From you the v-shaped handle. Horizontal row exercise in a block simulator. Main muscles used during training

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Handles of block exercise machines - what are they?

Handles, pulls, handles: why are they needed?

Almost all strength block exercise machines are equipped with additional handles for gripping and traction. Such handles are designed for isolated training of certain muscles of the body and, accordingly, increase the effectiveness of the simulator. The more additional equipment you have in your gym, the more clients you will attract to your club.

AB FITNESS company offers a wide range of handles and rods from well-known manufacturers MbBarbell and SVAROG.

Used to train triceps and biceps. With the upper row, the triceps are worked out, with the lower row, the biceps.

Such a pen has many advantages and difficulties at the same time. Unlike a rigid handle, the movement of a pull-rope is less predictable. That is why any exercise with a rope handle is more difficult. In this sense, training with a cable handle is similar to training on an unstable balance bar, where the athlete uses additional muscles that are not used when training with fixed handles.

Flexible traction is used for training on professional cable and band machines when training triceps, biceps, back, shoulders, performing triceps extensions, biceps, abdominal crunches, and much more!

In exercises on the lower block, it is important to pull the hands closer to the body. If you use a regular straight handle, then when you pull it towards your stomach, it will rest and limit your movement. Unlike a straight handle, a V-shaped handle allows the athlete to place his hands behind his body and increase the range of motion.

When using one-handed rows, you can selectively tighten lagging areas of your muscles. In addition, such a handle is an excellent way to diversify your training. You can transfer the exercises that you did with dumbbells to blocks - with a “one-handed” handle. The most convenient is the rotating handle. If the handle does not “know how” to rotate, it is more difficult to hold it - you need more hand strength.

This handle simulates a straight barbell bar. You've probably trained in the gym with a curved bar. Unlike the curved bar, the straight row is much more difficult to train. The harder the bar is to hold, the stronger your hands will be. In other words, a short, straight handle makes the exercise more “hard.”

This handle replicates the curved barbell workout and is easier to hold while training. This handle can be used in various exercises: you can replace the traditional straight handle with it in rows to the chest or behind the head, you can pull this handle to your waist while sitting, you can do biceps curls with it. With it you can extend your arms - pump up your triceps. The handle is especially recommended for those who have pulled the forearm muscles responsible for the hands. In this case, a straight handle causes severe pain in the wrist, but with a curved handle there is usually no pain.

We are talking about the same short straight handle, but with one caveat - the handle rotates. This makes it extremely convenient. This type of handle can be used in all block exercises for variety. Rotating the handle saves hand strength, so you can grab more weight without the risk of letting go of the handle.

Such handles are necessary for increasing the overall muscle mass of the back. The closer your hands are when pulling the weight towards you, the better your “back” muscles work. To “turn on” the back muscles, you must perform the following exercises: seated rows to the waist and to the chest on the upper block.

You can find a wide selection of handles on our website in the section

Block row to the waist while sitting ( Seated Cable Rows) includes almost all the muscles of the upper body - the latissimus dorsi as the main muscles, as well as the muscles of the arms (forearms, biceps and triceps), shoulder girdle and lower back. In addition, the leg muscles are indirectly involved.

The exercise is important in training the back, giving it visual width. The pull-down row is a variation of the basic exercise, almost repeating the movement, but having a different angle of application of force due to the sitting position.

Execution technique

Starting position: sitting in the simulator, legs placed on the front platform, knees slightly bent, but not fixed. Reach forward to grasp the handle of the pulley, while maintaining the natural roundness of your back and without trying to straighten up as much as possible.

Pull the weight towards you with straight arms. Stop at a point where the angle between your torso and legs is approximately 90 degrees; then, pushing your chest forward, bend your back slightly in the lumbar region. You should feel tension in the latissimus dorsi muscles.

