Physical education lesson plan for the middle group. Calendar plan for physical education in the middle group Planning of physical education in the middle group

Goal and tasks : to form motor skills; develop physical qualities; satisfy the natural biological need for movement; ensure the development and training of all systems and functions of the child’s body through specially organized, optimal physical activity for a given age; give each child the opportunity to demonstrate their motor skills to their peers and learn from them; create conditions for the comprehensive development of children.

Characteristic: Physical education classes in the middle group are the leading form of organizational, systematic training of children in motor skills. To conduct classes in the middle group, the teacher selects physical exercises, determines the sequence of their implementation, draws up a plan, thinks through the methodology, prepares the equipment, places it, monitors the creation of sanitary and hygienic conditions, and the children’s clothing. Classes in the middle group inclusive - 3 times a week (2 times in the gym, 1 time outdoors). In summer all activities are outdoors.

Characteristic features of the lesson: clearly expressed didactic orientation; the leadership role of the educator; strict regulation of activities and dosing of physical activity; constant composition of students and their age homogeneity.

Class requirements: each previous lesson in the middle group is connected with the next one and forms a system; it is important to ensure optimal motor activity of children; must correspond to the age and level of preparedness of children; physical education and health equipment and musical accompaniment should be used.

Types of physical education activities

Educational training session: formation of motor abilities and skills, development of physical qualities, improvement of abilities and skills. 50% of all classes.

Subject physical education lesson: built on one plot (“Zoo”, “Cosmonauts”, etc.). the tasks of improving motor skills and developing interest in physical exercises are solved.

Game activity: built on the basis of a variety of outdoor games, relay games, and attraction games. Motor skills and abilities are improved, physical qualities are developed, interest in activities, physical exercises, motor independence, etc. are fostered.

Complex lesson: aimed at synthesizing various types of activities. Problems of physical, mental, moral development are solved.

Physical education classes: classes are comprehensive in nature, they solve problems, for example, environmental-physical, moral-physical, mental and physical development of the child, etc.

Thematic physical education lesson: dedicated, as a rule, to any one type of sports game or exercise: skating, skiing, elements of volleyball, hockey, etc. new types of sports exercises and games are learned and skills are consolidated in already mastered movements.

Test classes: are carried out at the end of the quarter and are aimed at quantitative and qualitative assessment of children’s motor readiness in basic movements and physical qualities.

Classes in modern and folk dances, rhythmic gymnastics, on exercise machines, with elements of folklore, wushu, hatka yoga: increase interest in systematic physical exercise, develop motor independence, and improve skills (N.N. Kozhukhova, 2003).

Outdoor physical education

Meaning: promote the development of cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular and other body systems, hardening, increase resistance to colds, form spatial orientation, and consolidate skills in natural conditions.

The structure of the lesson is traditional: introductory-preparatory, main and final parts.

Introductory part

  • · Construction (in the warm season); in the cold season - walking, running;
  • · Types of walking;
  • · 3-5 breathing exercises;
  • · Slow running (1.5-3 minutes depending on age characteristics);
  • · Normal walking with modification to performing general developmental exercises.

Main part

  • · General developmental exercises or plotless outdoor games;
  • · Running at medium speed (from 40 seconds to 2 minutes);
  • · Running ends with walking and restructuring to perform basic movements or to master sports exercises;
  • · Basic movement (new or more difficult to coordinate) or sports exercise (elements of sports games);
  • · Running at medium speed (1-1.5 min);
  • · Slow jogging or jogging at an average pace;
  • · Story-based outdoor game or relay game.

Final part

  • · Slow running;
  • · Walking with breathing exercises.

This material contains long-term planning for the educational field "Physical Development" in the middle group of the programFROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL / Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M.:, intended for educators and physical education instructors.



Week/Theme of the week


Introductory part

Main part

Final part

outdoor switchgear

Basic movements

Outdoor games


I week /

We are future schoolchildren. Let's learn to be friends. Who works in the kindergarten?

Exercise children in walking and running in a column one at a time; learn to maintain stable balance on a reduced support area; practice energetic push-off with both legs from the floor (ground) and a soft landing when jumping.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 1, art. 19

Forming in a line, checking alignment (usually some kind of landmark is used - cords, squares, etc.)

Walking and running exercises alternate.

Outdoor switchgear complex "Toys"

1. Balance exercises - walking and running between two lines

2. Jumping-bouncing with a turn around yourself

"Find yourself a mate"

“Whose circle will gather faster”

Walking in a column one at a time, waving a handkerchief over your head.

II week/ Changes in nature, seasonal phenomena

Teach children to push off energetically from the floor and land on bent legs when jumping up, reaching for an object; practice rolling the ball.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 4, Art. 21

Walking and running in a column one at a time, stopping at the teacher’s signal. Reorganization in three columns.

ORU "Autumn Walk"

1. Jumping “Get to the object”

“Find the same piece of paper.”

Walking in a column one at a time.

Game m/n “Find and keep silent”

III week/

Agricultural trades (rural professions, harvesting)

Exercise children in walking in a column one at a time, running in all directions (repeat 2-3 times in alternation); practice rolling the ball, climbing under the cord.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 7, art. 24

Formation into a circle.

Walking in a column one at a time between two lines; running in all directions

outdoor switchgear


1. Rolling the ball to each other with both hands

2. Crawling under the cord without touching the floor with your hands


Walking in a column one at a time; walking on toes, with different positions of the hands, alternating with normal walking.

IV week/ Fauna.

Continue to teach children to stop at the teacher’s signal while walking; strengthen the ability to group when climbing under the cord; practice maintaining stable balance when walking on a reduced support area.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 10, art. 26

Formation in three columns.

Walking in a column one at a time, at the teacher’s signal: “Sparrows!”

outdoor switchgear

"Who lives in the forest"

1. Balance: Walking on a Plank

3. Jumping on two legs while moving forward

2. Climbing under a cord (arch) with support on your palms and knees.

"By the bear in the forest."

Low mobility game“Where did you knock?”


Week/ Topic of the week


Introductory part

Main part

Final part

General development exercises (ADE)

Basic movements

Outdoor games



Safe behavior in nature.

Teach children to maintain stable balance when walking on increased support; practice vigorous pushing off the floor (ground) and soft landing on bent legs while jumping forward.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 13, art. 30

Walking in a column one at a time/Then exercises are carried out in stepping over (jumping over)

Outdoor switchgear with a pigtail (or with a short cord).

2. Jumping on two legs, moving forward to the object 1. Balance - walking on a gymnastic bench

"Cat and Mice"

Walking in a column, one at a time, on toes, like mice, behind the “cat.”

II week/ In a healthy body healthy mind! (healthy eating, food culture, benefits of exercise)

Teach children to find their place in the line after walking and running; practice landing on bent legs when jumping from hoop to hoop; strengthen the ability to roll the ball to each other,

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 16, Art. 33

Walking in a column one at a time; walking and running along the path, walking and running in all directions, stopping at the teacher’s signal. Walking and running are carried out in alternation.

outdoor switchgear

"We are strong"

2. Rolling balls to each other

1. Jumping - jumping from hoop to hoop on two legs

"Take it quickly"

Game m/p "Even circle"

III week/ My responsibilities.

Exercise children in walking, performing various jumping tasks, and strengthen the ability to act on a signal.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 19, Art. 35

Walking while performing various tasks

outdoor switchgear

No items

2. Rolling the ball between 4-5 objects

1. Jumping on two legs from hoop to hoop


Walking in a column one by one

IV week/ What do I know about myself? (self-image self-esteem)

Repeat walking in a column one at a time, developing your eye and rhythm when stepping over the bars; practice rolling the ball in a straight direction, climbing in an arcL.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 22, Art.. 36

Walking in a column one at a time, walking while stepping over bars

Walking and running exercises Forming in a circle

outdoor switchgear

With a ball

1. Arc climbing

2. Jumping on two legs 3. Tossing the ball with two hands

"By the bear in the forest."

I.M.P. "Guess where it's hidden."


A week


Introductory part

Main part

Final part

outdoor switchgear

Basic movements

Outdoor games



My street, my city. National Unity Day.

Exercise children in walking and running between objects; in jumping on two legs, strengthen the ability to maintain stable balance when walking on elevated support

Middle group No. 25, Art. .39

Walking and running between cubes placed randomly throughout the room, trying not to touch each other and the cubes. Repeat 2-3 times. Construction around the cubes.

General developmental exercises with a cube

1. Balance - walking on a gymnastic bench

2. Jumping on two legs

3. Throwing the ball up and catching it with both hands

Outdoor game "Tag".

