Oreshkin was hospitalized. Dynamo's head coach will miss the decisive match of the series. Head coach of Dynamo Moscow Sergei Oreshkin leaves the team What moment in his career could be called the brightest

“You can teach bears just to run and fight”

Sergey Oreshkin - about the World Cup, Dynamo youth and the Russian mentality

    Head coach Dynamo Moscow Sergei Oreshkin in the KHL regular championship match with the Slovan team © Vladimir Fedorenko, RIA Novosti

  • The head coach of Dynamo Moscow, whose general sponsor is VTB Bank, practically does not communicate with the press outside of his main duties - press conferences or express comments. He cannot be called closed, but he keeps his distance well, and in conversations he never goes beyond the scope of hockey. Quite unusual, but the influence of 23 years lived in Europe is clearly felt here. Mentally he is much more European than some Europeans. And this is manifested both in his work, where he is characterized by high professionalism, and in the desire to learn, which cannot be denied to him. Although some purely Russian features are still visible. Perhaps it was this “mix” that helped him very quickly pull the blue and white out of the small hole into which the team fell last season.

    “The main thing is to think more with your head”

    - Surely you were watching the World Cup. Did you see something interesting for yourself?

    Of course I did. Hockey is moving forward. He became very fast. And not only in terms of movement, but also in terms of the head. This is especially true for the founders of the game - Canadians.

    Now in the KHL there is a tendency to exert as much force as possible on the opponent, but meanwhile the Canadians at the World Cup showed that the more you control the puck, the less need to use hits.

    Naturally: puck control is the main thing. Correct assessment of episodes and control means that you are in control of the situation and are leading the game.

    - Personally, do you strive for this kind of game? “Dynamo” is among the most hit teams in the league.

    A game is a game. There are and will be gaps, but the most important thing is to think more with your head. From this come both chances and goals. You can teach bears to just run and fight. They also skate.

    In this sense, the US team distinguished itself with a minus sign. They had the heaviest team in the tournament with a large number of "siloviki", according to power techniques They were just in the lead, but they could not win a single victory.

    The Americans surprised, yes. Maybe they overestimated themselves. Although they were collected there good players under the guidance of an experienced coaching staff. Apparently, they concentrated their attention precisely on the power struggle, and they won it, but lost in hockey.

    “You need to work and be patient”

    One of the strengths of the opening team of this tournament - Team Europe - was its active defense. Looking at your team, can you say that your players are trained to connect to attacks just as competently?

    We try, we strive for this, but it is impossible to change everything in one day. This is painstaking work. To raise the next Matt Robinson, you need to work and be patient. Every day. It also really depends on mentality. Mentally, Canadians, Europeans and Russians are very different. What “there” doesn’t need to be explained at all, sometimes here we have to repeat it many times.

    - Such things imply good contact between the coach and the players.

    The player must understand what is required of him, and the coach must see whether the hockey player can do it. If he can’t, teach him. And teaching takes time and energy. At the same time, you need to understand that nothing will come in a day or two or three. In a year or two. I repeat, you need to be patient and work.

    In this sense, it is interesting that you use young players perhaps more than anyone else in the league. Is it because it is easier to find a common language with them? That they are a more pliable material?

    No, that's not why. Just young blood - it always gives a boost. Gives new life. In addition, young people grow faster next to experienced players. When there is a change of generations, this must be taken into account. Let them study, look veterans in the mouth and remember everything.

    "I'm confident in the team"

    - You are not afraid to let out young players in the last minutes of matches. Even in the playoffs you could see Shipov, Fedorov, Bryukvin and others in the endings. Despite the fact that in the KHL there is no such practice. Why aren't you afraid?

    If I am confident that they can play in such moments, if I see that they are able to cope with it, then why not? And when to trust them? Let them get through this. Let them understand what is required of them, what hockey life itself requires of them.

    - It’s just that in the KHL, a coaching position is a firing squad.

    Absolutely right.

    I stumbled a couple of times - and resignation was not far off. Therefore, most coaches rely on experienced guys. And you are not afraid. Do you have serious support from management behind you? Or are you that confident in your youth?