Mechanics of movement

Keeping the position of your torso as motionless as possible and trying not to lean back, while inhaling, slowly pull the handle towards your belt until it touches your stomach. As you move, straighten your back, pushing your shoulders back and pushing your chest forward.

As you make the movement, arch your lower back and bring your shoulder blades together until you feel a fairly strong “compression” of the muscles of your upper back. Stay in this position for a few seconds, and then slowly, as you exhale, return to the starting position.

Preparing for the exercise

When preparing the machine for training, be sure to adjust it to your height: the height of the seat should be such that the cable of the pulley remains parallel to the floor when performing deadlifts, and the feet should have support to prevent the body from sliding forward.

The classic pull-down of a block to the belt is performed with a V-shaped handle (palms facing each other, see illustration). The use of wider handles or handles from a machine for upper rows is permissible only after full mastery of the technique.

The main secret of technology

The correct technique for performing block pulls to the belt involves two stages of pulling the weight towards you. The initial stage ends when the arms are bent when the elbow reaches the torso. The second stage begins with further movement and the elbow moving further than the back.

The working muscles of each stage are different - in the first stage the arms are involved, while the back itself works in the second. It is important to note that moving your shoulders back and pushing your chest forward should occur just as you transition between stages.

Runtime errors

In most cases, incorrect execution of the block row to the belt leads to the fact that the arm muscles are involved in the work rather than the back muscles. Trainees use too much weight and try to pull it towards themselves by arching their whole body.

Remember that when performing the exercise correctly, it is important to keep your elbows as close to your body as possible and not spread them to the sides. In addition, maintain a vertical body position and do not lean back more than 10-15 degrees.

Should you round your back?

Sometimes you can hear the opinion that at the starting point of the movement it is necessary to round your back quite strongly in order to “stretch” the latissimus muscles and increase their involvement in the work - this is exactly the technique that Arnold Schwarzenegger advised.

However, it is important to note that rounding your back significantly increases your risk of injury because it places dangerous stress on your spine. FitSeven strongly discourages the use of this technique by non-professional athletes.


The belt row is an important exercise for working the back muscles. Correct technique involves keeping your elbows close to your body and minimally deflecting your body from the vertical. The most common mistake: working with the muscles of the arms, not the back.

For effective training, it is recommended to choose basic exercises that put stress on different muscle groups. The horizontal row is similar to rowing. It is recommended to perform it for all athletes who want to get a beautiful, sculpted body.

Horizontal row - what muscles work?

When performing this exercise, many muscle groups receive load, and the main ones include: trapezius, rhomboid, latissimus muscles and biceps. By performing different variations of deadlifts, you can shift the emphasis to different muscles. If you use a lot of weight and do a small number of repetitions, then you can pump up the trapezius, latissimus and rhomboid muscles. By using light weight and doing a lot of repetitions, this happens. The chosen handle and grip are of great importance.

  1. If the horizontal row exercise is performed with a narrow grip, then you need to use options with two vertical handles located at a short distance from each other. You need to take them so that your palms are directed towards each other. The main load goes to the lower back.
  2. Wide-grip horizontal block rows are performed with a long horizontal handle and it is better to use a curved one. In this version of the exercise, the back is trained upward.

Horizontal block row for girls

To ensure effective training and to minimize the risk of injury, several important rules must be taken into account.

  1. To properly work out the latissimus dorsi muscles, it is necessary to bring your shoulder blades together as much as possible during the pull.
  2. The horizontal block pull exercise should be performed without jerking.
  3. It is important to fix your legs during training. They should not be straightened or bent too much.
  4. To make your work easier, you are allowed to swing your body forward/backward, that is, when releasing the weight, you need to lean forward so that your back is slightly rounded. It is important to consider that the amplitude of movement should be small.
  5. Horizontal rows in a pulley machine should be performed with the elbows pointing down. They should not be spaced too far apart as this will reduce the effectiveness of the training.

