Definition and development of giftedness in sports. Sports talent. Structure of promising and innovative projects

Since ancient times, people have understood that every person is predisposed to one type of activity or another. You can talk for a long time on the topic of talent, citing various theories and hypotheses. Modern science tends to approach this issue purely practically - from the point of view of heredity. Today, the influence of genes on the ability to achieve sports victories is recognized by both coaches and doctors. Mentors are faced with the task of effectively conducting sports selection in order to find the most capable children. And for the parents themselves it is important from a very early age discernathlete talent in a child. The question is far from idle. The success of a sports career and the likelihood of getting an occupational disease or injury will depend on the correct specialization.

In our article we will tell you how science appeared molecular genetics of sports, We will touch upon its theoretical aspects and present the results of modern research by Russian and foreign scientists.

Athlete's talent: geneticists in the service of coaches

Since the mid-20th century, trainers have increasingly begun to think about how to increase the effectiveness of educational technologies. Trying discern in training sportsathlete talent, they developed various methods, turning to anatomy, physiology, medicine, and genetics. The more actively science developed, the more opportunities appeared for mentors to understand whether a particular athlete was capable of winning a prize. So already in the 80s of the last century, scientists created diagnostic complexes that help identify athletic abilities. For this purpose, serological, hormonal, and morphological markers were used. In the book by L.P. Sergienko " Sports selection: theory and practice" the following definition of a marker is given: "This is an easily identified stable trait of an organism, strictly determined by the genotype and linked with other difficult-to-detect characteristics of the organism."

Understanding this technique is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Let us give examples of markers: blood groups, some plasma proteins, structural features and color of the iris, the rare ability to sense the almond smell of prussic acid, morphological features of teeth, dermatoglyphics, etc.

Thanks to the deciphering of the genome structure, the introduction of molecular genetic methods into training practice began. As a result, a new scientific direction even emerged - molecular genetics of sports. This discipline deals with identifying patterns that are important for successful sports activities. The principles of the new science were formulated by K. Bouchard and H. Montgomery in the 90s of the 20th century. In addition, K. Bouchard introduced the term “genetics of physical activity.”

Russian geneticists

Russian specialists tried to keep up with global trends. Thanks to their work, already in 2001, the country’s first laboratory was created on the basis of the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Physical Culture sports genetics. This happened largely thanks to the enthusiasm of Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor V.A. Rogozkina. He was convinced that our basic physical qualities were determined by our genetics and was able to develop an integrated approach based on the use of DNA technology. This technique helps identify genes responsible for metabolic and functional signs, which participate in the formation of motor function. The achievements of this scientist are recognized not only in our country, but also abroad, thanks to which the authority of Russian science has grown.

If loads exceed the body's hereditary capabilities, performance may deteriorate. Also, an illiterate approach to training can lead to injury, so the emergence of a new science was in demand by the times. Today molecular genetics of sports allows teachers and coaches to assist in determining a child’s predisposition to a certain type of physical activity. Of course, proper organization of the training process is also important. For example, use during the recovery phase can help an athlete progress toward achieving a goal.

Genetic tests: and study of polymorphism

The study of the structure of the genome continues to this day. To date, 239 genes-markers of physical activity have been discovered and, apparently, this is not the limit. At the same time, understanding of the significance of each gene for adaptation to stress increases. By the way, molecular genetics of sports is developing not only abroad, but also in some regions of our country. For example, interesting scientific work is carried out by employees Ural State University of Physical Culture (Chelyabinsk). It is worth talking in more detail about the achievements of Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Dmitry Dyatlov. Together with his assistants he developed genetic tests that help identify athlete talent.

In the laboratory of this university, scientists have been assessing athletes’ predisposition to a certain load for 10 years. However, most of the work is based on study of polymorphism (diversity) of certain genes. Note that the component of heredity that does not change throughout life is being studied. For example, forms of the same gene (alleles) responsible for the metabolism of fats or carbohydrates have been discovered. It has also been established that some alleles are responsible for the tendency to aerobic exercise, while others are responsible for anaerobic exercise. Based on the data obtained, coaches will be able to predict whether they will be successful in this sport.