    I'm confident in the team. Because I see how the guys approach the matter. Lately we have been introducing a lot of new things both in work on the ground and in work on the ice, we are changing the psychology. Every day we all learn new things together. Yes, maybe now there is no desired result, but it comes through work. This is the only way he can come. The preseason showed that the direction in the work was correct, there was good result. Then, however, we got a little lost, but we already know where... Now we are slowly pulling it out. Plus, we have a lot of injured people, and these are leading players. It’s okay, let’s put everyone on their feet - and everything will work out.

    - You said that you bring a lot of new things to your work. Where do you get this new stuff?

    Firstly, I look at the situation myself, at the players. If something doesn’t work out, I try not to correct it with stupidly memorized exercises, but to simulate the situation. Disassemble what is right, what is wrong, and reintroduce it into the game. And according to physical training- we have a good coaching duo of Philip Arzamazov and Evgenia Khramova, who complement each other. They instill in the kids a lot of new things; in their work they draw a lot of interesting things from Canada, America, and Europe. When we were still playing, everything was completely different. There were a lot of injuries. We are trying to get away from this, and, in principle, it works.

    - And in terms of tactical training? Where do you get new ideas? Hockey is changing all the time.

    What we are doing now in terms of tactics is, in fact, the newest. We ask the defenders to join in to help, so that we can attack with four already at the beginning of the attack. It's better with five of us, but it takes a lot of work. Start from afar (laughs). In “positional positions” it’s the same: three play close to the goal, and the fourth must roll to the far corner. We try everything.

    - You play differently in the forecheck. Either one and a half players, then two, or even three. What does this depend on?

    Absolutely true, in different ways. Depends on the situation. Let's see what the opponent looks like. If you get hooked, it’s natural to put pressure, “choke”, in order to finish everything quickly (laughs).

    - Many people in the KHL still use personnel in defense. You are playing a zone.

    Yes, we play in squares. There is less effort required here. Much less. There is no need to follow the player throughout the entire zone. And what's the point? Well, it’s more difficult to pull apart the defense in the zone. Why are archaisms still alive in our league? I do not know this.

    “I want to go to Detroit for an internship”

    Is there an exchange of opinions? Do you communicate with colleagues? In Finland, for example, there is a center in Vierumäki, where they constantly hold real coaching symposiums.

    No, I hardly communicate. Although it would also be useful for us to gather, as our colleagues from Finland and Sweden do. It's never too late to learn. You need to study every day.

    Now there is a popular opinion that the coaching staff of our team at the World Cup did not have enough experience playing on small courts. And it wouldn’t hurt to have a venerable foreign coach, from whom you could just learn this.

    Regarding the foreign coach, I am against it. A consultant to show how all this can be - it is possible. But why put a foreigner in charge? We have a huge country. We have our own people. Perhaps it would be worth sending someone there to study, as the Finns and Swedes do. That's why they move forward, because they are constantly learning. And the Norwegians and Danes are following them.

    - Would you like to go on an internship overseas?

    I planned this year but it didn’t work out. Maybe next time it will work out. I want to go to Detroit and see what it all looks like there.

    “I was very surprised by this offer”

    - How did you perceive your appointment at Dynamo (December 29, 2015 - Ed. note)? As a gift for New Year?

    Not a gift (laughs). How did you perceive it? I was very surprised. Because, having worked for several years in the MHL and only starting in the VHL, it was a little strange to receive such an offer. But thank you very much to Andrei Nikolaich Safronov and Rashid Gumarych Nurgaliev for trusting me. I wouldn't say it was difficult at all. There was nothing new, because this is hockey. The responsibility is completely different - that's understandable. The result needed is completely different - that’s also understandable. And so, if you love the work, you like it, it doesn’t matter where you do it. In the MHL, VHL or KHL. It's nice anyway. And if you still produce results, it’s twice as pleasant (laughs).

    - Did these six months at HSE before the main Dynamo give you anything? There is still more adult hockey there.

