Scientists' discovery: The more beautiful the TV presenter, the more difficult it is to understand what she is talking about. Television is

Maria Grabe and Leila Samson, students at Indiana University (USA), conducted research whose results challenge established ideas about tactics adopted in the television world.

It is believed that the more charming the TV presenter is, the more attention people on the other side of the blue screen will pay to her. Consequently, everything read on air by a sexy beauty, for example, news or even stock market reports, will better reach TV viewers - especially the male part. This is a misconception. At least half of this is proven by the girls whose article was published by the authoritative scientific journal Communication Research.

Maria and Leila recruited 400 volunteers who watched TV news stories. They were read by a 24-year-old TV presenter - very attractive in real life. In one case, they made her even more spectacular - they put on provocative makeup and dressed her very sexy. The camera was directed so that both large breasts and thin waist, And wide hips, covered with a tight miniskirt.

In another case, the TV presenter was deliberately spoiled - all the charms of her figure were hidden with a baggy sweater and equally shapeless trousers. And they didn’t even put on lipstick.

A subsequent survey showed that the female part of the volunteers remembered the content of the news well - both from the beauty and from the ugly one. And she didn’t even pay attention to the fact that the TV presenter had changed in appearance.

For men, the opposite is true. They learned almost nothing of what the sexy beauty was talking about. All they remembered was what she looked like. And her baggy and unmade-up “colleague” was perceived normally - as intended. That is, informational.

Conclusion: If you want to convey to men the essence of the TV broadcast, invite gray mice to become TV presenters. If you want to hide it, the essence, then recruit girls with model appearance.

For now, at least for now domestic television, beauties predominate. They not only read the news, but also report on inflation, the dollar exchange rate, the weather, even digestive difficulties in the autumn-winter period. Moreover, if a speaker of any department, especially a security agency, appears on television, then, as a rule, he turns out to be a young, sexy person.

Of course, it’s nice to watch the TV personality. And maybe this is precisely the main thing in modern television? Isn’t it so important to understand what is being broadcast from the screen?

Therefore, don’t worry if you don’t understand everything. As I.


Alluring and intoxicating

Leila and Maria do not explain in any way the nature of the phenomenon they discovered. But their colleagues - British scientists - come to the rescue.

Dr. Knut Kampe from the University of London believes that the drug intoxication of television viewers interferes with the absorption of news coming from the lips of beauties. This does not mean that drug addicts watch TV. People just have a similar reaction.

Studies have shown that beauty is perceived by the same part of the brain that is responsible for our addictions. For example, to alcohol or gambling. Therefore, the weaker sex acts like a drug. And very quickly - in a matter of seconds. Regardless of the will of the male viewer, the brain injects so-called endorphins - drugs of its own internal production. And the man is ready. Besotted.

The effectiveness of this process is ensured by a special neural network that was formed at the dawn of evolution, says Dr. Kampe. - Since time immemorial, our brain has been tuned to perceive beauty and respond to it, entering a very specific state. It creates a need for women, but makes it difficult to understand what they say.


Unhappy people watch the box more, but it doesn't make them happier

American sociologists from the University of Maryland have been conducting research for more than 30 years. And they determined: people who consider themselves happy spend less than 19 hours a week watching TV. And the unhappy ones - more than 25. Along the way, it turned out that for the happy, TV is not the most important thing in life. They willingly show social activity, read newspapers, books, and devote time to their family.

However, as scientists have noted, people in general like to watch TV. When rating the enjoyment of the box, they gave it an 8 out of 10 in most cases. But how long does the sweet effect last?

The joy of watching television is short-lived, says one of the researchers, John Robinson. - And in the end they leave a lasting feeling of dissatisfaction and anxiety. This is in contrast to sex and other activities, which have long-lasting positive effects psychologically.

"Extra" past

Now I listen with a smile to my friends who endlessly diet and complain about excess weight. It’s hard to imagine, but until recently I myself was a “graveyard of homemade cutlets.”

I remained chubby throughout my childhood, and in high school I gained weight up to 98 kilos. Like any overweight child, they teased me and tried to make fun of me, but it didn’t work.

She just waved it off:

I am beautiful and irresistible! And you need to love a person for his soul and inner world, and not for his kilograms!

But the parents were very worried.

You need to change your life. Look at yourself in the mirror! - they repeated.

Useless! After all, despite overweight, I was driving active image life: met with friends, went to clubs - and was never an outcast. My love of life and sociability saved me from loneliness.

But in reality, I just didn’t want anyone to know how sorry I was for myself. And that I am driven by one main desire - to eat.

Useless attempts

From time to time, under pressure from my parents, I still went on a diet. I went through the Kremlin, separate meals, calorie counting. The weight came off very slowly - and after a couple of months of torture, my nerves gave out. And the lost kilograms came back, and with interest.

I also went through a nutritionist who tried to brainwash me rather than help me with practical advice.