How to change heredity? " Boxer gene" - it is a myth

Also, Ural researchers discovered alleles that limit human physical activity. An important discovery is that as a result of their action, the growth of sports results stops. Moreover, due to the fault of these genes, occupational diseases. Therefore, genetic predisposition will not allow you to “jump in over your head,” and grueling training will do more harm than good. Change heredity Not sure it's going to happen.

Although a predilection for a certain type of physical activity has been discovered, it is impossible to talk about a gene for a specific sport. No competent specialist will say that there is "boxer gene" or "footballer gene". Science has not yet reached this point, despite its impressive successes.

Genetic tests , developed by university staff, are aimed at identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the child. The theoretical side of the issue has been developed beautifully by our biochemists, but they do not forget about practice. A group of scientists led by Dmitry Dyatlov conducted a series of experiments during which more than 200 high-class athletes were examined. Representatives of handball, hockey and speed skating were studied.

Scientists have identified genetic markers of athletes to understand how effective the modern system of sports selection is. Based on the research results, they concluded that the methods used by coaches do not always help to identify a child’s predisposition to a particular sport. In turn, this influences the subsequent success of the athlete’s career.

Foreign genetics research in the USA

Serious research in the field has been carried out abroad for more than three decades. molecular genetics of sports which are supported at the state level. It is important that scientific research there goes hand in hand with coaching work. Most effectively implement genetic achievements in methods sports selection countries such as the USA, China, Germany, Italy, Israel. Thanks to this, coaches and sports doctors have already developed techniques that increase accuracy of genetic prediction. In particular, a set of marker genes is taken into account, signaling a person’s propensity for a certain type of sports activity. In addition, scientists in the USA have learned to determine predisposition to certain diseases. Therefore, one should not be surprised at the results that American athletes have shown in recent years.

Foreign genetics research in Europe

And in Europe, the determination of predisposition to a particular sport has been put on stream. They developed it there genetic tests, that are simple and affordable for most families. For example, in Italy, for only 150 - 200 euros you can take saliva samples and then get all the necessary information. In particular, you can find out what kind of sport the child is predisposed to, how many times a week it is better for him to train, and what is useful to include in the diet. To do this, 7 DNA fragments are usually studied that are responsible for the metabolism and structure of muscle tissue.

Israeli scientists have made progress in determining a person's propensity for certain types of athletics. For example, they learned to understand what kind of people can succeed. The Wingate Institute examined 155 elite runners and found that 80% of those who achieved success in this discipline had some variation of the NRF2 gene. It is curious that among sprinters this gene was found in only 46% of athletes. Even earlier, scientists found that it reduces the negative effects of catabolism by producing new mitochondria (the energy-producing component of the cell).

Foreign genetics research: results

Summarizing our reasoning, we can conclude that there is a need for a reasonable approach to molecular genetics in sports selection Scientific and technological progress, of course, cannot be stopped, but no one has canceled the coach’s intuition either. In addition, it would be appropriate to recall here the folk wisdom that says: “ athlete talent they get it through hard work."



Things to do at work, household chores, social networks - all this mercilessly devours our free time. Even going to the gym after 30 years is not easy. At the same time, banal exercises with dumbbells no longer suit you and you want something more. What are the main reasons to play sports? Where can I get the motivation to sign up for a swimming class, martial arts class, or just play…

Processing the results

Count the number of pluses and minuses vertically (plus and minus cancel each other). Dominance where there are more advantages. When summing up the results and especially when formulating conclusions, allowance should be made for the objectivity of the subjects. It is also necessary to take into account that a gifted child’s interests in all areas can be equally well expressed, while a number of children may have a lack of aptitude for any areas. In this case, we should talk about some specific type of direction of the child’s interests.

This technique can intensify work with parents. Encourage them to study the interests and inclinations of their own children, to give them the opportunity to at least think about this complex problem. It will also be interesting to compare the answers of children and their parents. This will create a more objective picture of the direction of the child’s interests and identify areas for corrective work with both children and their parents.


Target: identify the child’s area of ​​giftedness, the degree of expression of certain abilities in the child.

Progress: This form is filled out separately by the teacher working with the student, the student’s parent and the student himself (starting from the middle stage of education). For each match with a statement, one point is given. After this, for each ability scale, the ability severity coefficient is calculated and a graph of the child’s ability severity is built, from which you can see in which area the child is most gifted.


