Parachuting - how and why one becomes a parachutist. Russian athletes won medals at the world championship in wingsuit piloting. Champions in parachute jumping.

Since its inception, the school has paid serious attention to parachute and search and rescue services, as well as parachuting. The teachers put a lot of effort and energy into this matter. V.A. Perepalov, A.A. Akhmadullin, A.V. Kuroyedov, parachute and search and rescue service of the school, led at different times by lieutenant colonels V.M. Vinokurov, P.P. Nikolaev, A.V. Navarnov, regimental services. A large number of jumps were performed by pilots and cadets throughout the year - on average 7-8 thousand, and at least three thousand more were performed by officers and warrant officers of the services, and parachutist athletes.

Over the years of its existence, the school has prepared:

  • masters of sports of international class - 4;
  • parachuting masters -18.

The following became Honored Masters of Sports:

  • Elena Mikhailovna Marakutsa,
    absolute champion peace 1980;
  • ensign V.V. Gavrilov, multiple champion of the Air Force, Armed Forces, USSR, ten-time world record holder, 5 times among the top ten strongest parachutists in the country, included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Also included in Guinness book warrant officers S.S.Shishin- multiple winner of the World Cup, European Championships, two-time world record holder, and V.I.Subbochev- Head of the PDS 131uvp, multiple champion of the Armed Forces, USSR, world championships. They, together with the founder of the group aerial acrobatics our ensign A.I.Zapolnov, have repeatedly become prize-winners of competitions at all levels.

The school team won the district championship in classic parachuting 3 times.

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  1. World and European champions: 1976, 1982,1983,1984.
  2. World Championships medalists: 1982-1986.
  3. World record holders: 1976, 1982 - 1986.
  4. Champions of the USSR Armed Forces, USSR: 1976 - 1977, 1982 - 1986.
  5. Saratov VVAUL team consisting of:
    masters of sports of international class warrant officers A.I. Zapolnova, S.S. Shishin, masters of sports captain A.A Shamray, warrant officers Yu.N. Bubyr, V.A. Subbochev, masters of sports V.A.Ruchkina, E.V.Boryshneva (Kuchina), S.S.Gavrilova, T.A.Sozontova - champion of the Volga Military District in 1984.
  6. Lieutenant Colonel A.V. was awarded the title “JUDGE OF THE REPUBLICAN CATEGORY”. Kuroyedov


Has 12,397 parachute jumps. International master of sports in group parachute acrobatics, master of sports in classical parachuting, member of the world team. Seven-time USSR record holder in group and canopy acrobatics, two-time champion of the USSR, champion of the Cup - 60th anniversary of parachuting of the USSR (Moscow), silver and bronze medalist of the 1988 European Cup (France) in parachute group acrobatics, multiple champion of the Air Force, 2 world achievements in formations 220 and 300 people (Guinness Book of Records - parachute formations). In 2013 he jumped to the North Pole. Emergency rescue training instructor at Saratov VVAUL.

Parachuting – relatively the new kind human activity. The idea of ​​high-altitude jumping using a fabric canopy dates back to the Renaissance. However, the technical implementation of this idea and its subsequent transformation into a sports discipline and way of spending time took 5 centuries.

Pre-sports era of parachuting

Man has always invented and come up with something new, when this new thing made it possible to solve a problem that had not been solved at that time, or when it fundamentally simplified the methods already available at the time of invention for solving a specific problem. The use of a fabric canopy to descend to the ground is completely out of this standard inventive paradigm. In the time of Leonardo da Vinci, people had not yet used any means of transport to fly over the earth. The only option when a person of that time could find himself high above the ground was to climb the bell tower. True, not every city had bell towers that high. And there were few cities then.

Jumping from a bell tower is jumping from a building, that is, it is real base jumping. Today it seems surprising to many, but initially parachuting arose in the form of base jumping!

At the end of the 16th century, the Croatian scientist Faust Vrančić stretched a fabric with an area of ​​36 m², secured it to a frame and jumped from the Bratislava bell tower, more than 80 m high. Subsequently, he repeated his experiments several times. In 1783, another base jumper, Frenchman Louis Lenormand, jumped on a similar structure, but not rectangular, but round, like an umbrella, from a city tower in Montpellier, France.

Obviously, these jumps did not have any practical value and were performed for the purpose of “demonstration”. Thus, initially parachuting was an extravagant entertainment designed for publicity, and jumping was reminiscent of circus tricks.