The presented exercise is used by both bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts. The horizontal pulldown to the abdomen is aimed at training the latissimus dorsi muscles. This is due to the fact that exercise not only develops muscles, but also helps to get rid of stooping. The horizontal block row to the belt is performed on a special simulator, according to the presented diagram:

  1. A V-shaped handle must be attached to the cable of the lower block, thanks to which it will be possible to use a grip when the palms are facing each other.
  2. Sit down and place your feet on the footrests, keeping your knees slightly bent. Keep your back straight, bend at the waist and grab the handle.
  3. Extend your arms completely and lean back so that your body is perpendicular to your legs. The chest must be directed forward. This will be the starting position (IP).
  4. Exhaling, pull the handle towards you until your hands touch your abs. It is important to feel the tension in your back muscles. Hold the position for a few seconds.
  5. Return to IP while inhaling.

Horizontal block row to the stomach

Horizontal block row to the chest

One of the variations of the previous exercise, which differs in that the handle is pulled not to the stomach, but to the chest. It is aimed at training. Horizontal rows in the simulator can be performed with different handles. Trainers recommend that everyone choose the option that is more convenient.

  1. Set the appropriate weight and take the IP, as in the previous exercise, but only the body must be slightly tilted forward.
  2. As you exhale, perform chest pulls, keeping your body still. Return to IP while inhaling.

To work your back muscles, you can perform not only the two exercises discussed above, but also one-arm rows. This horizontal back row works well on the middle part. It is best to attach a handle in the form of a loop to the cable.

  1. Assume the IP as in the first exercise, grasping the handle with only one hand. It is important that the palm faces down. Keep your other hand on your belt.
  2. As you exhale, pull the handle toward you, rotating your wrist so that your hand is facing your body. Perform the movement until the hand touches the stomach.
  3. After fixing the position, inhaling, return to IP.

Horizontal pull-down on the back

The next option trains the shoulder muscles. Pulling a horizontal cable to your head will help relieve tension and spasm in this area. The execution technique is similar to the considered options with the exception of some details.

  1. Position yourself on the machine, taking the IP position as in the first exercise. Use a cable handle with your palms facing down.
  2. As you inhale, pull the handle towards your neck so that at the end point your hands are at the level of your head.
  3. After fixing the position, return to IP while inhaling.

Pull of a horizontal block to the head

Not many women can boast of beautiful arms and in most cases it’s because of weakened triceps. The horizontal row in the crossover is similar to the French press and it involves the three heads of the triceps.

  1. Sit on a bench, placing it near the cable machine. The head should be directed towards the structure.
  2. Hold the handle straight with your palms facing up. Bend your arms until you form a right angle at your elbows. Elbows should be in a straight position. Don't drop your hands too low and keep the handle near your head.
  3. Extend your arms as you exhale, keeping in mind that the movement should occur only in the elbow joint. The part of the arm from the elbow to the forearm should be motionless.

Triceps Crossover Crossover Row

Are your back workouts too monotonous? Here are 5 latissimus dorsi upright rows to try.

When it comes to building an impressive physique, the latissimus dorsi muscles should be your focus. Well-trained lats create a powerful V-shaped back for men, and in women, well-developed lats create the illusion of a slimmer waistline, defining a sleek, contoured figure.

However, many athletes do not pay too much attention to “pulling” their lats. Bent-over barbell and dumbbell rows and deadlifts tend to dominate.

The reality is that you can slow down the harmonious development of your back by ignoring pull-down exercises that provide vertical stretching of the latissimus dorsi muscles. Proper form is difficult to achieve with pull-ups alone, and if you want to build enviable lats, then these exercises are for you.

We'll look at 5 cable pull-down variations that will give your lats the attention they deserve. Add them to your main back workout to make it more powerful.

If you've ever done a deadlift, and you probably have, you've probably used both arms at the same time. This traditional latissimus dorsi movement maximizes the amount of weight you can lift and is a great time saver in the gym.

