Health running. Health-improving jogging classes, methodology. The health benefits of running What is insignificant when doing health running

  1. The concept of recreational running................................... ..................... ......... ..4
  2. Methodology...................... ........................... ... .............................. .............5
  1. General effect on the body................................................................... ...... .............9

    Conclusion.................... ............................. ........................... ...................

    Bibliography............. .............................. ..... ........................ .............


The health-improving and preventive effect of mass physical culture is inextricably linked with increased physical activity, strengthening of the functions of the musculoskeletal system, and activation of metabolism.

As a result of insufficient physical activity in the human body, the neuro-reflex connections established by nature and strengthened in the process of heavy physical labor are disrupted, which leads to a disorder in the regulation of the activity of the cardiovascular and other systems, metabolic disorders and the development of degenerative diseases (atherosclerosis, etc.).

The technique of recreational running is so simple that it does not require special training, and its effect on the human body is extremely great. However, when assessing the effectiveness of its impact, two most important areas should be highlighted: general and special effect.


  1. The concept of health running;
  2. Methodology;
  3. General effect on the body.

    1. The concept of recreational running

Health running is the simplest and most accessible type of cyclic exercise (these include running, race walking, swimming, etc.), and therefore the most widespread. According to the most conservative estimates, running as a means of health is used by more than 100 million middle-aged and elderly people on our planet.According to official data, 5,207 running clubs are registered in our country, with 385 thousand running enthusiasts; There are 2 million people who run independently.

To strengthen the promotion of healthy running, it is necessary to better understand the psychology of a running person and the motives that guide him.The most powerful incentive for running is precisely the pleasure, the great feeling of joy that it brings. In most cases, those people who, as a result of improper training, were unable to experience these sensations stop training. When the popularity of running and jogging peaked in the mid-70s, many people talked about the feeling of euphoria they experienced while exercising.

This sensation, known as a runner's high, could be brief but could last up to several days. These feelings aren't just limited to runners. Many people who regularly participate in other vigorous sports report similar sensations. They feel happier, calmer, more prepared to deal with life's challenges, and think more clearly.

To strengthen the promotion of healthy running, it is necessary to better understand the psychology of a running person and the motives that guide him. N. S. Illarionov identifies the following main motivations for middle-aged people to engage in recreational jogging:

    • health promotion and disease prevention; increased performance;
    • pleasure from the process of running;
    • desire to improve your running results (sports motivation);
    • following the running fashion (aesthetic motivation);
    • desire to communicate;
    • the desire to know your body, your capabilities;
    • motivation for creativity, motivation for raising and strengthening the family;
    • "family" running;
    • random motivations.

However, according to the author’s observations, the most powerful incentive for exercise is pleasure, the great feeling of joy that running brings. In most cases, those people who, as a result of improper training, were unable to experience these sensations stop training.
German psychologist Shellenberger (1988) notes the following reasons for insufficient physical activity of the population:

    • lack of awareness of the benefits of exercise (40% of the population);
    • lack of interest in classes (47%);
    • preference for any other activities in free time (62%);
    • laziness (57%);
    • lack of information about the possibility of classes;
    • free time problem;
    • lack of faith in one’s capabilities (“nothing will work out anyway”).

    2. Methodology

To run, you don't need anything else other than desire. If desired, even the most business person can allocate at least a few tens of minutes for himself. We have plenty of places to run. He left the entrance and ran along the intended route. Those who are embarrassed to run along the street can find a park or stadium at a nearby school for this activity. Believe me, especially in the morning, quite a lot of people go for a run. On the path to health, embarrassment should not be your guide.

It’s not enough to just run, you need to run correctly so that the effect of running is greatest. First of all, running should bring joy and pleasure, otherwise there is little point in running, otherwise you will not be able to force yourself to go for a run for a long time. After each run, you should be happy that you were not lazy and were able to overcome yourself, that with each run you lose those hated calories, your figure becomes more attractive, your muscles become stronger, your lungs are ventilated and your blood is enriched with oxygen, you just did one more step towards improving your health.

You need to run easily, the way you run. This means that the running pace should be natural, not tense. You're not running for a record. You need to choose the optimal speed that suits you. If you are young and feel strong and willing, you can run even every day. For middle-aged and older people, it is usually recommended to jog every other day, since with age the body’s recovery rate decreases and running every day can lead to overtraining.

The load should not cause significant fatigue, especially at first. Feeling lethargic and sleepy during the day is a sure sign that the load needs to be reduced. The body is strengthened not by overload, but by reasonable loads.

While running, you should breathe evenly and always through your nose. If you start to feel out of breath, slow down your running pace.

The amount of load in recreational running consists of two components - volume and intensity. The load volume is measured by the number of kilometers traveled. It’s hard to say how many kilometers you need to cover per day. It depends on the individual capabilities of a particular person. But it is advisable that your jogging time be at least 15 minutes.

The intensity of the impact depends on the running speed and is determined by the heart rate (HR). The speed in recreational running should not exceed the threshold, which for beginners corresponds to 130 pulses. That is, jogging should be carried out with a 100% supply of oxygen to the body, without the formation of an oxygen debt. For more or less prepared people, the pulse should be in the range of 130 - 150 beats per minute. There is an easy way to approximately find out your heart rate. Studies have shown that as long as breathing through the nose fully supplies oxygen to the lungs, heart rate does not exceed 130 beats per minute. At the moment when it is necessary to take an additional breath through the mouth, the pulse is already about 150 beats per minute. Therefore, it is recommended to breathe only through the nose during a health run, which automatically limits running speed and prevents premature fatigue.

Running speed should increase only naturally, as your training increases, involuntarily and unnoticed by you.

The magnitude of the load after a run can be judged by the speed of heart rate recovery, which 10 minutes after the finish should not exceed 100 beats per minute (16 beats in 10 seconds).

Most often, overweight people who start recreational jogging stop due to pain that occurs in the muscles and joints of the lower extremities after training. In the first stages of training, this is inevitable and is a consequence of the adaptation of the muscular system to the load. It is almost impossible to avoid pain, but almost everyone can reduce it, shorten the period of muscle adaptation and recovery after exercise. To do this, it is necessary to follow a number of rules developed by the practice of recreational and sports running.

Running technique is important. To master it, you need to choose a flat route without long ascents and descents. It is easier to avoid overloading the musculoskeletal system. Correct posture is also important. For example, you should not lower your head low; this leads to a strong tilt of the body and makes breathing difficult. However, there is no need to throw your head back - this promotes protrusion of the abdomen. It is best to look 10-15 meters ahead.

Keep your torso straight, with virtually no bending forward, bend your elbows at an angle of 90 degrees, do not clench your hands. Remember that freedom of movement ensures relaxed, rhythmic breathing and delays the onset of fatigue.

An important element of running technique is placing your foot on the ground. In recreational running, especially for people with a lot of weight, the leg should be placed on the entire foot at once, moving from top to bottom, as usual when walking up the stairs. The moment you touch the ground, your foot must be tense. Don't think about how to place it, which part of the foot should touch the ground first - the toe, heel or outer arch. People place their feet on the ground differently due to the individual structure of their limbs. Over time, your running motion will gradually adapt to the ground, weight, and planting your foot on the ground will become more natural.

Running speed depends on the length and frequency of steps. For overweight people, a more important parameter of movement is the frequency of steps, since a long step requires greater muscle loads, which causes greater pain in the first exercises. The step length should be 50-100 cm or 2-3 feet. Gradually, as your running speed increases, it will become slightly higher. With such a stride length, the body itself regulates the frequency of movements. Thus, the rhythm of running (the combination of length and frequency of steps) will be developed naturally, depending on the speed of movement, well-being and physical fitness of the person.

The best shoes for running are sneakers with thick soles. In such shoes you can train on any soil, asphalt, concrete, artificial turf. If there are none, you can use sneakers or half-sneakers with thick soft soles. If they are not there, then run in the most ordinary sneakers a size larger, which will allow you to put soft insoles in them.

    3. General effect on the body

The general effect of running on the body is associated with changes in the functional state of the central nervous system, compensation of missing energy costs, functional changes in the circulatory system and a decrease in morbidity.

Endurance running training is an indispensable means of relaxing and neutralizing negative emotions that cause chronic nervous tension. These same factors significantly increase the risk of myocardial damage as a result of excessive intake of adrenal hormones - adrenaline and norepinephrine - into the blood.

Health-improving running (in optimal dosage) in combination with water procedures is the best way to combat neurasthenia and insomnia - diseases of the 20th century caused by nervous overstrain and an abundance of incoming information. As a result, nervous tension is relieved, sleep and well-being improve, and performance increases. “Knocking out psychological stress with physical stress” is how three-time Olympic champion Tatyana Kazankina described this phenomenon. Evening running is especially useful in this regard, as it removes negative emotions accumulated during the day and “burns” excess adrenaline released as a result of stress. Thus, running is the best natural tranquilizer - more effective than drugs.

