Pilates at home is the best set of exercises for beginners. Pilates for beginners at home: the best exercises The main dogmas of Pilates

Pilates is a complex special training that requires a serious and thoughtful theoretical approach for each person. Even at the beginning of its existence, Pilates was a little-known system that was not known outside the circle of dancers and professional athletes.

Today, this system is actively used both in fitness studios and clinics, as well as in recreational physical education and gymnastics studios.

What is Pilates?

The founder of the system, Joseph Pilates, was decades ahead of his time and created unique health systems that are becoming increasingly relevant in the world. The most remarkable Pilates was created by a doctor from Germany in the 20th century.

It was because of his system that D. Pilates in a short time turned from a physically poorly developed young man into a man with excellent health. Pilates created a system that was used first to help rehabilitate soldiers in World War I and to train circus performers.

Main principles of the system:

  • Smoothness;
  • Breath recording;
  • Relaxation;
  • Centering;
  • Alignment;
  • Coordination;
  • Graduality;
  • Concentration;
  • Regularity.

The main principle of unique Pilates is breathing control; before practice itself, you first need to learn how to breathe correctly; breathing can be thoracic or lateral.

  • Rational correct breathing Not only does it provide important oxygen, it also strengthens the core muscles. The classes are designed to restore grace and flexibility to a person, which will immediately be reflected in posture and gait, as well as in the standard of living. Pilates is the unity of your mind, spirit and body, and most importantly, all the best healing techniques in the world were combined here.
  • Thanks to the unique system, Pilates himself, even when he was aged, had excellent physical shape and regularly helped patients in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system. Joseph, in the very first sports studios in the United States, helped athletes and ballet dancers who had suffered a number of work-related injuries. The training necessarily included Mind body, that is, improvement of the body and mind, as well as Wellness, which means the balance of body and mind.
  • The system contains both physical development and mental, much attention is paid here to a healthy lifestyle, rational nutrition and giving up bad habits, and the system also teaches kindness. The system is regularly improved and is becoming more popular and relevant in the world.

Find out by reading our article.

Why and who needs this training system?

Unique Pilates is a separate sport and health system, and it is also a wonderful set of exercises that require periodicity, a slow pace and a rational rhythm. A number of principles are pursued here, and the most important thing is to increase endurance; for this purpose, exercises should be repeated many times.

Exercise will make all your muscles work, which is especially useful for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. These classes are also designed to improve your posture, and the second important principle of training is losing weight and shaping a sexy figure.

By improving posture, a person can get rid of many spinal diseases, such as scoliosis and osteochondrosis, as well as hernia and radiculitis. The third principle of the system is the strengthening of joints and the development of the body as a whole; unlike sports, Pilates is safe for health, so there will definitely be no problems with joints and muscles.

Main aspects of the system:

Even if you have a vertebral hernia, then in this case Pilates classes will help you, only here some supervision from specialists is required.

Exercises serve to improve the overall performance of the body, as well as to develop large and small muscle groups; it is the small ones that are usually poorly used when playing sports.

One of the main points of the system is the harmonious development of the motor system, which becomes mobile and more flexible.

Also, thanks to training, a person’s figure becomes athletic and sexy; Pilates is also an excellent method for losing weight, used by numerous women all over the world.

During training, the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system improves, and most importantly, the effect of the exercise will remain for a long time. Thanks to the exercises, your well-being improves, blood circulation is stimulated, and Pilates also helps to recover from spinal injuries.

Exercises should be done with clear control of breathing, due to which the diaphragm is trained, and also work with conscious relaxation is carried out, and the muscle corset is strengthened.

The training is necessarily carried out with the participation of the main muscle groups, that is, the abs, hips, back and buttocks, so with regular exercise you can get a slim waist, sexy posture and strong abs, and most importantly, the system also helps you lose excess weight quite quickly.

Unique achievements:

The system is a unique option for muscle strengthening and a safe stretching technique. Today, the system has already become one of the most popular group training sessions in modern gyms.

This unique Pilates is divided into two main types, that is, it can be traditional and cardiopilates, where the first is engaged in strengthening muscles and health, and the second is a dynamic active activity.

First, a person must undergo a course of traditional therapeutic Pilates, which is suitable for everyone, regardless of their age. Thanks to regular exercises 7-9 times a month, you will already see the result in 1.5 months.

Pilates for weight loss

Exercises of the Pilates health system are available to every person at all ages; this system is used not only to strengthen the body, but also to lose weight, which has become especially relevant today. You can exercise both in fitness clubs and at home, as injuries are kept to a minimum here.

A weight loss system is a set of fairly simple and very effective exercises, the main thing here is regularity of exercises that will quickly return a person to his shape. Thanks to exercises, you can quickly get rid of excess weight, as well as solve your health problems, develop flexibility and strength.

The creator of the system claimed that after 10 lessons you will feel great, after 20 lessons your gait and posture will change, and after 30 the excess weight will definitely go away.

The main and most basic exercises for losing weight:

  1. A hundred. Consists of 10 cycles of special breathing, consisting of 100 inhalations and 100 exhalations;
  2. Exercise and women. Here the abdominal and back muscles will work;
  3. Exercise swimming.

