Pumping - what is it? Training program. Pumping – quick muscle pumping! Pumping arm training

Bodybuilding is hard work. It requires a constant search for new ways to overcome the natural capabilities of the human body. This includes pumping. What is this, what is the meaning of the sports term, today we will figure it out. This technique has found wide application both among experienced athletes and among beginners.

General information

The lion's share of modern terms applicable to bodybuilding came to us from English. pumping was no exception. The term literally translates as “pumping.”

By and large, this is true. After all, the process that will be described below allows you to significantly increase the volume of blood entering the muscle. As a result, the muscle group that has become the object of study increases in size before our eyes. But this does not mean that the muscles remain like this forever. If that were the case, then everyone around would already be bigger than Dwayne Johnson. The “pumping up” effect lasts no more than 20 minutes. Then the muscles return to their usual size. This period depends on the individual characteristics of the body. But, as you probably already guessed, a short-term increase in muscle volume is just the tip of the iceberg. And the main reason why such a technique as pumping is used lies much deeper. This will be discussed a little below.

Pump training: the basics

Anyone can achieve the effect described above, despite its apparent complexity. Pumping in bodybuilding is the repeated repetition of an exercise using light weight. For example, instead of doing 5 reps with a 100kg barbell, do 20 reps with a 50kg barbell. This is what pumping exercises are based on. An important nuance is that each repetition must be performed as efficiently as possible and in full amplitude. That is why in this sports method the barbell is often replaced with dumbbells.

From the very first approach you can feel the effectiveness of this method of training. At first, the muscles may experience slight pain. But soon it will pass. When adapting to a new regime, each new approach will bring an emotional uplift, which is caused by increased endorphin production. Thus, the quality of training is steadily increasing.

What is good about pumping?

We found out what pumping is. Now let's figure out what its advantages are. There are mainly two beneficial effects:

  1. Visual. Among professionals there is such a thing as “cosmetic pumping”. It is used immediately before a performance to visually increase muscle volume.
  2. Productive. The main purpose for which pumping is used in bodybuilding is to stimulate muscle growth. Before we figure out how this happens, let's take a short excursion into the anatomy of muscle fibers.

So, they come in two types: slow and fast. The former cannot effectively cope with heavy weight. However, they are able to withstand long-term loads. It is this type of fiber that is responsible for our daily movements and maintaining correct posture. Fast ones are designed in the opposite way - they are able to withstand heavy loads, but at the same time they get tired quickly. They are the ones that are used in strength training. Correct pumping loads the slow fibers. As a result, muscle endurance increases. This has a positive effect on athletic success and physical condition in general.

Movement speed

To feel what pumping is on your muscles, you need not only to take small working weights. It is also important to determine the appropriate intensity of traffic. This parameter is individual for each organism. Determining the appropriate intensity is not difficult. You just need to spend a few sessions experimenting with speeds in each new approach. And carefully analyze the result. The good thing about the intense pace is that it allows you to engage both fast-twitch and slow-twitch fibers, as well as small muscle groups that are not activated at slow speeds. In this case, the weight of your projectile should be 50% less than the maximum possible. The optimal number of repetitions in this case is about 20.

A slow tempo also has its merits. If a high speed of repetitions involves more muscles, then a low speed allows you to accumulate the load on the target muscle group. This option is better for those whose goal is to increase muscle size. In this case, the working weight is already up to 70% of the maximum allowable. And the number of repetitions is reduced to about 10.

How to pump to improve results?

For those who have just started bodybuilding or are looking for a way to add variety to their workouts, this method is worth taking into account. Let us highlight the basic rules for its application in practice:

  • Pumping is not a replacement for strength training. To optimally build muscle mass, you need to work with heavy weights, while this method only serves as a supplement.
  • There is no need to get too carried away with weight loss. For example, if you bench press 100 kilograms from the chest, you should not expect results from lifting an empty bar. The optimal option is half the maximum load.
  • The weight should be such that you can perform about 10-20 repetitions.
  • You need to do the approach as efficiently as possible, trying to avoid stops.
  • In this case, you need to forget about “cheating” (jerky movements at the limit of strength). Everything must be under control.
  • Don't rest too long between sets.

Pumping training: program

You can practice this method even without any equipment. Moreover, each of us has practiced pumping at least once. Everyone knows what push-ups are. So, this familiar exercise is the simplest example of the effect we are discussing today. Provided, of course, that the athlete does at least 20 repetitions in one approach at a fast pace. Many public people use this simple technique before going on stage to appear more courageous and harmonious. Well, in the professional environment, pumping has found application in so-called drop sets.