Health running training is aimed primarily at developing endurance. This motor quality is largely determined by a person’s aerobic capabilities.

The main way to increase endurance when doing recreational running is to use the so-called uniform method, i.e. covering the entire distance at a constant speed at a uniform pace. Even running lasting 20-30 minutes (with a pulse no higher than 120-130 beats/min) is the main training tool for beginner runners. Long on a relatively flat route from 60 to 120 minutes at a heart rate of 132-144 beats/min (22-24 beats per 10 s) is practiced by well-trained runners, as a rule, once a week (usually on Sunday).

In addition to the uniform method, you can also use the variable method in two variants: alternating short sections of walking and running at a distance of 1600-3200 m at a heart rate of 120-132 beats/min (this option is more often used by beginner runners for whom continuous running is difficult); cross-country running from 30 to 90 minutes at a heart rate of 132-144 beats/min (usually used by preparatory athletes once a week).

It should be noted that the running distance cannot be the same for everyone: it is selected in such a way that the heart rate does not exceed the recommended value. Otherwise, you need to reduce the running segments, slow down the pace or increase the duration of the walk.

. In cyclic exercises, physical activity is usually characterized by the following components: duration and intensity of exercises, duration and nature of rest between exercises, number of repetitions of exercises. By changing individual components and using various combinations of them, you can vary physical activity (reduce or increase). In recreational running, it is usually regulated either by volume (measured in km) or intensity (as a % of maximum).

According to American professor Cooper from the Dallas Aerobics Center, the minimum volume of load (threshold load) required to increase functional capabilities in men is about 15 km of slow running per week (three workouts of 30 minutes each). This gives (according to Cooper's system) 30 points. For women, the minimum dose of running is 12 km per week (24 points). For beginners, a 3-kilometer run for 20 minutes 3 times a week is recommended. A similar amount of load for beginners is considered optimal in the GDR. Running 3 times a week for 20-30 minutes, according to most researchers, can reduce the main risk factors that contribute to the development of heart and vascular diseases.

There is no consensus regarding the maximum permissible volume of loads in recreational running. Thus, Cooper notes that if you run more than 40 miles (about 65 km) a week, then injuries to the musculoskeletal system become more frequent and overstrain of the cardiovascular system occurs. In women, when the weekly volume increases beyond 30-50 miles (about 48-80 km), menstrual irregularities may occur.

Our 15 years of experience shows that the optimal load for men 30-40 years old with 1-3 years of training experience is 20 km per week, and for women - 15-20 km. Only club veterans with many years of experience had more significant workloads.

It is known that there is a linear relationship between exercise intensity, oxygen consumption and heart rate. There are special tables that present the relationship between aerobic performance (as a percentage of VO2max) and heart rate.

According to our data, for a practically healthy 40-year-old man who has started recreational jogging for the first time, the intensity of the load should not exceed 50-60% of MOC. This corresponds to a heart rate not exceeding 120-136 beats/min.

To roughly calculate the optimal heart rate, various formulas can also be used that reflect the relationship between heart rate and MOC level. The generally accepted formula was proposed by Holman more than 20 years ago, according to which the optimal heart rate for beginners is 180 beats per minute minus age in years. So, for example, for a 40-year-old man at the beginning of training, the optimal heart rate is on average 140 beats/min (180-40), which approximately corresponds to 60% of MOC.

For well-trained runners training with a heart rate less than 130 beats/min is not effective enough. This is due to the fact that the highest cardiac output (the amount of blood pushed out by the heart in one contraction) is observed when the heart rate is at least 130 beats/min. That is why a well-known specialist in the field of recreational running, professor of medicine from the GDR 3. Israel offers a different formula for them: heart rate = 170-0.5 age. So, the heart rate for a 40-year-old runner is 150 beats/min (170-20).

It should be noted that all these formulas are indicative in nature and can only be used taking into account the individual health characteristics of those involved.

For example, for people with abnormalities in the activity of the cardiovascular system, as well as for the elderly, fast running and running at a heart rate of no higher than 100-120 beats/min can be recommended as a means of increasing physical fitness.

To accurately determine your heart rate, you need to count your heart rate in the first 10 seconds after stopping fast walking and running, since the heart rate during this period of time will coincide with the result during work.

Another indicator of intensity can be breathing data. Thus, according to our observations, during exercises on a bicycle ergometer, the moment of transition from breathing through the nose to a more intensified, oro-nasal, corresponds to a heart rate of 130-160 beats/min.

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education

"Ural State University of Physical Culture"

Department of Theory of Physical Culture and Biomechanics


In the discipline "Theory of physical culture and sports"





Completed by: student of group 316

Solodovnikov Mikhail Nikolaevich

Checked by: Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Biomechanics

Novoselova Olga Anatolyevna

Chelyabinsk 2010



      General characteristics of sports that primarily develop general endurance………………………………………………………………

        Characteristics of aerobics (health aerobics, hydro aerobics)……………………………………………………………………………………………

        Characteristics of health-improving walking and running……………….

        Swimming characteristics………………………………………………………...

        Characteristics of recreational skiing…………

        Characteristics of rhythmic and breathing exercises…….

      Research methods and methods for assessing physical performance and functional state of those involved……………..….

      1. Methods for assessing physical development……………………………

        Tests to assess the functional state…………………


Conclusions on the first chapter………………………………………………..




APPENDIX A……………………………………………………….


In modern conditions, the need to assimilate an ever-increasing flow of scientific and technical information requires great mental effort and increased expenditure of physical strength from all groups of the population. One of the main factors of decreased performance is lack of physical activity.

The mechanism for reducing the performance of the human body is very simple. A sedentary lifestyle leads to weakening of the human heart muscle and muscular system. And since the heart muscle is weakened, it pumps blood weaker to all organs and muscles, which means the nutrition of all cells of the body deteriorates. Lack of nutrition especially affects the brain. This manifests itself in decreased memory and rapid fatigue. In addition, slow blood circulation impairs the functioning of other organs and systems of the body, and can ultimately lead to the development of chronic diseases.

The active rhythm of life of modern people does not create the necessary conditions for the consistent functional improvement of the human neuromuscular system and the energy supply of body functions. Consequently, there is an urgent need for systematic independent physical exercise, which accelerates the process of physical improvement and increases the body’s performance. However, not everyone has the opportunity and ability to engage in physical education and sports. Therefore, the most common and accessible means of increasing physical activity and improving health is health-improving physical culture with its wide availability of means and methods.

The main difference between health training and sports training is the focus on improving the health and maintaining the performance of those involved, increasing their functional state of the body and physical fitness. While the main goal of sports training is to focus on high athletic results, it is not always possible to maintain health. Another difference is that the set of means and methods of health-improving physical education (complexes, programs, techniques) is accessible, easy to implement and effective.

In order for physical education activities with a health-improving focus to have only a positive impact on a person, it is necessary to follow a number of methodological rules and principles:

    Gradual increase in intensity and duration of loads.

    Variety of tools used.

    Systematicity of classes.

Health (physical) training is widely used all over the world to prevent diseases, improve functional status, increase life expectancy and improve its quality. The main focus of health-improving physical culture is to increase the functional state of the body and physical fitness. However, in order to achieve a pronounced healing effect, physical exercise must be accompanied by a significant expenditure of energy and give a long-term, uniform load to the respiratory and circulatory systems, which ensure the delivery of oxygen to tissues, i.e. have a pronounced aerobic orientation.

The effectiveness of health-improving physical exercises is determined by the frequency and duration of exercise, the intensity and nature of the means used, and the mode of work and rest.

The choice of one or another method of physical exercise with a health-improving orientation correlates with the real situation, opportunities, needs, and sometimes is a matter of individual taste and interest. The health-improving effect of physical exercises is observed only in those cases when they are rationally balanced in direction, power and volume in accordance with the individual capabilities of those involved. Physical exercise activates and improves metabolism, improves the activity of the central nervous system, ensures adaptation of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems to the conditions of muscular activity, accelerates the process of entry into work and functioning of the circulatory and respiratory systems, and also reduces the duration of functional recovery after shifts caused by physical activity.

Regular physical exercise (and therapeutic physical training procedures) have an equally positive effect on the activity of the digestive and excretory organs: the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines improves, their secretory function increases, the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, which plays a large role in the functioning of the intestines, are strengthened; The functions of the excretory organs, as well as the endocrine glands, become more perfect.

In addition to the health-improving effect, physical exercise has a training effect on a person (mental and physical performance increases), allows one to increase the level of physical qualities, and contributes to the formation and further improvement of vital motor skills (swimming, skiing, etc.).