Walking in a column one at a time. Finger gymnastics “Houses on our street”

II week/ We are pedestrians (traffic rules). Transport (Modes of transport

Exercise in walking and running in a circle, walking and running on your toes; in landing on bent legs in jumps; in rolling the ball.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 28, Art. 41

Walking in a column one at a time; walking and running in a circle with a turn in the other direction at the teacher’s signal. Walking and running in all directions; walking on toes, “like mice.”

General developmental exercises

without “Cars” items

1. Jumping on two legs through 5-6 lines

2. Rolling balls to each other

3. Throwing the ball to each other

Outdoor game "Planes".

Walking in a column one at a time, ahead is the link that won the game “Airplanes”.

III week/

Me and my friends. My responsibilities. Child's rights.

Exercise children in walking and running while changing the direction of movement; in throwing the ball on the ground and catching it with both hands; repeat crawling on all fours

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 31, Art. .36

Walking in a column one at a time, change direction at the teacher’s signal

walking in a column one at a time, raising your knees high, hands on your belt; transition to normal walking, random running.

General developmental exercises with a ball

1. Throwing the ball on the ground and catching it with both hands

3. Crawling in ranks in a straight direction with support on the palms and feet

4. Jumping on two legs between objects

Outdoor game "Fox and chickens".

Part 3. Walking in a column one at a time.

IV week/ My family. Family members. My parents' professions.

Exercise children in walking and running, stopping at the teacher’s signal; crawling on your stomach on a gymnastic bench, developing strength and agility; repeat the task of maintaining stable balance.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 34, Art. 45

Walking and running in a column one at a time; walking and running in all directions - at the teacher’s signal, stop and take some position

ORU "Friendly Family"

1. Crawling on a gymnastic bench on your stomach

2. Balance - walking on a gymnastic bench sideways with an extended step, hands on the belt

2. Crawling on a gymnastic bench with support on your palms and knees

3. Jumping on two legs to a cube

Outdoor game "Colored Cars".

Walking in a column one at a time.

Finger gymnastics “Who lives in our apartment”


A week/

Topic of the week


Introductory part

Main part

Final part

outdoor switchgear

Basic movements

Outdoor games



Iweek/ Winter wonders

Develop children's attention when performing tasks in walking and running; practice maintaining stable balance when walking on a reduced support area; develop dexterity and coordination of movements in jumping over obstacles

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 1, art. 48

walking and jogging

on signal

formation into a column

General developmental exercises with a handkerchief


1. Balance

2. Jumping over 4-5 bars

3. Rolling the ball between 4-5 objects

Outdoor game “Wind and snowflakes”.

Low mobility game “Let’s find the chicken.”

Week II/Winter fun.

Exercise children in forming pairs on the spot; in jumping with landing on bent legs; develop eye and dexterity when rolling the ball between objects.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 4, art. 50

Walking and running in a column one at a time


General developmental exercises with a ball.


1. Jumping off the bench

2. Rolling the ball between objects

3. Running on a track (20 cm wide).

Outdoor game "Snowman".

Low mobility game with speech accompaniment “Snowman”

III week/ New Year's holiday is coming soon

Exercise children in walking in a column one at a time; develop dexterity and eye when throwing the ball to each other; repeat crawling on all fours.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 7, art. 52

General developmental exercises.

“To the forest for the New Year tree”

2.Crawling on all fours on a gymnastic bench

3. Walking while stepping over medicine balls

Outdoor game “Decorate the Christmas tree” (relay race)

Low mobility game “Let’s find the Snow Maiden.”

IV week/ Gifts for friends and family

Exercise in performing actions as instructed by the teacher in walking and running; teach the correct grip of hands on the edges of the bench when crawling on your stomach; repeat the exercise in balance.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 10, Art. 54

Walking in a column one at a time; walking and jogging

General developmental exercises with cubes.

1.Crawling on a gymnastic bench on your stomach, resting on your palms and knees

2. Balance - walking on a gymnastic bench

3. Jumping on two legs

Outdoor game "Santa Claus".

Walking in a column one at a time. Outdoor game with speech accompaniment “The clock strikes”


A week/

Topic of the week


Introductory part

Main part

Final part

General development


Basic movements

Outdoor games



Exercise children in walking and running between objects without touching them; to form stable balance when walking on a reduced support area; repeat jumping exercises.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 13, Art. 57

Walking in a column one at a time; walking and running between objects placed scattered throughout the hall.

1. Balance - tightrope walking: heels on the rope, toes on the floor, hands on the belt. Repeat 3-4 times. The length of the rope or thick rope is 2-2.5 m.

2. Jumping on two legs, moving forward along the rope and jumping over it to the right and left (2-3 times).


Walking in a column one at a time. Low mobility game “Let’s find the rabbit!”

II week/ Changes in nature, seasonal phenomena. Safe behavior in winter.

Exercise children in walking with a change of leader; in jumping and throwing the ball to each other.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 16, Art. 59

Walking in a column one at a time, changing the leader, running in all directions (2-3 times).

outdoor switchgear


Jumping from a gymnastic bench (height 25 cm) (4-6 times).

2. Throwing balls to each other from a distance of 2 m (method - with two hands from below) (10-12 times each).

"Find yourself a mate."

Walking in a column one at a time, stopping at the signal “Snowflakes!” - stop, spin, “Wind” - stop, shake your arms.

III week/

Who lives in the Arctic and Antarctic.

Exercise children in walking and running between objects without touching them;

Crawling on a gymnastic bench on all fours, develop dexterity in exercises with the ball.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 19, Art. 61

Walking in a column one at a time; walking and running between objects in a “snake” fashion. Walking while stepping over cords.

Walking in a column one at a time.

ORU "Who Lives in the North"

1. Hitting the ball on the floor.

2. Crawling on a gymnastic bench with support on your palms and feet.

Outdoor game "Polar Bears".

Low mobility game "Let's find the bear cub."

IV week/ Winter sports.

Exercise children in walking with a change of lead, with high knees; in balance when walking on a gymnastic bench, strengthen the ability to correctly crawl under the cord.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 22, Art. 63

Walking in a column one at a time with changing the leader, running in all directions

Open switchgear with hoop

1. Climb under the cord sideways, without touching the floor with your hands. 2. Walking on a gymnastic bench with a bag on your head, hands on your belt.

Outdoor game “Find yourself a partner.”


A week/

Topic of the week


Introductory part

Main part

Final part

General development


Basic movements

Outdoor games


Iweek/ Science Week.

Exercise children in walking and running between objects, stepping over objects, in balance; practice jumping up.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 25, Art. 65

Walking in a column one at a time, walking and running between objects placed in one line, 5-6 pieces (the pins are placed at a distance of two steps for the child); walking and running in all directions. Formation in three columns

General developmental exercises

1. Balance - walking on the gym bench.

2. Jumping over bars

Outdoor game “Whose circle will gather faster.”

Low mobility game “What is made of what”

3. Walking over medicine balls

4. Jumping over the cord,

5. Throwing balls to each other

II week/

We love our Motherland. Epic heroes.

Exercise children in walking and performing tasks at the command of the teacher, in jumping from hoop to hoop; develop dexterity when rolling the ball between objects.

in jumping on two legs over the cords, in rolling the ball to each other.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 28, Art. 67

Walking in a column one at a time, at the teacher’s signal: “Stop!” -stop.

General developmental exercises “We are strong”

1. Jumping from hoop to hoop

2. Rolling balls between objects

"By the bear in the forest."

Walking in a column, one at a time, clapping your hands every fourth count.

3.Jumping on two legs

4. Rolling balls to each other

III week/ Military professions, equipment. My dad. Dad's holiday

Exercise children in walking and running randomly between objects; catching the ball with both hands; strengthen the skill of crawling on all fours.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 31, Art. 69

Walking in a column one at a time; at the teacher’s signal, children begin walking on their toes, with their hands behind their heads; normal walking, arms to the sides; transition to running in all directions. Walking and running in alternation.

General developmental exercises “The holiday of all soldiers is coming soon”

1. Throwing balls to each other

2. Crawling on a gymnastic bench on all fours

1. Throwing bags at a vertical target


Walking in a column one at a time.

IV week/ My mom. Women's professions.

Exercise children in walking while changing the direction of movement; repeat crawling in a forward direction, jumping between objects

in crawling on a gymnastic bench, in balance, in jumping on the right and left leg.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 34, Art. 70

Walking in a column one by one

Walking and running in all directions throughout the hall, changing into a column one at a time.

General developmental exercises with a gymnastic stick.

2. Balance

1. Crawling on a gymnastic bench

2. Balance

3. Jumping on the right and left leg

“Let’s help mom reschedule her shopping” (relay race)

Walking in a column one at a time.


A week/

Topic of the week


Introductory part

Main part

Final part

outdoor switchgear



Outdoor games


Iweek/Mom's holiday

Exercise children in walking and running in circles, changing the direction of movement and running in all directions; repeat balance and jumping exercises.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 1, art. 72

Walking in a column one by one

Walking and running in all directions, stopping at the teacher’s signal.