Drop sets

The essence of this method is to perform several approaches in a row in a pumping manner. In this case, it is envisaged that the weight will be reduced with each new attempt. Let's look at the technique using the example of dumbbell biceps rows. To begin with, do an approach consisting of only six repetitions, with a large weight of the projectile: on one hand, then on the other. After this, the weight of the dumbbells is reduced by 25%. And another approach is done, but this time consisting of 8 repetitions. And so several times, reducing the weight and adding two deadlifts. There is no need to take breaks between approaches. After all, one hand already has time to rest. But stretching the muscles at the end of the set will be very useful.

Reverse drop set and combination variation

In the first case, everything is done the same way, only in reverse order. We start with a small load that can be raised many times. We gradually increase it. When the muscles cannot handle more than 6 repetitions, it is time to end the exercise. As for the combined superset, this is a way to successfully introduce pumping into your workout. The essence of the method is that the exercises change in each new approach. At the same time, for example, the extensor and flexor muscles of the arms swing. Examples of a combined superset are the following combinations:

  • Push-ups from the floor and from your knees.
  • and pull-ups on the bar.
  • Dumbbell flyes and bench press.
  • Rows on the machine in front and lying down.
  • and from the floor, as well as many other combinations.

Proper pumping with combination supersets involves moving from one set to another with only minor rest. This is possible due to the fact that the working muscle groups alternate. At the end of the workout, it is necessary to relax the muscles. Otherwise, after several weeks of practice, they will lose their elasticity and harden. For relaxation, massage, stretching (never a bad thing) or simply spending time passively helps.

Repeated training

This method of applying pumping is suitable for beginner athletes. Its essence is extremely simple - perform the usual exercise, but at an increased pace. Despite its simplicity, the method is very relevant and effective. After all, it allows you to accumulate energy in muscle tissue. The weight of the equipment is selected so that the athlete can do 15-20 repetitions. Rest between sets for about 30 seconds.

Now we will not talk about how to use pumping, but about how to combine it with strength training. This method has found wide application among athletes. Its essence is simple: a week of strength training alternates with a week of pumping classes. In this case, the muscles are not overloaded and have time to rest, which is very important for their growth.


Today we found out the essence of such a concept as pumping, and whether it is possible to combine these two foreign concepts in your training. To achieve good results in bodybuilding, you need to alternate strength training and pumping. The best or favorite exercise should not be highlighted here. After all, in bodybuilding, an integrated approach and a healthy view of your activities are important. In this case, everyone will develop and the result will be excellent.

Not muscles, but “mountain”? In fact, this is the reality for every bodybuilder. This very reality is called pumping. The bottom line is that in the process of performing special exercises, certain muscles are visually pumped. They acquire super-volume, which lasts for 20-30 minutes (sometimes up to 1 hour). Bodybuilders most often resort to pumping before going out in public. Pumping does not provide enormous strength and endurance, but it looks great. Pumping has no gender restrictions - it is used simultaneously by representatives of the strong and weak half of humanity.

The best training programs for pumping muscles

There are several programs for pumping different muscle groups and areas of the body (). They were compiled by experienced trainers using personal trial and error. The complex must be carried out strictly according to plan in order to achieve visible and desired results. The effect is visible after the first lesson. Over time, the pumping effect will last longer. The muscles will remember this feeling and try to maintain it.

Pumping the pectoral muscles


  • bent over dumbbell flyes;
  • Bent-over dumbbell press;
  • information in the crossover through the lower blocks.

You need to perform the exercises using trisets, for example – bench press, butterfly and pullover, the second option – bent over dumbbell press, bent over dumbbell flyes, crossover exercises through lower blocks. This means alternating exercises, performing them one after another without rest breaks. This rather heavy type of pumping, such as negatives, is also very suitable for the chest. The bottom line is that you first need to isolate the muscle, then pump it well. An example would be to perform the butterfly exercise - since it is isolating, and then do the base - the bench press. You need to start with 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions. Over time, it is imperative to increase the number of approaches and repetitions. After a month there should be at least 6 approaches for the pumping to be noticeable. Exercises can be performed using various pumping techniques. The main thing is to gradually increase the number of repetitions without fail.

Back pumping

Good for back pumping:

  • Bent-over barbell row;
  • upper block thrust;
  • traction to the waist while sitting;
  • Pull-ups with a wide grip behind the head.