The health-improving, therapeutic and training effect of physical exercise on the body becomes more effective if it is correctly combined with hardening agents in the form of water treatments, sun and air baths, as well as massage.

Thus, regular use of physical exercises and hardening factors increases the vitality of the body of those involved, its natural immunity, improves the functions of the autonomic systems, performance and prevents premature aging.

Our research has the following objectives:

    To study and provide characteristics of the most common health systems and techniques, mainly aimed at improving the functioning of the cardiorespiratory system, increasing the overall performance of the body of those involved.

    To study methods and techniques for assessing the level of physical performance and functional state of those involved in recreational physical culture.

    Develop a lesson summary aimed at developing general endurance using one of the health-improving techniques.

The leading research method is the analysis and study of educational, methodological and scientific literature. It is intended to study authors who study the fundamentals of building sports training, who have developed and popularized various health systems and methods, as well as authors who study the level of physical performance and functional state (A.G. Dembo, V.L. Karpman, K. Cooper, T. G. Menshutkina, E.G. Melner and others).

Chapter 1 means, methods, health systems aimed at improving the functioning of the cardiorespiratory system, increasing the overall endurance of the human body

      General characteristics of sports that primarily develop general endurance

Most often, the preventive and health-improving effect of physical training is associated with the use of moderate (aerobic) intensity exercises. In this regard, recommendations for the use of cyclic exercises for health purposes have become widespread. Cyclic exercises involve the largest muscle groups, which require a significant amount of oxygen and therefore develop mainly the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. And the good condition of these systems is the basis of human health. Most experts recommend the predominant (up to 90-100%) use of endurance exercises in health training programs.

Sports that influence the development of general endurance and improve the functioning of the cardiorespiratory system include aerobics and some of its types (step aerobics, water aerobics, Pilastes, etc.), recreational walking and skiing, running, swimming, rhythmic gymnastics, breathing gymnastics

In order to understand what the health benefits of each of the above sports and health systems are, let’s take a closer look at each of them.

        Characteristics of aerobics and its types (health aerobics, hydroaerobics)

Health aerobics is one of the areas of mass physical culture with controlled load. Its characteristic feature is the presence of an aerobic part of the lesson, during which the work of the cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular systems is maintained at a certain level.

Among the different types of modern dance aerobics, three independent directions can be distinguished: recreational, sports, and applied aerobics.

The era of aerobics (1970s of the 20th century) began with Dr. Kenneth Cooper, a specialist in health-improving physical culture, who first coined the term “health-improving aerobics” and wrote a book called “Aerobics”. Cooper developed a health system: walking, running, swimming, skiing, speed skating and cycling, jumping rope and dance aerobics. The program was designed for people with poor health, classified in special medical groups; in addition to aerobic exercise, it was based on rational nutrition and mental comfort, and gained popularity all over the world.

The appearance of aerobics in its classic form is associated with the name of the American actress Jane Fonda . This is a set of exercises combining steps, gymnastics and dance movements performed to music. Later they began to include complexes of anaerobic (strength) exercise, exercises with dumbbells, expanders, and exercise machines. The development and justification of systems for those involved in different levels of physical fitness, preparation of programs for training specialists belongs to the National School of Aerobics and Reebok University (USA).

Modern aerobics is diverse. Today there are more than 30 types of aerobics: step aerobics, fitball aerobics, dance aerobics, slide aerobics, teraraerobics, pampaerobics, water aerobics, bicycle aerobics (cycle), aerobics, tai-bo (or ki-bo), yoga - aerobics , pilatesaerobics.

The term aerobics has a double meaning. In a broad sense, aerobics is a system of exercises aimed at developing aerobic capabilities for energy supply of physical activity. Walking, running, swimming, dancing, cardio exercises, etc. are used as means of influence.

Considering that the level of aerobic performance is mainly characterized by the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the body, which in turn largely determine the state of a person’s physical health, the use of the term aerobics corresponds to the target orientation of health-improving physical culture.

In a narrower sense, aerobics is one of the areas of physical education and health fitness programs built on the basis of various gymnastic exercises (step aerobics, slide aerobics, dance aerobics, etc.).

The term “aerobic” is borrowed from physiology, it is used to define the chemical and energy processes that ensure muscle function. It is known that metabolism during muscle excitation is a complex system of chemical reactions. The processes of splitting complex molecules into simpler ones are combined with the processes of synthesis (reduction) of energy-rich substances. One of these processes can only occur in the presence of oxygen, that is, under aerobic conditions. Aerobic processes produce significantly more energy than anaerobic reactions. Carbon dioxide and water are the main breakdown products of aerobic energy production and are easily removed from the body through breathing and sweat. Types of physical activity that stimulate an increase in oxygen consumption during exercise include various cyclic movements performed at low intensity for quite a long time.

Basic exercises in aerobics are various types of walking, running, hopping and jumping, leg swings, squats, lunges, general developmental exercises in a sitting, lying, standing position, stretching exercises - all this provides a varied effect on the body of those involved.

In addition to aerobic exercises, classes include a large number of exercises aimed at developing strength and endurance of various muscle groups, shaping the figure, and developing flexibility.

Aerobics classes with a health focus are conducted in the form of a lesson. The advantages of the lesson-based form of conducting classes are that the educational process is headed by a qualified instructor-teacher, who ensures problem solving and maximum productivity of classes.

The activities of a coach (instructor) are characterized by two types of designing programs and conducting aerobics lessons - free (freestyle) and structured (choreographic).

In each part of an aerobics lesson, you can highlight some fragments characteristic of this area of ​​health-improving activities, which allow you to solve certain particular problems.

In the preparatory part of the lesson, exercises are used to ensure: a gradual increase in heart rate, an increase in body temperature, preparation of the musculoskeletal system for subsequent load and increased blood flow to the muscles, increased mobility in the joints.

In the main part of the lesson, it is necessary to achieve: an increase in heart rate to the level of the “target zone”, an increase in the functionality of different body systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular), an increase in calorie consumption when performing special exercises.

In the final part of the lesson, exercises are used that allow you to: gradually reduce metabolic processes in the body, lower the heart rate to a level close to the original one.

The activities of those involved in aerobics lessons can be organized in a frontal, individual or circular manner. Recently, various original programs of power circuit and dance circuit aerobics have become widespread.

With regular exercises in health-improving aerobics and the use of pre-developed standard programs, you can adhere to the following recommendations for the duration of their study, based on taking into account the adaptation of the practitioner’s body to the load:

1. Perform a standard load for one (two) weeks, learn dance moves and improve movement technique.

2. Increase the load for one (two) weeks by increasing the duration of the lesson (by 10%). In a standard program, increase the number of repetitions of different “blocks” of exercises.

3. Continue increasing the load for two (four) weeks, increasing the duration of the lesson by another 10% or increasing the intensity of the exercises.

To regulate the load, various methodological techniques can be used, including the so-called “periodic” and “long-term training”.

The largest, most popular and popular type of aerobics among the population is aqua aerobics (hydro aerobics) .

Hydroaerobics is a type of health-improving and recreational physical culture that uses a combination of traditional and non-traditional (massage, hydromassage, elements of oriental gymnastics, etc.) exercises performed in an aerobic mode of exercise in an aquatic environment with musical accompaniment in order to increase physical activity and enjoyment and maintaining health.

Hydroaerobics classes are suitable for people of different ages and levels of fitness. Reducing the influence of gravity and increasing the influence of buoyant force creates support for the body and softens the negative impact on the joints and spine. This makes water activities the safest and most convenient activity for overweight, elderly and physically weak people. On the other hand, the additional resistance provided by water to all movements causes an increase in their intensity. The use of various equipment (swimming poles and boards, aqua dumbbells and aqua discs, balls) makes the classes interesting and varied. The lesson takes place to music.

Hydroaerobics classes help strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, develop physical qualities (strength, flexibility, endurance), and relieve emotional stress.

The technology for constructing hydroaerobics classes includes a system of goals and objectives, motor actions (principles for constructing tasks, patterns, methods and means of classes), planning the content of classes, predicting and monitoring the effects of classes.

The purpose of hydroaerobics classes is: improving well-being, increasing physical activity during exercise in water.

Classification of hydroaerobics means: basic exercises performed in an aquatic environment in various positions (standing, in a half-squat, lying down; with a movable support, at a fixed support, in an unsupported position), with and without objects; additional means: recovery tools, musical accompaniment of classes, use of classes in the hall.

According to their focus, exercises are divided into the following groups: according to target orientation - general developmental and preventive exercises, according to the effect on individual muscle groups - local exercises, according to the structure of movements - swimming exercises, and according to the manifestation of certain skills and abilities - gaming exercises.