· he is energetic and wants to move all the time

· he almost always prevails in fights or wins in some sports game;

· it is not known when he managed to learn how to deftly handle skates and skis, balls and clubs;

· better physically developed and coordinated in movements than many other peers, moves easily, flexibly, gracefully;

· prefers games, competitions, and running around to books and quiet entertainment;

· it seems that he never really gets tired;

· it doesn’t matter whether he is interested in all sports or just one, but he has his own hero-athlete whom he imitates.

Technical abilities


· the child is interested in a wide variety of mechanisms and machines;

· loves to design models, instruments, radio equipment;

· he “gets to the bottom” of the causes of malfunctions and vagaries of mechanisms or equipment, loves mysterious breakdowns;

· can repair damaged devices and mechanisms, use old parts to create new toys;

· loves and knows how to draw (“sees”) drawings and sketches of mechanisms;

· interested in special technical literature.

Average level

A person's strength abilities determine his success in activities that involve movements with weights or the development of acceleration of the body and its parts.

Strength abilities can be divided into strength itself - the ability to overcome external resistance, and speed-strength abilities - the ability to develop high speeds of any movement.

Sports in which strength is one of the main physical qualities exhibited are weightlifting, powerlifting, jumping and throwing, as well as sprint distances in athletics and swimming. Strength is a complex indicator, the development of which is contributed by a large number of genes associated with the predisposition to the formation of fast muscle fibers, the ability of blood vessels to dilate in response to load, the activity of the body's regulatory systems and the metabolic effects of physical exercise. In addition, muscle mass itself and the ability to develop it have a great influence on a person’s strength: greater muscle mass is associated with the ability to demonstrate greater strength.

You are genetically predisposed to the same level of strength abilities as most other people. Your progress in strength training will develop in much the same way as most gym goers. This indicator is complex and evaluates the totality of features that influence the manifestation of strength. It reflects not only the muscle’s ability to develop force, but also the ability of various body systems to provide optimal conditions for the muscle during contraction. Therefore, the value of this trait may differ from the values ​​calculated based on individual genetic characteristics (for example, the strength of a single muscle contraction).


Average level

Endurance is the ability to perform physical exercise for a long time without fatigue.

Endurance is extremely important in sports involving prolonged physical work. These include walking, running and long-distance swimming, as well as many team sports.

This quality, unlike some others (for example, flexibility and strength), can be successfully trained at any age, subject to adequate selection of loads. Endurance is a complex indicator that depends on a large number of genetic characteristics. This includes the type of muscle fibers, the ability of the cardiovascular system to transport oxygen, metabolic features that affect the nutrition of long-term working muscles, and others.

You are genetically predisposed to have the same endurance as most other people. Incorporate aerobic exercise into your fitness program to maintain cardiovascular health. This indicator is complex and evaluates the totality of features that influence the manifestation of endurance.

Strength of a single muscle contraction




The strength of a single muscle contraction is an important indicator that demonstrates a person’s ability to develop short-term powerful force (for example, during long jumps, height jumps, when performing a strength exercise in one repetition mode).

The presence of increasing DNA markers means an increased tendency to exhibit a high force of a single contraction. This tendency has an advantage when performing single-repetition work; strength training using a low number of repetitions will be easier than for other people.

Maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max)

Number of increasing DNA markers: 0

Number of downgrading DNA markers: 0

Number of neutral DNA markers: 1

The VO2max indicator characterizes the maximum amount of oxygen used by the human body.

VO2max is limited by the ability of the cardiorespiratory system to transport oxygen to the muscles and is recorded at critical power loads. Today, it is generally accepted that there is a physiological upper limit to the body’s ability to consume oxygen. It is believed that for any individual, VO2max actually determines their talent or potential in aerobic sports. A high VO2max is essential for success in middle- and long-distance sports.

If you have genetic markers associated with increased BMD, then as a result of aerobic training you will increase this indicator more than those people who do not have them.

This sign requires attention if DNA markers are found that increase its value.

