Plan summary 1 swimming kindergarten. Summary of a swimming lesson in the preparatory group "sea exercises". Exercise games in water

Job title:Abstract of the open physical education class swimming in the pool for children 6-7 years old on the topic:

"Let's play in the water."

Place of work:Nizhny Novgorod RegionKstovo 3 microdistrict building 27 telephone 2-11-93, 2-27-16, 2-17-31municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 8 “The Little Mermaid” (MBDOU d/s No. 8 “The Little Mermaid”)

Location:Kindergarten swimming pool

Types of children's activities:communicative, motor, play

Integration educational areas: « Physical development", "Social-communicative", "Artistic-aesthetic", "Speech development", "Cognitive development".

G. Kstovo

GCD plan for swimming in the pool for children 6-7 years old

(school preparatory group)

On the topic: “Let's play in the water”

Target : Promote emotional and motor emancipation of children in games in water.



1. Contribute to the healing and hardening of the body, strengthening the general physical condition.

2. Introducing a healthy lifestyle through regular attendance at swimming classes.


1.Improve the motor skill of sliding on the chest and on the back.

2.Develop the ability to perform coordinated movements of the arms and legs in front crawl swimming.

3.Develop strength, agility, endurance and coordination of movements in games and competitions.


1. To cultivate moral and volitional qualities in the game: courage, perseverance, self-confidence, sense of camaraderie.

2. Foster the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Individual work:

Develop communication and motor skills in timid and hesitant children (Eric E., Vika A.)

Used Books:

Magazine "Physical Education Instructor" No. 7 2014

- Swimming training program in kindergarten Voronova E.K. St. Petersburg: “Childhood-Press”, 2010-80s

Formation of motor activity of children 5-7 years old “Relay race” Voronova E.K. Volgograd: “Teacher”, 2012-127c

Preliminary work:

Learning with children sentences and nursery rhymes used for games when teaching preschoolers to swim.

Conversation with children to reinforce knowledge of the rules of behavior in the pool.

Making cards with game exercises in swimming.

View with children photos and videos of materials on mastering the skills of crawl and breaststroke swimming styles, get acquainted with the television project “The Last Hero”.

Equipment and materials:

Two stands with a dividing strip, swimming boards according to the number of children, 2 plastic hoops, watering octopuses according to the number of children, prohibition and permission signs according to the number of children, straws according to the number of children, inflatable balls, rubber balls, rubber sinking balls, plastic sticks for half a group children, MP3 player, disc with music recordings, magnetic board, scoreboard, magnets, medals.


Physical education instructor, children of the preparatory group “Korablik”.


Swimming pool.

Progress of the lesson:

Parts of the lesson



Introductory part

4 min

Construction on land.

Guys, today you become participants in the game “The Last Hero”. You will be able to show how brave, dexterous and strong you are. We will find out which of you is the real hero. For each correctly completed task, decals (points) will be given.

Before you start playing, you need to do a warm-up.

General developmental exercises on land:

1. "Mill" - circular movements hands forward.

2. “Arrow” - from I.p. o.s., arms up, hands together.

3. “Squats” - from I.p. o.s. do a squat, clasp your shin with your hands.

4. “Legs-crawl” - from a seated position, crawl footwork.

5.Jumping on two legs.

1 min

3 min

6-8 times

6 times

8 times

2 times 30 sec

20 sec

Standing in the main stance in a line, check your posture.

Open up in the line.

Perform vigorous alternating movements with your arms.

Bring your hands together above your head. Arms straight. Bend over.

In a tuck, tilt your head forward, pressing your chin to your chest.

Legs are straight. Pull your socks away from you. Movements are frequent, alternating with a small range of motion.

Help with your hands to push up.

Main part

22 min

Walking on massage mats. Entering the water.

Nursery rhymes in water with pouring water on yourself from an “octopus-sprinkler”.

We know, we know, yes, yes, yes,

Where are you hiding, water!

Come out, vodka,

We came to wash ourselves!

Leisure on your palm


Leisya, leisya, leisya


Wash yourselves and have fun!

To start the games-competitions, you need to divide into two teams:"Jolly Floats" and "Swift Arrows"(according to red and green landmarks)

Repetition of the rules of behavior in the pool in the game “You can - you can’t”

Pushing each other in the water (not allowed)

Start and finish the task at the instructor’s signal (possible)

Climb onto the side or hang over the side (not allowed)

Listen carefully to the task (you can)

Detaining a friend underwater (not allowed)

Exhale into the water (possible)

Taking water into your mouth (not allowed)

Screaming loudly in the pool (not allowed)

Rubbing your eyes after diving (not allowed)

Opening your eyes in the water (possible)

Help your comrades by personal example (possible)

Games - exercises in motion:

1. “Boats with oars” (breaststroke with arms);

2. “Mill” (hand crawl);

3. “Penguins” (jumping on two legs, pushing off the water with your hands);

4. “Who has more bubbles” (using straws)

Line up according to landmarks.

Diving game "Pike - Duck"(pike - jumping, duck - diving)

Game exercises “Fountains” and “Frogs”(footwork with crawl and breaststroke at the side)

Game exercise “Star” using a card(on the chest, on the back)

Game exercise “Float” using a card(diving in a group)

Two teams “Jolly Floats” and “Fast Arrows” perform in games-competitions(on their own paths).

1. “Quick arrows” according to the card (sliding on the chest after a push from the side using swimming boards)

2. “Frisky boats” according to the card (sliding on the chest with crawl footwork using floating boards)

3. “Motor boat” according to the card (sliding on the back with crawl footwork using swimming boards)

Relay "Pearl Fishers" (swim to the landmark with crawl or breaststroke, catch one “pearl” from the bottom of the pool and put it in the basket, then return, passing the baton to the next participant)

Relay "In Tow"(in pairs with sticks: one walks backwards, the other swims on his chest along the long side of the pool)

In a stormy sea, in a blue sea

Dolphins swim quickly.

The wave doesn't scare them

She splashes nearby.

"Little Dolphin"(jumping into a hoop with your head down, hands connected above your head)

Teams: “Jolly Floats” and “Swift Arrows” play water polo(throwing the ball between players of one team, hit the hoop lying on the water of the opposing team.

1 min

1 min

1 min

2 minutes

30 sec

30 sec

30 sec

30 sec

1 min

1 min

1 min

1 min

3 min

1 min

1 min

1 min

3 min

3 min

1 min

3 min

Step on your entire foot. Don't leave the paths. Go down the stairs backwards.

Fill the sprinkler with water and pour it out in front of you rhythmically to the words of the nursery rhyme.

At the end of the words, pour water from the sprinkler on your head. Don't rub your eyes.

Children at the green circles - “Funny Floats”. Children at the red circles - “Fast Arrows”.

In the right hand there is a green circle (permissive sign), in the left hand there is a red circle (prohibiting sign). After the question, raise your hand with a red or green circle. For all correct answers, children receive one point.

Walk with your feet in a squat, shoulders lowered into the water. Perform hand movements with a wide amplitude. When jumping, push off with your hands from the water and your feet from the bottom at the same time.

Exhale long into the water.

Jump out of the water as high as possible. Dive, squatting with your head under the water. For completing the task without errors - one point.

Legs straight, toes pulled away from you. Follow correct position bodies.

