\ \ Features of training volleyball players of various qualifications. The theory of integral training as the quintessence of sports didactics Integral training

Integral training is aimed at coordinating and implementing various components of sportsmanship in competitive activity - technical, physical, tactical and psychological preparedness. Each aspect of an athlete’s preparedness is formed to a certain extent as a result of the use of narrowly targeted methods and means. This leads to the fact that individual qualities and abilities demonstrated in local exercises often cannot be fully demonstrated in competitive exercises. Therefore, a special section of training is needed, aimed at combining various aspects of readiness, qualities and abilities, the purpose of which is to ensure the complexity and effectiveness of the complex manifestation of all the diverse components that together determine the success of competitive activity.

The main means of integral training are competitive exercises of the chosen sport, performed in competitions at various levels.

A significant role in solving the problems of integral training is also given to exercises of a special preparatory nature, which are as close as possible in the structure and characteristics of the activity of functional systems to competitive ones.

The problem of integral training is least acute in sports of a cyclic nature, in which the arsenal of technical techniques and tactical actions is limited, and the training work (the overwhelming volume of it) is as close as possible in form, structure, and features of the functioning of the body systems to competitive work.

In complex coordination sports, martial arts and especially in sports games, the variety and complexity of technical techniques, individual, group and team tactics, mental manifestations determine the need to perform exceptionally large volumes of training work of an analytical nature associated with the improvement of individual techniques and actions, local qualities and abilities . The ability to implement them in difficult competitive conditions requires special and targeted improvement. For example, in sports games the main means of integral training is a specially organized and controlled two-way educational game in conditions as close as possible to official competitive ones. At the same time, players are guided by the need for integrated implementation in various game situations of acquired physical capabilities, technical and tactical skills, moral, volitional and special mental preparedness.

For more comprehensive and complete integral training, along with the general focus, providing for comprehensive improvement, it is advisable to highlight the priority areas:

Improving individual technical and tactical actions;

Improving group technical and tactical actions;

Improving team technical and tactical actions;

Improving the ability to fully mobilize functional capabilities;

Improving the ability to switch between maximum motor activity and periods of relative relaxation in order to ensure high performance.

To increase the effectiveness of integral training, you can use a variety of methodological techniques:

Facilitating conditions through the use of various simulating devices, reducing the number of players on the court, organizing competitions with weaker or “comfortable” opponents, forced leading or racing behind leaders, etc.;

Complicating the conditions by limiting the size of the area, ring or mat, holding competitions in unfavorable climatic conditions, with a stronger or “inconvenient” opponent, etc.;

Intensification of competitive activity by increasing its duration, the size of the field or court, the weight of equipment, reducing the time of possession of the ball, etc.

Integration is important in training to increase the effectiveness of teaching sports techniques and tactics, updating the special knowledge of students in the process of mastering the technical and tactical arsenal and in competition conditions.

Integral training is designed to implement in training, in the process of technical and tactical training and improvement, a sign of the integrity of competitive activity, so that the training effects, each individually, are effectively manifested in competitive conditions.

It is not enough to solve problems at a good level only in each type of training autonomously in the hope that later in competitive activity the effect will manifest itself. The relationship between the parties to training requires special, targeted influence. This is possible by integrating the process of forming connections between training components with the aim of combining them into a single holistic competitive activity. This is the goal of integral training, which is a system of training influences designed to maximize the training effects of individual aspects of technical, tactical, physical training in holistic competitive activity athletes. The highest form of integral training is competitive actions performed in the same form as in real competitions. Often integral training is reduced only to these exercises, which reduces the effectiveness of the training process.

The tasks of integral training include the implementation of connections between types of training (physical and technical; technical and tactical; psychological and theoretical; volitional and physical, technical-tactical; theoretical and technical-tactical, physical); achieving stability of skills in difficult competition conditions; implementation of physical, technical, tactical, theoretical and psychological preparedness in unity in competitive activity.

Leading means Integral training consists of exercises for solving problems of two types of training combining (combined); exercises in alternation of exercises of different nature (preparatory, leading, technique, tactics, switching); control estimates.

The relationship between physical and technical training is achieved, firstly, by developing the physical abilities necessary to perform a specific competitive exercise; secondly, when developing physical abilities within the structure of this exercise; thirdly, with the development of special physical abilities in the process of repeated repetition of a competitive exercise with increased intensity exceeding the competitive one.

To do this, certain methodological techniques and organization of exercises are used: alternating exercises to develop physical qualities; alternating exercises for developing qualities with exercises on technique and tactics; “combining” exercises to develop qualities and abilities with a competitive exercise.

The relationship between two or more types of training in the training process throughout the year is carried out as follows. Initially, they solve the specific problems of each type of training separately, then the issues of interrelation - within one type of training separately, facilitating the solution of problems of one type of training by means of another type. The relationship between the parties to training is carried out in a certain sequence: within the framework of one type of training; physical and technical; physical and tactical; technical and tactical; all three types of training - in control and official competitions.

From the perspective of solving the problems of integral training, it is necessary to consider the structure of the development of sports skills, means and methods, types of training, stages of teaching technique and tactics. At each stage of skill development, such means (exercises) should be used that create a certain continuity and connection between the parties to the training. Integral training is the link between training and official competitions. With the help of integral training, athletes learn to maximally realize in sport-specific competitive activity everything that is “developed” in training sessions (training effects).

The transformation of training effects into the effectiveness of competitive actions is achieved through: firstly, combining (interfacing) training components - physical and technical, technical and tactical; secondly, alternation and switching; thirdly, systems of tasks in control competitions; fourthly, participation in official competitions - the highest form of integral training. Integral training is especially effective and indispensable in the period preceding competitions.