If your test reveals elevated DNA markers associated with greater muscle damage from exercise, you should increase your rest interval between workouts. You will also benefit from including additional sources of antioxidants in your diet to reduce cell damage in both muscle and other tissues. People who have an increased DNA marker for this trait have been shown to benefit more from increased dietary antioxidants (vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids in supplements or from food) than other people. Consumption of antioxidants by such people reduces cell damage caused by stress factors and reduces the risk of certain diseases.

Identification of talent and development of gifted athletes can be considered one of the most pressing, practically and scientifically important problems of modern sports. This problem is closely related to various aspects of the construction of multi-year and. Over time, this problem has attracted increasing attention and interest from various organizations, which are developing promising programs to invest and facilitate the process of training individual athletes and teams of the highest level in accordance with the priorities existing in different countries. A number of extensive reviews have been published over the past decade (Davids and Baker, 2007; Vaeyens et al., 2008; Lidor et al., 2009). These and other relevant sources can provide readers with in-depth knowledge, while this article is intended to summarize possible approaches to the problem and the best available evidence. The last part of this article provides some new data regarding this issue.

Scientific background

Genetic factors determining athletic talent

Now that the application of molecular genetics methods in sports science has become a reality, the understanding of the role of heredity has significantly deepened and expanded. A review of existing studies identified 36 genetic markers associated with elite athletic status and 39 additional genetic markers responsible for interindividual variability in strength and sports sports (Ahmetov and Rogozkin, 2009).

Table 1. Factors that determine sports talent, their characteristics and dependence on heredity(after Klissouras, 1997; Bouchard et al., 1999; Szopa et ai., 1999; Bouchard et al., 2000)



Genetic predisposition

Physique and body composition

Height, limb length and foot size


Shoulder width, hip circumference, muscle mass


Total fat mass


Alactate anaerobic capacity Peak blood lactate

Ability to navigate in space

Glycolytic anaerobic power Strength endurance (acidification resistance)




Self-confidence Anxiety control Motivation Concentration

Low to moderate


Parental support Socioeconomic status Cultural background

Interaction between coach and child


Additional information related to genetic factors in athletic talent can be found in the article.

According to the modern approach (Williams and Franks, 1998; Williams and Reilly, 2000), sporting talent is determined by four groups of generalized factors: anthropometric, physiological, psychological and sociological. Each of them contains numerous indicators that can be predictive when searching for talent. Some anthropometric and physiological indicators are highly dependent on heredity and, therefore, cannot be compensated for by other personal qualities. Therefore, they can limit progress in a given sport. Some psychological personality traits are only to a certain extent heritable (Plomin et al., 1994; Saudino, 1997) and, therefore, can be influenced during sports training. Sociological conditions do not depend on heredity. However, this does not mean that they can be easily changed if necessary.

Analysis of the factors that determine athletic talent requires proper consideration of coordination abilities, which are strongly associated with the acquisition and improvement of technical skill. Studies of the genetic fund of coordination abilities provide numerous results, which are partly contradictory and ambiguous. However, careful analysis of the data from these studies makes it possible to characterize some coordination abilities in terms of their heritable dependence (Lyakh et al., 2007).

Table 2. Genetic determination of individual coordination abilities of athletes(after Lyakh et al., 2007)

Table data 2 are based on the results of studies of twins and family members (the results of more than 30 publications were analyzed). It is obvious that assessments of complex motor reaction and spatial orientation are the most genetically dependent and, therefore, can be more predictable in determining the talent of sports candidates. In contrast to coordination abilities (such as dynamic and static balance), simple visuomotor reaction time and kinesthetic differentiation are genetically determined to a relatively small or moderate extent and can therefore be successfully targeted. From this point of view, it is important that the hereditary determination of various coordination abilities is, as a rule, lower in children (7-10 years old) and stronger in older athletes. This supports the widely held assumption that early specialization more effectively compensates for the inherent limitations of a potentially talented athlete.

The rate of increase in results as an indicator of talent

As already mentioned, the search for talented athletes can be based on relatively unchangeable prognostic factors, which are most often associated with anthropometric and physiological prerequisites. This approach led to the development of so-called model characteristics that describe favorable combinations of anthropometric and physiological variables for different age categories (Bulgakova, 1986). These characteristics were used to identify candidates with the best prospects for success in more specialized training. The main limitation of this assessment is the different level of maturity of the child, which determines the rate of growth of preparedness in the initial stages of preparation. Children with a slower rate of maturation may lag behind more mature teammates, but may have greater potential for further improvement. The role of rate of maturation in the progression of potentially gifted athletes was assessed in a special study (Troup et al., 1991).