The duration of classes can range from 40 to 60 minutes. The optimal water level in the pool is 120-130 cm, which makes it possible to immerse almost all parts of the body in water, thereby allowing students to be in a state of hydro-weightlessness, relieve the musculoskeletal system as much as possible and work out almost all muscle groups. Particular attention should be paid to coordinating movements with breathing.

Exercises are performed without support, with movable support (boards, sticks, discs) and at a fixed support (the side of the pool).

The lesson is based on a combination of swimming, general strengthening, preventive, play exercises and exercises of local impact on various muscle groups using starting positions: standing, in a half-squat, lying down, with and without objects.

Lesson structure. Hydroaerobics is a set of exercises that are combined with swimming.

Preparatory part The lesson begins with a warm-up, its main content being exercises without support for the muscles of the arms, shoulder girdle and torso.

Main part the lesson includes three blocks of exercises: exercises at a fixed support, where the leg muscles are primarily worked in a dynamic mode; exercises without support, jumping and walking, as well as to strengthen the cardiovascular system; exercises with a movable support (to work the abdominal muscles and oblique abdominal muscles, inner thighs and gluteal muscles). These blocks can be interchanged and also replaced with other exercises (self-massage, exercises with a partner).

Final part includes exercises performed at a fixed support and in an unsupported position, aimed at stretching and relaxing muscles /

        Characteristics of healthy walking and running

Health walking- this is the simplest type of physical activity for people leading a sedentary lifestyle, the best medicine. It should be added that for untrained older people and for overweight people, walking is the most accessible and mandatory initial stage of independent exercise, since when walking the load on the legs is 2 times less than when running.

Walking can be done on the street, in the park, and in the forest. At the same time, numerous muscle groups are actively active, including the largest ones: muscles of the legs, pelvic girdle, back, arms, respiratory organs, etc. Walking can provide a relatively high functional load, training and strengthening of the cardiovascular system.

The training effect largely depends on the speed and duration of movement.

There is scientific evidence that exercise performed at a lower intensity, but for a longer period of time, produces a noticeable aerobic training effect. This means that walking effectively trains the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. When increasing the load, do not forget about the initial level of your preparedness, physical condition, and age. For older people and people with reduced performance, a more gradual increase in the daily training load can be recommended (Table 1).

The proposed four-stage increase in dosed load with a gradual transition from walking to running is designed for one year. The training cycle consists of three days of training and one day of rest. For women, the proposed loads are reduced by 20-25%, and the pulse response can be 5-8 beats higher than in men.

If the load is adequate to the physical condition of the student, then if he feels well, the increase in heart rate should correspond to that specified in the program. Full or 75% restoration of heart rate to the original data should occur 15-20 minutes after completion of the workout.

Such regulation of increasing loads for a long period is largely conditional. Although numbers inspire confidence and allow you to see the prospect of developing your functionality, they should not be a dogma. The expected duration of these stages and other data must be adjusted in accordance with the state of health, well-being during and after classes, taking into account the doctor’s recommendations. Sometimes you will need to stay at the same stage, and maybe go back, especially after a long absence from classes, illness or illness.


distances, km

Travel time

Approximate duration

walks, min

Although regular walking is one of the mildest means of additional exercise, when walking-training, you should make it a rule to gradually reduce your walking speed towards the end of the session, completing it at a slow pace for 3-5 minutes. This period is necessary for a gradual decrease in the activity of body systems to occur. Anyone who suddenly stops strenuous exercise puts their heart at risk because blood flow slows faster than the heart beats, causing a lack of blood in the heart vessels. Therefore, you should not end the loading exercise with an abrupt stop. After a brisk walk, you should not stand still or sit down. Continue moving while you measure your heart rate.

Walking is the foundation of running, which is not neglected even by high-class athletes. The legendary Finnish runner Paavo Nurmi included long walks in his training program as a long distance runner.

Health running is the simplest and most accessible (technically speaking) type of cyclic exercise, and therefore the most widespread.

Running is a more intense exercise than walking, however, it can be dosed based on energy consumption, speed of movement, distance, etc. Thus, according to researchers, at a running speed of 10 kilometers per hour (jogging), energy consumption is 10.5 kilocalories per minute (630 kcal/h); at a speed of 15 kilometers per hour (usual easy running) -21 kilocalories per minute (1260 kcal/hour), which is more than half the daily energy consumption of a person engaged in mental work.

The technique of recreational running is so simple that it does not require special training, and its effect on the human body is extremely great. However, when assessing the effectiveness of its impact, two most important areas should be highlighted: general and special effect.

The general effect of running on the body is associated with changes in the functional state of the central nervous system, compensation of missing energy costs, functional changes in the circulatory system and a decrease in morbidity. Endurance running training is an indispensable means of relaxing and neutralizing negative emotions that cause chronic nervous tension. These same factors significantly increase the risk of myocardial damage as a result of excessive intake of adrenal hormones - adrenaline and norepinephrine - into the blood.

Health-improving running (in optimal dosage) in combination with water procedures is the best way to combat neurasthenia and insomnia - diseases of the 20th century caused by nervous overstrain and an abundance of incoming information. As a result, nervous tension is relieved, sleep and well-being improve, and performance increases.

The calming effect of running is enhanced by the action of pituitary hormones (endorphins), which are released into the blood during endurance work. During intense training, their content in the blood increases 5 times compared to the resting level and is maintained in increased concentration for several hours. As a result of such a diverse influence of running on the central nervous system, with regular long-term exercise, the runner’s personality type and mental status change, and not only physical, but also mental performance, and a person’s creative capabilities increase.

Health-improving jogging has a significant positive effect on the circulatory system and immunity.

As a result of health-improving jogging, important changes occur in the biochemical composition of the blood, which affects the body’s susceptibility to cancer.

Thus, positive changes as a result of health-improving jogging help improve health and increase the body’s resistance to adverse environmental factors.

The special effect of running training is to increase the functionality of the cardiovascular system and aerobic performance of the body. An increase in functional capabilities is manifested primarily in an increase in the contractile and “pumping” functions of the heart and an increase in physical performance.

By activating fat metabolism, running is an effective means of normalizing body weight. People who regularly engage in recreational jogging have close to ideal body weight, and their fat content is 1.5 times less than that of non-runners.

In addition to the main health-improving effects of running associated with the impact on the circulatory and respiratory systems, it is also necessary to note its positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism, liver and gastrointestinal tract function, and the skeletal system.

It is recommended to start your physical training with walking. It is no coincidence that all authors of books on running warn beginners about the need to gradually increase the overall load. You also need to gradually move from walking to running. Increasing distance and additional minutes of running should come naturally. You must know your own capabilities and keep your training load within their limits. One of the main ways is to train, but not to strain yourself.

Dosed running should begin after performing a small set of usual general developmental exercises. Pay special attention to the preparation of the articular ligaments. If it's cold outside, it's better to warm up at home.

Of no small importance is the psychological stress and emotional comfort that arises during a long run at optimal speed. It is no coincidence that most fans of recreational running note the fact that as a result of long runs they invariably experience a feeling of satisfaction.

This phenomenon is reflected as a result of special scientific research. Thus, it was found that when running for 20 minutes or longer at an intensity of 60-80% of the maximum age-related heart rate in the blood plasma, the concentration of beta-endorphins and met-endorphins - mediators of pain and pleasure - increases significantly. Researchers suggest that a similar response occurs with all cycling exercises.

        Characteristics of recreational swimming

Swimming is one of the most effective means of healing. It is indicated without limitation to almost all healthy people of any age.

This type of cyclic exercise also involves all muscle groups, but due to the horizontal position of the body and the specific nature of the aquatic environment, the load on the circulatory system in swimming is less than in running or skiing. To achieve the necessary health-improving effect of swimming, it is necessary to develop a sufficiently high speed at which the heart rate would reach the training regime zone (at least 130 beats/min). Without mastering the correct swimming technique, this is quite difficult to do. As a result of difficulty inhaling (water pressure on the chest) and exhaling into the water, swimming contributes to the development of the external respiration apparatus and an increase in the vital capacity of the lungs.

The specific conditions for swimming (high humidity, pool microclimate) are especially favorable for people with bronchial asthma. When swimming, asthma attacks usually do not occur, while while running with forced breathing, the likelihood of them is higher.

The virtual absence of load on the joints and spine makes it possible to successfully use this type of muscular activity for diseases of the spine (deformity, discogenic radiculitis, etc.). The energy supply of muscle activity during swimming differs in a number of features. Just being in water causes an increase in energy consumption by 50% (compared to the resting level); maintaining the body in water requires an increase in energy consumption by 2-3 times, since the thermal conductivity of water is 25 times greater than that of air. Due to the high resistance of water, swimming requires four times more energy per meter of distance than walking at the same speed. In this regard, swimming can be an excellent means of normalizing body weight, provided that the exercise is regular (at least 30 minutes 3 times a week). With mastery of swimming techniques and a sufficiently intense and prolonged load, swimming can be effectively used to improve the functional state of the circulatory system and reduce risk factors for coronary artery disease.