Exercises “Star” and “Float” are performed while holding your breath, after a deep breath. The time it takes to complete the exercises is taken into account (who takes longer).

Don't wander off your path. Monitor correct body position. Place your face in the water. Slide while holding onto a support device (swimming board) with your hands. Active work feet up - down.

Hold the board under your head. Raise your stomach. Do not tilt your chin.

Monitor the correct position of the body and the work of the arms and legs with coordination of movements. Pass the baton by touching the hand of the next team member.

Help your partner carry you by working with your legs.

Swim underwater while holding your breath.

During the jump, hold your hands in an arrow direction above your head.

For each hit in the hoop, the team is given one point. You can't push or grab each other.

Final part

5 minutes

Free swimming(with circles, armbands, toys, relaxation to the relaxing music “Song of the Lion Cub and the Turtle”)

Construction. Summing up the results of competition games. Rewarding.

If you go swimming,

Do exercises in the morning,

We will never get sick -

We wish this for you! (children read)

Organized exit from the water. Hygiene procedures.

3 min

1 min

1 min

Children lie freely in circles, rocking on the waves and listening to relaxing music.

The results are determined by the number of points the teams scored.

Don't push. Hold on to the handrails. Walk on massage mats, stepping on your entire foot.

Kamaletdinova Luiza Nagimyanovna
Job title: physical education instructor
Educational institution: MADOOU D/S No. 2 ZATO Mezhgorye of the Republic of Bashkortostan
Locality: Mezhhirya city
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: summary of the swimming lesson "Sea voyage"
Publication date: 17.02.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Swimming lesson notes. Preparatory group for school.

Topic: “Sea voyage”

Physical education instructor at MADOU kindergarten No. 2

Kamaletdinova L.N.

Target: improvement of swimming skills, formation healthy image

life, development of creative abilities in children.

Wellness tasks:

Improve children's ability to show endurance and strength during

performing exercises in water, strengthening the muscles of the back, arms, legs, through







strengthen respiratory system using breath-holding exercises.

Educational objectives:

increase knowledge about the underwater world and its inhabitants;

promote improvement motor skills and skills;

improve the skill of floating and lying on the water;





consolidate the execution of leg movements, as when swimming the crawl on the back;

teach to boldly open your eyes in the water;

develop agility, reaction speed, speed in games and exercises on the water.

Educational tasks:

bring up




positive emotional attitude, cultivate persistence in achieving

positive result.



songs "Ocean" V



“The Sound of the Sea”, “Song about Dolphins” from the cartoon. "In Port",

“noodles” – 6 pcs.; balls – 6 pcs.; sinking toys – 6 pcs.; hoop – 1 pc., surprise.

Part I - introductory:

Pool entrance

I.: Hello, my dears.

Both small and big!

Miracles await today - it will be interesting here!

Don't be sad, smile!

The pool gives us a surprise!

I.: Guys, we came to the seashore. Listen... What do you hear?

phonogram "Sound of the sea".

Children together with the teacher listen to the sounds of the sea,

the cries of seagulls).

I.: Do you know that there are underwater caves in the sea, do you want to see them? I invite you

to your team for sea ​​travel the strongest and bravest guys. Let's

Let's go to the submarine, do some warm-up and go sailing.

Entering the water and doing a warm-up – open-air switchgear with “noodles”, a song plays "Ocean".

Part II - main:



let's check


boat: holding on




crawl swimming

I.: Well, we’re ready to travel, let’s go on a long voyage to the sea:

crawl swimming.

I.: The endless sea, and how much is there?

sea ​​creatures!!! Here they are floating




"Stars", show me

“Starfish”, and there are funny “Seahorses” (“Float”) floating there.

I.: The sea can be dangerous, various incidents happen. Here it is now:

we must save sea ​​urchins, they were thrown ashore by a storm and need help

them to return home - “Save the sea urchins” (backstroke swimming with balls).

So we have completed the rescue mission.

I.: Oh, guys, do you see how agitated the sea is? Look, it's so beautiful

stingrays swim: breaststroke swimming.

I.: And here are also sea creatures that live in the depths of our seas,

deftly collect garbage, clean the seabed, these are important crabs (walking sideways in


III. Final part

I.: Look:

How they swim beautifully - very quickly and playfully,

They show us the backs of sea ​​water dolphins.

I invite you to the game “Flock of Dolphins”: (Rules of the game: the song plays "About

dolphins", children stand in pairs and alternately squat into the water; by "whistle"

are built in a column

one after another, and perform a “dolphin jump” in

hoop with further swimming using the dolphin method) 2-3 times. (Diving into a hoop and

swimming in the dolphin way).

and see what is there? Are you afraid to dive? And if there is something there

find it, then take it and swim back: diving into a hoop with your eyes open

“Divers” (get fish and rings from the bottom).

Surprise moment.

I.: Look guys, I also dived into the cave and found there

Get it

a box (chest) with a surprise “Treasure - surprise”.

I: It's time to go home.

9. I.: Look, there are coral reefs here! In order not to offend them, you need to make a “Sea

chain" - 2 times.

You need to carefully swim past these reefs one after another to the shore.

I.: Our voyage is over, and we go out onto the warm sand of the shore

(phonogram sounds "Sound of the sea").

Exit from the water. (Give the children a surprise).

MBDOU kindergarten No. 6 “Alyonushka”



for children of the preparatory group

Date: 03/17/2015

Swimming instructor

Malysheva E.V.

G. Mendeleevsk

Abstract open class swimming "Underwater World"

for children of the preparatory group.


Instilling interest in swimming.

By promoting a healthy lifestyle, develop physical abilities in children.


1. Continue teaching how to immerse yourself in water with your head and exhale into the water.
2. Create conditions for children to master the ability to assume an unsupported position.
3. Strengthen swimming skills: freestyle legwork when swimming on the chest, with a swimming board and without support.
(Educational area " Physical Culture»).

4. Formation of knowledge about the rules of safe behavior on the water.
(Educational field “Security”).

5. Give children ideas about the buoyancy of objects, develop interest in playful experimentation.
(Educational area “Cognition”).

6. Train the respiratory muscles;
7. contribute to the prevention of flat feet and postural disorders;
8. Develop coordination of movements when performing exercises in water;
9. Contribute to the preservation and strengthening physical health children (dressing, undressing, caring for their things, washing themselves in the shower, hardening).
(Educational field “Health”).

Materials and equipment for the lesson: hanging hoop – 1 pc. (“Labyrinth”), foam boards – 8 pcs., “pearls” for the game.

Preparatory part

Outdoor switchgear complex on land

7-10 min.

1. "Watch"

Starting position - basic stance, hands on the waist.
1- body tilt to the right.
3- body tilt to the left.
(5-6 times)
Instruction method:
- back straight, hands on the belt.

2. "Mill"

IP - basic stance, right hand at the top, left hand at the bottom.
1-2 - alternate circular movements with straight arms back.
3-4 - alternate circular movements with straight arms forward.
(5-6 times)
Instruction method:
- arms straight, legs together.

3. "Geese"

I.p. - main stand.
1-3 - lean forward, arms back.
2-4 - i.p.
(5-6 times)
Instruction method:
- bend over, look forward.

4. "Crabs"

I.p. - basic stance, hands on the belt.
1-3 squat, arms forward.
2-4 i.p.
(6-7 times)
Instruction method:
- squat completely, back straight.