Example. 320 swimmers aged 11–18 years participated in a screening program in the USA and were assessed for biological age, anthropometric status, muscle strength and power, specific abilities and swimming performance (Troup et al, 1991). The results showed that the best younger athletes tend to have higher levels of biological maturity than their less successful teammates, while the best older athletes tend to be age-appropriate (80% of Team USA) or retardants. (18% of the team). The authors suggest that successful retardants have a better chance of remaining active in sports for longer periods of time.(Table 3).

Table 3. Correlation between calendar and biological age of the best young American swimmers of different age categories (according to Troup et al., 1991)

Another approach to looking at this problem is through retrospective studies, which carefully analyze trends in the performance of outstanding athletes, their body size, etc. The number of characteristics available for retrospective analysis is usually limited, but the benefits of such studies are obvious, since it is the only way to reconstruct the unique path of Olympic champions and world champions from childhood to reaching the podium.

Example. 35 top world-class canoeists who had won medals at the Olympic Games and World Championships as members of the USSR team in the eight years prior to the study were surveyed about their official athletic performance starting at the age of 14–15 years. This age corresponded to the end of the first year of their long-term training (respondents who began their training later were excluded from the analysis). The collected data were subjected to statistical analysis and trends in the performance of elite rowers were calculated (Figure 1). Despite the significant improvements in oars and boats that have occurred in the two decades since this study, the results achieved by outstanding athletes in the early stages of their training remain relevant to this day for assessing the talent of today's young athletes (Sozin, 1986).

Rice. 1. The results of very successful kayak and canoe rowers, shown by them at different age periods, which can be used to determine the talent of modern teenagers (according to Sozin, 1986)

Of course, retrospective analysis of performance trends of outstanding athletes is the privilege of such sports where results are recorded, so such analyzes can be performed. The specificity of team, combat and artistic sports limits the possibilities of reconstructing the improvement trends of the world's leading athletes. Nevertheless, a retrospective analysis of their training, physical development and the formation of technical skills remains an extremely urgent task that awaits its scrupulous researchers.

Basic approaches to identifying giftedness

From a practical point of view, it is important to distinguish between potentially talented and less promising candidates using available objective tests and indicators. To this end, a large number of studies have been conducted, the findings of which are of particular importance for researchers and practitioners. Another approach involves the use of certain rules and practically oriented schemes for differentiating more and less promising candidates. Let's look at both of these approaches.

Data from studies of giftedness in young athletes

Particular attention should be paid to determining the most favorable combinations of anthropometric and physiological assessments for different ages. Such age-related models can be generated through a longitudinal study of a large cohort of athletes that includes a subset of elite-level athletes. Data obtained from these athletes in different periods can be used as model characteristics for the corresponding age categories.

Obviously, such a study, which could take several years, seems complex and organizationally problematic, but such long-term research projects have taken place (Table 4). Much more common are so-called cross-sectional studies, which compare less and more successful youth. The results obtained are used to identify the characteristics of hypothetically gifted athletes. Let us consider a number of studies that present the results of cross-sectional and longitudinal approaches (Table 4).

Table 4. Summary of studies that assessed athletic ability and talent


Description of the study

Research results


US National Tennis Team members (age 15.4 years), sub-elite players (age 13.6 years), and 250 youth players

CSI: The battery of tests included procedures for obtaining data on speed, agility, strength, flexibility and injury risk. Testing was performed during a special training camp

The test results made it possible to predict the performance of the corresponding subgroups with an accuracy of 85.7% for the national team,

91.3% - for the sub-elite and 95.5% - for other players

Roetert et al., 1996

173 candidates for rugby club membership without prior training. Age of athletes - 10 years

CSI: results of 14 motor tests (speed, agility, strength, flexibility) were obtained and 14 anthropometric indicators were measured

Using an assessment profile obtained after analyzing the results of 45 top-level players, all candidates were classified according to their predisposition (93.8% accuracy)

