Basic exercises for the triceps brachii muscle. Basic and isolation exercises for triceps. A set of exercises for the development of the triceps brachii muscle

At first, the triceps may be mistaken for an insignificant muscle, hidden from view and “modestly” located on the back of the arm. However, the triceps account for 2/3 of the entire arm. We conclude: the volume of the arm largely depends on how well developed this particular muscle is. Interested? Then let's continue.

The structure of the triceps includes a trio of muscle bundles. In the area of ​​the elbow they narrow and merge into a common tendon. Due to this structure, the main function of this muscle is ensured - extension at the elbow. When performing any triceps exercise, all three muscle bundles are involved in the work.

Basic triceps exercises

When performing a set of basic exercises, not only the triceps work, but also other muscle groups. We are talking about the chest and shoulders.

During the bench press, the upper triceps, anterior deltoids and upper chest muscles are intensively worked.

Advice! For beginners, it is better to give preference to the EZ bar - it makes it easier to fix the position.

During the exercise, all areas of the triceps are worked. The main emphasis is on the lateral head.

Advice! For beginners, you can place your palms on the bench a little wider - this makes it easier to fix the elbow joints.

When performing the exercise, the pectoral muscles, deltoids and triceps are tensed, which we extend the limb at the elbow.

Advice! To isolate the muscle as much as possible, you should bring your elbows closer to your body and do not spread them to the sides throughout the entire exercise.

Isolation exercises for triceps

The group of isolating exercises includes those that involve only the triceps, the deltoids and chest are not involved in the process. The main goal of the complex is to “finish off” the triceps after basic exercises, to shape the muscles, to turn them into more “cut” ones.

During the exercise, all triceps muscles are included in the work. The lateral and medial heads take the greatest load. The back muscles are relaxed - the risk of injury is close to zero.

  1. We stand in the block frame at the top block.
  2. We take hold of the straight bar with a straight grip and bend over it, fixing the position of the projectile not with the help of the strength of our hands, but due to our own mass.
  3. We press our elbows to the body - in this position the back muscles do not strain.
  4. We smoothly extend our arms at the elbow joints and pause at the end point for a second.

Don't forget about breathing. We extend the limbs while inhaling, and when returning to the starting position, we release the air from the lungs.

By extending your arms with a dumbbell from behind your head, you load the long head of the triceps muscle to a greater extent. It is rarely involved in most basic triceps exercises.

  1. We sit on the edge of the lounger, resting our feet on the floor. We take the dumbbell with the hand we will train. We extend the limb above the head until it is completely straightened at the elbow joint.
  • Inhaling, we lower our hand behind our head, trying to avoid movement in the shoulder joint. We lower the dumbbell down along a straight path (towards the shoulder) or slightly beveled (towards the spine).
  • Once at the lowest point, as you exhale, extend your arm until your elbow is fully straightened. At this moment, stop for a second and tense the triceps.

You should not tilt your torso forward or backward - you may lose your balance. You cannot round your back - this position additionally loads the spine.

Advice! If at the initial stage of training it is not possible to keep the elbow joint motionless, you can hold it with the hand of the opposite hand.

During the exercise, movement is observed only in the elbow joint. The lateral and long head of the triceps works.

  1. We sit on the bench, rest our feet on the floor. We move our straightened arms up and take the barbell with the bar from an assistant (grab it with an overhand grip). We straighten our arms and move them back a little from the top of the head - the starting position is accepted.
  2. We keep the upper part of the limbs motionless, while inhaling, we slowly bend our arms at the elbows, lowering the load behind the head.
  3. We don’t stop at the bottom point, we return our hands to their original position. Once at the “start”, exhale and tense your triceps.

When lifting the barbell, your elbows should not extend forward. The area of ​​the arms from the shoulder to the elbow should be motionless during the entire exercise.

Advice! The exercise is best performed with an EZ bar.

Due to this exercise, the triceps acquire additional volume and become sculpted.

  1. We stand in front of the block so that our hand is parallel to the hummock. With your free hand, grab the stationary part of the block. We move the body slightly forward, the leg of the same name as the involved arm is set back. We take the handle with a reverse grip.
  2. Inhale, pull the handle down, fully extending your arm at the elbow. At the end point, exhale and tighten the muscle even more.
  3. We return the hand to its original position slowly, feeling resistance.