In each type of training - technical, tactical, physical, intellectual (theoretical) and mental - there are specific tasks, means and methods, and great attention is paid to them. In addition, each type must have a “block of interrelations” with other types of training, with a mutual focus. Interconnection blocks form the core of primary integration; secondary integration is achieved through “estimates”, control competitions, in which all types of preparation and individual training effects appear in close interrelation. The highest level in this system is competitive activity.

The relationship between technical, tactical and physical training (integrated approach). Teaching gymnastic exercises is a pedagogical process that requires systematic and methodologically correct organization of the actions of the teacher (coach) and student. This process is aimed at solving the main tasks of learning: the formation of motor skills and abilities, the development of a set of physical qualities, and the education of moral and volitional qualities.

Thus, the process of training a gymnast (gymnast) is understood as a unity of closely related components of technical, tactical, physical and psychological training. At the same time, it is assumed that each of the named components not only can, but also should be the subject of targeted work, which is especially important in relation to gymnasts aimed at the highest sporting achievements.

With a close relationship between technical, physical and psychological preparation, one can count on the success of a gymnast’s performance. In order to improve the process of training gymnasts, it is necessary to determine the significance of each of these factors. Experts call the first factor technical training in all-around events. But in close relationship with technical training on apparatus is special and general physical training, as well as acrobatic skill. Special physical training in the training process, according to experts, should not only be combined with general physical training, but also play an important role in acrobatic training.

The development of special physical qualities also depends on the psychological qualities of the gymnast: initiative, independence, perseverance. Nurturing psychological qualities greatly contributes to increasing technical skill and improving physical fitness. In the training process, these qualities should be improved in conjunction with technical and physical training.

Thus, to achieve results in sports, it is necessary to have a high-quality construction and conduct of a year-round educational and training process, a high level of comprehensive physical fitness, the use of large training loads, a systematic and targeted organization of educational work, and the use of scientifically based training methods.

Everything that an athlete acquires for his physical and mental preparedness, technical mastery, increasing the functional capabilities of organs and systems, all the knowledge and experience he gains, he must translate into training in his entire chosen sport.

There is only one way for this - the athlete repeating competitive exercises many times using different methods. At the same time, it should be emphasized the need to perform one’s sport with all its features, with everything that is required in the competition, as well as taking into account external conditions.

Integral exercises are performed in a range from competitive intensity to close to it. These also include exercises used to build a special foundation.

The main tasks of integral training: a) building a special foundation; intensity according to heart rate - 140-170 beats/min, in% of maximum effort - 75 -90, volume according to the type of sport, exercises daily during the preparatory period; b) increasing special preparedness; intensity according to heart rate 180-190 beats/min, % of maximum effort - 85-100, volume according to the type of sport, exercises from 2-3 times a week to daily and twice a day during the pre-competitive and competitive periods; c) maintaining special preparedness at the achieved level; intensity according to heart rate - 160-180 beats/min, as a % of maximum effort - 50-80, exercises 2-3 times a week during the special preparatory stage, and if necessary - in a large cycle.

The process of sports training is divided (to some extent conditionally) into two parts - analytical and integral. In the first part (analytical), preparation is carried out by performing special and other exercises, as well as basic exercises of the chosen sport with a primary focus on improving certain components of preparedness. Many exercises aimed primarily at improving technique, or building strength, or improving flexibility, or practicing individual tactical elements, etc., can be associated with the simultaneous improvement of other components of preparedness.

In the second integral part, preparation is carried out through training in the chosen sport as a whole. In this case, different goals may be pursued: to create a special foundation, to improve the entire complex of mental, physical and functional capabilities of the athlete, to bring together everything that was, as it were, separately acquired in the process of developing individual qualities, forming technique, acquiring knowledge, etc. All these components fall into place in a holistic action: running, jumping, playing, lifting a barbell, wrestling. Only holistic, repeated implementation can ensure the harmonious development, strengthening and improvement of all organs and systems, all components of preparedness in strict accordance with the requirements of the chosen sport.

Methodical instructions.

1. In any sport, integral training is the main means of acquiring and improving skill. For example, in sports games, to play well, a team must play a lot throughout the year. No special or additional exercises for technique, strength, speed, etc. can replace training and competitive games. Only in games do athletes fully reveal their capabilities, relationships and mutual understanding between them are established and consolidated, technical skills and tactical actions are improved, and will and courage are strengthened in relation to the demands of a complex competitive environment.

The role of competitions in the integral training of athletes specializing in those sports where there is a fight with an opponent is similar. In fencing, boxing, and all types of wrestling, it is also impossible to prepare an athlete without combat practice in many competitions.

2. In all cases, two parts must take place in the training of athletes - analytical and integral. The ratio of these parts in the total volume of annual training in different sports is different. For example, among the strongest athletes: marathon runners, road cyclists, middle and long-distance runners, swimmers, integral training (including competitions) takes up 95-100%, for fencers - 60-70%; for speed skaters and cross-country skiers - 50-65%; for basketball players - 40-50%. But for track and field athletes - throwers and jumpers - this percentage is much lower: for the former - 15-20% and for the latter - 5-10%.

3. In training for cyclic sports, the importance of integral training is so great. The words of the famous former world record holder Finnish stayer P. Nurmi “in order to run, you need to run and run” are fully justified today, including among rowers, skiers, cyclists, and walkers. For them, movement with different intensity and duration options ensures high fitness and excellent sports results.

4. Along with the increase in the technical and tactical complexity of athletes’ movements, the increase in the range of required skills and actions, the need for their long-term, painstaking development and the development of certain qualities through special exercises increases. This takes more training time, therefore reducing the amount of integral training.

5. Particular attention should be paid to integral training in all-around sports, for example, biathlon, modern pentathlon, decathlon. This requires integral training and, therefore, preparedness in individual sports included in the all-around. Moreover, such integral preparedness in each of the types will be based on the integral general physical and mental preparedness, the high vital activity of the athlete’s body, and his great ability to coordinate movement.