General developmental exercises.

1. Walking on toes between 4-5 objects

2. Jumping over the cord right and left


2. Jumping on two legs over a short rope

Outdoor game "Take it quickly."

Low mobility game “Say a kind word for mom.”

II week/ Folk crafts (embroidery, weaving, weaving, blacksmithing, etc.)

Exercise children in walking and performing tasks at the command of the teacher; in standing long jumps, in throwing balls over the net; repeat walking and running randomly.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 4, art. 74

Walking in a column one at a time. Walking and running in all directions.

General developmental exercises “Matryoshka”

1. Standing long jumps 2. Throwing balls over a cord 3. Throwing balls over a cord with both hands from behind the head 4. Rolling the ball to each other

Outdoor game "Homeless Hare".

Walking in a column one at a time. Finger gymnastics “We are the beauties of the nesting dolls”

III week/ Folklore (folk songs, nursery rhymes, fairy tales)

Exercise children in walking and running in circles; walking and running while completing the task; repeat rolling the ball between objects; practice crawling on your stomach on a bench, supporting yourself on your knees and palms.

walking and running in a circle while performing tasks: walking on toes, walking in a half-squat, hands on knees; transition to normal walking.

General developmental exercises with the ball.

1. Rolling the ball between objects

Outdoor game “Shine the sun” (Traps)

Low mobility game.

3. Crawling on a gymnastic bench with support on your palms and knees with a bag on your back, “Crawl - don’t drop.”

4. Balance - walking on a bench with a bag on your head.

Train children in balance.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 7, art. 76

IV week/ Changes in nature (living and non-living nature). We protect nature.

Exercise children in walking and running in all directions, stopping at the teacher’s signal; repeat crawling on the bench “bear style”; balance and jumping exercises.

Practice climbing a gymnastic wall

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 10, Art. 78

Walking in a column one at a time; walking and running in all directions, at the teacher’s signal to stop

General developmental exercises “Spring has come”

1. Crawling on a gymnastic bench

2. Balance

H. Jumping over 5-6 cords

4. Climbing the gymnastic wall

5.Walking on a board lying on the floor

Outdoor game "Trap"

(“Aw-ow-ow, let’s howl in the spring”).

Low mobility game “When it happens.”


A week/

Topic of the week


Introductory part

Main part

Final part

outdoor switchgear

Basic movements

Outdoor games


Iweek/ People's work, children's games, seasonal clothing

Exercise children in walking and running in a column one at a time, walking and running in all directions; repeat tasks in balance and jumping.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 13, Art. 80

Walking in a column one at a time, at the teacher’s signal, the children proceed to walking, stepping over the bars alternately with their right and left feet. After the last child in the column steps over the bars, the command is given to run in all directions. Walking and running exercises alternate

General developmental exercises.

1. Balance

2. Jumping on two legs over obstacles

Outdoor game "Starlings".

Low mobility game "Bedbed".

(“I’ve been waiting for spring for a long time”)

II week/ Earth is our planet (space).

Exercise children in walking and running in a circle, holding hands, walking and running in all directions; throwing bags at a horizontal target; consolidate the ability to take the correct starting position in standing long jumps.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 16, Art. 82

Walking in a column, one at a time, around the hall; at the teacher’s signal, the leader goes towards the child walking last in the column, and, approaching, takes him by the hands, closing the circle. Walking in a circle holding hands. Stop, turn in the other direction and continue walking. Walking and running in all directions.

ORU - game exercise “Cosmo-nauts”

(“1,2, there is a rocket)

1. Standing long jump

2. Throwing bags at a horizontal target

3. Throwing balls at a vertical target

4. Hitting the ball with one hand

Outdoor game “Fast rockets are waiting for us.”

Walking in a column one at a time, on toes, moving to a normal step.

III week/ Birds.

Practice walking and perform tasks at the teacher’s signal; develop dexterity and eye when throwing at a distance, repeat crawling on all fours.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 19, Art. 84

Walking in a column one at a time. At the teacher’s signal: “Frogs!” - children squat and put their hands on their knees, get up and continue walking. On the signal: “Butterflies!” - start running, waving their “wing” arms. Walking and running exercises alternate.

General developmental exercises “Birds”

1. Throwing bags at a distance

2. Crawling on a gymnastic bench

3. Jumping on two legs, distance 3 m

Outdoor game "Owl".

Walking in a column one at a time.

IV week/ Defenders of the Motherland

Exercise children in walking and running in all directions; repeat balance and jumping exercises.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 22, art. 86

Walking in a column one at a time, walking and running in all directions; at the teacher’s signal: “Horses!” - walking, raising your knees high; at the signal: “Mice!” - walking on toes with mincing steps; walking and running in alternation.

General developmental exercises with flags

1. Balance

2. Jumping on two legs from hoop to hoop

3. Jumping on two legs between objects

Outdoor game “Soldiers have order”


Walking in a column one at a time.


A week/

Topic of the week


Introductory part

Main part

Final part

General development

exercises (ORU)

Basic movements

Outdoor games



Iweek/ Holiday Victory Day

Exercise children in walking in pairs, in maintaining stable balance when walking on a reduced support area; repeat standing long jump.

Walking and running in pairs, walking and running in all directions. Reorganization in three columns.

General developmental exercises with bands

1. Walking on a plank (width 15 cm

2. Standing long jump through 5-6 cords

3. Rolling the ball (large diameter) between the cubes

Outdoor game “Pilots at the airfield”.

Low mobility game.

practice rolling a ball between cubes

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 25, art. 88

II week/

Changes in nature (flora and fauna)

Repeat the walk with a change of leader; practice standing long jumps; develop dexterity in ball exercises.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 28, Art. 89

Walking in a column one at a time with a change of leader

Walking and running randomly throughout the hall.

General developmental exercises with a cube.

1. Standing long jump through a cord

2. Throwing balls to each other

3. Throwing bags at a distance (right and left hand).

Outdoor game "Bear and Children".

Walking in a column one at a time. Low mobility game of children's choice.

III week/

Summer fun and holidays.

Exercise children in walking with high knees, running in all directions, and crawling on a bench; repeat throwing at a vertical target.

Jumping over a short rope

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 31, art. 91

Walking in a column one by one

running in all directions.

General developmental exercises with a stick

1. Throwing at a vertical target

2. Crawling on a gymnastic bench on your stomach

3. Crawling on a gymnastic bench with support on the palms and feet (

4. Jumping over a short rope.

Outdoor game "Hares and wolves".

Low mobility game "Let's find the hare."

IV week/ Safe behavior in the forest

Repeat walking and running while completing tasks; practice maintaining stable balance when walking on elevated support and jumping.

in climbing on a gymnastic wall.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group No. 34, art. 92

Walking in a column one by one

running in a column one at a time.

General developmental exercises with a ball

1. Balance - walking on a bench with a bag on your head

2. Jumping on two legs over a cord on the right and left

1. Climbing up and down a gymnastic wall

2. Balance - walking on a plank

Outdoor game “At the bear in the forest.”

Walking in a column one at a time.

Tasks for September (average group)

  1. Educational:
  1. Learn to maintain stable balance
  2. Exercise children in walking and running in a column one at a time.
  3. Teach children to push off energetically from the floor and land on bent legs
  4. Practice rolling the ball, climbing under the cord.
  5. Continue to teach children to stop at the teacher’s signal while walking.
  1. Educational:

2.1.Develop the ability to quickly move from performing one movement to performing another.

  1. Educators:
  1. Cultivate interest in motor activities.

Tasks for October (average group)

  1. Educational:
  1. Exercise children in walking and running in a column one at a time
  2. Teach children to maintain stable balance when walking on elevated support
  3. practice vigorous pushing off the floor (ground) and soft landing on bent legs while jumping forward.
  4. Practice throwing the ball over the net.
  5. Teach children to find their place in a line after walking and running
  1. Educational:
  1. Develop accuracy of direction of movement.
  1. Educators:
  1. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other

Objectives for November (average)

  1. Educational:
  1. Exercise children in walking and running between objects, in circles, on toes, with changes in direction
  2. Practice jumping on two legs and landing on bent legs
  3. Strengthen the ability to maintain stable balance when walking on elevated support
  4. Practice rolling the ball, throwing the ball on the ground and catching it with both hands
  5. Strengthen crawling on all fours, on your stomach
  1. Educational:
  1. Develop strength, agility, endurance
  1. Educators:
  1. Cultivate interest in physical education

Tasks for December (average)

1. Educational:

1.1.Exercise walking and running

1.2. Practice maintaining stable balance

1.3. Practice jumping with bent legs landing

1.4. Practice throwing the ball to a friend

1.6. Teach the correct hand grip when crawling on your stomach on a gymnastic bench

2. Developmental:

  1. Develop endurance
  2. Dexterity
  3. Coordination and eye
  1. Educational:
  1. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other

Tasks for January (average grade)

1. Educational:

1.1.Exercise walking and running between objects and changing the leader

1.2. Form stable balance when walking on a reduced support area

1.3. Repeat jumping exercises

1.4. Practice throwing the ball up and catching it with both hands

1.5. Repeat crawling on all fours

1.6. Practice hitting a small ball with one hand on the floor

1.7. Repeat balance exercises

2. Developmental:

2.1.Develop strength


2.3.Coordination and eye

3 Educational:

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other and a desire to engage in physical exercise.