5. "Herons"

I.p. - basic stance, hands down.
1-3 - raise (right, left) leg bent at the knee, swing your arms.
2-4 - i.p.
(6-7 times)
Instruction method:
- bend your legs completely, back straight.

6. "Rocket"

I.p. main stand.
1-3 rise on your toes, arms up, look at your hands
2-4 i.p.
(5-6 times)
Instruction method:
- legs together, look up.

7. "Float"

I.p. – main stand.
1-5 – sit down, hug your knees with your hands, press your head to your knees,
hold the breath.
2-4 i.p.
(3-4 times)
Instruction method:
- group completely.

Main part

Exercises in water

20-25 min.

1. "Float"

Goal: learn to stay underwater while holding your breath.

Content. Taking a deep breath and holding your breath, dive under the water with your eyes closed. Bend your legs strongly, clasp your shins with your hands and pull your knees to your chest, bend your head as close to your knees as possible. In this position, float to the surface of the water. Float on the surface without changing position. Count to 5. After this, calmly stand on the bottom.
3 – 4 times.

2. "Medusa"

Goal: learn to lie freely on the water.

Content. Take a deep breath, hold your breath and, leaning forward, lie freely on the water. The body first sinks a little, then floats up. Lie in the water without moving.
3 – 4 times.

3. "Starfish"

Purpose: to teach children to hold their breath, lie down on the water, straighten their arms and legs while performing the exercise.

Content. Children make a “jellyfish”, then pull their arms and legs to the surface of the water and straighten them, then lie calmly on the water while holding their breath.
2 times on the chest and on the back.

4. Exercises to restore breathing.

I.p. – main stand.

2 – exhale, hands down.

5. "Arrow"

Goal: to teach gliding on water while holding your breath.

Content. I.p. - standing with your back to the wall, rest your foot on the side. The arms are raised up (the palm of one hand rests on top of the back of the other). The head is between the hands, the ears are pinched with straight hands. Bend over the water, putting your face and hands on the water.

Take a breath and, pushing off with your feet from the side, lie down on the water. Slide towards the opposite side of the pool.
5 – 6 times.

6. "Catamarans"

Goal: to teach footwork as when swimming crawl at a support.

Content. Approach the side and grab the support with your hands. Immerse the body in the water, as soon as the legs float up and the body takes a streamlined position, begin alternating crawl movements with the legs. After exhaling completely, stand on the bottom.
2 minutes.

7. "Boats".

Goal: to improve footwork (crawl) with a movable support and exhalation into the water.

Content. I.p. - standing with your back against the wall, rest your foot on the side. Straight arms raised above your head (holding boards in your hands). Start by sliding on your chest, arms straight, head in the water, followed by leg movements like crawl (perform until you exhale completely into the water).
2 times.

8. Exercises to restore breathing.

I.p. – main stand.
1 – deep breath, hands up.
2 – exhale, hands down.

Final part

in water

5 – 7 min.

Game "Tunnel".

Goal: to strengthen children’s skills of movement and sliding in water.

Content. Children move around the pool one after another, and at the instructor’s signal, they take turns sliding into the hoop.
When given a signal, each performs 1 time, and waits for the next signal.
4 – 5 times.

Game "Divers".

Goal: to strengthen the skills of diving underwater while holding your breath with your eyes open.

Content. The instructor scatters “pearls” to the bottom of the pool, and on command, the children collect them and hand them over to the instructor.
3 times.

Free swimming with circles and armbands.

Goal: to give the child a feeling of freedom of movement in the water.

Content. Swimming in different directions.
Keep your distance.
4 - 5 min.

Exercises to restore breathing.

Exit from the water.


1. Eremeeva L.F. Teach your child to swim. Swimming training program for preschool and junior children school age. S-P., 2005.

2. Osokina T.N. and others. Teaching swimming in kindergarten: M., 2001.

3. Protchenko T.A., Yu.A. Semenov Teaching swimming to preschoolers and junior schoolchildren: A practical guide. – M., 2003

4. Bulgakova N.Zh. Swimming. / ABC of Sports / M., 1999.

5. Bulgakova N.Zh. Health-improving, therapeutic and adaptive swimming. M., 2008

6. Bulgakova N.Zh.. Meet – swimming. M., 2002.

7. Methodological manual for initial swimming training. M., 2000.

8. Mrykhin R.P. I'm learning to swim. RnD., 2001.

9. Mukhortova E.Yu.. Teaching children to swim, M., 2008.

10. Swimming. Curriculum for children from 2 to 7 years old. M., 1999.

11. Swimming pools. Hygienic requirements to the design, operation and quality of water. Quality control. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations. San PiN – 03.

municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of the Kovdor district kindergarten No. 29 “Fairy Tale”

Summary of direct educational activities in swimming in the preparatory group “Naval Exercises”

Developed by:
Shchepelina Vera Alexandrovna
physical education instructor
MADOU No. 29 “Fairy Tale”
1 qualification category


Summary of direct educational activities in swimming in the preparatory group “Naval Exercises”

Goal: To develop the needs and habits of a healthy lifestyle

Objectives: Educational area: Physical development:
1.Improve the studied elements of swimming in a non-standard environment.
2. Contribute to the prevention of flat feet, poor posture, and the development of respiratory muscles.
3.Promote the development of physical qualities: endurance, coordination, agility, speed.
Speech development:
1. Develop the ability to think logically and answer search questions.
2. Enrich children's vocabulary.
Social and communicative development:
1.Form friendly relationships in the team, the ability to provide help and support.

Preliminary work: Reading books and talking about the Second World War; what types of troops exist; Navy (which is part of the Navy).
Listening to music.
Conversation with children about healthy lifestyle, what you need to do to be healthy.

Inventory and equipment: Stand “Education and Training Center”;
swimming boards (ships) according to the number of children; hoop, diving arc, sinking objects (mines), encrypted message (according to the number of children), music.

Progress of the lesson:

Children come to the “training center for training Marines"under the guidance of a teacher.
Instr. Hello guys. An order was received from the main headquarters of the Navy to recruit cadets into the Marine Corps. But I need brave, strong, dexterous, attentive and healthy fighters.
Tell me please, how do you take care of your health?
Children's answers (we keep a daily routine, do exercises, eat right, strengthen ourselves, do physical exercise).
Instructor: Well done! Then I invite you to take part in naval exercises, and if you pass all the tests, you will be enlisted in a detachment of marines.
In the meantime, you need to quickly change into special equipment and go to the pier.
(Children wash in the shower, put on swimsuits and go down to the pool, stand near the side.)
Instructor: Guys, a special group from headquarters will be watching our exercises on shore.