6. The relationship between the total volume of training and the volume of integral training is determined not only by the time spent, but also by the degree of mental tension, the amount of nervous and energy costs during the holistic performance of the chosen sport. The larger they are, the more necessary it is to limit the volume of integral training, the more widely analytical exercises, elements of the chosen sport, and various preparatory and special exercises are used in training.

This is especially clearly seen in the example of the ratio of these two parts of training among representatives of speed-strength sports. Thus, the strongest jumpers perform 2000-3000 high jumps per year with a full run-up, which takes a total of only 4-6 hours per year. Long jumpers do 500-600 full run jumps a year and spend a total of only 60 minutes on it. Of course, in these examples, the time taken to directly perform the jump from the start of the run to the landing with maximum effort. Naturally, such a volume of truly integral exercises is small, but it costs the athlete a lot in terms of expenditure of neuropsychic energy, which is why the analytical part of the training is so large for jumpers, replenishing everything that the athlete needs.

7. It is necessary to carefully study the volumes of integral training in athletes and find their optimal relationships with the total volumes. Such data will help you see new opportunities to improve the preparation of your students, primarily by increasing the number of repetitions in integral training at efforts slightly lower than competition ones.

8. The volume of integral training and its ratio to the total volume has changed over the years. The path from solving the problems of comprehensive physical education to higher sports mastery also marks an increase in integral training with age. However, it occupies a sufficient place in young years among swimmers, gymnasts, figure skaters, football players, basketball players, archers, etc.

9. The ratio of integral training and the entire training process changes throughout one year. It can be gradually increased in favor of training in a chosen sport for runners, cross-country skiers, cyclists, and rowers.

In sports such as athletics jumping and throwing, diving and skiing, integral training is usually carried out to the greatest extent during the competitive period. It is believed that the qualitative and technical accumulations acquired by an athlete in the preparatory period must be linked to the holistic performance of the chosen sport in the competitive period. Although repetition of the main exercise of the chosen sport also takes place in the preparatory period, the main tasks of training at this time are solved through special exercises. However, there is reason to argue that integral training should have more place in the preparatory period. This will seriously help ensure the construction of the most advanced special foundation and strengthen the equipment.

Integral preparation in the training process is associated not only with tasks for periods and stages, but also with the level of athletes’ preparedness and with the competition calendar. This often requires integral training for almost the entire year (for example, in sports games).

10. Particularly effective for integral training are facilitated, difficult and complicated conditions for performing the chosen sport. This is one of the most important ways to achieve high results in sports.


15.1.The essence and purpose of planning, its types

Planning, control and accounting- components of managing the training of athletes.

Planning means, first of all, the process of developing a system of plans designed for various periods of time, within the framework of which a set of interrelated goals, objectives and the content of sports training must be implemented.

The subject of planning in the process of training athletes is:

– goals, objectives, means and methods of training;

– the magnitude of training and competitive loads;

– internal changes in the body of athletes under the influence of loads (training effect);

– number of training sessions and rest days;

– systems of restoration measures;

– control standards;

– educational activities;

– training conditions, etc.

A training plan is a document that reveals the direction, content, order, sequence and timing of training and non-training tasks related to achieving the goals set by the coach and athlete - immediate, intermediate or distant.

Scientifically based training plans allow you to avoid spontaneity in the actions of the coach and athlete, unnecessary expenditure of time, effort and material resources, poor quality of educational and training work, and ultimately achieve better results in your chosen sport. Depending on whether the training of an individual athlete or a team is planned, plans are divided into individual or general (group).

Mixed (individual-group) plans are often developed, which are similar in some basic characteristics to group plans and at the same time take into account the individual characteristics of athletes.

Based on the duration of the planned period, the following types of plans can be distinguished: multi-year, annual, monthly (for a mesocycle), weekly (for a microcycle), for a training day, for one lesson.

Individual plans are developed both for short periods of time (individual classes, microcycles, mesocycles, stage, period, year) and for long periods (4 years or more). The latter are usually compiled for particularly promising athletes (candidates for master of sports and above).

The central link, the core of control, is the training program. Programming is the management of any type of activity. The training program is a guide for the sports teacher and his students. With its help, the coach manages the development of athletes’ preparedness and the growth of their achievements. The implementation of the training program is carried out through a system of training tasks, causing a certain training effect, which is expressed in a change in the actual state of the athlete - operational, current or stage-by-stage. Information about changes in these states, obtained using three forms of control - operational, current and staged, is then compared with the corresponding parameters of a given (modeled) state and, based on this comparison, corrections are made to the training plan.

However, the corrections made by the coach in these cases are often either premature or delayed. Therefore, the probability of achieving the simulated state within the planned time frame is reduced. For example, at the time of important competitions, an athlete may not show his best planned result, but will achieve it earlier than the main competitions or some time after them.

Naturally, in order to show the planned result by the scheduled time, one should have advanced information about the athlete’s level of readiness in the macro-, meso- and microcycles of training. It can be obtained by predicting the athlete’s conditions based on a comparison of the planned and predicted characteristics of each type of athlete’s condition, the work performed, and increasing the effectiveness of corrections made to the program.

Planning, control and forecasting are closely interconnected, complement each other and are integral elements of managing the training process.

The process of planning training for athletes includes the following interconnected stages:

1) the stage of developing a draft training plan - a model of the athlete’s future state and a model of the training process that ensures the achievement of this state by a certain point in time;

2) stage of implementation of the preparation plan;

3) the stage of its correction.

15.2. Long-term (long-term) training planning

A multi-year training plan for athletes is drawn up for 2, 3 years or more, depending on their age, preparedness, sports experience, training cycle and other factors. The initial data for drawing up a multi-year plan are:

Length of preparation to achieve best results;

The rate of their growth from category to category;

Optimal age to achieve high sports results;

Individual characteristics of athletes;

Logistics and technical support of training places and other factors.