The main principle of weight loss exercises in the Pilates system is the absence of physical exhaustion of the body. Rational breathing during exercise is of great importance, as it supplies the blood with oxygen and improves human energy. The main thing is that the movements are graceful, slow and careful, and the exercises themselves must become an element of a person’s life, otherwise the effect will be weak.

Each exercise should be performed consciously and with rational concentration on the muscles. According to numerous reviews, Pilates for weight loss really helps to tighten the muscles in the abdominal area and remove orange peels. The exercises are quite easy and simple, so literally anyone can do them.

To lose weight faster and more effectively, you need to change your diet and remove a number of foods, that is, the food should be healthy and healthy. Exercises will effectively develop such areas of the body as the abs, hips and chest, that is, the most problematic areas for every woman.

In general, the system consists of 500 different exercises, from which you should create your own personal complex, with which an experienced, good trainer will help you.

How to do Pilates at home?

Such a wonderful system as Pilates can be practiced at home on your own, especially if you don’t have free time to go to the gym. It is required to rationally organize classes in order to achieve excellent results; all exercises must be done efficiently and regularly.

A clear concentration on the work of muscle groups and breathing is required, and you need to breathe correctly, that is, only with your stomach. To choose an effective set of exercises for yourself, you first need to consult with a specialist; before practicing on your own, it is recommended to attend training sessions in a fitness club at least 2-3 times.

The duration of home exercises should be about 30 minutes, and the frequency should be 15 times a month on average.

About the training procedure:

It is recommended that before practicing at home on your own, you should thoroughly familiarize yourself with the Pilates training method recorded in the DVD. You only need to practice with a mat, clothes should be very comfortable, you may also need a ball and a hoop.

It is best to exercise barefoot; after eating, more than an hour should pass; if you feel unwell, then it is better to postpone the exercise.

Classes should be carried out without haste; all exercises must be done slowly and with pleasure. A set of exercises can be of three types, that is, basic, intermediate and advanced, first take only the simplest basic complexes.

Exercises must be carefully selected according to your general physical characteristics, and you should definitely remember about safety measures.

The easiest exercises for beginners

The basic exercises for beginners are quite pleasant and very easy to perform, but before performing such exercises you should do a warm-up to warm up. Before the training itself, a basic stance must be done, while the body is held straight, and the legs should be shoulder-width apart, the pelvis is slightly forward, and the knees are bent, the shoulder blades are brought together and the top of the head is pulled up.

Exercises for beginners are very simple and surprisingly effective in working the abdominal muscles. It is necessary to pay more attention to such an aspect as breathing, which should only be chest breathing. The lungs must be thoroughly pumped with air; concentration in the lower lung area is very important here.

Other exercises for those starting Pilates:

  1. Boat.
  2. Wave
  3. Leg Raise
  4. Rotate the pelvis
  5. Reduction of legs

Having completed the basic exercises, you can start working on the lower muscles, place a pillow under your buttocks, place your hands behind your head and bend your knees, then pull your legs to your chest. Hands and head should be relaxed, remember about rational breathing, which is best held while doing exercises.

Benefits of Pilates

  • The main advantage of Pilates exercises This is the real development of the human body as a whole, and not individual muscles, as in other systems. The main preparation here is the development of the basic forces of a person, the body is trained as a whole, and the muscles become balanced, durable, strong and flexible.
  • More attention is paid to such an aspect as breathing, and all exercises are performed slowly and consciously, in general Pilates is an excellent working health system.
  • Can be practiced for both children and adults, it doesn’t matter here whether he has previously been involved in sports or not, that is, these exercises are suitable for literally everyone.
  • Pilates system This is a set of special exercises designed to develop body flexibility and improve movement coordination.
  • Exercising is definitely safe for your health. and will have a gentle effect on the entire body, while strengthening it. Such classes are very useful for literally everyone, and thanks to training, a person will look good and will always be in great shape.
  • Thanks to the technique the abdominal and back muscles will be strengthened, posture will improve, mobility and flexibility will increase.
  • The system strengthens Internal female muscles and Pilates can be practiced by pregnant women and after pregnancy.
  • The exercises are quite simple and there are no medical contraindications; after 10 sessions, posture and the entire complex of muscles, both ordinary and deep, improves.


It will be difficult to find a safer system than Pilates, and there are practically no contraindications. The only thing is that contraindications can be temporary and are usually associated with the health characteristics of each person.

The Pilates system was created for those who have various problems with the functioning of the spine, as well as herniated intervertebral discs. The effectiveness of training has been proven many times, only here it is necessary to take into account all individual limitations for a person.

The main limitation is the rehabilitation period after injury, when classes should be carried out only after permission from specialists. Almost everyone can engage in the system, except for those who have acute stages of illness and exacerbation of the disease.


  • Acute forms of pain syndrome;
  • Feverish symptoms;
  • Mental disorders;
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Osteopenia;
  • Severe colds;
  • Hypertensive crisis;
  • Decompensation;
  • Severe diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Do Pilates This is possible only after consulting a doctor, since there are a number of contraindications for exercise that should be taken into account. There must be a good, smart instructor who will help you master all the exercises and create a training program that suits you, which is of great importance.
  • There is no age limit here, but take into account your age, all loads should be moderate and feasible, and not lead to discomfort.
  • As soon as pain appears during exercise, then immediately stop doing the exercises, check with the instructor what exactly you are doing wrong, since the exercises should bring pleasure and good feelings.