They need to be performed without breaks using the method of supersets and trisets. Option one – classic deadlift, bent-over barbell row, lat pulldown. Option two – pull-ups with a wide grip behind the head, rows to the waist while sitting. Other pumping methods are also applicable here, burning, for example, or even pre-fatigue. The back muscles are weak to pumping, so they require special attention from the bodybuilder. Stepped approaches can be used.

Pumping for the buttocks

Ideal for this type of pumping:

All exercises must be done in sets, then they will bring the most beneficial effect. For example, deadlift + glute bridge, barbell squats + leg abductions, lunges + hyperextension.

Arm pumping (biceps, triceps)

For this type of pumping the following would be appropriate:

  • Biceps exercises on the Scott bench;
  • French bench press;
  • Close grip bench press;
  • Extension from behind the head;
  • Blocked triceps extensions.

Here you can use different pumping methods (). This area of ​​the body can be easily enlarged and pumped up. It’s important not to overdo it, but underdoing is also bad; the pumping simply won’t be visible. In moderation - this is the main principle of pumping this zone. You need to start with 3 approaches and 10-15 repetitions. Increase over time is necessary.

Shoulder pump

Ideal exercises would be:

  • Military press with a barbell or dumbbells;
  • barbell pull to the chin;
  • abduction of arms with dumbbells to the side;
  • Arnold press;
  • raising your arms with dumbbells in front of you.

You need to start with the notorious 3 approaches and 10 repetitions, performing the exercises in supersets. You can take short breaks between approaches. Shoulder pumping is achieved quickly with the correct load on this area. The effect lasts about 30 minutes.

Pumping on the press

Abdominal pumping consists of two basic exercises. This is a hanging leg raise and twisting. Leg lifts must be performed on a special horizontal bar. You can lean on the handrails with your elbows or hang by grabbing the bar. This is not the main point. The legs should be raised at a right angle or tucked towards the stomach at the knees. This exercise works great for muscles. Immediately after it, you need to lie on the floor and do about 30 crunches. Over time, the number of repetitions must be increased, otherwise there will be no effect.

Leg pumping

Here, experienced athletes recommend performing squats and leg bending and extension. Ideally, both pumping exercises will be performed in superset mode, then the benefits will be obvious quickly. You don’t need to squat deeply, not all the way, it’s enough to sit down on a chair. At first, you can perform the exercise next to a chair and bench, as if sitting down on them. You need to start with 10 repetitions and 3 approaches, after a month the amount should be increased by 2-3 times.

Pumping training for women

Programs for the fair sex do not differ much from those combinations that are offered to the stronger sex. The only relaxation is the number of approaches and repetitions. Ladies can start with the same 3 sets of 8-10 reps. The number needs to be increased. After a month, there may be 5 approaches and 15 repetitions. It all depends on what effect the athletic lady expects from pumping.

When to pump before or after strength training?

Professionals recommend pumping only AFTER strength training. When the muscles have received the desired load, they are quite warmed up and ready for pumping. Before strength training, pumping will simply be ineffective. In order not to waste time and energy, you need to do pumping at the end of the workout. This is the final part of the lesson. Then the effect will be visible for about 20-30 minutes.


Beautiful muscles of bodybuilders are the result of long and painstaking work on themselves and their body. The exercises are not difficult. Therefore, it is quite possible to “inflate” the muscles in the selected area to the desired size. But no one has canceled reason and common sense. Don't lose your health in pursuit of bigger muscles.

Be sure to read about it

If you look at yourself in the mirror after a workout, you will see that your figure looks more toned. The muscles you worked on fill with blood, swell, and become better visible under the skin. This is called the pumping effect.

Within 30–60 minutes after training, the muscles are freed from excess blood, which disperses throughout the body and goes into the depot until the next workout. And your figure takes on its usual shape.

Blood flows to where the optimal level of nutrients and oxygen is currently needed. That is, during the exercise - to the working muscle group. That's why you seem bigger after a workout than before.

Pumping mechanism

When you pump, you purposefully pump blood into your muscles. There are certain ions in the blood that pull water with them. Thus, liquid penetrates the cells and fills them, increasing their volume. Totally swollen cells give a 5–10% increase in muscle volume.

Due to pumping, any person receives a small visual increase in muscle mass.

Blood is pumped into the muscles through exercise. The process is accompanied by a specific sensation of muscle expansion: it is difficult for you to bend your arm, for example, because your biceps is in the way. At this moment you feel more, which is confirmed both visually and to the touch. It's like you're full of water.