Instructor: Here is the task that needs to be completed: go out on a ship to the open sea, examine the bottom and find a sunken ship. There are mines left there, they need to be found and taken ashore.
Let's check the ships before leaving, in case there is some kind of hole, then the ship will not be able to sail.
Children perform the “star”, “arrow” exercise.
Instructor: Great, all the ships are afloat and can go to sea.
But we need to fill the tanks with fuel (children exhale into the water 20 times).
Now let’s warm up the engines (children perform crawl/chest movements with their legs – 2 times)
“Well, the ships are ready to go out to the open sea, raise the anchor” (the captain raises the anchor and places it on the side).
“Full forward” (children perform a chest slide with footwork, holding on to a swimming board - 2.5 laps, after each lap they exhale into the water 2 times).
Having completed the task, they stand on the deep part of the pool along the handrail, placing the boards on the side.
Instructor: Well, we are on the open sea. We need to examine the bottom and find a sunken ship (children dive and examine the bottom. The commander reports “the ship has been found”).
Instructor: Guys, we dive through an open hatch, take out a mine and take it to the shore (children dive through a hoop, take out a “mine” from the bottom, swim, using their legs through an arc, put it in a container, return to the end of the column).
Instructor: Commander, report on the completion of the mission.
The commander reports: “the ship has been cleared.”
Instructor: Well done! Now it is necessary to deliver an encrypted report to headquarters stating that the way for ships is clear.
(Children perform a chest slide with footwork, holding part of the report in their hands)
Instructor: Guys, a radio message arrived, an unidentified ship appeared somewhere in the sea. Take binoculars and carefully examine everything around (children pretend to be binoculars with their hands and look left, right, straight ahead.
Name the objects that were discovered (whale, turtle, octopus, ship).
Instructor: It is necessary to release a torpedo and hit the enemy ship.
(Children perform sliding with footwork to the side - 2 times).
Instructor: Well done, all tasks have been completed.
We need to rest before returning home.
(Children stand freely throughout the pool and perform the “star” exercise on their backs).
Instructor: It's time to return to base. What should I do?
The ships were carried very far, how can we return to base?
The children answer: we can swim.
Instructor: Then let's swim.
Children perform swimming using the “front crawl” method - 2 laps.
Instructor: Well, we are back at base.
Thanks to all. Well done! All tests were successful, you were enlisted in the Marine detachment. Everyone receives a badge indicating that they are a member of the Marine squad.
(I put a token on my hand.)

This concludes our teachings. We are waiting for the next order. And in the group you will receive a treat from the chief military commander of the fleet.
Children leave the pool.


Lesson 1-2.

Tasks: remind children about the rules of conduct in the pool;

introduce them to different ways swimming crawl on the front and back (show pictures);

to teach you to confidently enter the water and dive headlong.

On the land. Oru No. 1.

In water.

1. Enter the water on your own, catch a floating toy, walk and run with the toy in your hands in different directions, and take a plunge if you wish.

2. Plunge your head into the water together, standing in a circle and holding hands, 3-4 times.

3. Game “Seine” (2-3 min).

4. Show who can swim and how.

Lesson 3-4.

Tasks: teach children to confidently dive headlong into water;

practice walking forward and backward (chest depth), overcoming the resistance of the water;

teach them to act in an organized manner and not push each other.

On the land. Oru No. 2.

In water.

1. Enter the water on your own, walk along the side without holding the handrail.

2. Holding the handrail, side, squat, plunging headlong into the water, 4-5 times.

3. Walk from side to side back and forth, helping yourself with rowing movements of your hands, 2-3 times. 4. Jump in place, pushing off the water with your hands (“Who’s taller?”), 7-8 times.

5. Run in the water, catching up with each other (“We are funny guys”), 3-4 times.

6. Holding the side of the handrail with your hands, lie down on the water, take a horizontal position (“show your heels”), 2-3 times. 7. Independent games with toys.

Lesson 5-6.

Tasks: to teach children, upon entering the water, to dive headlong on their own;

practice moving in pairs, holding hands;

cultivate courage.

On the land. Oru No. 3.

In water.

1. Enter the water and plunge yourself headlong.

2. Walk along the side, leaning forward, folding your hands in a boat, 1-2 minutes.

3. Run, at the signal, fall into the water with your arms stretched forward.

4. Walk and run in pairs around the pool, holding hands, 2-3 minutes.

5. Standing, immersion in water up to the chin, up to the eyes, with the head (“Pump”), 6-8 minutes.

6. Game “Angry Fish”, 3-4 times, in pairs facing each other and holding hands, perform alternately.

Lesson 7-8.

Tasks: continue to teach children not to be afraid to dive into water, not to wipe their faces with their hands after immersing their heads in water, to practice the ability to exhale into the water;

improve the ability to lie on the surface of the water;

activate children's attention.

On the land. Oru No. 4.

In water.

1. Enter the water on your own, walk along the side, helping yourself with your hands, 1-2 minutes.

2. Run slowly and quickly, helping yourself with your hands, fall into the water from a run, plunging headlong, try not to wipe the water from your face, 2-3 minutes.

3. Standing in pairs, take a deep breath, squat down, immersing yourself up to your nose, exhale vigorously, so that there are a lot of bubbles, 3-4 times.

4. Do “Medusa”, 2-3 times.

5. Jump in pairs, moving forward, whose pair will quickly move to the opposite side of the pool, 2-3 times.

6.Standing at the side, holding it with your hands, sit down, jump as high as possible so that your legs come off the bottom of the pool, 4-5 times.

7. Game “Find yourself a partner”, run catching up with each other 2-3 times. 8. Sit down, exhale into the water, 5-6 times.

Lesson 9-10.

Tasks: continue to teach children to exhale into the water; open their eyes in the water; develop the ability to assume a horizontal body position in the water.

On the land. Oru No. 5.

In water.

1. Enter the water and plunge yourself up to your chin and head.

2. Run, raising your knees high (“Horses”), 2-3 minutes.

3. Standing at the side, holding it with your hands, plunge into the water with your head and quickly jump out, 3-4 times.

4. Standing in a circle, holding hands, take a deep breath, squat, immersing yourself up to your eyes, exhale so that bubbles appear, 3-4 times.

5. Standing in a circle, lower your face into the water, open your eyes 2-3 times. (Look at objects in the water, count your fingers, etc.).

6. Game "Carousel".

7. Lying on the water, holding the side, move your straight legs up and down 3-4 times.

8. Game “Run for the ball” (free play with the ball), 2-3 times.

Lesson 11-12.

Tasks: continue to develop the ability to take a deep breath and long, full exhalation; prepare for performing chest slides; learn leg movements.

On the land. Oru No. 6.

In water.

1. Enter the water, walk across the pool in a half-squat, leaning your hands on a floating object (board, toy), 1-2 minutes.

2. Make splashes by vigorously clapping your palms in the water.

3. Standing, lean forward slightly, move both hands left and right, as if rinsing clothes. 4. Raise your arms up, inhale, then sit down, clasping your knees with your hands, exhale into the water, 2-3 times.

5. Walk into a hoop lowered into water, plunging your head into the water for 2-3 minutes.

6. Holding the side or handrail, straighten your legs back so that they float up (heels are visible), lower your face into the water 2-3 times.

7. Game “Umka the Bear and the Fishes.”

8. Exhale into the water, 4-6 times.

Lesson 13-14.

Tasks: teach how to move and navigate under water, lie on the water, master crawl leg movements; cultivate initiative and resourcefulness in children.

On the land. Oru No. 7.

In water.

1. Enter the water, run along the side, helping yourself with rowing movements of your arms, 1-2 minutes. Plunge headlong.