    The main thing in classes is maintaining balance, harmonious development of the body, and concentration on the muscles.

  • It is necessary to constantly monitor your posture and the work of the spine, breathing during training should be diaphragmatic.
  • Great importance has the ability to relax both physically and mentally, so that there is no strong tension in the working muscles of the body.

Training videos

  • Pilates system is a wonderful set of simple exercises that you can do at home yourself. If the exercises are performed correctly, and each muscle group is worked out efficiently, then you will quickly gain a slim figure and excellent health.
  • These exercises are really very simple, so just watch the video lessons and you can start studying. The classes are suitable for both young people and older people, the only thing that you can do on your own using video lessons is only simple exercises for dummies.
  • The system can be performed at home After watching the video lessons, the complexes are quite simple and easy, and the results from the classes will be quick. First, the video contains lessons on proper breathing, and then there are basic exercises.


The amazing, wonderful Pilates system is a universal means of human health, which has virtually no contraindications and really suits every person.

You can exercise on your own at home; if you do everything correctly and regularly, you will be full of strength and health. Classes will help you maintain tone, correct your posture, develop strength and flexibility, and become resilient and healthy.

It's never too late to take care of your figure! However, there is always not enough time and desire. An excellent way out of this situation is Pilates exercises, which produce results after just a short time of regular training. It is suitable even for those who have very little free time. The main thing is not to be lazy, and you are guaranteed a great figure!

Today, Pilates is becoming more and more popular not only in Europe and America, but also in Russia. This system of exercises can be called a worthy competitor to yoga, gradually moving it to the background. After all, everything new always arouses great interest among people, especially in our country.

A little about the creator of Pilates

It is worth introducing a short excursion into history and saying that the creator of Pilates exercises is Joseph Pilates, who was born in Germany at the end of the 19th century. He opened his first school in New York, creating a completely new type of training called the Pilates method.

His main goal was to develop a special set of exercises that would promote the recovery and speedy recovery of soldiers who participated in the First World War. Thanks to these exercises, your posture straightens, all muscles become flexible and elastic, and, as a result, the likelihood of injury decreases. The main principle is smooth and calm breathing, complete concentration and control over your movements.

It should be noted that many people to this day use the Pilates method, which has proven its significance and necessity even in medicine, not in words, but in deeds. After all, modern doctors successfully use a system of exercises invented in the last century to restore patients after receiving various types of injuries.

Who are these exercises for?

The Pilates Method is suitable for everyone, without exception, who wants to be “friends” with their body and make maximum use of the body’s resources, as well as move beautifully and gracefully.

In our time, unfortunately, the movement as such has almost completely disappeared from people’s lives, practically reduced to zero. What can I say: we are in a hurry to go to work - we sit in the car, we relax at home - we sit in front of the TV, we are at the workplace - we sit at the computer. And this is wrong, because, according to scientists, a person should spend no more than five hours a day in a sitting position. How far from ideal are modern inhabitants of frantic megacities!

Before doing Pilates, just like before doing yoga, you need to full concentration on the muscle group that you are going to develop.

In addition, classes require correct diaphragmatic breathing (i.e., with the stomach) and a serious approach to business, aimed at a positive result.

Features of exercises before others

The main distinguishing feature of Pilates exercises from others is its complete safety for absolutely all people, regardless of age and physical fitness.

It can be done even by pregnant women, which is strongly recommended by many obstetricians and gynecologists.

And two more important advantages of these classes:

  • saving time. Pilates can be done at home and you don’t have to waste time at fitness clubs.
  • saving money. If you decide to work out your figure at home, then the most ordinary clothes will do, and you don’t need to buy a subscription.

However, you shouldn't relax. Training will need to be done regularly. What is important here is not the quantity, but the quality of the exercises performed.

There are three types of exercises:

  • on the floor
  • on the floor using special equipment
  • on simulators.

Pilates for beginners

Let's consider each of them separately. Let's start with floor exercises, since machines are most likely suitable for more experienced athletes. All you need is a small soft rug, a bottle of drinking water and a good mood.

  1. Lying on your back, bend your legs at the knees, place your feet parallel to each other, extend your arms along your body. Now, as if twisting your tailbone, slowly rise up vertebra by vertebra, building a straight line from shoulder to knee. Then just as slowly lower to the starting position. During the exercise it is necessary Be sure to monitor your breathing: take a deep breath and, as you exhale, lift your body. At the top, inhale again and, as you exhale, return to the starting position. It is recommended to repeat 10 times.
  2. The starting position remains unchanged. Raise one leg up, bending it at the knee, pressing your lower back. As you exhale in the air, change legs. The goal of the exercise is to keep your back pressed using your abdominal muscles. When replacing legs, you need to touch the floor with your toes. Perform 20 repetitions on each leg.
  3. Lying on your stomach, stretch your legs, place your arms bent at the elbows so that your palms are slightly higher than your shoulders. Inhale at the bottom and as you exhale, pushing your palms off the floor, lift your upper body. Then, while inhaling, slowly return to the starting position. You don't need to go too high to avoid straining your lower back. The lower ribs should remain on the floor. The task is to try to stretch and lengthen as much as possible. Repeat 10 times. At the end, rise up and relax your lower back, taking the “cat” pose.