During work, your back should be kept motionless. We fix the wrist, press the elbow to the body.

Advice! At the initial stage, “don’t chase the scales” - select the load so that you can perform the exercise at least 10 times.

The exercise allows you to pump all three heads of the triceps in the lower part. Indicated in the presence of imbalance of the triceps muscles.

  1. We stand on the side of the lounger, bend over and rest our palm on it, turning the latter towards ourselves. With the other hand we take a dumbbell. One of the knees can be placed on a sunbed. Bend your arm at an angle of 90 degrees, making sure that your elbow is at the level of your back or slightly higher.
  2. Inhale, hold your breath and fully extend the limb using the strength of the triceps. The forearm remains motionless. We remain in this position for a second and return to the “start”.

You need to keep your back parallel to the floor - then the triceps will work great.

Advice! During the exercise, try not to jerk; the pace of work is smooth.

Regularly performing a set of basic and isolation exercises will help give your triceps volume and definition. In addition to the regularity of training, the technique of performing the exercise also plays a significant role. The slightest deviation from it will involve other muscle groups in the work - the effectiveness of the training will significantly decrease.

Be sure to read about it

Natalia Vasilenko

Triceps exercises help to use 2/3 of the muscle mass of the arm, so working on it is important regardless of gender to build a beautiful and strong body:

  • for men this is an opportunity to get powerful hands with relief;
  • for women, this is an opportunity to get rid of sagging on the back of the arm and fat deposits.

The triceps muscle of the arm and biceps are antagonists. If the biceps is involved in pulling movements when training the back, then the extensor of the posterior group of the shoulder is involved in training the chest. It consists of three muscle heads - lateral, medial and long.

If the biceps is responsible for bending the arms at the elbows, then the triceps muscle performs extension. For comprehensive development, it is important to use all three bundles in one workout, intelligently combining loads. You can also use splits with biceps or chest workouts.

While most newbies in the gym work hard on their biceps to look more athletic, advanced athletes do triceps and back exercises, knowing that these muscles are truly responsible for an athletic silhouette.

The best exercises for triceps

To thoroughly work the triceps muscle, you need training with a barbell, dumbbells, as well as with your own body weight, using parallel bars or a bench.

Push-ups on parallel bars or on a bench

Dips or reverse push-ups remain the leading exercise for the triceps, as they develop all three heads at the same time. Push-ups allow you to load your muscles with a lot of weight if you use weights that are attached to your body.

There are several options for triceps exercises:

  • on uneven bars - lower your body slowly until your shoulders are parallel to the floor, press your body up and hold for a second before the next repetition;
  • on a bench, they are performed either with bent legs (for beginners), with straightened or elevated legs. Advanced lifters will need additional weight (a barbell plate), which is usually placed on the hips.

Dips on the uneven bars develop the triceps muscle in the same way that pull-ups stimulate the growth of the biceps, so they must be included in the training program.

Traditional push-ups help the body learn to handle heavier weights, which will be a plus when building muscle mass. It is better to start doing push-ups from the floor, pointing your elbows back and pressing your arms closer to your body so that the load falls on the triceps muscle. The best exercise for triceps without equipment is push-ups with a narrow hand position.

Barbell Presses for Mass

The close-grip bench press is an exercise for the triceps that also works all three bundles at the same time. The middle part of the chest is involved in working with a barbell; due to synergy, it is possible to choose a large weight and quickly increase strength indicators.

The hands are placed close to each other in the middle of the bar, at a distance of 30 cm. The elbows should be pressed to the body, not sticking out in all directions. Slowly lower the barbell down until your shoulders are parallel to the ground, and after a second delay, press it up.

The French press with a neutral grip works the lateral triceps, and when performed standing, it loads the medial bundle, allowing you to build up the inner lower part of the arm, adding shoulder volume.

Typically, the triceps exercise is performed with a barbell on a horizontal bench or on the floor (at home). It is necessary to extend your arms in front of you and, keeping your elbows motionless, bend them and lower the weight until an angle of 90 degrees is formed.

Press the weight back forcefully and hold for a second. It is recommended to place the barbell behind your head in order to remove excess load from the elbow joint and shift it to the target muscle.