Swimming has a beneficial effect on many functional systems of the body:

    the respiratory muscles are strengthened, the mobility of the joints of the chest increases, the vital capacity and ventilation capacity of the lungs increases, the function of the respiratory system significantly improves;

    gravitational loads on the spinal column are reduced, the muscular corset of the chest is strengthened, which leads to improved posture;

    the positive effect of the aquatic environment on the nervous system is manifested in stimulating brain activity, accelerating the elimination of fatigue during intense mental work, and increasing the mobility of nervous processes;

    hydromassage of the skin helps to improve the regulation of the body's autonomic functions, reflex stimulation of the cardiovascular system, and improves peripheral circulation;

    The body's resistance to low temperatures increases.

Unlike programs using other cyclic exercises, where individualization of loads is achieved taking into account the level of physical condition or physical fitness, in recreational swimming it is necessary to know the level of swimming fitness.

Swimming fitness is determined in a standard swimming pool. In this case, the following is recorded: the method (methods) of movement on the water; total distance length; total time of non-stop distance; average swimming speed.

The following swimming methods are distinguished: sports - front crawl, back crawl, breaststroke, butterfly; original - side breaststroke, side crawl, free crawl; composite - consisting of various combinations of one or two elements of sports swimming.

Load parameters in recreational swimming can be determined either with a focus on the intensity of the load based on the magnitude of the physiological reaction, or on specific ratios of speed and distance length.

Persons with low and below average levels of swimming fitness use low-intensity loads, those with an average level - medium intensity, those with above-average and high levels - medium and high intensity.

With a low and below average level of swimming readiness, a significant part of the class time is devoted to learning swimming techniques and exercises in the water. At average, above average and high levels of swimming fitness, up to 75% of the lesson time is devoted to swimming loads of medium and high intensity (depending on the level of swimming fitness and level of physical condition).

        Characteristics of recreational skiing

As a form of aerobics and exercise, skiing (cross-country) is of greatest interest. Why walking and not running? Because when traveling on skis, you can only walk, since the skis always have contact with the surface. Skiing is one of the best means of physical education, both in the sense of aerobics and in the sense of athletic and general physical training and active recreation.

Unlike other types - walking, running, cycling and even swimming, skiing has a very diverse technique that involves all muscle groups. Moreover, the core muscles can work no less than the legs.

When moving on skis, dynamic work is performed, which is characterized by strictly repeating movements of the same structure.

The structure of skiing is similar to regular walking. In the process of forming a motor skill, an extremely important role belongs to the senses. They direct movements, correct them in space and time, and contribute to the creation of a complex of different sensations. In addition, in skiing it is especially important to master such specific sensations for this type of movement as “the feeling of skis”, “the feeling of snow”.

This type of cyclic exercise is used in northern regions with appropriate climatic conditions and is not inferior to running in its health-improving effects. When skiing, in addition to the muscles of the lower leg and thigh, the muscles of the upper limbs and shoulder girdle, back and abdomen are also involved in the work, which requires additional energy expenditure. In this regard, skiers are superior to runners in developing aerobic capacity and endurance; they have the highest MIC values ​​- up to 90 ml/kg. Participation in the work of almost all major muscle groups contributes to the harmonious development of the elements of the musculoskeletal system. This type of cyclic exercise has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, as it is performed in the fresh air. The specific motor skill of skiing increases the sense of balance (very important for older people) as a result of training the musculoskeletal and vestibular system. The hardening effect is also clearly manifested, the body’s immunity to colds increases. It is no coincidence that Cooper puts skiing in first place in terms of health benefits, rating it even higher than running.

The load on the joints and the risk of injury when skiing is much less than when running. However, the technique of skiing is more complex and can present certain difficulties for unprepared middle-aged and elderly beginners; the likelihood of injury (including fractures) increases. In this regard, for skiing you should choose relatively flat slopes without a large difference in altitude. Steep climbs place additional (sometimes excessive) stress on the circulatory system.

        Characteristics of rhythmic and breathing exercises

Rhythmic gymnastics– a traditional type of gymnastics with a health-improving and developmental orientation, based on the subordination of motor actions to musical accompaniment that sets the rhythm and tempo.

Rhythmic gymnastics is a system of gymnastic exercises, including exercises of a general developmental nature, cyclic movements (walking, running, jumping and jumping, dance elements) performed at a given pace and rhythm.

The impact of rhythmic gymnastics on the body of those involved can be defined as complex. Since the exercises are continuous in nature, the load falls primarily on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and the musculoskeletal system. Movements and their coordination connections improve motor capabilities, expand motor experience, form correct posture and rational gait, develop a general culture of movement and style of behavior, and under certain conditions can instill aesthetic tastes. In the process of performing the complexes, endurance, joint mobility, and strength qualities are improved.

In general, the targeted impact of rhythmic gymnastics is to maintain health (according to the theory of valeology - in the “zone of sustainable health”), harmonious physical and functional improvement.

At the same time, quite important particular tasks are solved: increasing the degree of general motor activity, body correction, psychological relaxation.

Performing them in rhythmic gymnastics has its own characteristics: each exercise individually is quite simple and therefore accessible to almost all age categories of students; multiple repetitions of each movement, their combinations in ligaments, series and the whole flow determine their aerobic nature, stimulating the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and providing load to the musculoskeletal system; most of the exercises are beautiful in form and style of execution, movements in them are free - which creates favorable conditions for nurturing expressiveness and developing plasticity; rhythmic musical accompaniment, as well as a beautiful and accurate demonstration of movements by the teacher (or demonstrator) create a positive emotional background that matches the mood and taste of the student; individual exercises are combined into complexes that allow a large number of muscle groups to be included in the work and ensure harmonious effects; the absence of strict requirements for technical support, the ability to individually select comfortable and beautiful equipment and change it in accordance with fashion changes, and the general “fun” atmosphere make rhythmic gymnastics popular and widespread.

Modern rhythmic gymnastics is an independent type of gymnastics with a characteristic methodology and rules for organizing classes. Rhythmic gymnastics exercises are used in the form of morning exercises, a physical training break during the working day, in the form of individual independent exercises or strictly regulated lessons, a sports warm-up or part of a training session.

Each of these forms of classes has its own characteristics. Morning exercises are characterized by the simplest movements of the body parts, running steps in place and jumps combined into short (4-5) ligaments, light half-squats, half-bends and half-turns, swaying and shaking of arms and legs, low light swings. All this is accompanied by “stylish” music, setting a low tempo and relaxed rhythm, creating a pleasant experience for the actions performed.

Externally, rhythmic gymnastics complexes are quite simple. However, for independent training, preliminary preparation is required: consultations with specialists, studying the rules for constructing complexes and establishing the level of permissible load, as well as managing it during training; mastering self-control techniques.

The most effective form of rhythmic gymnastics is a lesson. It is built according to a standard scheme and contains preparatory, main and final parts.

The preparatory part (or warm-up) is aimed at getting used to it; contains warm-up exercises of general impact and local warm-up movements. Its duration is up to 5 minutes.

The main part involves specific training of various muscle groups and the impact on the main functional systems with special exercises. Both the content and duration of the main part of a rhythmic gymnastics lesson are quite variable, depending on the type of lesson and the tasks being solved.

The final part is aimed at calming and relaxing; it contains 2-4 light exercises for relaxation, stretching, and calm breathing accentuated by an extended exhalation. As an addition, it is possible to use autogenic training techniques or meditation. The duration of the third part is 2-5 minutes.

A separate movement of a body part is usually taken as a conventional unit of a set of exercises:

a) head movements: normal turns to the sides and with raising and lowering of the chin, bending forward and backward, circular movements;

b) arm movements: cross, circular, raising and lowering - swing or tense in nature, simultaneous and alternate with various combinations of actions with hands, forearms, shoulders;

c) movements of the body: stooping and bending, bending and turning, rocking, waves, flexion and extension - with various combinations of actions in certain parts of the spinal column, shoulder girdle and hip region;

d) leg movements: raising and lowering, swings, swings with an intermediate or final stop, flexion and extension with straight and to varying degrees bent legs, with different combinations of actions with feet, knees, hips.

All these movements are similar to those performed as general developmental ones, but in rhythmic gymnastics they are freer and more stylized: the poses are rounded, the movements are springy, but light, expressive, and plastic.

According to the established methodology, each individual movement is repeated at least 8-16 times (in all directions), the pace should increase during execution. In this case, as a rule, the amplitude of movements decreases, which can be neglected, but you can try to keep it large.