The duration of preparation required to achieve the highest results in a particular sport varies and is of great importance for long-term planning.

The average duration of achieving the best results in various sports for women is 4.3, and for men - 4.8 years of special training. These deadlines depend on the sport. Thus, in gymnastics, it takes women 6.1 years to achieve the master of sports standard, and in volleyball - 3.5 years.

Therefore, when drawing up a multi-year plan for each athlete, it is possible to roughly establish the approximate number of years required to achieve high results.

However, in recent years, as a result of improving training methods, medical supervision, improving the social and living conditions of the athlete, logistics of training places and other factors, there has been a tendency to reduce the training time for athletes.

In order to correctly build a multi-year plan, you need to know which age period is most favorable for achieving the highest results. The main criterion in this case is the age of their achievement.

Currently, in the long-term dynamics of sports results, three age zones are distinguished: 1) the zone of the first great successes; 2) zone of optimal opportunities; 3) zone of maintaining high results. Multi-year planning should be aimed at ensuring that athletes achieve the results of a master of sports already within the first zone.

Long-term plans are drawn up both for a group of athletes and for one athlete. In the first case, a general plan is developed, in the second, an individual plan. General long-term plans should contain only individual starting data, based on which annual planning could be carried out correctly.

A general long-term training plan usually consists of the following sections:

1. Brief description of a group of athletes or a team.

2. The purpose and main objectives of long-term training.

3. Stages of preparation and their duration.

4. Main competitions at each stage.

5. The main focus of the training process in stages.

6. Distribution of activities, competitions and rest at each stage.

7. Sports and technical indicators by stages.

8. Control standards characterizing various aspects of athletes’ preparedness.

9. Changes in team composition (in sports games).

10. The main focus of the training process by stages (main tasks and their significance).

11. Distribution of activities, competitions and rest at each stage.

12. Sports and technical indicators by year.

13. Control standards characterizing various aspects of an athlete’s preparedness.

14. Basic means of training and their distribution by stages.

15. Approximate volume and intensity of training loads by stages.

16. Pedagogical and medical supervision.

Based on the brief characteristics of the athlete, as well as the goals of long-term training and its main tasks, they establish sports and technical indicators by year and plan fixed assets, the volume and intensity of the load, and the number of competitions. Those aspects of preparedness (physical, technical, tactical, etc.) are determined on the improvement of which it is advisable to focus the main attention in order to ensure the achievement of planned indicators. The long-term plan should include the stages of preparation, their duration, as well as the main competitions at each stage. Their number and duration depend on the structure of long-term training in a given sport, the calendar of sports events and other reasons.

When planning sports and technical indicators, one should proceed from both the average growth rate of results in a given sport, and from the individual characteristics of the athlete, as well as the conditions of the training process.

In an individual plan, the main means should be determined taking into account the characteristics of a given athlete and the need to improve the weaknesses of his preparedness. An essential point in long-term planning of training for athletes is the determination of the size, nature and dynamics of training loads.

It should be borne in mind that the increase in sports results in young athletes depends not only on training influences, but also on their natural growth. Conventionally, it can be written in the form of the following expression: natural growth + training = sports result. It is possible that the training load can be neutral or restrain the growth of the body, but at the same time contribute to the growth of athletic performance. Other cases are also possible. For example, training influences can actively contribute to the natural growth of the body and have a very slight effect on the growth of athletic performance.

Thus, when planning a training load during long-term training, one must proceed, first of all, from the need to increase its volume, especially for younger and middle-aged athletes.

15.4. Annual plan, its contents and methods of preparation

The contents of the multi-year plan are disclosed in more detail in the annual plan. The annual plan usually includes the following sections: a brief description of the athlete; goal and main objectives for the year; calendar of main competitions and their tasks; cyclical training and tasks of the period; sports and technical indicators, control standards; distribution of basic and additional funds in each month, volume and intensity of training load; pedagogical and medical supervision, etc.

1. Work on the annual plan begins with drawing up characteristics of training in the previous year, including the characteristics of the athlete, the dynamics of training, sports form, and training loads. The characterization must necessarily end with an analysis of the main errors and conclusions, allowing one to determine the direction of future work.

Next, the plan includes: a detailed calendar of all competitions of the year with a clear gradation of each of them (main, qualifying, secondary, training, etc.), with specific tasks, for example, for the main and qualifying competitions - to show a certain result; for secondary ones - to try out a new version of tactics, to practice a new element of technology.

2. The next stage in working on the annual plan is to determine the cyclicity of training in accordance with the dynamics of sports form required in the coming year.

Depending on the competition calendar, qualifications, experience, type of sport, individual characteristics, and the ability to maintain a state of sports form for a more or less long time, a one-cycle or two-cycle structure of annual training can be used.

Having established the cyclical nature of training, it is necessary to determine the content of the training process by type of training (physical, technical, tactical, etc.). Having determined the objectives of training by cycles and periods of the year, as well as the main means and methods of their implementation, we can move on to the key issue of planning - determining the size and nature of training loads.

The annual plan can be presented in the form of a schedule, a table or a table-graph.

The variety of planning documentation forms used in practice gives the coach a wide choice in accordance with the specifics of the sport.

15.5. Monthly and weekly planning

Based on the annual plan, you can create a training plan for shorter periods of the training process - a stage, a month (mesocycle), a week (microcycle), a training day and a separate lesson.

Rice. 8. Option of the annual schedule (according to S.M. Vaitsekhovsky)

Each of these plans provides clear detail of what was planned in the plan that came before it. As a rule, the larger the planning time scale, the less detailed the plan. And, conversely, the shorter and closer the planned fragment of the training process, the more likely it is that it can be designed in detail.