Then it was carried out on airships and airplanes. Periodically air vehicles fell and were broken. At this stage, parachutes became in demand as a means of saving people. This gave the necessary drive that led to technological improvements in the design of the parachute and brought parachuting from the realm of the stunts of urban madmen to a professional sport.

The beginning of sport parachuting

The first parachute jump, performed not in the BASE jump style, but from an object flying above the ground, was made by the Frenchman Jacques Garnerin. In 1797, he jumped out of the basket of his balloon from a height of 600 m. This event is traditionally considered the beginning of the era of parachuting.

In the 19th century balloons became extremely popular in Europe. IN summer time Aeronautical festivals were held, just as air shows and air exhibitions are held today. came in very handy: they added spectacle to the sedate flight balloons. Balloonists competed with each other and delighted the inexperienced public of that time with their tricks.

The importance of aeronautics increased. With the invention of airplanes and light aircraft, this industry becomes especially important. In 1905, the International Aviation Federation (FIA) was created, which still oversees all issues related to sports aviation and skydiving.

We owe the design of a modern parachute to the Russian designer G.E. Kotelnikov, who packed the parachute with a compact backpack and came up with a system for opening it. But the first one started World War, and everyone had no time for sports jumping.

In the 1930s parachuting is completing its final formation. The USSR is leading in this process. Even then, landing accuracy competitions were held in the Soviet Union. Parachuting is becoming a Komsomol sport, practiced not only by men, but also by women. The approaching Second World War required the preparation of men trained in airborne assault.

First World Skydiving Championships

The fact that the first World Parachute Jumping Championship took place almost immediately after the Second World War is understandable. This war, in many ways, was an “aircraft” war, and landing behind enemy lines became its main tactical innovation, which distinguished it from previous wars.

Returning from the war, paratrooper pilots found employment in civilian life: instructor work in mass-organized parachute schools and flying clubs, participation in local city and regional competitions. All this gave additional drive to parachuting in many European countries.

In August 1951, the first World Parachute Jumping Championships took place. It took place in Yugoslavia, which may have been a tribute to tradition and personally to Faust Vrancic, who made the world's first parachute jump in this region (Croatia was part of Yugoslavia at that time). A place was chosen for the championship in the north of modern Slovenia - near the cities of Lesce and Bled.

Paratroopers from 5 countries took part in the 1951 championship:

  • Yugoslavia;
  • France;
  • Holland;
  • Great Britain;
  • Italy.

The winner of the first World Championship was the representative of France. Despite the fact that in the USSR the parachute movement was developed like no other country, political disagreements that took place between the President of Yugoslavia (I.B. Tito) and the leader of the USSR (I.V. Stalin) made it impossible for Soviet athletes to participate in this championship.

There is no doubt that if Soviet paratroopers had participated in the competition in 1951, they would have been winners, since the Soviet post-war parachute school was undoubtedly the best.

Subsequent World Championships

This is what happened at the second World Championships, which took place in France in 1954. Athletes from 8 countries, including the USSR, took part in it. The absolute winner was a military pilot from Dnepropetrovsk, a veteran of the Second World War I.A. Fedchyshyn. He took first places in all qualifying exercises of the championship.

Fedchishin's fate is indicative of his time. Having been demobilized from the army, he began to study flight skills in earnest, mastered parachuting, easily passed all the standards, worked as an instructor, teaching pilots and parachutists, repeatedly became the champion of the Dnepropetrovsk Aero Club in parachute jumping, and received the highest category in parachuting.

The 1954 Soviet team included the famous Soviet parachutist Valentina Seliverstova, who became famous throughout the world for her then-record free fall jump of 8326 m (1952).

Since the second championship, international competitions Parachute jumping competitions are held once every 2 years. Location next championship world is determined by which country’s representative won the previous one. Over the entire period, Russia became the host of the championship 2 times: in 1956 and 2006. Both times the competitions were held in the Moscow region.

Representatives of Yugoslavia more often became world champions (1968, 1976, 1988). After the collapse of Yugoslavia, this tradition was continued by athletes from the Balkan republics:

  • Croatia (1996, 2002);
  • Slovakia (2006);
  • Montenegro (2008);
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina (2012).

Afterword to the World Parachuting Championships in Australia, 2018

From October 4 to October 13, 2018, the World Parachuting Champion was held in Australia near the city of Brisbane. More than 500 athletes from 25 countries competed to determine the strongest in 10 disciplines, three of them in canopy acrobatics:

2nd lane change. Russia was represented by two teams. Result: 4th and 8th place in the list of 16 participating teams.
4k rebuilding. One team from Russia, which took 2nd place.
4K rotation. From Russia - the Ugra team, which became the world champion!

