Draw a diagram with the Olympic sites. “Kyiv Square. Information about the stadium arena

Sports Complex Olympic is the largest indoor arena in Europe. The Olympic Sports Complex hosts competitions in 22 sports. During the existence of the sports complex, it hosted world championships in artistic gymnastics, boxing, bandy, rhythmic gymnastics, Greco-Roman wrestling, Cup European champions ice hockey, the First World Youth Games and many others sporting events first magnitude.

Since 1990, metropolitan viewers have been buying tickets to the Olympic to international tennis tournament ATP Kremlin Cup series. Also in the arena of the sports complex, international tournament Commonwealth Champions Cup, in which the strongest take part football teams CIS.

Buy tickets to the Olympic

The Olympic sports complex was built in 1980, especially for Olympic Games, held in Moscow. A team led by the famous architect M.V. Posokhov worked on the project of the new sports complex, who was awarded the Lenin Prize based on the results of construction. The most important events of the Moscow Olympics took place in the arena of the Olympic Sports Complex. Since 1983, concerts and entertainment events have begun to take place in Olympic. Tickets to the sports complex became a pass to performances bright stars national stage, the premieres of many famous programs of Alla Pugacheva took place here, and in 1987 the capital’s public was able buy tickets to the Olimpiyskiy Sports Complex to an unforgettable show by the magnificent Adriano Celentano.

Subsequently, many Western stars performed at the Olympic Arena, including Billy Joel, Uriah Heep, Status Qwo, Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Iron Maiden", "Depeche Mode", Ellis Cooper, Sting, Robert Plant and many others. IN last years Music festivals “Maxidrom”, “Disco of the 80s”, “Legends of Retro FM”, “Big Love Show” are held in Olimpiysky with great success.

Today, the Olympic Sports Complex remains one of the centers of sports and musical life in the capital. If you are interested price of tickets to the Olympic, view the events published on our website and select tickets that suit you in terms of cost and location in the auditorium.

Hi all!

I recently attended a concert at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex. It wasn’t my first time there, but after a long break.

New information about sector C6 at the end of the review + photo!

Read about sector B (sector B):

Currently sports complex used and how playground, both as a swimming pool, and as a venue for various concerts and events that require a large, spacious hall (up to 35,000 when used as a stadium, up to 28,000 when used as a concert arena), and there are a lot of small things in the SK (various shopping, commercial, medical institutions). I was at concerts, and in the pool area, at children's performances... But today MY REVIEW WILL BE EXACTLY ABOUT THAT PART OF THE COMPLEX WHERE THE CONCERTS ARE HELD (SOUTH Arena).

To be honest, I found out about the performance of my favorite group by chance, many tickets had already been sold out, which ones to take from the remaining ones - I had absolutely no idea, because... I was there at a concert about 10 years ago, and on recent occasions I attended children’s shows in another part of the sports complex.

The tickets were quite expensive. I didn’t want to buy and end up in bad places. Or pay twice as much for approximately the same space. Moreover, I wasn’t going alone and it was quite expensive for three! There is little information and photos and videos on the Internet. I was not ready to go to the fan zone. And so I suffered for several days, and the tickets became fewer and fewer...

As a result, I had to take tickets to the very top sector B, but in the middle (these are sectors B-8 and B-9). It was possible to buy a balcony below, sector A, but in terms of distance from the stage it was located the same, just a tier lower, and the cost was already 2 times more expensive, and there were no more central seats.

HALL LAYOUT(it may be slightly different, change from concert to concert. If you are going to a concert, look at the information about it on the website, there will be a diagram specifically for your event).

RULES FOR ATTENDING EVENTS AT SC “OLYMPIYSKY”(how to behave, what you can carry, etc.)


On SITE other information is also provided. For example, about attending events by minors, persons with disabilities, specifications sites, etc.

Well, here we are with the treasured tickets at SK! It must be said that the lucky ones from the fan zone usually arrive very early, stand in line at the entrance and, as soon as they start, run to take a place closer to the stage. Comrades with seats may not be in much of a hurry. Firstly, there are many entrances and there are no crowds. Secondly, not a single concert has yet started on time, in any case, the warm-up band will definitely sing for 20-30 minutes. Thirdly, there is simply nothing to do in the IC itself.

But first things first.

Each person who comes goes through 2-3 cordons security . They will put you through a metal detector, and the dogs will sniff you, and the police will feel you.