Elbow extension for long bun

Extending the arm behind the head works the long beam, causing it to stretch and tighten well as the weight moves back.

The triceps exercise is performed with a dumbbell held overhead and is critical to shaping the outside of the shoulder. You need to slowly bend your elbow and lower the dumbbells behind your head to the side, keeping your elbow motionless. Stay at the bottom point for a second and straighten your arm.

Reverse arm extensions with a cable on a block simulator develop all three muscle heads by changing the grip:

  • reverse grip (palms up) places emphasis on working the long head;
  • An overhand grip (palms down) helps increase the thickness of the arm near the elbow joint due to the medial and lateral heads of the muscle. You can perform the triceps exercise with one or two hands: stand in front of the blocks, firmly grasp the rope or handle with a reverse grip at chest level, fix the elbows close to the body and straighten the elbow, tensing the muscle. Slowly return the cable to its original position.

Dips and close-grip barbell presses are basic exercises. In this case, the triceps works together with the chest, serratus muscle, and trapezius.

Triceps exercises with two dumbbells can add variety to your chest or back workout and use a medium weight. They must be used in the gym after working with the barbell. Triceps exercises with dumbbells are called isolated exercises and may include: standing back extension, arm extension behind the head.

To perform bent-over arm extensions, you need to take a dumbbell, lean forward, keeping your back straight, place your arms parallel to your body and bend them at the elbows, and, keeping them motionless, perform extensions. Dumbbell push-ups increase the amplitude and load on the muscles.

If you want to know how to get horseshoe triceps that will blow your mind, then you definitely need to read this article and do these triceps exercises.

When the question arises, triceps are usually not given due attention. For most people, strong arms are biceps.

But, oddly enough, the biceps take up much less volume of your arms than the larger triceps.

This is why pumping up the triceps is one of the little-known “secrets” to achieving the desired effect of big pumped up arms.

For example, your hands might look like this:

If this is too much for you, then here is a recent photo of mine that illustrates a more realistic result to achieve:

And in this article, I'll tell you how I achieved it (and how you can achieve the same)

So let's start with a quick overview of the triceps muscles and then dive into how to effectively tone them.

Triceps, or, in scientific terms, triceps brachii, is the triceps extensor muscle of the posterior shoulder.

From Wikipedia:

Triceps brachii muscle (triceps; lat. muscle triceps brachii) - the extensor muscle of the posterior group of the shoulder, occupies the entire back side of the shoulder, consists of three heads - long (caput longum), lateral (caput laterale) and medial (caput mediale).

Functions: Due to the long head, the arm moves backward and brings the arm to the body. The entire muscle takes part in the extension of the forearm.


The lateral head of the triceps (lat. caput laterale) begins with tendon and muscle bundles on the outer surface of the humerus. The medial head of the triceps (lat. caput mediate) has a fleshy beginning on the posterior surface of the middle third of the shoulder. The long head of the triceps (lat. caput longum), begins with a strong tendon from the subarticular tubercle of the scapula. The muscle formed as a result of the connection of the three heads passes into a flat, wide tendon, which is attached to the olecranon process of the ulna.

This is what the triceps brachii muscle looks like:

As you can see, when all three muscles become visible, they will take on a peculiar “horseshoe” shape.

You will also notice that the lateral head (or, as it is also called, the lateral head) is the largest muscle of the three triceps muscles, which both develops faster than the others and determines the overall appearance of your triceps.

In short, when people talk about “big triceps,” what they really mean is big lateral heads.

However, if you want to get a full-fledged volumetric, 3-D look, then you need to properly develop all three heads of the triceps.

Fortunately, this is quite easy to do.

Simple ways to pump up your triceps

There are many theories about how to pump up your triceps muscles.

Some people say to focus on training frequently at an accelerated pace and really feel that burn in your muscles.

Others believe that training several times a week is enough.

There is also an opinion that there is no need to pump up the triceps at all. Instead, focus on pushing exercises such as the bench press and overhead press. Well, I've experienced all of the above, I've also worked with thousands of people, and here's what I've learned:

  1. Most people need to target their triceps to achieve the size and definition they want.

Intensive training of the chest muscles will help in the formation of triceps, but it is unlikely that this will be enough to achieve the desired size and definition.