Tasks for February (average grade)

1. Educational:

1.1. Exercise children in walking and running between objects, stepping over objects, performing tasks at the command of the teacher, scattering between objects, changing the direction of movement, jumping on the right and left leg.

1.2. Practice balance

1.3. Practice jumping over a cord, from hoop to hoop

1.4. Practice throwing the ball to each other, rolling the ball to each other, catching the ball with both hands

1.5. strengthen the skill of crawling on all fours.

2. Developmental:

2.1.Develop speed, agility, strength, coordination of movements

3. Educators:

3.1. Foster independence and a friendly attitude towards each other.

Tasks for March (average)

1. Educational:

1.1. Exercise children in walking and running in circles, changing the direction of movement and running in all directions,

with completing tasks at the command of the teacher.

1.2. Repeat exercises in balance and standing long jumps.

1.3. Practice throwing balls over a net

1.4. Practice rolling balls to each other;

1.5. Practice crawling on your stomach on a bench, supporting yourself on your knees and palms

2. Developmental:

2.1. Develop strength, endurance, agility.

3. Educational:

3.1. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Tasks for April (average gr.)


1.1.Exercise children in walking and running in a column one at a time, walking and running in all directions, in a circle,

with completing tasks at the teacher’s signal.

Repeat balance tasks.

Strengthen the ability to take the correct starting position in standing long jumps.

Exercise children in throwing bags at a horizontal target at a distance.


Develop strength and speed.

Develop dexterity and eye

3. Educational:

3.1. Cultivate interest in performing elements of outdoor games.

3.2. Learn to help adults

Tasks for May (average)


1.1.Exercise children in walking in pairs, changing the leader, walking with high knees, running in all directions, completing tasks,

Repeat balance tasks when walking on a reduced area of ​​support; on increased support

Repeat standing long jumps using a short rope

Exercise children in throwing bags at a vertical target.

Practice rolling a ball between cubes

Practice climbing on a gymnastic wall


Develop strength and speed.

Develop dexterity and eye

Develop coordination of movements

3. Educational:

3.1. Foster independence when choosing low-mobility games.

Long-term planning in the middle group

Contents of educational activities

"Physical development"

Main types of movements

Tasks / Program content


1 Week

    Balance exercises – walking and running between two lines (width 15 cm, length 3 m). When walking, place your hands on your belt. When running, the arms balance freely (in alternation).

    Jumping – bouncing on two legs, turning in a circle to the right and left, alternating with a short pause.

Outdoor game "Find yourself a mate"

Program content. Practice walking and running in a column one at a time; learn to maintain stable balance on a reduced support area; practice energetic push-off with both legs from the floor (ground) and a soft landing when jumping.

    Walking between two lines (width 20 cm); running (alternating with walking).

    Jumping on two legs, moving forward to the cube (pins), at a distance of 3-4 m.

Program content. Exercise in maintaining stable balance when walking on a reduced support area; in jumping on two legs.

I Part. Walking in a column one at a time, alternating with running; walking and running in all directions.

II Part. Game exercises. "Don't miss the ball." “Don’t touch me.”

Outdoor game "Cars".

III Part. Game "Let's find the little sparrow."

Program content. Practice walking and running in a column, one at a time and scattered; in the ability to act on a signal; develop dexterity and eye when rolling the ball with both hands.

2 week

    “Reach the object” - jumping in place on two legs (3-4 jumps, pause, jumps).

    Rolling balls to each other (distance 2 m); method - kneeling, sitting on your heels.

Outdoor game "Aircraft".

Program content.

    Jumping up on two legs - “Reach the object.”

    Rolling balls to each other.

    Crawling on all fours in a straight line (distance 5 m).

Program content. Teach energetically to push off the floor and land on bent legs while jumping up, reaching for the object; practice rolling the ball.

I Part. Walking in a column one at a time, on toes, at the teacher’s signal; running between pins placed in one line at a distance of 0.5 m from one another, running in all directions.

II Part. Game exercises. “Rent a hoop.” "Along the path."

Outdoor game "Find a match."

III Part. Walking in a column one at a time.

Program content. Exercise children in walking and running one at a time, on their toes; teach each other how to roll a hoop; practice jumping.

3 week

    Rolling the ball to each other with both hands in a line (starting position - kneeling). The distance between the ranks is 2 m.

    Crawling under the cord without touching the floor with your hands (the cord is stretched at a height of 50 cm above the floor level).

Outdoor game “Cucumber, cucumber...”

Program content. Exercise children in walking in a column one at a time, running in all directions (repeat 2-3 times in alternation); practice rolling the ball, climbing under the cord.

    Throwing a ball up and catching it with both hands.

    Climbing under an arc (group “in a ball” and walk under the arc without touching the top edge).

    Jumping on two legs between cubes (pins) placed in one row at a distance of 0.5 m from one another. Distance 3-4 m.

Program content. Exercise children in rolling the ball, climbing under an arc.

I Part. Walking in a column one at a time, bypassing objects placed in the corners of the site, running in all directions; at the teacher’s signal, stop and take some position.

II Part. Game exercises. "Ball over the net." “Who can reach the cube faster?” "Throw it - catch it." Jump on two legs, moving forward to the cube (distance length 3 m).

Outdoor game "Sparrows and the cat."

III Part. Walking in a column one at a time.

Program content. Practice walking around objects placed in the corners of the site; repeat throwing and catching the ball with both hands; practice jumping, developing landing accuracy.

4 week

    Climb under the cord without touching the floor with your hands.

    Walking on toes on a board lying on the floor.

Outdoor game "By the bear in the forest."

Program content. Continue teaching to stop at the teacher’s signal while walking; strengthen the ability to group when climbing under the cord; practice maintaining stable balance when walking on a reduced support area.

    Balance: walking on a board lying on the floor, stepping over cubes, on a belt (or freely balancing).

    Climbing under a cord (arch) with support on your palms and knees.

    Jumping on two legs, moving forward (distance 3 m).

Program content. Strengthen the ability to group when climbing under the cord; practice maintaining stable balance when walking on a reduced support area.

I Part. Walking in a column one at a time, going around objects at the corners of the site; running while stepping over cords (distance between cords 50-60 cm); walking and running in all directions.

II Part. Game exercises: “Throw it - catch it.” "Have time to catch it."

"Along the path."

Outdoor game “Cucumber, cucumber...”

III Part. Walking in a column one at a time.

Program content. Practice throwing the ball to each other, developing dexterity and eye; practice jumping.


1 Week

    Balance – walking on a gymnastic bench. Hands on your waist, squat down in the middle, arms to your sides, stand up, walk to the end of the bench and get off without jumping.

    Jumping on two legs, moving forward to an object (cube, pin), at a distance of 3 m.

Outdoor game "Cat and Mice"

Program content. Teach children to maintain stable balance when walking on increased support; practice energetic push-off from the floor (ground) and soft landing on bent legs in jumps with forward movement.

    Balance – walking on a gymnastic bench with a bag on your head, hands on your belt.

    Jump on two legs until the pigtail, jump over it. Distance 4 m.

Program content. Teach children to maintain stable balance when walking on elevated support; practice jumping forward.

I Part. Walking in a column one at a time; walking and running along the path (width 15 - 20 cm) 4 walking and running in all directions, stopping at a signal. Walking and running are carried out in alternation.

II Part. Game exercises. "The ball through the cord (net)." “Who can reach the pin faster” (jumping on two legs).

III Part. Outdoor game "Find your color."

Program content. Practice throwing the ball over the net, developing dexterity and eye; in maintaining stable balance when walking and running on a reduced support area.

2 week

    Jumping - jumping from hoop to hoop on two legs.

    Rolling the ball to each other.

Outdoor game "Cars".

Program content. Learn to find your place in the line after walking and running; practice landing on bent legs, jumping from hoop to hoop, and rolling the ball to each other.

    Jumping on two legs from hoop to hoop (distance between hoops 0.25 m).

    Rolling the ball between objects (4-5 pieces; distance between objects 1 m).

Program content. Practice landing on bent legs when jumping from hoop to hoop; in rolling the ball to each other.