You need to change your attitude towards food, you need to lose weight, stop ruining your health and body! - he suggested.

As if I didn’t know this without him!

On his recommendation, I followed a strange diet for three weeks. Kefir and bran for breakfast, for lunch - a handful of pine nuts and an apple, for dinner - Greek salad. You wouldn't wish it on your enemy! Now just the thought of bran and nuts makes me sick. Alas, this attempt to lose weight was a failure. I have come to terms with it. And for all the attacks I had a weighty argument:

I tried it!

"Light" from Mosfilm illuminator

During the holidays, a friend invited me to visit the filming of Pavel Sanaev’s film “At the Game.”

“This is luck!” I thought. “To see from the inside how a movie is made!” A month later I was already on the set. And one day during a break, when everyone was warming up with hot tea, lighting designer Andrei came up to me.

He started the conversation from afar:

Such a girl is beautiful, smart, half the world is at your feet.

Have you tried losing weight?

Half the world, lying at my feet, quickly began to shrink.

“I tried,” I muttered.

Andrey explained to me for a long time:

Losing weight is not difficult, it is not torture. There are a lot of examples where people were able to overcome this. Don't you love yourself that much?

At first I pouted: on what basis did he even undertake to teach me about life?! And on the way home I realized that he was right. Why can someone do it, but I’m just looking for excuses? I don't like my body, but I don't do anything about it. And she clearly made the decision to change herself.

I don’t know why Andrey was able to reach me. It was as if he gave me a challenge, which I accepted.

AFTER: Seven months later: weight - 55 kg, parameters - 90 - 68 - 90 cm.

From 98 to 55

To begin with, I completely eliminated sweets, flour, and alcohol from my diet. I ate once a day - always before 6 pm: meat, poultry, seafood, vegetables. I tried to consume more protein and as little fat and carbohydrates as possible. During the day, if I really wanted to chew, I ate all the same vegetables.

My sample menu per day: boiled chicken breast, vegetable salad with olive oil, kefir at night. The next day, seafood instead of chicken, same salad.

To lose weight faster, I took up sports: I ran along the street, worked out on a treadmill, and jumped rope. Every day I allocated only 30 minutes for sports.

I can’t count how many cakes I dreamed about during this time!

I'm used to falling asleep to the serenades of my stomach. And I had my own rules, or, if you like, mantras, which I repeated to myself when it was especially difficult:

1. Love yourself. You and your health are the most important thing.

2. Without pity! Don't give up until you see it desired result. Once you relax, you will return to where it all began.

3. It’s difficult now, but it will be difficult for another couple of months. But the rest of your life is easy!

Two months later the scales showed minus 15 kg. My joy knew no bounds! All my friends admired: “Wow, how much weight you have lost!”

"Look, you're a skeleton!"

Slowly I began to eat whatever I wanted, but in small quantities. And she also continued to actively play sports, saying goodbye to calories on the treadmill. 8 months passed - my weight kept going away and going away. It seems like we should be happy, it’s time to stop. But... I couldn't. It seemed like I was still fat, with fat hanging everywhere.

One day a close friend took me to the mirror.

Look at you - you're a skeleton! The man is not a dog, he doesn’t throw bones. This is already unhealthy thinness,” he almost shouted.

I tried to be indignant, but suddenly I realized with horror that he was right. With my height of 170 cm and weight 51 kg, this is not enough. The skin covered my shoulders, collarbones, ribs... Only then did I realize that I had gone too far. I was lucky that my loved ones heard the alarm bell in time.

It took another effort to gain weight - I began to eat more and more often. And I stopped going to the gym for a while.

Now my weight is 55 - 56 kg and has remained that way for more than a year. I can’t say that maintaining slimness is particularly difficult. After the holidays I arrange fasting days, I work out in the gym a couple of times a week.

Having found the golden mean, you can maintain weight without problems.

I enjoy life, I forgot about shortness of breath and fatigue, I learned to love myself and my body. And how great it is to buy in stores the things you like, and not those that fit! And size 42 is much easier to find in the store than size 52!

Photo by Marina VOLOSEVICH.


Yulia CHEKHONINA, nutritionist at the Federal State Budgetary Institution Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences: “Losing seven kilos a month is too much!”

Arina's example - restricting food and playing sports - proves that losing weight is real. But I wouldn’t recommend this diet to everyone. Minus 7 kg per month is too much. It is recommended to lose no more than 4 - 5 kg during this time. Too much quick loss weight can lead to undesirable consequences. When actively burned excess fat, this puts an additional load on internal organs, primarily the liver, kidneys, and pancreas. Arina was lucky - she is only 23 years old, her body coped with it.

Don't forget about the psychological factor. A person must get used to his new appearance. Otherwise, you can go to extremes - from obesity to anorexia. I believe that excess weight is a disease. And in each case, individual diet therapy is needed.