  1. Heavy compound exercises are ideal for building strength and size. High rep sets, cable exercises on a cable machine, and French presses (triceps machine) can be included in your workouts, but they are not a substitute for heavy dumbbell exercises.
  2. One intensive triceps workout per week is enough. An important part of what you need to do correctly and consistently is volume, that is, the total number of repetitions you do each week.

This is especially important when you work out in the gym (especially when exercising with heavy weights), the main rule of which is:

The heavier your sets, the less you can do per week without the risk of overtraining. This is especially true for really difficult exercises like deadlifts and squats, since the harder your workout, the more time your body needs to recover from it. Now that I've tried many different split workouts and frequency schemes, here's what works best in two extensive reviews.

If your workout involves heavy weight exercises (80-85% +1PR), the optimal volume should be around 60-70 repetitions every 5-7 days.

This applies not only to the triceps, but, as a rule, to any other major muscle group.

In the case of the triceps, we also have to take into account the fact that they are actively involved in your pressing exercises.

If you're doing, say, about 60 reps of the chest press per week to tone your chest and about 15-20 reps of the overhead press for shoulder definition, then an additional 60 reps of weighted triceps training will be unnecessary.

Although, by lowering the reps to 30-40 for the triceps, you will find that this stimulates additional muscle growth without the hassle of overloading.

However, every day I meet people whose triceps are very stubborn even with proper training. In this case, I recommend that they do the following every week:

  • 9 sets of intense (4-6 reps) chest presses, plus 3 sets of triceps exercises for 8-10 reps at a time;
  • 3 sets of heavy overhead presses after a couple of days;
  • 6-9 sets of intense triceps exercises after a few days.

This small increase in weekly volume, of course, will not have an instant magical effect, but it will help overcome the “stubborn plateau” of muscle growth.

And now that we have the basic theoretical aspects of training in stock, let's look at the 5 best exercises for triceps.

The best exercises for triceps

Don't pay attention to magazines with articles about muscle mass.

You don't need to do 50 types of triceps exercises to get great arms.

In fact, of the many, many triceps exercises you can do, only a small handful will be truly beneficial. Next, I will tell you how to pump up your triceps using the most effective exercises for training the triceps brachii muscle.

For example…

1. Close grip bench press

If I had to choose just one triceps exercise, it would definitely be the close grip bench press or back push-ups.

Both of these exercises are aimed at strengthening the lateral head of the triceps and, in addition, give impetus to the development of the chest muscles.

2. Back push-ups

There are two types of push-ups with support from behind: from a gymnastic bench and from parallel bars (vertical)

I prefer dips because they make it easier to do push-ups with extra weight and they help train your shoulders and chest. But both methods are equally good for triceps.

Here's a push-up from a bench:

But from the bars:

3. Dumbbell Overhead Press

Dumbbell overhead curls are one of my favorite triceps exercises.

It is especially good for the long head of the triceps and allows you to safely lift heavy weights and challenge the muscles.

4. French bench press with a barbell

Tensing the triceps while lying down puts stress on the medial head.

This exercise has been a staple for bodybuilders for decades due to its simplicity and effectiveness.

5. Extension of arms on the upper block in a standing position

This is the most common triceps exercise that people do, and surprisingly, it's a really good one.

However, I save it for later in my workouts, using it after I've completed the heavier exercises on this list.

I also prefer V-shaped and straight bars.

Load progression is the key to triceps training.

Before we talk about triceps training, I want to make sure you understand the vital issues of weightlifting in general:

It is important not to just do the exercises, but to do them in progression.

For a true weightlifter, it is important to know that an important type of progression is overload.

This is a gradual increase in how much weight you can lift at one time.

If you do this and eat enough food, your muscles will grow.

Triceps training for mass

I have two criteria by which I define a good triceps workout:

  • It includes exercises that target each head of the triceps.

You'll get the most out of triceps exercises that develop the lateral head.

These are exercises that focus on your arms, such as the close-grip bench press, back push-ups, and standing lat pull-downs.

However, you should not neglect exercises that increase the other two heads of the triceps.

Overhead exercises such as dumbbell overhead presses and French bench presses target the long head, while side-arm and underhand exercises and bench presses develop the medial head.

  • Emphasizes weightlifting.