    Yes, I didn’t even have time to come to my senses. There was no time to really analyze it. We had the youngest team in the league. No one expected anything from us, did not consider us favorites, but during these six months we took and won almost everything we could.

    Based on this experience, shouldn’t Vyshka become a real farm league? Where young people will rush after each other, like in the AHL.

    Maybe it would be worth making a separate league following the example of the national team North America. From 17 to 23 years old. So that this age would be. Let them boil and fight among themselves. We now have Bitsadze and Lipanov, born in 1999. Major League. Let them beat themselves up. The faster they beat themselves up, the faster they will rise to the top.

    “Be quiet, fool, you’ll pass for smart.”

    - You have spoken more than once about the differences in the Russian mentality. It is not difficult to conclude that you consider yourself a representative of the European mentality.

    Yes of course. I lived in Europe for twenty-three years.

    - What did you personally encounter in terms of the Russian mentality, what did you experience difficulties with when you moved here?

    The first year was difficult. This manifested itself in relation to work. I went to Europe at the age of 29 and lived there my entire adult life, began my coaching career. Of course, he came home once a year on vacation to visit. But this is not the same at all. And when I started working here, I quickly felt the difference. There you explain two or three times, and that’s enough. Here everything needs to be constantly repeated and explained. There are some players who, even at a young age, believe that they can and can do anything. And it’s hard for them to prove otherwise. You can only prove it through work. Through carrots and sticks.

    - You returned to Russia from Hungary in 2011, right?

    I returned in 1995, stayed here for a year, and then finally left.

    It’s interesting that before meeting you I tried to make at least some inquiries, but no one knows anything about you. Nothing at all.

    And thank God. I don't like publicity. Well, I left early; few people knew me at that time. And this situation suits me. The less talk, the better. Or as we say in Russia: “Keep quiet, fool, you’ll pass for smart” (laughs).

    - It turns out that you began your active coaching career at almost 50 years old. Late enough.

    Yes, at 50, but I don’t think it’s too late. I worked in Europe, started there at 44, I think. I worked with children in Hungary, then in Romania, then again returned to Budapest in Ferencvaros as the main one. It turns out that he went through everything - from children to the highest stage, to the head coach of the KHL team.

    “I feel young because I live with young people”

    How difficult was it to move from working with children to working with adults?

    With relatively older people. Because young players, one might say, are almost like grandchildren to me, and those who are adults are the same age as my son. If we talk about adults in terms of hockey, then, of course, there is a big difference. Everyone has their own idea of ​​hockey, how it should be played... However, despite this, a common language still needs to be found. We're a team. We have common tasks and goals. Naturally, we find it, and I don’t think it’s difficult for us.

    - Do you make jokes about yourself in the locker room?

    We actually laugh a lot. Naturally, sometimes they make fun of me. How do I feel? No offense. This is our normal operating condition. And that's life. You can't separate hockey from Everyday life. I feel young because I live with young people.

    - You once said that you prefer hard workers to stars.

    Yes, because he was a hard worker himself. Stars, of course, are needed, but there are few hard-working stars (laughs).

    “I constantly re-read the book “Profession - Coach”

    - What has changed in your life after your appointment to Dynamo?

    Nothing at all. There’s just less free time. We have to keep an eye on all three of our teams.

    - But do you have any hobbies that allow you to distract yourself?

    I love interesting films. I read... True, almost everything I read is for work. And so - Fresh air, barbecue, good company.

    - What was the last thing you read?

    “Profession is a coach” is always on my desk (by Dave Chambers - Ed. note). You read it ten times and still find something new. Through the line, but you find it.

    - Who do you consider your hockey teacher?

    When I started, Vladimir Ivanovich Bakshaev, may he rest in heaven, taught me a lot. And the very first one I had was also Vladimir Ivanovich - Scarlat, he played handball.

    - There is an interesting positional attack with a lot of exchanges, which is quite applicable in hockey.

    This is true. And Bakshaev helped specifically in terms of hockey skills. I received all the coaching foundation already at the HC MVD from Oleg Alekseevich Zaitsev. It was interesting to be with him. He gave me a lot, explained, told me. All two years that we worked with him, I can remember any day.