2. Sitting down, exhale into the water 5-6 times.

3. Lie on the water, holding the handrail, practice moving your legs, 1-2 minutes.

4. Walk around the pool, lower your face and exhale into the water, 1-2 minutes.

5. Jump along the bottom from side to side, helping yourself with your hands (“Who’s faster?”), 2-3 times.

6. Dive under a hoop floating on the water 4-5 times.

7.Game “Spiderbug” (2-3 r

Lesson 15-16.

Tasks: teach children to lie on the surface of the water, move straight or sideways in the water;

familiarize yourself with the movements of the legs in sliding;

practice coordination of actions.

On the land. Oru No. 8.

In water.

1. Enter the water yourself, dive headlong, exhale into the water 4-6 times.

2. Walk one after another, raking the water with your hands, 1-2 minutes.

3. Walk to the right and left with side steps, holding hands, 1-2 minutes. Everyone plunge up to their necks together.

4. Standing in a circle, raise your arms up, take a deep breath, sit down, group yourself, float up (“like a float”), gradually exhale into the water, stand up, straighten up, 3-4 times.

5. Lying on the water, holding on, perform movements with your legs, as in the crawl, 2-3 minutes.

6. Stand in pairs facing each other, holding hands. One should straighten his legs back and move, as in a crawl, the other, pull it, as if in tow, stepping backwards (perform from the middle of the pool to the side). Change roles 3-4 times.7. Game “Crucian carp and pike”, 3-4 times. 8. Try to swim on your own.

Lesson 17-18.

Tasks: teach children how to slide, continue to strengthen the ability to dive headlong into water, open their eyes, move in the water in different directions without interfering with each other;

Learn to listen carefully to the teacher and act quickly and in an organized manner when given a signal.

On the land. Oru No. 9.

In water.

1 . take a running start and fall into the water, plunging headlong 2-4 times.

2. Standing at the edge, raise your arms up, placing your palms on top of each other (head between your hands), slightly push off from the bottom of the pool, slide through the water towards the other edge, holding your breath, 4-6 times.

3. Standing in pairs, holding hands, alternately squat, immersing yourself in the water with your head and exhaling (“Pump”), 3-4 times.

4. Game “In tow” with leg movements, 3-4 times.

5. Sitting down, lower your face and head into the water, examine objects at the bottom of the pool, 2-3 times, 2-3 times.

6. Exhale into the water, 5-6 times.

7. Game “We are funny guys” (with running, driver-teacher), 3-4 times.

Lesson 19-20.

Tasks: continue to teach children how to slide on their chest; introduce sliding on your back. Practice exhaling into the water with the body in a horizontal position; cultivate organization.

On the land. Oru No. 10.

In water.

1. Walk across the pool backwards, raking with your hands, 2-4 times.

2. Move both hands from right to left and vice versa at the surface of the water, making waves with your palms, 6-8 times.

3. Holding onto the side, take a deep breath, sit down, immerse yourself with your head, exhale 5-6 times.

4. Perform a slide, pushing off with one foot from the wall of the pool. Get children to fully straighten (arrow position), 4-5 times.

5. Holding the side, stretch your legs so that they float up, make alternating movements with straight legs up and down. Repeat 3-4 times.

6. Perform back sliding with support, 2-3 times.

7. Game “Round Dance”, 3-4 times.

8. Exhale into the water, 4-6 times.

Lesson 21-22.

Tasks: consolidate the ability to lie freely on the water and float up; learn to exhale into the water while sliding on your chest; cultivate courage and perseverance.

On the land. Oru No. 11.

In water.

    Enter the water, plunge yourself into the water, 1-2 minutes.

    Run in different directions, raking the water with your hands, at the signal, stand at the side, turn your back to it, 2-3 times.

    While standing, raise your arms forward and up, inhale, hold your breath, lean forward, lie down smoothly on the water, relax, float to the surface of the water, swim like a “jellyfish,” stand up, 2 times.

    From the “jellyfish” position, make a “starfish”, 2 times.

    Repeat “float” 2 times.

    Push off with your feet from the bottom, slide forward, arms forward, exhale into the water (“arrow”).

    Game “Train into the Tunnel! "(walk one after another, diving into a hoop), located vertically, 2-3 times.

    Free swimming, independent water games.

    Exhale into the water, 3-5 times.

Lesson 23-24.

Tasks: teach children to float up and lie on their back;

Prepare for learning hand movements;

Learn to navigate while moving in the water.

On the land. Oru No. 12.

In water .

1. Enter the water. Stand at the side with your right side, hold on to it right hand, inhale, immerse your face in the water, holding your breath (count to three), straighten up, exhale. Do the same, holding the handrail with your left hand, repeat 2-3 times.

2. Hold on with both hands, inhale, sit down and plunge headlong into the water, exhale 3-4 times.

3. Repeat the exercise - lying on your chest, 2 times each.

4. Standing in the water up to your waist, arms down, inhale, hold your breath, sit down, slowly lean back, lie on your back in the water, float to the surface of the water, swim and breathe freely, 3-4 times.

5. Perform chest slides across the pool 3-4 times.

6. Game "Wasp".

7. Independent swimming and playing with toys.

Lesson 25-26.

Objectives: to familiarize children with sliding on their chest while exhaling into the water;

Practice movements with straight legs, as in the crawl method;

Develop skills of lying on your back;

Cultivate courage.

On the land. Oru No. 13.

In water.

1. Enter the water. Run in pairs, holding hands, from side to side.

2. Squat in pairs, who will stay under water longer (count) and make more bubbles, 3-4 times.

3.Holding the side with your hands, perform movements with straight legs, as when swimming crawl, 2-3 minutes.

4. Stand with your hands behind your head, sit down and lie on your back, swim in this position 2-3 times.

5. Exhale into the water through the mouth, 5-6 times. 6. Slide on your chest, exhale into the water (for 1-4 counts), 3-4 times. 7. Game “Train into the tunnel!”, 2-3 times. 8. Independent games in the water.

Lesson 27-28.

Objectives: learn to slide on your back;

introduce the movement of the legs while lying on your back, holding onto the side;

teach to act on a signal.

On the land. Oru No. 14.

In water.

    Enter the water. Run in different directions. At the signal, dive headlong; then make a “jellyfish”; then lie on your back; make a “float”. Repeat each movement 2 times.

    Sliding on the chest with exhalation into the water through the mouth (slowly, for 1-4 counts), 6 times.

    Lying on your back, holding onto the side, work with straight legs, as in the crawl.

    Standing in a circle, holding hands, squat down, dive up to your nose and exhale slowly 2-3 times.

    Game “Divers” (get an object from the bottom), 2-3 times.

    Game “We are funny guys”, 2-3 times.

    Run on water in pairs; three each.

Lesson 29-30.

Tasks: exercise children in sliding (pushing off the wall of the pool);

introduce the combination of inhalation and exhalation into the water in a horizontal position; develop the ability to glide on your back; cultivate independence and courage.

On the land. Oru is 15.

In water.

1. Enter the water yourself and take a plunge.

2. Holding the side with your hands, inhale, immerse your head in the water, exhale 4-6 times.

3.Run in pairs, holding hands, 2-3 minutes.

4. Slide on your chest after pushing off from the wall of the pool, 2-4 times.

5. Holding the handrail or side, lie horizontally, heels visible on the water, inhale, hold your breath, lower your face, exhale (slowly for 1-4 counts), stand up. Repeat 4 times.