There are three ways to stimulate muscle growth, and progressive overload is the most important point in building muscle.

Therefore, your main goal as a weightlifter is to become stronger, especially in such complex key exercises as the powerlift, squats, and bench and overhead presses.

Triceps training program for mass

I’ll give you an example of a simple triceps training program so you can see how well my advice applies to you.

Train as follows once every 5-7 days for the next 8 weeks. Do this, stick to your diet and your triceps will definitely respond to you.

  • Close grip bench press

  • Back push-ups

Warm up and 3 sets of 4-6 reps

  • French bench press

3 sets of 4-6 reps

That's all.

Just 9 sets for your regular workout.

And in case you don't know how many reps, sets, or how much weight to do, it's very simple:

  • If you can do more reps than you expected, your weight is too light. Get heavier.
  • If you can't do the minimum in your rep range, the weight is too heavy. Lighten it up.

So, in the case where you can do 6 reps, it's time to add weight. If you are not able to do 4 repetitions, you should reduce the load.

In general, I advise you to add weight when you have completed all reps in ONE set.

For example, if you completed 6 reps on your first set of back push-ups, add 2-4 kg to your push-up belt for the next set. Work with this weight until you reach 6 reps of push-ups, and so on.

So your weekly goal is to add reps on exercises that will eventually translate into adding weight.

Sports nutrition for triceps training

I left this until last because, frankly, it's less important than proper diet and exercise.

You see, supplements will not create a great physique, but proper training and nutrition will.

Supplements do not create a great body. Proper training and nutrition is what creates.

Unfortunately, the supplement industry is flooded with pseudoscientific recommendations, ridiculous hypotheses, confusing commercials, and the supplements themselves contain many useless or, on the contrary, important components, but in too small doses.

Many supplement companies make a cheap, gimmicky product and try to push it through silly marketing hype, big (and usually expensive) celebrity endorsements, pseudoscientific tales, fantastical stories about proprietary blends, and flashy packaging.

That is, although supplements do not play a vital role in building muscle and burning fat, and many are nothing at all but a waste of money... the right supplements can help.

The truth is that exist safe, natural substances whose benefits in increasing strength, growing muscle mass, burning fat, etc. have been scientifically proven. Part of my job was to know what these substances were and to look for products containing them. Therefore, now I can use them myself and advise others.

However, searching for a product that is high quality, effective and also at a reasonable price has always been difficult.

So I decided to take matters into my own hands and create my own supplements. And not just “like everyone else” supplements, but those whose exact formulas I came up with and just wanted for several years for someone to create them for me.

I won't rant at length on this topic here. If you want to know more about my supplements, click here.

For the purposes of this article, let's quickly go over the supplements that will help you get the most out of your arm workouts (and more).


Creatine is a substance found in the body and also in foods such as red meat. It is perhaps the most studied molecule in the sports supplement world, the subject of hundreds of scientific papers. And the reason is quite clear:

Creatine supplements help...

  • Build muscle mass and increase strength;
  • Improve anaerobic endurance;
  • Reduce the risk of muscle damage and inflammation

You may have heard somewhere that creatine is harmful to the kidneys, but this statement was categorically and repeatedly refuted. In matters of health, creatine has no effect no harmful side effects, both short-term and long-term use. However, people with kidney disease Creatine supplements are not recommended.

If we talk about special products that I use myself, then this is, of course, creatine monohydrate.

Creatine monohydrate is a 100% working supplement among all sports nutrition, 5 grams of creatine per day (course no more than 6 months) gives the following positive effects:

  • increases energy reserves in muscle cells
  • neutralizes acids in muscles, mainly lactic
  • retains water and speeds up recovery after exercise
  • Activates glycolysis in muscles and increases strength performance when there is insufficient oxygen in the muscles

It gives you the real strength, size and recovery properties of creatine monohydrate, plus muscle repair and insulin sensitivity thanks to L-Carnitine, L-Tartrate and Corosolic Acid.

Protein powder

You don't need protein supplements to achieve muscle growth, but considering... how much protein should you eat every day to achieve maximum muscle growth, extracting it from food may simply be impractical.

