Abduction of arms in the simulator. Raising arms in a simulator to train powerful deltoids. Abduction to the middle delta in the simulator


M&F: How do you eat?

D.G.: Usually I have 6-7 meals a day. I have oatmeal for breakfast - carbohydrates. Then one protein meal. Then again carbohydrates. Then training. After this, the third intake of carbohydrates. Next - two meals of protein: turkey breast, sometimes beef. Red or white fish - 1-2 times a day.

2-3 weeks before the competition you need to remove all dairy products. That's why I add a little soy milk to my oatmeal. And a lot of green vegetables: cucumbers, broccoli, various mixtures. A week before the start, I reduce my carbohydrate intake - 150, 100, 50 g, then completely give them up. Then two days of carbohydrate “loading”: the first - only “long” carbohydrates, the second - “long” carbohydrates with “short” ones.

Many young people are now interested in the discipline of Men's Physique. However, we know from letters that not everyone is happy with the results of their efforts. What do you advise them?

First of all, approach the coach and clearly explain to him what goal you set for yourself. People often don’t understand what they need: they saw a photo and want to become the same. The coach's task is to help a person understand what he really wants. Secondly, he must identify contraindications to exercise so as not to harm his health. Then a nutrition program and a set of exercises are selected - these include both cardio and strength exercises. The coach must teach his trainee the correct technique for performing the exercises. The position of the body, shoulders, arms, knees - everything is important! So as not to get injured, so that the necessary muscles work. If you do it incorrectly, say, biceps curls, then other muscles begin to connect, but we don’t need this, since isolated exercises are most often the most effective.

Especially for Muscle&Fitness readers, I have outlined an exercise program that I usually use at the beginning of “drying” to draw out the relief. By following this program, you can take the first steps towards physical and spiritual perfection. I wish you all good luck and success in the gym!


Standing leg curls are an excellent isolation exercise for shaping the backs of your legs. In the exercise, you work with only one leg at a time. The leg bends only at the knee joint.


This basic exercise develops the anterior and middle parts of the deltoid muscles, the clavicular part of the pectoral muscle, the upper trapezius muscles, and the triceps.


Keep in mind that a grip that is too narrow will force your elbows forward and limit your range of motion. The weight of the barbell should not interfere with proper exercise technique.


An important point is the amplitude. It should be short, elbows should not go beyond the shoulders. The reason is the same: exclude the back muscles from the work and give the rear delta a concentrated load.


In this exercise, all three parts of the deltoid muscle are included in the work, but the middle part, of course, to a greater extent.


Remember that the forward grip emphasizes the lateral and medial heads of the triceps, while the reverse grip emphasizes the long head.


The technique does not involve working with extreme weights. If the lifting of the arm is accompanied by movement of the shoulder, it means that the weight of the dumbbell exceeds the athlete’s capabilities.


This exercise limits a lot of stress on your biceps, as well as your body's natural biomechanics. Therefore, try to use free weights more often to work your biceps.

Muscle & Fitness 7 2015

Bottom, middle and inner edge of the chest/ Isolation exercise / Separation and "striation" of muscles

Information in the Peck-Deck Trainer add “striations” to the chest muscles; their inner edges are distinguished, clearly separating the left and right pectoralis major muscles in the center of the body.

The strength of the muscles involved in the exercise plays an important role in sports such as gymnastics (especially when practicing exercises on the rings and floor routine on the mat), boxing (various hooks), baseball (forehand shots), and also when performing various side strokes with an open racket in tennis, squash and badminton.

Exercise technique: Information in the Peck-Deck simulator

  1. Adjust the height of the seat (and/or handles) of the Peck-Deck so that when you grasp the handles, your upper arms are level with your shoulders and your forearms and elbows rest firmly on the soft, supportive arm pads.
  2. Sit up straight and press your back and head against the back of the machine. Place your legs wider than your shoulders so that your feet
  3. ended up strictly under the knees (the angle at the knees is straight).
  4. Inhale and, holding your breath, bring your arms together in front of your chest. Exhale when you overcome the most difficult part of the movement.
  5. As soon as you bring your elbows as close as possible (the top point of the exercise), pause for 1-2 seconds and try to tighten your chest muscles even more.
  6. Relax your chest muscles slightly and allow the handles to smoothly move your elbows apart until they are in line with your shoulders or slightly behind your back (lowest point).
  7. When you reach the bottom point, stop and bring your elbows together again.
Tips: Peck-Deck Information
  1. Do not extend your elbows beyond your shoulders if your shoulder joint is not flexible enough or if your chest muscles are weak and inelastic. Pulling your elbows behind your back puts excessive stress on the shoulder joint and can lead to injury.
  2. In order not to damage the shoulder joint and, at the same time, to maximally load the chest muscles, under no circumstances relax them in the negative phase (when you spread your elbows and return to the bottom point of the exercise).
  3. Inhaling and holding your breath while mixing strengthens the position of the torso and increases strength. “Keep your back firmly pressed against the back of the machine. This stabilizes the torso and gives strength to the chest muscles.
Application: Information in the Peck-Deck trainer

To whom: Everyone, from beginner to master.