6. Slide on your back, arms up (“arrow”).

7. Game “Brave Guys”.

8. Free swimming.

Lesson 31-32.

Tasks: strengthen the skill of opening eyes in water;

show children sliding with a board or toy in their hands;

teach to exhale into the water while sliding;

develop orientation in water and independence of action.

On the land. Oru No. 16.

In water.

1. Standing in pairs, at a signal, sit down, dive into the water with your eyes open, look at each other, 2-3 times. The same, but with exhalation into the water, 3-4 times.

2. Run around the pool, catching up with your partner, 1-2 minutes.

3. Standing at the side, take the board, slide to the other side at the signal, everyone at the same time, 3-4 times. 4. Slide on your chest, with a board, exhaling into the water (push, face into the water, exhaling for 1-4 counts), 4-6 times.5. Slide on your back, toy under your head, hold with both hands, 3-4 times. 6. Slide on your chest, in the middle do a turn on your back (“screw”), 2-4 times.

7. Games “Diver”, “Pike”.

Lesson 33-34.

Tasks: learn leg movements in sliding on the chest with an object in the hands;

Learn to move along the bottom using hand strokes;

teach to help comrades.

On the land. Oru No. 17.

In water.

1. Enter the water, plunge headlong, exhale into the water 2-3 times.

2. At the signal, run across the pool, take a toy, 1-2 minutes (the toys float on the water).

3. Standing at the side, blow on the toy as hard and as long as possible (according to whoever floats further), 3-4 times.

4. Exhale into the water, 3-4 times.

5. Holding the toy in your hands, push off with both feet and slide 2-3 times.

6. The same, but with breath holding (we swim and don’t breathe) (at a signal), 1-2 minutes.

7. Squat and jump out of the water as high as possible, immersing yourself in the water with your head and exhaling in the water, 3-4 times.

8. Standing, bend over, arms extended forward under water, chin in the water, slowly stroke with one hand, then with the other, stepping forward, 10 times.

9. Games “Riding in circles”, “Brave guys”.

Lesson 35-36.

Tasks: learn the coordinated movement of the legs crawl on the chest with breathing while standing in place;

teach children to slide on their chest with leg movements;

improve the ability to slide on your back and coordinate actions.

On the land. Oru No. 18.

In water.

1. Enter the water, take a plunge at will, and slowly exhale into the water through your mouth 4-6 times.

2. Game "Fountain".

3. Lying in the water, leaning on the side, put your chin on the water, turn your head so that one ear is hidden under the water, inhale in this position, turn your head and immerse your face in the water, exhale 2-3 times.

4. Combine the actions of inhalation and exhalation with crawl leg movements (count 1-4), 3-4 times.

5.Slide after pushing off against the wall of the pool on your back, arms extended upward, 5-6 times.

6. Standing, lean forward, do arm strokes, 6-8 times.

7. In the same starting position, rest your hands on your knees, chin in the water, inhale, lower your face into the water, exhale, 2-4 times.

8. Improve the movement of the legs in sliding on the chest, 1-2 min.

9. Game “The sea is agitated.”

10. Free swimming.

Lesson 37-38.

Tasks: teach children to swim on their chest, with an object in their hands using leg movements;

practice sliding on your back; develop agility, courage and orientation in the water.

On the land. Oru No. 19.

In water.

1. Having entered the water, dive and “catch” a small hoop or circle floating on the surface on your head 2-3 times.

2. Standing facing the side, hands down, lie freely on the water, on your back, keep your hands at your hips, push off with your feet, slide 5-6 times.

3. Lying on your chest, hold the handrail or side with your hands, perform leg movements, combining them with breathing, 1 min.

4. Try to sit on the bottom of the pool.

5. Game “Brave Guys”.

6. Swim on your chest using leg movements with an object in your hands, 2 min.

7. Repeat exercises 5 and 6 (with head rotation) from lesson 18.

8. Game “Train into the tunnel! " 9. Free swimming.

Lesson 39-40.

Tasks: introduce children to exercises in sliding on the chest with leg movements combined with exhalation and inhalation;

teach gliding with rowing movements of the hands;

On the land. Oru is 20.

In water.

1. Float and lie on the water by choice.

2. Game “Mirror” in pairs.

3. Standing, raise your arms up, join your palms (take the “arrow” position), push off with both legs, slide on your chest to the opposite side of the pool, slide back on your back, 3-4 times.

4. Slide on your chest using leg movements after pushing off from the side, combining exhalation into the water and inhalation (turn your head to the side), 2-3 times.

5. Game "divers".

6. Swim on your chest using leg movements with a board in your hands, 1-2 minutes.

7. Swim on your back using leg movements with a board behind your head, 1-2 min.

8. Slide on your chest and back with rowing movements of your arms.

9. Exhale into the water, 5-6 times.

10. Free swimming.

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Swimming lesson notes for senior groups

Lesson 1-2.

Tasks: remind children about the rules of conduct in the pool;

introduce them to different methods of swimming - crawl on the front and on the back (show pictures);

to teach you to confidently enter the water and dive headlong.

On the land. Oru No. 1.

In water.

1. Enter the water on your own, catch a floating toy, walk and run with the toy in your hands in different directions, and take a plunge if you wish.

2. Plunge your head into the water together, standing in a circle and holding hands, 3-4 times.

3. Game “Seine” (2-3 min).

4. Show who can swim and how.

Lesson 3-4.

Tasks: teach children to confidently dive headlong into water;

practice walking forward and backward (chest depth), overcoming the resistance of the water;

teach them to act in an organized manner and not push each other.

On the land. Oru No. 2.

In water.

1. Enter the water on your own, walk along the side without holding the handrail.

2. Holding the handrail, side, squat, plunging headlong into the water, 4-5 times.

3. Walk from side to side back and forth, helping yourself with rowing movements of your hands, 2-3 times. 4. Jump in place, pushing off the water with your hands (“Who’s taller?”), 7-8 times.

5. Run in the water, catching up with each other (“We are funny guys”), 3-4 times.

6. Holding the side of the handrail with your hands, lie down on the water, take a horizontal position (“show your heels”), 2-3 times. 7. Independent games with toys.

Lesson 5-6.

Tasks: to teach children, upon entering the water, to dive headlong on their own;

practice moving in pairs, holding hands;

cultivate courage.

On the land. Oru No. 3.

In water.

1. Enter the water and plunge yourself headlong.

2. Walk along the side, leaning forward, folding your hands in a boat, 1-2 minutes.

3. Run, at the signal, fall into the water with your arms stretched forward.

4. Walk and run in pairs around the pool, holding hands, 2-3 minutes.

5. Standing, immersion in water up to the chin, up to the eyes, with the head (“Pump”), 6-8 minutes.

6. Game “Angry Fish”, 3-4 times, in pairs facing each other and holding hands, perform alternately.

Lesson 7-8.

Tasks: continue to teach children not to be afraid to dive into water, not to wipe their faces with their hands after immersing their heads in water, to practice the ability to exhale into the water;

improve the ability to lie on the surface of the water;

activate children's attention.

On the land. Oru No. 4.

In water.

1. Enter the water on your own, walk along the side, helping yourself with your hands, 1-2 minutes.

2. Run slowly and quickly, helping yourself with your hands, fall into the water from a run, plunging headlong, try not to wipe the water from your face, 2-3 minutes.