In sports practice, training planning for a month (mesocycle) or a week (microcycle) has become widespread. When planning training in meso- and microcycles, you must first of all take into account:

1. Its primary focus (on the development of endurance, strength, speed or coordination abilities; on technical training or on the complex solution of several problems).

2. The nature of the means and training methods used.

3. Patterns of transfer of motor skills and physical abilities (training transfer) when determining the content of classes in each microcycle and series of microcycles.

4. Parameters of the volume and intensity of training loads, their ratio and changes during the training process.

5. The order of alternating loads of different directions and magnitudes, both within a separate training day, microcycle, and mesocycle.

6. Control exercises or indicators indicating the correct development of sports form, etc.

The forms for drawing up monthly and weekly plans may be different. This largely depends on the specifics of the sport, the qualifications of the athlete, training conditions, practical experience of the coach, his outlook and creative attitude to planning the training process. The most appropriate are a table plan or a schedule.

The monthly plan table can be compiled in the form of a system of several weekly microcycle plans.

Integral training is aimed at combining and comprehensively implementing various components of an athlete’s preparedness - technical, physical, tactical, psychological, intellectual in the process of training and competitive activity. The fact is that each of the aspects of preparedness is formed by narrowly targeted means and methods. This leads to the fact that individual qualities, abilities and skills demonstrated in training exercises often cannot be demonstrated in competitive exercises. Therefore, a special section of training is needed to ensure consistency and effectiveness of the comprehensive manifestation of all aspects of preparedness in competitive activity.

The main means of integral training are:

Competitive exercises of the chosen sport, performed under competition conditions of various levels;

Special preparatory exercises that are as close as possible in structure and nature of the demonstrated abilities to competitive ones. It is important to comply with the conditions of the competition.

In any sport, integral training is one of the important factors in acquiring and improving sportsmanship. For example, in sports games, to play well, a team must play a lot throughout the year. Performing exercises on technique, or developing strength, or improving flexibility, or improving individual tactical elements, etc. cannot replace training and competitive games. Only in games are the capabilities of each athlete fully revealed, the connection and understanding between them is established and consolidated, technical and tactical skills are improved, the harmonious development of all organs and systems of the body, mental qualities and personality traits is ensured in accordance with the requirements of the complex competitive environment characteristic of this sport. sports

Particular attention is also paid to integral training in combat sports. In fencing, boxing, and all types of wrestling, it is impossible to prepare an athlete without combat practice in many competitions.

The importance of integral training is not so great for athletes specializing in cyclic sports, in which the total number of technical techniques and tactical actions is generally limited, and the main volume of training work of a cyclic nature in form, structure, and peculiarities of the functioning of body systems is as close as possible to competitive work.

In the process of integral training, along with the general focus, which provides for the comprehensive improvement of all aspects of preparedness, it is advisable to highlight a number of particular areas related to the associated improvement of several components of the athlete’s readiness to achieve - physical and technical, technical and tactical, physical and tactical, physical and psychological, etc.

To increase the effectiveness of integral training, various methodological techniques are used. These include: facilitating, complicating and complicating the conditions for performing actual competitive exercises. So, to speed up the pace of tennis, games can be played on wooden courts, where the ball bounces at a higher speed, and therefore the athlete must react faster. To make it more difficult - on grass courts, where the ball can bounce in an unpredictable direction. For difficulty - a weighted racket and a ball with a camouflage color (E.V. Korbut).

physical psychological tactical training athlete

Integral training is a system of training influences designed to maximize the training effects of individual aspects of training (physical, technical, tactical and others...) in the holistic and game activities of basketball players.


  • 1. Increasing the level of physical qualities and morphofunctional indicators that determine the effectiveness of motor actions.
  • 2. Implementation of connections between types of training - physical and technical: tactical, moral - volitional, psychological, theoretical in the unity of game actions.
  • 3. Realization of physical abilities through the technique of specific playing techniques, and technical techniques through tactical actions.


  • - performing exercises to develop special physical qualities in various combinations.
  • - a combination of preparatory and leading exercises with individual techniques.
  • - implementation of studied technical techniques and tactical actions (individual, group, team defense and attack in various combinations with different levels of intensity) with and without resistance, in order to develop special physical qualities within the framework of the structure of technique techniques.
  • - games leading up to basketball (according to simplified rules).
  • - relay races based on performing basketball techniques in various combinations.
  • - basketball game 1x1, 2x2, 3x3, 3x4, with one or two hoops.

The main methods of integral training are combined (conjugate) influences, game, competitive.

GAME TRAINING is an integral form of sports training for basketball players, aimed at improving the ability to fight in various game situations.


1. Improving the ability to distribute forces, which involves developing the ability to mobilize one’s strengths and capabilities to the maximum

combine periods of intense physical activity and relaxation.

  • 2. Improving individual actions and interactions with teammates.
  • 3. Achieving stability of gaming skills in difficult conditions of competitive activity.
  • 4. Improvement in the use of mastered tactical systems of combinations and their variants.


two-way game 5 / 5 in different initial conditions:

  • - against the background of obvious drowning
  • - with a handicap (for example: the player who scored accelerates to the corner of the court, while the missing team organizes a breakthrough with the completion of specific tasks)
  • - play a certain combination or use a certain interaction
  • - play only fast break
  • - play through the center
  • - play with the attack after 20 seconds of possession, etc.
  • - using and switching from one tactical combinations and options to others according to predetermined signals - after a goal - after a throw-in - timeout
  • - with a sudden artificial change in the situation requiring a quick switch; - announce that there are 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 15 seconds left in the game, - artificially change the score - give the task ... that you need to lose no more than 1, 5, 7 points, etc.

The main goal of this research work is the theoretical justification for the formation of professional training systems based on integral (competitive, conjugate and game) methods of martial arts sports training and their implementation in the educational process of hand-to-hand training at the Russian Higher Police School.

In previous studies, we raised questions about the need for scientifically based changes in the entire system of hand-to-hand training of future police officers.