Video exercises for beginners

These exercises can be called basic, with which it is recommended to start Pilates classes. This is the best option for home training. The biggest beauty of this is that after just a few days you will be amazed at the lightness in your body and your toned figure.

Pilates exercises for weight loss

With the help of equipment, you can add variety to your classes and pay special attention to problem areas (buttocks, thighs, abs, arm and chest muscles). Everyone chooses for themselves what they need most. This could be an isotonic ring, a balance board, rollers, an arch (spine corrector), balls, spinning discs, or even a portable Pilates studio.

Weight loss result

Since the purpose of these exercises is to keep the body in good shape, as well as strengthen muscles and joints, with its help you can also lose extra pounds. Of course, you shouldn’t expect immediate results.

After all, each is a kind of work for the body. Unlike other sports, Pilates is not aimed at the rate of fat burning, but at acceleration of the metabolic process by strengthening muscle tissue.

Examples of exercises for weight loss may include the following:

  1. Lie on the mat, tense your abs, place your arms along your body, palms down. Then slowly lift your shoulder blades off the floor and twist forward. Fix the position for 3-4 seconds and return to the original position. Repeat 5 times.
  2. Lying on your side and pulling your abs in, raise your leg and make circular movements with it, first clockwise and then counterclockwise. One minute each way. Switch legs and repeat.
  3. Lie on your stomach and pull your abs towards your spine. Lift your arms and legs off the floor, pull in your stomach and perform short movements for a minute, as if hitting water. Repeat 2-3 times.

I would like to talk about how to make the exercises as simple and effective as possible.

  1. A lot depends on your workout clothes. Dress so that your movements are free and there is no pressure or constriction.
  2. Since the muscles of the foot are involved in the work, it is advisable to practice in socks or barefoot.
  3. Exercise only when you feel well. Although skipping workouts is not advisable, if you are sick, it is better to postpone the lesson.
  4. It is not necessary to exercise in the morning, but not earlier than an hour after eating.

How to eat after training so as not to spoil the result

A set of exercises for losing weight should be combined with a proper diet. It has long been known that nutrition and physical development are closely related to each other. After all, our body receives the necessary substances and energy from food, which it then spends in the process of life.

It is important to correctly combine the amount of food consumed with your energy expenditure. There are no special secrets for making Pilates classes beneficial.

The main thing is that you don’t need to load your stomach before going to bed, eat less chemicals - more natural ones, give preference to dairy products, pamper yourself with fruits and drink at least 2.5 sheets of clean water a day.

In conclusion, I would like to say that you can do Pilates even with a chic figure, a wasp waist, an elastic butt, a toned stomach and seductive hips.

The important thing is that the classes give you a feeling of complete unity with your body, because all exercises are performed slowly and therefore meaningfully.

Pilates not only improves the physical but also the emotional state of a person who, in the modern hectic pace of life, has found a few free minutes to enjoy and feel himself internally.

The beauty of Pilates is that there are no prohibitions or restrictions. The only thing you need to remember is that classes do not require haste and carelessness.

Attention, TODAY only!

Learning Pilates at home is easy. The main thing is to follow the technique of doing the exercises and listen to your feelings.

A system of exercises called “Pilates” helps make the body healthy, flexible and fit due to deep muscle development and the absence of shock loads on the joints (for example, jumping). It is ideal for those who do not like fuss and prefer to exercise at a measured pace, feeling the work of every muscle. If you are partial to exercise and stretching, you will definitely like Pilates. Another important advantage of such training is that it can be successfully carried out at home. Pilates at home is a simple and accessible way for everyone to improve their physical fitness.

Pilates classes can be recommended for people with different levels of physical fitness. If you have had injuries in the past, or have contraindications to high-intensity physical activity, start your sports journey with Pilates. It perfectly works the muscles of the whole body without unnecessarily loading the joints. Such classes are suitable for both young girls and middle-aged and older women. To perform Pilates exercises at home you will need a minimum of equipment. More on this later.

Features of Pilates training

Pilates classes allow you to work the deep muscles of the body and make your silhouette fit.

This training system was invented about 100 years ago by Joseph Pilates, but it gained popularity only in the 90s of the last century. First of all, Pilates is positioned as an activity to improve flexibility, posture and coordination of movements. But practice shows that it copes well with common physical fitness deficiencies - flabby belly and cellulite.

The uniqueness of Pilates lies in the almost complete absence of contraindications. When you perform movements thoughtfully, slowly and consistently, the likelihood of injury and subsequent pain is extremely low. For this reason, anyone can learn Pilates for beginners at home.

If you feel well, classes are allowed even during pregnancy. But if you have never practiced this system before, consult your doctor first.

The advantages of Pilates include:

  • the ability to easily learn Pilates at home;
  • minimum contraindications;
  • optimal duration of the lesson (on average 20-45 minutes);
  • working out all muscles, including deep ones;
  • posture correction;
  • acceleration of the body's metabolic processes;
  • quick result.

The disadvantages of training are:

  • mandatory regularity of classes (not so much a minus as a matter of self-organization);
  • low effectiveness in terms of weight loss;
  • the need for concentration when performing each movement.

How to do Pilates at home?