3. Standing in pairs, take a deep breath, squat down, immersing yourself up to your nose, exhale vigorously, so that there are a lot of bubbles, 3-4 times.

4. Do “Medusa”, 2-3 times.

5. Jump in pairs, moving forward, whose pair will quickly move to the opposite side of the pool, 2-3 times.

6.Standing at the side, holding it with your hands, sit down, jump as high as possible so that your legs come off the bottom of the pool, 4-5 times.

7. Game “Find yourself a partner”, run catching up with each other 2-3 times. 8. Sit down, exhale into the water, 5-6 times.

Lesson 9-10.

Tasks: continue to teach children to exhale into the water; open their eyes in the water; develop the ability to assume a horizontal body position in the water.

On the land. Oru No. 5.

In water.

1. Enter the water and plunge yourself up to your chin and head.

2. Run, raising your knees high (“Horses”), 2-3 minutes.

3. Standing at the side, holding it with your hands, plunge into the water with your head and quickly jump out, 3-4 times.

4. Standing in a circle, holding hands, take a deep breath, squat, immersing yourself up to your eyes, exhale so that bubbles appear, 3-4 times.

5. Standing in a circle, lower your face into the water, open your eyes 2-3 times. (Look at objects in the water, count your fingers, etc.).

6. Game "Carousel".

7. Lying on the water, holding the side, move your straight legs up and down 3-4 times.

8. Game “Run for the ball” (free play with the ball), 2-3 times.

Lesson 11-12.

Tasks: continue to develop the ability to take a deep breath and long, full exhalation; prepare for performing chest slides; learn leg movements.

On the land. Oru No. 6.

In water.

1. Enter the water, walk across the pool in a half-squat, leaning your hands on a floating object (board, toy), 1-2 minutes.

2. Make splashes by energetically clapping your palms in the water.

3. Standing, lean forward slightly, move both hands left and right, as if rinsing clothes. 4. Raise your arms up, inhale, then squat down, clasping your knees with your hands, exhale into the water, 2-3 times.

5. Walk into a hoop lowered into water, plunging your head into the water for 2-3 minutes.

6. Holding the side or handrail, straighten your legs back so that they float up (heels are visible), lower your face into the water 2-3 times.

7. Game “Umka the Bear and the Fishes.”

8. Exhale into the water, 4-6 times.

Lesson 13-14.

Tasks: teach how to move and navigate under water, lie on the water, master crawl leg movements; cultivate initiative and resourcefulness in children.

On the land. Oru No. 7.

In water.

1. Enter the water, run along the side, helping yourself with rowing movements of your arms, 1-2 minutes. Plunge headlong.

2. Sitting down, exhale into the water 5-6 times.

3. Lie on the water, holding the handrail, practice moving your legs, 1-2 minutes.

4. Walk around the pool, lower your face and exhale into the water, 1-2 minutes.

5. Jump along the bottom from side to side, helping yourself with your hands (“Who’s faster?”), 2-3 times.

6. Dive under a hoop floating on the water 4-5 times.

7.Game “Spiderbug” (2-3 r

Lesson 15-16.

Tasks: teach children to lie on the surface of the water, move straight or sideways in the water;

familiarize yourself with the movements of the legs in sliding;

practice coordination of actions.

On the land. Oru No. 8.

In water.

1. Enter the water yourself, dive headlong, exhale into the water 4-6 times.

2. Walk one after another, raking the water with your hands, 1-2 minutes.

3. Walk to the right and left with side steps, holding hands, 1-2 minutes. Everyone plunge up to their necks together.

4. Standing in a circle, raise your arms up, take a deep breath, sit down, group yourself, float up (“like a float”), gradually exhale into the water, stand up, straighten up, 3-4 times.

5. Lying on the water, holding on, perform movements with your legs, as in the crawl, 2-3 minutes.

6. Stand in pairs facing each other, holding hands. One should straighten his legs back and move, as in a crawl, the other, pull it, as if in tow, stepping backwards (perform from the middle of the pool to the side). Change roles 3-4 times.7. Game “Crucian carp and pike”, 3-4 times. 8. Try to swim on your own.

Lesson 17-18.

Tasks: teach children how to slide, continue to strengthen the ability to dive headfirst into water, open their eyes, move in the water in different directions without interfering with each other;

Learn to listen carefully to the teacher and act quickly and in an organized manner when given a signal.

On the land. Oru No. 9.

In water.

1. take a running start and fall into the water, plunging headlong 2-4 times.

2. Standing at the edge, raise your arms up, placing your palms on top of each other (head between your hands), slightly push off from the bottom of the pool, slide through the water towards the other edge, holding your breath, 4-6 times.

3. Standing in pairs, holding hands, alternately squat, immersing yourself in the water with your head and exhaling (“Pump”), 3-4 times.

4. Game “In tow” with leg movements, 3-4 times.

5. Sitting down, lower your face and head into the water, examine objects at the bottom of the pool, 2-3 times, 2-3 times.

6. Exhale into the water, 5-6 times.

7. Game “We are funny guys” (with running, driver-teacher), 3-4 times.

Lesson 19-20.

Tasks: continue to teach children how to slide on their chest; introduce sliding on your back. Practice exhaling into the water with the body in a horizontal position; cultivate organization.

On the land. Oru No. 10.

In water.

1. Walk across the pool backwards, raking with your hands, 2-4 times.

2. Move both hands from right to left and vice versa at the surface of the water, making waves with your palms, 6-8 times.

3. Holding onto the side, take a deep breath, sit down, immerse yourself with your head, exhale 5-6 times.

4. Perform a slide, pushing off with one foot from the wall of the pool. Get children to fully straighten (arrow position), 4-5 times.

5. Holding the side, stretch your legs so that they float up, make alternating movements with straight legs up and down. Repeat 3-4 times.

6. Perform back sliding with support, 2-3 times.

7. Game “Round Dance”, 3-4 times.

8. Exhale into the water, 4-6 times.

Lesson 21-22.

Tasks: consolidate the ability to lie freely on the water and float up; learn to exhale into the water while sliding on your chest; cultivate courage and perseverance.

On the land. Oru No. 11.

In water.

  • Enter the water, plunge yourself into the water, 1-2 minutes.
  • Run in different directions, raking the water with your hands, at the signal, stand at the side, turn your back to it, 2-3 times.
  • While standing, raise your arms forward and up, inhale, hold your breath, lean forward, lie down smoothly on the water, relax, float to the surface of the water, swim like a “jellyfish,” stand up, 2 times.
  • From the “jellyfish” position, make a “starfish”, 2 times.
  • Repeat “float” 2 times.
  • Push off with your feet from the bottom, slide forward, arms forward, exhale into the water (“arrow”).
  • Game “Train into the Tunnel! "(walk one after another, diving into a hoop), located vertically, 2-3 times.
  • Free swimming, independent water games.
  • Exhale into the water, 3-5 times.

Lesson 23-24.

Tasks: teach children to float up and lie on their back;

Prepare for learning hand movements;

Learn to navigate while moving in the water.

On the land. Oru No. 12.

In water.

1. Enter the water. Stand by the side with your right side, hold on to it with your right hand, take a breath, immerse your face in the water, hold your breath (count to three), straighten up, exhale. Do the same, holding the handrail with your left hand, repeat 2-3 times.