The current system of hand-to-hand training in universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is no longer able to fully solve the tasks assigned to it. There are a number of objective reasons for this, first of all, the hopeless outdatedness of the entire theory, and hence the methodology of this training, which has remained virtually unchanged since the times of the Soviet police. But in Russia, the nature of modern military clashes (forceful detention, operational anti-terrorism actions, etc.) in its fierceness and transience has recently increasingly approached military operations.

The main goal of this research work is precisely the theoretical justification for the formation of professional training systems based on the integration of pedagogical technologies for martial arts sports training and their implementation in the educational process of hand-to-hand training at the Russian Higher Police School.

The methods of this study consisted of theoretical analysis and generalization of literary sources of domestic and foreign researchers. Methods of system analysis and synthesis were also used, which made it possible to consider the phenomenon being studied in the main indicators of the system: structure, organization, system-forming factors, etc. In addition, methods of modeling the pedagogical system were used: goal setting, methods of organizing and optimizing the pedagogical process, etc. .

The result of the study was that, due to our personal scientific and sports-pedagogical experience, it seems possible to propose ways to form innovative pedagogical technology based on comprehensiveness, interconnection, complementarity, as well as rationality, individualization and motivation.

Keywords: didactics; integral; cadet; method; police; principle; conjugate sport; training.

In elite sports, pedagogical excellence is determined by the harmoniously interconnected development of physical, psychological, intellectual, moral and ethical qualities and technical and tactical skills. This multi-purpose didactic task is solved primarily through integral training - a term coined by N. G. Ozolin and A. A. Karelin.

Concept "integral"(a definition that came to sports pedagogy from mathematics) implies the unifying and summative versatility of sports training. This, in turn, is explained by the fact that the means and methods of types of physical, technical, tactical, psychological training, as well as moral and ethical education are interconnected, therefore they are often improved in a complex (in conjunction).

In turn, the process of integration as a scientific and pedagogical concept is the formation of a certain innovation system based on optimization and complementarity of previously existing technologies.

The theoretical basis of integral training is the pedagogical concepts of the general theory of physical education and sports training by N. G. Ozolina and V. N. Platonov, based on the fact that:

  • it is necessary to improve the educational process by taking into account individual characteristics and individual style of activity;
  • optimization of training and education is carried out taking into account the accumulated experience in the theory and practice of various pedagogical systems and directions;
  • improvement of the formation of knowledge, abilities, skills and qualities must be built on motivation for classes;
  • The leading factor contributing to bringing the educational process to perfection should be the inclusion of such pedagogical methods that are purposefully and interconnected influence the development of basic physical and psychological qualities, motor skills, intellectual abilities and moral aspirations;
  • versatility of training and education, initiative, courage and, at the same time, moral purity are possible, first of all, due to the integrity of the entire educational process and the introduction of integral methods.

Thus, by integral methodology we mean a set of harmoniously developing (teaching and educational) approach, based on the desire for excellence of both the individual student (cadet) and the trainer-teacher, and the entire pedagogical system, which specifies and fills its goals with concrete content, tasks, principles, methods, techniques, means, as well as the result obtained.

N. G. Ozolin explains: “Repeated performance of the chosen sport as a whole, preserving all its features (for example, a combat match of a wrestler or boxer, a two-way game of football or basketball, a pole vault with a full run-up, a gymnastic combination on an apparatus, etc. .) I called integral preparation. This is what in practice is called game training, running, swimming, rowing, etc. Its highest form is competitions (training and official).

On the conceptual importance of the method competitive (integral) exercises are also indicated by V.N. Platonov, who in his scientific works determines that the methodological pinnacle of sports training is the holistic implementation of a competitive exercise in the competitive range of functional loads, including participation in competitions itself.

In any sport, integral training is the main means of acquiring and improving skill, continues N. G. Ozolin. In fencing, boxing, and all types of wrestling, it is impossible to prepare an athlete without combat practice in many competitions.

Competition in sports is the main motivational incentive, a means of demonstrating all physical and intellectual capabilities, nurturing strong-willed and moral qualities. This is an organic part of sports training, designed to instill a desire for sports wrestling, as well as to scientifically control the progress of the entire educational process. Competitions require special preparation, the goal of which is to correctly approach the most important competitions and achieve the highest results there. The system of sports competitions, in addition, is a specific method for managing the training of athletes.

Undoubtedly, improving the indicators of a specific physical quality, for example, special coordination, through the use of competitive methods of integral training leads to an increase in the level of indicators and other physical, as well as psychological, intellectual and moral qualities. This dynamics also leads to an acceleration of the process of developing technical and tactical skills.

In addition to the competitive method as a fundamental one, integral training is based on a number of specific methods of sports training: conjugate exercises and the game method.

Zh. K. Kholodov explains: “Method conjugate influence is used mainly in the process of improving learned motor actions to improve their qualitative basis, that is, effectiveness. Its essence lies in the fact that the technique of motor action is improved under conditions that require increased physical effort. For example, during training an athlete throws a weighted javelin or discus, long jumps with a weighted belt, etc. In this case, both movement technique and physical abilities are simultaneously improved.

When applying the conjugate method, it is necessary to pay attention to ensure that the technique of motor actions is not distorted and their integral structure is not disrupted.”

Methodological feature gaming methods of integral training is to ensure the comprehensive, integrated development of special physical and psychological qualities and the improvement of motor skills, since during the game they are not manifested in isolation, but in close interaction. Various sports games, both classical and simplified versions, as well as outdoor games are used. In case of pedagogical necessity, with the help of games, you can selectively develop certain special physical qualities.

Sports games are a situational type of motor activity, where the leading role belongs to sensorimotor mechanisms. The voluntary nature of the players’ actions is based on “situational afferentation.” It includes afferent analysis, the essence of which is to isolate significant signals from the environment, and afferent synthesis, which makes it possible to predict the development of the situation.