Pienaar et al., 1998

16 elite and 15 sub-elite football players aged 16.4 years

CSI: the test program included an assessment of player-specific skills, general preparedness, anthropometric, physiological and psychological data

The most informative indicators were speed, agility, the ability to anticipate the course of a game situation, aerobic power, the ability to withstand fatigue and personal orientation

Reilly et al., 2000

24 elite water polo players aged 14-15 years

LEE: The test battery included 6 tests in swimming, dribbling, throwing a ball, jumping out of the water and understanding the game. The study lasted 2 years

The players selected for the study had inherent superiority in swimming, dribbling and understanding play patterns. The forecast was correct for 67% of the players who made the final team roster

Falk et al., 2004

405 beginner handbo lists aged 12-13 years

LEE: The battery of tests included height, weight, speed, explosiveness and slalom dribbling performance. The study lasted 2 years

Comparisons of those selected for the national team and other players showed that only the result in slalom dribbling served as a good predictor of talent

Lidor et al., 2005a

10 judoka athletes aged 12-15 years

LI: 3 times over 2 years, an assessment of the general performance and set of specific skills of a judoka was carried out (10 tasks)

Athletes' ratings 8 years after testing did not correspond to the results of judo-specific tests, which were not sensitive enough to be predictors of athletic talent

Lidor et al., 2005b

15 elite youth volleyball players aged 16 years, divided into subgroups of beginners (N) and continuing sports improvement (P)

LI: The test battery included speed, agility, explosiveness, endurance, and 2 gaming skill tasks. The study lasted 15 months

Only one test - a vertical jump with reaching a suspended object at the highest point of flight - revealed differences between the N and P subgroups. Other tests showed no effect on athletic ability

Lidor et al., 2007

Here: CSI - cross-sectional study; LI - longitudinal study

A review of the studies mentioned above reveals a variety of results that demonstrate different trends in predicting and identifying athletic talent. The use of a battery of tests for novices and low-level athletes allowed more potential candidates to be recognized (Pienaar et al., 1998; Lidor et al., 2005a). These data, of course, have practical significance for the further sports training of promising candidates. It is important that the inclusion of sport-specific motor tests is of particular importance due to its high sensitivity to the manifestation of target abilities. There is also obvious promise for assessing groups of athletes at different levels, which makes it possible to find the most selective indicators that can be used to identify potential talents. Such studies have been successfully conducted in tennis (Roetert et al., 1996), football (Reilly et al.,) and volleyball (Lidor et al., 2007). Of particular interest are the data from a longitudinal study in which the results of testing at the early stages of sports training were correlated with the success of athletes after long-term targeted training. A research project with young promising judokas led to unexpected results: monitoring the level of fitness for two years did not reveal the predictive potential of both general and sport-specific indicators when compared with the rating of these athletes, which they achieved eight years after completing this program ( Lidor et al., 2005b). The reasons for this “prediction failure” may be related to the heterogeneity of the group (initial age ranged from 12 to 15 years) and the relatively low sensitivity of the test battery to the level of development of highly specific sports abilities of a judoka. In any case, the results of each individual study shown in Table 4 provide certain information that can help the coach more meaningfully select tests and indicators of talent and more consciously assess the sport-specific potential of athletes.

Practical approaches to identifying gifted athletes

It can be assumed that further improvement of assessment methods will lead to an increase in the accuracy of the forecast when determining sports talent. However, factors such as the professionalism of trainers and the judicious use of evidence cannot be underestimated. In light of the above, we can recommend the following general approaches to searching for gifted youth.

Rice. 2. Giftedness as a general, but not the only factor that determines the initial level and rate of improvement at the beginning of sports training (Issurin, 2008)

Generally speaking, it can be assumed that talent is a combination of two main components: a predisposition to certain sports activities and trainability when using appropriate sports loads (Fig. 2).

These two components of giftedness (predisposition and trainability) determine the effect of initial training. For example, predisposition to a certain sport affects the initial level of the corresponding one (, etc.), and trainability determines the rate of growth of the level of preparedness in the process of initial training. This thesis has several limitations, since predisposition to a particular sport is not the only determining factor in the level of motor fitness that can be studied. Previous experience in this type of activity (initial training, familiarity with testing procedures, etc.) also has a strong influence on the result of preliminary tests.