Inside ... well, who was there 10-15 years ago - everything is the same! Dull tiled walls like in a public toilet, old stairs, markings of sectors and places.

On the podium itself everything is also unchanged. Plastic chairs from the Olympics, with seat numbers written on them in paint that you can barely make out. People are packed tightly into these chairs; there is simply nowhere to put a bottle of water. There are no barriers; if you drop your phone, it flies down the rows. Behind you, you actually have someone’s legs on your shoulders..... A little looser, but the same plastic chairs in the VIP seats (sectors C8 - C15).

As I already said, there is nothing to do in the IC itself. To be honest, I was hoping to shoot something, some promotional materials, posters... Nothing. Bare walls. It’s as if there won’t be a concert now, but we’ll go to the pool.

Trade represented by single tables with T-shirts, CDs and some Chinese junk. At exorbitant prices, of course.

About food and drink: Well, this is completely out of the question! On the floors there are counter tables, through which the saleswomen actively pour water for everyone (also for fantastic money) and you can have a little snack. We are teetotalers, the concert was very late, we wanted to eat, we went to this “buffet”. We bought a small bottle of water, a small juice, a small chocolate bar (not even a candy bar), one cola and one sandwich. They gave 850 rubles! So, citizens, eat well before the concert, there is nothing to eat there!

Again - we collected these bottles and juices, all this in our hands, another bag, binoculars, and then the concert begins, we have to run to the seats, we settled there like sparrows on perches, our hands are busy, we also need to take out the phone for a photo, put it down nowhere but right on the concrete floor under the seat….

About natural needs: queues. But it's free.

About the wardrobe and binoculars: There are wardrobes. Binoculars are issued as follows: 500 rubles cost to use the binoculars (non-refundable amount), 1000 deposit if you do not return clothes, and no deposit if you do return them. Moreover, you can donate anything, even a T-shirt. Think about a spare item that you can put in your wardrobe if you don’t want to leave 1000 rubles as a deposit. (By the way, the binoculars are of very mediocre quality).

About the ventilation and air conditioning system: We sat at the very top and it is under the ceiling that the ventilation system is located. Before the hall was completely packed and the concert began, I was afraid that I would be blown away, but after the start of the event it was very hot. I can’t imagine what it was like for those sitting or standing below.

About places: I post real photos from the Olimpiyskiy Sports Complex with location markings. And I will share my comments. Of course, if you are young, strong and resilient, then you need to go to the fan zone, and closer to the stage. There are usually all sorts of cute things going on there. You can not only sing and dance well, but also, with a very successful set of circumstances, hug with your favorite artist or catch a small gift from the musicians. In dance stalls and sides like C1, C2, C3, C4, C22, C 21, C20, C19, as well as A1, A2, A3, A18, A17, A16 in the absence of an additional stage (language), or if the artist has little time to perform - most likely, you can only listen. Unfortunately, the hall is so unmodernized that even such a “miracle” as side screens is not provided (whatever! These rags alone that separate the stage from the rest of the arena are worth it!). There is one screen in the center. And now I’m just getting closer to how we looked from the sector AT 8. Well, in the most ideal scenario, I would not only get into the fan zone, I would also get onto the stage, but I will say that I was not mistaken with the places. The hall is located in tiers, so a little lower or a little higher doesn’t play a special role, it won’t make you sit any closer. But sitting as centrally as possible is important! Firstly, you can evaluate the entire show as a whole. Secondly, the screen is also in the center and some details can be seen through it.

About the sound: The sound was very mediocre. Simply put – fonilo! The speakers are located near the stage and under the ceiling in the hall. Everyone can hear it.

About the concert itself: The concert, of course, was amazing. Despite all the organizational disadvantages and shortcomings, unfortunately, we do not have a site of equal capacity. We have to be content with what we have. Although it would, of course, be happier to be in a pleasant, beautiful, festive environment, since you paid a lot of money and came to the concert. And it’s somehow embarrassing to invite artists to such a barn (it must be).

For those who will go to the event at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex by car: Place away from the SC. The sea of ​​people will flow through all the nearby streets for at least half an hour. The cars will stop.

If I were to rate the concert, Airek would not have enough stars. I think that your event will leave the most pleasant memories. Therefore, despite the low rating, I recommend it. I recommend that you attend cultural events, concerts, performances. It's energizing!

But I give the Olimpiyskiy Sports Complex itself a barely stretched C grade and sincerely hope that it will undergo modernization in the near future!