In rhythmic gymnastics, there are ideas about a certain average frequency of movements of different parts of the body, which serves as a guide in the selection and dosage of exercises: performing poses, head movements, relaxation and stretching exercises - 40-60 accents per minute; body movements, walking – 70-75; movements of the arms, shoulder girdle, pelvis, swings, calm dance movements – 80-90; running, jumping, dance movements - 100-150; fast running, rock and roll - 160 and more.

When performing individual movements, you should consider:

1) all movements as a whole should affect the entire musculoskeletal system with an emphasis on the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine;

2) it is necessary to alternate static and dynamic exercises;

3) one should strive for the accuracy of the initial positions, direction and amplitude of movement;

4) the emphasis in exercises should be on weak links and muscles;

5) free, uniform breathing is desirable, but short-term delays are allowed, which can have a positive meaning;

6) you need to gradually complicate the movements and alternate between slow and fast pace.

The peculiarity of rhythmic gymnastics is that the tempo of movements and the intensity of the exercises are set by the rhythm of the musical accompaniment. It uses a complex of various agents that affect the body. Thus, a series of running and jumping exercises primarily affect the cardiovascular system, bending and squats affect the musculoskeletal system, relaxation methods, etc. self-hypnosis - on the central nervous system. Exercises on the ground develop muscle strength and joint mobility, running series develop endurance, dance series develop plasticity, etc. Depending on the choice of means used, rhythmic gymnastics classes can be predominantly athletic, dance, psychoregulatory or mixed in nature. The nature of energy supply, the degree of enhancement of respiratory and circulatory functions depend on the type of exercise.

In health-improving classes, the choice of tempo of movements and series of exercises should be carried out in such a way that the training is mainly aerobic in nature (with an increase in heart rate within the range of 130-150 beats/min). Then, along with improving the functions of the musculoskeletal system (increasing muscle strength, joint mobility, flexibility), it is also possible to increase the level of general endurance, but to a much lesser extent than when performing cyclic exercises.

      Research methods and methods for assessing physical performance and functional state of those involved

Physical exercise is a very powerful means of changing a person’s physical and mental state. Properly organized classes strengthen health, improve physical development, increase physical fitness and performance, and improve the functional systems of the human body.

For example, let’s take the cardiovascular system and its main organ – the heart. As already noted, no organ needs training so much and does not lend itself to it as easily as the heart. Working under heavy load, the heart inevitably trains. The boundaries of its capabilities expand, and it adapts to transfer a much larger amount of blood than the heart of an untrained person can do.

In the process of regular exercise and sports, as a rule, the size of the heart increases, and different forms of physical activity also have different opportunities for improving the heart.

At the same time, it is necessary to understand that the uncontrolled and unsystematic use of physical education means is ineffective, and in some cases can cause irreparable harm to health, and everyone can give many examples of this.

Monitoring and self-control measures for those involved themselves are designed to eliminate all conditions under which negative effects of physical exercise and sports may occur.

The purpose of control is to optimize the process of physical exercise based on an objective assessment of the state of the body.

Diagnosis of the state of the body during physical education includes various types of control: medical, pedagogical, but self-control occupies a special place.

        Methods for assessing physical development

As already noted, physical development is a change in the forms and functions of the human body during his life.

The level and characteristics of physical development can be determined, first of all, using anthropometry.

Anthropometry – a system of measurements and research in anthropology of linear dimensions and other physical characteristics of the body.

Anthropometric measurements are carried out according to generally accepted methods using special, standard instruments. The following are measured: standing and sitting height, body weight, circumference of the neck, chest, waist, abdomen, shoulder, forearm, thigh, lower leg, vital capacity, back strength and hand muscle strength, diameters of the shoulder, chest and pelvis, fat deposition.

The level of physical development is assessed using three methods: anthropometric standards, correlation and indices.

Anthropometric standards – these are the average values ​​of signs of physical development obtained from examining a large contingent of people, homogeneous in composition (age, gender, profession, etc.). Average values ​​(standards) of anthropometric characteristics are determined by the method of mathematical statistics. For each characteristic, the arithmetic mean (M - mediana) and the standard deviation (S - sigma) are calculated, which determines the boundaries of a homogeneous group (norm).

Physical development indices . These are indicators of physical development, representing the ratio of various anthropometric characteristics expressed in a priori mathematical formulas.

The index method makes it possible to make approximate estimates of changes in the proportionality of physical development. Index is the value of the ratio of two or more anthropometric characteristics. The indices are based on the relationship of anthropometric characteristics (weight with height, vital capacity of the lungs, strength, etc.) Different indices include a different number of characteristics: simple (two signs), complex - more. The most common indexes.

Broca-Brugsch height index . To obtain the proper weight, subtract 100 from the height data up to 165 cm; with a height from 165 to 175 cm - 105, and with a height of 175 cm and above - 110. The resulting difference is considered the proper weight.

Weight-height index (Quetelet) determined by dividing the weight data (in g) by the height data (in cm). The average figures are 350–400 g for men and 325–375 g for women.

To more accurately determine body weight, it is necessary to take into account your body type and ideal weight. Determination of body type (see above), and ideal weight is determined using Table 2.

Table 2 - Determination of weight depending on body type

Body type


height (cm)  0.325

height (cm)  0.375


height (cm)  0.340

height (cm) 0.390


height (cm)  0.355

height (cm)  0.410

Life index determined by dividing vital capacity (LC) by body weight (kg). The average value for men is 60 (athlete 68–70) ml/kg, for women – 50 (athlete 57–60) ml/kg.

Strength index obtained by dividing the strength indicator by weight and expressing it as a percentage. The following are considered average values: hand strength of men (70–75) weight, women – (50–60), athletes – (75–81), athletes – (60–70).

The coefficient of proportionality (CP) can be determined by knowing the length of the body in two positions:

Normal CP is 87–92%. CP has a certain significance when playing sports. Persons with a low CP have, other things being equal, a lower center of gravity, which gives them an advantage when performing exercises that require high stability of the body in space (alpine skiing, ski jumping, wrestling, etc.). Persons with a high CP (more than 92) have an advantage in jumping and running. Women have a slightly lower CP than men.

The build strength indicator expresses the difference between body length and the sum of body weight and chest circumference at exhalation. For example, with a height of 181 cm , weight 80 kg, chest circumference 90 cm, this figure will be 181–(80+90) = 11.

In adults, a difference of less than 10 can be assessed as a strong physique, from 10 to 20 as good, from 21 to 25 as average, from 26 to 35 as weak and more than 36 as a very weak physique.

It should, however, be taken into account that the indicator of physique strength can be misleading if large values ​​of body weight and chest circumference are not associated with muscle development, but are a consequence of obesity.

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Can everyone do recreational jogging and what are the contraindications? Of course, if possible, it would be better to consult a doctor before practicing on your own, undergo a medical examination, and undergo it regularly 2 times a year, monitoring the dynamics in the functional state of the body. Obvious contraindications that pose a danger when performing loads used in the practice of health-improving physical culture are: heart defects, cardiac or pulmonary failure, severe coronary insufficiency at rest or during physical activity, high arterial hypertension (BP more than 200/120 mm Hg. Art. ), the recovery period after suffering: myocardial infarction (up to 6 months or more depending on the severity and form), severe heart rhythm disturbances, chronic kidney disease, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, thrombophlebitis, etc.

A well-known doctor and specialist, including in the field of health-improving physical culture, N.M. Amosov believes that a medical examination and an ECG are needed, first of all, for people with cardiovascular disorders. Everyone else can start exercising without a doctor’s supervision, but with strict adherence to the rules of gradually increasing loads and mandatory heart rate monitoring. But if you experience discomfort during exercise, you should consult a doctor.

Health running should be considered as a therapeutic and prophylactic procedure, and not as a sports exercise that places increased demands on the body. Uncontrolled physical exercise, without taking into account the basic principles of physical education and the adaptive abilities of the body, can cause enormous harm.

1. Rationale for using running for health purposes

In the modern world, in conditions of excess nutrition and consumption of high-calorie foods, it leads to the accumulation in the human body of: fats, cholesterol, polysaccharides. Their excessive accumulation in the body entails a number of negative consequences: the appearance of excess weight, swelling, shortness of breath, decreased immunity, etc. Physical activity opens a natural channel for burning excess calories. In this regard, recreational jogging is very useful, especially such a form as jogging. This type has its advantages: it allows you to achieve a reasonable combination between the load on the cardiovascular system and burning calories. Fast walking can also be very effective in this regard.

During jogging, energy consumption for an adult averages from 600 to 800 kilocalories per hour. The greater the runner's weight, the greater the energy expenditure. Thanks to running, the body's metabolism is activated and a person's body weight is normalized.