    “Working at Dynamo - nothing has been brighter in my career so far”

    - Canada Cup - 1987 remember well?

    Yes, sure.

    - We agree that at this tournament there was best hockey in history?

    I remember 1972 too (laughs).

    - Well, the speeds were lower there.

    Naturally, lower. But hockey was very smart. How was our game different? She was always smart and fast. Because we grew up in courtyards. There was no need to force us to go to training. We got together ourselves and played hockey from morning to evening. We have lost all this now. Until children with clubs and balls appear in the yards again, it will be very difficult to rebuild.

    - What moment in your career would you call the brightest?

    The same New Year's gift from Andrei Nikolaevich. You can remember some victories, the playoffs with Sochi, for example. Any victory is nice. Any one gives inspiration. It’s even better when you can’t pull it out. Just recently we won against Yaroslavl, losing 1:3. Why is this victory worse than Sochi? Working at Dynamo - so far there has been nothing brighter in my career.

    For reference

    Sergey Oreshkin is a graduate of Elektrostal hockey. In the seasons 1979/1980-1981/1982, 1983/1984-1990/1991 he played for the local Crystal. He spent two years in the army as part of the SKA Moscow Military District from Kalinin (1982/1983-1983/1984). He played for several years in Hungary for Ferencvaros from Budapest (1991/1992, 1992/1993).

    From 2010 to 2015, he headed the blue and white youth team - HC MVD, which he led to bronze medals in the MHL championship in the 2012-2013 season. Since 2015 - head coach of Dynamo Balashikha. Since December 29, 2015 - head coach of Dynamo Moscow.

    Oreshkin was hospitalized. Dynamo head coach will miss the decisive match of the series

    Dmitry Ponomarenko talks about the difficult situation in which Dynamo found itself due to the unexpected loss of coach Sergei Oreshkin.

    Sovetskysport columnist Dmitry Ponomarenko talks about the difficult situation in which Dynamo found itself due to the unexpected loss of coach Sergei Oreshkin.

    This is how it happens in the playoffs - not only players get injured and drop out of the fight. Enormous nervous tension also knocks out the main coaches of the teams.

    This morning, Dynamo head coach Sergei Oreshkin was taken to the hospital with a hypertensive crisis.

    As it became known to “Soviet Sport”, at night the mentor of the white-blues became ill. They measured his blood pressure, it turned out that it had jumped to 210!

    As a result, the club decided to hospitalize Oreshkin. Now he is in one of the Moscow clinics as an inpatient. He is lying under a drip. And he will remain there until he finally returns to normal.

    Previously, Sergei Yuryevich had no health problems, including high blood pressure. The day before, he worked the match until the end. I remember his bright phrase after the match press conference and:

    If your luck runs out, you need to catch it by the tail and put it in your pocket!

    But...It's the playoffs!

    As a result, Dynamo are flying to St. Petersburg on Wednesday for the decisive match of the series without their coach. Vladimir Vorobyov has been appointed acting head coach for this match. Young, but already experienced and serious specialist, who in the past played for Dynamo and other KHL teams.

    The club wrote in its official message that it hopes that Oreshkin will return to normal by the sixth match in Moscow. Well, now Dynamo must fight on the road both for themselves and for the coach in order for this match to take place. To do this, they must first defeat SKA in St. Petersburg.

    Let us remind you that now the series score is 3-1 in favor of SKA, which defeated Dynamo Moscow in the last three matches.

    The editors of Sovetsky Sport wish Sergei Oreshkin a speedy recovery and return to duty.

    source: " Soviet sport»

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    Started playing hockey in Elektrostal. In the seasons 1979/80-1981/82, 1983/84-1990/90 he played for the local Crystal.

    He spent two years in the army as part of the SKA Moscow Military District from Kalinin (1982/83-1983/84). He played for several years in Hungary for Ferencváros Budapest (1991/92, 1992/93).

    From 2011 to 2015, he headed the youth team of the “blue and white” - HC MVD, which he led to bronze medals in the MHL championship in the 2012/13 season.