  1. Breath. Correct and deep breathing is the main guarantee of the effectiveness of Pilates. While doing the exercises, try to breathe as naturally as possible and do not hold your breath. By saturating your body with oxygen as much as possible, you will get the benefits of your workouts faster.
  2. Press tension. Throughout the entire session, the abs should be in a tense state. This removes excess stress from the spine and provides additional muscle tension.
  3. Concentration. Focus on performing each individual movement, imagining the muscles working.
  4. Slow pace. Avoid jerking and do not strive for a fast pace.
  5. Execution accuracy. Proper exercise technique is extremely important. Dedicate several sessions to working through all the movements, not paying attention to the number of repetitions.
  6. Regularity. Beginners should devote 3-4 days a week to training. Otherwise, the progress made is lost very quickly.

Pilates lesson plan at home

Pilates uses 3 types of exercises: on the floor, on special machines and on the floor with additional equipment (ball, bands or weights). This article will present the Pilates at Home complex, which requires only a mat and some free space.

Before starting class, ventilate the room, place a bottle of water nearby, put on comfortable clothes and take off your shoes. If you wish, you can turn on any relaxing music. Perform 10-15 repetitions of each exercise.

  1. Boat. Sit on the floor, bend your knees and clasp your hips with your hands. If your abdominal muscles are strong enough, simply extend your arms forward. Raise your legs and ankles so that they are parallel to the floor. Stay in this position for 10 seconds, remembering to control your breathing. Inhale deeply, as you exhale, slightly round your back, draw in your stomach as much as possible and slightly tilt your body back. As you inhale, repeat the movement from the beginning.

    When performing this exercise, if your abdominal muscles are sufficiently trained, you can straighten your legs and release your arms.

  2. Wave. Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your hands along your body, palms down. As you exhale, pull in your stomach and slowly lift your pelvis, lower back and back off the floor. As you inhale, straighten your body so that your knees and shoulders form a straight line. Slowly perform the reverse movement, alternately lowering your back, lower back and pelvis to the floor. Beginners are recommended to perform this exercise with a reduced amplitude (lift only the pelvis and lower back from the floor).
  3. Leg lift. Staying on the floor, bend your knees at an angle of 90°. Feet should be hip-width apart and arms along the body. As you exhale, lift one thigh so that your shin is parallel to the floor. As you inhale, lower your leg and touch your toes to the floor. Repeat with the other leg.
  4. Pelvic rotations. Remaining in the same starting position, as you exhale, draw in your stomach and turn your lower and middle torso to the left. Repeat on the other side.
  5. Reduction of legs. Lie on your side with your legs extended. Extend your lower arm and place it under your head. Bend your other arm and place your palm on the floor. As you exhale, lift both legs off the floor and return to the starting position as you inhale.
  6. Back extension. Lie on your stomach with your forehead touching the floor. Stretch your arms along your body. As you exhale, slowly lift your head, chest, and upper abdomen. As you inhale, lower yourself to the floor and relax.

    This exercise works well on the entire back surface of the body.

After just a month of doing Pilates for beginners at home, you will get amazing results in the form of tightening your body contours and improving your well-being. And after six months of training, you will be able to boast of a sophisticated silhouette and perfect posture.

I will also give several video examples of Pilates training.

Pilates for beginners is a complex system of gymnastic exercises that affects the entire body. During classes, a huge number of muscles are worked out, including deep ones, which are quite problematic to “awaken” through standard training.

Frankly speaking, this gymnastics will not give quick results in terms of weight loss, but with regular exercise you are guaranteed long-term effectiveness. In other words, after a certain time of systematic exercise, you will lose excess weight, get rid of toxins, tighten up, and most importantly, the kilograms will not come back, since their loss occurred systematically and not quickly.

Anyone can easily learn Pilates for beginners at home; all exercises are harmonious, well thought out and fit well together.

For beginners

What is the ideal workout for beginners? Most likely, this is an activity characterized by the following parameters:

  • joints are not injured;
  • the weight does not return, since weight loss occurs systematically and not quickly;
  • safe training;
  • does not require expensive simulators;
  • not exhausting, not exhausting;
  • Helps improve physical fitness and achieve mental balance;
  • you can do exercises at home, at any convenient time, without embarrassing anyone;
  • suitable for all people.
  • Meet Pilates for beginners.

    This gentle form of fitness was developed as gymnastics for military rehabilitation. Today it has gained fantastic popularity.

    It is advisable to practice without shoes or in special shoes for Pilates. Wear something that won't restrict your movement, and for maximum comfort, choose music that will motivate and energize you. You'll also need a good rug.

    Exercises underlying

    The average duration of one workout should be from 40 to 50 minutes. At the same time, it is highly recommended not to pause between exercises, as this reduces efficiency. As for the number of workouts per week, the developer of this type of fitness recommended that experienced people do 5-7 times a week, but the Pilates gymnastics complex for beginners is designed for 3 light workouts per week. Avoid overloading if you are a beginner, remember that the body definitely needs rest and recovery to avoid overload.

    When mastering Pilates, you should make every effort, observing the correct technique; if done incorrectly, it can cause harm to the body.

    There are basic elements in any workout; it is important to understand and master them, especially if you do it yourself, at home. Pilates for beginners is a great way to tighten up, gain additional tone and “make friends” with your body, and practicing the basic elements will help you achieve maximum effect, since all other elements of Pilates are based on them.