To curb the natural aging of body cells, exercise is necessary. Running helps to shake up the body; while running, the bonds between molecules are broken, which prevents them from shrinking and losing water. When running, each step is accompanied by a natural shake. At the same time, shaking is a good natural stimulation for the whole body. Therefore, if running is not available to you, then jumping in place can to some extent replace it.

During running, the load on the heart is reduced due to the rhythmic and consistent contraction of the muscles of the lower leg and thigh, which helps push blood from the veins of the lower extremities up to the heart.

Running increases your metabolism, which helps burn fat, which helps you lose weight and rejuvenate your body. It has been proven that running strengthens the immune system and prevents the development of atherosclerosis and tumor diseases.

With proper dosed running, a harmonious multi-level natural stimulation of the body's defense systems occurs. To a greater extent, it affects the muscular, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems.

Contraindications to jogging are:

· all diseases in the acute stage and with incomplete recovery;

· severe mental illness;

Organic diseases of the central nervous system (epilepsy, paralysis);

· malignant neoplasms;

· diseases of the cardiovascular system: aneurysm of the heart and large vessels; recent myocardial infarction; coronary heart disease with severe attacks of angina or cardiac asthma; circulatory failure II and III degrees; various types of heart rhythm disturbances (atrial fibrillation, etc.);

· respiratory diseases: bronchial asthma with frequent attacks; bronchiectasis;

· diseases of the digestive system during their exacerbation;

· diseases of the liver and biliary tract, accompanied by signs of renal failure or frequent painful attacks;

· diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract in the presence of signs of renal failure or stones requiring surgical intervention;

· diseases of the endocrine glands with severe impairment of their function;

· diseases of the musculoskeletal system with pronounced dysfunction of the joints and the presence of pain;

· glaucoma and progressive myopia, threatening retinal detachment;

· chronic diseases of the peripheral nervous system, accompanied by degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine: spinal osteochondrosis, discogenic radiculitis, etc.;

· prolapse of the abdominal and pelvic organs;

· varicose veins of deep and pronounced superficial veins of the lower extremities;

· pregnancy.

2. Health running technique

Correct running technique that complies with the laws of biomechanics, which gives the spectators and (which is also very important) the runner himself aesthetic pleasure, is a remedy for overload.

Lightness and airiness of running is not easy to achieve - you need to learn it. The magnitude of the overloads, first of all, depends on the magnitude of the vertical movements of the runner’s body. It is known that when running there is a flight phase when there is no contact with the support; the runner’s task is to minimize wave-like vibrations of the body.

Concussions due to lateral vibrations of the body occur when the feet are set too wide. It is also irrational to place your feet in one line. When the feet are positioned correctly, the inner edges of the footprints are in one straight line. Relative to this line, the feet should be slightly spaced with their toes outward so that the push-off occurs predominantly on the big toe.

The placement of the foot from the heel is of great importance - the heel first touches the ground, and the toe at this moment is slightly higher. Already in the next phase, the toe gently falls to the ground. Despite all efforts, this method does not provide a significant reduction in tremors and a gentle running regime. Depreciation is carried out here mainly by the knee joint, where overloads from concussions of an articular nature are possible. However, it is with this method of planting the foot that the introduction to running should begin. For poorly trained people with unsatisfactory health conditions, this method may remain the only possible one for quite a long time, since others require more or less good athletic shape.

Placing the foot off the toe. A method adopted by athletes that provides shock-absorbing smooth loading of the leg. At the moment of planting the foot, the heel is slightly raised above the ground and, without delay, gently falls onto it. However, when supporting the ground, the pressure on the front part of the foot remains noticeably greater than on the back. The method requires good preliminary preparation and therefore can rarely be recommended for recreational jogging. The main thing is gradual, uniform loading of the foot.

In recreational running, depending on individual characteristics, degree of training, fatigue, well-being before running, the quality of shoes and surfaces, it is not only possible, but also necessary to switch from one method of running to another as needed. This is especially important if the muscles in the lower leg, foot or ankle area are tired.

The load on the spine when running depends not only on the way the foot is placed. The forward movement of the leg should be accomplished primarily through the work of the knee. This means that the leg bends quite strongly at the knee joint with a passive lag of the lower leg with relatively relaxed thigh muscles. Otherwise, there is a useless load on the kneecap and the entire knee joint.

It is very important to choose the optimal step length for yourself. The desire to lengthen the stride to the limit leads to disturbances in smooth running and requires a lot of effort and sharply increases the load on the spine. Frequent, mincing running does not provide the desired healing effect for muscles and joints: the muscles contract only slightly, and the joints mainly provide only the transmission of supporting and pushing forces. With this kind of running, static loads predominate.

The length of the step depends on the height and length of the legs, weight, level of training, method of planting the foot and running speed. It is difficult to give exact data here, so we will give a purely indicative example. In well-trained men 175 cm tall, the average step length (the distance from the heel of one leg to the toe of the other) in a 30-minute steady run fluctuates between 110-130 cm. The main indicator of the optimal step length should be ease, ease of performing all movements and smooth running rhythm.

The main requirement is the vertical position of the body. Excessive leaning forward increases the risk of “bumping” on the leg when planting the foot. Leaning your torso back causes excessive hip lift and makes for a strenuous run, with your head typically thrown back somewhat. Don't slouch, avoid sideways rocking and twisting of your torso.

The arms help maintain balance and stabilize the position of the torso. Twisting of the torso is neutralized by the correct work of the arms, the plane of which should correspond to the direction of running, an angle of approximately 45°. Your arms should be bent at the elbows at approximately 90° or slightly less. With insufficient bending and fairly fast running, the work of the arms requires a significant expenditure of force, since the muscles of the torso are also involved in this work.

Learning the correct running technique will help avoid overloading the spine and joints. Good technique increases running efficiency by about 15%.

3. Methodology for recreational jogging

In order to choose the right method for practicing recreational running, you can divide everyone who wants to do it into 3 groups.

Group I - people with poor health and excess weight, 15-20 kg more than normal.

Group II - practically healthy people who have never played sports before.

Group III - healthy people (young and middle-aged) who have previously been involved in sports and are well prepared.

It is best to regulate your running load based on how you feel and your pulse, which is calculated immediately after running in 15 seconds and multiplied by 4. The pulse should be 115-120 beats/min. Gradually, the pulse can reach 130 beats/min. The duration of one lesson is from 10 to 40 minutes. After 6 months of such exercises, you can move on to continuous running, reaching a duration of up to 20 - 25 minutes by the end of the year. It is better to go jogging in the morning. You can take it in the evening, 4 hours before bedtime. The first three months you need to run every 2 days. The next 3 months - every other day, and then daily.

The main condition for healthy running should be continuity of exercise, gradual increase in load and good health, sleep, and performance.

For the second group, we can recommend continuous running for the first 3 months every other day for 15-20 minutes at a speed of 6.5 - 6 minutes per 1 km. In the future, you can run daily from 20 to 30 - 40 minutes at a speed of 6 - 5.5 minutes per 1 km. In addition to daily running, you can do your favorite types of exercise 2 times a week for 1 - 1.5 hours (biking, skiing, swimming, games). The pulse when running can reach 140-150 beats/min.

The third group of trainees most often conducts organized classes in running clubs according to a training program for runs of 10, 15, 20, 30 km and more. The goal of running the specified distances is not to achieve record results, but only to participate in cross-country races and runs.

Those involved in recreational jogging should regularly keep a diary in which they record the work done, heart rate (in the morning) for 1 minute, sleep, well-being, performance, etc.

It is best to run in the park or at the nearest stadium. It is better to choose soft soil. Running is of great benefit if it is combined with a proper diet and conditioning of the body.

In the summer you can run in shorts and a T-shirt or a thin training suit, lightweight sneakers (sneakers). A sports suit for winter activities should be warm and protect against cold winds. For example: tracksuit, bologna jacket, warm hat, mittens. You should wear warm socks and sports shoes (sneakers, sneakers) on your feet.

Methodology for conducting recreational running classes in preschool institutions.

Health running with preschool children should be carried out in small subgroups - 5-7 people, taking into account the level of physical fitness of each child.

The method of recreational running must correspond to the functional capabilities of the child’s body. Therefore, health jogging should be carried out at least twice a week on days when there are no physical exercises during the morning walk. In the warm season they are carried out at the very beginning of the walk, and in the cold season - at the end of it.

When conducting recreational running, an individually differentiated approach should be taken. Children 5-6 years old with a high and average level of activity are asked to run two laps (on average 500 meters), sedentary children - one lap. Children 6-7 years old with high levels of activity run on average 3-4 laps, and sedentary children 2 laps.

Healthy running ends with a gradual slowdown in pace and a transition to normal walking with breathing exercises, after which it is necessary to do standing exercises to relax the muscles.

While running, it is important for the teacher to remember:

1) When choosing a running distance, it is important to take into account the health status and level of physical activity of children.