Arina Sharapova is one of the most famous women in Russian television journalism. She worked for ORT, TV-6, VGTRK, NTV, and also worked on some projects on other TV channels. And this fact in itself is worthy of respect. Arina Sharapova is a bright personality, capable of setting high goals for herself and achieving her goals at any cost. Therefore, our story about the fate and career of the famous Russian TV presenter will certainly be of interest to everyone.

Arina Sharapova's childhood and youth

The future famous journalist was born into a wealthy Moscow family, but spent almost all of her childhood in the Middle East, where her father worked as a diplomat. It is quite remarkable that even her grandparents can be called real travelers. The first one had an excellent command of the Manchu language, and therefore often visited China and Mongolia. Arina Sharapova's grandfather also often visited the Middle Kingdom, and at one time even lived permanently in this country. Some interesting facts can also be found in the fate of the mother of our today’s heroine. Following her diplomat husband around the world, she worked as a Russian language teacher in several embassies and diplomatic missions.

Perhaps, to a large extent, it was this way of life, along with the influence of close people, that predetermined the entire future fate of Arina Sharapova. The grandmother, who told her granddaughter many interesting Chinese fairy tales, always insisted that the girl subsequently connect her life with the Celestial Empire. My father spoke in a similar vein about Israel and the Middle East. Ultimately, Arina found a way to please everyone at once and chose the fate of a television journalist.

However, the girl did not choose this path in life right away...

In 1979, she entered the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, where she began to study applied sociology, and at the same time got a job in one of the Moscow libraries. After that, Arina changed her profile a little and began studying to become an English translator at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. Second higher education Arina already received it in absentia, while simultaneously working as a correspondent for RIA Novosti.

Arina Sharapova's career as a journalist

Arina first joined the international news agency RIA Novosti in 1985. At first she worked as a special correspondent in the video information editorial office, and then was transferred to the main editorial office of the political news agency.

Health. Genetic analysis. Arina Sharapova

Early in her career, Sharapova primarily worked with print media. However, already in 1991, at the personal invitation of the legendary Soviet journalist Oleg Poptsov, she began working as a correspondent and presenter of the Vesti (RTR) news program. From that moment on, her career began to rapidly rise. Arina Ayanovna became known and respected in the world of Russian journalism. The audience also loved her, regularly turning on the news block of the RTR channel in the evenings.

Ultimately, Arina worked on this channel from 1991 to 1995. During this time, she acquired unquestioned authority among her colleagues and became one of the symbols of the TV channel.

Soon, in addition to the Vesti program, the journalist also began hosting the American-Russian program 60 Minutes. She was noticed at this project by Boris Berezovsky and Konstantin Ernst, who soon suggested that Sharapova switch to ORT. Arina Ayanovna thought about this proposal for almost a year, but in the end she agreed. Her departure caused a storm of indignation on RTR. As they say, Poptsov did not want to sign her resignation letter for almost a month.

After some time, the emotions subsided, and Arina Sharapova finally switched to ORT. Here she began working as the host of the “Time” program, but soon realized that she did not feel as comfortable in the new place as before. And there was almost never any interesting work for her at ORT.

Thus, the career in the new place was short-lived. In 1998, the TV presenter left ORT and moved to NTV, where she began hosting her own talk show “Arina”. This step turned out to be more successful, but did not bring the desired peace of mind to the journalist. Feeling that the new program was not as interesting to the audience as she would like, Arina Sharapova left NTV and took on another project. This was the program “Meeting Place with Arina Sharapova” (TV-6). However, this endeavor also did not bear the desired fruit.

Stars of the big city. Arina Sharapova

Arina Sharapova now

A new takeoff in the TV presenter’s career was associated with the same channel that once derailed her. Returning to the Russian Channel One (formerly ORT) in 2001, Arina became the host of the program “ Good morning" She is still working on this project today.

In parallel with the “morning” show, in 2007, another program with Arina Sharapova, “Fashionable Verdict,” began airing. On this project, the TV presenter plays the role of a permanent expert and one of the authors of the program. IN

In 2011, Arina Sharapova appeared before the audience as the host of the debate leading to the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation. In 2012, she conducted a similar program before the Russian presidential elections. It is very noteworthy that in 1999, Sharapova herself took part in the election campaign as a candidate from the Unity bloc. However, she never became one of the parliamentarians.

Personal life of Arina Sharapova

Arina Sharapova had three spouses in her life. She met her first husband, Oleg, at the age of seventeen, and at nineteen she gave birth to his son Danila (currently working as a producer for Show News on TNT)

Sharapova met her second husband, Kirill Legat, at a more mature age. The man worked as the general director of the STREAM television company, and therefore the two future spouses met in a “work environment.”

However, this marriage also did not work out. Today Arina Sharapova is married to her third husband, businessman Eduard Kartashov.

In 2006 and 2009, in addition to her husband and son, two grandchildren appeared in the life of Arina Sharapova - Nikita and Stepan.

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