I Part. Forming in a column one at a time, walking and running in a column one at a time; at a signal, hands to the sides, on the belt; clapping your hands. Running on your toes alternating with regular running.

II Part. Game exercises. "Throw it - catch it." “Who is faster” (relay race).

Outdoor game "Traps."

III Part. Walking in a column one at a time.

Program content. Practice walking while performing various jumping tasks, strengthen the ability to act on a signal.

3 week

    Rolling the ball in a straight direction.

    Climb under an arc (or cord) (height 50 cm), without touching the floor with your hands.

Outdoor game "By the bear in the forest."

Program content. Repeat walking in a column one at a time, developing your eye and rhythm when stepping over the bars; practice rolling the ball in a straight direction and climbing in an arc.

    Climbing under an arc.

    Jumping on two legs through 4 - 5 lines.

    Throwing a ball with two hands. Throwing the ball up and catching it with both hands.

Program content. Practice rolling the ball in a straight direction and climbing in an arc.

I Part. Walking in a column one at a time, at a signal, switch to walking between the cubes, switch to running.

II Part. Game exercises. “Roll it - don’t drop it” (rolling hoops). "Along the Path"

Outdoor game "Colored Cars"

III Part. Walking in a column one at a time.

Program content.

Climbing under the arc (height 50 cm).

Walking on a board (15 cm wide) placed on the floor, stepping over the cubes.

Jumping on two legs between medicine balls.

Program content. Practice walking and running in a column one at a time, walking and running in all directions; repeat climbing under an arc without touching the floor with your hands; practice maintaining balance when walking on a reduced support area.

    Climbing under a cord stretched at a height of 40 cm, with a ball in hands; then straighten up, lifting the ball.

    Roll the ball along the track (25 cm wide) in a straight direction, then run after the ball along the track.

Program content. Repeat climbing under the cord; practice maintaining balance when walking on a reduced support area.

I Part. Walking in a column one at a time, switching to walking with high knees, hands on the belt - “like horses”; running in all directions (in alternation).

II Part. Game exercises. “Throw it, catch it.”

"Ball in the basket."

III Part. Outdoor game "Horses."

Program content. Repeat walking and running in a column one at a time; practice throwing a ball into a basket, developing dexterity and eye.


1 Week

    Walking on a gymnastic bench, stepping over the cubes (the distance between the cubes is 2 child steps).

    Jumping on two legs, moving forward between cubes placed in a row at a distance of 0.5 m.

Outdoor game "Salki."

Program content. Practice walking and running between objects; in jumping on two legs, to consolidate the ability to maintain stable balance when walking on an elevated support.

    Balance – walking on a gymnastic bench with a bag on your head, arms to the sides.

    Jumping on two legs through 5 - 6 lines (cords). Total distance 3 m.

    Throwing a ball up and catching it with both hands (ball diameter 20 - 25 cm).

Program content. Practice jumping on two legs, strengthen the ability to maintain stable balance when walking on elevated support.

I Part. Walking in a column one at a time, walking with a change in direction at a signal, walking between objects (cubes, skittles) placed in one row. “Run, don’t hurt.”

II Part. Game exercises.

"Don't get caught." "Catch the ball."

Outdoor game "Rabbits."

III Part. Walking in a column one at a time.

Program content. Exercise in walking and running while changing the direction of movement; walking and running “snake” between objects; maintaining balance on a reduced support area. Repeat the jumping exercise.

2 week

    Jumping on two legs through 5 - 6 lines (cords).

    Rolling balls to each other (starting position - kneeling).

Outdoor game "Planes are flying."

Program content. Exercise in walking and running in a circle, walking and running on your toes; in landing on bent legs in jumps; in rolling the ball.

    Jumping on two legs, moving forward between objects (cubes, medicine balls). Distance 3 m.

    Throwing the ball to each other (standing in lines at a distance of 1.5 m) with both hands from below.

Program content. Practice jumping; in throwing the ball to each other.

I Part. Walking in a column one at a time while performing tasks for the arms; on the belt, to the sides, behind the head; walking and running in all directions.

II Part. Game exercises. "Don't get caught." "Catch the ball."

Outdoor game "Find a match."

III Part. Walking in a column one at a time.

Program content. Repeat walking while completing tasks; running with stepping; exercise in jumping and rolling the ball in a straight direction.

3 week

    Throwing the ball on the ground and catching it with both hands after the bounce.

Outdoor game "The Fox and the Chickens."

Program content. Exercise in walking and running while changing the direction of movement; in throwing the ball on the ground and catching it with both hands; repeat crawling on all fours.

    Throwing a ball on the floor with one hand and catching it with both hands after it bounces.

    Crawling in ranks in a straight direction with support on the palms and feet (distance 3 m).

    Jumping on two legs between objects placed in one row. Distance 3 m.

Program content. Practice throwing the ball on the ground and catching it with both hands; repeat crawling on all fours.

I Part. Walking in a column one at a time, walking and running between objects placed in one line (6 - 8 cubes) at a distance of 0.5 m from one another, walking and running in all directions.

II Part. Game exercises. “Don’t touch me.” "Pass the ball." “Catch up with a couple.”

III Part. Walking in a column one at a time.

Program content. Exercise children in walking between objects without touching them; practice jumping and running with acceleration.

4 week

    Crawling on a gymnastic bench on your stomach, pulling yourself up with both hands, grabbing your hands from the sides of the bench.

    Balance – walking on a gymnastic bench sideways with an extended step, hands on the belt (keep your head and back straight). At the end of the bench, take a step forward downwards (do not jump).

Outdoor game "Colored Cars"

Program content. Practice walking and running, stopping at the teacher’s signal; crawling on your stomach on a gymnastic bench, developing strength and agility; repeat the task of maintaining stable balance.

    Balance - walking on a gymnastic bench sideways with an extended step: squat in the middle, bring your arms forward, then straighten up and walk further; at the end take a step forward down. Hand position: on the belt, to the sides or behind the head.

    Crawling on a gymnastic bench with support on your palms and knees.

    Jumping on two legs to a cube (distance 3 m).

Program content. Practice crawling on your stomach on a gymnastic bench; in maintaining a stable balance.

I Part. Walking in a column one at a time, walking and running in a circle, holding hands, at the teacher’s signal, change the direction of movement (right or left); walking and running in all directions.

II Part. Game exercises. "Penguins". “Who will throw further?”

Outdoor game "Aircraft".

III Part. Low mobility game of children's choice.

Program content. Practice walking and running in a circle, holding hands; develop eye and throwing power when throwing at a distance, practice jumping.


1 Week

    Balance - walking on a cord placed straight, placing the heel of one foot to the toe of the other, hands on the belt. Cord length 2 m.

    Jump over 4 - 5 bars, helping yourself with a wave of your arms (bar height 6 cm, distance between bars 40 cm).

Outdoor game "The Fox and the Chickens."

Program content. Develop attention when performing tasks in walking and running; practice maintaining stable balance when walking on a reduced support area; develop dexterity and coordination of movements in jumping over obstacles.

    Balance – walking on a cord placed in a circle (keep your back and head straight and keep a distance from each other).

    Jumping on two legs through 5 - 6 cords placed at a distance of 40 cm from one another.

    Rolling the ball between 4 - 5 objects (cubes, balls), pushing it with both hands from below and not letting it go further from you. The distance between objects is 1 m.

Program content. Exercise in maintaining stable balance when walking on a reduced support area; in jumping over obstacles.

I Part. Walking in a column one at a time between snow structures. walking and running in circles, holding hands

II Part. Game exercises. "Merry snowflakes." “Who can run to the snowman faster?” “Who will throw further?”

III Part. Walking like a snake between snowballs.

Program content. Practice walking and running between snow structures; in the ability to act on a signal from the teacher.

2 week

    Jumping from a bench (height 20 cm) onto a rubber track.

Outdoor game "By the bear in the forest."

Program content. Practice forming pairs on the spot; in jumping with landing on bent legs; in rolling the ball between objects.

    Rolling a ball between objects.

    Running on a track (20 cm wide).

Program content. Practice jumping with landing on bent legs; in rolling the ball between objects.

I Part. Lay out the skis on the snow - one on the right, another on the left; secure your feet to ski bindings.

II Part. Game exercises. “Spring” (alternately raising legs and half-squats). Skiing at a walking pace (30 m).

III Part . Game "Funny Snowflakes".

Program content. Learn to pick up skis and carry them on your shoulder to the training area; practice walking with a stepping step.

3 week

    Throwing balls to each other from a distance of 1.5 m (method - with two hands from below).

    Crawling on all fours on a gymnastic bench with support on your palms and knees.

Program content. Exercise children in walking in a column one at a time; develop dexterity and eye when throwing the ball to each other; repeat crawling on all fours.