Team history "Yugra", which received the only gold in the Russian team at the World Cup, is so beautiful and indicative that this afterword is dedicated to it. Or maybe not an afterword, but a success story or a visual aid for future champions.

Since 2006 Vlad Myznikov, Oleg Oleynikov, Nikolay Osenchuk, Ivan Mylchenko and Victor Luka jumping in this composition of the Ugra team. And from the very beginning the team was promising, showed consistently good results on national competitions, but it was not possible to rise above second place - first place was always occupied by the Russian Wolves, ten-time world champions.

But you could despair, stop striving and grow professionally! But, as we know, Dome acrobatics is love forever. And this year “Ugra” got a chance and took advantage of it: they became first at the national championship and received the right to represent our country at the World Cup.

It is not known how everything would have developed further, but fate in the person of Andrei Kalinin (4th stage of the “Russian Wolves” restructuring), who had known the team members for a long time, intervened once again: Andrei saw what the team needed for a sharp leap forward, took upon himself the support and organization of coaching for the team, inviting Denis Dodonov a month (!!) before the competition.

Fate did not rest on this. And it created a critical situation: ten days before departure for the competition, Vlad Myznikov, for medical reasons, was forced to refuse to participate! Whether it was intuition or life and managerial experience, Andrei Kalinin turned the situation around to the positive by inviting Denis Dodonov to join the four as a participant.

An hour for Denis to make a decision. During this hour, it was necessary to calculate HOW and, most importantly, WHEN, to reformat the work in rotation. Dome makers know WHAT it costs to introduce a new person into an already established team. Yes, this time this new person was a ten-time world champion and senior coach of the national team... and, yet...

Ten days of intense training and 32 jumps that the new team had were extremely little to qualify for the World Championships with strong rivals Katara. In addition, at the new World Cup site there was only one training jump to get acquainted with the air and ground. Therefore, in the first competition jump only 19 rotations were shown. Next came a stable 21! The Qatar team held the level of 19-20-21. And, suddenly, in the fifth round, our team got 17, unexpected for everyone! With intense competition at world championships, and even in rounds that have passed the middle, the situation is extremely acute!! Minus 2 points with three rounds left.

The Qataris finished the competition in good weather with results of 20-20-21. And for our athletes, the weather prepared a test of strength: standby and transfers of jumps to the next day, the regime is one round per day. And under this regime, they gave out stable 21-21-21, otherwise it would not have saved. Surprise for the judges: Russia: Qatar 162:162.

We waited a day for the divorce round. October 12, rise at 5.45 am, two rival teams on one board. The Qataris were the first to separate and work in clear skies. Four minutes later, a second approach for the Russian four, the airfield was already covered with the first layer of thundercloud. Our guys consciously go 1.5 km before the airfield, dive under a thunderstorm, practice under clouds and are forced to choose an alternate landing site. Therefore, our team did not have to meet the support group eagerly waiting for them with the country's flag on the ground. The risk of jumping into a thunderstorm was enormous!
After this jump, the sky “closed.” And, by the way, there was no more weather before the competition closed...

The current waiting time for the judges' decision has begun. Later, the judges talked about the professional pleasure they received from judging such a sharp and fair confrontation, from the intrigue created by the athletes, the weather and fate. This hasn't happened for a long time! Everyone who was at the stadium - the venue of the competition - gathered at the huge scoreboards. The presenter voices current results World Cup There is no rotation yet... no... we are waiting. The first to be shown on the big screen was a video of Qatar's rotation. 18-19-20! Ours have a chance... time is moving slowly again... Here, finally, is the video of the 4th rotation of Russia: 18-19-20----21!!! Screams, flashes, hugs, tears, artistic cinematography is weak compared to the director named Reality!

We waited and didn’t wait, we hoped and not so much, but we did, they... he... everyone did what they had to do, and we got such a well-deserved and beautiful victory!

Denis Dodonov is now an 11-time world champion, Andrey Kalinin, Nikolay Osenchuk, Oleg Oleynikov, Ivan Mylchenko and Viktor Luka are the 2018 world champions! Applause!!

A selection of photos - in the Photo Gallery

The 40th world championship among military personnel in parachuting started in Kubinka near Moscow.

350 athletes from 38 countries gathered to demonstrate their skills. The program includes individual and group aerial acrobatics and landing accuracy competitions. Many participants came with their entire families.