However, it would be a mistake to underestimate the vertical pull of a block with one hand. When it comes to feeling the maximum muscle contraction at the bottom of the range of motion, nothing beats performing a one-arm row.

If you have the time and aren't in a rush, try adding a few sets of one-sided (arm) rows toward the end of your workout, using lighter weights and slowing down the pace to give your lats a good stretch.

With each repetition, hold the weight at the bottom of the range for 2 to 3 seconds before slowly releasing it back. You'll fully experience the powerful muscle contraction this deadlift variation has to offer, as opposed to the two-arm deadlift.

The wide-grip (wider than normal) row variation is a great choice if you're looking to increase the width of your back and want to improve your overall muscle density. This variation will also help you increase your strength in pull-ups by allowing you to work your lats through the entire range of motion, reaching your chin above the bar.

When performing wide-grip rows, try to compress and retract your shoulder blades as much as possible for optimal muscle activation. Avoid leaning back too far when doing this exercise. This "backward" tilt will take all the momentum away from the target muscles and reduce the effect of this movement.

This option of vertical traction behind the head to the level of the lower part of the neck is often overlooked. Many people believe that this movement puts too much stress on the shoulder joints. Although for some, this may be due to lack of flexibility in the shoulder joints or previous injury. But many can comfortably perform this variation of the movement and incorporate it into their workout without pain and take full advantage of all the benefits it offers.

Most people who can do overhead rows find that they feel a stronger overall contraction in their back muscles using this range of motion, making it quite beneficial for building back muscle mass.

However, proceed with caution: the risk of injury is higher than with chest rows. Start with lighter weights and higher reps.

To find out if this type of deadlift is right for you, try it once in the gym and pay close attention to how you feel while doing it. If the movement seems completely natural to you, and you do not experience any, even the slightest discomfort during the execution, from the elbows to the shoulder joints, most likely you can add it to your workout without any problems.

If you do use overhead pulls in your workout, add additional emphasis on rotator cuff work and mobility. This will protect them from “unplanned” injury.

4. Close-grip vertical row using a V handle.

When it comes to vertical row variations, don't underestimate the benefit of choosing a different exercise. The V-bar vertical row is a great option for working the center of your back without taking the load off your lats.

If you choose the V row, lean back a little more than usual to use the full range of motion as you pull the handle down just in front of your chest.

As you return the weight to the starting position, move slowly. Make sure your muscles achieve a strong "tension" at the top of the range of motion. Your shoulders should be pushed all the way up and through this long range of motion, you can achieve maximum strength and stretch in your back muscles.

Finally, the last variation to be included in your advanced back training program is the reverse grip vertical row. This move is great for working the lower lats and will also help activate your biceps by bringing the handle up to your chin.

The closer you place your hands to the handles, the more muscle activation you will get in the center of your back, so keep this in mind as you perform the exercise. Take advantage of what this movement has to offer. If you're a fan of pull-ups and reverse-grip pull-ups, you'll probably love the addition of the reverse-grip row to your back workout lineup.

Changing even the smallest things in your training is important to your success.

Don't let yourself get stuck in your latissimus dorsi training routine. Improve your results by alternating between a couple of these variations in one training session to create an impressive, wide back.

Variations on traditional exercises help prevent plateaus in both strength and muscle development, and with so many great vertical row variations available, your workouts won't feel mundane anymore.

Horizontal rows in a block machine are basic exercises for working the muscle fibers of the back. They promote the activation of a large number of muscle bundles in one movement. Thanks to this, a rapid gain of muscle mass occurs, giving it relief.

The cable row is considered an integral part of every workout plan. This exercise is used when creating a strength training program for people of any physical development.

Description of the simulator

A weight-block strength training machine for the back muscles with a lower pull is used to create a voluminous, sculpted body and an athletic figure with a wide back. Traction exercises are performed with your back and arms while sitting on a bench. By using a moving bench, the leg muscles are activated.