Games involving fighting for the ball with opponents are characterized by energy expenditures inherent in endurance exercises (swimming, distance running). Basketball and football are the most energetically taxing, where the level of metabolic reactions increases compared to the main one by 10-15 times. This load is usually referred to as submaximal. In volleyball, the intensity of the functional load is somewhat less (medium intensity).

Sports games are not just a means of physical education, but a means of educational influence on the individual. Moreover, the main thing here is the cultivation of socially significant personality traits - collectivism, conscious discipline, the ability to put common interests above personal ones.

It should be emphasized that sports games have extremely rich, and in some respects simply unique, opportunities for character education. Knowing his students (cadets), the teacher can deliberately and at the same time imperceptibly place them in conditions where it is impossible not to demonstrate certain volitional qualities.

The enormous attractive and at the same time educational power of games lies in the complex motivation of gaming activities. During the classes, each of the students (cadets) experiences deep psychological satisfaction from the very process of the game, where everyone in some way surpassed not only themselves, but also their opponents, and this did not go unnoticed by their teammates and the teacher. The desire to preserve it forces one to make a psychological effort on oneself, which develops into a habit and shapes one’s personality.

These methods clearly demonstrate the didactic potential of integral training.

Other researchers also point to the importance of integral methods of sports training and physical education. Thus, A.L. Palatny scientifically substantiates the correlation relationship increasing absolute indicators of the development of strength qualities through the formation of technical skills of lateral and direct blows in boxers at the stages of preliminary (14-15 years) and specialized (16-17 years) basic training.

The rate of development is 20.0-40.0% with a significant (P > 0.05) increase in absolute values. High rates of development were also determined by indices that characterize explosive endurance (24.0%) and special performance (38.9%) of boxers.

At the subsequent stage of preparation (the stage of sports improvement) at the age of 16-17 to 18-20 years, high and reliable correlation rates of development (20.0 - 50.1%) are characteristic of the values ​​of speed indicators of impacts.

Pedagogical components of the integral method of sports training

In the process of research work to improve physical education in higher schools, E. V. Tserkovna identified a factor structure comprehensive students' preparedness, which includes a wide range of pedagogical, physiological and psychological indicators. During the study, a scientific substantiation was carried out and the methodology of physical education in universities was improved, taking into account the characteristics of their health status, lifestyle, level of physical development and factor structure of preparedness. The developed author's program involves the development of basic motor qualities (general endurance, static endurance, strength, speed), basic functional systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous) and professionally significant psychophysiological properties (attention, accuracy of movements, sense of time, reaction, emotional stability ).

The scientific factor analysis carried out by S. V. Pyatisotskaya made it possible to identify the most significant components in the structure of the educational process of karate athletes: general and special endurance, speed-strength qualities, special flexibility, speed qualities and agility. Correlation analysis showed that the effectiveness of performing elements of karate-do technique depends on the level of development of speed-strength qualities (r = 0.83; p< 0,05), специальной гибкости (r = - 0,59; p < 0,05), общей (r = -0,51; p < 0,05) и специальной выносливости (r = 0,65; p < 0,05), силы мышц плечевого пояса (r = 0,46; p < 0,05) и брюшного пресса (r = 0,61; p < 0,05).

To sum up The research carried out, we can conclude that in the general pedagogical aspect, the integral methodology of sports training presupposes the fundamental provisions for the formation of interrelated and harmoniously developing skills and qualities, promotes the correct choice and rational use of means and methods in solving set pedagogical tasks, helps teachers accurately navigate the diversity of these means and methods, as well as establish the necessary methodological continuity and relationship between various means of teaching and education.

All this, with didactically correct adaptation to the educational process of the higher police school, will allow us to completely change the concept of goal-setting for professional hand-to-hand training of future officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Our further research involves the development and theoretical and methodological justification of integral pedagogical technologies for special hand-to-hand training of cadets at universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.


  1. Anokhin P. N. Biology and neurophysiology of the conditioned reflex / P. N. Anokhin. - M.: Medicine, 1968. - 547 p.
  2. Bokiy A. N. Pedagogical foundations of special combat training for law enforcement officers: a scientific and practical guide / A. N. Bokiy, S. V. Uskov. - Krasnodar: KRU MIA of Russia, 2015. - 88 p.
  3. Karelin A. A. System of integral training of highly qualified wrestlers: abstract. dis. ... Dr. ped. Sciences / A. A. Karelin. - St. Petersburg, 2003 - 46 p.
  4. Kovalenko Yu. A. Curriculum of a sports club in the discipline “karate” for secondary schools / Yu. A. Kovalenko, S. V. Uskov. - Simferopol: Crimean Republican Institute of Postgraduate Education. Minutes No. 3 of the meeting of the Academic Council dated 05/07/2014. - 126 s.
  5. Ozolin N. G. Profession - coach / N. G. Ozolin. - M.: Astrel, 2004. - 863 p.
  6. Palatniy A. L. Planning of training exercises and special directness at various stages of extensive training of boxers: author's abstract. Ph.D. Sci. s physical education and sports / A. L. Palatniy. – K., 2001. – 20 p..
  7. Platonov V.N. Olympic sport / V.N. Platonov. -TO. : Olympic Literature, 2009. - 736 p.
  8. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated November 13, 2012 No. 1025 “On approval of the Manual on the organization of physical training in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.”
  9. Pyatisotska S. V. Individualization of training of young karatekas at the beginning stage using modern information technologies: author's abstract. dis. Ph.D. Sciences and Phys. education and sports / S. V. Pyatisotska. – Kh., 2010. – 21 p.
  10. Smirnov V. M. Physiology of physical education and sports: educational manual / V. M. Smirnov, V. I. Dubrovsky. - M.: Vlados-press, 2002. - 608 p.
  11. Uskov S.V. Development of operational thinking in hand-to-hand training classes for cadets of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia / S.V. Uskov // Improving physical, fire and tactical-special training of law enforcement officers. Physical training and sport: collection of articles. - Orel: OrYuI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.V. Lukyanov, 2015. - P. 175-178.
  12. Uskov S.V. Formation of professional skills of cadets in the process of special technical and tactical training at the Higher Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine: diss. Ph.D. ped. Sciences / S. V. Uskov. – K., 2010. – 211 p.
  13. Kholodov Zh. K. Theory and methodology of physical education and sports: educational manual / Zh. K. Kholodov, V. S. Kuznetsov. – M.: Academy, 2008. – 480 p.
  14. Tserkovna O. V. Professional and applied physical training of students of higher initial degrees based on the factor structure of their mental and psychophysiological preparedness: author's abstract. Ph.D. Sci. s physical education and sports / O. V. Tserkovna. – Kh., 2007. – 21 p.