    Since 2015, head coach of Dynamo Balashikha.

    On March 15, 2017, during the playoff series with SKA, he left the post of head coach for health reasons. At the beginning of April 2017, it was announced that his contract would not be renewed.



    Regular seasonPlayoffs
    SeasonTeamLeagueDANDIN% MANDIN% StTHEM
    2011/12 HC MIA MHLGT52 24 46 6 - - - - -
    2011/12 HC MIA MHL play-outGT- - - - 12 6 50 - 10
    2012/13 HC MIA MHLGT64 38 59 11 14 8 57 1/2 3
    2013/14 HC MIA MHLGT56 45 80 4 7 4 57 1/8 -
    2014/15 HC MIA MHLGT55 32 58 10 7 4 57 1/8 -
    2015/16 Dynamo Balashikha VHLGT35 18 51 - - - - - -
    2015/16 Dynamo Moscow KHLGT15 12 80 6 10 6 60 1/4 6
    2016/17 Dynamo Moscow KHLGT60 39 65 4 9 5 56 1/4 6
    TOTAL for the clubin emergency situationsGT75 51 68 19 11 52

      D - position

      I - the number of games played

      B - victories in matches

      % - percentage of matches won

      M - place occupied by the team

      St - playoff stage

      IM - the final place taken by the team in the season

      GT - head coach

      IT - player coach

      IO - acting head coach

      T - coach

      TZ - defensive coach

      TV - goalkeeper coach


    December 29, 2015
    The club management announced the dismissal of Harijs Vitolins. Dynamo Balashikha head coach Sergei Yurievich Oreshkin has been appointed acting head coach of the team. also in coaching staff will include: Vladimir Vorobyov, Andrey Skopintsev, Rashid Davydov, Yuri Zhdanov and player-coach Yuri Babenko.

    Contract history:
    09/28/2011 - was appointed head coach of the MHL team HC "MVD" Balashikha.
    06/30/2015 - was appointed head coach VHL teams"Dynamo" Balashikha.
    12/29/2015 - was appointed head coach of Dynamo Moscow. The contract runs until the end of the season.

    01/04/2016 - Dynamo Moscow - SKA (5:1) - 1st game in the KHL / 1st game in the club.
    01/08/2016 - Jokerit - Dynamo Moscow (2:3 B) - 1st game in the KHL with overtime / 1st game in the club with overtime.
    02/21/2016 - Sochi - Dynamo Moscow (1:4) - 1st game in the club in the KHL playoffs.

    01/04/2016 - Dynamo Moscow - SKA (5:1) - 1st victory in the KHL / 1st victory in the club.
    02/21/2016 - Sochi - Dynamo Moscow (1:4) - 1st victory for the club in the KHL playoffs.
    02/27/2016 - Dynamo Moscow - Sochi (1:0 2OT) - 1st series won in the KHL playoffs.


    Interesting times are coming domestic hockey. For the highest rated match in eight years KHL history"Dynamo" Moscow - SKA winners of the Gagarin Cups of different years are brought out by and large by mystery coaches. We are talking about the farm club's Sergei Oreshkin, who will rise to the coaching bench of the blue and white for the first time, and Sergei Zubov, who has been heading SKA for almost two months, but is still not perceived by the Russian hockey community as a full-fledged figure.

    Super intrigue? Not sure. You can talk as much as you like about the elevator that lifted Oleg Znark and the recently “rotated” Harijs Vitolins from the Dynamo floor to the top floor, discuss how the coach of the Balashikha farm club Oreshkin managed to jump into this elevator along the way. But this name won’t make anyone in Russia turn on the TV on New Year’s Eve. What is there TV, if even the all-knowing Internet search engines, in response to the request “Sergei Oreshkin,” offer you to familiarize yourself with the work of a star architect or alternative artist. The Joker from Balashikha - with all due respect to the charming Sergei Yuryevich, the 53-year-old bronze medalist of the MHL championship - the Internet does not take seriously. Let's hope he doesn't perceive it yet.