    Throwing balls to each other from a distance of 2 m (method - with two hands behind the head, legs in a stance shoulder-width apart).

    Crawling in a straight direction on all fours with support on the palms and feet - “bear style”. Distance 3-4 m.

    Walking while stepping over medicine balls (two lines of 4-5 balls each), raising your knees high, hands on your belt, without touching the balls.

Program content. Practice throwing the ball to each other; repeat crawling on all fours.

I Part. Skiing at a sliding step; sledding (by subgroups).

II Part. Game exercises.

III Part. Walking in a column one at a time between winter buildings.

Program content. Strengthen the skill of sliding steps in skiing; practice throwing snowballs at a distance, developing throwing power.

4 week

    Crawling on a gymnastic bench on your stomach, grabbing your hands from the sides of the bench.

    Balance – walking on a gymnastic bench sideways with an extended step, hands behind your head. At the end of the bench, get off by taking a step down.

Outdoor game "Birds and Cat"

Program content. Exercise in actions as instructed by the teacher in walking and running; teach the correct grip of hands on the edges of the bench when crawling on your stomach; repeat the exercise in balance.

    Crawling on a gymnastic bench with support on your palms and knees.

    Balance - walking on a gymnastic bench, arms to the sides, squat in the middle, clap your hands and walk further.

    Jumping on two legs to a hoop lying on the floor (on the ground), jumping into the hoop and out of the hoop. Distance 3 m.

Program content. Teach how to properly grip the edges of the bench when crawling on your stomach; repeat the exercise in balance.

I Part. Walking and light running between snow buildings.

II Part. Game exercises. "The cockerels are walking." "Along the snow bank."

III Part. Walking between sleds placed in one line.

Program content. Strengthen the skill of skiing with a sliding step.


2 week

    Jumping from a bench (height 25 cm).

    Throwing balls to each other from a distance of 2 m.

Outdoor game "Find a Pair"

Program content. Practice walking with a change of leader; in jumping; in throwing the ball to each other (method - with two hands from below).

    Hitting a small ball with one hand on the floor 3-4 times in a row and catching it with both hands.

    Jumping on two legs, moving forward - jumping legs apart, jumping legs together, etc. Distance 3 m.

    Balance - walking on toes between objects placed in a row at a distance of 0.4 m from one another. Distance 3 m.

Program content. Practice jumping, balance, and hitting the ball on the floor.

I Part. A short run without skis (distance 10 – 12 m). exercises on skis: “spring” - raise and lower alternately the right and left leg with the ski; “fan” - turns right and left around the heels of the skis. Walking on a ski track with a sliding step at a distance of 30 m.

II Part. Game exercises. "Snow carousel". "Jumping to the Christmas tree."

III Part.

Program content. Strengthen the skill of sliding steps, practice running and jumping.

3 week

    Hitting the ball on the floor.

Outdoor game "Horses"

Program content. Repeat walking between objects without touching them; crawling on a gymnastic bench on all fours, developing dexterity in exercises with the ball.

    Rolling balls to each other in pairs from a distance of 2.5 m.

    Crawling in a straight direction on all fours with support on the palms and feet (distance 3 m). stand up, straighten up and clap your hands above your head.

    Jump on two legs to the right and left of the cord, moving forward (distance 3 m).

Program content. Repeat crawling on the gymnastic bench on all fours and rolling the ball.

I Part . Jumping on two legs.

II Part. Game exercises. “Who will throw further?” “Jump over - don’t hit.”

III Part. Sledding each other.

Program content. Train children in jumping over obstacles; in throwing snowballs at a distance.

4 week

    Climb under the cord sideways, without touching the floor with your hands, several times in a row.

    Balance – walking on a gymnastic bench with a bag on your head, hands on your waist.

Outdoor game "Cars".

Program content. Practice walking with a change of lead, with high knees; in balance when walking on a gymnastic bench, strengthen the ability to correctly crawl under the cord.

    Climb under the cord without touching the floor with your hands, straight and sideways (several times in a row).

    Balance – walking on a gymnastic bench sideways with an extended step, hands on the belt. In the middle, sit down, bring your arms forward, stand up and walk further.

    Jumping on two legs between objects (4 - 5 pieces; distance between objects is 0.5 m).

Program content. Practice balance when walking on a gymnastic bench, climbing under a cord, and jumping.

I Part. Walking in a column one at a time, at a signal, switch to walking between the cubes, then running between objects.

II Part. Game exercises. “Roll it - don’t drop it” (rolling hoops). "Along the path."

Outdoor game "Colored Cars"

III Part. Walking in a column one at a time - “the cars went to the garage.”

Program content. Exercise children in walking and running between objects placed randomly throughout the playground; in rolling hoops, in jumping forward.


1 Week

    Walking on a gymnastic bench4 stop in the middle, turn around, walk further, get off the bench (without jumping).

    Jumping over bars (bar height 10 cm; distance between bars 40 cm).

Outdoor game "Kittens and Puppies"

Program content. Practice walking and running between objects, in balance; in jumping.

    Walking, stepping over medicine balls, raising your knees high, hands on your waist.

    Jumping over a cord placed along the hall (cord length 3 m). jumping over the cord from the right and left, moving forward using an energetic swing of the arms.

    Throwing balls to each other while standing in ranks (distance 2 m) (throws with both hands from below).

Program content. Practice balance; in jumping, in throwing balls to each other.

I Part. Walk around the sled in both directions, then pause and jump forward on two legs (distance 3 - 4 m). at the signal, stop, turn around, jump forward (distance no more than 3 m).

II Part. Game exercises. “A snake between the sleds.” “Get to the pin.”

Outdoor game "Colored Cars"

III Part. Taking turns sledding each other.

Program content. Practice throwing snowballs at a target, play tasks on a sled.

2 week

    Jumping from hoop to hoop on two legs.

Outdoor game "By the Bear in the Forest"

Program content. Practice walking while performing tasks on command, jumping from hoop to hoop; develop dexterity when rolling the ball between objects.

    Jumping on two legs over 5 - 6 short cords lying on the floor (distance between cords 0.5 m).

    Rolling balls to each other (distance 2.5 m) in ranks. Method – kneeling position.

    Walking on toes, hands on the belt, alternating with normal walking.

Program content. Practice jumping on two legs; in rolling the ball to each other.

I Part. Game exercise “Blizzard”

II Part. Game exercises. "Turn around." “Who will throw further?”

III Part . Sledding each other.

Program content. Repeat game exercises with running, jumping, and with a ball.

3 week

    Throwing balls to each other (in dads or in ranks; the method is arbitrary) and catching the ball with both hands.

Outdoor game "Sparrows and the car."

Program content. Practice walking and running randomly between objects; catching the ball with both hands; strengthen the skill of crawling on all fours.

    Throwing bags at a vertical target - a shield with a diameter of 50 cm, with the right and left hands (method - from the shoulder).

    Crawling on a gymnastic bench with support on your palms and knees.

    Jumping on two legs between objects placed in a checkerboard pattern.

Program content. Practice throwing; crawling on all fours, jumping.

I Part. Formation in two ranks.

II Part. Game exercises. “Who will throw the snowball next?” “Let's find the Snow Maiden!”

III Part. Sledding down the hill. Walking in a column one at a time between buildings.

Program content. Practice throwing snowballs at a distance and sledding down a hill.

4 week

    Crawling on a gymnastic bench on all fours, supporting yourself on your palms and knees.

    Balance - walking, stepping over medicine balls, raising your knees high, hands on your waist (or behind your head).

Outdoor game "Migration of Birds"

Program content. Practice walking while changing the direction of movement; repeat crawling in a forward direction, jumping between objects.

    Crawling on a gymnastic bench on all fours, supporting yourself on your palms and knees.

    Walking on a gymnastic bench sideways with an extended step: squat in the middle, arms forward; rise and walk further, at the end step forward down (do not jump).

    Jumping on the right and left leg using arm swings (distance 2 m).

Program content. Practice crawling in a straight direction and jumping.

I Part. Walking on a snow bank (height 6 – 10 cm), arms freely balancing to the sides; get off at the end without jumping.

II Part. Game exercises. "Right on target." "Tunnel".

III Part. Outdoor game "Let's find a bunny."

Program content. Develop dexterity and eye when throwing snowballs; repeat the game exercises.


1 Week

    Walking on toes between objects (cubes or medicine balls; distance between objects is 0.5 m).

    Jumping over a cord lying on the ground (on the floor), right and left, moving forward (distance 3 m).

Outdoor game "Migration of Birds"

Program content. Exercise in walking and running with changing the direction of movement and running in all directions;

    Balance – walking and running on an inclined board.

    Jumping on two legs over a short rope.

Program content. Repeat balance and jumping exercises.

I Part. Game exercise “Traps”.