When: Toward the end of chest training. Before performing flyes on the Peck-Deck, practice all of your planned dumbbell presses and flyes.

How many: 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

Arm abductions in the peck-deck machine- this is a modification of bent-over dumbbell swings, the only difference is that in our case we will perform the exercises not with free weights, but in a simulator. This gives us small advantages. The main advantage of this simulator is that when performing a load in the simulator, the load is removed from the lumbar region of our back. This is a strong enough argument to perform exercises for the rear delts in the simulator.

I always tell people that if you have the option of replacing an exercise that uses the lower back a lot, take it. Take the same ones. After all, you can do it while sitting on a bench, the load is significantly reduced, which gives you a significant advantage to concentrate more on the target muscles, and not think about how not to lose your balance. You can replace barbell presses, . The same situation applies to bent over swings with dumbbells. When performing an exercise with free weights, we are forced to stand on our feet and tilt our body forward, and accordingly, the spine is loaded.

The load vector in the simulator is perpendicular, if we compare swings with dumbbells in an inclined position. In a free weight exercise, the load vector goes along the horizontal, not the vertical. Placing the torso in a vertical position allows us to reduce, or even completely remove, the load from the spine; accordingly, we will be able to concentrate more on the exercise and purposefully work the rear deltoids. The basic rule in the exercise “pulling your arms back in the simulator” is the same as in swings with dumbbells. Our deltoids should be slightly lowered down, but when performing the exercise in the simulator, we do not lower our shoulders down, but slightly forward, thereby stretching the trapezius muscles so that they do not participate in the work. That is, we thus isolate the load as much as possible and direct it specifically to the target muscles, in our case these are the rear deltoids. If we don't bring our shoulders forward a little, the trapezius will be involved in the work, which we don't need at all. If you want, you need to do a number of other exercises.

Of course, by using this version of the exercise, you thereby shorten the amplitude of movement, but this is the only way to turn off the trapezius from work. By the way, if you want, you need to do it comprehensively, allocating a separate day of the week for pumping them up.


1. Before getting into the Peck-Deck machine, make sure its settings are correct and convenient. Make sure that the handles of the machine are adjusted so that you can do a full abduction of your arms, even a little behind your back. Having set the desired weight, sit in the machine, put your chest forward and rest your feet on special bolsters that will help keep your body motionless while performing movements. Lean your chest against the back of the machine and grab the handles with a straight, inside or in-line grip, with your arms slightly bent at the elbows. This will be your starting position.

2. As you exhale, begin to move your arms back, keeping them parallel to the floor. Perform the movement until your deltoids are as close as possible to each other, until maximum muscle contraction occurs.

3. At the peak point, pause for 2 seconds and tighten your rear deltoids as much as possible, then return to the starting position.

4. At the bottom point, keep your arms tense throughout the entire exercise.

5. Complete the required number of repetitions and sets.


1. Due to the short amplitude, you need to perform more repetitions.

2. You can use different grip options. I mostly use an overhand grip, which is when your palms face each other. You can, as an experiment, try a reverse grip or a one-line grip (with your palms facing down). But this is not important, since the connection to the shoulder joint passes through the elbow joint, so grip placement is not so important.

An isolated technique called "reverse butterfly" or "butterfly" Designed for the development of the rear heads of the deltas. Small-sized bundles cannot be pumped up only with basic back exercises, since they indirectly affect the outer zones of the deltoids. Reverse arm raises in the simulator specifically load them and stimulate an increase in fiber volume. According to the biomechanics of movements, the “butterfly” will coincide with dumbbell raises while standing in an inclined position. Only the Peck-Deck design allows you to move your arms back as much as possible and maintain a static body for a long time, which eliminates cheating.

Why do you need technology?

The reverse “butterfly” in the simulator belongs to the category of exercises of initial complexity. Practice:

  • gives the breasts a “striped” appearance;
  • visually divides the pectoralis major muscle in the middle into 2 parts;
  • draws the back muscles in detail.