2) All running distances must be marked (the length of a semicircle and one circle).

3) Running should be fun for children.

4) It is necessary to develop in children a sense of speed in running, a certain pace.

5) After a healthy run, the teacher should not forget to use exercises to relax muscles and restore breathing.

Running loads for a short time (0.5-1 min) are available without restrictions to practically healthy people 20-50 years old with different levels of physical condition. The exception is people over 50 years of age with low and below average levels of physical condition, who are recommended to engage in recreational walking without including short-term running loads. As for continuous running lasting 10 minutes or more, such a volume at the initial stage is advisable for unprepared people only under the age of 40; for older people, running loads of this volume are used at a level of physical condition above average and high.

Normalization of loads in running. Domestic experience shows that jogging can only be used by those who are able to walk at a speed of 6 km/h in 45-60 minutes. In this case, the initial running speed is 100-166 m/min, and the distance is 50-1500 m. For beginners, alternating running and walking segments at distances of 50-100 m, gradually reducing walking intervals and moving on to continuous 20-30 m, has proven its worth. min I run (Table 1).

Table 1. The ratio of running and walking for those starting running for the first time

Class days

Dosage, min

Class days

Dosage, min

The duration of this transitional period to continuous running in young people does not exceed 2 months, and in middle and old age it increases to 4 months.

The minimum training and maximum running speed is controlled by heart rate (Table 2)

Table 2. Boundaries of pulse patterns (heart rate, beats/min) during running loads that ensure an increase in the level of physical condition in people of different ages (according to B.Z. Saghyan et al.)

Age, years

Minimum level

Optimal level

Maximum level

The individual pulse rate is determined taking into account the level of physical condition and distance.

To achieve a training effect with 3 sessions per week, the running duration should be at least 30 minutes, with 7 sessions per week - 10-15 minutes. The training heart rate is calculated using the same formulas as for walking.

When a high level of physical condition is achieved, further expansion of functional capabilities, especially in people under 40 years of age, is ensured by running at variable speeds - (acceleration - fartlek or cross-country overcoming natural obstacles - cross-country running). With fartlek, accelerations lasting 0.5-1 minutes alternate with an interval of continuous low-intensity running.

4. Self-control when doing recreational jogging

health running pulse

It is carried out according to subjective and objective indicators. Subjective criteria include well-being, emotional state, feeling of fatigue, and desire to continue training. When the load in running matches the functional capabilities, fatigue passes quickly, and the next day there is no lethargy, drowsiness, or irritability.

Objective criteria are heart rate and breathing. While running, heart rate is calculated by palpating the area of ​​the carotid, temporal or radial artery. By the nature of breathing you can judge the intensity of running. If, while running, breathing is free, through the nose, or difficulty does not arise during a conversation with a partner, this running speed indicates the aerobic nature of the load (conversation test). The appearance of difficulty breathing, the need to engage in mouth breathing, and the inability to carry on a conversation while jogging indicates an increase in the intensity of the load (above the threshold of anaerobic metabolism), which is excessive for the unprepared.

The relationship between step frequency and breathing while running is very informative. The running speed, at which inhalation for four steps is combined with exhalation for four steps (4:4), is considered low. The ratio of breathing rhythm and number of steps 3:3 characterizes medium running, and 2:2 - high intensity running.


For healthy running, a specially designed training regimen is required, supplemented by a balanced diet and adherence to a general regimen. And it also requires patience and perseverance, because positive changes, as a rule, do not come immediately.

To summarize what has been said in this work, it should be emphasized that healthy running will have a healing effect only if you conduct regular training, combining the beginning and end of training with gymnastic kneading exercises, a healthy diet and proper sleep patterns.


1. Therapeutic physical culture: textbook. allowance / V.A. Yenifanov. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2006. - 568 p.

2. Maksimenko A.M. Fundamentals of the theory and methodology of physical culture. - M.: Education, 1999. - 346s.

3. Handbook for physical education teachers./ Ed. L.B. Kofman. - M.: AST-Press, 1998. - 405 p.

4. Theory and methodology of physical education and sports: textbook. aid for students higher textbook establishments/ Zh.K. Kholodov, V.S. Kuznetsov. - 4th ed. erased - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2006. - 480 p.

5. Physical culture: textbook. allowance/Under general. Ed. E.V. Koneeva. - Rostov n/D: Phoenix, 2006. - 588 p.

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Consultation for teachers on the topic: “Methodology for recreational running for preschoolers”

Even the thinkers of Ancient Greece said:

“If you want to be healthy, run!

If you want to be beautiful, run!

If you want to be smart, run!”

And for a child, running is a natural movement, characteristic of him from an early age. When running, almost all muscle groups work, which improves the functioning of the heart, respiratory system, and internal organs.

What is health running?

This is a long run at a slow pace. Children have a pulse of approximately 140-160 beats per minute, while children 5-6 years old have a pulse of 150-170 beats per minute. The initial duration of running should be determined together with a preschool doctor, and an individual approach to children is also necessary. It is necessary to measure the length of the treadmill not only by the number of meters, but also by the time spent running one lap at a slow pace, because The number of laps run makes it easier for the teacher to navigate.

Every two weeks, the duration of the run increases by 15 seconds. But periodic “stops” are possible (unstable weather, for example in November, and in connection with this, it is difficult for the child to adapt to its constant changes; or it is an ARVI epidemic, quarantine, etc. reasons)

In summer, the running duration does not increase.

As children move to the next age group, the initial running duration for them is set according to April-May data.

In the school preparatory group, children run for 7-12 minutes every day.


Warm-up is necessary in order to warm up the muscles, make joints more mobile, and adjust the child psychologically. From the porch, on the go, you can do exercises for various muscle groups with your children - squats and different types of walking. The warm-up ends with running in place.

(so that children do not “take off” from their place, but run at the right pace), performing exercises during warm-up. Children move forward in a “flock”. You should NOT line them up one after the other, because... Each child has their own individual running pace. They start pushing each other, stepping on each other’s heels, some lag behind, and then rush to catch up. Irrhythmic, intermittent running does not provide any health benefits.

The teacher runs the entire distance with the children. She monitors each child individually and offers to step away from the race and rest. While running, the teacher is sometimes on the side of the children, sometimes in front, sometimes behind, encouraging the children. Gradually, the children begin to line up one after another, stretching out in a chain, and run evenly. The run ends with an even greater slowdown and a transition to walking with breathing exercises, then relaxation and the children rest for a while. The duration of rest depends on how quickly the children’s pulse returns to normal (from 1 to several minutes). Here, a consultation with a pediatrician is also necessary.

Children's clothing should be comfortable, not restrict movement, and sports shoes without heels. It is better not to practice barefoot running, because... children knock their fingers off (even on a dirt path).


  1. Running should be fun for children;
  2. Run with children, but at a pace intended for children;
  3. Run every day;
  4. The longer the running distance, the shorter the warm-up;
  5. After running, you need to relax.

It is important to remember that the initial running duration is determined individually for each child. Children who come back after illness are asked to walk a few laps instead of running, run a shorter distance, or not run at all, but just take a walk. The child’s mood is also taken into account. Any coercion is strictly prohibited!

Running during physical exercise and gymnastics after sleep may be somewhat shorter. In winter, running is sometimes replaced by walking, and in summer by cycling.

You can run on an asphalt path or on a lawn. It is necessary to ensure that there are no potholes, debris, stones, etc.

Recreational running should be carried out with a small subgroup of children (5-7 people), taking into account the level of physical fitness of the child.

The method of recreational running must correspond to the functional capabilities of the child’s body. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out health jogging at least 2 times a week on days when there are no physical exercises during the morning walk. In the warm season they are carried out at the very beginning of the walk, and in the cold season - at the end of it.

When conducting recreational running, an individually differentiated approach should be taken. For children 5-6 years old with a high and average level of activity, I suggest running two laps (on average 500 meters), for sedentary children - one lap. Children 6-7 years old with high levels of activity run on average 3-4 laps, and those with low activity levels run 2 laps.

Healthy running ends with a gradual slowdown of breathing exercises, after which standing exercises are offered to relax the muscles.

While running, it is important for the teacher to remember:

  • When choosing a running distance, it is important to take into account the health status and level of physical activity of children;
  • All running distances must be marked (the length of a semicircle and one circle);
  • Running should give children “muscular joy” and pleasure;
  • It is necessary to develop in children a sense of speed in running, a certain pace;
  • After a healthy run, the teacher should not forget to use exercises to relax muscles and restore breathing;
  • In the winter season, it is advisable not to stop jogging, but at the same time take into account children’s clothing and the length of the distances, which are significantly reduced (from 250 to 500 meters).

When running, it is necessary to ensure that children breathe through their nose.