II Part. Game exercises: “Fast and dexterous”, “Knock down the pin”. Outdoor game “Little White Bunny”.

III Part. Walking in a column one at a time. Low mobility game “Let’s find a bunny.”

Program content. Develop dexterity and eye when throwing at a target; exercise in running; strengthen the ability to act on a signal.

2 week

    Standing long jump.

    Throwing balls over a cord.

Game "Homeless Hare".

Program content. Practice walking and perform tasks at the command of the teacher; in standing long jumps, in throwing balls over a cord; repeat walking and running randomly.

    Standing long jump.

    Throwing balls over a cord with both hands from behind the head (distance from the cord 2 m) and catching them after they bounce on the floor.

    Rolling the ball to each other (starting position – sitting, legs apart, distance 2 m).

Program content. Practice standing long jumps and throwing balls over a cord; in rolling the ball.

I Part. Walking in a column one at a time, at a signal jumping over 5 - 6 cords (the distance between the cords is 40 cm); on command, change the direction of movement. Run at a moderate pace for up to 1 minute, alternating with walking.

II Part. Game exercises. "Throw it - catch it." “Ride, don’t hurt.”

Outdoor game "Horse".

III Part. "Guess who's screaming?"

Program content. Exercise in walking, alternating with jumping, in walking with changing the direction of movement, in running at a slow pace for up to 1 minute, in alternation with walking.

3 week

    Rolling a ball between objects.

    Crawling on a gymnastic bench on your stomach, pulling yourself up with both hands, gripping your arms from the sides.

Outdoor game "Planes are flying."

Program content. Practice walking and running in a circle; walking and running while completing the task; repeat rolling the ball between objects; practice crawling on your stomach on a bench.

    Rolling balls between objects.

    Crawling on a gymnastic bench with support on your palms and knees with a bag on your back.

    Balance – walking on a bench with a bag on your head.

Program content. Repeat rolling the ball between objects; practice crawling on a bench.

I Part. Walking in a column one at a time and running at a moderate pace (up to 1 minute). Walking between objects (distance between objects 30 cm).

II Part. Game exercises.

"On one leg along the path." “Throw it over the string.”

Outdoor game "Aircraft".

III Part. Low mobility game.

Program content. Exercise endurance running; walking between objects; in jumping on one leg (right and left, alternately).

4 week

    Crawling on a gymnastic bench with support on your palms and feet “bear style”.

    Balance - walking on a board placed on the floor.

    Jumping over 5 - 6 cords placed in a line.

Outdoor game "The Hunter and the Hares."

Program content. Practice walking and running randomly, stopping at the teacher’s signal; repeat crawling on the bench “bear style”; balance and jumping exercises.

    Climbing the gymnastic wall and moving along the third rail; going down.

    Walking on a board lying on the floor, on your toes, hands on your waist.

    Jumping on two legs over cords.

Program content. Practice climbing the gymnastic wall, balance and jumping.

I Part. Walking in a column one at a time, at a signal, walking in wide strides at a slow pace; regular walking and walking with small, mincing steps in alternation.

II Part. Game exercises. "Jump over the stream." “Running on the track” (width 15 cm). “Nimble guys” (throwing the ball on the ground, up and catching it with both hands).

Program content. Practice walking alternately with wide and short steps; repeat exercises with the ball, balance and jumping.


1 Week

    Balance - walking on a board lying on the floor, with a bag on your head, arms at your sides.

    Jumping on two legs over obstacles (bars or cubes, height 6 cm; distance between objects 40 cm).

Outdoor game “Run quietly.”

Program content. Practice walking and running in a column one at a time, walking and running in all directions; repeat tasks in balance and jumping.

    Walking on a gymnastic bench sideways with an extended step with a bag on your head.

    Jumping on two legs through 5 - 6 cords (distance between cords 0.5 m).

    Throwing bags at a horizontal target with the right and left hands (distance to target 2.5 m)

Program content. Repeat exercises in balance, throwing and jumping.

I Part. Walking in a column one at a time; walking and running in all directions, at a signal, changing into a column.

II Part. Game exercises. "Ride and catch." “Knock down the pin.”

Outdoor game "By the bear in the forest."

III Part. Low mobility game.

Program content. Practice walking and running, finding your place in the column, and rolling hoops; repeat exercises with balls.

2 week

    Standing long jump.

    Throwing bags at a horizontal target.

Outdoor game "Owl"

Program content. Exercise children in walking and running in a circle, holding hands, walking and running in all directions; throwing bags at a horizontal target; consolidate the ability to take the correct starting position in standing long jumps.

    Standing long jump – “Who will jump further.”

    Throwing balls at a vertical target from a distance of 1.5 m from the shoulder.

    Hitting the ball with one hand several times in a row and catching it with both hands.

Program content. Practice throwing balls at a vertical target; in standing long jump.

I Part. Walking in a column one at a time, in a circle, turning in the opposite direction while moving according to a signal; walking and running in all directions.

II Part. Game exercises: “On the path”, “Don’t hit me” (climbing under an arc), “Jump over - don’t touch me”.

Outdoor game "Sparrows and the car."

III Part . Low mobility game “Let’s find the little sparrow.”

Program content. Repeat walking and running in a circle; practice jumping and crawling; exercise the ability to maintain stable balance when walking and running over a limited area of ​​support.

3 week

    Throwing bags at a distance.

    Crawling on a gymnastic bench with support on your palms and knees.

Outdoor game "Owl."

Program content. Practice walking and perform tasks at the teacher’s signal; in long-distance throwing, repeat crawling on all fours.

    Crawling on a gymnastic bench with support on your palms and feet.

    Jumping on two legs, distance 3 m.

Program content. Practice long-distance throwing, crawling, and jumping.

I Part.

II Part. Game exercises. “Have time to catch”, “Toss - catch”.

Outdoor game "Catch up with a couple"

III Part. Walking in a column one at a time.

Program content. Practice walking and running, stopping at a signal; in throwing balls.

4 week

    Balance - walking on a board lying on the floor, placing the heel of one foot against the toe of the other, hands on the waist.

    Jumping on two legs from hoop to hoop.

Outdoor game "Birds and Cat"

Program content. Practice walking and running randomly; repeat balance and jumping exercises.

    Balance – walking on a gymnastic bench with an extended step, hands on the waist; Sit down in the middle of the bench, put your hands forward, get up and walk further.

    Jumping on two legs between objects placed in a row (distance between objects 40 cm).

Program content. Repeat balance and jumping exercises.

I Part. Walking in a column one at a time: walking “snake” between 5 – 6 objects placed in a line; walking in all directions, raising your knees high; running in all directions.

II Part. Game exercises. “Run, don’t hit me.” “Put the ring on.”

Outdoor game “Catch up with a couple.”

III Part. Walking in a column one at a time. Low mobility game.

Program content. Practice walking and running between objects; in balance; throwing the ball.

1 Week

    Walking on a board (15 cm wide) lying on the floor, placing the heel of one foot against the toe of the other, hands on the waist.

    Standing long jumps using 5 - 6 cords (distance between cords 30-40 cm).

Outdoor game "Kittens and puppies."

Program content. Practice walking in pairs, maintaining stable balance when walking on a reduced support area; repeat standing long jump.

    Balance – walking on a gymnastic bench sideways with an extended step, hands on the waist; sit down in the middle of the bench, stand up and walk further (hands on your waist, to the sides, behind your head).

    Standing long jumps through cords (distance between cords 50 cm).

    Rolling a ball (large diameter) between the cubes like a snake.

Program content. Repeat standing long jumps, rolling the ball; practice balance.

I Part. Walking in a column one at a time; jumping over bars; walking and running in all directions.

II Part. Game exercises. "Get to the ball." “Run, don’t hit me.”

Outdoor game "Owl"

III Part. Low mobility game.

Program content. Practice walking in a column one at a time, alternating with jumping; repeat game exercises with the ball.

2 week

    Standing long jump through a cord.

    Throwing balls to each other (in pairs or ranks, the method is arbitrary).

Outdoor game "Kittens and puppies."

Program content. Repeat the walk with a change of leader; practice standing long jumps; develop dexterity in ball exercises.

    Jumping over a short rope on two legs in place.

    Throwing balls to each other in pairs (with both hands behind the head, distance 2 m).

    Throwing bags at a distance with the right and left hands.

Program content. Practice jumping over a short rope; in throwing balls, in throwing.

I Part. Walking in a column one at a time, completing tasks when given a signal. Walking and running in all directions.

II Part. Game exercises. "Get in the basket." "Throw it - catch it."

Outdoor game "Fishing rod"

III Part. Low mobility game.

Program content. Practice walking, stopping at the teacher’s signal; walking and running in all directions; repeat tasks with running and jumping.