This is the main reason I created (and currently use) whey protein. (Whey has also been proven to be great for post-workout nutrition)

Contains only natural sweeteners and flavors; Whey is obtained from milk milked on small farms. I can confidently say that whey protein is a 100% natural powder that provides real benefits to muscles and is relatively inexpensive.

Pre-workout supplements

There's no question that pre-workout supplements will get you fired up and ready to push yourself in the gym. However, there are also negative aspects and potential risks.

Many pre-workout drinks contain ineffective ingredients and/or insufficient amounts of beneficial ones, making them little more than cheap stimulants sprinkled with stardust for the sake of pretty packaging.

Others do not even contain stimulants, and are, in fact, a simple scam.

Also there are still illegal, dangerous ones like "Jack3d" containing a powerful (and now banned) stimulant known asDMAA.

The reality is that it is difficult to find a pre-workout supplement that is light on stimulants but loaded with naturally safe boosters like beta-alanine, betaine, and citrulline.

So I made my own pre-workout supplement. It consists of 6 of the most effective freely available components that you can use:

  • Caffeine. Caffeine provides more than just an energy boost. He also increases endurance and muscle strength.
  • Beta-alanine. Beta-alanine is a naturally occurring amino acid that reduces fatigue, improves anaerobic capacity and can accelerate muscle growth.
  • Citrulline malate. Citrulline is an amino acid that enhances muscle endurance, soothes sore muscles and improves aerobic function.
  • Betaine. Betaine is a substance found in plants such as beets that increases muscle endurance, strength, and also accelerates the rise of human hormones and insulin in response to intense training.
  • Ornithine. Ornithine is an amino acid found in large quantities in dairy products and meat, which reduces fatigue during long workouts and promotes lipid oxidation(burning fat for energy, as opposed to carbohydrates and glycogen).
  • Theanine. Theanine is also an amino acid found primarily in tea, which reduces physical and mental stress, increases nitrogen oxide production, which improves blood circulation and also helps improve attentiveness, composure, vigilance, memory, mental performance and mood.

DIY pre-workout energy drinks

The bottom line is that if you feel low on energy during your workouts rather than energized like you should feel before a workout, then you should look into pre-workout supplements. The simplest and cheapest options are:

  • tincture of eleutherococcus
  • ginseng granules
  • green tea + 1 slice of lemon + 1 teaspoon of honey
  • 1 part milk oolong, 1.5 parts ginseng oolong (preferably stone, embedded), 1 part pu-erh
  • pure caffeine in dosages of 300 mg, and the higher they are, the more invigorating and the higher the strength, but I would not advise you to go beyond 800-1000 mg
  • lemongrass
  • Rhodiola rosea

Summing up triceps training

Pumping up sculpted and massive triceps is the same as pumping up any part of your body.

  • You need to do the right exercises
  • You need to lift a lot of weight
  • You need to perform sufficient weekly volume
  • Consume enough calories and nutrients (protein, fat, carbohydrates)
  • And you need to be patient

So, train, be persistent, eat right and you will get the body you dream of.

To train the triceps brachii muscle, two types of movements are usually used: 1) presses (push-ups); 2) extension of the forearms. Horizontal, vertical and deadlifts are not usually considered to train the triceps muscle, despite the fact that the long head can produce significant force in these movements. When developing training programs, it is necessary to take into account that the long head takes part in deadlifts, and the load on the muscle in presses is determined by the range of motion in the elbow joints and the position of the forearm. In any press or push-up, the load on the triceps muscle increases with greater relative motion at the elbow. For example, if you use a narrow grip (shoulder-width apart) on the bench press and move your shoulder to the side, allowing you to bend your elbow more (your forearms deviate significantly from the vertical position), the load on the triceps muscle will increase. With this version of the bench press, it is advisable to use a curved bar to reduce the load on the wrists.

Forearm extensions with a barbell (French bench press) are unfairly classified as dangerous exercises for the joint. The reason is simple - most people in the gym do the movement incorrectly. A few simple recommendations will allow you to safely perform any type of forearm extension:

  • Use weights not exceeding 8 RM (at least 8 repetitions per set).
  • Do the exercise smoothly, without excessive elbow extension.
  • Choose a comfortable and stable starting position.
  • Consider the load in other exercises, especially presses and rows.
  • Do not help yourself with movements of the shoulder or hand - do not allow the shoulder to extend in the concentric phase of the movement, and do not extend the hand in the eccentric phase.
  • Use a shoulder-width grip or a curved barbell.
  • Perform standing overhead extensions with only one arm.
  • Choose starting positions and types of exercises with less stress on the spine.