What is pumping in practical terms? It is multi-repetition training in which the number of repetitions reaches 15 or more.

The pump effect can be caused by:

  • Physical activity.
  • Special additives.

In the first case, everything is clear - they came, swayed properly, and everything was ready. In terms of supplements, things are a little different.

The essence of the drugs is to retain fluid in the body. The range of drugs is large, ranging from arginine-containing supplements to steroids. Creatine and some fat burners retain water. Please note that the accumulation of water in the body can have negative sides!

Is this exactly what you need?

Let's first decide on the purpose of your studies. If you don’t know exactly why you go to the gym, and you don’t have a specific goal, you might as well try pumping. There will be no harm from it. Of course, here we are talking about the type of training, and not about drugs.

If you are following a specific cherished goal, you should analyze the compatibility of high-repetition training and different areas of working with iron.

Mass gain

You can use supersets or negative reps.

It is also good to use the effect immediately before competitions and photography (if you participate in such events).

Weight loss

Multi-repetition exercises are more than suitable for fat-burning training. This is both an active expenditure of calories and an expansion of the boundaries of your endurance.

Increased strength

Increasing strength and performing exercises in pumping mode are quite correlated. If you use this type of training correctly, you can accelerate the development of your strength indicators.

Let's consider in which exercises pumping training will give maximum results, and where it will be useless.

How to use pumping

Let's look at the practical side of the issue. That is, the benefits of the training method in question for your muscles.

According to practitioners with extensive training experience, it is best to “pump” large muscle groups. These are the chest and legs. For small muscles, the effect will be insignificant, that is, pumping the biceps is not very relevant.

Of course, this does not mean that your muscles will not increase in volume, far from it. You just won’t get a noticeable increase in strength from this type of load. The legs and chest in this regard are more obedient and train well. For example, if you do a leg press 15 times with a working weight, the results will appear faster than doing 10 repetitions.

However, there will be some benefit from working smaller muscles. Firstly, you will increase the limit of their endurance, and secondly, you will expel from them the breakdown products remaining from previous training. More isolated multi-repetition training, in this case, will not give you anything.

Proper pumping involves complex exercises. For example, you do some basic exercise for several repetitions, alternating it with a simpler multi-repetition exercise.

Let's look at what a bench press and pumping of the pectoral muscles will look like. You can work in the following mode:

  1. Pre-fatigue.
  2. Finishing off.

In the first case, you first hammer the pectoral muscles with high-repetition flyes on a horizontal bench, then go to press a heavy weight 2-3 times. Working in a superset in this case will be more effective than the classic change of work to rest.

In the second case, you press to failure, then, as much as you can, raise the dumbbells at different angles. When you get tired, there will still be partial range of motion work left. So, don’t give up at the first feeling of fatigue.

For beginners who have just joined the gym, a program consisting primarily of high-repetition exercises will be a good option. This will strengthen the ligaments and tendons, preparing the body for further work. Unless, of course, the newcomer decides to continue his difficult path. During the first month of training, it is the pump with light weights that will protect the beginner from injuries and overtraining.

Suitable and Inappropriate Exercises

In different sources you can find similar lists of exercises effective for pumping. But, before listing them, it is worth mentioning in which exercises this type of training will not be beneficial:

  • Deadlift. There is no point in working with light weight here, except perhaps when practicing technique. And it is dangerous to train in a high-repetition mode with a large weight. Deadlift is a basic exercise. It is one of the most dangerous power elements, during which no one insures you. You can tear your biceps, injure your spine and much more. What kind of pump is this?
  • Hyperextension. There will be no visual benefit from this exercise - it does not imply an increase in the volume of the back muscles. Therefore, it is not worth doing it 30 times. 15–20 repetitions are optimal for endurance and lower back strength.
  • Any heavy weight exercise other than the bench press. Heavy weight is a real test for bones and muscles. That is why it is used in a low-repetition mode. Your efforts to squat 20 times with a heavy weight will be less effective than pumping 30 times at 40–60% of the maximum.

Now let’s look at which exercises are best suited for pumping.

To obtain the visual effect of increasing muscles, pumping can be used in weight lifting to the chin, barbell lifts for biceps.

To build strength and muscle, high reps can be used on leg presses, calf raises, sit-ups, and bench presses with different grips and different hand positions.

By the way, calves do not respond at all to training in which the number of repetitions is less than 15. Legs can also develop with 10 repetitions on the leg press, but it is better to do them 12–15.

Thus, some of the exercises simply give the effect of fullness of the muscles, and the other part actually develops volume and strength.