November 2017:

Hey! I was in the Olympic again! I bought tickets on the eve of the concert and got Sector C6, row 14, seats 14-15. We could hardly see the screens (but there was a passage nearby, you could go out to do business or dance, but closer to the end of the sector you could already see the screens and a better stage). The sound is still just as disgusting, the different instruments and voices don't mix well. U sectors A-C your wardrobe on the minus second floor. This is tough! After the concert, you can spend up to an hour there in the crush. But there are a lot of water closets and there is more decent food (on the floors above there are also tables with sandwiches). Binoculars also cost 500 rubles when returning clothes. See the photo as seen from sector C6:

1.1. The agent, represented by the site "site", places a Public Offer to conclude a Commission agreement for the purchase of tickets for the Client on its own behalf, but at the expense of the Client, for a fee. In turn, the Client undertakes to reimburse the Agent for expenses incurred in full.

1.2. In accordance with Article 437 of the Civil Code Russian Federation(Civil Code of the Russian Federation) this document is a public Offer, and if the conditions set out below are accepted, the person/organization accepting this Offer makes payment in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, payment is an Acceptance of this Offer, which is considered tantamount to concluding an Agreement on the terms set out in the Offer.

1.3. Based on the above, carefully read the text of the Public Offer, and if you do not agree with any clause of the Offer, you are invited to refuse to enter into this agreement.

1.4. In this Offer, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms have the following meanings:
Offer is a public offer of the Agent (Public Agreement), addressed to any person/organization intending to order or purchase, or ordering, purchasing tickets for events organized by third parties.
An agent is a company that catalogs tickets for events organized by third parties on its website.
Client A person who intends to order or purchase, or who orders or purchases tickets for events organized by third parties.
Acceptance is the Client’s full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of the Agreement.
Internet site is the official Internet site of the Agent “site”, which is a catalog of tickets for events organized by third parties.
Ticket - a document certifying the Client’s right to attend an event and containing all the necessary information about this event.
Order the tickets selected by the Client when placing an Order on the Internet site, indicating the cost, which includes the agent’s remuneration and the cost of delivering the tickets to the Client.
“Delivery” - direct transfer of the Ticket from the Delivery Service employee to the Client at the place specified by the Client as the delivery address.

2. Subject of the agreement

2.1. The Agent assumes the obligation to purchase and deliver tickets for the Client on his own behalf, but at the Client’s expense, for a fee. In turn, the Client undertakes to reimburse the Agent for expenses incurred in full and pay remuneration. The cost of tickets indicated on the website includes the amount of the Agent's remuneration and the cost of delivering tickets to the Client.

2.2. This Agreement and its annexes are official documents of the Agent and an integral part of the Offer.

3. Placing an Order

3.1. The Client makes an order to the Agent via the Internet site or in any other available way.

3.2. When placing an Order on the Internet site, the Client undertakes to provide the following information about himself: last name, first name, patronymic (in Russian); actual delivery address; mailing address; E-mail address; Contact phone numbers*.

3.3. When collecting and processing personal data of Clients, the Operator is guided by the provisions of Federal Law No. 152 FZ On Personal Data dated July 27, 2006.

3.4. The Client is responsible for the content and accuracy of the information provided when placing an Order.

4. Payment for the Order

4.1. Payment for the order can be made by bank transfer, or in cash to the courier.
4.2. Payment by the Client for the Order on the Internet site or in cash to the courier means the Client accepts the terms of this Agreement. The day of payment for the Order is the date of acceptance of the Offer by the Client.

5. Order execution

5.1. The execution time of the Order depends on the availability of tickets and the time required to process the Order. The deadline for fulfilling the Order in exceptional cases can be negotiated with the Client individually depending on the specifics of the order.

5.2. The order is considered completed from the moment of payment for the order.

5.3. Tickets are refunded only in case of cancellation, replacement or postponement of the event in accordance with the rules established by the event organizer (deadline and address for ticket return). Attention! Tickets cannot be exchanged or returned at the client's request.

6. Delivery of the Order

6.1. The Agent delivers tickets to the Client via Courier delivery to the address specified by the Client. The Agent may enter into a delivery agreement with a third party on behalf of the Client, at his expense.

6.2. The Delivery price is included in the price indicated on the Agent’s website.

6.3. The delivery time for the Order is one business day from the date of receipt of the Order. Maximum delivery times depend on the complexity of the Client’s order.