When choosing an extension option, consider the position of the shoulder and the type of weight. Increasing shoulder flexion forces the long head to lengthen to a greater extent. The barbell provides the greatest load, the dumbbell allows you to work with a greater amplitude, regular blocks help maintain constant external resistance, and machines and elliptical blocks can create a load close to the length-strength relationship of the muscle.

I will describe in more detail a popular version of the exercise in which the largest number of mistakes are made.

extension of the forearms while standing near a vertical block general notes

The exercise is performed with a straight handle, the distance between the index fingers is 40-50 cm.

The block provides the opportunity to perform the exercise using the 2+1 method, with an emphasis on the eccentric phase of the movement. In this case, the starting position is taken with the help of the other hand, and the eccentric phase is performed for 3-4 s.

Phase 1. starting position

Standing with slightly bent legs. The body is tilted forward by ~15°. Shoulder blades and spine in a neutral position. Shoulders are perpendicular to the floor. The feet are loaded evenly.

the distance to the simulator is selected so that in the initial position the cable of the block device is directed vertically, and the muscles remain under load. the handle is not grabbed, but “covered” with the palms (all fingers above the handle), the fingers are constantly straightened. pressure on the handle is applied from the middle of the palm.

Phase 2. Concentric contraction

With a smooth movement, the arms are extended at the elbow and wrist joints. Incomplete straightening of the elbows and/or slight synchronized flexion of the shoulder is allowed. At the same time, you exhale.

Phase 3. End position

the movement ends when the arms are straightened at the elbow joints or close to this position. A short stop is allowed when changing direction.

Phase 4. Eccentric contraction

With a smooth movement, the handle returns to its original position. At the same time, an inhalation is made.

The most common mistakes when performing extensions:

  • handle grip;
  • unidirectional movement of the shoulder and elbow (flexion/extension);
  • hyperextension of the elbow;
  • change in the position of the torso and/or legs.

work of muscle groups in exercise

The greatest load in the exercise falls on the lateral and medial heads of the triceps muscle. the long head in this position of the shoulder is shortened, and pressure from the palm significantly limits the ability to use shoulder extension. Reducing the load on the long head of the triceps brachii is necessary if the training program involves a significant amount of vertical, horizontal and deadlifts. The exercise is designed to increase local muscular endurance of the triceps muscles.


5. Raise the dumbbells up. Bending your elbows, lower the dumbbells behind your head and then return to the starting position. While performing the exercise, do not lower your elbows. Extending your arms, inhale; bending, exhale.

6. Stand in the middle of the rubber bandage, wrap the ends around your hands and lift them to your shoulders, press your elbows to your body. The bandage must be taut. Raise your hands up - inhale, gently lower your hands with resistance to the starting position - exhale.

7. While leaning on parallel bars or the backs of two chairs, bend and straighten your arms. As you become more proficient, the exercise can be performed by tying a weight to your belt. When bending your arms, inhale, while straightening your arms, exhale.

8. Fold the rubber bandage in half or four, grab its ends so that your hands are slightly wider than your shoulders, and pull the bandage, pulling it well, behind your back. Spread your arms to the sides until fully straightened - inhale, bending your arms, return to the starting position - exhale.

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Exercises for the neck muscles Before performing the exercises, perform a self-massage of the neck muscles - rub the back of the neck with your palms. We offer you several options for exercises. Take the starting position - the torso is naturally straightened, the feet are shoulder-width apart and

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EXERCISE TO STRENGTHEN THE ADDUCTOR MUSCLES OF THE SHOULDER An exercise to strengthen the adductor muscles of the shoulder is performed on a special simulator. At a pace of 1 time every 3-6 seconds, bring your shoulders to the midline. Repeat the exercise 24-60 times (Fig. 128, 129,

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EXERCISES TO DEVELOP THE CHEST AND BACK MUSCLES All muscles of the body must be developed proportionally and harmoniously. Excessive development of the pectoral muscles can lead to stooping, so exercises for the pectoral muscles must be combined with exercises for the back muscles. For