Pumping is an increase in muscle volume due to increased blood flow, provoked by performing strength exercises with moderate working weight and in a high-repetition mode (15 or more repetitions for each approach). In bodybuilding, training is most often used to pump the muscles of the arms and chest.

The use of pumping is the main component of “beach training”, since it is one of the easiest ways to make muscles large and voluminous. It should be noted that the pumping effect can be significantly increased through the use of special sports nutrition.

A program to prepare the body for the beach season - for all muscles of the body to increase muscle definition.

How does pumping work?

Pumping training affects the energy depots of the muscles, each time increasing their volume more and more. First, high-repetition training depletes glycogen stores, and when carbohydrates are available again, accumulation occurs above the previous level.

Essentially, pumping causes muscles to store more energy, optimizing the ability of sarcoplasm and muscle cells to store glycogen and creatine phosphate. At the same time, pumping increases fluid retention in the muscles, since water molecules are necessary for energy synthesis processes.

Disadvantages of pumping training

It should be noted that the pumping effect is largely short-term and purely cosmetic - without proper training and without carbohydrate loading, the muscles literally “deflate”, since during pumping the muscle tissue itself practically does not grow and does not increase strength.

It is extremely important to alternate pump training with full strength training (that is, high weight and low repetitions). Only in this case will it be possible not only to visually enlarge the muscles, but also to record this effect due to their growth.

Muscle pain after exercise

The second disadvantage of pumping is the increased production of lactic acid and other toxins. As a result, the burning sensation and characteristic pain in the muscles sharply intensify both during the workout itself and during the recovery period. This is felt most strongly in the triceps muscles.

Typically, "stringy" muscle pain after exercise is associated with muscle growth, but its chronic nature can be harmful, since any such pain is primarily tissue inflammation. To get rid of pain after training, a hot bath with salt and.

Sports nutrition for muscle pumping

The main sports supplement for pumping is arginine. This amino acid is a source of nitric oxide NO, which increases blood flow by dilating blood vessels. As a result of taking such a “nitrogen dispenser,” more blood enters the muscles and the muscles become visually larger.

Arginine is included in the majority. When using such supplements 20-30 minutes before the start of a workout, mental focus increases, strength indicators increase and additional pumping of the muscles with blood occurs (which, in essence, is what pumping is).

Training rules for - why is exercise technique more important than heavy working weight?

Pump training program

Despite the fact that pumping is traditionally used exclusively for the muscles of the shoulders and arms (especially the biceps), it will show the greatest benefit for creating a sports figure when training the legs, influencing and activating their growth processes.

The workout program below combines both low-rep hypertrophy strength exercises and high-rep pump exercises. To achieve greater effect, it is recommended to alternate this program with.

Body for Summer 11: Pump Workouts

In pumping exercises, the working weight is reduced by at least 20-30% compared to normal, and rest periods are also reduced to one minute. The pumping exercises themselves are performed in a superset: first the first exercise, then rest, then the second; a total of 3-4 approaches each.

Workout A: Upper Body

  • : 2 warm-up, 3-4 x 6-8, rest between sets 3 minutes.
  • Incline dumbbell flyes: 3-4 x 10-15, rest 1 min.
  • : 3-4 x 6-8, rest 3 minutes.
  • : 2-3 x 10-12, rest 2 minutes.

Superset 1:

  • Raising dumbbells to the sides: 3-4 x 15-20, rest 1 minute.

Superset 2:

  • : 3-4 x 15-20, rest 1 min.
  • Triceps pull-down: 3-4 x 15-20, rest 1 min.

Workout B: Lower Body

  • Leg curls in the simulator: 3-4 x 15-20, rest 1 minute.
  • Leg press in the simulator: 3-4 x 6-8, rest 3 minutes.
  • : 2-3 x 10-12, rest 2 minutes.

Superset 1:

  • : 3-4 x 15-20, rest 1 min.
  • Calf raises with a barbell: 3-4 x 15-20, rest 1 min.

Superset 2:

  • Lunges with dumbbells: 3-4 x 15-20, rest 1 min.
  • Leg extensions in the simulator: 3-4 x 15-20, rest 1 minute.

Workout C: Upper Body

  • : 2 warm-up, 3-4 x 6-8, rest 3 minutes.
  • Seated dumbbell press: 3-4 x 15-20, rest 1 min.
  • : 2 warm-up, 3-4 x 6-8, rest 3 minutes.
  • : 2-3 x 10-12, rest 2 minutes.