    By and large, a man of mystery today is on the bench of another iconic club. The excellent former defenseman Sergei Zubov gave one and a half interviews during his two months of working as the head of the KHL media team. What is symbolic is that one of them and the only full-fledged one took place the day after the speech of the president of his club and the chairman of the KHL Board of Directors. Moreover, if the manager publicly promised that SKA, like last season, would prepare a whole top five for the national team, then the subordinate unexpectedly noted that he was not a supporter of playing lines.

    Realizing that he had gotten into trouble, the coach then wisely disappeared from the newspaper pages...


    Nobody's going to question professional level novice specialists - on the contrary, everyone wishes them only success. The problem here is that Russian club hockey is losing iconic coaching derbies. Bykov - Rzhiga, Znarok - Bilyaletdinov or Summanen - the highest-rated confrontations go down in club history. We will demand recognizable personalities less and less often, as opposed to inconspicuous and easy-to-manage specialists. With which we condemn the new sports TV channel and its big boss, who also heads the KHL, to further criticism due to low hockey ratings and generally weak interest in the club’s “puck”...

    By the way, we are talking here not so much about the SKA coach, who for some reason is terrified of communicating with journalists. Yes, one might wonder why Zubov, being responsible for the club’s defense that failed to start the championship, was promoted. Nevertheless, he at least made a name for himself in hockey - albeit through his performances overseas, being a recognizable figure for our media (his media phobia ended).

    But how the little-known Alexey Yarushkin, who spent his entire life modestly working in the southern Moscow region, ended up in the role of Zubov’s first assistant is a big mystery. The answers to which are sure to appear from the ambitious St. Petersburg and his numerous veterans, who do not mince words, but are not in demand by the city - Sergei Cherkas, Maxim Sushinsky, Alexander Yudin and so on on the list. In case of unsuccessful result.

    The army of Dynamo old-timers will also have the same questions. Let's say, why Oreshkin, and not Vitolins' assistant, the famous Dynamo player Vladimir Vorobiev? Or not the legendary blue and white forward, and now coach Sergei Svetlov?


    By the way, why are we limiting ourselves to two capitals? The third hockey team - Chelyabinsk - also asks why in the city that trained almost all the coaches in the history of the Russian national team, today they give a chance to Anvar Gatiyatulin, who is mysterious by the highest Chelyabinsk standards?

    But don’t Yarushka’s Southern Moscow region have any questions, which three years ago with “Vityaz” was making waves all over Russia, and now, with a whole dynasty of quiet specialists, breaking one attendance record after another?

    However, enough skepticism. Today at 17.00 “Dynamo” against SKA - a legendary match-up by Kakhael standards! This will be very big hockey, which in previous, brighter, but less technologically advanced times would not have been inferior in ratings to even the youth semi-final Russia - USA.

    But now, I’m afraid, he will give in very much. The Yarushkin-Oreshkin amendment seems destined to work...


    Leonid Tambiev leaves Dynamo St. Petersburg. The contract with the specialist was terminated by mutual consent of the parties. The club thanks Leonid Grigorievich for his work and the titles won together and wishes him success in his future work.

    Sergei Yuryevich Oreshkin, a specialist known for his work at Dynamo Moscow, was appointed head coach of Dynamo St. Petersburg. Since 2011, he has worked in the capital club system, leading teams in the Youth and Higher hockey leagues. In the 2015/16 and 2016/17 seasons, Oreshkin, as a helmsman, led Dynamo Moscow to the KHL playoffs, where the team lost to SKA St. Petersburg only in the conference semifinals.

    In 2017, Sergey Oreshkin joined the coaching staff of the Dynamo St. Petersburg HC system, being a consulting coach, and then heading the club’s youth team. Under his leadership, the Dynamo youth team defeated current champion MHL - "Red Army" in the first round of the playoffs. And since the beginning of the 2018/19 season, Sergei Yuryevich led the Dynamo youth and achieved 11 victories in 17 matches with the young team. Sergei Oreshkin’s assistant will be Canadian specialist Ivan Zanatta, well known to St. Petersburg fans from his work at SKA.