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EXERCISES FOR DEVELOPING THE BICAPS OF THE SHOULDER MUSCLES EXERCISES FOR DEVELOPING THE MUSCLES OF THE ARM AND SHOULDER GIRDLE At first, it is better to include some of the exercises in the morning exercises, and then you can set aside a special time for the entire complex. Repeat each exercise 15-20

From the book Fitness after 40 author Vanessa Thompson

Exercises for arm muscles EXERCISE 1 Take the starting position: stand straight, legs slightly bent at the knees, feet turned outward, arms clasped in front of you. Important points: keep your back straight; straighten your arms completely in front of you; breathe

From the book Stop Cellulite! A comprehensive fat loss program author Oleg Igorevich Astashenko

Exercises for leg muscles EXERCISE 1 Take the starting position: take a step forward with your left leg and stand in a lunge. The left leg in front is bent at the knee, the right leg behind is straightened as much as possible, the feet are directed straight forward and pressed firmly to the floor. Hands

From the book Get Rid of Pain. Pain in arms and legs author

Exercises for the neck muscles EXERCISE 1 Take the starting position - stand straight, legs slightly bent at the knees, feet turned outward, hands on your waist. From the starting position, lower your right hand to your thigh, palm turned inward, place your left hand on

From the book Pain Point. Unique massage of pain trigger points author Anatoly Boleslavovich Sitel

Exercises for arm muscles EXERCISE 1 Take the starting position: stand straight, legs slightly bent at the knees, feet turned outward, arms clasped in front of you. From the starting position, straighten your arms in front of you as much as possible, slightly pull them forward and down

From the book The Health of Your Spine author Andrey Viktorovich Dolzhenkov

Exercises for leg muscles EXERCISE 1 Take the starting position: take a step forward with your right foot and stand in a lunge. The right leg in front is bent at the knee, the left leg behind is straightened as much as possible, the feet are directed straight forward and pressed firmly to the floor. Hands

From the book Get Rid of Pain. Spinal pain author Anatoly Sitel

Exercises for the arm muscles Exercise “Push-ups” Starting position: standing, leaning with straight arms on a support and placing them at a width equal to the width of the shoulders, the stomach is drawn in. While doing push-ups, slowly bend (Fig. 31) and straighten your arms. Repeat the exercise, doing 3– 5 sets of 7-12

From the book The World of a Modern Woman author Irina Nikolaevna Krasotkina

Exercise to strengthen the adductor muscles of the shoulder Exercise to strengthen the adductor muscles of the shoulder is performed on a special simulator. At a pace of 1 time every 3-6 seconds, bring your shoulders to the midline. Repeat the exercise 24–60 times (Fig. 58, 59, 60). Rice. 58. Exercise for

From the author's book

Exercise 65 (to relax the abductor muscles of the shoulder) The exercise is performed while lying on the couch on the healthy side, with the lower arm placed under the head. Raise the sore arm up to an angle of 30–45° and hold it in this position for 20 seconds, take a break for 20–30 seconds. Repeat exercise 15–16

From the author's book

Exercise 66 (to relax the abductor muscles of the shoulder during pain in the shoulder with abduction of the arm to the side) The exercise is performed while standing next to a wall. The shoulder and forearm rest on the wall. For phase I: “inhale” for 9–11 seconds, press with your hand on the wall. Phase II: “exhale” 6–8 seconds, relaxation,

From the author's book

Exercises for the neck muscles For those who are forced to spend a long time in the Shants collar, resistance exercises that strengthen the neck muscles will be useful. The collar does not need to be removed when performing them.1. Starting position sitting on a chair or standing. Lightly pressing your palm on your temple

From the author's book

Exercise to strengthen the adductor muscles of the shoulder Exercise to strengthen the adductor muscles of the shoulder is performed on a special simulator. At a pace of 1 time every 3-6 seconds, bring your shoulders to the midline. Repeat the exercise 24–60 times (Fig. 65, 66, 67). Rice. 65. Correct position

From the author's book

Exercises for neck muscles 1. Sit on the floor, bend your legs, hug your knees with your hands. Straighten your back and tense your muscles, try to keep your shoulder blades together and secure. Throw your head back and straighten up, try to stretch your neck as much as possible while bending.