    Basic element - stand

    Stand up, place your feet at shoulder level, bend your knees slightly, move your pelvis forward, and keep your abdominal muscles tense.

    Keep your shoulders straight. The arms are relaxed and located along the body. Your shoulder blades should be brought together, with your crown of your head reaching up.

    If you are standing, you need to keep your body straight, while your lower back should not bend or round. When exercising while lying down, your back should be pressed tightly to the floor.


    During all exercises, monitor the position of the spine. It should be as stretched as possible, unless, of course, you do twisting.


    Constantly control your abdominal muscles, they should be tense. This is the basis for the successful implementation of any exercise complex.


    Keep it straight, don't throw it back or forward to engage hard-to-reach muscles. It is important.


    Your shoulder girdle should be straightened and lowered. Only with this position of the shoulders is proper breathing ensured with maximum opening of the chest.

    The basic principle is breathing

    Practice your breathing and constantly monitor it while doing the exercises. Thanks to the Pilates breathing technique for beginners, the body is enriched with oxygen and metabolism improves.

    1. It is necessary to breathe only from the chest, not from the stomach.
    2. Breathe deeply, try to breathe the maximum amount of air into your lungs.
    3. Basic principles of breathing: smoothness, regularity, breathing should not be hasty or intermittent. Control your breathing throughout your Pilates for Beginners class. But how do you know if you are breathing correctly? You should have the feeling that your back is becoming wider.
    4. Open your ribs as much as possible as you inhale and squeeze your muscles tightly as you exhale.

    Basic Pilates complex for beginners

    The goal of Pilates is to allow a person to feel all areas of his body, regulate his well-being, and the result and reward will be a harmonious figure. The basic complex for beginners includes:

    • twisting of the spine;

    • Ab crunch;
    • "Plank" pose;
    • "Table";
    • swing your legs.

    Thanks to these exercises, joint mobility develops, flexibility increases, the abdominals and many large and small muscles, as well as hidden and deep ones, are perfectly worked out, that is, those that are not involved during normal training. You can train in the gym with an instructor, or you can follow video lessons at home: Pilates for beginners is an easy complex that can be mastered by each of us. The main thing is to concentrate on the correct technique for performing the exercises.

    From a standing position: spinal twists

    Your starting position is the main stance. Very slowly, without rushing, one by one, begin to bend down, “folding” the spine straight from the top of the head, feel the flexion of each of the vertebrae. To make it clearer, imagine that your back is stuck to the wall, and you are gradually peeling it off.

    Do not help yourself with your hands, press your head to your chest and lower your head down.

    At the end, your hands should be near the floor, on their own, slowly, under the force of gravity. It is unacceptable to reach out with your hands to the floor and help with them.

    Now return back to the main stance. Your stomach should be pulled in throughout the entire exercise. Breathe evenly, deeply and slowly, according to your breathing technique.

    Ab crunches

    Pilates classes for beginners involve doing abdominal crunches. Lie down on the floor and take the basic pose in a supine position. Slowly, without jerking, rise, lifting your body off the floor, from the crown to the lower back. Watch your arms and shoulders, they should rise naturally, do not pull them yourself. As soon as your back is up, touch your hands to your feet, and then just as slowly return to the floor. The exercise must be repeated 6 times.


    This exercise, during which almost all the muscles of the body are worked, is one of the main ones included in the Pilates complex for beginners at home. Take a pose as if you are going to do push-ups, place your hands shoulder-width apart and your feet hip-width apart. Your stomach should be pulled in, your shoulder blades should be pulled together, your back muscles, abdominal muscles, and buttocks should also be kept tight.

    Fix your body absolutely flat above the floor surface for thirty seconds, then relax and repeat again three times.


    This exercise is included in the Pilates complex for beginners. Imagine that you are a table with four legs. Rest on your palms and knees, pull in your stomach, squeeze your shoulder blades, keep your back straight. Slowly and calmly raise your right arm from the floor, tensing your abdominal muscles, and hold for thirty seconds, then return your arm back and repeat the movement with your left arm. We do the same for the legs, alternately lifting them parallel to the floor and holding them at the top for 2 seconds.

    There is also a more complicated option - raising the opposite arms and legs, holding them for a few seconds at the highest point while maintaining an even body.


    This is a universal exercise for losing weight. The Pilates complex for beginners necessarily includes alternating leg raises with tense abs, and one swing should take you at least ten seconds. Raise your leg up for a couple of seconds, and down again for ten. The point of the exercise is to maintain body balance. Keep your stomach pulled in and your shoulder blades retracted. We swing with one leg for one minute, then change legs.

    Lessons for losing weight

    Pilates for beginners does not involve quickly losing extra pounds, however, by regularly performing the following exercises, you can ensure stable results after just a month of training. The following exercises are effective:

    • "Boat";

    • back extension;
    • "Mermaid";
    • pelvic turns;
    • "Cancan";
    • swing your leg;
    • leg lift;
    • criss-cross;
    • wave;

    • bar;
    • bringing the legs together

    We invite you to familiarize yourself with easy exercises that promote weight loss. The best Pilates routine for beginners should include both a warm-up and exercises for the upper and lower parts of the body.

