage in sports swimming.

In winter and summer, sports and recreational camps are held, the venue is the Moscow region, south.

The central base of the sports school of the Olympic reserve "Youth of Moscow" in swimming is the State Budgetary Institution "MOCVS" of Moskomsport (Moscow Olympic Center Water Sports): Moscow, st. Ibragimova, 32, and there are also branches:

1. SC "Luch", st. 1st Vladimirskaya, 10B

2. Palace of Children and Youth Creativity “Vostochny”, st. 1st Vladimirskaya, 20

3. SSOC “New Generation - Veshnyaki”, st. Kosinskaya, 12B

4. Sports and recreation center "Olympia", st. Fryazevskaya, 13A

5. swimming pool of MSUTU named after K. G. Razumovsky, st. Earthworks, no. 71, building 2

6. ICE “Fili”, Bolshaya Filevskaya st., 18

We would like to inform you that in accordance with the decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor for the city of Moscow, taking into account the complications of the epidemiological situation regarding the new coronavirus infection in the city of Moscow, the increase in the incidence of this infection due to the adult population in order to strengthen anti-epidemic measures to prevent the further spread of diseases among the population from March 21, 2020, additional sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures are being introduced in the city of Moscow.

From March 21, the admission of visitors to swimming pools, fitness centers, water parks and other facilities has been stopped physical culture and sports with mass attendance of people until further notice.

In connection with the above, the admission of visitors to the territory of the sports facilities of the Moskvich Sports School has been terminated.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused.


February 21, 2020

From February 17 to 19, 2020 in Olympic Center them. br. Znamenskikh took place the Moscow indoor championship among boys and girls under 18 years old. Leading Moscow athletes in this age category took part in the competition.
Athletes of the State Budgetary Institution “Sports School of Olympic Reserve “Moskvich” performed successfully:
Anastasia Trosheva, who won a silver medal in the 1500 m race;
Nwanaga Sofia, who won the silver medal in the discus throw.
Congratulations to the athletes and their coaches A.E. Gurov, A.D. Tararova, we wish further sporting victories!

February 17, 2020

On ice rink for curling Ice Palace"Moskvich" the Moscow Curling Championship among juniors and juniors under 22 has ended.
According to the results of the competition, the athletes of our school became winners and prize-winners.
1st place - women's team SSHOR "Moskvich" – 5
(Tsebriy Maria, Klenina Anastasia, Uspenskaya Vasilisa, Parfukhina Valeria, Kukushkina Daria).
I place - men's team of the SSHOR "Moskvich" - 1 (Timofey Nasonov, Sergey Kordichev, Dmitry Sirotkin, Georgy Yepremyan).
II place - men's team of SSHOR "Moskvich -4" (Andrey Ilyin, Alexander Burdakov, Maxim Builov, Alexander Gapanchuk, Artem Kachimov).
III place - women's team of SSHOR "MOSKVICH"-1: (Ksenia Novikova, Natalia Gubanova, Daria Tskhvedanashvili, Polina Chernykh, Nikitina Nikitina).
III place - men's team of SSHOR "Moskvich" - 3 (Shibilkin Maxim, Golikov Mikhail, Shestopalov Andrey, Lavrov Grigory, Mordvinkov Artem).
Congratulations to the athletes and their coaches.
We wish you further sporting success!

February 11, 2020

During the period from February 3 to February 5, 2020, the All-Russian competitions By figure skating on skates
“For the prizes of ZTR E.A. Tchaikovskaya".
In the category of Master of Masters, Alexey Ryabtsev won a silver medal.
In the MS category, Vladimir Samoilov took second place.
Congratulations to the athletes and their coaches: Butsaeva V.E., Ishchenko G.V.
We wish you further victories!

February 6, 2020

From February 3 to February 5, 2020 at the Olympic Center. br. Znamenskikh competitions took place athletics: Championship and championship of Moscow among juniors and juniors under 20 years old and under 23 years old, boys and girls under 18 years old in throwing. Leading Moscow athletes in these age categories took part in the competition.
The athlete of the State Budgetary Institution “Sports School of Olympic Reserve “Moskvich” Sergey Kozlov performed successfully, winning a silver medal in discus throwing among juniors under 20 years old.
Congratulations to Sergei and his coach A.M. Dumcheva, we wish him further sporting victories!