In addition, she trains shoulder rotators - rotator cuffs, the power of which determines the quality of deadlifts and resistance to stress. The “reverse butterfly” exercise helps gymnasts perform exercises with rings in the floor program, and accurately strike athletes in boxing and with a bat in baseball. Developed dorsal fascicles increase the amplitude and force of the swing of lateral racket strikes in tennis and badminton.

Synergists when working on the rear deltoid in the simulator are: bottom and center of trapezius, infraspinatus, pectoralis minor, rhomboids. Role stabilizers also affected the carpal extensor muscles. Perform the reverse butterfly at the end of the chest development training before or after or.

Reverse flyes in the Peck-Deck simulator: technique

Set the weight and check the position of the handles. The interval between them should correspond to the width of the shoulders. Grab them with a neutral grip and straight arms. When moving, they move along a hemispherical trajectory parallel to the floor.

  1. Assume IP: straight back pressed against a vertical support. Keep your core static throughout the set.
  2. Spread your arms to the sides and lift the load from the supports.
  3. Exhale, hold your breath, tighten your rear deltoids and your entire upper back.
  4. Extend your arms back as far as possible. Bringing your elbows behind your back ensures the activity of the middle fascicle, trapezius and rhomboid muscles. If you can only move them back halfway, reduce the weight and work on shoulder mobility.
  5. After a short delay and muscle concentration on the deltoids, exhale and return to the IP. Hold the handles at shoulder level with straight arms, and do not lower the load throughout the set.
  6. Returning to the bottom point, pause for a second and begin doing reverse flyes in the machine again.

If you don't feel it work the deltas, change your grip. Try holding the handles with your palms facing in opposite directions with your little fingers up and down, then compare the sensations. In the process, imagine that you are spreading not the arms of the machine, but your elbows. Visualization will help you use the right muscles and perform the “butterfly” on the rear deltoids without errors.

Reverse flyes in the simulator in video format:

How many times to spread your arms

  • Beginner men work with weights up to 20 kg and perform 15 repetitions in 3-4 sets.
  • Girls set the load within 10 kg and do 12 x 4.

If you don’t have a butterfly machine, do a back delt deck in a crossover or roller design. At home, use an elastic band.

Information in the Peck-Deck simulator pumps the middle part of the pectoralis major muscle and its inner edge. Information in the simulator isolating exercise. Striping and separation of the pectoral muscles.

Execution technique

  1. Adjust the seat height of the Peck-Deck(Butterfly) so that when you grab the handles, your upper arms are level with your deltoids, and your elbows and forearms are firmly pressed against the soft arm pads.
  2. Sit up straight and press your shoulder blades and head against the back of the machine. The legs should be positioned so that they are shoulder-width apart and the feet are clearly under the knees, the angle at the knees should be straight.
  3. Inhale and, as you stop breathing, bring your arm pillows together in front of your chest. Exhale when you have mastered the most difficult part of the movement.
  4. As soon as you bring your elbows as close as possible, stop for a couple of moments and try to tighten your chest muscles even more.
  5. Loosen your chest muscles a little and let the handles slowly move your elbows out until they are in line with your delts or slightly behind your back.
  6. Then stop and bring your elbows together again.

  1. Do not spread your elbows beyond the outline of the delts if your shoulder joint is not very stretched or if your chest muscles are weak and inelastic. Deviation of the elbows behind the back puts a lot of stress on the shoulder joint and is dangerous.
  2. In order not to stretch the shoulder joint and, at the same time, to limit the muscles of the chest, under no circumstances should you weaken them in the negative stage.
  3. Inhaling and stopping breathing during the exercise in the simulator fixes the position of the torso and increases strength. “The back must be pressed firmly against the back of the projectile. This stabilizes the body and gives strength to the chest muscles.


Intended for: Everyone, from beginners to professionals.

When: At the end of the workout on the chest muscles. At the beginning of the training, practice and, and only then proceed to the information in the Peck-Deck (Butterfly) simulator.

How many: 3-4 sets of 10-14 repetitions.

Sports instruction: The exercises in the Peck-Deck machine add “striation” to the chest muscles; highlight their inner edges, clearly separating the right and left pectoralis major muscles in the middle of the torso. The strength of the muscles involved in the exercise plays an important role in some sports, such as gymnastics (when performing elements on the rings and floor routine on the mat), boxing (various strokes), baseball (bat), and also when performing various strokes side view of an open racket in badminton, tennis and squash.

Video - Information on the Peck-Deck (butterfly) simulator