Conditions for cancellation and refusal of purchased services

7.1. Tickets are refunded only in case of cancellation, replacement or postponement of the event in accordance with the rules established by the event organizer (deadline and address for ticket return). Attention! Tickets cannot be exchanged or returned at the client's request.

7.2. If the order was paid for by credit card, the refund is made to the same bank card.

7.3. The details of each specific cancellation of Tickets and the possibility of making any refund are specified in each specific case, but in the event of cancellation of ordered and already paid services for any reason, the penalty is 100% of the cost of the services canceled by the Buyer, regardless of the cancellation period before the start date of the event.

7.4. If the Buyer refuses already paid Tickets, the paid services may be put on secondary sale. The parties additionally agree on the terms and prices of re-sale in each individual case. In such cases, the Seller may accept such an order on the terms of an additional commission, but cannot guarantee the sale of these admission tickets.

Special conditions and responsibilities of the parties.

8.1. The Agent ensures that Tickets are provided to the Client and is responsible for the validity of the tickets provided.

8.2. The risk of accidental destruction, damage or loss of the ticket passes from the Agent to the Client from the moment of its actual transfer.

8.3. The agent is not responsible for the provision of the actual services to which the ticket entitles, or for the cancellation or postponement of the event for any reason.

8.4. All disputes and disagreements between the parties are resolved through friendly negotiations. If the parties do not reach a compromise, the disagreements must be resolved in the appropriate court of the Russian Federation, in the manner prescribed by law. Applicable law is the law of the Russian Federation. The place of the transaction is considered to be Moscow.

The country's main concert venue is ready to accommodate more than 30,000 spectators. The absence of dedicated stalls, VIP seats and a dance floor is aimed at creating maximum acoustic effect. Excellent visibility from all sectors, coupled with the design of the stands, allows spectators to fully experience the scale of the event.

Here are the options for hall layouts during concerts and shows at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex.

The scheme may vary depending on the specific event.


The optimal combination of seating arrangements for performers who like to ignite the crowd. If you are a fan of the artist and just want to enjoy his work, then sectors with seating and good visibility are suitable for you. For real fans, there is a dance floor where you can have a real blast with thousands of equally loyal fans.

A more detailed division of the area immediately in front of the stage allows us to satisfy the needs of all fans of the performer. The fan zone and dance floor are suitable for spectators who are accustomed to holding concerts of their idols to the rhythm of dance. Organized VIP seats are ideal for those who want to watch the concert while seated, but be part of the maddening crowd. There is also a huge number of seats in three sectors with excellent views of the stage.

An excellent option for organizing the location of spectators in front of the stage. Finely dividing the ground area into VIP seats will allow true fans of the performer to enjoy his work in a cozy and calm atmosphere. There are also extended VIP areas on the side, which are as close as possible to the stage and perfectly convey the whole atmosphere from the stage. For everyone else, comfortable seats are available around the perimeter of the entire hall, from where a beautiful view with an effect of scale opens.

The legendary Olympic sports complex was built specifically to host competitions and other entertainment events as part of the famous Moscow Olympics, which took place in 1980. And today important events are being organized there sports and shows of domestic and foreign pop stars.

A little history

At the beginning of the twentieth century, on the site where the Olympic Sports Complex is located today, the Union stadium was located, where Muscovites made their first attempts to master a new game of foot ball. During the Soviet period, this sports facility was renamed several times. In particular, at first it began to be called the “Soviet Trade Servants Stadium”, then the “Profintern Stadium” and, finally, the “Burevestnik”. Construction of the Olympic Stadium, which was to become the largest sports complex in the world at that time, began in 1977. The authorship of the project of this grandiose structure belonged to a large team of architects, led by M. Posokhin. By the way, for his excellent work in 1982, he, together with the architect B. Tkhor, was awarded one of the highest awards of the USSR - the Lenin Prize. To build the Olympic sports complex, in addition to the territory of Burevestnik, areas were allocated for construction on which the buildings of the Voskhod factory and the Experimental Chemical and Metallurgical Plant were located, as well as residential buildings located in Topolev, Vypolzova and Samarsky lanes. Construction lasted only three years, which is not long considering the scale of the structure, and the official opening date coincided with the start ceremony of the 1980 Olympics.