S. Uskov, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Physical Training Department Crimean branch of the Krasnodar University of Russian Interior Ministry

A. Bokiy, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Physical Training Department Crimean branch of the Krasnodar University of Russian Interior Ministry

Y. Kovalenko, Senior Lecturer of Physical Education Theory and Methods Department, Crimean Federal University after V.I. Vernadsky. Physical Education Faculty

Contact information for correspondence: 295034, Russia, Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, 14/28 Dekabristov St., Apt. 4,[email protected] , + 79787921006.

The main research goal is the theoretical justification of professional training systems formation based on integrated (competitive, conjugate and game) methods of sports training of martial arts, and their implementation in the educational process of close combat training at the Russian Police High School.

In previous studies, we raised questions about the need for evidence-based changes in the entire system of close combat training of future police officers.

Acting at present the system of combat training in Russian Interior Ministry universities is unable to solve completely the tasks entrusted to it. There are objective reasons for it, primarily hopelessly outdated theory, and as a result the training methodology, which is practically unchanged since the Soviet militia time. However, recently in Russia the nature of modern armed clashes (forceful detention, anti-terror actions, etc.) for their rapidity and fierce are becoming closer to military operations.

The methods of this study were the theoretical literature analysis and synthesis of domestic and foreign researchers. The methods of system analysis and synthesis were used which allowed considering the studied phenomenon in the main system indicators: the structure, organization, system forming factors, etc. In addition, educational system modeling methods were used: objectives definition, organization and optimization methods of the educational process, etc.

The study outcome was the fact that due to personal research, sports and educational experience, it was possible to suggest the formation of ways of innovative educational technologies, based on a comprehensiveness, relationship, complementarity and rationality, individualization and motivation.

Keywords: didactics, integrated, cadet, method, police, principle, conjugate sport, training.


  1. Anokhin P. N. Biologiia i neirofiziologiia uslovnogo refleksa. Moscow, Meditsina, 1968, 547 p. (in Russian).
  2. Bokii A. N., Uskov S. V., Pedagogicheskie osnovy spetsial"noi boevoi podgotovki sotrudnikov pravookhranitel"nykh or-ganov: Krasnodar, KrU MVD Rossii, 2015, 88 p. 547 p. (in Russian).
  3. Karelin A. A. System of integrated training of highly skilled fighters. Extended abstract of Doctor's thesis. SPb, 2003, 46 p. 547 p. (in Russian).
  4. Kovalenko lu. A., Uskov S. V The training program of a sports circle on discipline of "karate" for comprehensive schools. Simferopol", Krymskii respublikanskii institut posle-diplomnogo obrazovaniia. Moscow, Astrel", 2004, 863 p. (in Russian).
  5. Palatnii A. L. Planning of training means of the general and special orientation at different stages of long-term training of boxers Candidate's thesis. K, 2001, 20 p. (in Russian).
  6. Platonov V. N. Olympic sport. Olimpiiskaia literatura, 2009, 736 p. (in Russian).
  7. Prikaz MVD Rossii from 13.11.12 g. No. 1025 “Ob utverzhdenii Nastavleniia po organizatsii fizicheskoi podgotovki v organa-nakh vnutrennikh del Rossiiskoi Federatsii” The order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of 11/13/12 No. 1025 "About the adoption of Manual on the organization of physical training in law-enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation". (in Russian).
  8. Piatisots"ka S. V. Individualization of training of young ka-ratekas at the initial stage with use of information technologies. Candidate"s thesis. Kh, 2010, 21 p. (in Russian).
  9. Smirnov V. M., Dubrovskii V. I. Fiziologiia fizicheskogo vospi-taniia i sporta. Moscow, Vla-dos-press, 2002, 608 p. (in Russian).
  10. Uskov S. V., Luk"ianova V. V, Razvitie operativnogo myshle-niia na zaniatiiakh po ruko-pashnoi podgotovke u kursantov obrazovatel"nykh organizatsii systemy MVD Rossii Sover-shenstvovanie fizicheskoi, ognevoi i taktiko-spetsial"noi podgotovki sotrudnikov pravookhranitel"nykh organov. Fizicheskaiapod gotovka i sport: sbornikstatei. - Orel: Orlul MVD Rossii imeni, 2015. pp. 175178. (in Russian).
  11. Uskov S. V. Formation of professional abilities of cadets in the course of special technical and tactical preparation in HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine VNZ MVS. Ukraine Candidate's thesis. K, 2010, 211 p. (in Russian).
  12. Kholodov Zh. K., Kuznetsov V. S. Teoriia imetodika fizicheskogo vospitaniia i sporta. Moscow, Akademiia, 2008, 480 p.
  13. Tserkovna O. V. Professional and applied physical training of students of higher educational institutions on the basis of factorial structure of their motive and psychophysi-ological readiness. Candidate's thesis. Kh., 2007, 21 p. (in Russian).