    1. An ideal exercise for warming up. Lie on the floor, arms along your body, legs bent at the knees, exhale - press your lower back to the floor, inhale - arch it.
    2. Nod - helps develop flexibility of the spine in the cervical region and upper back muscles. Performed lying down, arms along the body. Inhale - pull your chin to your chest as much as possible, exhale - return it to its original position.
    3. Exercise for developing shoulder joints. You can do it standing or lying down. Cross your arms behind your head, take a breath - stretch your arms up along your body, join your palms at the top point and return to the starting position.
    4. The fourth exercise is aimed at working the arms and shoulder girdle. Inhale and raise your arms in front of you, as you exhale, move them to the sides, while your shoulders should remain motionless, only your arms should work. Tighten your abdominal muscles as you perform the exercise.
    5. Hip circles. Exercise for the abdominal and thigh muscles. Imagine that you have a dial on your stomach, number 12 should be located above your navel, number 3 should be located on the left. Your hips should be raised, begin to describe them in circles clockwise, and then counterclockwise, while making sure that your hips move minimally to the sides from the center.
    6. Raising the knees from a lying position (as in exercise 1). Inhale - raise one knee, exhale - lower it. Repeat with the other leg. Only the abdominal muscles should work, the hips should remain in place.

    Finally, do not neglect exercises with a fitball, exercises on which are very effective.

    The most pressing question for girls is how many calories are burned

    In half an hour of training when performing a Pilates complex for beginners with a weight of about 65 kg, you will burn approximately 140-200 kcal. It all depends on your metabolic rate, but don’t count on actively burning calories.

    Exercising in the morning with elements of Pilates is very good, giving a powerful boost of energy and mobility for the whole day, and also providing increased resistance to stress.

    Is Pilates right for you?

    As a rule, Pilates for beginners is well accepted by people of any age and gender, no matter what level of physical fitness a person has. Pilates is needed to improve overall health, get rid of headaches, improve the condition of the spine, helps those working in sedentary jobs and leading a sedentary lifestyle, and is useful for osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.

    By doing Pilates, you can prevent diseases and quickly recover from injuries.

    Pilates is also useful for those who feel a decline in vitality and early aging, who experience disruptions in brain function, as well as for those who are subject to frequent stress.

    Consult your doctor if you are pregnant; Pilates for beginners is generally not contraindicated for women expecting a baby or recovering from childbirth.

    In the modern world, where everyone harbors a desire to be beautiful, it has become not only relevant, but also fashionable to take care of your health and visit a gym or fitness center. Therefore, many beginners, when choosing the optimal direction of sports activity, are faced with the concept of Pilates. This system, which arose not so long ago thanks to Joseph Pilates, combines elements of gymnastics, yoga, and fitness and is therefore extremely popular all over the world. Pilates is especially in demand for beginners, which is explained by the effectiveness of the exercises, the ease of performing them in almost any conditions and the lowest risk of injury. And today we will tell you what is special about this direction, and what Pilates exercises you can master at home.

    Pilates is one of the few systems that has a complex beneficial effect on the body, increasing its physical characteristics (flexibility, mobility, plasticity) and allowing you to create an ideal figure.

    exercises are practiced in almost every fitness center. Therefore, many may have seen a scary-looking Pilates reformer. Undoubtedly, training on such a simulator brings many benefits to the human body. However, beginners can begin to practice the technique even without the need to resort to special equipment.

    But before you start practicing, you need to know the features of this technique and its basic principles. It is worth noting that the Pilates exercise system was developed by D. Pilates, who personally faced health problems, as a special therapeutic exercise. Therefore, any set of such exercises is designed to reach the deepest and smallest muscles, carefully working each of them.

    By regularly practicing according to the D. Pilates method, you can notice the general strengthening effect of the exercises. During such training, a person becomes more resilient, flexible, flexible, physically fit and slender.

    This system is considered unique for a number of reasons:

    • allow you to strengthen muscle fibers by stretching and pumping them.
    • The training is focused on high-quality and thorough execution of exercises with a small number of repetitions.
    • Movements should be soft and smooth, with even breathing.
    • The technique is designed in such a way that when performing the exercises, all muscle groups are worked out.
    • Regular implementation of the complex helps not only improve your health, but also get rid of extra pounds, resulting in a beautiful, fit and slender body.

    Those who decide to master this unique practice should first learn how to perform Pilates lessons for beginners using video instructions. They are specifically designed for people with no or minimal sports experience, as well as limited physical capabilities due to injury or illness.

    Where should a newbie start?

    Before starting classes using the D. Pilates method, it is important to study and take into account the necessary requirements for beginners, which are as follows:

    • To perform Pilates exercises for beginners, it is enough to acquire. At first, you can use a regular but thick towel.
    • Make a training schedule in advance, taking into account that it is not recommended to eat food 1 hour before and after training.
    • Preferences in clothing should be given to things that do not restrict movement. As for shoes, Pilates exercises are performed barefoot.
    • Preview the video tutorial with the complex for beginners to learn the technique and features of each exercise.
    • When performing the complex, follow the sequence.
    • Pay attention to your sensations, because actions during Pilates should not cause unpleasant feelings or pain.
    • If the disease develops during exercise, stop training and consult your doctor.
    • Each workout should begin with a workout that lasts from 5 to 10 minutes and includes simple exercises to “warm up” all the muscles of the body.
    • At the first sign of fatigue, end your workout. It is better to continue the exercise later, when the body gains strength to perform the remaining exercises.