Sports complex "Olympic" on the map of Moscow

Our capital is a metropolis, which is sometimes difficult to navigate not only for visitors, but also for those who were born and raised there. To prevent this from happening when you need to get to the Olympic Stadium, you can use a map of Moscow. It is sold at any kiosk. In addition, the map is available on the Internet, including in an interactive version. A map of the capital's metro may also be useful, since the subway is the most easy option get to this famous SKK. The official address of the Olimpiysky sports complex is Russia, Moscow, 129090, Olimpiysky Prospekt, 16. Thus, in order to get to this or that event at this sports complex, you first need to get to the Central Administrative District of the capital. If we are talking about a trip to public transport, then it is best to use the metro and get to the Prospekt Mira station.


The Olympic sports complex in Moscow consists of an oval-shaped indoor building and another one where

The main building contains:

The main stadium is protected from above by a 6 mm thick membrane roof. Its arena is adapted to be used for a variety of purposes. In particular, a synthetic carpet can be mounted on it to transform it into a concert hall, recortana treadmill or an artificial ice field is organized. In addition, the main arena can be easily transformed into separate areas. For this, a giant soundproof partition is used, assembled from 26 panels. It takes just 2.5 hours to assemble and, dividing the arena into 2 parts, allows you to hold 2 events simultaneously.

Objects layout diagram

The "Olympic" sports complex (Moscow) occupies the territory bounded by Olympic Avenue and Shchepkina, Durova and Samarskaya streets. The diagram shows that the first entrance is located from the street. Shchepkina. If you look from this side, you will see the swimming pool building on the right, where there is also a hotel. In the center of the main building there is a stadium, and behind its northern stand there are (from east to west) the Small and Large Choreographic Halls, the Aerobics Hall and the Ice Center. Behind the south stand there are (from east to west) the Gymnastics and Gym, another Small choreographic and Game rooms, which were mentioned above. From Olimpiysky Prospekt, go around Parking lot N2 and turn right to get to the press center. If you continue moving from this place so that the oval building is on the left, you can get to the conference room.

"Olympic" sports complex: concerts

A team of architects led by M. Posokhin created a multifunctional structure. Therefore, the first concerts were held at the Olimpiyskiy in November 1982, in which Alla Pugacheva took part, among other artists. Over the years of the complex's existence, many world pop stars have also performed there, such as Adriano Celentano, Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Status Quo, Patricia Kaas, Depeche Mode, Björk, Rammstein, Ricky Martin, George Michael, Enrique Iglesias, Christina Aguilera, Elton John, Whitney Houston, Eros Ramazzotti, Shakira, Paul McCartney.

Concert program for 2014

Events at the Olympic Sports Complex are almost always sold out. To give an idea of ​​the intensity of the annual concert program, it is enough to say that, for example, during 2014 the following concerts have already been held:

  • Depeche Mode - March 7;
  • group "Lube" - March 15;
  • 30 Seconds To Mars - March 16;
  • Justin Timberlake (first concert in Russia) - May 17;
  • Black Sabbath - June 1;
  • Linkin Park - June 2;
  • "Muz-TV Award" for 2014 - June 6;
  • Armin Van Buuren—September 27.

As for the upcoming events, until the end of 2014 the Olimpiysky sports complex invites spectators to:

  • concert "Ehh, Razgulyay!" - 15th of November;
  • creative evening of composer I. Krutoy - November 22;
  • show program "Disco of the 80s" - November 29;
  • concert of the festival "Song of the Year" - December 6;
  • concert "Legends of Retro FM" - December 13;
  • concert of the group "SPLIN" - December 20.

This is only part of what the Olympic Sports Complex offers Muscovites and tourists in 2014. In addition, from the end of December until January 11, 2015, it will be possible to become a spectator at concerts of the Ice Age show.

Box office and tickets

The events that the Olimpiysky sports complex offers to attend always arouse great interest. The central box office, where you can buy tickets for them, is located at the address: Prospekt Mira metro station, st. Shchepkina, 47. They work daily from 10:00 to 21:00 without a break for lunch. In addition, you can purchase electronic tickets, which are booked and paid for online and printed on a regular printer. And at the address Olimpiysky Prospekt, 16, building 2, next to the complex’s swimming pool, there are ticket offices where you can purchase single tickets for sports services.

SKK "Olympic" is waiting for spectators and those wishing to bring their body to excellent physical fitness during the whole year. In addition, in the western and southern parts of the sports complex there is a huge book market, which is open in the first half of the day.