Example. Let's consider the swimming readiness of members of a group of eight- and nine-year-old children. Some of them already had experience in swimming (swimming with parents or older relatives, playing in shallow water, etc.), others took lessons and were more or less accustomed to movements in the water, and the rest had no experience at all. In this regard, the behavior of these children in the water will be very different, and previous experience will influence the results much more than the actual predisposition of the children to competitive swimming.

The second problem is related to the rate of improvement during initial training, which depends not only on the individual’s ability to train, but also on the quality of training. This becomes obvious if we compare the successes of athletes training in different conditions with different coaches. However, when training athletes in the same group with the same coach, the rate of growth in preparedness adequately reflects trainability.

Based on this (so-called dual) approach to the issue of giftedness, it is clear that its identification is limited to an assessment of the initial level of sport-specific preparedness and the rate of its increase in the process of initial training. This diagnostic method was first implemented in team sports, mainly at the request of practice (Bril, 1980). The general logic of this dual approach is presented in Figure 3.

Rice. 3. A dual approach to identifying gifted children based on assessing the initial level of sport-specific preparedness and the rate of its growth in the process of initial training (according to Bril, 1980, modification by the author)

Another remark should be made regarding the optimal duration of the preparation process necessary to assess the growth rate, that is, the trainability of young athletes. There is no clear answer to this question, since the following circumstances must be taken into account:

  1. the absolute unsuitability of some individuals for successful performance in specific sports can be realized quickly (tall and heavy candidates in gymnastics; short children in basketball, etc.);
  2. incapable candidates, as a rule, can be identified in the process of short-term preliminary training (three to four months);
  3. diagnosing giftedness in sports that require maximum speed and power takes a relatively short period of time (usually up to one year);
  4. identification of gifted children in complex coordination sports (gymnastics, figure skating, etc.) is limited to initial training, in which children are usually involved earlier than in other sports; the assessment process takes 1-2 years;
  5. in team and team sports, where children begin systematic training relatively later, very gifted athletes can be identified faster (in two to three months), but this process usually takes about a year;
  6. Perhaps the longest time to identify talent is required in endurance sports, in which many world-class athletes are recognized as having significant prospects after three to four years of systematic training.

Genetics data. Based on the results of studies of young adult twins, it was found that the contribution of hereditary factors to the outcome of an endurance training program differs between early and later stages of training. Initial preparation is less dependent on heredity. However, as athletes progress and approach higher loads, the influence of the genetic factor on the effectiveness of their training becomes much stronger (Bouchard et al., 2000). This dynamic response to training load partly explains why some elite endurance athletes cannot be effectively identified early in their training.

Separately, mention should be made of the genetic component of sports talent, which, of course, is extremely important. It concerns the coach's interest in the family's sports history and the achievements of older relatives, which is reasonable and desirable. Only a few great athletes have parents who were great champions; Table 3.1 provides a number of examples of such unique sporting dynasties. However, most great athletes were born and raised in families of physically active and sports-oriented people. In any case, parental support is of great importance, even if hereditary factors do not provide any special advantages to the athlete.

In addition, over the past decades, a number of scientific studies have been conducted to develop multidimensional models of gifted athletes in various sports. Such models include several indicators of physique, motor fitness, etc., which makes it possible to compare real children with virtual candidates for the future elite of this sport. Such data can be found, for example, in Arnot and Gaines, 1986 and Brown, 2001.

Erikson's theory of long-term deliberate practice: the 10-year rule

Deliberate practice theory was proposed about two decades ago and was initially based on extensive data obtained from analyzes of the personality development of music students and professional musicians (Ericsson et al., 1993). The authors subsequently found support for this theory by collecting data from high-level athletes, mainly chess and tennis players. The general meaning of this theory is that in order to achieve a high level of performance, one must deliberately practice in the chosen sport for 10,000 hours or 10 years. This purposeful practice was defined as highly concentrated and high-quality practice that is generally not inherently enjoyable, such practice should become more and more complex over time and have the main goal of improving professional level.

From the perspective of this theory, the proposed system of deliberate practice appears both attractive and optimistic. Indeed, the prospect of achieving high athletic performance after 10 years of deliberate practice, spending 10,000 hours on preparation, can give a strong impetus to