    Execution Features

    Features of performing exercises include breathing tactics and smooth movements. During Pilates training, it is important to breathe through the chest, while inhaling, drawing in enough air to expand the ribs. When exhaling, you should try to contract the working muscles as much as possible.

    Control of the abdominal muscles is also a necessary requirement. When carrying out movements, it is important to constantly keep the abs tense, using it as an energy source for the whole body.

    And to increase the flexibility of the body, you need to try to smoothly stretch the spine while doing exercises. By gradually increasing the distance between the spinal discs, you can achieve excellent results in the plasticity of the body, as well as strengthening the muscle corset that supports the musculoskeletal system.

    First training

    There are about three dozen Pilates exercises for people just starting to get acquainted with the system. But in order to master the technique and understand the principle of D. Pilates’ method, it is enough to learn how to perform about ten simple exercises that are ideal for your first workout.

    You need to start your workout with a warm-up, as indicated above. To warm up your muscles, you can perform the following exercises:

    • Starting position – lying on your back on the floor. Inhaling deeply, tighten your abs and begin to lift your legs, bending them and pulling your knees towards your chest. In this case, you need to press your legs tightly to your body with your hands, linger in this position for a few seconds, and then exhale. While remaining in this position, you still need to perform 3 cycles of inhalation and exhalation. It is recommended to do 2 repetitions of the exercise.
    • I.p. – the same as in the previous case. With your arms outstretched to the sides, you need to raise your legs bent at the knees so that the thigh and shin form a right angle. From this point, lower the legs simultaneously to the right, then to the left. Tightening your abs, you need to take deep breaths and exhales, lingering at the top point.

    Let's move on to the basic movements

    We will not describe the entire set of Pilates exercises for beginners, but you will find the simplest and most effective of them with step-by-step implementation below.

    Hundred (100)

    During this exercise, the muscles of the abdominals, neck, upper shoulder girdle, hips and buttocks are worked. The very name of the exercise comes from the number of breathing cycles that should be performed over 10 sets.

    Starting position – lying on the floor on your back. Straight arms should be extended along the body, straight legs pressed tightly against each other, abs tense, shallow breathing.

    You should start the exercise by raising your head and arms as shown in the photo. In this position, you should make springy movements with your arms up and down with a small amplitude, inhaling and exhaling superficially 5 times in a row. The total is 10 approaches and 100 inhalations and exhalations.

    During this exercise, the muscles of the abdominals, legs, and back are used. Additionally, coordination of movements develops and posture improves.

    To perform it, you need to sit on the floor on a mat and raise your arms along your body. Having rounded your back, transfer the center of gravity to your tailbone and raise your legs straight or bent. You need to hold out in this position, balancing only on your tailbone for 10 to 15 seconds. Sets can be performed 9-10.

    Stretching legs alternately

    Stretching the legs alternately allows you to work the rectus and lateral abdominal muscles, buttocks, and large dorsal muscles. I.p. - lying on your back. Having connected your legs, you need to lift them off the floor by about 40-50 cm, while simultaneously lifting the upper part of your body. Tightening your abdominal muscles, pull your bent or straight leg towards your chest with your hands, holding it in this position for 10-12 seconds. Returning it to the suspended position, repeat the exercise with the other leg. In total, you can perform from 5 to 10 approaches of the exercise.

    I.p. – the same as in the previous case. Bend your knees and pull them toward your chest to wrap your arms around them. Tightening your abdominal muscles, extend your legs until they form an angle of 45⁰. At the same time, stretch your arms in the direction opposite to your legs, trying to stretch your spine. Return to the starting position. The recommended number of repetitions is 10-15.

    I.p. – bar on the elbows. Take a position so that your body forms a straight line from the base of your neck to your heels. Take a deep breath and at the same time lift your buttocks up, while lowering your head down and exhaling. Hold for 5-8 seconds in this position and perform another breathing cycle.

    I.p. - Sit sideways on the floor, leaning on your left thigh and straightened left arm. Lift your body up, keeping it tense at the top point for 5-10 seconds. At the same time, pull your toes towards you, and direct your gaze in the direction of your right hand lying along your body, as shown in the photo. Repeat this exercise 8-10 times on each side.

    I.p. – Stand straight against the wall so that your back is against its surface. Perform squats, trying not to lift your spine and lower back from the wall. Breathing should be deep, not shallow. You should perform 10 repetitions for each side.

    I.p. - the same as in the mermaid exercise, but the emphasis is not on the palm, but on the elbow and one knee. From this position, keeping your abs tense, do 10-15 leg raises. Switch sides and repeat the exercises on the other leg.

    Very effective, improving posture and preventing scoliosis. At the same time, it helps to work the back muscles, abdominals, buttocks, thighs and muscles of the upper shoulder girdle.

    To perform this Pilates exercise, you need to lie on your back and pull up, bending your knees, with your heels towards your buttocks. With your hands near your feet, lift your pelvis so that your chest touches your chin. Don't forget to tense your abs and breathe evenly. After holding at the top point for a few seconds, exhale and return to the i.p. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.

    As you can see, Pilates exercises are quite simple to perform. The only difficult part is concentration and the need to constantly keep your abs tense. But believe me, you will cope with this after 2 weeks of hard training. Having mastered the initial level of Pilates, you can begin to practice more complex exercises.