The principle of operation of the simulator is based on the counteraction of mass when performing horizontal traction.

The weight is presented in the form of a load block, which consists of guides and metal plates. Using braided steel, the movement of loads is carried out.

A hidden system of shock absorbers and bearings ensures a smooth ride and noise reduction. The presence of various settings facilitates individual adjustment of the equipment in accordance with the athlete’s parameters.

Variations of the lower pulley on the simulator:

  • to the belt;
  • to the stomach;
  • through the side;
  • "rowing".

There are two modifications depending on the weight of the working plates: fitness (5 kg each) and professional (10 kg each).

What muscle groups is it designed for?

Horizontal rows on a cable machine are a standard workout for increasing back muscle fibers. But the secret of this exercise is to use a lot of muscle bundles during one action.

The main muscles that are involved during training:

  • "wings" of the back;
  • rhomboid back muscles;
  • middle and bottom of trapezoid;
  • back extensors;
  • biceps;
  • triceps muscle of the upper limbs;
  • extensor muscles of the shoulder and forearm;
  • rear delts.

The advantage of this training is based on the fact that during the initial phase of the exercise, when the handle is moved forward, the back muscles are stretched. And in the second phase, when you move the handle towards you, the muscle tissue tenses. As a result, you get healthy, voluminous and strong back muscles.

Exercise technique

  • We fix the selected handle and sit down on the simulator with our torso forward. The lower limbs are slightly bent at the knee joints. The feet rest tightly in a specially designated place and do not come off throughout the entire training.
  • Starting position. While sitting on the machine, you need to keep your back straight, your lower back slightly arched, and your chest straightened. We hold the handles with our palms facing each other on outstretched arms, slightly leaning our shoulders forward.
  • As you exhale, we pull toward the abdominal cavity, At the same time, the elbow joint is bent, and the shoulder joint is retracted to the extreme posterior position. The elbow joints should always be as close to the body as possible.
  • When the handle comes into contact with the stomach or solar plexus, it is necessary to connect the shoulder blades as much as possible, holding it for a moment, tensing the spinal muscle fibers. The maximum angle of inclination of the body back is 15 degrees. This is the extreme point.
  • As you exhale, we smoothly return to the starting position. We straighten our upper limbs at the elbows and lean our shoulders forward.
  • The spine should be kept straight with preserved deflection in the cross-lumbar region. It is necessary to ensure that when performing this exercise the body remains as isolated as possible from unnecessary movements.

When performing this movement on the simulator, focus on the latissimus muscles. Follow the rules of execution, and the result will not keep you waiting.

How to do horizontal rows correctly

The effectiveness of strength training consists of correct movements.

The following recommendations will help you follow the technique of performing horizontal traction:

  • Strict control over the position of the spine. It should be level and vertical. The back muscles and abdominal muscles should be constantly tense.
  • Control over voltage distribution. It should not be transferred to hands. To do this, you should increase the amplitude by moving your elbows behind your back.
  • Exhale while making an effort, and inhale in the opposite direction.
  • Throughout the entire approach, the legs should be kept bent at the knees with a clear fixation.
  • Do not allow the body to swing. If you help yourself with your body while doing the exercise, then you need to reduce the working weight.
  • The work of different groups of muscle fibers depends on the types of handles.
  • For rational use of the simulator, it is recommended to do 5 sets of 12–15 repetitions.
  • The working weight is selected depending on the period and purpose of training. Maximum weight is used to build muscles, and medium or minimum weight is used to dry the body.

Advice: When performing deadlift exercises, grasp the handle with your entire hand. This will put even more strain on the biceps muscles.

What mistakes should you avoid?

When performing exercises, you should be very careful to reproduce them correctly and not make mistakes.