Greetings, friends! Today we will continue to deal with our feelings in training, in practice. The technique we’ll look at today is great for both beginners and professional athletes! Both girls and boys love him. Once you feel it, you won’t be able to confuse it with anything else! So what is pumping?

"I'm going to explode!" – these are exactly the thoughts that come to me when I feel this during training. It’s hard to imagine a more pleasant effect from training! I wonder what this is? Then read on.

Pumping- this is the filling of muscles with a large volume of blood when performing multiple repetitions of the same movement. To put it simply, it is “pumping” muscles with blood, copying the action of a pump. Why pump?

When you perform an exercise at a fast pace and begin to feel good blood flow, you sharply speed up the pace! The muscle does not have time to “pump out” blood in the same volume. As a result, the blood, finding no outlet, begins to nourish every muscle cell, and it begins to swell, harden and turn red before our eyes! The approach continues until it arrives.

Your muscle is like stone. It's hard for you to bend your limbs, and your veins are swollen like water hoses! Don't be scared! You have achieved a pumping effect.

The greatest bodybuilder, successful politician and actor Arnold Schwarzenegger found this feeling so pleasant that he compared it to the final point of sexual intercourse.

Why is pumping suitable for a beginner?

Usually, beginners, having achieved little success, begin to imagine themselves as “bodybuilding gurus” and lift unbearable weights to show what they are chicken ass eagles“super professional” athletes to other gym visitors.

It looks, to put it mildly, funny, but that’s not what we’re talking about. The body already experiences extreme stress at the beginning of training, because... he has to transform all body systems to adapt to the load. And the load is excessive!

A person’s recovery abilities are not limitless and a beginner begins to lose weight and feel weak. In short, overtraining sets in!

Pumping does not allow you to work with maximum weights, because... requires a fairly fast pace of exercise. Therefore, it allows you to strengthen your muscles and maintain the correct technique during training, which is such a problem for beginners!

But what about the main rule: load progression?

Great! But what about load progression if the weights in pumping training cannot be the same as in working approaches? Yes, and you can pump blood into your muscles if you do, for example, 60 repetitions with a light weight (like push-ups). This is another mandatory component of pumping training: pumping should be heavy or almost forceful!

Pumping should be used, if not as a replacement, then as a supplement to strength training. Now you will understand why:

1) First I want to note that the muscles don’t care how many repetitions you do - 6 or 40, they care time under load! Pumping allows you to slightly increase this figure. In addition, studies from several reputable Universities have confirmed that pumping can increase muscle volume by 20%, which is incomparable to the effect of purely “strength” training on muscle growth.

2) I want to tell you about another very important feature of our muscles. Each muscle group in our body contains muscle fibers designed for different work (endurance, strength, extreme strength). I will talk about this in a separate article, so! You need to know this point if you want to achieve significant results!

Pumping trains “endurance” or “slow” muscle fibers, which have excellent growth properties. By training only “power” or “fast” muscle fibers, you limit your ability to grow muscle mass!

3) Pumping pumps a large volume of blood into the muscles, and with it a lot of nutrients and microelements, which in turn wash the muscles and contribute to effective work during training, as well as better recovery after. Blood transports nutrients, supplying the body with everything it needs, including oxygen.

4) But the large volume of blood in the muscles is useful not only for the transport of nutrients. The blood thus stretches the muscle fascia, which allows the muscles to grow even more.

Muscular fascia- This is the connective tissue membrane in which our muscle fibers are located. In other words, it is a sac of connective tissue that holds our muscles.

Accordingly, the softer it is (due to stretching by blood, for example), the easier it is for muscle fibers to grow.

5) Pumping can be used to periodize loads in order to further enhance the progress of training, because If you always train only hard, you can greatly overtrain the body. Alternating with “light” workouts will give even greater progress! After all, a beautiful, powerful, strong body is a long-term goal!

I do it this way. First, I do a warm-up (1 or 2) set, then 3-4 working sets, and at the end I do a pumping set (reduce the working weight by 20-30% and perform another set at a fast pace, until failure)! I noticed that this way the progress accelerated and it works. Try it too, because only by your feelings can you understand what is best for you.

Remember the most important thing

That's it, friends. If you have not yet decided whether to go to the gym or not, then at least for the sake of this feeling it is worth a try.

All the best to you.

Look what I saw today! I just sat and watched with my mouth open! This thing is called a HoverBoard! This is simply incredible! Now I have another dream, to ride this board! Simply awesome video!

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With respect and best wishes,!