At one and ten years old, Yulia still reaches small heights, swinging in her parents’ arms. There is a tradition in her family - they will conquer the sky. Today both mom and dad participate in competitions. At the World Championships for the first time with the whole family.

“My husband jumps first, so I sit with the child. I have the 40th order, so everything is simple: I jump - he sits,” says Taisiya Krivoshchekova.

Parachutes and lines are stowed. A few minutes - and into the sky. The first landing accuracy competition. Of course, you can see everything from above. But everything is completely different. At the very beginning, athletes are guided, as they say, by the contours of the terrain: buildings, lamps, roads.

A skydiver from the Czech Republic, it seems, slightly missed, is trying to reach the zero mark with his heel. Considering that they need to get into a circle with a radius of only two centimeters, athletes wear special shoes, a kind of spearhead of attack.

“These boots are specially designed to accurately hit the target. It was good jump. The wind is two meters, you can land slowly,” said competitor Nester Fernandez.

The number two on the scoreboard means that the paratrooper has deviated two centimeters from the zero mark. Zero is like the highest score. Here you need to try: at different heights the wind blows in different directions.

Twisting. Looking at it from the ground, it seems that the skydiver has problems - he cannot cope with the wind. But in this way he deliberately speeds up. The rest, on the contrary, are slowing down. It is important to follow each other - keep an interval of about 100 meters, so that the landing athlete has a few seconds - collect the parachute and move away. Otherwise, a collision cannot be avoided. By the way, the sensor in the center records not only the result, but also the weather conditions.

“Skydiving is performed at wind speeds of up to seven meters per second; we do not perform higher than that. If there is a gust of wind, the system automatically reads them. If an athlete is caught in a gust of more than seven meters, he is given a jump-off,” says the senior coach sports team CSKA parachuting Alexander Ivanov.

This is the 40th anniversary world championship among military personnel in parachuting. The competition is being held in Russia for the second time. Previous - 10 years ago.

At the opening of the championship, parachutists, accustomed to looking down, do not take their eyes off the sky: the Swifts aerobatic team. With a roar, MiGs fly at an altitude of 200 meters. And then aerobatics.

“This is a wonderful group, “Swifts”, with their performance they set both the level and the general mood. There are well-prepared teams here, a magnificent opening ceremony,” says Erwin Wulf, a participant in the competition from Germany.

“It is very important that so many teams participate in these competitions. There is someone to learn from. The event was well organized. It became a military meeting place different countries, and this promotes cooperation,” said Sri Lankan competitor Komodes Yakomodo.

And, really, where else can you see military personnel from, for example, South Korea and North Korea on the same parade ground? Here you can’t help but say: oh sport, you are the world.

Among the disciplines, in addition to landing accuracy, the athletes have competitions ahead in acrobatics: single and group. While they are training, they are practicing in the sky and on the ground. The judges will sum up the results next week and on July 28 they will announce who is the first to fly in the sky.

From 19 to 28 July The 40th World Parachute Championship among military personnel will be held at the Military Patriotic Park of Culture and Recreation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation "Patriot" and at the Kubinka airfield in the Moscow region. Over 400 athletes from more than 30 countries announced their participation in the competition. The decision to hold these competitions in Russia was made in October 2015, during the VI World Military Games in South Korea, where the national team of the Russian Armed Forces performed triumphantly and the leadership of the International Council of Military Sports (CISM) handed over the flag of their organization to the deputy head of CSKA, Colonel Artyom Gromov, and the 40th World Parachute Championship among military personnel was officially included in the calendar for 2016.

IN sports competitions military personnel from countries included in SIZM will participate– International Military Sports Council. The organization appeared in 1948 and has been holding world championships since then. SIZM includes: Austria, Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Holland, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Italy, Spain, Iran, Lebanon, Luxembourg, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Portugal, France, Sweden, Ecuador, South Korea.

Military paratroopers, including women, will perform three exercises for ten days: landing accuracy, single and group acrobatics. The Russian Armed Forces will be represented by a team formed from best athletes Airborne troops(VDV) and CSKA. It includes 5 men and 5 women. In total members Russian team made about 100 thousand parachute jumps.

Guests of the 40th World Military Parachute Championship will be able to take part in a competition, the main prizes of which will be certificates for a parachute jump and a flight in a wind tunnel. The competition will be organized by the Central sport Club Army (CSKA) Russian Ministry of Defense.

The head of the CSKA parachuting team, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Ivanov, was appointed head coach of the Russian team.