Some of the most common mistakes when working on a training unit are the following, which should be avoided:

  • Fragile fixation of the feet on a special platform will interfere with the correct execution of the exercises, pulling the body as far forward as possible on the bench.
  • The position on the bench is too close or too far from the place where the hands are fixed. It will disrupt the correct range of motion and correct fixation of the back.
  • Pulling weights by using the biceps muscle. Does not allow you to use your back muscles when working on the machine.
  • Deviation of the body from the vertical position is more than 10 degrees. This often happens when using a lot of weight.

If you do not follow the rules of the exercise technique, make mistakes, and do not control the weight, you not only slow down the process of developing a strong athletic body, but also allow the possibility of various injuries.


In the horizontal row, it is possible to use various handles that allow you to change the position of the hands, the width of the grip and the degree of abduction of the elbows back.

Lower pulley to the waist

Can be performed with a narrow or wide grip. For a narrow grip, it is recommended to use a V-shaped handle, and for a wide grip, a long handle. While sitting on a bench, lean back slightly and pull the block towards you until your elbows are behind your back.

The main working muscles are the latissimus. The secondary ones are the biceps, lower back, forearms, deltoids, hip flexors and quads.

Pull of the lower block to the stomach

allows you to apply such variations of execution, both with and without turning the brush.

The main muscles involved are the back muscles, the secondary muscles of the trapezius, the mid back.

Having taken the starting position, your arms should be straight. The body needs to be moved forward a little and by pulling the handle, it should touch the abdominal muscles with fixation for a few seconds.

Thrust of the lower block through the side

Involves mainly the deltoid muscles. Having taken the starting position, keep your back straight and your hands on the handle of the machine. Raise your upper limb up to shoulder level, perhaps a little higher. Lower your hand to the level of the lumbar region, without allowing the weight to fall completely. The effectiveness of the exercise will be higher if all movements are performed through the work of the deltoid muscles.

Rowing lower pulley

Involves many muscle fibers. In the first phase of the exercise, “wings” of the back, delta, and biceps muscles. The final stage involves the trapezius and rhomboid muscles. This exercise is considered one of the most effective among all pull-downs. Execution technique: after inhaling, pull the handle until it touches the lower part of the chest and, having achieved this, return to the starting position. Try to move your elbows back as much as possible.

The lat pulldown in any variation remains one of the main exercises for building a strong and wide back with clearly defined muscle relief.

Horizontal row for women

To gain muscle mass and dry out the body, girls are recommended to combine two types of loads in their training program - strength (with free weights) and isolating exercises (as an option, horizontal rows in a block exercise machine).

Horizontal rows on a block machine are suitable for both men and women.

Girls widely use this exercise to form a slim figure, stimulating the fat burning process, and toning muscle mass.

The technique of performing the exercises, their variations and the basic rules are exactly the same as for men.

The peculiarity of performing horizontal rows in the lower block for women is to use less working weight while increasing the number of repetitions.

Considered one of the most effective exercises for straightening a slouched posture, the exercise is as safe as possible for comprehensively working the back muscles. By eliminating and preventing slouching, exercise not only improves health, but also improves breast shape.


Systematic and correct training on a block simulator allows you to maximally pump all the components of the back muscles:

  • Using such a machine, not only the main latissimus muscles are used, but also minor smaller muscles, the delta and arm muscles. Broad shoulders will create harmonious and beautiful symmetry of the male body.
  • A good muscle corset will help mitigate all minor spinal injuries.
  • A wide back will give a man strength, courage and sexuality.


Conducting training on a block simulator refers to strength loads, and therefore it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting the training.

Basic medical warnings:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • oncological diseases;
  • musculoskeletal injuries;
  • diseases of infectious origin.

If during training you feel slight malaise, dizziness, nausea, headache and weakness, you should immediately stop strength training and if your general condition worsens, seek help from a doctor.

The use of fortified complexes, sports supplements, etc. will help increase efficiency and recovery after training. Having proper rest and sleep of at least 8 hours will help the body recover faster and better and recharge with energy for the next training processes.