2. Hold on with both hands, inhale, squat down and plunge headlong into the water, exhale 3-4 times.

3. Repeat the exercise - lying on your chest, 2 times each.

4. Standing in the water up to your waist, arms down, inhale, hold your breath, sit down, slowly lean back, lie on your back in the water, float to the surface of the water, swim and breathe freely, 3-4 times.

5. Perform chest slides across the pool 3-4 times.

6. Game "Wasp".

7. Independent swimming and playing with toys.

Lesson 25-26.

Objectives: to familiarize children with sliding on their chest while exhaling into the water;

Practice movements with straight legs, as in the crawl method;

Develop skills of lying on your back;

Cultivate courage.

On the land. Oru No. 13.

In water.

1. Enter the water. Run in pairs, holding hands, from side to side.

2. Squat in pairs, who will stay under water longer (count) and make more bubbles, 3-4 times.

3.Holding the side with your hands, perform movements with straight legs, as when swimming crawl, 2-3 minutes.

4. Stand with your hands behind your head, sit down and lie on your back, swim in this position 2-3 times.

5. Exhale into the water through the mouth, 5-6 times. 6. Slide on your chest, exhale into the water (for 1-4 counts), 3-4 times. 7. Game “Train into the tunnel!”, 2-3 times. 8. Independent games in the water.

Lesson 27-28.

Objectives: learn to slide on your back;

introduce the movement of the legs while lying on your back, holding onto the side;

teach to act on a signal.

On the land. Oru No. 14.

In water.

  • Enter the water. Run in different directions. At the signal, dive headlong; then make a “jellyfish”; then lie on your back; make a “float”. Repeat each movement 2 times.
  • Sliding on the chest with exhalation into the water through the mouth (slowly, for 1-4 counts), 6 times.
  • Lying on your back, holding onto the side, work with straight legs, as in the crawl.
  • Standing in a circle, holding hands, sit down, dive up to your nose and exhale slowly 2-3 times.
  • Game “Divers” (get an object from the bottom), 2-3 times.
  • Game “We are funny guys”, 2-3 times.
  • Run on water in pairs; three each.

Lesson 29-30.

Tasks: exercise children in sliding (pushing off the wall of the pool);

introduce the combination of inhalation and exhalation into the water in a horizontal position; develop the ability to glide on your back; cultivate independence and courage.

On the land. Oru is 15.

In water.

1. Enter the water yourself and take a plunge.

2. Holding the side with your hands, inhale, immerse your head in the water, exhale 4-6 times.

3.Run in pairs, holding hands, 2-3 minutes.

4. Slide on your chest after pushing off from the wall of the pool, 2-4 times.

5. Holding the handrail or side, lie horizontally, heels visible on the water, inhale, hold your breath, lower your face, exhale (slowly for 1-4 counts), stand up. Repeat 4 times.

6. Slide on your back, arms up (“arrow”).

7. Game “Brave Guys”.

8. Free swimming.

Lesson 31-32.

Tasks: strengthen the skill of opening eyes in water;

show children sliding with a board or toy in their hands;

teach to exhale into the water while sliding;

develop orientation in water and independence of action.

On the land. Oru No. 16.

In water.

1. Standing in pairs, at a signal, sit down, dive into the water with your eyes open, look at each other, 2-3 times. The same, but with exhalation into the water, 3-4 times.

2. Run around the pool, catching up with your partner, 1-2 minutes.

3. Standing at the side, take the board, slide to the other side at the signal, everyone at the same time, 3-4 times. 4. Slide on your chest, with a board, exhaling into the water (push, face into the water, exhaling for 1-4 counts), 4-6 times.5. Slide on your back, toy under your head, hold with both hands, 3-4 times. 6. Slide on your chest, in the middle do a turn on your back (“screw”), 2-4 times.

7. Games “Diver”, “Pike”.

Lesson 33-34.

Tasks: learn leg movements in sliding on the chest with an object in the hands;

Learn to move along the bottom using hand strokes;

teach to help comrades.

On the land. Oru No. 17.

In water.

1. Having entered the water, plunge headlong, exhale into the water 2-3 times.

2. At the signal, run across the pool, take a toy, 1-2 minutes (toys float on the water).

3. Standing at the side, blow on the toy as hard and as long as possible (according to whoever floats further), 3-4 times.

4. Exhale into the water, 3-4 times.

5. Holding the toy in your hands, push off with both feet and slide 2-3 times.

6. The same, but with breath holding (we swim and don’t breathe) (at a signal), 1-2 minutes.

7. Squat and jump out of the water as high as possible, immersing yourself in the water with your head and exhaling in the water, 3-4 times.

8. Standing, bend over, arms extended forward under water, chin in the water, slowly stroke with one hand, then with the other, stepping forward, 10 times.

9. Games “Riding in circles”, “Brave guys”.

Lesson 35-36.

Tasks: learn the coordinated movement of the legs crawl on the chest with breathing while standing in place;

teach children to slide on their chest with leg movements;

improve the ability to slide on your back and coordinate actions.

On the land. Oru No. 18.

In water.

1. Enter the water, take a plunge at will, and slowly exhale into the water through your mouth 4-6 times.

2. Game "Fountain".

3. Lying in the water, leaning on the side, put your chin on the water, turn your head so that one ear is hidden under the water, inhale in this position, turn your head and immerse your face in the water, exhale 2-3 times.

4. Combine the actions of inhalation and exhalation with crawl leg movements (count 1-4), 3-4 times.

5.Slide after pushing off against the wall of the pool on your back, arms extended upward, 5-6 times.

6. Standing, lean forward, do arm strokes, 6-8 times.

7. In the same starting position, rest your hands on your knees, chin in the water, inhale, lower your face into the water, exhale, 2-4 times.

8. Improve the movement of the legs in sliding on the chest, 1-2 min.

9. Game “The sea is agitated.”

10. Free swimming.

Lesson 37-38.

Tasks: teach children to swim on their chest, with an object in their hands using leg movements;

practice sliding on your back; develop agility, courage and orientation in the water.

On the land. Oru No. 19.

In water.

1. Having entered the water, dive and “catch” a small hoop or circle floating on the surface on your head 2-3 times.

2. Standing facing the side, hands down, lie freely on the water, on your back, keep your hands at your hips, push off with your feet, slide 5-6 times.

3. Lying on your chest, hold the handrail or side with your hands, perform leg movements, combining them with breathing, 1 min.

4. Try to sit on the bottom of the pool.

5. Game “Brave Guys”.

6. Swim on your chest using leg movements with an object in your hands, 2 min.

7. Repeat exercises 5 and 6 (with head rotation) from lesson 18.

8. Game “Train into the tunnel! " 9. Free swimming.

Lesson 39-40.

Tasks: introduce children to exercises in sliding on the chest with leg movements combined with exhalation and inhalation;

teach gliding with rowing movements of the hands;

On the land. Oru is 20.

In water.

1. Float and lie on the water by choice.

2. Game “Mirror” in pairs.

3. Standing, raise your arms up, join your palms (take the “arrow” position), push off with both legs, slide on your chest to the opposite side of the pool, slide back on your back, 3-4 times.

4. Slide on your chest using leg movements after pushing off from the side, combining exhalation into the water and inhalation (turn your head to the side), 2-3 times.

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