3 week

    Throwing at a vertical target (a shield with a circular target with a diameter of 50 cm, the lower edge of the shield is located at the child’s eye level), from a distance of 1.5 - 2 m with the right and left hands (from the shoulder).

    Crawling on a gymnastic bench on your stomach.

Outdoor game "Hares and the wolf."

Program content. Practice walking with high knees, running in all directions, crawling on a bench; repeat throwing at a vertical target.

    Throwing at a vertical target at a distance of 2 m.

    Crawling on a gymnastic bench on all fours.

    Jumping over a short rope.

Program content. Practice crawling; throwing at a vertical target.

I Part. Walking in a column one at a time, changing into pairs at a signal; walking in pairs, running in all directions, one at a time in a column. Walking “snake” between objects.

II Part. Game exercises: “Don’t drop”, “Don’t touch”, “Run along the path”.

Outdoor game "Run quietly."

    III Part. Low mobility game “Who left?»

Program content. Practice walking and running in pairs; strengthen jumping over a short rope, the ability to change lanes as you move.

4 week

    Balance – walking on a gymnastic bench with a bag on your head, arms at your sides or freely balancing.

    Jump on two legs over a cord lying on the floor on the right and left, moving forward (distance 3 m).

Outdoor game "By the bear in the forest."

Program content. Repeat walking and running while completing tasks; practice maintaining stable balance when walking on elevated support and jumping.

    Climbing onto the gymnastic wall and descending from the wall (2 times).

    Balance – walking on a board lying on the floor, on your toes, hands behind your head (2 times).

Program content. Repeat climbing the gymnastic wall, practicing balance.

I Part. Walking in a column one at a time, walking with a change in direction at a signal. Walking in a circle, stopping and turning around, continuing to walk.

II Part. Game exercises. “Throw it - catch it”, “Who is faster along the track”.

Outdoor game "Aircraft"

    III Part. Game "Guess who called."

Program content. Practice walking and running with changes in direction of movement, throwing and catching a ball; repeat games with the ball, jumping and running.

Summary of GCD for physical education in the middle group on the topic “Jumping”

Author of the work: physical education instructor Tatyana Yuryevna Khripunova, MDOU “Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 172”, Ivanovo
Description of material: The material is intended to identify the level of development of movements and physical qualities of a child of the middle age group, as well as to determine the degree of its compliance with age standards. The results obtained during ECD will help to study the developmental features of children in the fifth year of life and determine the means and methods of physical education. The material will be useful to physical education instructors and preschool teachers who like to engage in physical education with children.
Explanation: The material consists of six interconnected GCDs. The notes have a common game plot and are connected by a single goal. In the structural table of notes, the ECD “Lesson No. 1 Jumping” and the ECD “Teddy Bear School” are held in the same week and follow one after the other, therefore they have the same preparatory and final parts. In order for a child to learn the material, he must repeat it several times.
Target: determine the child’s speed and strength qualities (jumping).
Tasks: teach children to jump from a height, consolidate the skills of jumping forward, improve the technique of jumping forward from a place, promote the ability to jump up.
Equipment: toy - a bear cub, 5 bells, 2 gymnastic sticks, a 70 cm cord with a butterfly at the end, a 70 cm cord with an airplane at the end, wooden bricks according to the number of children, a blue ribbon-rivulet of 6-7 meters.

GCD move:

Preparatory part 4 minutes.
The children are greeted by Mishka - he’s a stomper and he’s glad that the kids love sports so much.
Bear:“We’ll start the jumping lesson with a warm-up.”
1. Formation in a line, greeting, turn with a jump.
2. Outdoor switchgear in motion.
- normal walking
- walking with hand exercises
- walking on the toes, heels, and outer arch of the foot.
- normal running
- running alternating with jumps
- running in place with a transition to movement and reverse (at a signal)
3. Breathing exercise: children stand in a circle.
I'll blow high– inhale through your nose, lift your head up and exhale up through your mouth.
I'll blow low– inhale through your nose, tilt your head down and exhale down through your mouth.
I'll blow far away– stretch your arms forward with your palms facing you, inhale through your nose, and exhale smoothly through your mouth and lips with a tube.
I'll blow close– place the palms of your hands near your mouth, inhale through your nose, and exhale smoothly through your mouth and lips using a straw.

4. Outdoor switchgear on site charging “The bear cubs lived in the thicket, they turned their heads...”
Musical accompaniment: Musical games for older children “The bear cubs lived in the thicket, they turned their heads...”

The cubs lived in the thicket
They turned their heads
Like this, like this - they shook their heads
(Turn your head right and left, hands on your belt)

The cubs were looking for honey,
Together they rocked the tree,
Like this, like this - they rocked the tree together
(I.p. – hands up, swing your arms to the right, left)

And then they walked
And they drank water from the river,
That's how, that's how they drank water from the river
(I.p. – hands behind your back, bends forward, back straight)

And they also danced!
Together we raised our paws!
That's it, that's how they raised their paws together!
(I.p. – right hand above, left hand below, change of hand position)

The main part is 14 minutes.
Bear:“The first jump is a jump on a flat path, and it’s called a forward jump. I came up with a difficult task for you, I’ll see how my friends cope.”
The teacher, on behalf of the bear, explains how this task is performed.
Game task “Bell”
Children in small subgroups (4-5 people), at a signal, jump on two legs, moving forward until the bell rings, moving from one side of the hall to the other. When you reach the bell, you need to ring it.
Guidelines: Teach to jump at an even pace, make sure that children do not hold their breath, breathe evenly and rhythmically. It is necessary to move forward with frequent and light jumps.

Bear:“The next type of jumping is the high jump, if you don’t learn how to jump up, you’ll remain hungry.”
The teacher, on behalf of the bear, explains how the task is performed.
Game task “Get to the object”
A group of children is divided into two subgroups that form a circle, on one side of the hall and on the other. In the center of one circle, the instructor, in the center of the other, the teacher, instructor and teacher are holding a gymnastic stick, at the end of the stick there is a cord with an object convenient for grasping, in this case a butterfly and an airplane. Teachers, upon a signal, begin to carry the object over the children’s heads so that the child, jumping, can touch the object with his hand. Then the objects in the circles change.
Guidelines: Monitor the child’s landing; the landing should be on the toes; while jumping, the legs are fully straightened and the torso is kept straight. The object should be slightly in front so that the child does not throw his head back when jumping.

Bear:“And now I will teach you how to jump from a height.”
The teacher, on behalf of the bear, teaches children to jump from a height in a playful way.
Education It’s better to start with a height of 10 cm, this can be wooden bricks, step boards, logs with a hard surface. Teach children to jump off and climb onto a brick on command. Make sure that when jumping off, children do not “sit down” too deeply. Show how to jump off an object correctly, without pushing off too much, without landing too far. After several executions, you can play an outdoor game that will reinforce the learned skills.
Low mobility game: “Birds on a tree”
The bird children are located around the perimeter of the hall, standing on branch bricks.
The birds all woke up early,
Together we stood up together,
And they flew off for a walk, looking for grains.

After the instructor’s words, the children jump off the brick-twig and, performing an imitation “birds fly” movement, move around the entire hall.
Night comes, everything falls asleep.
Birds occupy their houses.

Bear:“The last task is a repeat of the standing long jump.”
The teacher, on behalf of the bear, improves standing long jumps in children.
Game task: “Jumpers”
Lay out a 6-7 meter long ribbon along the hall. Invite children to stand near the tape. At the command “stream”, the children all jump over the tape using the standing long jump method. They turn around. At the command “ditch” they step over the tape and so on several times.
Guidelines: Make sure your feet are positioned correctly; your feet should be loose and parallel to each other. Push with both legs at the same time. Land softly on bent legs.

Bear:“Guys, you are so great! You’ve done the job, you can play safely.”
Musical game "Hey, you lazy teddy bear..." CD “Sing, Play, Dance Baby”, track 06
All movements are performed in accordance with the text.

Final part 2 minutes.
Quest "Rest"
Invite children to relax after a musical game, lie down on a soft surface, close their eyes and listen to the words of the instructor to the accompaniment of calm, slow music.
Eyelashes droop, eyes close,
Breathe easily, calmly, deeply.
We rest peacefully, fall asleep in a magical sleep
It’s good for us to lie like this, but it’s time to get up.
The eyes open, the children rise.

Bear:“You did great today, everyone gets credit for the first jumping lesson, I’m waiting for you next week, goodbye” (leaves).
You can use a ballpoint pen to draw a rating of five on the back of your hand; children really like it.
Instructor:“Guys, the first training lesson showed that you can do a lot, but I think that we will not stop there and will continue to study at the Mishka-Toptyshki school.”
Walk calmly to exit the hall.
After the lesson, the instructor conducts an analysis and identifies children who need additional help to develop speed and strength qualities. Notes the results in a journal.